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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agricultura familiar, pol?ticas p?blicas e din?mica territorial em Vera Cruz/RN

Casado, Luciene de Vasconcelos 30 November 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-05-09T19:04:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LucieneDeVasconcelosCasado_DISSERT.pdf: 2140940 bytes, checksum: b148113386b47c5b8ad3bdec397a07de (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-09T21:23:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LucieneDeVasconcelosCasado_DISSERT.pdf: 2140940 bytes, checksum: b148113386b47c5b8ad3bdec397a07de (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-09T21:23:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LucieneDeVasconcelosCasado_DISSERT.pdf: 2140940 bytes, checksum: b148113386b47c5b8ad3bdec397a07de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-30 / A agricultura familiar hoje desempenha um papel social, marcada de rela??es pol?tico-econ?micas, importantes para o desenvolvimento do Brasil e principalmente, para as pequenas cidades, quem tem nessa atividade, sua principal fonte de renda. Para tanto, a a??o do Estado intervindo nos territ?rios rurais, atrav?s das pol?ticas p?blicas, vem implementando estrat?gias de forma a dinamizar, reconhecer e ?proteger? a agricultura familiar. Nessa perspectiva o presente trabalho objetiva analisar a din?mica do territ?rio, tendo em vista a aplica??o e efetiva??o de pol?ticas p?blicas, como o PRONAF e o compra direta, destinadas a agricultura familiar do munic?pio de Vera Cruz. Com base nesse enfoque buscou-se discutir na continuidade temporal da inser??o das pol?ticas p?blicas no ?mbito municipal, a atual configura??o e din?mica da agricultura familiar, suas fragilidades em solver as pol?ticas localizadas e direcionadas a esse seguimento, questionando os entraves e as influ?ncias de pol?ticas que nesse territ?rio se d?. Como aporte te?rico, utilizamos o conceito de Territ?rio, segundo Santos, visto considerarmos a abordagem territorial um caminho importante a subsidiar o entendimento, a an?lise e a critica na trama territorial que envolve o espa?o rural. Como metodologia utilizou-se levantamento bibliogr?fico, em peri?dicos, livros, documentos digitais e entrevistas in loco com t?cnicos, agricultores e pessoas ligadas ? esfera governamental, para se obter uma an?lise qualitativa da atual situa??o da agricultura familiar no munic?pio. Constatou-se que a agricultura familiar se faz presente no munic?pio, como um dos principais motores ao seu desenvolvimento, e nesse, as pol?ticas p?blicas a? inseridas desempenham um papel importante para a inser??o de capital, bem como na pr?pria comercializa??o dos produtos aqui produzidos. Por?m faz-se necess?rio um maior envolvimento de todos os agentes e atores sociais, na busca de se apropriarem melhor dos recursos a eles destinados, e mesmo de se articularem e fortalecerem, dando impulso a din?mica local, n?o permitindo que os benef?cios aqui inseridos, estejam restritos a alguns grupos. / Familiar agriculture today plays a social role, marked of politician-economic, important relations for the development of Brazil and mainly, for the small cities, who has in this activity, its main source of income. To in such a way, the action of the State intervined in the agricultural territories, through the public politics, comes implementing form strategies to dinamise, to recognize and ?to protect? familiar agriculture. In this perspective the present objective this paper, to analyze the dynamics of the territory, in view of the application and effectivetion of public politics, as the PRONAF and the direct purchase, destined the familiar agriculture of the town of Vera Cruz. On the basis of this approach searched to argue in the secular continuity of the insertion of the public politics in the municipal scope, the current configuration and dynamics of familiar agriculture, its fragilities in solving the politics located and directed to this pursuing, questioning the impediments and the influences of politics that in this territory if of. As it arrives in port theoretical, we use the concept of Territory, according to Saints, seen to consider the territorial boarding a way important to subsidize the agreement, the analysis and it criticizes it in the territorial tram that involves the agricultural space. As methodology bibliographical survey was used, in periodic, books, digital documents and interviews in loco with technician, agriculturists and on people to the governmental sphere, to get a qualitative analysis of the current situation of familiar agriculture in the city. It was evidenced that familiar agriculture if makes gift in the town, as one of the main engines to its development, and in this, there inserted the public politics play an important role for the capital insertion, as well as in the proper commercialization of the products produced here. However a bigger envolvement of all becomes necessary the social agents and actors, in the search of if better appropriating of the resources they destined, and same of if articulating and fortifying, giving to impulse the local dynamics, not allowing that the here inserted benefits, are restricted to some groups.

