Spelling suggestions: "subject:"colicy instruments"" "subject:"bpolicy instruments""
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Les instruments économiques pour la réduction de la déforestation tropicale : l’exemple du mécanisme REDD (Réduction des Emissions liées à la Déforestation et la Dégradation des Forêts) / International economic instruments for the reduction of tropical deforestation : the example of REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation)Leplay, Solenn 25 March 2011 (has links)
Réduire la déforestation dans les pays tropicaux est un des principaux défis pour la communauté internationale dans le cadre du processus de négociations de la Convention Cadre des Nations Unies sur le Changement Climatique (CCNUCC). En effet, la déforestation est la seconde source d'émissions de gaz à effets de serre, juste derrière les émissions industrielles. Depuis 2005, un nouvel instrument international pour réduire les émissions de carbone liées à la déforestation tropicale est en négociation à la CCNUCC. Ce mécanisme, appelé REDD+ (Réduction des Emissions liées à la Déforestation et Dégradation des forêts) repose sur un système de compensation financière des pays en développement pour leurs efforts en termes de déforestation évitée. Cependant, la mise en œuvre du mécanisme REDD+ à l'échelle nationale et internationale soulève de nombreux problèmes méthodologiques et rencontre de nombreux obstacles. Le but de la thèse est double. Dans une première partie, une description et une analyse du mécanisme REDD+ est réalisée. Dans une deuxième partie, de nouvelles perspectives concernant le design du mécanisme REDD+ et sur sa mise en œuvre sont offertes, en se basant sur trois essais rédigés en format article. Le premier essai propose un modèle de théorie des jeux reflétant le processus de négociation Nord-Sud du mécanisme REDD. Il étudie les conditions régissant le partage de fonds entre les pays en développement et leurs impacts sur l'efficacité du système d'incitations. Le deuxième essai utilise un modèle en économétrie de panel pour différencier des comportements nationaux de déforestation selon la dotation relative en forêts de chaque pays. Le troisième essai s'intéresse à la mise en œuvre du mécanisme REDD+, en comparant les résultats de deux programmes de paiement pour services environnementaux pour deux types de gouvernements. Le modèle développé dans cet essai est ensuite testé dans le contexte de la déforestation en Indonésie, grâce à une base de données fournie par l'ONG Conservation International. / Curbing deforestation in tropical countries is one of the main current challenges for international community in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Indeed, deforestation is the second leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions just behind industrial emissions. Since 2005, a new instrument to slow down CO2 emissions from tropical deforestation is under negotiations at the UNFCCC. This mechanism, called REDD+ (for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) is supported by a simple principle: it consists to reward developing countries for their efforts to avoid deforestation. However, the national and international implementations of REDD+ raise lot of methodological questions and meet several hurdles. The aims of the thesis are twofold. First, it proposes a description and an analysis of the REDD+ mechanism. Second, it is composed by three essays, which raise some questions about REDD+ design and implementation, in order to offer new perspectives on this mechanism. The first essay develops a game-theoretic bargaining model, simulating the on-going negotiation process over the REDD+ mechanism. It shows that the conditions under which developing countries are left to bargain over the allocation of the global forest fund may lead to an ineffective system of incentives. The second essay used a panel data analysis to reveal contrasted deforestation behaviors of tropical countries according to their relative endowment in forest cover. The aim of the third essay offered an illustration of REDD+ implementation, comparing the outcomes in terms of avoided deforestation and utility of two payments for environmental services designs for two types of governments. The model developed in this article is applied in the Indonesian context of deforestation, thanks to a database supplied by the NGO Conservation International.
