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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gobseck\'s: entre a prostituição e a agiotagem / Gobseck\'s: between prostitution and predatory lending

Oliveira, Regina Cibelle de 28 March 2017 (has links)
O centro de organização da vida privada oitocentista é a família, instituição que recebe importante destaque na Comédie humaine, de Honoré de Balzac. No conjunto que forma essa obra, encontramos diferentes estruturas familiares, desde a elementar, exemplo mais tradicional de família, composta por pai, mãe e filhos, até as desordenadas, como é o caso dos Gobseck, objeto de estudo dessa dissertação. A família Gobseck é formada por duas cortesãs e um usurário. Sarah é mãe de Esther e sobrinha-neta de Jean-Esther van Gobseck. Nos episódios de suas vidas, narrados em alguns livros de Balzac, não percebemos momentos de interação e de convivência entre os três, contudo alguns traços fazem com que a influência do sangue prevaleça em distintos momentos da vida de cada um. Considerando, entre outros fatores, a constituição não tradicional dessa família, cujos componentes exercem profissões reprováveis pela sociedade, a falta de convívio e a ambição por dinheiro dos três, temos o objetivo de observar qual é o lugar dessa família na sociedade criada pelo escritor, qual o seu papel social em um mundo governado pelas leis do capital e quais as características individuais que fazem com que se aproximem ou se afastem. / The hub of the organisation of private life in the 1800s is the family, an institution which receives great distinction in the Comédie humaine, by Honoré de Balzac. On the whole which comprises this work, we find different familial structures, from the elementary, most traditional example of family, composed by a father, a mother and children, to the disorganised, such as the case of the Gobsecks, object of study of this thesis. The Gobseck family is composed of two courtesans and a usurer. Sarah is Esther\'s mother and grand-niece of Jean-Esther van Gobseck. In the episodes of their lives, narrated in some of Balzac\'s books, we do not perceive moments of interaction and intimacy between them, however, some traces make the influence of blood prevail in different moments of each one of their lives. Considering, among other factors, the non-traditional constitution of this family, whose components practice trades which are repproachable by society, the lack of intimacy and the greed for money all three have, our objective is observing what place this family has in the society created by the writer, what is their social role in a world ruled by the laws of capital and which individual characteristics make them get closer or draw apart.

Eficiência de populações de Euseius concordis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) e espécies afins no controle do microácaro-do-tomateiro, Aculops lycopersici (Acari: Eriophyidae) / Efficiency of populations of Euseius concordis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and closely related species in the control of the tomato russet mite, Aculops lycopersici (Acari: Eriophyidae)

