Spelling suggestions: "subject:"posttraumatic"" "subject:"postraumatic""
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Transtorno de estresse pós-traumático associado ao abuso e dependência de álcool e drogas: estudo de uma amostra da população da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo / Post-traumatic stress disorder associated with alcohol and drug abuse and dependence: study of a sample of household residents in the São Paulo Metropolitan AreaHeloisa de Souza Dantas 11 September 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: o Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático (TEPT) se caracteriza pelo desenvolvimento de sintomas específicos após a ocorrência de um evento traumático intenso, envolvendo a participação direta ou não do indivíduo. A prevalência do TEPT na população pode variar entre 1,4% e 11,2% na vida, sendo que mulheres apresentam uma vulnerabilidade maior para o transtorno, apesar dos homens geralmente serem expostos a um número maior de eventos traumáticos. Além de trazer inúmeros prejuízos na vida do sujeito, observam-se altas taxas de comorbidade entre TEPT e Abuso e Dependência de Álcool e Drogas (ADAD), o que por sua vez está associado a níveis mais graves de psicopatologia, maior comprometimento do funcionamento social global, uso mais freqüente de serviços de saúde e pior resposta ao tratamento. OBJETIVOS: 1) examinar a distribuição de eventos traumáticos e a prevalência de TEPT e ADAD de acordo com o gênero dos indivíduos, 2) identificar a prevalência de TEPT por tipo de evento traumático e o risco condicional de TEPT entre homens e mulheres, 3) examinar a existência de comorbidade entre TEPT e ADAD e 4) verificar as associações entre diferentes tipos de eventos traumáticos e ADAD quando são levados em conta no modelo número de traumas, categorias de eventos traumáticos e fatores sócio-demográficos (gênero, idade, anos de escolaridade, estado civil e renda), controlando para o TEPT. MÉTODOS: estudo de corte transversal com uma amostra representativa da região metropolitana de São Paulo (n=2.942). O trabalho é um subprojeto do São Paulo Megacity, parte de uma iniciativa internacional coordenada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (World Mental Health Survey). As análises utilizaram dados dos módulos de Abuso de Substâncias e Transtorno de Estresse Pós Traumático do Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) desenhada para produzir diagnósticos do CID-10 e do DSM-IV. A análise estatística utilizou o programa Statistical Analysis System (SAS). Foram aplicados algoritmos às respostas dos módulos clínicos para identificação diagnóstica e as taxas de prevalência foram calculadas em porcentagens, assim como os erros-padrão. Ainda foram levantados os traumas que ocasionaram o TEPT, bem como os riscos condicionais para o desenvolvimento do transtorno. Foram realizadas análises de regressão logística simples para verificar a comorbidade entre TEPT e ADAD e regressões logísticas múltiplas para explorar as associações entre TEPT e ADAD. RESULTADOS: a prevalência de TEPT na vida foi de 3,2% (EP=0,2) e no último ano de 1,6% (EP=0,2). 4,6% das mulheres e 1,6% dos homens desenvolveram o transtorno na vida (OR 3; IC 95% 1,8-4,9); dentre a população com TEPT, o principal fator que desencadeou o transtorno foi morte inesperada de um ente os principais riscos condicionais para o desenvolvimento de TEPT para a população feminina foram agressão sexual e estupro e para a população masculina, sequestro relâmpago e estupro; foi identificada comorbidade entre TEPT e ADAD, porém houve diferença entre homens e mulheres de acordo com o padrão de consumo de substâncias (dependência e abuso) e categoria de substâncias psicoativas (álcool e drogas); o número de traumas é um fator diretamente associado ao ADAD, sendo que a categoria de eventos envolvendo violência intencional mostrou-se associada a todos os padrões de abuso e dependência de álcool e drogas. CONCLUSÕES: foi identificada comorbidade entre TEPT e ADAD, sendo o número de traumas e a categoria de eventos envolvendo violência intencional particularmente importantes na associação com o ADAD. / INTRODUCTION: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is characterized by the development of specific symptoms after an intense traumatic event that affects the person directly or indirectly. The lifetime prevalence of PTSD ranges from 1.4% to 11.2%. Women are more vulnerable than men, although men experience more lifetime traumatic events. Other than causing a number of problems in someone´s life, there are high comorbidity rates between PTSD and substance abuse and dependence (SAD), which in turns is associated with worse psychopathological conditions, lower levels of social functioning, more frequent utilization of health care services and worse treatment outcomes. OBJECTIVES: to examine the distribution of traumatic events and the prevalence of PTSD and alcohol/drug abuse and dependence; to examine the distributions