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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La diffusion du contrôle à la source des eaux pluviales urbaines : confrontation des pratiques à la rationalité hydrologique / The diffusion of source control for urban stormwater management : a comparison between the current practices and the hydrological rationality

Petrucci, Guido 11 July 2012 (has links)
La gestion des eaux pluviales urbaines connait une évolution majeure depuis les années 1960 : d'une stratégie basée sur l'évacuation rapide et totale des eaux pluviales de la ville, on passe progressivement à une stratégie de contrôle à la source (CS). Ces 10 dernières années ont vu une généralisation du CS, ainsi qu'en témoigne l'augmentation du nombre de réglementations de rejet. Ces dernières imposent, dans les nouvelles parcelles urbanisées, la réalisation d'ouvrages ayant pour fonction de réguler et/ou de retenir les eaux pluviales : les techniques alternatives (TA). Une systématisation de ces réglementations ne va pas manquer de générer dans l'avenir de nombreux bassins versants urbains fortement équipés en TA, et dont le comportement hydrologique sera déterminé par les réglementations appliquées. Il apparaît que le choix d'une réglementation par une collectivité est un choix complexe et, d'une collectivité à l'autre, des logiques différentes sont appliquées, dont la cohérence globale peut être discutée. Cette thèse questionne et analyse les politiques de CS, et en particulier les réglementations de rejet, dans une perspective de compréhension de leurs effets hydrologiques dans le long terme. Elle comprend deux analyses complémentaires : nous étudions d'abord l'évolution des politiques de CS dans six collectivités en France, afin de déterminer les logiques appliquées dans le choix des réglementations. Nous présentons ensuite une analyse hydrologique des conséquences de ces réglementations sur le comportement de bassins versant urbains "modèles". Cette analyse, centrée sur la modélisation hydrologique des bassins, permet de questionner les politiques de CS actuelles, mais aussi de discuter des outils que l'hydrologie urbaine peut fournir pour permettre la mise en place de politiques de CS cohérentes, en phase avec le fonctionnement hydrologique des bassins versants / Urban stormwater management is facing a major evolution since 1960: from a strategy based on the complete and fast conveyance of stormwater outside of the urban area, to a strategy based on source control (SC). Recently, SC is becoming a common practice, in connection with the increasing diffusion of flow regulations. These regulations prescribe, for all new urban development, to build facilities (Best Management Practices, BMP) to reduce the flow-rate or the volume of stormwater entering the sewer system. A wide application of flow regulations will determine the future hydrological behaviour of many urban catchments. The choice of a regulation is a complex task for local authorities, involving several logics, whose global coherence can be discussed. This thesis analyses SC policies and regulations and discusses them in terms of their long-term hydrological effects. Two complementary approaches are developed. The first is based on the analysis of the evolution of SC policies in six French authorities, and it aims to define and discuss the logics applied. The second consists in the hydrological modelling of the consequences of SC regulations on the behaviour of two experimental catchments. This hydrological analysis allows (i) to evaluate the pertinence of actual SC policies and (ii) to discuss which tools urban hydrology can provide to support the development of coherent SC policies, according to the hydrological functioning of urban catchments

A garantia da prestação de informações relativas ao ambiente como instrumento de gestão e de política ambiental no Brasil / The warranty of environmental information as management instrument of environmental policy in Brazil