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Financiamento da infraestrutura urbana com base na valorização imobiliária: um estudo comparado de mecanismos de quatro países. / Financing urban infrastructure by means of real estate increase in value: a comparative study os mechanisms of four countries.Gaiarsa, Claudio Martins 31 March 2010 (has links)
O trabalho é uma análise comparada de cinco mecanismos de política urbana praticados em quatro países diferentes: EUA, França, Colômbia e Brasil. Esses mecanismos têm como característica principal o financiamento de melhorias na infraestrutura urbana, com recursos gerados por parte da valorização imobiliária, e apropriados por meio desses mecanismos. São eles: Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) nos EUA, Leyes de la Plusvalia na Colômbia, Zones d´Aménagement Concertée (ZAC) na França, CEPACs e Outorga Onerosa em São Paulo, Brasil. O objetivo do trabalho é identificar princípios e regras comuns entre eles, e analisar suas diferenças mais significativas, e as razões para isso. Os mecanismos são apresentados individualmente e, em seguida, comparados quanto a suas características principais: histórico e objetivos de sua implantação, estrutura legal, método de formação do preço ou valor a ser pago, momento do pagamento e eficácia na geração de benefícios urbanísticos. / This work is a comparative analysis of five different mechanisms or urban policy as they are practiced in four different countries: the USA, France, Colombia and Brazil. The main characteristic these mechanisms have in common is the financing of improvements in the urban infrastructure with resources generated by the increase in value or real estate, and the corresponding capture part of that increase in value. The mechanisms analyzed are: Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) in the USA, Leyes de la Plusvalia, in Colombia, Zones d\'Aménagement Concertée (ZAC) in France, Certificados de Potencial Adicional de Construção (CEPACs) and Outorga Onerosa do Direito de Construir, São Paulo, Brazil. The objective of this work is to identify the principles and rules that they share, analyze the most relevant differences and the reasons for those differences. Each of the mechanisms is presented individually, followed by a comparison of their main characteristics: its objective and history, legal structure, price or value formation, moment of payment, and its effectiveness in generating urban improvement.
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A Avaliação e Gestão de Efeitos Ambientais Cumulativos (AGEC) na Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental de projetos: o caso da Coordenadoria Geral de Petróleo e Gás (CGPEG) do Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) / The Evaluation of Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management (CEAM) in Environmental Assessment of projects: the Coordenadoria Geral de Petróleo e Gás (CGPEG) of the Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) caseCalcenoni, Vitor 05 October 2016 (has links)
A avaliação de efeitos cumulativos e sinérgicos constitui um elemento essencial à boa prática da Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA), no sentido do fortalecimento do processo de tomada de decisão e integração de aspectos ambientais no planejamento das atividades econômicas, mas a despeito da sua importância, a cumulatividade dos impactos é vista como um elemento que aumenta a complexidade do processo de AIA. Uma perspectiva promissora para a integração dos efeitos ambientais cumulativos no processo de AIA tem sido contemplada a partir inclusão da gestão dos impactos ao ciclo de avaliação de efeitos cumulativos, representada neste caso pela abordagem da Avaliação e Gestão de Efeitos Cumulativos (AGEC). Tendo em vista as limitações apontadas para o Brasil em relação à avaliação de efeitos cumulativos, considera-se relevante verificar em que medida a experiência consolidada de AGEC no contexto internacional poderia contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da AIA no país. Deste modo, o presente trabalho é voltado para a identificação de boas práticas em AGEC no contexto brasileiro, valendo-se do estudo do caso da Coordenação Geral de Petróleo e Gás (CGPEG) do Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA), responsável pelos processos de licenciamento ambiental de sistemas de produção de petróleo e gás no país. Por meio de uma abordagem metodológica baseada na triangulação entre literatura, documentação, e entrevistas junto ao corpo técnico do órgão ambiental, foram identificadas oportunidades e dificuldades para a aplicação de AGEC no âmbito de atuação da CGPEG. Os resultados indicam que a prática da AGEC encontra-se em fase inicial de desenvolvimento, com a identificação de algumas evidências de boas práticas devidamente internalizadas pelo órgão ambiental, como a abordagem regionalizada e a utilização de metodologia