A atua??o dos psic?logos nos centros de refer?ncia em sa?de do trabalhador

Keppler, Isabel Lopes dos Santos 28 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-05-10T19:56:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 IsabelLopesDosSantosKeppler_DISSERT.pdf: 7572059 bytes, checksum: 0d17b1df8321e185697905d0dabeca8d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-11T22:38:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 IsabelLopesDosSantosKeppler_DISSERT.pdf: 7572059 bytes, checksum: 0d17b1df8321e185697905d0dabeca8d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-11T22:38:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IsabelLopesDosSantosKeppler_DISSERT.pdf: 7572059 bytes, checksum: 0d17b1df8321e185697905d0dabeca8d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / O campo da Sa?de do Trabalhador n?o est? presente, ou aparece de forma limitada na forma??o do Psic?logo. No entanto observa-se de um lado, como fruto da expans?o dos cursos de Psicologia, a oferta cada vez maior de profissionais para atuar n?o s? na ?rea do Trabalho como em diversas outras. De outro, uma demanda (das empresas, do Estado e mesmo dos trabalhadores, nos sindicatos) para que as ?reas psi respondam aos impactos do trabalho (e da aus?ncia, no caso do desemprego) na sa?de mental. O campo da Sa?de do Trabalhador se consolida como pol?tica p?blica no Brasil a partir da Constitui??o Federal de 1988, e em 2002, os Centros de Refer?ncia em Sa?de do Trabalhador (CEREST) torna-se a principal pol?tica, considerado ?polo irradiador?. O psic?logo atua nessas unidades de refer?ncia desde a sua forma??o e compreende-se a import?ncia de investigar a sua atua??o. O presente trabalho ? um estudo sobre a articula??o entre a atua??o dos psic?logos nos CERESTs e o campo te?rico-pol?tico da Sa?de do Trabalhador. Para tanto, foi realizado um question?rio on line com psic?logos que atuam nos CERESTs, em que obteve-se 48 respostas. A an?lise ? dividida em quatro t?picos: (1) dados e perfil do psic?logo, (2) atividades do psic?logo no CEREST, (3) cen?rio do servi?o e da pol?tica e (4) estrat?gias de a??o. O estudo apresentou limites presentes desde a forma??o ? pr?tica cotidiana, e permitiu compreender as dificuldades em efetivar as propostas em Sa?de do Trabalhador diante das condi??es impostas por um modelo de Estado neoliberal, mais do que relacionadas ao compromisso ou n?o do profissional. Al?m de identificar tais limites, tamb?m aponta estrat?gias de a??o para uma atua??o mais alinhada com o campo, algumas propostas pelos profissionais. / The field of Worker ?s Health is not present, or appears briefly, in the academic education of the Brazilian psychologist. However, it is observed on the one hand, as a result of the expansion of Psychology courses, the increasing supply of professionals that act not only in the Occupational field as in many others. On the other hand, a demand (from companies, the State and even from workers in unions) that psifields respond to the impacts of work (and the absence of it, in the case of unemployment) on mental health. The field of Worker ?s Health was introduced as public policy in Brazil with the Federal Constitution of 1988, and in 2002, the Worker ?s Health Reference Centres (CEREST in Portuguese) become the core policy, considered "dissemination poles". The psychologist acts in those reference units since their formation and we understand the importance of investigating its performance. This work is a study about the work of psychologists in CERESTs and the theoretical-political field of Worker ?s Health. Thus, an online questionnaire was made with psychologists working in CERESTs, where we obtained 48 replies. The analysis is divide into four topics: (1) data and profile of the psychologist, (2) activities of the psychologist in CEREST, (3) service and policy scenario and (4) action strategies. The study showed the limits present, from the academic education to everyday practice, and made possible to understand the difficulties in putting in practice the proposals on Worker ?s Health given the conditions imposed by a neoliberal agenda, rather than related to the commitment or not from the professional. In addition to identifying such limits, also points out action strategies for a performance more aligned with the field, some proposed by the professionals themselves.

Desenvolvimento e a ind?stria do petr?leo: pol?ticas p?blicas para o desenvolvimento sustent?vel a partir dos royalties do pr?-sal