of PTSD cases across different types of traumatic events and to investigate the conditional risk of PTSD in females and males; to examine the comorbidity between PTSD and SAD, and to verify the associations between number and different categories traumatic events and SAD when controlling for PTSD. METHODS: cross-sectional study with a probabilistic sample of household residents in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area (n=2.942). The study is a subproject of the São Paulo Megacity, a counterpart of an international initiative coordinated by the World Health Organization (World Mental Health Survey). The analysis were based in the substance abuse and PTSD sections of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), created to generate diagnoses of the CID-10 and the DSM-IV. The statistical analyses were calculated by the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software. Prevalence of the diagnosis and their standard errors were calculated, as well as the traumatic events that led to PTSD cases and the conditional risk of PTSD. A series of simple logistic regressions were performed to examine the comorbidity between PTSD and SAD. Multiple regressions were conducted to examine the associations between number and categories of traumas and SUD after controlling for PTSD. RESULTS: lifetime PTSD prevalence was 3.2% (SE=0.2) and last year´s prevalence was 1.6% (SE=0,2). 4.6% of women versus 1.6% of men had lifetime PTSD prevalence (OR 3,0; CI 95% 1.8-4.9); among the PTSD group, the most frequent traumatic event associated with the disorder was sudden unexpected death of relative or/friend ;in females,sexual assault and rape were associated with the highest conditional risk of PTSD and and rape were associated with the highest conditional risk of PTSD in males; comorbidity between PTSD and SAD was found in the sample, however there were differences between males and females related to the pattern of consumption (dependence and abuse) and type of substance (alcohol and drug); in the multiple regression models, number of traumatic events and interpersonal violence were strongly associated with SAD. CONCLUSIONS: comorbidity between PTSD and SAD was found in the sample, and alcohol abuse and number of traumatic events and well as the category of events involving interpersonal violence were particularly important in the association with PTSD
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Estimativa de prevalência de estresse emocional em uma amostra de policiais rodoviários federais do Estado de São Paulo / Estimation of the emotional stress prevalence in a sample of federal highway police officers of São Paulo StateLéa Pintor de Arruda Oliveira 07 June 2017 (has links)
No Brasil, o amplo escopo de responsabilidades e também a diversidade de situações que demandam ações da Polícia Rodoviária Federal contribuem para que agentes/eventos estressores façam parte da rotina diária de centenas de policiais. Contudo, ainda existem poucos estudos dedicados a identificar o estresse nesta população. Assim, o objetivo principal do presente estudo é identificar a prevalência do estresse neste grupo, além de identificar as prevalências de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT), de estresse ocupacional e, finalmente, a prevalência dos sintomas de Síndrome de Burnout. Para tanto foi utilizado um desenho de estudo transversal com amostra probabilística (n = 202) de policiais rodoviários federais do Estado de São Paulo. Os instrumentos para obtenção dos dados da amostra foram: i) Questionário Geral (QG), para a caracterização da amostra e obtenção de dados sociodemográficos e profissionais; ii) Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp (ISSL), para sintomas de estresse; iii) Escala de Impacto do Evento - Revisada (IES-R), para sintomas de TEPT; iv) Escala de Vulnerabilidade do Estresse no Trabalho (EVENT), para estresse ocupacional; v) Inventário de Burnout de Maslach, versão HSS (MBI-HSS), para identificação dos sintomas pertinentes à Síndrome de Burnout. Os dados foram armazenados em planilhas excel e analisados com a utilização dos softwares Stata 8.0 for Windows e R3.3.2. A medida de associação escolhida foi o Odds Ratio (OR) e o seu intervalo de confiança (IC). Para testar a significância estatística foram utilizados o teste de qui quadrado o teste Exato de Fisher, para as variáveis nominais e, o teste Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon foi utilizado para as variáveis com distribuição não paramétrica: idade (faixa etária) e tempo de carreira. