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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台北市交通警察人員工作壓力的正面效應與工作績效關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship Between the Positive Effcets of Work Stress and Job Performance of Taipei City Traffic Police Officers,

王正廷 Unknown Date (has links)
雖然Hans Selye曾經說過:壓力也是生活的調味料,大家也承認壓力亦像錢幣有兩面一樣具有「正面效應」:如,努力工作,但是迄今之研究者仍然一致強調工作壓力對警察的「負面效應」。樂觀者見到玫瑰的美,悲觀者卻只看到它的刺。由於壓力不可避免,所以與其咀咒黑暗,不如點燃蠟燭,化壓力阻力為成功助力。基於此一觀點,本研究之目的,在於找出警察人員工作壓力的「正面效應」和個人工作績效之間的關連,以提出增進工作壓力的「正面效應」之實務性建議,來預防工作壓力的「負面效應」和改善個人工作績效。 本研究以台北市政府警察局交通警察大隊為研究母體,包括有三個直屬分隊和配置十四個分局中的交通分隊。本研究採用自編之量化問卷做普測式之調查,共發出問卷882份,回收732份,有效份數包含三線一星大隊長、二位二線四星副大隊長等計有576份,總體有效比率為78.8﹪。問卷調查所得之資料,以SPSS for Windows 9.0套裝軟體進行統計分析和檢驗研究假設。 研究發現計有21項,其中: 一、工作壓力的「正面效應」之因素為工作特性和角色、家計和家人期望、生涯發展、組織氣氛等四項; 二、壓力調節因子的因素為個人對壓力的管理、組織對壓力的管理、個性堅毅程度等三項; 三、未婚(含離婚)、年資6-10年、一線三星等三項警察人員的工作壓力的「正面效應」的得分和個人工作績效的得分最低; 四、多變數分析發現,以組織對壓力的管理、個人對壓力的管理、組織氣氛、個性堅毅程度、和家中有需要我親自照顧的老人或孩童等五項為預測警察人員個人工作績效的顯著因素,五項因素共可解釋之變異量為31.0%,又以組織對壓力的管理是預測警察人員個人工作績效的最重要的因素; 五、較有工作壓力感受者,其工作壓力的「正面效應」比較低; 六、較有憂鬱及自殺傾向者,其個人工作績效比較低; 七、電腦雖已廣泛使用,基層員警的文書作業仍然過多; 八、基層員警對執法工作仍有熱忱,但有心無力。 根據研究發現,提出15項實務上、5項未來實證研究上的建議,供警察組織、警察單位主管、警察人員個人,以及未來研究者參考。 關鍵字:交通警察、工作壓力、正面效應、工作績效、壓力管理 / Hans Selye ever said that stress is the spice of life,although current researchers consistently emphasized its negative effects on police officers.Admittedly,work stress could result in positive effects such as working harder.From this point of view,the aim of this study is to find out the relationship between the positive effcets of work stress and individual job performance of Taipei City traffic police officers. The population of this study is the police officers in Taipei City Police Department,Traffic Division,including 3 direct affiliated teams&14 traffic police squads of regional police districts.This study adopted a general survey,using a self-edited quantitative questionnaire.Of the 882 questionnaires sent out,732 were returned,among which 576 were valid,including the commander&the 2 deputy commanders.The returning rate of valid questionnaires was 78.8﹪.The data were analyzed with SPSS for Windows 9.0 edition. This study has 21 items of findings.For example: 1. The four factors of the positive effcets of work stress were job characteristics and police role,household and expectations from family,career development,and organizational atmosphere. 2. The three factors of the moderators of the stress response were individual management of stress, organizational management of stress,and hardiness. 3. Married Status of Single(unmarried or divorced),six to ten years of service,and street-level police officers got the least average score not only on the positive effcets of work stress item but also on individual job performance item. 4. The results of multiple regression analysis indicated that organizational management of work stress,individual management of work stress, organizational atmosphere,hardiness,and taking care of the elderly and children were the significant influencing factors of individual job performance.These five factors could explain the 31.0﹪of the total variance.The factor of organizational management of work stress was the most important predictable one. 5. Those who perceived more work stress would get less scores on the positive effcets of work stress item. 6. Those who were liable to be in depressive mood or to commit suicide would get less scores on individual job performance item. 7. Street-level police officers still have to do excessive paperwork,although computers are widely used in their office. 8. Street-level police officers still have great enthusiasm about enforcement task,although they found that they could do little for it. Based on the findings in this study,15 pieces of advice about how to impove police, job performance were submitted to police policy-makers,police supervisors and police officers;besides,5 aspects of future study were noted so that researchers could take advantage of one or all of them. Key Words:Traffic Police Officer,Work Stress, Positive Effects, Job Performance,Stress Managemant