Negreiros, Maria Clara Dami?o de 18 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-05-10T22:21:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaClaraDamiaoDeNegreiros_DISSERT.pdf: 1355861 bytes, checksum: f8fd89296de33dc54e55a27edd273325 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-17T00:11:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaClaraDamiaoDeNegreiros_DISSERT.pdf: 1355861 bytes, checksum: f8fd89296de33dc54e55a27edd273325 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-17T00:11:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaClaraDamiaoDeNegreiros_DISSERT.pdf: 1355861 bytes, checksum: f8fd89296de33dc54e55a27edd273325 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-18 / Nesta disserta??o, analisaremos de que forma a ind?stria do petr?leo atua no desenvolvimento. Para tanto, utilizaremos o conceito de desenvolvimento sustent?vel de forma a n?o dissociar tr?s elementos: o desenvolvimento social, o crescimento econ?mico e o respeito ao meio ambiente. Com base nesse conceito de desenvolvimento, adotamos as pol?ticas p?blicas como meio de garantir aos cidad?os o direito ao desenvolvimento e aos direitos sociais e fundamentais, como previsto na Constitui??o Federal. A partir de ent?o, utilizamos os royalties advindos da explora??o da camada do pr?-sal como financiador destas pol?ticas, ou seja, ser? estudado como os royalties do petr?leo podem garantir o desenvolvimento sustent?vel, adotando como meio as pol?ticas publicas. Outro conceito de import?ncia ?mpar para este estudo ? o de justi?a intergeracional, cuja tem?tica em an?lise envolve os royalties do pr?-sal, recurso natural finito, que deve ser utilizado com consci?ncia e respeito ?s futuras gera??es. Nessa dire??o, o estudo se justifica pelo fato de a ind?stria do petr?leo, em espec?fico do pr?-sal, gerar enorme riqueza para o Brasil e, em contradi??o, existirem enormes desigualdades sociais e regionais. Tendo isso em vista, buscamos utilizar essa riqueza para minimizar essas desigualdades e garantir melhores condi??es de vida ? popula??o do pa?s e n?o apenas ? popula??o dos estados onde se localizam as jazidas. Ainda nesse sentido, adotamos o principio do federalismo cooperativo. A Lei Federal 9.478/97 trata das finalidades da pol?tica energ?tica nacional para o aproveitamento das fontes de energia e tem como um de seus objetivos promover o desenvolvimento nacional. O objetivo desta pesquisa ? analisar como os royalties do petr?leo podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento nacional e, para isso, utilizaremos os royalties frutos da explora??o do pr?-sal. Tais pol?ticas t?m o intuito de melhorar as condi??es de vida da popula??o como um todo e minimizar as desigualdades sociais a n?vel nacional, para tanto, ? necess?rio um planejamento estrat?gico de a??es p?blicas que envolvam o desenvolvimento sustent?vel e que acate as necessidades da popula??o, melhorando a qualidade de vida dessas pessoas. Analisa-se, ainda, como dever? ser feito o controle destas pol?ticas para que os recursos a elas destinados sejam aplicados de forma justa. Desta forma, analisamos que a pr?pria popula??o dever? ser respons?vel por isto, uma vez que ? a maior interessada. Para que isso ocorra, sugerimos a altera??o da democracia meramente representativa com a implementa??o da democracia participativa. Em outras palavras, a sociedade civil dever? se engajar no processo de desenvolvimento do pa?s, o que podemos chamar de cidadania ativa, atrav?s da participa??o direta na elabora??o, implementa??o e monitoramento das pol?ticas p?blicas, ou projetos de desenvolvimento nacional. Para a constru??o e estrutura??o deste estudo, utilizamos o m?todo de abordagem te?rico-dedutivo, a partir do qual foi realizado uma pesquisa da literatura espec?fica. Como forma de contribuir para o estudo, foi realizada uma an?lise nas pesquisas te?ricas acerca do tema bem como na legisla??o vigente. Observou-se, por fim, o posicionamento dos tribunais superiores acerca da tem?tica abordada / In this thesis, we will analyze how the oil industry operates in the development. Therefore, we will use the concept of sustainable development, in order not to separate three elements: social development, economic growth and the respect for the environment. Based on this concept of development, we have adopted the public policies to guarantee citizens the right to the development and to the social and fundamental rights, as provided in the Federal Constitution. From this, we used the royalties from the exploitation of pre-salt layer as the financing of these policies, so, will be studied how the oil royalties can ensure the sustainable development, adopting as path, the public policies. Another important concept for this study is the intergenerational justice, which theme under consideration involves the pre-salt royalties, finite natural resource which must be used with awareness and respect for future generations. In this direction, the study is justified by the fact that the oil industry, in particular the pre-salt, generate enormous wealth for Brazil, and in contradiction, there are huge social and regional inequalities. With this in mind, we seek to use that wealth to minimize these inequalities and ensure better living conditions to all the population of the country, not just the population of the states where there are the oil. Also in this sense, we have adopted the principle of cooperative federalism. The Federal Law 9.478 / 97 deals with the purposes of national energy policy for the use of energy sources and has as one of its goals to promote national development. The objective of this research is to analyze how the oil royalties can contribute to the national development and to this goal, we will use the royalties from the pre-salt exploration. These policies are intended to improve the living conditions of the population as a whole and to minimize social inequalities at the national level, therefore, a strategic planning of public actions involving sustainable development and to abide by the people's needs is required, improving the quality of their lives. It also analyzes how the control of these policies should be done so that the resources intended for them to be applied fairly. Thus, we analyze that the population itself should be responsible for this, since it is the most interested For this to occur, we suggest changing the purely representative democracy with the implementation of participatory democracy. In other words, the civil society should get engage in the country's development process, which we call active citizenship, through direct participation in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of public policies and national development projects. For the construction and structuring of this study, we used the theoretical-deductive method of approach, from which a specific literature search was conducted. As a contribution to the study, an analysis was performed on theoretical research on the subject as well as the current legislation. It was observed, finally, the positioning of the upper courts on the theme.

Pol?ticas p?blicas de turismo: an?lise do desempenho das inst?ncias de governan?a tur?stica e seus reflexos no fomento do turismo cultural no munic?pio de Manaus/AM (2003-2014)

Silva, Jenniffer Ribeiro da 11 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-25T23:41:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JennifferRibeiroDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3909220 bytes, checksum: ce089ec84911edfeb5c834197dc5b76b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-05T21:34:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JennifferRibeiroDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3909220 bytes, checksum: ce089ec84911edfeb5c834197dc5b76b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-05T21:34:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JennifferRibeiroDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3909220 bytes, checksum: ce089ec84911edfeb5c834197dc5b76b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-11 / O presente estudo tem o objetivo central de analisar o papel das inst?ncias de governan?a estadual e municipal de turismo, voltadas ao processo de desenvolvimento tur?stico no munic?pio de Manaus/AM, mediante as pr?ticas p?blicas de planejamento, gest?o e fomento da atividade no respectivo munic?pio. Como objetivos espec?ficos foram estabelecidos quatro: 1) Caracterizar o processo de forma??o das inst?ncias de governan?a que atuam no segmento de turismo no munic?pio de Manaus; 2) Levantar as a??es planejadas e executadas pelas inst?ncias voltadas ao turismo cultural no per?odo de 2003 a 2014; 3) Problematizar atrav?s da percep??o dos atores que representam as diversas classes e entidades da sociedade amazonense, as a??es planejadas e executadas pelas inst?ncias voltadas ao turismo cultural, no per?odo de 2003 a 2014 e 4) Identificar os principais pontos convergentes e divergentes no processo decis?rio acerca das a??es voltadas ao turismo cultural em Manaus. Adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando-se o desenho metodol?gico do tipo descritivo e explorat?rio, contando com o aux?lio do uso das t?cnicas de pesquisa bibliogr?fica, documental, com coleta de dados in loco, atrav?s de aplica??o de roteiro de entrevistas com formul?rios semiestruturados aos representantes das institui??es setoriais que comp?em as inst?ncias de governan?a em turismo. No tratamento das informa??es, foi utilizada a t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do. Como resposta aos objetivos estabelecidos, pode-se concluir que a constitui??o de arenas p?blicas, atrav?s das inst?ncias de governan?a em turismo, vem possibilitando de maneira incipiente a discuss?o de maneira democr?tica e a tomada de decis?es na ?rea do planejamento e gest?o do turismo em Manaus. Observou-se ainda que h? entraves que dificultam e comprometem as estruturas das inst?ncias, os quais refletem na articula??o, na promo??o e no desenvolvimento tur?stico cultural no munic?pio de Manaus. / This study has the main objective to analyze the role of the bodies of state and local governance of tourism, aimed at tourism development process in the city of Manaus / AM , by the public practices of planning, management and development activity in the respective municipality . To the specific objectives were established four aims: 1) To characterize the process of formation of governance entities active in tourism in the city of Manaus. 2) Lift the actions planned and executed by the authorities aimed at cultural tourism in the period 2003-2014. 3) To question through the perception of the actors representing the different classes and entities of the Amazonian society, the actions planned and executed by the authorities aimed at cultural tourism in the period 2003-2014 and 4) Identify key similarities and the differences in decision-making about actions aimed at cultural tourism in Manaus. We adopted a qualitative approach, using the methodological design of descriptive and exploratory, with the help of the use of the techniques of literature search, document, with on-site data collection through interviews with semi-structured script application forms to the representatives of sectorial institutions that make up the locations of governance in tourism. In addition, the treatment of information was used content analysis technique. In response to stated objectives, it can be concluded that the creation of public arenas, through the tourism of governance has enabled incipient discussion in a democratic manner and decision-making in the area of planning and management of tourism in Manaus. It was also observed that obstacles that hinder and undermine the structures of the bodies, which reflect the joint, in the promotion and cultural tourism development in the city of Manaus.