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. A prevalência de sintomas de estresse na amostra representou 43,1% (IC95% = 36,2-50,0) com a seguinte distribuição por fase: 2,3% (IC95% = 0,2-8,0) em \"Alerta\"; 82,7% (IC95% = 73,2-90,0) em \"Resistência\"; 11,5% (IC95% = 5,7-20,1) em \"Quase Exaustão\"; e 3,5% (IC95% = 0,7-9,7) em \"Exaustão\". Ainda, 60,9% da amostra apresentaram sintomas psicológicos de estresse, 33,3% sintomas físicos e 5,8% ambos. A prevalência de TEPT ocorreu em 25,4% (IC95% = 19,3-31,4) da amostra, sem a predominância entre as subescalas. A prevalência de sintomas de estresse ocupacional afetou 35,2% (IC95% = 28,5-41,8) dos policiais participantes do presente estudo. Não houve registro na amostra referente à Síndrome de Burnout. As prevalências de estresse encontradas neste estudo apresentaram valores compatíveis com os valores de pesquisas semelhantes - elaboradas em outras categorias de policiais -, tanto no contexto nacional como no internacional. Há indícios que o tempo para práticas de lazer pode exercer influência como fator de proteção contra os sintomas de estresse; por outro lado, há indícios que processos penais e o longo tempo de carreira podem exercer influência como fatores de risco. Em última análise, a combinação dos resultados aqui apresentados sugerem indícios do adoecimento - em curso - desta população em função dos elevados índices de prevalência dos sintomas de estresse, sintomas de TEPT e estresse ocupacional / In Brazil, the wide scope of responsibilities and also the diversity of situations that demand actions from the Federal Highway Police sharply contribute to stressor agents/events make part of the daily routine of hundreds police officers. However, there are still few studies dedicated to identify the stress symptoms in this population. Thus, this study aims to identify the prevalence of stress in this group as well as to identify also the prevalences of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), occupational stress, and finally the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome symptoms. On this way, a cross-sectional design study was applied with probabilistic sample of (n=202) Federal Highway Police Officers on State of São Paulo. The tools to pick up the sample data were: i) General Questionnaire, picking up the sample features and getting socio-demographic and professional data; ii) Adult Stress Symptom Inventory by Lipp (pt.: ISSL), for stress symptoms; iii) Scale of Reviewed Event Impact (pt.: IES-R), for PTSD symptoms; iv) Stress Vulnerability Scale at Work (pt.: EVENT), for occupational stress; v) Maslach Burnout Inventory, HSS version (MBI-HSS), identifying the Burnout Syndrome symptoms. The database were stored in the excel spreadsheets and they were analyzed through by Stata 8.0 for Windows and R3.3.2 software. The association measure was Odds Ratio (OR) and its confidence interval (CI). In order to test the statistical significance the chi-square test and the Fisher Exact test were applied to the nominal variables. The Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test was applied to the variables with non-parametric distribution: age (age group) and professional career time. The significance level defined was 5%. The prevalence of stress symptoms appeared to 43,1% (CI95% = 36,2-50,0) of the sample and they were split in each phase as follow: 2,3% (CI95% = 0,2-8,0) in \"Alert\"; 82,7% (CI95% = 73,2-90,0) in \"Resistance\"; 11,5% (CI95% = 5,7-20,1) in \"Close Exhaustion\"; and 3,5% (CI95% = 0,7-9,7) in \"Exhaustion\". In addition, 60,9% of the sample presented stress psychological symptoms, 33,3% stress physical symptoms and 5,8% both ones. The prevalence of PTSD occurred in 25,4% (CI95% = 19,3-31,4) of the sample and there was no predominance among the subscales. The prevalence of occupational stress symptoms affects 35,2% (CI95% = 28,5-41,8) of the police officers who made part of this study. There was no record in the sample regarding Burnout Syndrome. The prevalence of stress found out in this study had compatible values as the same values found out in other similar researches - issued with other police categories - on the national as well as international context. It seems that booking time for leisure practices might be related as a protection factor against stress symptoms. In other hand, it seems criminal procedures and a long professional career time might be related as a risk factor. At last, the set of presented results suggests sickness signs - ongoing - in this population due to the high prevalence rates of stress symptoms, PTSD symptoms and occupational stress
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PTSD’s True Color; Examining the effect of a short-term coloring intervention on the stress, anxiety and working memory of veterans with PTSD.Rodak, Jourdan A 01 January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the effect a coloring condition had on minimizing anxiety and stress experienced daily by veterans. The effect that coloring had on working memory was also explored.
A sample of 24 armed forces veterans were split into two coloring conditions, a mandala and a free draw condition, and asked to complete the Primary Care PTSD Screen, the Perceived Stress Scale and the Brief State Trait Anxiety Inventory. Working memory scores were established via a Backward Digit Recall task; pre-and posttest scores were evaluated for significant differences.
