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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Forward plus rendering performance using the GPU vs CPU multi-threading. : A comparative study of culling process in Forward plus

Rahm, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Context. The rendering techniques in games have the goal of shading the scene with as high of a quality as possible while being as efficient as possible. With more advanced tools being developed such as a compute shader. It has allowed for more efficient speed up of the shading process. One rendering technique that makes use of this, is Forward plus rendering. Forward plus rendering make use of a compute shader to perform a culling pass of all the lights. However, not all computers can make use of compute shaders. Objectives. The aims of this thesis are to investigate the performance of using the CPU to perform the light culling required by the Forward plus rendering technique, comparing it to the performance of a GPU implementation. With that, the aim is also to explore if the CPU can be an alternative solution for the light culling by the Forward plus rendering technique. Methods. The standard Forward plus is implemented using a compute shader. After which Forward plus is then implemented using CPU multithreaded to perform the light culling. Both versions of Forward plus are evaluated by sampling the frames per second during the tests with specific properties. Results. The results show that there is a difference in performance between the CPU and GPU implementation of Forward plus. This difference is fairly significant as with 256 lights rendered the GPU implementation has 126% more frames per second over the CPU implementation of Forward plus. However, the results show that the performance of the CPU implementation of Forward plus is viable. As the performance stays above 30 frames per second with less than 2048 lights in the scene. The performance also outperforms the performance of basic Forward rendering. Conclusions. The conclusion of this thesis shows that multi-threaded CPU can be used for culling lights for Forward plus rendering. It is also a viable chose over basic Forward rendering. With 64 lights the CPU implementation performs with 133% more frames per second over the basic Forward rendering.

Analyse d’atteignabilité de systèmes max-plus incertains / Reachability Analysis of Uncertain Max Plus Linear Systems

Ferreira Cândido, Renato Markele 23 June 2017 (has links)
Les Systèmes à Evénements Discrets (SED) peuvent être définis comme des systèmes dans lesquels les variables d'état changent sous l'occurrence d'évènements au fil du temps. Les SED mettant en jeu des phénomènes de synchronisation peuvent être modélisés par des équations linéaires dans les algèbres de type (max,+). L'analyse d'atteignabilité est une problématique majeure pour les systèmes dynamiques. L'objectif est de calculer l'ensemble des états atteignables d'un système dynamique pour toutes les valeurs admissibles d'un ensemble d'états initiaux. Le problème de l'analyse d'atteignabilité pour les systèmes Max-Plus Linéaire (MPL) a été, proprement, résolu en décomposant le système MPL en une combinaison de systèmes affines par morceaux où les composantes affines du système sont représentées par des matrices de différences bornées (Difference Bound Matrix, DBM). La contribution principale de cette thèse est de présenter une procédure similaire pour résoudre le problème de l'atteignabilité pour des systèmes MPL incertains (uMPL), c'est-à-dire des systèmes MPL soumis à des bruits bornés, des perturbations et/ou des erreurs de modélisation. Tout d'abord, nous présentons une procédure permettant de partionner l'espace d'état d'un système uMPL en parties représentables par des DBM. Ensuite, nous étendons l'analyse d'atteignabilité des systèmes MPL aux systèmes uMPL. Enfin, les résultats sur l'analyse d'atteignabilité sont mis en oeuvre pour résoudre le problème d'atteignabilité conditionnelle, qui est étroitement lié au calcul du support de la densité de probabilité impliquée dans le problème de filtage stochastique / Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (DEDS) are discrete-state systems whose dynamics areentirely driven by the occurrence of asynchronous events over time. Linear equations in themax-plus algebra can be used to describe DEDS subjected to synchronization and time delayphenomena. The reachability analysis concerns the computation of all states that can bereached by a dynamical system from an initial set of states. The reachability analysis problemof Max Plus Linear (MPL) systems has been properly solved by characterizing the MPLsystems as a combination of Piece-Wise Affine (PWA) systems and then representing eachcomponent of the PWA system as Difference-Bound Matrices (DBM). The main contributionof this thesis is to present a similar procedure to solve the reachability analysis problemof MPL systems subjected to bounded noise, disturbances and/or modeling errors, calleduncertain MPL (uMPL) systems. First, we present a procedure to partition the state spaceof an uMPL system into components that can be completely represented by DBM. Then weextend the reachability analysis of MPL systems to uMPL systems. Moreover, the results onreachability analysis of uMPL systems are used to solve the conditional reachability problem,which is closely related to the support calculation of the probability density function involvedin the stochastic filtering problem. / Os Sistemas a Eventos Discretos (SEDs) constituem uma classe de sistemas caracterizada por apresentar espaço de estados discreto e dinâmica dirigida única e exclusivamente pela ocorrência de eventos. SEDs sujeitos aos problemas de sincronização e de temporização podem ser descritos em termos de equações lineares usando a álgebra max-plus. A análise de alcançabilidade visa o cálculo do conjunto de todos os estados que podem ser alcançados a partir de um conjunto de estados iniciais através do modelo do sistema. A análise de alcançabilidade de sistemas Max Plus Lineares (MPL) pode ser tratada por meio da decomposição do sistema MPL em sistemas PWA (Piece-Wise Affine) e de sua correspondente representação por DBM (Difference-Bound Matrices). A principal contribuição desta tese é a proposta de uma metodologia similar para resolver o problema de análise de alcançabilidade em sistemas MPL sujeitos a ruídos limitados, chamados de sistemas MPL incertos ou sistemas uMPL (uncertain Max Plus Linear Systems). Primeiramente, apresentamos uma metodologia para particionar o espaço de estados de um sistema uMPL em componentes que podem ser completamente representados por DBM. Em seguida, estendemos a análise de alcançabilidade de sistemas MPL para sistemas uMPL. Além disso, a metodologia desenvolvida é usada para resolver o problema de análise de alcançabilidade condicional, o qual esta estritamente relacionado ao cálculo do suporte da função de probabilidade de densidade envolvida o problema de filtragem estocástica.

