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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hablar desde los márgenes: la problemática del lugar de enunciación en la propuesta decolonial de Walter Mignolo

Miranda Echeverry, Camilo Andrés January 2013 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado Magíster en Filosofía mención en Axiología y Filosofía Política / En éste escrito vamos a hablar sobre “los nadies”; no directamente como hace Galeano, sino a través de la matriz decolonial, que ha sido propuesta, desde los años noventa, como el espacio en el que las voces de los “nadies” son audibles. Buenas razones tiene para detenerse y pensar que se trata de un texto que tarde o temprano tendrá aspecto panfletario. Sin embargo, le pedimos que no se deje llevar por esa primera impresión. Aunque hay una propuesta política transversal, éste no es un largo ensayo que intenta reivindicar el populismo que caminó por los Estados del Sur y Centro América en el siglo XX. Más bien tratamos de pensar si estos “nadies” pueden hablar, pueden ser escuchados y cuáles son las condiciones para que esto suceda. En el Dieciocho Brumario, Marx decía, “no pueden representarse a sí mismos, deben ser representados”. ¿Es éste el caso de los “nadies”? ¿Es el trabajo de los intelectuales representarlos? Pero, principalmente, ¿cómo podrían los intelectuales, educados en la literatura que los silencia, en las leyes que los acorralan, en la filosofía que los mistifica, en fin, en las humanidades que los ataviaron con las prendas de la prehistoria, ser la voz de los "nadies”?

Ecrire dans la langue de l'autre: la littérature des immigrés en Italie (1989-2007)

Comberiati, Daniele 22 September 2008 (has links)
Dans ce travail on essaye de donner une définition et une historicisation de ce qu’on appelle « littérature italienne de la migration ». Il y a tout de suite une distinction à faire entre les écrivains étrangers qui écrivaient en italien avant le grand flux migratoire des années ’80 et ceux qui sont issus de cette vague, dont la thèse s’occupe dans une manière plus spécifique (années 1989-2007). Les changements sociaux et culturels que les nouveaux immigrés ont apporté, ont transformé l’Italie de pays d’émigration en pays d’immigration. Au niveau littéraire ces écrivains ont d’abord utilisé un langage standard, pour se faire comprendre du public et pour témoigner les difficultés du voyage migratoire et de l’intégration ; les dernières œuvres, pourtant, analysées dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, ont été écrites par des écrivains qui manipulent plus facilement la langue italienne, utilisant un plurilinguisme témoin d’un lien très stricte entre oralité et écriture, et entre langue d’origine et langue d’accueil. Enfin, les oeuvres des écrivains italophones postcoloniaux et de ceux issus de la deuxième génération peuvent rapporter la littérature italienne contemporaine avec des autres situation (France, Allemagne, Angleterre, Etats Unis) qui semblent très similaires. ENGLISH: On this work we want to give a definition about “Italian Migrant Literature”. There is a difference between writers came in Italy before or after the migration’s fluxes on the 80’s. With this social and cultural changes, Italy became immigration country. First, migrant writers used a standard language, to have a big public and to talk about migration. Last works are more interesting because they use a plurilingualism that can show the relationship between oral and write. Finally, Postcolonial Italian writers and Second Generation writers make a connection with the literary situation in the other countries (France, Germany, Britain, United States).

Flow of Sounds. Musica, diaspora e riterritorializzazione culturale in Gran Bretagna: il caso del rap islamico / Flow of Sounds. Music, Diapora and Cultural Reterritorialisation in Great Britain: The Study of Islamic Conscious Rap

