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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Η θέση των πλατωνικών νόμων στο έργο του Πρόκλου : Προς μια αναβίωση της πολιτικής φιλοσοφίας. Ο Πλάτων επανέρχεται στην Αθήνα

Κάσση, Λυδία 15 July 2013 (has links)
Η εργασία αφορά στο πώς προσλαμβάνει ο Πρόκλος τους πλατωνικούς Νόμους μέσα από τους οποίους αντλεί διάφορες θεματικές ενότητες, οι οποίες συνθέτουν την πλατωνική φιλοσοφία στο σύνολό της. Αναδύονται τα θέματα της πλατωνικής ψυχολογίας, θεολογίας και κοσμολογίας και δίδονται σε αυτά κοινωνικές προεκτάσεις φέροντας τον αναγνώστη πλησίον της πλατωνικής θεώρησης περί της παιδείας και της ανίχνευσης των θείων αρχετύπων των αρετών και της κοινωνικής δικτύωσης. Τέλος, η εργασία στο σύνολό της συνιστά έναν φόρο τιμής προς την Φιλοσοφία ως πνευματική-διαλεκτική πράξη και ως διακριτό επιστημονικό κλάδο. / The essay describes how Proclos receives and analyses the platonic Laws, through which he draws various topics, which compose the platonic philosophy as a whole. They emerge the subjects of platonic psychology, theology and cosmology and they acquire social extensions, bringing the reader close to the platonic view of education and to the recognition of the divine origines-archetypes of virtues and of the social networking. In the end, the essay as a whole constitutes a tribute to the Philosophy as an intellectual-dialectic practice and as a discrete scientific branch.

“The Problem of the Extension of the Eidetic World: Republic VII and Parmenides” / El problema de la extensión del ámbito eidético: Parménides y República VII

Sheing, Mario 10 April 2018 (has links)
For some of Plato’s commentators some passages of the Republic and the Parmenides provide a clear guideline regarding the extension of the noetic “world”, namely, a criterion that allows us to know what kind of Platonic forms there are, and which there are not. There are forms only for a pair of opposite properties such as “big” and “small”; indeed, smallness itself is not what appears to the senses, since each sensible instance of smallness appears “mixed” with its opposite, bigness. On the contrary, things that are perceived by the senses such as fingers, do not have an eidos. However, a more careful reading of the relevant passages, taking into account what Socrates says in 476a about the unity and multiplicity of the forms, will show us the incorrectness of this interpretation. / Algunos intérpretes de Platón consideran que algunos pasajes de la República y el Parménides nos proveen de un criterio para delimitar la extensión del ámbito ediético, es decir, para saber qué tipos de Ideas hay y qué tipos no. Hay ideas solo para pares de propiedades opuestas, como “grande” y “pequeño”, ya que la pequeñez no es lo que aparece a los sentidos, pues en cada instancia sensible suya la encontramos mezclada con su opuesto, la grandeza. Contrariamente, aquellas cosas que son tal como aparecen a los sentidos, como los dedos, no tienen un eidos. Sin embargo, una lectura más cuidadosa de los pasajes relevantes, tomando en cuenta lo que Sócrates dice sobre la multiplicidad y unidad de las ideas en República 476a, nos mostrará lo equivocado de esta interpretación.

A presença da filosofia platônica na pedagogia do estado novo / The Presence of Platonic Philosophy in the New State Pedagogy