Our research suggests the act of coloring, not the coloring condition, resulted in significant decreases in stress and anxiety and an increase in working memory. We also found that participants who suffer from PTSD displayed significant decreases in stress and anxiety and significant increases in working memory when compared to individuals without PTSD.
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Différences de genre dans la dissociation et la détresse péri-traumatique, et associations avec les troubles de stress aigu et de stress post-traumatique chez des victimes d’actes criminels gravesBoisclair Demarble, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour visée principale de faire avancer les connaissances de la littérature concernant les différences hommes-femmes dans le trouble de stress aigu (TSA) et le trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT), chez une population de victimes d’actes criminels graves (VAC). L’étude comprend deux objectifs principaux. Tout d’abord, l’évaluation de la présence et de l’intensité de réactions péri-traumatiques, soit la dissociation et la détresse. Ensuite, nous avons étudié si ces facteurs étaient associés à la survenue d’un TSA, chez les VAC et s’ils prédisaient différemment le TSA en fonction du genre. Dans le cadre d’un deuxième article et comme objectif secondaire de la thèse, l’impact des réactions péri-traumatiques a aussi été vérifié, mais cette fois sur le développement subséquent d’un TSPT. Également pour cet objectif, nous nous sommes concentrés sur le rôle du genre dans la prédiction de la relation.
Des entrevues d’évaluation clinique ont été effectuées auprès de 214 victimes (125 femmes). Plus précisément, le TSA a été évalué, dans le cadre de l’article 1 à l’aide de l’Acute Stress Disorder Interview (ASDI), puis le TSPT à l’aide de l’entrevue semi-structurée du SCID pour une mesure diagnostique catégorielle et avec l’échelle modifiée des symptômes traumatiques (ÉMST), dans l’article 2. Cette échelle produit un score en continu de sévérité et de fréquence des symptômes. Les variables péri-traumatiques ont été évaluées à l’aide de questionnaires auto-rapportés, soit le Questionnaire des expériences dissociatives péri-traumatiques et l’Inventaire de détresse péri-traumatique. Les résultats du premier article démontrent que les femmes vivraient globalement plus de détresse péri-traumatique que les hommes, alors qu’il n’y aurait pas de différence de genre pour les expériences dissociatives. Ces réactions péri-traumatiques seraient toutes deux des prédicteurs d’un TSA tant chez les hommes que les femmes. Des différences de genre seraient présentes dans l’association de la détresse et du TSA lorsque des évènements potentiellement traumatiques passés étaient considérés. Pour les hommes, une présence élevée de détresse péri-traumatique et plusieurs antécédents de potentiels évènements traumatiques les rendraient plus vulnérables au développement d’un TSA. Chez les femmes, de potentiels traumas antérieurs augmenteraient le risque de présenter des symptômes du TSA seulement lorsqu’un niveau élevé de détresse péri-traumatique était présent lors du crime. Le deuxième article de la thèse démontre à nouveau que les réactions péri-traumatiques sont des facteurs de risque, mais cette fois pour le développement d’un TSPT. Cependant, aucune différence de genre n’a été observée concernant la capacité prédictive de ces variables. En effet, quelques mois après l’événement, la dissociation et la détresse péri-traumatiques demeurent des variables d’intérêt à considérer pour prévenir la survenue d’un TSPT, mais ce tant pour les victimes hommes que femmes. Cette deuxième étude a également confirmé l’importance du trouble de stress aigu comme facteur de risque au développement d’un TSPT chez une population de victimes d’actes criminels violents.
Ces résultats, les limites de l’étude, des pistes de recherche futures, ainsi que les implications cliniques pour le traitement du TSA et du TSPT seront discutés de manière détaillée dans cette thèse doctorale. / This thesis aimed to contribute to the acute stress disorder (ASD) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) literature in terms of gender differences among crime victims. Precisely, we were interested in the intensity and presence of peritraumatic reactions namely, dissociation and distress, among men and women victims of violent crimes. Two objectives were pursued. First, we evaluated whether peritraumatic dissociation and distress were significant risk factors for ASD development and if these acute stress reactions’ predictive capacity, differed according to gender. A second objective was to investigate if peritraumatic dissociation and distress significantly predicted PTSD development according to gender. Globally, in this research project, we were interested in determining the impact of gender in the prediction of the above-mentioned relationship . Semi-structured interviews; the Acute Stress Disorder Interview (ASDI) in the first article and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) in the second article were conducted with 214 victims (125 women, Mage=39.6yrs) to assess ASD and PTSD respectively. Data on peritraumatic variables were collected through self-report questionnaires, the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experience Questionnaire and the Peritraumatic Distress Inventory.