Paula Caroline Lopes 13 April 2015 (has links)
A cultura do tomateiro é de ciclo curto e de difícil manejo devido a vários problemas fitossanitários que a afetam. Aculops lycopersici (Tryon) (Eriophyidae) é uma severa praga do tomateiro em diversos países. Seu controle é geralmente baseado no uso de agroquímicos, mas o controle biológico é uma ferramenta potencial no manejo integrado dessa praga. Ácaros predadores da família Phytoseiidae (Mesostigmata) tem se mostrado bons agentes de controle de outros ácaros em diferentes culturas. Experimentos de laboratório tem sugerido o potencial de uma população do fitoseídeo Euseius concordis (Chant) como agente de controle desta praga. É possível que outras populações de E. concordis ou que outras espécies taxonomicamente próximas possam também apresentar potencial para controlar esta praga. A correta identificação dos agentes de controle é essencial para o sucesso em sua utilização, mas isto é usualmente mais difícil no caso de espécies muito parecidas (espécies crípticas ou grupo de espécies), pelo usual desconhecimento das possíveis variações das características consideradas na identificação. Os objetivos deste estudo consistiram da detalhada caracterização da variação morfológica de E. concordis, quando exposto a combinações de duas temperaturas e duas dietas; a caracterização morfológica de espécies próximas a E. concordis (com esta constituindo o grupo concordis) e a avaliação destas em laboratório e em telado como potenciais agentes para o controle de A. lycopersici. As dimensões de estruturas taxonomicamente importantes de espécimes de Euseius concordis foram em média mais longas a 20 que a 28 °C, e quando estes foram alimentados com pólen do que com Aceria litchii (Keifer) (Eriophyidae). As avaliações morfológicas permitiram a confirmação de que Euseius flechtmanni Denmark & Muma seja sinônimo júnior de E. concordis, assim como a determinação de que: Euseius caseariae De Leon também seja sinônimo júnior de E. concordis, Euseius ho (De Leon) e Euseius brazilli (El-Banhawy) sejam sinônimos juniores de Euseius mesembrinus (Dean) e de que Euseius vivax (Chant & Baker) não seja sinônimo júnior de Euseius fructicolus (Gonzalez & Schuster), como anteriormente se considerava. As avaliações morfológicas também permitiram a elaboração de uma chave taxonômica para a separação das espécies incluídas no grupo concordis. Dentre as espécies avaliadas em laboratório como potenciais agentes de controle, a população de E. concordis de Petrolina, estado de Pernambuco, foi a mais promissora. Avaliações feitas em telados mostraram que ácaros daquela população e ácaros da mesma espécie proveniente de Piracicaba conseguiram se manter em tomateiros infestados com A. lycopersici, reduzindo a população desta praga quando 50 predadores foram liberados por tomateiro no início da infestação. Conclui-se que as populações de E. concordis de Petrolina e Piracicaba tem potencial como agentes de controle de A. lycopersici, sendo recomendada a condução de estudos complementares que possam eventualmente levar ao uso prático daqueles predadores pelos produtores. / Tomato crop has a short phenological cycle and is of difficult management due to several phytosanitary problems affecting it. Aculops lycopersici (Tryon) (Eriophyidae) is a severe pest of tomato plants in many countries. Its control is generally based on the use of chemicals, but biological control is a potential tool for the integrated management of this pest. Predatory mites of the family Phytoseiidae (Mesostigmata) have been shown as effective control agents of other mites on different crops. Laboratory experiments have suggested the potential of a population of the phytoseiid Euseius concordis (Chant) as a control agent of this pest. It is possible that other populations of E. concordis or other taxonomically related species can also be potentially useful for the control of this pest. The correct identification of biological control agents is essential for their successful use, but this is usually more difficult in the case of closely related species (cryptic species or species groups), by the usual lack of information concerning the variation of characters considered in the identification. The objectives of this study consisted of the detailed characterization of morphological variation of E. concordis when submitted to the combinations of two temperatures and two diets; the morphological characterization of species closely related to E. concordis (with this, constituting the concordis group) and the evaluation of these under laboratory and screenhouse as potential agents for the control of A. lycopersici. The dimensions of taxonomically important structures of E. concordis were on the average longer at 20 than at 28°C, and when they were fed with pollen than with Aceria litchii (Keifer) (Eriophyidae). Morphological evaluations allowed the confirmation of Euseius flechtmanni Denmark & Muma as a junior synonym of E. concordis, as well as the determination that: Euseius caseariae De Leon is also a junior synonym of E. concordis, Euseus ho (De Leon) and Euseius brazilli (El-Banhawy) are junior synonyms of Euseius mesembrinus (Dean) and that Euseius vivax (Chant & Baker) is not a junior synonym of Euseius fructicolus (Gonzalez & Schuster) as formerly considered. Morphological evaluations also allowed the preparation of a taxonomic key to separate the species of the concordis group. Among the species evaluated in the laboratory as potential control agents, the population of E. concordis from Petrolina, Pernambuco state, was the most promising. Evaluations in screenhouses showed that mites of that population and mites of the same species collected in Piracicaba were able to maintain themselves on tomato plants infested with A. lycopersici, reducing the population of this pest when 50 predators were released per tomato plant at the beginning of the infestation. It is concluded that populations of E. concordis from Petrolina and Piracicaba are promising as control agents of A. lycopersici, justifying the conduction of complementary studies that could eventually lead to the practical use of these predators by growers.

Memória predatória da aranha Argiope argentata: localização e tamanho da presa / The predatory memory of the spider Argiope argentata: prey localization and size

Fausto Assumpção Fernandes 13 March 2008 (has links)
Aranhas orbitelas realizam comportamentos de busca quando uma presa, fixada no centro ou na periferia da teia, é suprimida. A fim de investigar os componentes da memória predatória relacionados com a localização espacial e com o tamanho da presa, foram realizados três exerimentos com a aranha Argiope argentata (Fabricius, 1775). No Experimento 1, buscou-se saber se haveria diferenças entre as seqüências de busca executadas no caso da supressão de uma mosca fixada no centro e de uma mosca fixada na periferia da teia. No Experimento 2, replicou -se o Experimento 1, usando como presa um fragmento de tenébrio, mais pesado do que a mosca. No Experimento 3, tentou-se verificar se as aranhas gastariam mais tempo buscando uma presa armazenada na periferia da teia quando esta presa fosse experimentalmente deslocada para outro local. Os resultados mostram que A. argentata discrimina, na sua busca, presas fixadas no centro ou na periferia da teia, e que têm um tempo médio de busca maior no caso de uma presa de tamanho maior (Experimentos 1 e 2). As aranhas contudo parecem não discriminar a parte de cima da parte de baixo da região periférica de sua teia (Experimento 3). As informações obtidas na presente pesquisa contribuem para a formulação de modelos a respeito do funcionamento da memória em aranhas. / Orbweb spiders perform searching movements when a prey attached to the hub or hoarded at the periphery of the web is suppressed. We here examined the question of a possible memory representation of the attachment site and of prey size in three experiments with Argiope argentata (Fabricius, 1775). In Experiment 1, we looked for differences between search sequences performed when a domestic fly was suppressed, when attached to the hub or hoarded at the periphery of the web. The procedure of Experiment 1 was replicated in Experiment 2, but prey was then part of a larva of tenebrium, heavier than a fly. In Experiment 3, we tested the hypothesis that a spider would spend more time searching for a prey when the hoarding site of this prey is changed relatively to initial experience. Results show that A. argentata perform different searching sequences according to the site of attachment of a prey (hub vs. periphery) and tends to spend more time searching for heavier prey (Experiments 1 and 2). There was however no discrimination of upper or lower parts of the web as to searching behavior (Experiment 3). The present results contribute to the formulation of memory models in spiders.