Web services for a Software Development Platform

Wang, Yue January 2010 (has links)
Web service is a sophisticated SOA technology with a lot of infrastructure. In this thesis we will get to understand the core aspects and advance futures of Web services and get a solution based on Sauer-Danfoss’s requirements. The critical requirement include to find appropriate Web services application server, to realize an automatic update process and to get a general overview of Web services technology. The challenges in this thesis is obviously in getting understand Web services architecture and programming in unfamiliar language using chosen Web services framework.

Automatisation de la lecture et de l'interprétation des antibiogrammes / Automation of the reading and the interpretation of antibiotic susceptibility testing

Le Page, Stéphanie 06 July 2017 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, l’automatisation en bactériologie clinique est devenue très importante du fait de l’augmentation constante du nombre d’échantillons mais nécessite tout de même des améliorations. Une revue a été rédigée pour présenter les nouveaux challenges et opportunités dans la surveillance et la détection des bactéries multi-résistantes. Premièrement nous avons testé de nouveaux outils technologiques innovants permettant la lecture plus précoce des antibiogrammes grâce à des scanners de haute résolution d’images: scanner Advencis Bio-System Incubator et le Scan® 1200 et de réaliser l’ensemencement des antibiogrammes en automatique sur un automate déjà existant le PREVI® Isola (bioMérieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France). Dans un second temps, une analyse rétrospective de la résistance aux antibiotiques observés sur l’hôpital la Timone à Marseille a été réalisé entre 2014 et 2016. Nous avons développer un logiciel d’interprétation automatique des phénotypes basé sur la reconnaissance d’images pour lequel un brevet a été rédigé : le logiciel « ANTI-LOGIC ». Le but de notre troisième travail a été de participer au développement d’une PCR en temps réel permettant de détecter le gène mcr-1. Puis, nous avons travaillé sur des souches multi-résistantes afin de tester un panel constitué de 29 à 32 antibiotiques. Pour la détection des souches résistantes à la colistine, un milieu de culture sélectif a été mis au point et nous avons essayé de trouver une alternative thérapeutique par l’étude de combinaisons d’anciens antibiotiques (colistine-sulfadiazine) pour le traitement et la décolonisation avant greffe fécale de patients infectés ou colonisés par des BMR. / In the last few years, automation in clinical microbiology has become very important due to the constant increase of samples but they need to be improved. A review of the literature was performed to expose the new challenges and the new opportunities in the surveillance and the detection of multi-drug resistance bacteria.For that purpose, we conduct a thorough search to test new innovative technological tools for reading earlier AST with high-resolution image scanner: Advencis Bio-System Incubator and the Scan® 1200 and to carry out the automatic seeding of AST with the PREVI® Isola system (bioMérieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France). In a second step, the retrospective analysis of antibiotic resistance and phenotypes observed at La Timone hospital in Marseille was carried out between 2014 and 2016. We have developped a new software for the automatic interpretation of phenotypes based on image recognition protected by a patent: the "ANTI-LOGIC" software. The aim of our third work was to participate on the development of a real-time PCR to detect the mcr-1 gene. We then worked on multi-resistant strains with Gram-negative bacteria, we have tested a large panel of 29-32 antibiotics to see if we are in a therapeutic stalemate. For the detection of colistin resistant strains, a selective culture medium has been developed. In order to finish this part, with the appearance of colistin-resistant strains, we tried to find a therapeutic alternative by studying combinations of old antibiotics (colistin-sulfadiazine) for the treatment and decolonization before faecal transplantation of patients infected or colonized by multi-resistant bacteria