Peritraumatic dissociation and distress were both significant risk factors for ASD in men and women. Women presented higher peritraumatic distress levels compared to men victims. Gender differences were revealed through past potential traumatic experiences, where they have a cumulative impact on ASD risk development for men, but having few past potential traumas could be a protective factor for women. In the second article, findings reveal that acute stress variables were both significantly related to more PTSD symptoms, although no gender differences were identified. An acute stress disorder diagnosis was also confirmed as an important predictor of PTSD in victims of violent crimes.
These results, study limitations, directions for future research as well as clinical implications for ASD and PTSD treatment will be discussed.
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Examen des difficultés psychosociales chez des adolescents, neuf (9) mois après une tragédie ferroviaireHugron, Martine 05 1900 (has links)
Objectifs : Examiner les difficultés psychosociales chez des adolescents exposés, âgés entre 14 et 18 ans, dans les neuf (9) mois suivants la tragédie ferroviaire. Comparer les adolescents qui atteignent le seuil clinique du trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT) à ceux qui ne l’atteignent pas, en fonction de la sévérité d’exposition, des symptômes de dépression, d’anxiété et autres problématiques associées.
Méthode : Les analyses ont été faites auprès d’un échantillon de convenance de 227 jeunes, dont la moyenne d’âge est de 15,96 ans, des niveaux secondaires III, IV et V et vivant dans le secteur de Lac-Mégantic, en Estrie au Québec.
Résultats : Près de la moitié (41,5 %) des adolescents rapportent avoir été sévèrement exposés à l’accident ferroviaire et le tiers (29,6 %) présentent un niveau de sévérité du TSPT atteignant le seuil clinique. Il semble y avoir une tendance où les filles sont proportionnellement plus nombreuses à rapporter des symptômes du TSPT, de dépression et d’anxiété comparativement aux garçons. La majorité des adolescents présentent une consommation non problématique de substances psychoactives (SPA), alors que pour 8 %, celle-ci serait à risque ou problématique. Les actes de délinquance, principalement non violents, sont davantage identifiés chez les garçons. Les adolescents qui atteignent le seuil clinique du TSPT ont été plus sévèrement exposés lors de la tragédie et sont davantage dépressifs et anxieux. Aucune relation significative n’est observée entre le TSPT et la consommation de SPA et le nombre d’actes de délinquance.
Conclusions : Suite à l’accident ferroviaire, cette étude démontre la proportion importante des adolescents qui souffrent de symptômes du TSPT et de problèmes de santé mentale associés. / Objectives: To examine the psychosocial difficulties in a group of exposed adolescents aged 14 to 18 nine months after the railway accident. Compare adolescents who reach the clinical level of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to those who do not, depending on range severity of exposure and on symptoms of depression, anxiety and other related issues.
Methods: The analyses were conducted on a suitability sample of 227 young people, with an average age of 15.96 years, in secondary levels III, IV and V, and living in the Mégantic sector of the Eastern Townships in the province of Quebec.
Results: Almost half (41.5%) of adolescents report being severely exposed to the railway accident and one third (29.6%) has described severe PTSD symptoms reaching the clinical threshold. In addition, there appears to be a tendency for a higher proportion of girls compared to boys to have PTSD problems and depression and anxiety symptoms. The majority of adolescents report a non-problematic use of psychoactive substances, while 8% are at risk or problematic. Delinquency, mainly non-violent, is more common among boys. Adolescents who reach a clinical threshold of PTSD symptoms have been more severely exposed to the tragedy and report feeling more depressed and anxious. There was no significant relationship between PTSD and externalized behaviours.
Conclusion: The results of the study highlight the relationship between a traumatic event such as the railway accident and the presence of PTSD symptoms as well as of internalized behaviours in a group of adolescents.