Tatiane da Silva 24 May 2013 (has links)
O pensamento ocidental foi inaugurado por Platão, que deu início a certas formas peculiares de elaborar e solucionar problemas filosóficos, constituindo marcos discursivos que se encontram em pensadores de diversas áreas de conhecimento, tanto no campo político e social quanto educacional. Em pesquisas anteriores foram analisados os livros O estado autoritário e a realidade nacional de Azevedo Amaral (1938), O Estado Nacional de Francisco Campos (1941) e Tendências da educação brasileira de Lourenço Filho (1940), considerados responsáveis pela elaboração e difusão das bases teóricas da pedagogia que predominou durante o Estado Novo (1937-1945), constatando-se que esses autores buscavam apoio argumentativo em Platão. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um reexame desses livros por meio da análise retórica fundamentada em Chaïm Perelman, visando investigar a presença de marcos discursivos platônicos em seus argumentos. O primeiro capítulo discorre sobre o uso da metáfora como técnica argumentativa, evidenciando que os autores estabelecem diretrizes previamente determinadas na definição das iniciativas políticas e educacionais do Estado Novo. O segundo capítulo focaliza a dissociação de noções, técnica utilizada pelos autores para argumentarem sobre a o predomínio do coletivo sobre o individual no regime estadonovista. O terceiro capítulo examina a técnica que vincula ato e pessoa, com a qual os autores conferem características pessoais excepcionais ao governante, justificando assim as suas ações no comando da Nação. O quarto capítulo analisa a técnica da definição, utilizada pelos autores para desqualificar o regime democrático e enaltecer as qualidades do Estado Novo. A conclusão defende que a semelhança entre os discursos dos autores pode ser atribuída à presença de marcos discursivos platônicos nos argumentos que apresentam acerca das problemáticas políticas e educacionais, do que decorre seu alinhamento a uma concepção monista de Estado. / The Western thought was inaugurated over two thousand years ago by Plato, who created some peculiar forms to elaborate and solve philosophical problems, establishing discursive frameworks that are allowed by thinkers from diverse areas of knowledge, both in political and social field as well in education. Previous research analyzed the books The authoritarian state and national reality by Azevedo Amaral (1938), The National State by Francisco Campos (1941) and Trends of Brazilian education by Lourenço Filho (1940), which are considered as responsible for the criation and dissemination of theoretical basis of the pedagogy that prevailed during New State (1937-1945). The conclusions of that research noted that these authors sought argumentative support in Plato. The aim of this work is to review these books by means of Chaïm Perelmans rhetorical analysis, seeking to investigate the presence of Platonic discursive frameworks in the arguments of those authors. The first chapter discusses metaphor as argumentative strategy, showing that the authors established previously determined guidelines to define New State political and educational actions. The second chapter focuses dissociation of notions, which the authors use to argue about freedom in New State. The third chapter examines the link between act and person, with which the authors give exceptional personal characteristics to the ruler, thus justifying his actions in command of the Nation. The fourth chapter analyses definition, which is used by the authors to disqualify democracy and to praise New State qualities. The conclusions defend that the similarity between the discourses of the authors can be attributed to the presence of Platonic discursive frameworks in their arguments about politics and education; and that this presence is responsible by their alignment to a monistic conception of State.

J.M. Coetzee and animal rights : Elizabeth Costello’s challenge to philosophy

Northover, Richard Alan 15 May 2010 (has links)
The thesis relates Coetzee’s focus on animals to his more familiar themes of the possibility of fiction as a vehicle for serious ethical issues, the interrogation of power and authority, a concern for the voiceless and the marginalised, a keen sense of justice and the question of secular salvation. The concepts developed in substantial analyses of The Lives of Animals and Disgrace are thereafter applied to several other works of Coetzee. The thesis attempts to position J.M. Coetzee within the animal rights debate and to assess his use of his problematic persona, Elizabeth Costello, who controversially uses reason to attack the rationalism of the Western philosophical tradition and who espouses the sympathetic imagination as a means of developing respect for animals. Costello’s challenge to the philosophers is problematised by being traced back to Plato’s original formulation of the opposition between philosophers and poets. It is argued that Costello represents a fallible Socratic figure who critiques not reason per se but an unqualified rationalism. This characterisation of Costello explains her preoccupation with raising the ethical awareness of her audience, as midwife to the birth of ideas, and perceptions of her as a wise fool, a characterisation that is confirmed by the use of Bakhtin’s notion of the Socratic dialogue as one of the precursors of the modern novel. Along with the Platonic/Socratic binary, Bakhtin’s concepts of polyphony, dialogism and monologism are applied to analyses of Coetzee’s fiction, which, in keeping with his anti-authoritarianism, is shown to be polyphonic. Costello’s apparently insensitive and repeated comparison of industrialised animal farms to Nazi concentration camps is likewise scrutinised. It is argued that the point of the comparison is to question the normality and humanity of societies that choose to ignore the suffering of animals in the animal exploitation industries. Her raising the question of this willed ignorance is related to Socrates’ maxim that evil is a result of ignorance, and Coetzee’s concern with the psychic cost to their humanity of those complicit in these industries is considered. David Lurie’s evocation of Holocaust imagery in Disgrace is also examined, as is the role of art and the sympathetic imagination in attaining a degree of grace. Platonic ideas on eros, beauty, art and immortality are found to be central to Coetzee’s fiction, not only to that relating to Costello but also to Disgrace and much of his other work. While acknowledging the importance of Plato, Coetzee continuously extends, tests and subverts his ideas, frequently subjecting them to carnivalistic play. Unexpected connections are made between Coetzee’s conception of the parent-child relationship, both biological and intellectual, and his notions of creativity, power and justice. Ideas of eating and fasting are explored in his fiction and related to the hunger-artistry of Franz Kafka. Coetzee’s ideas on animals, writing and diet are found to be essential to his notions of secular salvation and an ethical way of life. / Thesis (DLitt)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / English / unrestricted