Violence contre les policiers : comprendre l'évolution du taux de voies de fait contre les policiers au Canada

Gaumont Casias, Judith 04 1900 (has links)
La violence contre les policiers a des répercussions importantes à la fois chez les policiers et pour les administrateurs de la police. En 2005, le taux canadien de voies de fait contre la police a atteint son plus haut sommet en plusieurs décennies, faisant état d’une situation préoccupante. Plusieurs provinces canadiennes connaissent d’ailleurs une hausse marquée de la violence contre leurs policiers depuis plusieurs années. Cette étude vise donc à examiner et à comprendre l’évolution du phénomène de violence contre les policiers au Canada par l’identification de facteurs qui pourraient expliquer les variations du taux de voies de fait contre les policiers. La méthode d’analyse privilégiée dans le cadre de cette étude est une analyse transversale de séries chronologiques regroupées (pooled time series) qui traite des données portant sur les dix provinces canadiennes pour une période allant de 1986 à 2006. Les résultats indiquent que plusieurs facteurs ont un impact sur la violence dont sont victimes les policiers : la proportion de la population âgée entre 15 et 24 ans, la proportion d’hommes de 15 ans et plus, la proportion de la population vivant dans une région urbaine, la proportion de gens divorcés, les taux résiduels de crimes de violence et de crimes rattachés aux drogues, et le nombre d’évasions et de personnes en liberté sans excuse. La présence croissante de policières, qui fait encore l’objet de débats, semble quant à elle réduire le nombre de voies de fait contre la police, quoique l’impact de ce facteur soit de faible portée. Au Québec, la une hausse importante du taux de voies de fait contre les policiers pourrait s’expliquer par la hausse de plusieurs facteurs identifiés comme jouant un rôle dans le phénomène, bien qu’il ne faille pas écarter qu’un changement dans la reportabilité puisse entrer en ligne de compte. / Violence against police officers has important implications both for police officers and police administration. In 2005, the Canadian rate of assault against police officers rose to its highest in decades, showing a worrying situation. Moreover, several Canadian provinces are experiencing a marked increase in violence against their police officers for several years. This study aims to examine and understand the trend of violence against the police officers in Canada by identifying factors affecting the rate of assaults against police officers. In order to do so, a pooled time series analysis, which processes data on the ten Canadian provinces for the period from 1986 to 2006, was performed. Findings indicate that several factors have an impact on the violence against the police: the proportion of young people aged 15-24, the proportion of males aged 15 and more, the proportion of population living in urban areas, the proportion of divorced people, the residual rates of violent crimes and drug crimes, and the number of people who escaped custody and prisoners unlawfully at large. The growing presence of women police officers, which is still debated, appears to reduce the number of assaults against police officers, although the impact of this factor is of limited scope. In Quebec, the continual increase in the rate of assaults against the police officers can possibly be explained by the increase of several factors identified as playing a role in the phenomenon, although a change in crime reporting can also be taken into account.

L’exercice du métier policier en opération de paix : quelles pratiques? quelles retombées?