Rossi, Alexandre 30 September 2009 (has links)
Investigação acerca efetividade de um dos instrumentos da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente brasileira, que é o da garantia da prestação de informações relativas ao ambiente e da obrigação do Poder Público em produzi-las, quando inexistentes (Lei federal nº 6.938, de 31 de agosto de 1981, artigo 9º, inciso XI). A pesquisa teve como foco o problema da abrangência e eficácia das estruturas normativas e políticas existentes para efetivação desse instrumento. Em se tratando das estruturas normativas, destacam-se além do estabelecido pela Constituição Federal brasileira, os dispositivos da Lei federal nº 10.650, de 16 de abril de 2003, acerca do acesso público aos dados e informações ambientais existentes nos órgãos e entidades integrantes do Sistema Nacional do Meio Ambiente. Para tanto se propôs investigar o que é abrangível nas informações ambientais relacionadas ao instrumento da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente e sua efetividade no contexto da aplicabilidade do instrumento em estudo da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente e o que foi efetivamente regulado pela Lei nº 10.650/2003. Entretanto, buscou verificar a possibilidade de não confirmação da hipótese de que o instrumento em foco não carece de mais regramento para sua aplicação em relação aos demais instrumentos. Partindo-se do pressuposto de ser este efetivamente um instrumento concomitante em relação aos demais. Como referenciais teóricos estão alguns princípios do direito constitucional e do direito ambiental, particularmente, os princípios da publicidade e da informação. Assim foram considerados os diversos fundamentos políticos e jurídicos para operação do instrumento estudado, associado que está a direitos e garantias fundamentais implicados, devem ser considerados na perspectiva constitucional. Para avaliar a efetividade da garantia da prestação de informações relativas ao meio ambiente, a que está obrigado o Poder Público a produzi-las, quando inexistentes, foi realizado o estudo de sua hipotética aplicação nos termos vigentes relativamente aos demais instrumentos de política ambiental brasileira de abrangência nacional. / Research concerning the effectiveness of one of the instruments of the Brazilian Environmental National Policy, that is the warranty of rendering the environmental information and the obligation of the authorities in producing them when they nonexistent (federal Law 6.938, of August 31, 1981, article 9th, XI). This research had as focus the problem of the embrace and efficacy of the existent normative and political structures for effectiveness of that instrument. The normative structures are that established by the Brazilian Federal Constitution, the federal Law 10.650, of April 16, 2003, concerning the public access to existing environmental information in the agencies of the Environmental National System. This research intended to investigate the embraceable of the environmental information related to the instrument of the Environmental National Policy. Adding to that, investigate the effectiveness of the studied instrument of Environmental National Policy in the context of this applicability and what was in fact regulated by the Law 10.650/2003. Another point was verifying the possibility of non confirmation of the hypothesis that the instrument in focus does not need more regulation for its application in relation to other instruments. This research assumes that the instrument is concomitant in relation to the others instruments of Environmental National Policy. As theoretical references have some principles of the constitutional right and of the environmental law, particularly, the principle of the publicity and principle of the information. As the several political and juridical bases were considered for the use of the studied instrument, associated to the fundamental rights and warranties, the research considered the constitutional perspective. To evaluate the effectiveness of the warranty of rendering environmental information, which the authorities are obliged to produce when they nonexistent, the study of its hypothetical application related to effectiveness of the other Environmental National Policy instruments was did.

A prática do follow-up da AIA de projetos: um estudo de caso a partir da experiência do órgão regulador de empreendimentos de exploração e produção de óleo e gás natural offshore no Brasil / EIA follow-up practice: a case study based on regulator\'s experience within the offshore oil and natural gas activities in Brazil

