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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indicadores da qualidade de vida relacionados com o envelhecimento da força de trabalho / Life quality indicators in persons participating in a retirement preparation program

José Floro Sinatura Barros 22 March 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar se participantes de Programas de Preparação para a Aposentadoria que se planejam para esta fase da vida e desenvolvem um plano de atividades para este novo período da vida, apresentam índices de qualidade de vida. Determinar dentre os indicadores da qualidade de vida em profissionais, decorrentes de ações prévias de planejamento, quais foram as atividades impactantes vivenciadas nos Programas de Preparação para Aposentadoria, que possam ser mensuradas e avaliadas, referentes aos domínios psicológico, físico, social e meio-ambiente e identificar se os programas empresariais destinados à indivíduos que pretendem desenvolver atividades continuadas depois da obtenção do benefício da aposentadoria, contribuíram para os indicadores da qualidade de vida. O estudo quantitativo pesquisou 51 profissionais que participam do Programa de Preparação para a Aposentadoria denominado \"Tempo Amigo\" de uma empresa metropolitana de transporte público da cidade de São Paulo, no segundo semestre de 2015, incluindo profissionais perto de se aposentarem e também de profissionais já aposentados, que continuam a participar do atual programa. Para este estudo definimos aposentadoria como sendo as pessoas no exercício do benefício obtido conforme as regras do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social. Utilizamos como instrumentos o Questionários Organização Mundial da Saúde de qualidade de vida suscinto (WHOQOL-Bref) e Questionário Psicossocial: Atividades influenciadoras de Qualidade de Vida, através da visão do trabalho e a construção do futuro (o autoconhecimento e a autoprojeção) em indivíduos que participam do Programa de Preparação para a Aposentadoria. Os resultados evidenciaram que profissionais que participam do Programa de Preparação para a Aposentadoria, planejam sua aposentadoria e preparam um plano de atividades para fazer depois deste momento apresentam indicadores da qualidade de vida nos domínios Psicológico 3,7127, Físico 3,7088, Relações Sociais 3,6153 e do Meio-Ambiente 3,6127, dentro dos padrões razoáveis estabelecidos pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Os indicadores da qualidade de vida referentes aos domínios geral, psicológico, físico, social e meioambiente foram influenciados pelo planejamento de atividades preparatórias, vivenciadas no Programa de Preparação para a Aposentadoria. Dentre os indicadores da qualidade de vida, identificados no profissionais, decorrentes de ações prévias de planejamento vivenciados através do Programa de Preparação para a Aposentadoria provido pela empresa, observamos que as atividades preparatórias que impactaram foram as referentes à saúde, à produtividade, ao potencial, à construção do futuro e às finanças. O programa empresarial de preparação para a aposentadoria destinado à indivíduos que pretendem desenvolver atividades continuadas, depois de obtido o benefício da aposentadoria, contribuiu para os indicadores da qualidade de vida. programas e projetos de saúde / The objective of this study was to investigate whether people participating in a Retirement Preparation Program, planning this phase of life and deploy a plan of activities for their new time, have indicative in quality of life. Determine among quality of life indicatives, due to planning previous actions, which were important activities experienced in Retirement Preparation Plan, that can be measured and evaluated to psychological, physical, social and environment domains and identify wheather programs directed to individuals which intend deploy on going activities after getting retirement benefit, contributed to quality of life indicative. A quantitative study researched 51 professionals participants Retirement Preparation Program nominated Tempo Amigo, in a metropolitan public transportation company in São Paulo City, in second semester of 2015, including professionals close to retirement and professionals already retired, which continued participating current program. To this study retirement was defined as people exercising the benefit obtained under Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social\'s rules. WHOQOL-Bref and Psychosocial: activities influencing quality of life, throughout work vision and building the future (self-consciousness and selfprojection) questionnaires were applied at individuals participating in Retirement Preparation Program. The rusults showed that professionals participating in Retirement Preparaion Program, planning their retirement and preparing a plan of activities to do after this moment presented quality of life indicatives at domains Psychological 3.7127, Physical 3.7088, Social Relationships 3.6153 and Environment 3.6127, inside razonable standards stablished by Worldwide Health Organization. The quality of life indicatives due to domains general, physicological, physic, social and environment were impacted by planning preparatories activities, experienced in Retirement Preparation Program. Among the quality of life indicatives identifyed in professional due to previous planning actions experimented in Retirement Preparation Program provided by company, it was observed that the preparatories activities which impacted were due to healthy, productivity, potential, building the future and finance. The retirement corporative preparation program directed to individuals which intend to deploy on going activities, after obtained retirement benefit, contributed to quality of life indicatives