semelhante às práticas internacionais identificadas. Nota-se também o esforço da CGPEG em promover uma atuação mais eficiente e integradora, exigindo programas regionalizados com visão sistêmica, o que leva a ganhos de longo prazo nas atividades de avaliação do corpo técnico. Como destaque está a prática inovadora do Projeto de Avaliação de Impactos Cumulativos (PAIC) no licenciamento da produção de petróleo da camada pré-sal da bacia de Santos, como referência para o órgão, em que houve contribuições significativas por parte de stakeholders mobilizados em espaços de acompanhamento da instalação da cadeia petrolífera na região e resolução de conflitos, o que sugere um quadro promissor para investimentos em sua estruturação e na capacitação de seu corpo técnico e gerencial, com vistas ao aprimoramento da atuação orientada para os efeitos cumulativos. / The evaluation of cumulative and synergistic effects consists in an essential element for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) good practices, in the sense that it enhances the decision-making process and environmental aspects integration in development planning. Despite its importance, impact accumulation is seen as adding complexity to EIA process. A promising perspective to integrate cumulative environmental effects on EIA process starts at implementing management to cumulative assessments, in this case represented by Cumulative Environmental Assessment and Management (CEAM) approach. Also recognizing Brazil\'s limitation to implement cumulative effects assessment, it is relevant to verify at which extent internationally recognized CEAM practices can improve the country EIA process. Therefore, the present study aims to identify CEAM good practices on Brazilian context, using a federal agency responsible for oil and gas environmental licensing, the \"Coordenadoria Geral de Petróleo e Gás\" (CGPEG/IBAMA). Using triangulation of methods, starting by literature review on good practices, documents and norms content analysis and semistructured interviews with CGPEG technicians, opportunities and difficulties for CEAM implementation were identified for agency performance. Results shows CEAM practices still in its early stages of development, with good practices adoption evidences for the agency, striving forth cumulative effects performance improvement. Also, CGPEG singular functional structure promotes long therm benefits for technical analysis, such as demanding a more integrated and regional approach in environmental monitoring programs. A innovative practice is the cumulative impacts assessment project demanded at the environmental licensing for Santos\' basin pre-salt layer oil and gas production, or \"Projeto de Avaliação de Impactos Cumulativos\" (PAIC), a \"reccomended administrative process\", seen as a orientative material for oil and gas future projects. The PAIC development context had important stakeholder contribuitions on public particiapion processes, such as follow-up foruns for community discussion over oil industries installation at São Paulo\'s North Coast.
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[pt] Políticas monetárias alternativas realmente funcionam? Depois da crise financeira e, especialmente, a partir de 2010, a Turquia enfrentou uma conjuntura de alta volatilidade nos fluxos de capital internacional e de deterioração na conta corrente. O Banco Cenral da Turquia decidiu, então, inovar sua maneira de executar a política monetária, introduzindo um novo conjunto de instrumentos e focando nos canais de crédito e câmbio. Este trabalho é um estudo de caso comparativo que avalia a eficácia e o impacto da nova estrutura de política da Turquia sobre suas principais variáveis monetárias. Nós aplicamos dois métodos de controle sintético. Nossas estimações sugerem que inflação e taxa de câmbio não foram consideravelmente afetadas. Apesar de um desvio inicial nas direções desejadas, os efeitos de dissiparam no prazo de um ano. Por outro lado, crédito doméstico parece ter entrado em uma trajetória de estabilização. / [en] Do alternative monetary policy frameworks actually work? After the financial crisis and especially in late 2010, Turkey faced a conjecture of high volatility in international capital flows and deteriorating current account. The Central Bank of Turkey decided, then, to innovate the way it executes monetary policy, by introducing a new set of instruments and focusing on credit and exchange rate channels. This paper is a comparative case study that evaluates the effectiveness and impact of Turkey s change in policy framework on its main monetary variables. We apply two different synthetic control methods. Our estimates suggest inflation and exchange rate were not considerably affected. Although there was an initial deviation towards desirable directions, the effects dissipated after one year. On the other hand, domestic credit seem to have presented a stabilization path.