Laughter in the Exchange: Lucian's Invention of the Comic Dialogue

Peterson, Anna I. 03 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] A tese pretende investigar a ontologia defendida pelo personagem Sócrates nos diálogos platônicos. Em oposição à interpretação majoritariamente aceita, que atribui ao personagem Sócrates a adesão a duas ontologias distintas, defendo a hipótese de que o Sócrates dos diálogos platônicos argumenta consistentemente a partir de uma única proposta ontológica. Esta proposta consiste na postulação de entidades inteligíveis realmente existentes que atuam como causa das propriedades dos objetos sensíveis. A tese divide-se em duas partes. Na primeira parte, começo por analisar as particularidades da composição platônica, assim como a formação do paradigma atual de leitura das obras de Platão. Em um segundo momento, tomo como foco os diálogos iniciais e defendo que a ontologia subjacente à argumentação de Sócrates nestas obras é a mesma que encontramos nos diálogos médios. No último capítulo da primeira parte, apresento a argumentação socrática dos diálogos médios e demonstro como, nestas obras, a ontologia dos diálogos iniciais é apresentada de maneira explícita e mais informativa. A segunda parte da tese consiste em uma análise das críticas à Teoria das Ideias que encontramos no diálogo Parmênides. No primeiro momento desta segunda parte, argumento que o Sócrates do Parmênides está, novamente, defendendo a mesma proposta ontológica dos diálogos médios e iniciais. Posteriormente, demonstro como as críticas formuladas pelo personagem Parmênides são válidas e realmente apresentam problemas relevantes para teoria socrática. / [en] This dissertation aims to investigate the ontology proposed by the character Socrates in the Platonic dialogues. In opposition tothe mostly accepted interpretation which attributes to the character Socrates the adoption of two distinct ontologies, I defend the hypothesis that the Socrates of the Platonic dialogues consistently argues from within a single ontological theory. This theory consists in the postulation of real and existing intelligible entities that act as the cause of the properties of sensible objects. The dissertation is divided in two parts. In the first part, I analyze the particularities of the Platonic composition as well as the construction of the actual reading paradigm of the Platonic works. In a second moment, I start investigating the first dialogues and claim that the ontological theory that underlies Socrates arguments in these works is the same as the one we can find in the middle dialogues. In the last chapter of the first part, I expose the Socratic arguments from the middle dialogues and I show how, in these woks, the underlying ontology of the first dialogues is more explicitly and informatively presented. The second part of the dissertation consists in an analysis of the critiques of the Theory of Forms that we find in the Parmenides dialogue. In the first moment of this second part, I argue that the Socrates from the Parmenides is again defending the same ontological theory from the middle and first dialogues. Afterwards, I show how the critiques constructed by the character Parmenides are valid and do present significant problems to the ontological theory of Socrates.