Saint-Pierre, Xavier 08 1900 (has links)
La participation des organisations policières à des opérations de paix des Nations Unies est un phénomène datant de quelques décennies, mais qui suscite de plus en plus d’intérêt dans la communauté scientifique ainsi que chez les organisations contributrices. À titre indicatif, en 2010, près de 13 000 policiers étaient déployés dans 13 opérations de paix des Nations Unies, ce qui représente une augmentation de 810 % par rapport aux 1 600 policiers qui étaient déployés en 1995 . Cette augmentation marquée de la participation policière à ce type d’opération à l’étranger remet en question les conceptions traditionnelles que les chercheurs avaient de l’institution policière. Bel exemple de la transnationalisation des organisations policières, la participation des policiers à des opérations de paix soulève toutefois de nombreux questionnements. Alors que la majorité des recherches se sont penchées sur les problématiques opérationnelles reliées à l’envoi de policiers dans ces zones en sortie de guerre, peu d’entre elles se sont penchées sur les questions reliées au post-déploiement, c'est-à-dire à la réintégration des policiers dans leur société d’origine. Puisque la contribution des services de police québécois aux missions de paix des Nations Unies semble maintenant faire partie intégrante de la mission de certaines de ces organisations, il serait intéressant de valider quelles sont les retombées organisationnelles de cette participation. C’est précisément dans cette lignée que le présent mémoire prend tout son sens. Plus précisément, la présente recherche a pour objectif d’étudier la relation entre la participation d’un policier à ce type de mission et la modification de ses habitudes et méthodes de travail lors de sa réintégration dans son unité d’origine. La perspective organisationnelle utilisée dans ce mémoire est novatrice au sens où elle permet de questionner l’utilité et les retombées de ces missions, non pas sur les sociétés bénéficiaires de l’aide internationale, mais plutôt sur les acteurs contribuant à la mise en place de ces missions. De tels questionnements sont pertinents si l’on veut mesurer les retombées que peuvent avoir les opérations de paix sur les policiers eux-mêmes, sur les organisations policières participantes, mais aussi sur les services fournis aux citoyens par ces mêmes organisations. Les données qui nous permettront de répondre à ces questions proviennent de dix-neuf entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès de policiers de la Sûreté du Québec qui ont participé à une mission de paix en Haïti entre 2005 et 2010. En somme, il est possible d’affirmer que les méthodes de travail d’un policier revenant de mission peuvent être modifiées positivement ou négativement par différents facteurs tels que l’acquisition de compétences, la modification des traits de personnalité ou encore par un changement au niveau de la perception qu’on ces policiers de leur travail. / Police contribution to United Nations peace operations is not a new phenomenon but it is beginning to draw a lot more attention from police organizations and the academic community. In 2010, nearly 13 000 police officers were deployed in the 13 peace operations led by the United Nations. It represents an 810% increase in comparison with the 1 600 police officers that were deployed in 1995 . This dramatic increase of police contribution questions the traditional conception held by the academic community about the police institution. Good example of police transnationalization, these deployments raise a lot of questions that require some examination. While the great majority of researches have been conducted on operational issues raised by sending cops in post-conflict area, very few have focused their attention on the issues linked to post-deployment phase, namely when police officers are reintegrated in their home society. Considering that the contribution of some Quebec police forces to peace operations appears to be an intricate part of their organizational mission, it would be interesting to study its benefits. That is exactly the essence of this present research. More precisely, the objective of this project is to study the relationship between the participation of a police officer to peace operation and the modification of his habits and working methods after reintegrating his home unit. The organizational perspective used in this research is innovative in the sense that it questions the utility and benefits of these missions, not on the societies hosting these missions, but on the contributing actors of these deployments. This type of questioning is relevant if we want to measure the benefits of the contribution to peace operations on the contributing officers and their police organization, as well as the qualities of the services provided to the citizens by these same organizations. The data that enables us to provide answers to these questions comes from nineteen semi-directive interviews realized with police officers of the Sûreté du Québec that have participated in a United Nations peace mission in Haïti between 2005 and 2010.

Violence contre les policiers : comprendre l'évolution du taux de voies de fait contre les policiers au Canada