Studies on macroeconomics and uncertainty

Koivuranta, M. (Matti) 06 February 2017 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation is comprised of three independent essays with the unifying theme of how uncertainty affects the macroeconomy. The first essay studies an incomplete market economy where the firm faces a non-trivial investment decision due to capital adjustment costs. The adjustment costs make the price of capital endogenous and help to explain the observed volatility of the returns to physical capital. The particular form of market incompleteness that is assumed in the essay is however not enough to match the observed price of risk. The essay contains also a technical contribution in showing how Arrow prices of contingent commodities can be used in computing the equilibrium in this class of models. The second essay studies the effect of population aging on asset prices. The modeling framework features deterministic transition paths for demographic structure and level of government expenditures along with aggregate uncertainty at business cycle frequency. The demographic transition leads to a projected increase of in tax rates that are needed to finance the government expenditures. This requires higher savings rates from households which reduces volatility of consumption growth and reduces the price of aggregate risk. The third essay is an empirical study which uses betting market data from the Swedish harness horse racing in conjunction with economic confidence indices. The main finding is that the risk attitudes of bettors that are reflected by the betting market data covary with the more traditional confidence measures in a reasonable way. The essay also contains a simple forecasting exercise which shows that the novel risk measure may also be useful in forecasting the industrial production. The results of the study are interpreted in terms of behavioral macroeconomics. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja koostuu kolmesta erillisestä esseestä, joiden yhdistävä tekijä on epävarmuus ja sen vaikutukset makrotalouden ilmiöihin. Ensimmäisessä esseessä tarkastellaan taloutta, jossa markkinat ovat epätäydelliset ja fyysisen pääoman sopeuttamiskustannukset vaikuttavat yrityksen investointipäätökseen. Pääoman sopeuttamiskustannukset tekevät pääoman hinnasta endogeenisen muuttujan ja auttavat selittämään havaittua pääoman tuottojen volatiliteettia. Tutkimuksessa käytetyt markkinoiden epätäydellisyyteen johtavat oletukset eivät kuitenkaan riitä selittämään historiallisesti havaittua riskin hintaa. Essee sisältää myös teknisen kontribuution. Siinä osoitetaan, miten talouden tilasta riippuvien hyödykkeiden Arrow-hintoja voidaan hyödyntää tämän tyyppisten talouksien tasapainon numeerisessa ratkaisemisessa. Toinen essee tarkastelee väestön ikääntymisen vaikutuksia varallisuushyödykkeiden hintoihin. Malli yhdistää väestörakenteen ja julkisten kulutusmenojen deterministisen muutoksen sekä suhdannevaihtelua kuvaavan kokonaistaloudellisen epävarmuuden. Väestörakenteen odotettu muutos johtaa julkisten kulutusmenojen kasvun myötä veroasteiden nousuun. Kotitaloudet joutuvat säästämään enemmän, mikä vähentää kulutuksen kasvun volatiliteettia ja kokonaistaloudellisen riskin hintaa. Kolmas essee on empiirinen tutkimus, jossa käytetään havaintoaineistoa Ruotsin ravivedonlyöntimarkkinoilta sekä taloudellisia luottamusindikaattoreita. Tärkein tulos on että vedonlyöntiaineiston heijastama suhtautuminen riskiin näyttää olevan vuorovaikutuksessa perinteisten luottamusindikaattoreiden kanssa. Esseessä käytetään myös yksinkertaista aikasarjamallia, joka viittaa siihen, että vedonlyöntiaineiston perusteella laskettu riskiin suhtautumisen mitta voi olla hyödyllinen teollisuustuotannon ennustamisessa. Tuloksia tulkitaan behavioraalisen makrotaloustieteen valossa.