Cruz, Fabia Bozzola 14 September 2016 (has links)
Normalmente associado à fase pós-decisão da AIA, o processo de follow-up é amplamente reconhecido como a parte mais fraca dos processos de AIA. Dada sua relevância ao criar oportunidades para o aprimoramento do processo e dos sistemas de AIA a partir da incorporação de lições aprendidas, a prática do follow-up foi investigada neste trabalho com vistas ao estabelecimento de potenciais contribuições para o seu aperfeiçoamento no Brasil. Para tanto, optou-se por analisar a organização e operação do sistema de AIA a partir da perspectiva do órgão regulador, compreendido como elemento central na gestão do processo de tomada de decisão. A realização da pesquisa foi embasada na elaboração de dois modelos conceituais, para compreensão do follow-up da AIA de projetos e para a interpretação da aprendizagem através da AIA. A abordagem metodológica utilizada para dar suporte à busca por evidências da prática do follow-up no âmbito da Coordenação Geral de Petróleo e Gás (CGPEG) do Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Renováveis (IBAMA), consistiu na triangulação entre a revisão de literatura, análise documental de normas e processos de licenciamento previamente selecionados e entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com analistas do órgão ambiental. Os resultados encontrados no contexto estudado colocam a CGPEG em posição de destaque no cenário brasileiro em relação à prática do follow-up conduzida por outros Estados, como Bahia e São Paulo, tendo-se verificado um processo bem conduzido, estruturado e em consonância com grande parte dos princípios internacionais de boas práticas do follow-up da AIA apresentados na literatura. Destacam-se os grupos temáticos como mecanismo de comunicação e aprendizagem organizacional, as evidências de aprendizagem single e double loop identificadas, a capacidade técnica e recursos investidos na condução do follow-up, a consideração (ainda que incipiente) dos efeitos cumulativos dos empreendimentos e introdução de iniciativas para inclusão da participação pública nesse processo. Há que se destacar também a importância dos fatores contextuais e regionais sobre os resultados da prática do follow-up verificados no cenário estudado, que vêm refletindo negativamente sobre a prática atual e podem trazer prejuízos à prática futura do follow-up como mecanismo da gestão, aprendizagem e efetividade da AIA nesse contexto. / Usually related to the EIA post-decision stage, the follow-up process is widely recognized as the weakest part of EIA processes. Due to its capacity of creating feedback opportunities for lessons learned on EIA process and system levels, the follow-up practice was explored in order to contribute for its improvement in Brazil. Therefore, the structure and operation of the EIA system was analysed from the perspective of the regulator, a central stakeholder in managing the decision making process. As a first step, a literature review supported the construction of two frameworks to underlie this work regarding EIA follow-up and learning through EIA. The methodological approach used to investigate the follow-up practice within the Oil and Gas General Coordination (CGPEG) from the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Resources (IBAMA) consisted in the triangulation of literature review, documental analysis of regulations and licensing processes previously selected and semi structured interviews with environmental analysts of the regulator body. The outcomes place CGPEG in a high position in the Brazilian scenario when comparing its follow-up practice to other states, like Bahia and São Paulo. The organization showed a well conducted follow-up process, in line with most part of the international best practice principles for EIA follow-up presented in the literature. Results highlight the thematic groups as organization learning and communication mechanisms, the identification of single and double loop learning evidences, investment of resources and technical capacity in follow-up practice, consideration (although incipient) of cumulative effects of the activities and introduction of public participation initiatives. It is important to emphasize the influence of contextual and regional factors on the results of follow-up practice: a negative influence was noted in the studied scenario and these factors have also the potential to harm the future follow-up practice as a mechanism of management, learning and effectiveness of EIA in this context.

Diadema, planejamento e realidade: o que muda com os planos diretores / Diadema, urban planning and reality: what changes with master plans

Bossi, Wagner Membribes 18 June 2009 (has links)
Este estudo aborda os planos diretores do Município de Diadema, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, aprovados após a Lei Orgânica Municipal de 1990, seguindo a nova ordem constitucional estabelecida pela Constituição Federal de 1988 e pela Constituição Estadual de 1989. O objeto da pesquisa é a análise do projeto de lei de 1991 para plano diretor (não aprovado) e dos planos diretores aprovados em 1994, 1998, 2002 e 2008, enfocando os instrumentos da política urbana neles contidos, bem como seus resultados alcançados durante os 15 anos de vigência do novo quadro legal e de gestão da política urbana na cidade. Este período inclui a importante promulgação do Estatuto da Cidade, lei federal 10257/2001, que norteou os ajustes introduzidos na versão de 2002. Ao final do processo investigativo são apresentadas entrevistas que registram a visão de representantes de entidades da comunidade e do poder público municipal sobre os referidos planos, seus instrumentos e os resultados obtidos. / This study addresses the master plans of the Municipality of Diadema, in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Brazil, developed in response to the rulings of the Municipal Organic Law of 1990, pursuant to the new constitutional guidelines in the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and São Paulo State Constitution of 1989. By analyzing the bill that proposed a master plan in 1991 (rejected) and examining the master plans approved in 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2008, this study sought to describe the urban policy instruments included in these approaches along with results achieved during the 15 years under the new legislation and urban policy management in the municipality. This period also marked the promulgation of the City Charter under Federal Law 10257/2001, which guided the amendments to the 2002 plan. The study includes interviews with representatives of community organizations and municipal authorities who reveal the views they hold on these urban plans, their instruments, and results achieved.