MIDOLO , ELENA DOMINIQUE 02 March 2007 (has links)
La tesi affronta alcune grandi questioni relative al rapporto tra trasformazioni sociali e mondi culturali nella contemporaneità. La prospettiva adottata è caratterizzata da un approccio multifocale, che cerca di integrare la riflessione che ha per oggetto di analisi il medium musicale, le sue caratteristiche, funzioni e potenzialità con un contributo che cerca di rilevare l'emergenza di nuove formazioni identitarie nella Gran Bretagna del nuovo millennio. In particolare, il focus della ricerca è costituito dall'analisi dell'esperienza di produzione e fruizione di islamic conscious rap da parte dei giovani musulmani britannici di origine asiatica, che la più recente riflessione sociologica definisce Brasian, figli della diaspora, protagonisti di quella svolta culturale che contribuisce ad una continua riconfigurazione dell'identità postcoloniale. Nell'ambito di questo contributo si è cercato di analizzare in prospettiva critica le diverse categorie che hanno cercato, nel corso degli ultimi decenni, di definire ed inquadrare il concetto forte di "identità" sullo sfondo di eventi macro quali colonialismo, diaspora, globalizzazione e migrazioni. / This thesis is focused on the relationship between cultural worlds and social transformations within contemporary British society. Our study is based on a differentiated approach where the analysis of popular music material, of its features and its functions merges with the emergence of new identity configurations in the UK. The main research focus is the production and consumption of Islamic conscious rap by Brasian Muslim youth, a category that has been recently introduced within the international debate on identity. Through their social and cultural experience Muslim young people of South Asian origin are at the forefront of a new cultural turn in the redefinition of postcolonial identity, also in relation to many other contemporary issues: colonialism, Diaspora, globalisation and migration. The process of cultural reterritorialisation together with that of cultural reproduction constantly change the cultural landscape of this youth: thank to their multicultural skills and their transcultural capital young Muslim people manage to balance within different cultural worlds, and Islamic rap is here considered as link with the translocal Muslim Ummah. This work's aim is to describe the reconfiguration of translocal scenarios through the processes of cultural respatialization and retorritorialisation through the musical medium within the local-global nexus.

Islam e modernità: dottrine e prassi nella comunità sciita libanese

MAZZUCOTELLI, FRANCESCO 05 May 2011 (has links)
La tesi analizza l'impatto di percorsi di reinterpretazione della tradizione religiosa sciita sul tessuto sociale e sulle forme di mobilitazione politica della comunità sciita libanese nel corso del ventesimo secolo. La creazione di un'identità sciita distinta viene studiata nel quadro della formazione di una "ideologia islamica" e nel contesto del consolidamento del modello istituzionale confessionalista libanese, prima nel periodo mandatario e poi dopo l'indipendenza, in un intreccio fluido di fattori transnazionali e locali e di meccanismi di identità e di alterità. Le pratiche rituali e i costrutti simbolici connessi alla commemorazione di Ashura sono, in particolare, il sito di una battaglia per la legittimazione e per la definizione dell'identità collettiva: l'interpretazione radicale di Ashura è usata per legittimare forme di dissenso e resistenza. L'impegno religioso espresso nello spazio pubblico dà vita a numerose forme associative e assistenziali che creano un sistema alternativo di offerta di servizi sociali, rafforzando i legami comunitari e sostenendo stili di vita e modelli di comportamento islamicamente corretti, in ciò che definiamo come la sfera pubblica islamica. Questo progetto di modernità alternativa comprende anche l’assimilazione selettiva di pratiche e modelli della globalizzazione e di forme di mercificazione. I discorsi e i documenti analizzati mostrano infine la formazione di una metanarrazione della resistenza, in cui, reinterpretando temi del paradigma di Karbala', la comunità sciita viene descritta come prima linea della resistenza contro la tirannia e l’oppressione, in una visione teleologica della storia. / This dissertation investigates the impact of patterns of reinvention and reinterpretation of Shi'a religious tradition on the social fabric and the politics of the Shi'a community of Lebanon during the twentieth century. We firstly explore the theorization of doctrines that discharge "Western"-oriented modernizing projects as the only legitimate patterns of development and governance for Muslim societies. This theoretical framework is conceived and conveyed mainly by a transnational Shi'i clerical milieu. We examine how a distinct Shi'a collective identity is formed, partly as a result of the formation of an "Islamic ideology", and partly as a collateral effect of the confessionalist system that is implemented in Lebanon during the Mandate and after the independence. We observe a fluid, complex interplay of transnational, domestic, and parochial factors, and how they shape mechanisms of identity and otherness. In particular, we analyze how the ritual practices and symbolic constructs related to the commemoration of Ashura and the battle of Karbala' become a site of ideological dispute for legitimacy and self-identity. In particular, we see how a radical reading of Ashura is used to legitimize forms of political dissent and resistance. We then explore how religious commitment and forms of public piety are related to social activism and the provision of multiple services through a vast network of charitable institutions. This alternative system of social welfare and assistance strengthens communal relations and pious lifestyles, envisaging a religiously-inspired society that we define as Islamic public sphere. We also question how this project of alternative modernity is shaped by a selective assimilation of practices and models marked by globalization and commodification, where scientific and technical development is accepted but a vast array of values and behaviors are discharged as un-Islamic. We finally examine the tropes of a metanarrative of resistance through a reading of major documents of Hezbollah and public speeches. We analyze a narrative construct where the Shi’a community, as part of the disinherited and the injustly oppressed of the world, is pitted – along the same lines of Ashura and the battle of Karbala' – against the forces of oppression and tyranny, in a teleological view of human history. We evaluate how this discourse is framed in the public sphere and how it is productive of symbolic capital and legitimacy at a political and social level.