Nabytí od neoprávněného / Acquisition of property from a person not authorised to dispose of it

Máchová, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
Erwerb vom Nichtberechtigten Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Problematik des Erwerbs des Eigentums vom Nichtberechtigten, das ein Durchbrechen des Prinzips, dass niemand mehr Recht übertragen kann, als er selbst hat, vorstellt. Das Problem wird sowohl aus der juristisch-theoretischen Sicht als auch aus der juristisch-philosophischen behandelt, wenn der Konflikt zwischen dem Schutz des guten Glaubens, des Verkehrsschutzes und dem Schutz des Eigentums, als ein das in der Charta verankerten Grundrechte, gelöst wurde. Das gegenwärtige Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch führt das Institut des gutgläubigen Erwerbs wieder in die tschechische Rechtsordnung ein und das sowohl für die Rechtsgeschäfte zwischen Kaufleuten als auch zwischen Zivil-Personen. Zu dieser Problematik wurde schon vieles verfasst. Nichts desto trotz gibt es immer noch Streitfragen in diesem Bereich. Im Zusammenhang mit der neuen Regelung entstand auch eine Reihe von Teilproblemen, auf die hinzudeuten ist. Einige von ihnen wurden unter anderem durch einige Mängel in der tschechischen Regelung verursacht, die in den Kontrast zu der besser durgeführten deutschen Regelung gestellt wurden. Die folgende Arbeit ist in vier Hauptkapitel gegliedert, die weiter in Unterkapiteln geteilt wurden. Das erste Kapitel widmet sich den theoretischen Grundbegriffen, wie...

Détection d'erreur au plus tôt dans les systèmes temps-réel : une approche basée sur la vérification en ligne / Early error detection for real time applications : an approach using runtime verification

Robert, Thomas 26 June 2009 (has links)
La vérification en ligne de spécifications formelles permet de créer des détecteurs d'erreur dont le pouvoir de détection dépend en grande partie du formalisme vérifié à l'exécution. Plus le formalisme est puissant plus la séparation entre les exécutions correctes et erronées peut être précise. Cependant, l'utilisation des vérifieurs en-ligne dans le but de détecter des erreurs est entravée par deux problèmes récurrents : le coût à l'exécution de ces vérifications, et le flou entourant les propriétés sémantiques exactes des signaux d'erreur ainsi générés. L'objectif de cette thèse est de clarifier les conditions d'utilisation de tels détecteurs dans le cadre d'applications « temps réel » critiques. Dans ce but, nous avons donné l'interprétation formelle de la notion d'erreur comportementale « temps réel». Nous définissions la propriété de détection « au plus tôt » qui permet de d'identifier la classe des détecteurs qui optimisent la latence de détection. Pour illustrer cette classe de détecteurs, nous proposons un prototype qui vérifie un comportement décrit par un automate temporisé. La propriété de détection au plus tôt est atteinte en raisonnant sur l'abstraction temporelle de l'automate et non sur l'automate lui-même. Nos contributions se déclinent dans trois domaines, la formalisation de la détection au plus tôt, sa traduction pour la synthèse de détecteurs d'erreur à partir d'automate temporisés, puis le déploiement concret de ces détecteurs sur une plate-forme de développement temps réel, Xenomai. / Runtime verification of formal specifications provides the means to generate error detectors with detection capabilities depending mostly on the kind of formalism considered. The stronger the formalism is the easier the speration between correct and erroneous execution is. Nevertheless, two recurring issues have to be considered before using such error detection mechanisms. First, the cost, at run-time, of such error detector has to be assessed. Then, we have to ensure that the execution of such detectors has a well defined semantics. This thesis aims at better understanding the conditions of use of such detectors within critical real-time software application. Given formal behavioural specification, we defined the notion of "behavioural error". Then, we identify the class of early detectors that optimize the detection latency between the occurence of such errors and their signalling. The whole generation process has been implemented for specifications provided as timed automata. The prototype achieves early error detection thanks to a preprocessing of the automaton to generate its temporal abstraction. Our contributions are threefold : formalisation of early detection, algorithms for timed automata run-time verification, and prototyping of such detectors on a real-time kernel, Xenomai.