Gaumont Casias, Judith 04 1900 (has links)
La violence contre les policiers a des répercussions importantes à la fois chez les policiers et pour les administrateurs de la police. En 2005, le taux canadien de voies de fait contre la police a atteint son plus haut sommet en plusieurs décennies, faisant état d’une situation préoccupante. Plusieurs provinces canadiennes connaissent d’ailleurs une hausse marquée de la violence contre leurs policiers depuis plusieurs années. Cette étude vise donc à examiner et à comprendre l’évolution du phénomène de violence contre les policiers au Canada par l’identification de facteurs qui pourraient expliquer les variations du taux de voies de fait contre les policiers. La méthode d’analyse privilégiée dans le cadre de cette étude est une analyse transversale de séries chronologiques regroupées (pooled time series) qui traite des données portant sur les dix provinces canadiennes pour une période allant de 1986 à 2006. Les résultats indiquent que plusieurs facteurs ont un impact sur la violence dont sont victimes les policiers : la proportion de la population âgée entre 15 et 24 ans, la proportion d’hommes de 15 ans et plus, la proportion de la population vivant dans une région urbaine, la proportion de gens divorcés, les taux résiduels de crimes de violence et de crimes rattachés aux drogues, et le nombre d’évasions et de personnes en liberté sans excuse. La présence croissante de policières, qui fait encore l’objet de débats, semble quant à elle réduire le nombre de voies de fait contre la police, quoique l’impact de ce facteur soit de faible portée. Au Québec, la une hausse importante du taux de voies de fait contre les policiers pourrait s’expliquer par la hausse de plusieurs facteurs identifiés comme jouant un rôle dans le phénomène, bien qu’il ne faille pas écarter qu’un changement dans la reportabilité puisse entrer en ligne de compte. / Violence against police officers has important implications both for police officers and police administration. In 2005, the Canadian rate of assault against police officers rose to its highest in decades, showing a worrying situation. Moreover, several Canadian provinces are experiencing a marked increase in violence against their police officers for several years. This study aims to examine and understand the trend of violence against the police officers in Canada by identifying factors affecting the rate of assaults against police officers. In order to do so, a pooled time series analysis, which processes data on the ten Canadian provinces for the period from 1986 to 2006, was performed. Findings indicate that several factors have an impact on the violence against the police: the proportion of young people aged 15-24, the proportion of males aged 15 and more, the proportion of population living in urban areas, the proportion of divorced people, the residual rates of violent crimes and drug crimes, and the number of people who escaped custody and prisoners unlawfully at large. The growing presence of women police officers, which is still debated, appears to reduce the number of assaults against police officers, although the impact of this factor is of limited scope. In Quebec, the continual increase in the rate of assaults against the police officers can possibly be explained by the increase of several factors identified as playing a role in the phenomenon, although a change in crime reporting can also be taken into account.

L’exercice du métier policier en opération de paix : quelles pratiques? quelles retombées?