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Modelagem da dinâmica do uso da terra e instrumentos de Política Ambiental: a expansão da cana-de-açúcar na Bacia Hidrográfica do Tiete/Jacaré (UGRHI 13) / Land use modeling and environmental policy instruments: sugarcane expansion at Tietê/Jacaré watershed (UGRHI 13)Gomes, Paula Madeira 23 August 2013 (has links)
A expansão da cana-de-açúcar tem ocorrido de maneira intensa no cenário brasileiro, especialmente no estado de São Paulo e região Centro-Oeste do Brasil, com potencial de causar significativos impactos destacando-se a degradação do solo, a poluição dos recursos hídricos, a pressão sobre outras culturas ou matas nativas, conflitos pelo uso do solo, entre outros. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é avaliar a aplicação de técnicas de modelagem do uso do solo em conjunto com instrumentos de política ambiental por meio da modelagem da expansão da cana-de-açúcar na bacia do Tietê/Jacaré (UGRHI 13). A bacia hidrográfica em questão caracteriza-se pela presença de regiões de alta vulnerabilidade ambiental, em termos da fragilidade do território e presença de atributos ambientais de significativo interesse, bem como pelo fato de suas principais atividades econômicas estarem vinculadas ao agronegócio. Para a consecução dos objetivos estabelecidos, o modelo GEOMOD presente na plataforma IDRISI foi aplicado para a projeção da expansão da cana-de-açúcar em 2019. De modo a verificar a aplicabilidade das informações geradas, a projeção gerada foi cotejada a dois instrumentos de planejamento regional: o Zoneamento Agroambiental do Setor Sucroalcooleiro e o Plano de Bacia da UGRHI 13. Constatou-se que a aplicação de modelos de uso do solo para a projeção de alterações nos padrões de ocupação do território apresenta-se como prática promissora que pode ser integrada ao planejamento e gestão ambiental a nível regional, sendo, entretanto, necessário melhorar a performance do modelo elaborado a fim de gerar informações mais confiáveis para os tomadores de decisão. / Sugarcane expansion has been significant in Brazil, especially in São Paulo State and Midwest Region. This crop has potential of causing significant impacts, such as: soil degradation, pollution of water resources, pressure on other crops or native forests, conflicts regarding land use, among others. The purpose of this study is to verify the application of land use cover change models with environmental policy instruments by modeling sugarcane expansion in Tietê/Jacaré watershed (UGRHI 13). This water basin is characterized by high vulnerability environmental areas in terms of fragility territorial and presence of significant environmental attributes, as well as the fact that its main economic activities are linked to agribusiness. GEOMOD land use cover change model was applied to project sugarcane expansion in 2019. In order to verify the applicability of sugarcane projection, it was used in the context of the Sugarcane Agro-Industry Zoning and the Water Basin Plan. The results showed that land use cover change models application for sugarcane projection is presented as a promising practice that can be integrated to the regional environmental planning. However, it´s necessary to improve the performance of the model in order to generate more reliable information to the decision makers.
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Public Policies Enabling Social Impact Investment Funds: Tax-Credits and Cash TransfersCarriere, Brian 05 February 2019 (has links)
Over the past decade, Social Impact Investing (SII) has garnered increasing attention among public policy makers as a solution for multigenerational, complex, intractable social and environmental problems, or as some advocates like to say, ‘wicked’ problems. The growing interest in SII aligns with the expansion, since the 1980s, of a set of public sector reforms that make use of new public policy instruments to achieve public objectives. Neoliberal economists and New Public Management (NPM) theorists have long argued for these reforms to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of government bureaucracies. These reforms have led to a paradigm shift that Lester M. Salamon has labeled ‘New Governance’, characterized by public policies that make use of market mechanisms, partnerships with new actors, networks and flexible rules. Public administration scholars have suggested focusing on public policy instruments instead of the traditional focus on programs and institutions to gain an understanding of the dynamics of the ‘New Governance’ paradigm and to address important questions that go beyond the dimensions of effectiveness and efficiency. This dissertation draws on Lester M. Salamon’s framework for analyzing public policy instruments combined with a conceptual framework developed by the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD). The thesis uses this framework to assess the SII market by examining three cases of Canadian federal public policy instruments designed and implemented to achieve socio-economic objectives. These policy instruments provide either a cash transfer or a tax incentive to create investment funds mandated to invest with a purpose of making a return and achieving a positive social outcome. The dissertation employs a qualitative research approach and case study method to explore questions of equity and effectiveness to produce findings and recommendations useful to pubic administration scholars who focus their research on public policy instruments and to public policy makers who are considering policy options for structuring and growing the SII market. Data was collected through an extensive document review and 19 semistructured interviews. A dimensional analysis, SII analysis and discourse analysis of the data were undertaken. The researcher made the choice of undertaking a discourse analysis in order to fill a gap in the public policy instrument literature and inform the debate on SII. This dissertation contributes to the body of knowledge on public policy instruments and SII by presenting the results of a comparative analysis of three public policy instruments that created investment funds mandated to produce socio-economic outcomes.