Cross-regional analysis of population aging in the Arctic

Emelyanova, A. (Anastasia) 16 November 2015 (has links)
Abstract Despite the greater strategic importance and increasing activities in the Arctic as well as the increased attention paid by national governments, few attempts have been made to understand the on-going demographic changes from a pan-Arctic perspective. In particular, population aging or “silverization” is a demographic megatrend affecting regional societies and the economy which can exert profound social consequences in this most desolate and least populated region in the world. Although there are a few studies investigating aging in the Arctic countries, none have extended their research to the sub-national level. This thesis consists of an analysis of aging and possible rejuvenation trends in 23 Arctic sub-regions, and compares these trends to the national average of their eight respective countries. Two groups of indicators have been used to measure aging; these are based on “chronological” and “prospective” ages, the latter considers changes in life expectancy and improvements in population health. The study generated a large set of aging data for the period 1980/1990 to 2010 as well as the present day, utilizing the available baseline data. The discussion examined major trends in aging elucidating the interactions of conventional and prospective indicators, revealed the oldest and youngest territories, linkages between the Arctic and nationwide rates, the fastest and slowest regions that are aging (or in contrast, rejuvenating), sex and ethnic differences, and whether Northern Canada and Alaska, North Atlantic, Arctic Russia and Northern Fennoscandia are converging or diverging in terms of aging development. In addition, the interplay of causes of aging and other demographic conditions of Arctic territories was examined as well as the gaps in knowledge and prospects for future research. The international comparative evidence of the thesis can help the northern communities’ policy makers in planning changes that have to be made in order to adjust to an aging transition. It is clear that sustainable population development is the key to a viable Arctic region. / Tiivistelmä Arktisella alueella tapahtuvaa väestörakenteen muutosta ja sen syitä on tutkittu vähän, vaikka alueen merkitys ja aktiviteetit ovat korostuneet valtioiden strategioissa. Erityisesti väestön ikääntyminen tai ”harmaantuminen” on yleinen demografinen suuntaus, joka vaikuttaa pohjoisten alueiden väestöön ja talouteen ja voi johtaa syvällisiin yhteiskunnallisiin seurauksiin tällä maailman harvaan asutuimmalla alueella. Ikääntymistä on tutkittu jonkin verran yksittäisissä maissa, mutta ei näiden maiden pohjoisissa osissa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä analysoidaan ikääntymistä ja mahdollista nuorentumista kahdeksan arktisen maan 23 pohjoisella alueella ja näitä verrataan saman maan kansalliseen keskiarvoon. Ikääntymisen mittareina on käytetty kahta mittaustapaa perustuen joko ”kronologiseen” tai ”prospektiiviseen” ikään, joista jälkimmäinen huomioi muutokset odotettavissa olevassa eliniässä sekä väestön terveydentilan kohentumissa. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi laaja ikääntymistä käsittelevä tietoaineisto vuosilta 1980/1990 vuoteen 2010/nykypäivään perustuen käytettävissä oleviin lähtöaineistoihin. Tässä työssä yksilöitiin ikääntymisen pääsuuntaukset ja vertailtiin perinteisten ja uusien indikaattoreiden tuottamia tuloksia. Lisäksi selvitettiin ikääntymisen kannalta väestöltään vanhimmat ja nuorimmat alueet, verraltiin arktisen alueen ja kansallisten lukujen välisiä yhteyksiä sekä esiteltiin nopeimmin ja hitaimmin ikääntyvät (tai nuorentuvat) alueet sekä sukupuoleen ja etnisyyteen liittyviä eroja. Tutkimus luo uutta tietoa Pohjois-Kanadan ja Alaskan, Pohjois-Atlantin alueen, Venäjän arktisen alueen sekä pohjoisen Fennoskandian väestöjen ikääntymiskehityksestä. Lisäksi väitöskirjatyö analysoi ikääntymiskehityksen ja muiden väestökehitykseen liittyvien olosuhteiden syitä arktisella alueella sekä tulevaisuuden tutkimustarpeita. Kansainvälinen vertailu voi auttaa valtioiden ja alueiden päättäjiä tekemään suunnitelmat, joilla pohjoiset yhteisöt voivat sopeutua ikääntymisen tuomiin haasteisiin. Kestävä väestökehitys on avain elinvoimaiseen arktiseen alueeseen.