Transformações de um instrumento de política pública: habitação de interesse social nas operações urbanas consorciadas em São Paulo / Transformations in a public policy instrument: affordable housing in São Paulos urban operations

Abreu, Stéfano Pagin Paredes de 06 October 2017 (has links)
Como mudam os instrumentos de política pública? A pergunta que intitula este trabalho pode ser respondida através de uma característica principal: gradualismo. Parte dos modelos explicativos que visam compreender transformações em políticas públicas partem de uma análise de fatores e processos exógenos. Estas abordagens constantemente privilegiam a ótica de um dos atores que participam do jogo da distribuição de recursos da política, sejam estes o governo, a sociedade civil, os capitais, ou quaisquer outros atores imersos nestas disputas. Ainda que o olhar para as atuações dos atores seja fundamental, há dois riscos intrínsecos a esta estratégia, são eles: a formação de um viés explicativo de acordo com as premissas dos atores onde se estabelece o enfoque analítico e o abandono dos fatores e processos causais que ocorrem de forma endógena à política. Este trabalho visa oferecer um enfoque analítico que se dá por dentro da política pública, através da análise dos seus instrumentos. Em paralelo à formação de conjunturas críticas externas abruptas, que fogem ao controle dos atores imersos ao jogo, há um processo gradual de mudanças que só é possível captar através deste tipo de abordagem. A análise do instrumento das Operações Urbanas em São Paulo permite compreender como estas alterações internas ocorrem de maneira paulatina e gradual através de um processo de layering - ao passo que conjunturas mais abruptas acontecem de maneira exógena ao instrumento. A combinação destes processos é o que viabiliza transformações mais amplas no instrumento, que são, por fim, institucionalizadas. / How does a public policy instrument change? The question that entitles this dissertation may be answered through a mains characteristic: gradualism. Some of the explanatory models which aim to understand transformations in public policies choose the analysis of external factors and processes. These frameworks constantly privilege the focus on one of the actors whose are embedded on the distributional policy game, being them the government, civil society, private companies or any other actors. Even if the look at these actors remains important, there are two intrinsic risks in this strategy: the existence of an explanatory bias, according to the specific premises of the actors chosen as the analytical focuses and the neglect of the causal factors and processes that happen inside the policy. This or offers an analytical emphasis that occurs endogenously to the policy, through the analysis of its instruments. Simultaneously to the formation of external abrupt critical junctures, there is a gradual changing process which is only able to comprehend through this endogenous look into the policy and its instruments. The analysis of the Urban Operations instrument in São Paulo aims to explicit how this changes happens in a gradual way through a layering process whereas critical junctures emerge in the external environment. The combination of these to processes is what enable broader transformations in the policy instrument, which are ultimately, institutionalized.

Zemědělská politika Nového Zélandu v porovnání se SZP EU / Agricultural policy of New Zealand in comparsion with EU Common Agricultural Policy

Hrubý, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Theses deals with agricultural policy of New Zealand in comparsion with the EU Common Agricultural Policy. Subject of examination is their impact on foreign trade in agricultural goods as well as impact on the farmers themselves. On the basis of the analysis of agricultural policies in New Zealand and the European Union is subsequently conducted an evaluation of both policies. The approaches in both territories are then comprehensively compared. In concclusion is outlined the possible future development.

Analyse des instruments des politiques de la biodiversité : le cas de Natura 2000 en milieu littoral et marin / An analysis of the instruments of biodiversity policies : the case of Natura 2000 on coastal and marine areas