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A Avaliação e Gestão de Efeitos Ambientais Cumulativos (AGEC) na Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental de projetos: o caso da Coordenadoria Geral de Petróleo e Gás (CGPEG) do Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) / The Evaluation of Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management (CEAM) in Environmental Assessment of projects: the Coordenadoria Geral de Petróleo e Gás (CGPEG) of the Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) caseVitor Calcenoni 05 October 2016 (has links)
A avaliação de efeitos cumulativos e sinérgicos constitui um elemento essencial à boa prática da Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA), no sentido do fortalecimento do processo de tomada de decisão e integração de aspectos ambientais no planejamento das atividades econômicas, mas a despeito da sua importância, a cumulatividade dos impactos é vista como um elemento que aumenta a complexidade do processo de AIA. Uma perspectiva promissora para a integração dos efeitos ambientais cumulativos no processo de AIA tem sido contemplada a partir inclusão da gestão dos impactos ao ciclo de avaliação de efeitos cumulativos, representada neste caso pela abordagem da Avaliação e Gestão de Efeitos Cumulativos (AGEC). Tendo em vista as limitações apontadas para o Brasil em relação à avaliação de efeitos cumulativos, considera-se relevante verificar em que medida a experiência consolidada de AGEC no contexto internacional poderia contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da AIA no país. Deste modo, o presente trabalho é voltado para a identificação de boas práticas em AGEC no contexto brasileiro, valendo-se do estudo do caso da Coordenação Geral de Petróleo e Gás (CGPEG) do Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA), responsável pelos processos de licenciamento ambiental de sistemas de produção de petróleo e gás no país. Por meio de uma abordagem metodológica baseada na triangulação entre literatura, documentação, e entrevistas junto ao corpo técnico do órgão ambiental, foram identificadas oportunidades e dificuldades para a aplicação de AGEC no âmbito de atuação da CGPEG. Os resultados indicam que a prática da AGEC encontra-se em fase inicial de desenvolvimento, com a identificação de algumas evidências de boas práticas devidamente internalizadas pelo órgão ambiental, como a abordagem regionalizada e a utilização de metodologia semelhante às práticas internacionais identificadas. Nota-se também o esforço da CGPEG em promover uma atuação mais eficiente e integradora, exigindo programas regionalizados com visão sistêmica, o que leva a ganhos de longo prazo nas atividades de avaliação do corpo técnico. Como destaque está a prática inovadora do Projeto de Avaliação de Impactos Cumulativos (PAIC) no licenciamento da produção de petróleo da camada pré-sal da bacia de Santos, como referência para o órgão, em que houve contribuições significativas por parte de stakeholders mobilizados em espaços de acompanhamento da instalação da cadeia petrolífera na região e resolução de conflitos, o que sugere um quadro promissor para investimentos em sua estruturação e na capacitação de seu corpo técnico e gerencial, com vistas ao aprimoramento da atuação orientada para os efeitos cumulativos. / The evaluation of cumulative and synergistic effects consists in an essential element for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) good practices, in the sense that it enhances the decision-making process and environmental aspects integration in development planning. Despite its importance, impact accumulation is seen as adding complexity to EIA process. A promising perspective to integrate cumulative environmental effects on EIA process starts at implementing management to cumulative assessments, in this case represented by Cumulative Environmental Assessment and Management (CEAM) approach. Also recognizing Brazil\'s limitation to implement cumulative effects assessment, it is relevant to verify at which extent internationally recognized CEAM practices can improve the country EIA process. Therefore, the present study aims to identify CEAM good practices on Brazilian context, using a federal agency responsible for oil and gas environmental licensing, the \"Coordenadoria Geral de Petróleo e Gás\" (CGPEG/IBAMA). Using triangulation of methods, starting by literature review on good practices, documents and norms content analysis and semistructured interviews with CGPEG technicians, opportunities and difficulties for CEAM implementation were identified for agency performance. Results shows CEAM practices still in its early stages of development, with good practices adoption evidences for the agency, striving forth cumulative effects performance improvement. Also, CGPEG singular functional structure promotes long therm benefits for technical analysis, such as demanding a more integrated and regional approach in environmental monitoring programs. A innovative practice is the cumulative impacts assessment project demanded at the environmental licensing for Santos\' basin pre-salt layer oil and gas production, or \"Projeto de Avaliação de Impactos Cumulativos\" (PAIC), a \"reccomended administrative process\", seen as a orientative material for oil and gas future projects. The PAIC development context had important stakeholder contribuitions on public particiapion processes, such as follow-up foruns for community discussion over oil industries installation at São Paulo\'s North Coast.