Starnutie pracovnej sily, nezamestnanosť a využitie nástrojov Age Managementu na príklade krajov Českej republiky / Population aging, unemployment and usage of Age Management tools on the example of Czech regions

Voskárová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the master's thesis is the analysis of unemployment of 50 and over years old population of the Czech Republic and the tools of Age Management which are used to improve conditions for groups that are defined on the basis of their age. The structure of the population is in detail described in terms of demography and economy in the thesis. To achieve all marked out objectives is made a graphic analysis of the unemployment rate of three specified age groups of the population in 2005 to 2014 up to the region level, which are divided into four groups according to economic prosperity and lagging regions. It is becoming more and more likely that we can expect increased numbers of employees 50+, and therefore government policy should pay sufficient attention to this group. We can assume that unemployment rate will continue to decline slightly, which also show forecasts of unemployment in the Czech Republic up to 2020.

Trh práce ČR v souvislosti se stárnutím populace se zaměřením na osoby ve věku 50 let a více / Labour market of the Czech Republic in the connection with an aging population in respect of persons aged 50 years and over

Žemlíková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a population aging and the issue of employment of older people in the Czech Republic. Most developed countries, including the Czech Republic face to the aging of the population. This unfavourable demographic progress leads to social and economic problems. Employment of older people is more and more important. The aim of this work is to assess the employment of older workers in the Czech Republic, to outline its expected development with using forecasts of the Czech Statistical Office and propose possible measures that would contribute to its increase. The results of the analysis show that the population in the Czech Republic is rapidly aging and according to the forecasts it will further continue in future. The possible solution could be to apply principles of the age management. These measures should help to increase the employment rate of older people. There are measures relating to the education, working conditions, flexible employment as well as safety and health care at work. According to the measurement results LEA, interest in the problems of elderly people and their position in the labor market has recently increased and the concept of the age management has became familiar in companies, but still it is not sufficient part of the HR strategies within an organization.

Krize a perspektivy sociálního státu / The Crisis Of The Welfare State And Perspectives

Duranová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problem of welfare state. It focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the causes of the welfare state's problems, and, furthermore it outlines the risks that these problems bring. In the analytical part, these risks are calculated in three areas, which are financing system, family policy and population aging. The Czech Republic is compared in these indicators with countries that have been selected based on Esping-Andersen typology of welfare state: the UK, Germany, Denmark and the United States of America. The results of the analysis are evaluated in conclusion of the thesis. On this basis, ther are formulated recommendations for the Czech Republic, which has the biggest deficiencies in family policy in comparison with other selected countries. Denmark, a representative of the Scandinavian welfare state model, has relatively best results; on the other hand, the United States, with its emphasis on free market, individual freedom and own responsibility principles, face the challenge. The crisis of the welfare state does not have to necessarily result into the end; however, it is inevitable to imply certain unavoidable steps. These measures do not hold for the Czech Republic.

Možnosti sociální práce ve venkovských lokalitách. Na příkladu obce Majdalena / The Possibility of Social Work in Rural Areas. On the Example of the Village Majdalena

Vošahlíková, Radka January 2015 (has links)
(in English) The main goal of the diploma thesis "The Possibility of Social Work in Rural Areas. On the Example of the Village Majdalena" is to introduce possible implementations of social work in villages or rural communities on the example of Majdalena, a village located in the South Bohemia region, Czech Republic. The theoretical portion of this thesis describes different approaches to social work and the status of a small community in the Czech welfare system, primarily with focus on social work. Legislative background of social work in a village and community social worker's job duties and responsibilities are also discussed in the thesis. The hands-on research presented in this work focuses on Majdalena, Czech Republic. A sociodemographic analysis and a field survey were conducted to characterize the investigated community, in addition to two case studies targeting Majdalena citizens. Finally, conclusions include suggestions of particular goals and objectives for a social worker in Majdalena.