"Aconchego do Lar": desvelando o acolhimento familiar no RN

Jacobina, La?s Fernandes 06 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-03-02T23:06:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LaisFernandesJacobina_DISSERT.pdf: 1440338 bytes, checksum: f34e2308cff126d84520c28c89d94378 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-13T15:41:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LaisFernandesJacobina_DISSERT.pdf: 1440338 bytes, checksum: f34e2308cff126d84520c28c89d94378 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-13T15:41:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LaisFernandesJacobina_DISSERT.pdf: 1440338 bytes, checksum: f34e2308cff126d84520c28c89d94378 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-06 / Como alternativa formal de defesa dos direitos do p?blico infantojuvenil, o Servi?o de Acolhimento Familiar (SAF) surge pela necessidade de prevenir-se o encaminhamento de crian?as e adolescentes a institui??es, logo, encontra-se inserido em um processo de reformula??o da pol?tica de prote??o e garantia dos direitos das crian?as e adolescentes. Nesse contexto, o munic?pio alvo desta pesquisa ? pioneiro na implanta??o do servi?o no Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Assim, discute-se a inser??o do SAF na rede socioassistencial do munic?pio, sob a perspectiva dos atores envolvidos em seu funcionamento: equipe t?cnica, coordenador, fam?lias (acolhedora e de origem), crian?a acolhida, Conselho Tutelar, Promotor de Justi?a e Juiz. A partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas, foi realizada uma an?lise acerca das concep??es destes atores sobre o SAF, do papel que exercem, buscando compreender como se deu o processo de implanta??o do SAF e se ele ? considerado uma alternativa de cuidados ? popula??o infantojuvenil. A partir da leitura do material coletado, depreenderam-se tr?s eixos de an?lise preponderantes: I - Concep??es sobre o SAF; II - Papel desempenhado no SAF e III ? O SAF no contexto local. O estudo mostra que o acolhimento familiar ? considerado uma interessante alternativa de atendimento ?s crian?as e adolescentes do munic?pio, embora ainda existam dificuldades quanto ao p?blico adolescente. Foi ressaltada a aten??o individualizada e a afetividade no conv?vio entre a crian?a/adolescente e a fam?lia acolhedora, em um ambiente familiar, o qual foi considerado mais salutar que o institucional. Todavia, a inser??o do SAF na rede socioassistencial, tem sido vivenciada com reservas por alguns atores, havendo ainda um caminho a ser percorrido para alcan?ar a solidifica??o desse servi?o na rede, pois ainda existem desafios a serem vencidos, como, dentre outros, maior dissemina??o de informa??es sobre o SAF na regi?o, e consequente crescimento do cadastro de fam?lias acolhedoras. / As a formal alternative to defend the rights of children and adolescents, the Foster Care Service (FCS) comes from the need to prevent the referral of children and adolescents to institutions, so it is inserted in a process of reformulation of the protection policy and the guarantee of the rights of children and adolescents. In this context, the target municipality of this research is a pioneer in the implementation of the service in Rio Grande do Norte (RN).Therefore, the insertion of the FCS in the socio assistance network of the municipality is discussed, from the perspective of the actors involved in its operation: technical team, coordinator, families (host and original), foster child, Child Care Council, Promoter of Justice and Judge. Based on semi-structured interviews, an analysis of the conceptions of these actors on the FCS was accomplished, of the role they play, trying to understand how it was the implementation process of the FCS and whether it is considered as an alternative care for the child and adolescent population. From the reading of the collected material, three preponderant axes of analysis were inferred: I - Conceptions about the FCS; II - Role played in the FCS and III - FCS in the local context. The study shows that family shelter is considered to be an interesting alternative for the care of children and adolescents of the municipality, although there are still difficulties regarding the adolescent public. It was emphasized the individualized attention and affectivity in the relationship between the child/adolescent and the foster family environment, which was considered more salutary than the institutional one. However, the insertion of the FCS in the social assistance network has been experienced with reservations by some actors, and there is still a long way to achieve the solidification of this service in the network, as there are still challenges to be overcome, such as, among others, greater dissemination of information on the FCS in the region, and consequent growth in the register of foster families.