Duhalde, Michel 05 February 2016 (has links)
Avec pour cas d’étude les sites Natura 2000 du littoral français, cette thèse cherche à améliorer la compréhension des pratiques en matière de mesures locales de conservation de la biodiversité, analysées au travers du concept d’instruments d’action publique : quels sont les instruments choisis, à la fois dans la phase de planification et de mise en oeuvre ? Quels sont les facteurs influençant ces choix ? Une première analyse, quantitative, permet de décrire les mesures prévues dans 113 documents de gestion (Docob) de sites Natura 2000 littoraux. Une méthode de sélection et de moyenne de modèles logistiques binomiaux permet d’identifier les facteurs de contexte orientant les choix des instruments d’action. Une seconde analyse, qualitative, recentrée sur les sites Natura 2000 du littoral breton, permet d’appréhender les modalités de mise en oeuvre des différents instruments disponibles dans la gestion des sites. Nos résultats tendent à montrer que le choix des instruments d’action sur chaque site fait partie des ajustements permettant l’intégration de la politique au sein d’un contexte institutionnel local, formel et informel. En particulier, l’instrument réglementaire semble garder une place non négligeable dans la mise en oeuvre de cette politique, mais cette place est sensible au contexte local, notamment politique. Les instruments propres à certains grands types de milieux sont mis en avant. Nos résultats viennent questionner le caractère autonome de la politique Natura 2000 en mer. Ils permettent également d’éclairer les forces et les faiblesses des différents instruments d’actions dans la phase de mise en oeuvre, notamment au regard des coûts de transaction qu’ils génèrent. Face aux difficultés identifiées, l’importance de la complémentarité opérationnelle des instruments d’essences volontaire et obligatoire, de l’implication des collectivités territoriales et de la mobilisation des animateurs Natura 2000 présents sur chaque site, est soulignée. / Taking the Natura 2000 sites on the French coastal area as a case study, this work aims at strengthening the understanding of the practices in terms of local biodiversity conservation measures, analysed through the concept of public policy instruments : what are the instruments that are chosen, during both the planning and implementation phases? What are the factors influencing these choices? Our work combines two approaches. First, a quantitative analysis allows us to describe the measures that are provided in 113 management documents (Docobs) of coastal Natura 2000 sites. Through a method to select and average binomial logistic models, we identify contextual factors that influence the choice of instruments of action. Second, a qualitative analysis focuses on the coastal Natura 2000 sites in Brittany and paves the way to a better understanding of the implementation of the different instruments available for the management of the sites. Our results tend to show that the choices of instruments of action on each site are parts of the adjustments allowing the integration of the policy into a formal and informal institutional local context. In particular, the regulatory instrument seems to play a significant role in the implementation of this policy, but this role is sensitive to the local context of the site, especially the political context. We emphasize the association of some instruments to different types of ecosystems. Our results lead to question the autonomous nature of the Natura 2000 policy for the marine area. Our results also highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the different instruments of action in the implementation phase, especially with regards to the associated transaction costs. In the face of the constraints that we identify, we stress the importance of the operational complementarity of voluntary and regulatory instruments, of the commitment of local authorities and of the leading role of the Natura 2000 site managers.

Diadema, planejamento e realidade: o que muda com os planos diretores / Diadema, urban planning and reality: what changes with master plans

Wagner Membribes Bossi 18 June 2009 (has links)
Este estudo aborda os planos diretores do Município de Diadema, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, aprovados após a Lei Orgânica Municipal de 1990, seguindo a nova ordem constitucional estabelecida pela Constituição Federal de 1988 e pela Constituição Estadual de 1989. O objeto da pesquisa é a análise do projeto de lei de 1991 para plano diretor (não aprovado) e dos planos diretores aprovados em 1994, 1998, 2002 e 2008, enfocando os instrumentos da política urbana neles contidos, bem como seus resultados alcançados durante os 15 anos de vigência do novo quadro legal e de gestão da política urbana na cidade. Este período inclui a importante promulgação do Estatuto da Cidade, lei federal 10257/2001, que norteou os ajustes introduzidos na versão de 2002. Ao final do processo investigativo são apresentadas entrevistas que registram a visão de representantes de entidades da comunidade e do poder público municipal sobre os referidos planos, seus instrumentos e os resultados obtidos. / This study addresses the master plans of the Municipality of Diadema, in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Brazil, developed in response to the rulings of the Municipal Organic Law of 1990, pursuant to the new constitutional guidelines in the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and São Paulo State Constitution of 1989. By analyzing the bill that proposed a master plan in 1991 (rejected) and examining the master plans approved in 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2008, this study sought to describe the urban policy instruments included in these approaches along with results achieved during the 15 years under the new legislation and urban policy management in the municipality. This period also marked the promulgation of the City Charter under Federal Law 10257/2001, which guided the amendments to the 2002 plan. The study includes interviews with representatives of community organizations and municipal authorities who reveal the views they hold on these urban plans, their instruments, and results achieved.

Miljöbilsanvändning : En attityd- och beteendeundersökning hos ägare av bilar drivna med förnybara drivmedel