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A pol?tica florestal estadual do Rio de Janeiro: a??o e ina??o do estado (1975-2011) / The forest policy of the State of Rio de Janeiro: action and inaction of the new state to modern times (1975-2011)SILVEIRA FILHO, Telmo Borges 27 August 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-05-11T19:11:52Z
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2012 - Telmo Borges Silveira Filho.pdf: 2496110 bytes, checksum: 87e023489eb9ee097d8af1e936b6800c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-08-27 / This study aimed to capture the action and inaction of the State in forest policy Federated Unit of Rio de Janeiro, and sought, the following objectives: identify the functions of state forest in the Constitutions of UF; analyze the evolution of institutions for forest management between 1975-2011; analyze the policy instruments employed in the state forest; examine the process of decentralization of state forest management. Data and information were obtained from different legal and institutional sources, and partly directly in SEA and INEA, by the author. Was used as theoretical, analytical models of Rocha e Silva (2007) and Silva (1996, 2001, 2003), respectively, for folding in the constitutions of state functions, and functions of State in forestry and its meeting in Rio de Janeiro, the model of Smith (1997, 2010) to analyze the bases of forest policy, forest management factual state was analyzed by confronting institutional responsibilities contained in the Technical Cooperation Agreement signed between IBAMA and ERJ , and additionally with the aid of the Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix for GTZ developed for protected areas. The main conclusions were: the six functions typical of the forest area have been upheld by the Federal and State Constitutions, the ERJ presented between 1975 and 2011 commuting action and inaction in relation to forest policy, economic instruments created in the period incorporated significant financial resources but without a corresponding consideration in forest management, the decentralization of forest management, the ERJ has advanced to monitor and evaluate the process with the State Prosecutor, municipalities and society, having as a privileged forum Conema. / Este estudo teve como objetivo geral apreender a a??o e a ina??o do Estado na pol?tica florestal da Unidade Federada Rio de Janeiro e buscou como objetivos espec?ficos: identificar as fun??es florestais de Estado nas Constitui??es da UF; analisar a evolu??o das institui??es de gest?o florestal entre 1975-2011; analisar os instrumentos de pol?tica florestal empregados no estado; examinar o processo de descentraliza??o da gest?o florestal estadual. Os dados e informa??es foram obtidos de distintas fontes legais e institucionais e, parte, diretamente na SEA e INEA, pelo autor. Utilizou-se como referenciais te?ricos: os modelos de an?lise de Rocha e Silva (2007), e Silva (1996, 2001, 2003), respectivamente para o rebatimento das fun??es estatais nas Constitui??es, e para as fun??es de Estado na ?rea florestal e seu cumprimento no Rio de Janeiro; o modelo de Silva (1997, 2010) para a an?lise das bases da pol?tica florestal; a gest?o factual florestal no estado foi analisada confrontando-se ?s compet?ncias institucionais contidas no Termo de Coopera??o T?cnica firmado entre o ERJ e o Ibama e adicionalmente com aux?lio da Matriz de Avalia??o e Acompanhamento desenvolvida Pela GTZ, para unidades de conserva??o. As principais conclus?es foram: as seis fun??es t?picas de estado na ?rea florestal possuem amparo nas Constitui??es Federal e Estadual; o ERJ apresentou entre 1975 e 2011 movimentos pendulares de a??o e ina??o relativamente ? pol?tica florestal; os instrumentos econ?micos criados no per?odo incorporaram expressivos recursos financeiros mas sem a correspondente contrapartida na gest?o florestal; na descentraliza??o da gest?o florestal, o ERJ tem avan?ado ao acompanhar e avaliar o processo junto ao Minist?rio P?blico Estadual, aos munic?pios e ? sociedade, tendo como foro privilegiado o Conema.