A teoria das descrições de Bertrand Russell

Cintra, Fernando Vogel January 2007 (has links)
Analisa-se na presente dissertação a teoria das descrições de Bertrand Russell, bem como a crítica que é feita por Peter Strawson a essa teoria. A fim de contextualizar a teoria das descrições, analisa-se primeiramente a teoria do atomismo platônico de George Moore, teoria que configura o primeiro momento da revolta contra o idealismo de cunho hegeliano que dominava a filosofia inglesa no final do século XIX. A seguir, expõe-se em linhas gerais a filosofia de Bertrand Russell dos primeiros anos do século XX, a qual poderia ser chamada de “logicismo”, na medida em que tinha como preocupação teórica central demonstrar a redutibilidade de toda a matemática pura a algumas poucas noções lógicas fundamentais e indefiníveis. Após isso, analisa-se então a inovação filosófica consubstanciada pela teoria das descrições de Russell, mostrando como ela lida com importantes problemas lógicos e filosóficos. Sem dúvida, a teoria das descrições de Russell foi uma das teorias filosóficas mais significativas do século XX. Posteriormente, apresenta-se a crítica de Peter Strawson à teoria das descrições, bem como a réplica de Russell. Conclui-se a dissertação com uma breve avaliação a respeito de três pontos fundamentais de divergência entre Russell e Strawson: o papel da linguagem ordinária na análise filosófica, o valor de verdade de proposições expressas por sentenças do tipo “O atual Rei da França é calvo”, e a questão dos nomes próprios. / In the present dissertation, Bertrand Russell’s theory of descriptions is analyzed, as well as Peter Strawson’s criticism of this theory. In order to better contextualize the theory of descriptions, George Moore’s theory of Platonic Atomism is firstly analyzed. This theory represents the first step of the revolt against the Hegelian influenced idealism that dominated English philosophy at the end of the 19th century. After that, Bertrand Russell’s early philosophy is outlined in its main features, that is, his philosophy from the first years of the 20th century, which may be called “logicism”, since it had, as its main theoretical purpose, the demonstration that all pure mathematics could be reduced to a few fundamental and indefinable logical notions. Subsequently, the philosophical innovation represented by Russell’s theory of descriptions is analyzed, and the manner in which it deals with important logical and philosophical problems is exhibited. One can say that Russell’s theory of descriptions is one of the most significant philosophical theories of the 20th century. After that, Peter Strawson’s criticism of the theory of descriptions is presented, as well as Russell’s rebuttal of it. The dissertation ends with a brief assessment of three fundamental points of contention between Russell and Strawson: the role of ordinary language in philosophical analysis, the truth value of propositions expressed by sentences such as “The present King of France is bald”, and the question regarding proper names.

A teoria das descrições de Bertrand Russell

Cintra, Fernando Vogel January 2007 (has links)
Analisa-se na presente dissertação a teoria das descrições de Bertrand Russell, bem como a crítica que é feita por Peter Strawson a essa teoria. A fim de contextualizar a teoria das descrições, analisa-se primeiramente a teoria do atomismo platônico de George Moore, teoria que configura o primeiro momento da revolta contra o idealismo de cunho hegeliano que dominava a filosofia inglesa no final do século XIX. A seguir, expõe-se em linhas gerais a filosofia de Bertrand Russell dos primeiros anos do século XX, a qual poderia ser chamada de “logicismo”, na medida em que tinha como preocupação teórica central demonstrar a redutibilidade de toda a matemática pura a algumas poucas noções lógicas fundamentais e indefiníveis. Após isso, analisa-se então a inovação filosófica consubstanciada pela teoria das descrições de Russell, mostrando como ela lida com importantes problemas lógicos e filosóficos. Sem dúvida, a teoria das descrições de Russell foi uma das teorias filosóficas mais significativas do século XX. Posteriormente, apresenta-se a crítica de Peter Strawson à teoria das descrições, bem como a réplica de Russell. Conclui-se a dissertação com uma breve avaliação a respeito de três pontos fundamentais de divergência entre Russell e Strawson: o papel da linguagem ordinária na análise filosófica, o valor de verdade de proposições expressas por sentenças do tipo “O atual Rei da França é calvo”, e a questão dos nomes próprios. / In the present dissertation, Bertrand Russell’s theory of descriptions is analyzed, as well as Peter Strawson’s criticism of this theory. In order to better contextualize the theory of descriptions, George Moore’s theory of Platonic Atomism is firstly analyzed. This theory represents the first step of the revolt against the Hegelian influenced idealism that dominated English philosophy at the end of the 19th century. After that, Bertrand Russell’s early philosophy is outlined in its main features, that is, his philosophy from the first years of the 20th century, which may be called “logicism”, since it had, as its main theoretical purpose, the demonstration that all pure mathematics could be reduced to a few fundamental and indefinable logical notions. Subsequently, the philosophical innovation represented by Russell’s theory of descriptions is analyzed, and the manner in which it deals with important logical and philosophical problems is exhibited. One can say that Russell’s theory of descriptions is one of the most significant philosophical theories of the 20th century. After that, Peter Strawson’s criticism of the theory of descriptions is presented, as well as Russell’s rebuttal of it. The dissertation ends with a brief assessment of three fundamental points of contention between Russell and Strawson: the role of ordinary language in philosophical analysis, the truth value of propositions expressed by sentences such as “The present King of France is bald”, and the question regarding proper names.