Saint-Pierre, Xavier 08 1900 (has links)
La participation des organisations policières à des opérations de paix des Nations Unies est un phénomène datant de quelques décennies, mais qui suscite de plus en plus d’intérêt dans la communauté scientifique ainsi que chez les organisations contributrices. À titre indicatif, en 2010, près de 13 000 policiers étaient déployés dans 13 opérations de paix des Nations Unies, ce qui représente une augmentation de 810 % par rapport aux 1 600 policiers qui étaient déployés en 1995 . Cette augmentation marquée de la participation policière à ce type d’opération à l’étranger remet en question les conceptions traditionnelles que les chercheurs avaient de l’institution policière. Bel exemple de la transnationalisation des organisations policières, la participation des policiers à des opérations de paix soulève toutefois de nombreux questionnements. Alors que la majorité des recherches se sont penchées sur les problématiques opérationnelles reliées à l’envoi de policiers dans ces zones en sortie de guerre, peu d’entre elles se sont penchées sur les questions reliées au post-déploiement, c'est-à-dire à la réintégration des policiers dans leur société d’origine. Puisque la contribution des services de police québécois aux missions de paix des Nations Unies semble maintenant faire partie intégrante de la mission de certaines de ces organisations, il serait intéressant de valider quelles sont les retombées organisationnelles de cette participation. C’est précisément dans cette lignée que le présent mémoire prend tout son sens. Plus précisément, la présente recherche a pour objectif d’étudier la relation entre la participation d’un policier à ce type de mission et la modification de ses habitudes et méthodes de travail lors de sa réintégration dans son unité d’origine. La perspective organisationnelle utilisée dans ce mémoire est novatrice au sens où elle permet de questionner l’utilité et les retombées de ces missions, non pas sur les sociétés bénéficiaires de l’aide internationale, mais plutôt sur les acteurs contribuant à la mise en place de ces missions. De tels questionnements sont pertinents si l’on veut mesurer les retombées que peuvent avoir les opérations de paix sur les policiers eux-mêmes, sur les organisations policières participantes, mais aussi sur les services fournis aux citoyens par ces mêmes organisations. Les données qui nous permettront de répondre à ces questions proviennent de dix-neuf entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès de policiers de la Sûreté du Québec qui ont participé à une mission de paix en Haïti entre 2005 et 2010. En somme, il est possible d’affirmer que les méthodes de travail d’un policier revenant de mission peuvent être modifiées positivement ou négativement par différents facteurs tels que l’acquisition de compétences, la modification des traits de personnalité ou encore par un changement au niveau de la perception qu’on ces policiers de leur travail. / Police contribution to United Nations peace operations is not a new phenomenon but it is beginning to draw a lot more attention from police organizations and the academic community. In 2010, nearly 13 000 police officers were deployed in the 13 peace operations led by the United Nations. It represents an 810% increase in comparison with the 1 600 police officers that were deployed in 1995 . This dramatic increase of police contribution questions the traditional conception held by the academic community about the police institution. Good example of police transnationalization, these deployments raise a lot of questions that require some examination. While the great majority of researches have been conducted on operational issues raised by sending cops in post-conflict area, very few have focused their attention on the issues linked to post-deployment phase, namely when police officers are reintegrated in their home society. Considering that the contribution of some Quebec police forces to peace operations appears to be an intricate part of their organizational mission, it would be interesting to study its benefits. That is exactly the essence of this present research. More precisely, the objective of this project is to study the relationship between the participation of a police officer to peace operation and the modification of his habits and working methods after reintegrating his home unit. The organizational perspective used in this research is innovative in the sense that it questions the utility and benefits of these missions, not on the societies hosting these missions, but on the contributing actors of these deployments. This type of questioning is relevant if we want to measure the benefits of the contribution to peace operations on the contributing officers and their police organization, as well as the qualities of the services provided to the citizens by these same organizations. The data that enables us to provide answers to these questions comes from nineteen semi-directive interviews realized with police officers of the Sûreté du Québec that have participated in a United Nations peace mission in Haïti between 2005 and 2010.

The Effects of Frequent Exposure to Violence and Trauma on Police Officers

Warren, Ternarian A 01 January 2015 (has links)
Police officers who maintain negative or traumatic information in long-term memory are vulnerable to mental illness, unstable emotional and behavioral responses, interpersonal problems, and impaired social relationships. The cognitive theory suggests that police officers externalize various negative or maladaptive behaviors as a result of frequent exposure to traumatic events. Researchers have found that police officers tend to either not seek mental health treatment, try to fix their own mental health problem, or if in treatment will not be forthcoming with internalized thoughts of psychological distress. The intention of this research was to examine the relationship between police officers' frequent exposure to violence and traumatic events/images and its effect on the long-term mental health issues and significant decreases in cognitive empathy or human compassion within police officers. This quantitative study used a simple linear regression, descriptive analysis, correlational matrix to analyze the data gathered from assessment packets containing a Trauma Symptom Inventory-2A, Paulhus Deception Scale, JHU Project Shields Questionnaire, and a Compassion Scale. Assessment packets were distributed during roll calls to active male and female Norfolk Police Officers assigned to the Patrol Divisions, Detective Division, and Vice/Narcotic Division. A priori power analysis revealed 65 participants were needed to have a valid sample. There were 66 completed assessment packets collected from the researcher's secure drop boxes. The findings were statistically significant suggesting a need for continued research. To effect positive social change, mental health workers and police organizations will use this data to assist in policy construction and mental health training.