VDJML: a file format with tools for capturing the results of inferring immune receptor rearrangements

Toby, Inimary T., Levin, Mikhail K., Salinas, Edward A., Christley, Scott, Bhattacharya, Sanchita, Breden, Felix, Buntzman, Adam, Corrie, Brian, Fonner, John, Gupta, Namita T., Hershberg, Uri, Marthandan, Nishanth, Rosenfeld, Aaron, Rounds, William, Rubelt, Florian, Scarborough, Walter, Scott, Jamie K., Uduman, Mohamed, Vander Heiden, Jason A., Scheuermann, Richard H., Monson, Nancy, Kleinstein, Steven H., Cowell, Lindsay G. 06 October 2016 (has links)
Background: The genes that produce antibodies and the immune receptors expressed on lymphocytes are not germline encoded; rather, they are somatically generated in each developing lymphocyte by a process called V(D) J recombination, which assembles specific, independent gene segments into mature composite genes. The full set of composite genes in an individual at a single point in time is referred to as the immune repertoire. V(D) J recombination is the distinguishing feature of adaptive immunity and enables effective immune responses against an essentially infinite array of antigens. Characterization of immune repertoires is critical in both basic research and clinical contexts. Recent technological advances in repertoire profiling via high-throughput sequencing have resulted in an explosion of research activity in the field. This has been accompanied by a proliferation of software tools for analysis of repertoire sequencing data. Despite the widespread use of immune repertoire profiling and analysis software, there is currently no standardized format for output files from V(D) J analysis. Researchers utilize software such as IgBLAST and IMGT/High V-QUEST to perform V(D) J analysis and infer the structure of germline rearrangements. However, each of these software tools produces results in a different file format, and can annotate the same result using different labels. These differences make it challenging for users to perform additional downstream analyses. Results: To help address this problem, we propose a standardized file format for representing V(D) J analysis results. The proposed format, VDJML, provides a common standardized format for different V(D) J analysis applications to facilitate downstream processing of the results in an application-agnostic manner. The VDJML file format specification is accompanied by a support library, written in C++ and Python, for reading and writing the VDJML file format. Conclusions: The VDJML suite will allow users to streamline their V(D) J analysis and facilitate the sharing of scientific knowledge within the community. The VDJML suite and documentation are available from https:// vdjserver. org/ vdjml/. We welcome participation from the community in developing the file format standard, as well as code contributions.