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Hulpverlenerstres by nooddienste-personeelVan Zyl, M. 18 August 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Psychology) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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"I felt that I deserved it" : an Investigation into HIV-related PTSD, traumatic life events, and the personal experiences of living with HIV : a mixed-method studyBoulind, Melissa Jane January 2014 (has links)
There appears to be a growing body of literature focusing on PTSD and HIV-related PTSD (the diagnosis of HIV being the significant traumatic event) amongst HIV-positive samples, but only a few African studies that attempt to estimate the prevalence of PTSD amongst HIV-positive people, and even fewer that attempt to estimate the prevalence of HIV-related PTSD. The systemic review presented in this study is currently fully inclusive and is the most up-to-date available. Estimates of the prevalence of PTSD and HIV-related PTSD in South Africa range from 0.7 to 54.1% and, 4.2 to 40% respectively. The current cross-sectional study made use of a mixed-method approach to investigate traumatic life events, PTSD and HIV-related PTSD within a primary health-care centre in KwaZulu-Natal. The quantitative sample consisted of 159 adults (18-50 years) who were compliant on ARV medication. Using the CIDI-PTSD module, the adapted CIDI-PTSD module for HIV, and IES-R, findings indicated that 62% had reported some kind of traumatic event in their lifetime, with 29.6% of participants meeting the criteria for lifetime PTSD, and 40.9% meeting the criteria for lifetime HIV-related PTSD. Altogether, 57.9% of individuals met the criteria for some form of PTSD (either regular PTSD or HIV-related PTSD), and 12.6% met the criteria for both PTSD and HIV-related PTSD. Of the different categories of traumatic events, interpersonal violence has the highest rate of PTSD, followed by a diagnosis of and living with HIV, and then disaster. Furthermore, the IES-R was compared for its usefulness as a screening measure for PTSD against both the CIDI, but results suggest that it is an inferior screening measure to the PDS. The qualitative study consisted of six participants who were examined using IPA methodology informed by the Ehlers and Clark (2000) Model of trauma. Their experiences revealed experiences of stigma, a number of negative appraisals, negative emotions and coping behaviours. Some of the latter might serve as compensatory mechanisms to avoid negative judgements. Hypervigilance seems to be a feature of ARV-compliance that might confer added vulnerability to PTSD and other anxiety disorders.
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Coping in police officers after traumatic exposureKopel, Heidi Michelle 06 September 2012 (has links)
M.A. / Little is known about how police officers who are exposed to daily traumatic stressors in their working environment cope with these experiences, or how the coping strategies that they utilize mediate the levels of psychological distress and possible development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Focusing on 109 Brixton Flying Squad members of the South African Police Service, this exploratory study assessed the coping strategies and levels of psychological distress reported by these officers following traumatic exposure. The study examined the relative frequency of using eight ways of coping (as assessed by the Ways of Coping Checklist-Revised) with traumatic policing experiences and the association between the use of those coping strategies and subsequent development of symptomatologies and PTSD. Consistent with previous studies with combat veterans, police officers predominantly used emotion-focused coping strategies to cope with traumatic stressors. Nearly a third of the police officers met psychometric criteria for a positive screening diagnosis for PTSD. Results indicated that PTSD positive subjects tended to use relatively more escape –avoidance in coping with trauma, as opposed to PTSD negative subjects. Significantly higher levels of psychological distress, especially depression were also found for PTSD positive subjects, and the use of emotion-focused strategies was positively related to greater PTSD symptom severity and elevated levels of psychological distress. Findings demonstrated the mediating role of coping strategies that have the potential to become either adaptive or maladaptive to occupational and psychological functioning. These preliminary findings are discussed in-relation to methodologic and clinical issues.
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Jewish Hidden Children in Belgium during the Holocaust: A Comparative Study of Their Hiding Places at Christian Establishments, Private Families, and Jewish OrphanagesDecoster, Charlotte 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis compares the different trauma received at the three major hiding places for Jewish children in Belgium during the Holocaust: Christian establishments, private families, and Jewish orphanages. Jewish children hidden at Christian establishments received mainly religious trauma and nutritional, sanitary, and medical neglect. Hiding with private families caused separation trauma and extreme hiding situations. Children staying at Jewish orphanages lived with a continuous fear of being deported, because these institutions were under constant supervision of the German occupiers. No Jewish child survived their hiding experience without receiving some major trauma that would affect them for the rest of their life. This thesis is based on video interviews at Shoah Visual History Foundation and Blum Archives, as well as autobiographies published by hidden children.
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24, Lost, and Six Feet Under: Post-traumatic television in the post-9/11 era.Anderson, Tonya 05 1900 (has links)
This study sought to determine if and how television texts produced since September 11, 2001, reflect and address cultural concerns by analyzing patterns in their theme and narrative style. Three American television serials were examined as case studies. Each text addressed a common cluster of contemporary issues such as trauma, death, and loss.
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