"Hej på er alla ungdomar" : Lokala polismyndigheters språkanvändning i sociala medier / ”Hi all you youngsters” : Local police authorities’ use of language in social media

Nordeborn, Gustav January 2016 (has links)
The aim is to study how the Police build rela­tions by publishing Facebook posts and how relation building is expressed in the form and content of the texts. More specifi­cally, the study examines the picture that the writing police and the police authorities paint of their activities, and the effect that the posts can be envisaged to have on the receivers.   The material consists of four posts from two police authorities, Växjö/Alvesta and Kalmar. This is ana­ly­sed with a method borrowed from systemic-functional linguistics (SFL) and close reading. The results are then interpreted on the basis of SFL and tradi­tional stylistic theory.   The result shows that the Facebook posts bring both opportunities and risks in building relations. The studied posts consist mostly of declarative sentences, with only a small proportion of exhortations and offers. No questions occur at all. The posts display a large stylistic breadth and varied content from the spheres of police activity, such as combating violence and drunkenness or dealing with missing persons and property.   There seems to be a will among the Police to establish contact with the general public, toning down the image of a strict authority with a monopoly on violence, and the offi­cers working for the authority appear as empathetic human beings. The conclusion is that the communication of the Police with the general public via Facebook is a balan­cing act between, on the one hand, seeming good-humoured and human, and on the other hand the risk of seeming less serious and authoritative. In texts with a serious content presented in a light-hearted form with ironic undertones, the Police risk under­mining their own authority. Despite this, the Facebook posts from the Police can be said to be in line with the catchwords of their activity: engaged, efficient and accessible. The Police also try to adjust the style of the posts to what is generally found on Facebook.

Les décisions rendues par les arbitres de griefs dans les cas de sanctions visant des policiers ayant eu des démêlés judiciaires

Mailloux, Véronique 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

An analysis of human rights training in SAPS : a case study

Lukele, J 29 October 2018 (has links)
In this study the researcher’s focus was on the analysis of human rights training in SAPS, a case study in Gauteng. The whole study is covered by over seven chapters. In chapter one, the introduction to human rights is discussed and the reason that motivated the researcher to pursue the study under the topic. Most importantly the aim and objectives of the study are outlined. Chapter two main focuses is on the regulatory frameworks of human rights training and programmes. In chapter three the attention is on the international best practice for police training in human rights, as any police training is benched marked internationally. Chapter four the researcher explains the research methodology used in this study, as it is important for the reader to have an understanding. Chapter five discusses the data that is collected and the analysis thereof by using nine themes to analyze data. In chapter six the discussion is based on the finding of data analysis from chapter five. Finally the researcher in chapter seven gives the summary of the study, the recommendations and conclusion on how to improve the training of human rights in the SAPS. / Kulolu cwaningo, umcwaningi ugxile ekuhlaziyeni uqeqesho kwezamalungelo abantu kwa-SAPS, kubhekwa kabanzi okwenzeka eGauteng. Ucwaningo oluphelele lwethulwa ezahlukweni eziyisikhombisa. Kwisahluko sokuqala, kwethulwa ingxoxo ngamalungelo abantu kuphinde kunikezwe izizathu ezigqugquzele umcwaningi ukuba enze lolu cwaningo ngaphansi kwalesi sihloko. Okubaluleke kakhulu, injongo nezinhloso zocwaningo kubaluliwe. Isahluko sesibili sigxile kakhulu ezinhlakeni ezilawulayo zoqeqesho kwezamalungelo abantu kanye nezinhlelo. Esahlukweni sesithathu, kubhekwa kakhulu indlela eyimpumelelo amanye amazwe enza ngayo maqondana nokuqeqeshwa kwamaphoyisa kwezamalungelo abantu, njengoba kubhekwa ngokuqhathanisa nanoma yiluphi uqeqesho lwamaphoyisa emazweni omhlaba. Kwisahluko sesine, umcwaningi uchaza indlela yokucwaninga esetshenziswa kulolu cwaningo, njengoba kubalulekile ukuba ofundayo akuqonde akufundayo. Isahluko sesihlanu sidingida imininingwane eqoqiwe kanye nokuhlaziywa kwayo ngokusebenzisa izingqikithi eziyisishiyagalolunye zokuhlaziya imininingwane. Kwisahluko sesithupha, ingxoxo incike kulokho okutholakele uma kuhlaziywa imininingwane esahlukweni sesihlanu. Okokugcina, kwisahluko sesikhombisa, umcwaningi unikeza isifinyezo socwaningo, izincomo kanye nesiphetho maqondana nendlela okungathuthukiswa ngayo uqeqesho kwezamalungelo abantu kwa-SAPS. / Kwesi sifundo umphandi ugxininise kuhlalutyo loqeqesho ngamalungelo oluntu, qeqesho olo lwenziwa kumalungu eSAPS, ngesifundo samava eGauteng. Isifundo esi sisonke siqulethe izahluko ezingaphaya kwesixhenxe. Kwisahluko sokuqala, kuxoxwa ngokwaziswa kwamalungelo oluntu nesizathu esiqhubele ekubeni umphandi alandele isifundo phantsi kwesi sahluko. Okona kubaluleke kakhulu kukuchazwa kweenjongo neziphumo ezibonakalayo zesi sifundo. Isahluko sesibini sigxininisa kwisakhelo solawulo loqeqesho neenkqubo zamalungelo oluntu. Kwisahluko sesithathu kuqwalaselwa kweyona ndlela ingcono kulo lonke ihlabathi, kuqeqesho lwamapolisa malunga namalungelo oluntu, njengoko naluphi na uqeqesho lwamapolisa lusekelwa kwindlela ekwenziwa ngayo kwihlabathi liphela. Kwisahluko sesine umphandi ucacisa indlela yophando ayisebenzisileyo kwesi sifundo, kuba oku kubalulekile ekuqondeni komfundi. Isahluko sesihlanu sixoxa ngeenkcukacha zolwazi eziqokelelweyo ukuze zihlalutywe ngokusebenzisa imixholo emihlanu yokuhlalutya iinkcukacha zolwazi. Kwisahluko sesithandathu ingxoxo isekelwe kokufunyaniswe kuhlalutyo lweenkcukacha zolwazi olwenziwe kwisahluko sesihlanu. Ekugqibeleni, kwisahluko sesixhenxe umphandi unika isishwankathelo sesifundo, iingcebiso nezigqibo malunga nendlela ekunokuphuculwa ngayo uqeqesho malunga namalungelo oluntu kwiSAPS. / Police Practice / M. A. (Criminal Justice)