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Modeli upravljanja ruralnim razvojem u Srbiji i zemljama Zapadnog Balkana u uslovima evropskih integracija / The models of management in rural development in Serbia and the countries of the Western Balkans in the conditions of European integrationsVujičić Milan 11 June 2015 (has links)
<p>Beginning with the theoretical survey of social, economic, ecological and institutional<br />relevancy of rural development, the work explores vital potentials, priorities and<br />challenges of rural development, together with basic reasons for contrivance of the<br />model of rural development in the Republic of Serbia and the countries of the Western<br />Balkans in the conditions of Euro integrations. After the insight into the related<br />literature, the necessity of solving problems of rural development as integrated and<br />compatible with specificity of particular region in contemporary conditions is<br />emphasized, since no generally accepted universal model of sustainable rural<br />development exists, but depends on rural developmental potentials and social and<br />economic surroundings. Although the policy of sustainable rural development of<br />European Union is not perfect per se, it still provides the best and strongest support to<br />social and territorial cohesion of rural regions and is significant primarily as a reference<br />base for the outline of further strategy and policy of rural development of the Republic<br />of Serbia and the countries of the Western Balkans from the viewpoint of their more<br />effective endogenic development and EU integration. The countries of the Western<br />Balkans have suitable preconditions for successful application of the concept of integral<br />rural development; however, there are numerous limitations in the development of these<br />regions in the process of European integrations. These countries are faced with<br />significant structural changes in the economic, organizational and management<br />structure in terms of new EU rural policy. Therefore, all countries conduct reforms<br />aimed at harmonization and strengthening connections with major priorities of EU rural<br />development; hence a suitable model of rural development is still being shaped in<br />practice. The ultimate effect of these changes is related to strengthening of local<br />entrepreneuring and organizational activities and initiatives, the network of local<br />organizations of civic society and local action groups in the function of improvement of<br />competitive abilities of rural economy. Defining clear and realizable strategic aims and<br />priorities, as well as their implementation will be of decisive importance for<br />contrivance of the model of rural development in the Republic of Serbia and other<br />countries of the Western Balkans in the future. Significant unsolved issued were<br />identified together with the courses of regulatory reforms of development of rural<br />regions in these countries.<br />Intersectoral and interregional connection, decentralization and strengthening the role<br />of local factors in the creation and realization of strategies in policy, model and practice<br />of rural development have a strong effect on more efficient activation of localresources, increase of attractiveness for investment in rural regions and more rational</p><p>utilization of finance for the development of rural communities. Demographic<br />revitalization of rural regions, promotion of rural economy and entrepreneurial<br />stimulation of the programs of development of small and medium enterprises, as well as<br />environmental protection and facilitation are of vital significance</p>
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Strategic use of public procurement for innovation : rationales, instruments and practices / Utilisation stratégique des achats publics pour l'innovation : rationalités, instruments et pratiquesChicot, Julien 18 July 2017 (has links)
Un nombre croissant de pays de l’OCDE encourage l’utilisation des achats publics en soutien à l’innovation, mais les discours ont été peu suivis d’effets. L’ambition de cette thèse est d’aider l’élaboration des initiatives d’achat public d’innovation (API), en identifiant les obstacles à l’innovation qu’ils peuvent résoudre, ainsi que les instruments et les pratiques les plus à mêmes de les aider dans cet objectif. Nous identifions huit idéo-types d’API selon les défaillances de marché ou de système (niveau méso) auxquelles ils tentent de répondre pour stimuler l’innovation. Ces défaillances affectent soit les utilisateurs, soit les producteurs ou touchent leurs interactions. Nous les comparons à celles de niveau macro et déterminons ainsi la contribution potentielle de chacun de