Carr, Dawn C. 10 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Development Strategy of Elderly Human Resources in Beijing in the Context of Population Aging : master's thesis / Стратегия развития человеческих ресурсов пожилых людей в Пекине в контексте старения населения : магистерская диссертация

Чжан, Д., Zhang, D. January 2024 (has links)
В данной магистерской диссертации рассматривается развитие кадрового потенциала пожилых людей в Пекине в условиях быстрого старения населения. Опираясь на теории демографии, управления человеческими ресурсами и устойчивого развития, диссертация представляет собой всеобъемлющую основу для понимания проблем и возможностей, связанных со старением рабочей силы в Пекине. Исследование показало, что, хотя пожилые работники в Пекине обладают ценными навыками и опытом, они сталкиваются со значительными трудностями при возвращении на работу, включая дискриминацию по возрасту, ограниченные возможности трудоустройства и опасения по поводу здоровья и благополучия. Исследование также показало, что пожилые работники, как правило, открыты для повторного трудоустройства и имеют сильное желание постоянно учиться и развиваться, что подчеркивает необходимость создания более благоприятных условий для этого сегмента рабочей силы. / This master's thesis examines the development of elderly human resources in Beijing within the context of a rapidly aging population. Drawing upon theories from demography, human resource management, and sustainable development, the thesis provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the challenges and opportunities presented by an aging workforce in Beijing. The study found that while older workers in Beijing possess valuable skills and experience, they face significant challenges in re-entering the workforce, including age discrimination, limited job opportunities, and concerns about health and well-being. The research also revealed that older workers are generally open to re-employment and have a strong desire for continuous learning and development, emphasizing the need for a more supportive environment for this segment of the workforce.

以全民健康保險資料庫探討癌症的發生與死亡 / The Study of Cancer Incidence and Mortality via Taiwan National Health Insurance Database

陳昱霈 Unknown Date (has links)
重大傷病是我國全民健保的主要特色之一,民國105年重大傷病領證人數為95萬6626人(約4%人口),但其醫療費用超過全國四分之一,且盛行率有逐年上升的趨勢(資料來源:衛生福利部中央健康保險署)。其中,癌症又為重大傷病的首位,佔了重大傷病發證數的49%,雖然癌症發生率每年僅些微上升,但因罹癌後死亡率也逐年下降,而且癌症發生率隨年齡而增加,預期癌症盛行率將隨人口老化而快速上升,醫療利用與支出亦會愈趨上升,加重健保財務的負擔。有鑑於癌症盛行率的增加,健保署於兩年前提高癌症病患換新卡的資格,於103年停發約1萬7000張癌症領證數,但追根究底的解決之道仍在於及早發現與治療,不僅可提昇國民健康,更可有效率使用醫療資源。 本文使用全民健康保險資料庫,以探討國人罹癌前後的健康狀況為目標。透過資料庫的就醫資料,包括重大傷病證明明細檔(HV)、重大傷病門診處方及治療明細檔(HV_CD)、承保資料檔(ID)、2005年百萬人抽樣檔之門診處方及治療明細檔(CD),套用大數據的資料分析方法,探討國人罹患癌症的相關特性。首先對癌症病患進行基本資料之分析,接著探討不同準則下在判定癌症發生與罹癌死亡人數之間的估算差異,整合HV與HV_CD兩個資料庫,選擇可信度較高的方式作為估算癌症發生率與罹癌死亡率的基礎。研究發現,以退保資訊判斷癌症患者是否死亡,錯誤率優於先前根據就醫記錄。本文研究希冀可供政府擬定癌症相關的醫療策略,提高癌症病患的就醫意願及治癒率,增進國人健康,並且有效控制健保支出。

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