O Minist?rio P?blico na rede de prote??o ao idoso na cidade de Natal-RN e os encaminhamentos das den?ncias de maus-tratos

Cachina, Alanna de Medeiros Pinheiro 13 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-25T21:53:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AlannaDeMedeirosPinheiroCachina_DISSERT.pdf: 2344371 bytes, checksum: 72a280f83cfc22c50096e9e2e32059a3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-15T18:36:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AlannaDeMedeirosPinheiroCachina_DISSERT.pdf: 2344371 bytes, checksum: 72a280f83cfc22c50096e9e2e32059a3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-15T18:36:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlannaDeMedeirosPinheiroCachina_DISSERT.pdf: 2344371 bytes, checksum: 72a280f83cfc22c50096e9e2e32059a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-13 / Os maus-tratos contra idosos apresentam grande representatividade em Natal-RN. Dado o seu papel fiscalizador, bem como sua articula??o na rede de prote??o, o Minist?rio P?blico do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (MPRN) foi escolhido como campo desta pesquisa. A proposta da investiga??o voltou-se a analisar os processos referentes ?s den?ncias de maus-tratos, as quais chegaram ?s Promotorias de Justi?a especializadas na mat?ria do idoso, na cidade de Natal-RN. Delimitou-se sobre os perfis do idoso, do denunciante, do agressor, do contexto situacional e acionamentos de outros ?rg?os da rede nos encaminhamentos relativos ?s medidas protetivas. A perspectiva te?rica adotada foi a discuss?o interdisciplinar de pol?ticas p?blicas e, no m?todo, utilizou-se a an?lise documental retrospectiva. Como resultados, encontrou-se que as principais portas de entrada das den?ncias foram as Promotorias de Justi?a e a rede socioassistencial. As viol?ncias mais apontadas foram: neglig?ncia, seguida de viol?ncia psicol?gica, viol?ncia financeira, abandono, viol?ncia f?sica e autoneglig?ncia. Registra-se ainda que, dos casos selecionados, nenhum deles foi de viol?ncia sexual, o que pode indicar uma maior dificuldade em identificar e/ou denunciar esse tipo de maus-tratos. As mulheres figuraram mais como v?timas do que os homens, em todas as faixas et?rias. Os familiares foram identificados como principais violadores, sobremaneira os filhos homens. Registrou-se a express?o do fen?meno em todas as regi?es da cidade de Natal. Ademais, verificou-se haver comunica??o em rede, tanto nos registros das notifica??es, quanto nos encaminhamentos, contudo, n?o h? fluxo consolidado. Outrossim, observou-se que as den?ncias por parte dos servi?os de sa?de expressaram-se timidamente, o que demonstra a necessidade de investimento na comunica??o entre a ?rea da Sa?de e os ?rg?os fiscalizat?rios; e, sugeriu-se a proposi??o de um sistema integrado de notifica??es, como fomento a a??es de intersetorialidade, com foco na celeridade e precis?o nas atua??es em casos de maus-tratos contra idosos. / The mistreatment against older people presents a great representation in Natal-RN. Given its supervisory role, as well as its articulation within the protection net, the Minist?rio P?blico do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (MPRN) was chosen as a field of this research. The investigation's proposal turned to analyze the processes relating to the mistreatment denunciations, which reached the prosecutor's offices specialized in elder people field, in Natal-RN city. It delimited on profiles of the elderly, the whistleblower, the aggressor, the situational context and in the tease of other net agencies in protective measures adopted. The theoretical perspective adopted was the interdisciplinary discussion of public policy and, in the method, it was adopted the retrospective documentary analysis. As a result, it was found that the main entrance doors of the denunciations were the prosecutor's office and the social assistance network. The most frequently mentioned violence were: neglect, followed by psychological violence, financial violence, abandonment, physical abuse and self-neglect. It's worth to register that of the selected cases, none of them were of sexual violence, which may indicate a greater difficulty in identifying and/or reporting this kind of abuse. Women figured more as victims than men in all age groups. Family members were identified as major violators, specially the male sons. It was registered the phenomenon's expression in all the regions of Natal city. Moreover, it was verified the existence of network communication, both in records of notifications, as the referrals, however, there is no consolidated flow. In addition, it was observed that the denunciations by the health services were expressed timidly, which demonstrates the need for investment in communication between the area of health and supervisory agencies; and it was suggested the proposition of an integrated system of notifications, to fostering intersectoriality actions, focusing on speed and accuracy in the proceedings in cases of mistreatment against elderly people.

Pol?ticas de forma??o docente para a educa??o profissional: an?lise em duas escolas do Vale do A?u