Phase change materials and thermal performance of buildings in Cyprus

Ozdenefe, Murat January 2013 (has links)
This work investigates the thermal performance of buildings in Cyprus and application of a particular passive technology; Phase Change Materials (PCMs) for the ultimate aim of reducing indoor air temperatures and energy supplied for the cooling season.PCMs for passive building applications are emerging technology and have not been tested for the buildings of Cyprus neither by computer simulations nor by practical applications. In this work, particular PCM end product; wallboard, having phase change temperature of 26 oC is employed together with various construction materials and simulated for buildings of Cyprus. Description of the current state in Cyprus has been carried out in terms of low energy building studies, widely used building fabric and building statistics. There is a huge gap in Cyprus in the field of energy performance and thermal comfort of buildings, which creates big room for research. Climatic design of buildings has been abandoned resulting in poor thermal comfort and increased energy consumption. There is still no regulation in place regarding the thermal performance of buildings in North Cyprus.Recent weather data of different Cyprus locations has been investigated and compared with the simulation weather data files that are employed in this work. The author has demonstrated that Finkelstein-Schafer statistics between recent weather data of Cyprus and simulation weather data files are close enough to obtain accurate results.Dynamic thermal simulations has been carried out by using Energy Plus, which is a strong and validated thermal simulation program that can model PCMs. Simulations are done for two different building geometry; “simple building” and “typical building” by employing different construction materials. Simple building is a small size box shaped building and typical building is a real existing building and selected by investigation of the building statistics.Simulation results showed that with this particular PCM product, indoor air temperatures and cooling energies supplied to simple building is reduced up to 1.2 oC and 18.64 % when heavier construction materials are used and up to 1.6 oC and 44.12 % when lighter construction materials are used. These values for typical building are found to be 0.7 oC, 3.24 % when heavier construction materials are used and 1.2 oC, 3.64 % when lighter construction materials are used. It is also found that, if thinner walls and slabs are used in the buildings the effectiveness of the PCM lining increases in significant amount.

Effectiveness of Mi PasteTM, Mi Paste PlusTM, and Topex RenewTM in remineralization and visible reduction of white spot lesions after orthodontic treatment - a clinical study

Shell, Eric Radcliff 01 May 2012 (has links)
Introduction: Orthodontic treatment is meant to provide patients with stable occlusion and an esthetic smile, and often improves a patient's self-esteem. Unfortunately, and too often, an ideal orthodontic finish in terms of alignment and occlusion is tarnished by the appearance of white spot lesions on the facial surface of teeth after removing the fixed appliances. These white spots detract from the esthetics of a patient's smile. Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of MI PasteTM (GC America, Alsip, Illinois), MI Paste PlusTM (GC America, Alsip, Illinois), and Topex RenewTM (Sultan Healthcare, Hackensack, NJ) in increasing remineralization and improving the esthetic appearance of white spot lesions in patients after treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances. In addition, at-home only versus in-office and at-home treatment protocols were evaluated. Methods and Materials: Thirty patients were enrolled in four treatment groups and a control group, with six patients in each group. The study lasted three months and results were analyzed with normal and QLF photographs. Results, Discussion, and Conclusion: Upon completion of this clinical study, the following conclusions can be drawn. First, the visible area and the fluorescence decrease of white spot lesions will both significantly lessen after orthodontic treatment regardless of products used, or even with a non-prescription fluoride toothpaste control. Second, there is some evidence that an at-home treatment protocol using Topex Renew, or a combination in-office and at-home treatment protocol with MI Paste Plus, may be more beneficial in reducing the appearance of white spot lesions after orthodontic treatment than other treatment protocols.

Mannen i reklamen. En undersökning kring den manliga kroppen i reklam med fokus på representationen av plus size män

Svensson, Lina January 2019 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen tittar jag närmre på hur Dressmann valt att representera plus sizemän och redogör för hur den manliga kroppen träder fram utifrån normer kring denmanliga kroppen och sätter det i kontrast mot mitt material. Dressmann är ettklädföretag som är duktiga på att inkludera plus size män i sina reklamer. Genom envisuell analys som fördjupas med diskursanalys kommer jag fram till att den manligakroppen både representeras utifrån rådande normer, men att Dressmann också visar ennyanserad och mer realistisk bild av den manliga kroppen som bryter mot hurDressmann tidigare representerat kroppen. Avslutningsvis diskuterar jag hurDressmann i framtiden kan visa vägen för hur plus size kroppen visas och att vi måstese till hur alla kroppar ser olika ut och att ingen är den andra lik, och skapa rättvisarepresentationer kring kroppen. / In this essay I look more closely at how Dressmann chose to represent plus size menand explain how the male body emerges from norms around the male body, to laterput that in contrasts with my material. Dressmann is a clothing company that is goodat including plus size men in their advertisements. Through a visual analysis that Ideepened with a discourse analysis I come to the conclusion that the male body isrepresented on the basis of prevailing norms, but that Dressmann also shows anuanced and more realistic picture of the male body that violates how Dressmannpreviously represented the body. In conclusion, I discuss how Dressmann in the futurecan show the way for how the plus size body is shown and that we need to look at howbodies actually look, that they all look different from one to another, and create fairrepresentations around the body.

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