A teoria das descrições de Bertrand Russell

Cintra, Fernando Vogel January 2007 (has links)
Analisa-se na presente dissertação a teoria das descrições de Bertrand Russell, bem como a crítica que é feita por Peter Strawson a essa teoria. A fim de contextualizar a teoria das descrições, analisa-se primeiramente a teoria do atomismo platônico de George Moore, teoria que configura o primeiro momento da revolta contra o idealismo de cunho hegeliano que dominava a filosofia inglesa no final do século XIX. A seguir, expõe-se em linhas gerais a filosofia de Bertrand Russell dos primeiros anos do século XX, a qual poderia ser chamada de “logicismo”, na medida em que tinha como preocupação teórica central demonstrar a redutibilidade de toda a matemática pura a algumas poucas noções lógicas fundamentais e indefiníveis. Após isso, analisa-se então a inovação filosófica consubstanciada pela teoria das descrições de Russell, mostrando como ela lida com importantes problemas lógicos e filosóficos. Sem dúvida, a teoria das descrições de Russell foi uma das teorias filosóficas mais significativas do século XX. Posteriormente, apresenta-se a crítica de Peter Strawson à teoria das descrições, bem como a réplica de Russell. Conclui-se a dissertação com uma breve avaliação a respeito de três pontos fundamentais de divergência entre Russell e Strawson: o papel da linguagem ordinária na análise filosófica, o valor de verdade de proposições expressas por sentenças do tipo “O atual Rei da França é calvo”, e a questão dos nomes próprios. / In the present dissertation, Bertrand Russell’s theory of descriptions is analyzed, as well as Peter Strawson’s criticism of this theory. In order to better contextualize the theory of descriptions, George Moore’s theory of Platonic Atomism is firstly analyzed. This theory represents the first step of the revolt against the Hegelian influenced idealism that dominated English philosophy at the end of the 19th century. After that, Bertrand Russell’s early philosophy is outlined in its main features, that is, his philosophy from the first years of the 20th century, which may be called “logicism”, since it had, as its main theoretical purpose, the demonstration that all pure mathematics could be reduced to a few fundamental and indefinable logical notions. Subsequently, the philosophical innovation represented by Russell’s theory of descriptions is analyzed, and the manner in which it deals with important logical and philosophical problems is exhibited. One can say that Russell’s theory of descriptions is one of the most significant philosophical theories of the 20th century. After that, Peter Strawson’s criticism of the theory of descriptions is presented, as well as Russell’s rebuttal of it. The dissertation ends with a brief assessment of three fundamental points of contention between Russell and Strawson: the role of ordinary language in philosophical analysis, the truth value of propositions expressed by sentences such as “The present King of France is bald”, and the question regarding proper names.

Grafos, a fórmula de Euler e os poliedros regulares

BRITO, Adriana Priscila de 08 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by (lucia.rodrigues@ufrpe.br) on 2017-03-28T12:41:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Adriana Priscila de Brito.pdf: 1439366 bytes, checksum: 6c39b441ca6cf64e146c11f1a5822457 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-28T12:41:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adriana Priscila de Brito.pdf: 1439366 bytes, checksum: 6c39b441ca6cf64e146c11f1a5822457 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-08 / This presentation provides an introduction to graph theory, making the connection between some of its concepts and the and characterization of Regular Polyhedra. Special emphasis will be given to the study of Eulerian graphs, Euler's Formula, Graphs and Planar Graphs Platonic. Finally, a proposed instructional sequence that focuses on introducing the concept of the graph elementary school students, making connections with the regular polyhedra is presented. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal apresentar uma introdução à Teoria dos Grafos, fazendo a ligação entre alguns dos seus conceitos e a caracterização dos Poliedros Regulares. Será dada uma ênfase especial ao estudo dos Grafos Eulerianos, da Fórmula de Euler, dos Grafos Planares e dos Grafos Platônicos. Por fim, será apresentada uma proposta de sequência didática que tem como foco introduzir o conceito de grafo a alunos do ensino básico, fazendo ligações com os Poliedros Regulares.

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