ces idéo-types d’API aux politiques tournées vers de grandes missions. Notre typologie constitue un cadre théorique unifié associant défaillances et modalités de mise en œuvre des API. Elle en aide ainsi l’élaboration, l’évaluation et l’analyse. Certains de nos idéo-types doivent soutenir la création de marché pour encourager l’innovation. Nous nous appuyons sur les théories économiques évolutionnistes et une série d’études de cas pour comprendre comment les API peuvent y parvenir. Nous identifions leurs rôles, à différentes étapes de la procédure d’achat public, dans la coordination de connaissances et d’informations pour la création et le développement de marché. Les API doivent notamment permettre aux utilisateurs d’interagir avec les fournisseurs de manière appropriée et suffisamment tôt dans la procédure d’achat. Les recherches sur les achats privés ont néanmoins montré qu’une telle implication précoce des fournisseurs est source de problèmes de niveau micro. Une série d’entretiens avec des acheteurs publics et des fournisseurs permet de mieux identifier les problèmes affectant leur collaboration au cours d’une procédure standard d’API ou d’un dialogue compétitif. La nature de ces défaillances diffère selon la procédure d’achat public, du même que leur moment d’apparition. Les entretiens révèlent également que les acheteurs et fournisseurs perçoivent différemment les pratiques à l’origine de ces défaillances. Nos résultats appellent enfin à reconsidérer l’influence du cadre juridique sur les API, et soulignent l’existence de procédures et stratégies alternatives qui sont plus ou moins privilégiées par les fournisseurs. En somme, notre travail de recherche identifie différents niveaux d’obstacles à l’innovation que les API peuvent résoudre, ainsi que les mesures les plus appropriées pour les aider dans cet objectif. Il plaide en faveur d’une approche dynamique de la décision politique, qui définit problèmes, instruments de politique et pratiques à chacune des étapes des procédures d’achat public, de formation des marchés, et de collaboration entre acheteurs public et fournisseurs. / An increasing number of OECD countries has adopted measures to encourage the use of public procurement to foster innovation. However, implementation of public procurement of innovation (PPI) is lagging behind policy discourse. The ambition of this dissertation is to address this discrepancy by assisting in the design of PPI initiatives, that is, by identifying the innovation-related failures that PPI can overcome, and the most appropriate policy instruments and practices for achieving this objective. We define eight PPI ideal-types according to the type of meso-level market of system failures they address. These failures can relate to users, producers or to their mutual interactions. We confront them with macro-level failures, and determine accordingly the contribution of each PPI ideal-type to distinct mission-oriented policies. Our typology provides a unified PPI framework associating their rationales with their design. Therefore, it contributes to policymaking, and to policy evaluation and analysis. Some PPI categories aim to spur innovation by stimulating the formation of markets. We employ an evolutionary approach to analyse the influence of PPI at the different stages of the dynamic process of market formation through a series of selected existing case studies. We demonstrate that PPI can underpin the different phases of knowledge coordination for market formation, by ensuring appropriate interactions between users and producers early in the public procurement procedure. The literature on private procurement nevertheless shows that early supplier involvement is subject to a number of micro-level failures having their root in procurement practices. Based on interviews with public procurers and suppliers, we identify relevant collaboration failures related to the standard PPI and competitive dialogue procedures. We highlight differences in these failures and their loci between the two procedures. Furthermore, public procurers and suppliers appear to have different perception of the causes of the failures they have encountered. Finally, our findings discuss the influence of the legal framework on PPI and suggest additional PPI procedures and strategies that are favoured by suppliers to varying extents. In sum, our research identifies innovation-related failures at different levels that PPI can resolve, and relevant instruments to help PPI initiative to achieve their objectives. Furthermore, it advocates a dynamic approach considering failures, instruments, and practices at different stages of public procurement procedures, and market formation and public procurer-supplier collaboration processes.
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