A Phenomenological Exploration of Black Male Law Enforcement Officers' Perspectives of Racial Profiling and Their Law Enforcement Career Exploration and Commitment

Salters, Gregory A. 27 March 2013 (has links)
This phenomenological study explored Black male law enforcement officers’ perspectives of how racial profiling shaped their decisions to explore and commit to a law enforcement career. Criterion and snow ball sampling was used to obtain the 17 participants for this study. Super’s (1990) archway model was used as the theoretical framework. The archway model “is designed to bring out the segmented but unified and developmental nature of career development, to highlight the segments, and to make their origin clear” (Super, 1990, p. 201). Interview data were analyzed using inductive, deductive, and comparative analyses. Three themes emerged from the inductive analysis of the data: (a) color and/or race does matter, (b) putting on the badge, and (c) too black to be blue and too blue to be black. The deductive analysis used a priori coding that was based on Super’s (1990) archway model. The deductive analysis revealed the participants’ career exploration was influenced by their knowledge of racial profiling and how others view them. The comparative analysis between the inductive themes and deductive findings found the theme “color and/or race does matter” was present in the relationships between and within all segments of Super’s (1990) model. The comparative analysis also revealed an expanded notion of self-concept for Black males – marginalized and/or oppressed individuals. Self-concepts, “such as self-efficacy, self-esteem, and role self-concepts, being combinations of traits ascribed to oneself” (Super, 1990, p. 202) do not completely address the self-concept of marginalized and/or oppressed individuals. The self-concept of marginalized and/or oppressed individuals is self-efficacy, self-esteem, traits ascribed to oneself expanded by their awareness of how others view them. (DuBois, 1995; Freire, 1970; Sheared, 1990; Super, 1990; Young, 1990). Ultimately, self-concept is utilized to make career and life decisions. Current human resource policies and practices do not take into consideration that negative police contact could be the result of racial profiling. Current human resource hiring guidelines penalize individuals who have had negative police contact. Therefore, racial profiling is a discriminatory act that can effectively circumvent U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission laws and serve as a boundary mechanism to employment (Rocco & Gallagher, 2004).

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