Desterritorialización y reterritorialización de Tyger de Blake y Nightingale de Keats en la obra de Jorge Luis Borges: ¿diálogo interdiscursivo e intercultural entre el romanticismo inglés y la Argentina postmoderna?

Barra van Treek, Erika de la January 2008 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Literatura Hispanoamericana y Chilena / Como es sabido y Borges (1899-1986) mismo lo señala, pasó su niñez “detrás de una verja con lanzas, y en una biblioteca de ilimitados libros ingleses. Palermo del cuchillo y de la guitarra andaba (me aseguran) por las esquinas” Esta pequeña cita instala una problemática no menor en su obra y que contiene la relación siempre en tensión entre Latinoamérica (periferia) y Europa (centro). La investigación examina especialmente el diálogo interdiscursivo e intercultural entre Borges y dos románticos ingleses: William Blake (1757-1827) y John Keats (1795-1821) a través de la desterritorialización de Tyger y Nightingale del contexto romántico inglés decimonónico y su reterritorialización en la Argentina borgeana moderna / postmoderna del siglo XX. Metodológicamente, se ha realizado un análisis del poema “The Tyger” de Blake y del poema “Ode to a Nightingale” de Keats para dilucidar su significación o significaciones románticas. Posteriormente se ha examinado la obra ensayística, cuentística, lírica de Borges en búsqueda de los significados que él atribuye a tyger y nightingale descubriéndose una polisemia compleja otorgada por sus acercamientos serios o jocosos. En otras palabras, Borges desestabiliza la relación significante /significado de tyger y nightingale y su contexto romántico. Tanto tyger como nightingale diseminan rizomáticamente por la obra de Borges a través de los principios de conexión y heterogeneidad que permiten unirlos a nuevos significados diversos sin que se llegue jamás a un significado definitivo. Borges instalaría una postergación infinita del significado que asemeja un deslizamiento, un rodar, un nomadismo con múltiples entradas y salidas entre los discursos involucrados. (Kristeva, 1980; Derrida, 1975; Deleuze/Guattari, 1997; Barthes, 1974). Aunque la investigación se encuentra aún en progreso, la recodificación que hace Borges de los significantes románticos ingleses tyger y nightingale parece tener importantes implicancias desde la perspectiva del postcolonialismo, ya que el juego literario conducido por Borges establece una relación de paridad con el centro que cuestiona la sujeción periférica de América Latina al centro Europeo.

Indigenous Collections at the Museum of World Culture : Digitisation, Decolonisation and Other Stories / Colecciones Indigenas en el Museo de las Culturas del Mundo : Digitación, Decolonización y Otras Historias

Sánchez Membrilla, Silvia January 2024 (has links)
Introduction. This thesis investigates the digitisation of Indigenous collections at the Museum of World Culture (Gothenburg, Sweden), with particular attention to Carlotta’s role in shaping the digital collections. Previous studies have shown that there is a need for more research on the practical aspects of digitisation efforts on Indigenous cultural heritage in Sweden. Method. The museum’s documentation—digitisation strategies, annual reports and other official documents—was explored. In addition, several interviews and participant observations were conducted. Qualitative content analysis was used to evaluate the empirical data Analysis. The qualitative analyses of this study’s empirical data used postcritical and postcolonial museological theories. Additionally, Bhabha´s Third Space theory was applied Results. The results show that the digitisation of collections at the museum according to the organisation´s plans, applying the recommended guidelines and considering the ethical implications that arise when working with Indigenous material has not been achieved. Moreover, the results show that Carlotta is not a suitable collections management system for Indigenous cultural heritage. Conclusion. This study concludes that the Museum of World Culture needs to adapt the goals of its digitisation processes to the type of collections and resources they have and incorporate a decolonisation computing approach. In addition, there is a need for official regulations or guidelines addressed to those working with Indigenous collections in Swedish libraries, archives and museums. / <p>The thesis was funded by the Swedish National Archives (Riksarkivet samfond 2023).</p>

Étude comparative de l’administration militaire de l’Italie et de la France au Fezzan libyen. : Un cas de modèle colonial en continuité (1930-1951) / Comparative study of the military administration of Italy and France in the Libyan Fezzan. : A case of colonial model in continuity (1930-1951)