Damascena, Edilza Alves 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-26T00:08:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EdilzaAlvesDamascena_DISSERT.pdf: 1252795 bytes, checksum: 4b32c1ff9605ad5fa5788018ecb378ed (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-19T22:13:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 EdilzaAlvesDamascena_DISSERT.pdf: 1252795 bytes, checksum: 4b32c1ff9605ad5fa5788018ecb378ed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-19T22:13:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EdilzaAlvesDamascena_DISSERT.pdf: 1252795 bytes, checksum: 4b32c1ff9605ad5fa5788018ecb378ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral analisar as pol?ticas de forma??o de docentespara a educa??o profissional e sua implementa??o em institui??es que ofertam essamodalidade educativa no Vale do A?u, a saber: o Campus Ipangua?u do IFRN e a UnidadeSENAC, localizada no munic?pio de Assu, ambas situadas no estado do Rio Grande do Norte.A investiga??o parte da preocupa??o de que profissionais de ?reas diversas da educa??oatuam no exerc?cio da doc?ncia na educa??o profissional desconsiderando que a doc?ncia ?um campo de conhecimento pr?prio e, como tal, exige forma??o espec?fica. Para tanto, estapesquisa ampara-se em estudos anteriores que tratam da tem?tica, tais como Machado (2008,2011, 2013), Kuenzer (2011) e Moura (2008, 2013, 2014), e que o fazem dentro de aspectosmais amplos, considerando o contexto pol?tico, econ?mico, social e cultural no qual aproblem?tica est? inserida. Nesse contexto, por abordar um objeto de estudo na perspectiva departir da realidade concreta em que prevalecem as contradi??es pr?prias do modo de produ??ocapitalista, com repercuss?es na classe trabalhadora e, consequentemente, nas pol?ticas deforma??o de seus formadores, este estudo opta pelo referencial metodol?gico do pensamentosociocr?tico, fundamentando-se em elementos te?ricos do marxismo, principalmente com baseem Frigotto (2010b). No decorrer do trabalho, al?m de ampla pesquisa bibliogr?fica, realizou-se uma an?lise das pol?ticas relacionadas ? forma??o de docentes, destacando de que forma alegisla??o brasileira trata da tem?tica ao longo da sua hist?ria, incluindo as Leis de Diretrizese Bases da Educa??o Nacional, Decretos, Resolu??es e documentos das institui??es/entidadespesquisadas. Houve tamb?m a aplica??o de question?rio com mais de 130 participantes,incluindo docentes, estudantes e gestores das referidas escolas, com o intuito de coletar dadosque exprimam como a problem?tica ?, de fato, compreendida na perspectiva dos pr?priossujeitos envolvidos no processo. Nesse sentido, verifica-se que as pol?ticas para a forma??oespec?fica dos docentes que atuam na educa??o profissional foram materializadas, ao longo dahist?ria educativa brasileira, como emergenciais, transit?rias, fragmentadas e desarticuladas,de modo que, nas escolas pesquisadas no Vale do A?u, ? poss?vel confirmar que a quasetotalidade dos docentes que atuam na ?rea t?cnica/tecnol?gica, ? qual os cursos est?ovinculados, n?o possui forma??o inicial para a doc?ncia. Al?m disso, constata-se que as a??esde forma??o continuada ainda n?o foram consolidadas. Portanto, compreende-se que, semuma forma??o que atente para os aspectos pol?tico-pedag?gicos, ficam restritas aspossibilidades de uma educa??o profissional voltada para os interesses da classe trabalhadora. / The present research points as general aim to analyze the policies in education of teachers to a professional training and their implement in institutions that offer this degree module in Vale do A?u, such as: IFRN Campus from Ipangua?u and Unidade SENAC, located in Assu, both situated in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The investigation starts the worry that professionals from diversity areas of education develop the teaching job in degree course without considering that the teaching exercise in professional training requires a special training once that such area is a knowledge field for itself. However, this research are supported on previous surveys that approach the subject matter, such as Machado (2008, 2011, 2013), Kuenzer (2011) and Moura (2008, 2013, 2014), and they doing offering a wide vision in many aspects, considering the political, economic, social and cultural context in which the subject matters is immersed. In this context, to approach an object of study in a perspective that comes from a specific reality in which prevailing the own capitalist production contradictions, with repercussions on class workers and, consequently on policies degrees and their teachers, this research choose for methodological reference of social critical thought, supporting of theoretical elements of Marxism, mainly on Frigotto (2010b). During the research within wide bibliographical research, it was remade an analysis of the policies related to teachers professional training, pointing out how the Brazilian legislation treat the subject matters on its history long, including the Education Law (Leis de Diretrizes e Bases da Educa??o Nacional), Decrees, Resolutions and documents of the institutions/entities researched. There was also a questionnaire that was given to over 130 participants, including teachers, students and managers on named schools, with the intuition of collecting data that show how the subject matters is the fact, understood on the perspective of the own people involved in the process. In the sense, it was noticed that the policies concerning to degree module for teachers, who work on educational courses, have been faced along the Brazilian education history, something as urgency, transitional, fragmented and dismantled once, on those schools researched on Vale do A?u, it is possible to confirm almost in totally of the teachers staff who work on the technical/technological areas whose the degree module are connected, they have not a specific degree on professional training. Within this, it was noticed that the continued courses are consolidated. Therefore, understands that, without a module that focuses on political pedagogical aspects, the possibilities of a specific degree turned to the class workers interests are restricted.

An?lise do efeito das estrat?gias de implanta??o da Pol?tica Nacional de Sa?de Bucal sobre a morbidade bucal em capitais brasileiras na primeira d?cada do s?culo XXI