Larsson, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this report is to give a picture of how attitudes and behaviours of owners of environment cars look like and how they can be influenced. The alignment lies on environmental cars which run on biogas and ethanol which both are renewable fuels. The starting point is to sort out if it is environmental thinking that controls the choice and use of an environmental car. The feeling is that there are many other factors that can be more controlling, for example the price and the quality of the car. The result of the questionnaire survey which is the foundation of the report shows however that those who buy an environmental car do it mostly because of environmental reasons. Also the daily choice of fuel is mainly environmentally influenced; it however shows that there is dissatisfaction with the high fuel consumption, the short reach and above all the high price of ethanol. It also shows that the source of information which had the biggest impact on the choice to buy an environmental car is the mass media and that the most influencing policy instruments is the price, partly the cheaper on renewable fuel and the more costly fossil fuel. In general the environmental car owners are also positively inclined to using policy instruments of various kinds in order to increase the proportion of environmental cars on our roads. The conclusion becomes thus that the original feeling is incorrect and that environment cars have not at all lost credibility, not anyway on the level that has been investigated in this report.</p> / <p>Syftet med den här rapporten är att gen en bild av hur attityder och beteenden hos ägare av miljöbilar ser ut samt hur de kan påverkas. Inriktningen ligger på miljöbilar drivna med biogas och etanol vilka båda är förnyelsebara bränslen. Utgångspunkten är att reda ut om det är miljötänkandet som styr val och användning av en miljöbil. Känslan är att det finns många andra faktorer som kan vara mer styrande, exempelvis pris och kvalitet på bilen. Resultatet av den enkätundersökning som ligger till grund för rapporten visar dock att de som köper en miljöbil gör det till största delen på grund av miljömässiga orsaker. Även det dagliga valet av bränsle påverkas mestadels av miljömässiga orsaker, det visar sig dock att det finns ett missnöje med den höga bränsleförbrukningen, den korta räckvidden och framförallt det höga priset på etanol. Det visar sig också att den källa till information som haft den största påverkan vid valet att köpa en miljöbil är media samt att det mest påverkande styrmedlet är priset, dels det billigare på förnyelsebara bränslen samt det dyrare på fossila bränslen. Generellt är miljöbilägarna också positivt inställda till att använda styrmedel av olika slag för att öka andelen miljöbilar på vägarna. Slutsatsen blir således att den ursprungliga känslan är felaktig och att miljöbilar inte alls tappat i trovärdighet, i alle fall inte på det plan som granskas i denna rapport.</p>

Miljöbilsanvändning : En attityd- och beteendeundersökning hos ägare av bilar drivna med förnybara drivmedel

Larsson, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this report is to give a picture of how attitudes and behaviours of owners of environment cars look like and how they can be influenced. The alignment lies on environmental cars which run on biogas and ethanol which both are renewable fuels. The starting point is to sort out if it is environmental thinking that controls the choice and use of an environmental car. The feeling is that there are many other factors that can be more controlling, for example the price and the quality of the car. The result of the questionnaire survey which is the foundation of the report shows however that those who buy an environmental car do it mostly because of environmental reasons. Also the daily choice of fuel is mainly environmentally influenced; it however shows that there is dissatisfaction with the high fuel consumption, the short reach and above all the high price of ethanol. It also shows that the source of information which had the biggest impact on the choice to buy an environmental car is the mass media and that the most influencing policy instruments is the price, partly the cheaper on renewable fuel and the more costly fossil fuel. In general the environmental car owners are also positively inclined to using policy instruments of various kinds in order to increase the proportion of environmental cars on our roads. The conclusion becomes thus that the original feeling is incorrect and that environment cars have not at all lost credibility, not anyway on the level that has been investigated in this report. / Syftet med den här rapporten är att gen en bild av hur attityder och beteenden hos ägare av miljöbilar ser ut samt hur de kan påverkas. Inriktningen ligger på miljöbilar drivna med biogas och etanol vilka båda är förnyelsebara bränslen. Utgångspunkten är att reda ut om det är miljötänkandet som styr val och användning av en miljöbil. Känslan är att det finns många andra faktorer som kan vara mer styrande, exempelvis pris och kvalitet på bilen. Resultatet av den enkätundersökning som ligger till grund för rapporten visar dock att de som köper en miljöbil gör det till största delen på grund av miljömässiga orsaker. Även det dagliga valet av bränsle påverkas mestadels av miljömässiga orsaker, det visar sig dock att det finns ett missnöje med den höga bränsleförbrukningen, den korta räckvidden och framförallt det höga priset på etanol. Det visar sig också att den källa till information som haft den största påverkan vid valet att köpa en miljöbil är media samt att det mest påverkande styrmedlet är priset, dels det billigare på förnyelsebara bränslen samt det dyrare på fossila bränslen. Generellt är miljöbilägarna också positivt inställda till att använda styrmedel av olika slag för att öka andelen miljöbilar på vägarna. Slutsatsen blir således att den ursprungliga känslan är felaktig och att miljöbilar inte alls tappat i trovärdighet, i alle fall inte på det plan som granskas i denna rapport.

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