Palmieri, Tommaso 30 March 2015 (has links)
Le but de cette recherche est celui d’analyser le développement structurel d’une présence coloniale courte, chronologiquement successive. À partir d’une étude d’histoire comparée, on entend décrire le processus d’installation, création et gouvernance d’une double administration coloniale européenne, celle de l’Italie fasciste et de la France, installée au Fezzan, région du désert sud-occidental libyen. Nous montrons d’abord, dans une perspective de longue durée, comment l’urgence de contrôler les espaces amples du Sahara libyen détermine, du côté des Empires, la nécessité stratégique de créer une macro-région coloniale, à gérer uniquement par l’élément militaire. Le noyau central de la thèse analyse la manière dont les structures de ces administrations ont été conçues et mises en place par les militaires européens, ainsi que leur impact réel sur le tissu social de la région. Enfin, en guise de conclusion, nous évoquons les éléments de rupture et de continuité parmi les deux expériences, et les conséquences de l’action des administrations coloniales en termes de construction idéntitaire de la Libye indépendante. / Desert Libya’s region of Fezzan presents an interesting case of a consecutive colonial military administration. A fascist italian period of ten years is followed by a french shortest-term direct administration of eight years. The research highlights the emergence to bridge an historical gap. In the framework of a comparative study, the main goal of the thesis is to investigate the development of the administrative changeover from fascist Italy to France in the region, illustrating the establishment of the double administration managed by soldiers of the two colonial powers, its impact toward the social regional structures and its elements of continuity and change. The period we take into consideration extends from 1930 to 1951, between the full realization of the italian colonization of Libya, through the so-called fascist “pacification”, and the transition process of the Independent Libyan State. This leads to explore a final understanding hypothesis, concerning the repercussion of this military continuum administration on the independence process of Libya. / Il presente studio analizza lo sviluppo strutturale di una breve presenza coloniale, temporalmente consecutiva. Nel quadro di una ricerca di storia comparata, l’obiettivo è quello di descrivere il processo di instaurazione, esecuzione e governance di una duplice amministrazione coloniale europea: quella dell’Italia fascista e della Francia nel Fezzan libico. Si tratta anzitutto di precisare in che modo le zone desertiche del Sud libico divengono, progressivamente, un oggetto di contesa strategica tra le potenze imperiali, tali da rendere necessaria l’urgenza del ricorso ad una gestione amministrativa a carattere esclusivamente militare. Il nucleo centrale dell’elaborato indaga sulla maniera in cui dette strutture amministrative sono state concepite e messe in pratica da parte dei rispettivi militari impegnati sul posto, e il loro effettivo impatto sul tessuto sociale regionale. Nelle conclusioni, si evocano gli elementi di continuità e discontinuità tra le due esperienze; inoltre, tenuto conto del periodo storico preso in considerazione, compreso tra la piena realizzazione del colonialismo italiano in Libia e l’avvio del processo di transizione che porta il Paese nord africano verso l’indipendenza, si analizzano le conseguenze della gestione amministrativa in termini di costruzione identitaria dello Stato postcoloniale.

"Quem anda na terra alheia, pisa o chão devagar"