Souza, Georgia Costa de Ara?jo 03 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-10T16:02:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GeorgiaCostaDeAraujoSouza_TESE.pdf: 1915072 bytes, checksum: 643722b6293cdd4713fd95140a0f91b9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-12T11:15:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GeorgiaCostaDeAraujoSouza_TESE.pdf: 1915072 bytes, checksum: 643722b6293cdd4713fd95140a0f91b9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-12T11:15:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GeorgiaCostaDeAraujoSouza_TESE.pdf: 1915072 bytes, checksum: 643722b6293cdd4713fd95140a0f91b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-03 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / A Pol?tica Nacional de Sa?de Bucal (PNSB) incorpora diversos elementos inovadores que tiveram o objetivo de impactar sobre o quadro epidemiol?gico e a vigil?ncia em sa?de bucal. Ao mesmo tempo, as duas edi??es do mais abrangente inqu?rito de sa?de bucal do Pa?s, o SBBrasil, demonstraram uma importante tend?ncia de redu??o nos principais indicadores, particularmente aqueles relativos ? c?rie dent?ria, entre os anos de 2003 e 2010. Desta forma, objetiva-se analisar o efeito da implementa??o da PNSB sobre a tend?ncia nos principais indicadores de sa?de bucal em capitais brasileiras. Trata-se de um estudo de avalia??o de pol?ticas desenvolvido em tr?s fases: 1) An?lise de implanta??o da PNSB nas capitais; 2) An?lise da tend?ncia dos indicadores epidemiol?gicos entre 2003 e 2010; 3) An?lise do impacto da implanta??o sobre a tend?ncia dos indicadores de sa?de bucal. Para a realiza??o da fase 1, os dados de Sa?de Bucal dispon?veis nos Sistemas de Informa??o em Sa?de foram analisados, possibilitando a gera??o de 4 fatores de caracteriza??o da aten??o em sa?de bucal em cidades brasileiras com mais de 100.00 habitantes, a partir da qual foram selecionadas as capitais para uma an?lise mais aprofundada. A fase 2 consistiu na defini??o das capitais a serem investigadas in loco atrav?s da aplica??o de question?rio face a face com Coordenadores de Sa?de Bucal de 13 capitais selecionadas. A fase 3 foi realizada por meio dos dados do SBBrasil 2003 e 2010, dispon?veis pelo Minist?rio da Sa?de com avalia??o dos efeitos das vari?veis independentes, referentes ? caracteriza??o da Aten??o em Sa?de Bucal e vari?veis socioecon?micas de n?vel populacional, sobre as dependentes, modifica??o nos indicadores de sa?de bucal entre 2003 e 2010. Os resultados apontam para a n?o associa??o entre as caracter?sticas da Aten??o em Sa?de Bucal e a redu??o da morbidade bucal na maioria das capitais selecionadas. Observa-se que o Modelo de aten??o em sa?de bucal anda em conson?ncia com as estrat?gias de Promo??o da Sa?de Bucal, Organiza??o da oferta de servi?os em sa?de bucal e com a presen?a de fl?or nas ?guas de abastecimento p?blico. Contudo, isso n?o reflete na modifica??o dos indicadores de sa?de bucal entre 2003 e 2010. A condi??o socioecon?mica parece estar mais associada ao CPO-D satisfat?rio aos 12 anos em 2010 do que o reflexo do Modelo de aten??o em sa?de bucal. Conclui-se que a oferta de servi?os e a aten??o em sa?de bucal p?s PNSB n?o produzem uma resposta direta sobre a modifica??o nos indicadores de sa?de bucal entre 2003 e 2010. / The Brazilian National Policy on Oral Health (PNSB from Portuguese acronym) incorporates several innovative elements that were intended to impact on the epidemiological situation and the surveillance of oral health. At the same time, the two editions of the more comprehensive oral health survey of the country, SBBrazil showed a significant downward trend in key indicators, particularly those related to tooth decay, between the years 2003 and 2010. Thus, the objective is to analyze the effect of implementation of PNSB on the trend of the main oral health indicators in Brazilian capitals. It is a policy assessment study carried out in three steps: 1) Implementation analysis of PNSB in capitals; 2) Trend analysis of epidemiological indicators between 2003 and 2010; 3) The implementation effect analysis on the trend of oral health indicators. For step 1, the oral health data available in the Health Information Systems were analyzed, allowing the creation of 4 characterization factors of dental care from which the capitals were selected for further analysis. Step 2 was the definition of capitals to be investigated by applying questionnaire face to face with Oral Health Coordinators of 13 state capitals selected. Step 3 was performed using the SBBrazil data 2003 and 2010, to assess the effects of independent variables relating to the characterization of attention in oral health and socioeconomic variables of population level, on dependents, changes on oral health indicators between 2003 and 2010. Results pointed to the lack of association between characteristics of oral health attention and the reduction of oral morbidity in most state capitals. There was a link between oral health promoting characteristics, supply of services and the dental care model, which represents the dynamics of public services is entirely dependent on local management in health. These characteristics do not reflect the modification of oral health indicators between 2003 and 2010. Capital with the lowest poverty rates and better human development in 2010 are those that have lower DMFT this year. However, changes in socioeconomic conditions between the years analyzed does not influence directly on the trend in oral health indicators. It is concluded that the PNSB is implemented differently in Brazilian capitals and the conduction mode of its guidelines in each capital favors the development of the provision of oral health services and strategies to promote oral health. The influence of PNSB on change in oral health indicators is still barely noticeable, however, highlights the potential of this policy in establishing priorities and guidelines that contribute to increasing the supply of services and expanding access to oral health care especially where is needed more intensively.

A pol?tica de avalia??o da aprendizagem da Secretaria Municipal de Educa??o de Natal no contexto do PAR 2007-2011