Pinto, Karina Lima de Miranda 31 July 2018 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation presents issues on urban sites and the administration of archeological and cultural heritage, in order to point out the relationship, in some historical centers, between urban sites and local communities, public administrators and archeologists. The objective is to verify how the discourse on historical sites was constructed by those three agents, whose main concern was to apprehend the colonizing thought which guided those choices. The city of Marechal Deodoro, in Alagoas, was chosen as the site because of research for the existence of several archeological sites within the city´s perimeter. These sites are being researched on account of the undergoing requalification tasks in the cities? Historical Centers. In this way, our goal was to observe how the practice of Urban Archeology is affecting the normative standard of heritage sites and, consequently, the eclipsing of certain cultural aspects which could otherwise be appropriated by the population for the building of a local identity. In this perspective, this work adopted, as a fundamental point, the distortion of the normative standards regarding the definition of archeological heritage, in favour of the horizontal discourse, in such a way as to, based thus on a theory of the presuppositions of the Post Colonial theories, create reflections on a Public Archeology, in which the otherness processes can become evident in the benefit of more democratic discourses. / La tesis presenta discusiones relacionadas a los sitios urbanos en relación a la gestión del patrimonio arqueológico y cultural, con el fin de mostrar en algunos centros históricos la conexión del sitio urbano con las comunidades locales, los gestores públicos y los arqueólogos. El objetivo es verificar cómo fueron construidos los discursos sobre sitio histórico por esos tres agentes, teniendo como punto primordial captar el pensamento colonizante que orientó tales elecciones. Para la investigación fue elegida la ciudad de Marechal Deodoro, en el Estado de Alagoas, que alberga en su perímetro urbano diversos sitios arqueológicos que están siendo investigados por causa de obras de revitalización de sus Centros Históricos. De esta forma, la intención fue percibir cómo la práctica de la Arqueología Urbana está influenciando el patrón normativo de "bien patrimonial", teniendo como consecuencia el oscurecimiento de ciertos aspectos culturales que, de otra forma, podrían ser apropiados por la población para la construcción de una identidad local. En esta perspectiva, el trabajo tuvo como punto fundamental la desnaturalización de los patrones normativos de caracterización de lo que es patrimonio arqueológico, a favor de un discurso horizontal, pretendiendo, así, a través del aporte teórico de los presupuestos de las teorías postcoloniales, construir reflexiones para pensar en una Arqueología Pública, donde los procesos de alteridad sean evidenciados en pro de discursos más democráticos. / A tese apresenta discussões relacionadas aos sítios urbanos em relação à gestão do patrimônio arqueológico e cultural, de modo a evidenciar em alguns centros históricos a conexão do sítio urbano com as comunidades locais, gestores públicos e arqueólogos. O objetivo é verificar como foram construídos os discursos sobre sítio histórico por esses três agentes, tendo como ponto primordial captar o pensamento colonizante que norteou certas escolhas. Para a pesquisa foi escolhida a cidade de Marechal Deodoro, no Estado de Alagoas, que abriga em seu perímetro urbano diversos sítios arqueológicos que estão sendo pesquisados por conta de trabalhos de requalificação em seus Centros Históricos. Desta forma, a intenção foi perceber em como a prática da Arqueologia Urbana está influenciando o padrão normativo de "bem patrimonial", tendo como consequência o obscurecimento de certos aspectos culturais, que de outra forma poderiam ser apropriados pela população para a construção de uma identidade local. Nessa perspectiva, o trabalho teve como ponto fundamental a desnaturalização dos padrões normativos de caracterização do que é patrimônio arqueológico, a favor de um discurso horizontal, pretendendo, assim, através do aporte teórico dos pressupostos das teorias Pós-Coloniais, criar reflexões para se pensar em uma Arqueologia Pública, onde os processos de alteridade sejam evidenciados em prol de discursos mais democráticos. / Laranjeiras

Ecrire dans la langue de l'autre: la littérature des immigrés en Italie, 1989-2007

Comberiati, Daniele 22 September 2008 (has links)
Dans ce travail on essaye de donner une définition et une historicisation de ce qu’on appelle « littérature italienne de la migration ». Il y a tout de suite une distinction à faire entre les écrivains étrangers qui écrivaient en italien avant le grand flux migratoire des années ’80 et ceux qui sont issus de cette vague, dont la thèse s’occupe dans une manière plus spécifique (années 1989-2007). Les changements sociaux et culturels que les nouveaux immigrés ont apporté, ont transformé l’Italie de pays d’émigration en pays d’immigration. Au niveau littéraire ces écrivains ont d’abord utilisé un langage standard, pour se faire comprendre du public et pour témoigner les difficultés du voyage migratoire et de l’intégration ;les dernières œuvres, pourtant, analysées dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, ont été écrites par des écrivains qui manipulent plus facilement la langue italienne, utilisant un plurilinguisme témoin d’un lien très stricte entre oralité et écriture, et entre langue d’origine et langue d’accueil. Enfin, les oeuvres des écrivains italophones postcoloniaux et de ceux issus de la deuxième génération peuvent rapporter la littérature italienne contemporaine avec des autres situation (France, Allemagne, Angleterre, Etats Unis) qui semblent très similaires.<p><p><p>ENGLISH: On this work we want to give a definition about “Italian Migrant Literature”. There is a difference between writers came in Italy before or after the migration’s fluxes on the 80’s. With this social and cultural changes, Italy became immigration country. First, migrant writers used a standard language, to have a big public and to talk about migration. Last works are more interesting because they use a plurilingualism that can show the relationship between oral and write. Finally, Postcolonial Italian writers and Second Generation writers make a connection with the literary situation in the other countries (France, Germany, Britain, United States). <p><p><p> / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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