Cruz, Gersonita Paulino de Sousa 30 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-13T19:39:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GersonitaPaulinoDeSousaCruz_DISSERT.pdf: 2289601 bytes, checksum: 02895d8b4dc43c63cfdfcb78d77286a7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-14T20:13:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GersonitaPaulinoDeSousaCruz_DISSERT.pdf: 2289601 bytes, checksum: 02895d8b4dc43c63cfdfcb78d77286a7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-14T20:13:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GersonitaPaulinoDeSousaCruz_DISSERT.pdf: 2289601 bytes, checksum: 02895d8b4dc43c63cfdfcb78d77286a7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-30 / Este trabalho apresenta o resultado de uma pesquisa te?rico-emp?rica realizada na Secretaria de Educa??o do Munic?pio de Natal/RN. Teve como objetivo analisar a influ?ncia do Plano de A??es Articuladas (PAR), desenvolvido no per?odo de 2007 a 2011, nas concep??es de avalia??o da aprendizagem difundidas na rede municipal. A pesquisa insere-se no campo dos estudos sobre avalia??o de pol?ticas p?blicas educacionais, desenvolvida a partir de uma pesquisa em rede do Observat?rio da Educa??o, denominada ?Avalia??o do Plano de A??es Articuladas: um estudo em munic?pios dos estados do Rio Grande do Norte, Par? e Minas Gerais no per?odo de 2007-2011?. Para sua realiza??o, optou-se pela metodologia qualitativa e, como procedimentos de pesquisa, foram realizadas revis?o da literatura, an?lise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas. O interesse em estudar a influ?ncia do PAR nas pr?ticas avaliativas do munic?pio de Natal desenvolveu-se a partir das discuss?es da pesquisa em rede j? citada. O PAR integra as a??es do Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educa??o, um plano do executivo que tem como objetivo a melhoria da qualidade educacional. Por meio da ades?o ao Plano de Metas Compromisso pela Educa??o e da elabora??o do PAR, os munic?pios receberiam assist?ncia t?cnica e financeira da Uni?o, necess?ria para a melhoria do funcionamento das suas escolas e, consequentemente, do ensino. Sendo assim, a totalidade dos munic?pios e estados brasileiros, al?m do Distrito Federal, aderiu ao plano. Tendo em vista a melhoria dos resultados obtidos no ?ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educa??o B?sica (IDEB), a Rede Municipal de Ensino de Natal implementou a??es referentes ? avalia??o da aprendizagem. Vale salientar que na Secretaria Municipal de Educa??o j? existia um processo de planejamento educacional consolidado, de forma que o PAR interfere e sobrep?e-se aos processos j? existentes, intervindo na autonomia do sistema de planejar suas a??es. Por outro lado, confere maior sistematicidade aos conv?nios celebrados entre a inst?ncia federal e a rede de ensino. No que concerne ? concep??o de avalia??o, j? se encontrava na rede tanto nos documentos consultados quanto nas falas das assessoras pedag?gicas das escolas, visando consolidar o modelo de avalia??o formativa, no entanto, as condi??es de trabalho tanto dos assessores quanto dos professores, a implementa??o de pol?ticas sem as devidas condi??es de forma??o, a contrata??o de pessoal, a estrutura de funcionamento, dentre outros fatores, comprometiam, em grande medida, que a avalia??o formativa fosse vivenciada nas escolas. Constatamos que na rede municipal de Natal j? havia uma proposta de avalia??o formativa consolidada antes da implementa??o do PAR. Na elabora??o desse plano, a rede municipal selecionou programas cuja proposta se aproximava do referencial adotado na rede de ensino, entre as possibilidades dispon?veis para a implementa??o das a??es nos indicadores pesquisados. Apesar disso, o PAR, em si, se pauta por uma l?gica gerencialista, que enfoca a concep??o do Estado-avaliador, cuja avalia??o se funda no controle das a??es, da efic?cia e da efici?ncia dos resultados. / This work presents a theoretical and empirical research realized at the Education Office in the city of Natal in Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. The research aimed to analyze the learning assessment conceptions practices on behalf of in public schools. This is done through the implementation of the Articulated Action Plan (AAP), in the time span of 2007 to 2011. The research relates to the public policies educational evaluation field study. It was developed from a prior network research called "An evaluation of Articulated Action Plan: a study in municipalities in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Par? and Minas Gerais from 2007 to 2011" from the Education Observatory. In order to achieve goals set by this research, there was use of a qualitative methodology and as research procedures with literature review, document analysis and semi-structured interviews. The interest in studying the influence of AAP in assessment practices in Natal was due to the discussions realized by the already mentioned research. The AAP is part of the actions realized by city?s Education Development Plan of the Executive power. It aims to improve quality in Education. By adhering to the Target Commitment Education Plan as well as the preparation procedures of AAP, municipalities receive technical and financial assistance from the Union, These resources are needed in order to improve the schools functioning and thus, education. All municipalities, Brazilian states and the Federal District, have already joined the plan. Since Natal has improved its results regarding the Basic Education Development Index, the Municipal Education Network has implemented actions related to learning assessment. It is noteworthy to observe that the Municipal Education Office has already consolidated educational planning process. It was seen that the AAP interferes and overlaps the existing processes, intervening in the autonomy to plan actions. On the other hand, it provides more systematic procedures in agreements signed between the federal level and the school system network. Regarding the concept of evaluation, documents for decision making and pedagogical support were previously available. These documents aimed to consolidate a formative evaluation model approach. However, there is still lack of proper work conditions on behalf of advisers and professors, the implementation of policies without proper training conditions, staff hiring, the current operating structure, among other factors committed formative assessment to a large extent in these schools. The AAP indicators for the learning assessment and technical assistance related to the Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture also point towards the same perspective of formative assessment, which can contribute so that it is consolidated in the current school system.

Emprego, renda e desenvolvimento: uma avalia??o de implementa??o do programa desenvolve em S?o Jo?o do Sabugi-RN

Medeiros, Francisco Ezequiel Araujo de 17 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-04-20T17:31:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoEzequielAraujoDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 240716 bytes, checksum: 210342e3130c19c4b6f243324c68fe43 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Monica Paiva (monicalpaiva@hotmail.com) on 2017-04-20T17:46:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoEzequielAraujoDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 240716 bytes, checksum: 210342e3130c19c4b6f243324c68fe43 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-20T17:46:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoEzequielAraujoDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 240716 bytes, checksum: 210342e3130c19c4b6f243324c68fe43 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-17 / Este trabalho ir? apresentar uma avalia??o de implementa??o do Programa Municipal de Desenvolvimento Industrial de S?o Jo?o do Sabugi - RN - Programa DESENVOLVE no ?mbito de estudo das pol?ticas p?blicas, reconhecendo a efic?cia, efici?ncia e efetividade do programa na gera??o de emprego e renda para a popula??o do munic?pio. Com isso, busca-se perceber as realiza??es do programa na vida dos beneficiados das a??es,e a sua inclus?o no mercado de trabalho. Dessa maneira, dever? demonstrar o desenvolvimento das capacidades individuais oportunizadas pela participa??o da popula??o no programa, reconhecendo os efeitos deste na qualidade de vida dos sujeitos, medida n?o apenas por crit?rios econ?micos, mas tamb?m por indicadores claros da efetiva??o de direitos que os indiv?duos consideram importantes ter. Dessa maneira, apreende o processo de sua operacionaliza??o mediante o acompanhamento das a??es, que se d?o no ?mbito institucional e privado, sendo para tanto necess?rio o estudo das mudan?as ocorridas aos agentes implementadores, atores sociais e popula??o na consecu??o dos resultados e da participa??o na implementa??o do programa.

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