Eficiência dos ácaros predadores Phytoseiulus fragariae e Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) no controle de Tetranychus evansi e Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) em Lycopersicon esculentum e Solanum americanum / Efficiency of the predatory mites Phytoseiulus fragariae and Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in the control of Tetranychus evansi and T. urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Lycopersicon esculentum and Solanum americanum

Geraldo José Nascimento de Vasconcelos 19 January 2007 (has links)
O tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) figura no cenário mundial como a principal hortaliça em volume industrializado e a segunda atividade hortícola, no que se refere à área cultivada e à importância econômica. A cultura do tomate é conhecida como uma atividade agrícola de alto risco, devido aos graves problemas fitossanitários que ocorrem durante todo seu ciclo. Dentre as principais pragas do tomateiro pode ser citado o ácaro Tetranychus evansi Baker e Pritchard. Este ácaro é encontrado nas Américas, África, Europa e, mais recentemente, na Ásia. No continente africano, esta praga ocasiona perdas de até 90% na produção.T. evansi tem se mostrado uma presa desfavorável para a maioria dos predadores estudados até recentemente. Encontra-se em andamento um projeto de controle biológico com intuito de localizar agentes eficientes para o controle de T. evansi, que possam ser introduzidos no continente africano. As buscas estão sendo realizadas em espécies de Solanaceae em regiões do continente sul americano que apresentam condições climáticas semelhantes às encontradas nos países africanos onde esta praga esta ocorrendo. Os ácaros predadores (Phytoseiidae) encontrados em associação com T. evansi naquelas avaliações foram Phytoseiulus longipes Evans, Phytoseiulus fragariae Denmark e Schicha e Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), coletadas no município de Uruguaiana, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Estudos em laboratório e campo com populações de P. longipes apresentaram resultados bastante promissores no controle de T. evansi Nada se conhece, entretanto em relação ao potencial dos outros dois predadores como agentes de controle daquela praga. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o potencial dos predadores P. fragariae e N. californicus, no controle biológico de T. evansi e T. urticae em solanáceas. / Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is the most important industrialized vegetable crop in the world, and the second horticultural activity in terms of cultivated area and economic importance. The tomato crop is known as an agricultural activity of high risk, due to phytosanitary problems during the entire cycle. Among the mite pests of tomato, Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard is one of the most important in many countries. This mite has been found in the Americas, Africa, Europe and more recently, in Asia. In Africa, this pest causes losses of up to 90% in the tomato production. T. evansi is an unfavourable prey for the most common predatory mites studied until recently. In order to reduce the losses caused by T. evansi in África, a classical biological control program was initiated with the intention of identifying exotic natural enemies of T. evansi in South America that can be potentially introduced into Africa. The searches are being conducted on Solanaceae plants in areas of South America with similar climatic conditions of those where T. evansi is found in Africa. Three predatory mites (Phytoseiidae) were found associated with T. evansi in Uruguaiana-RS, Phytoseiulus longipes Evans, Phytoseiulus fragariae Denmark and Schicha and Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor). Laboratory and field studies with P. longipes presented promising results and demonstrated that this predator is a potential candidate agent against T. evansi. The potential of the two other predatory species against T. evansi is unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of P. fragariae and N. californicus in the biological control of T. evansi and T. urticae in Solanaceae.

Eficiência dos ácaros predadores Phytoseiulus fragariae e Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) no controle de Tetranychus evansi e Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) em Lycopersicon esculentum e Solanum americanum / Efficiency of the predatory mites Phytoseiulus fragariae and Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in the control of Tetranychus evansi and T. urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Lycopersicon esculentum and Solanum americanum

Vasconcelos, Geraldo José Nascimento de 19 January 2007 (has links)
O tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) figura no cenário mundial como a principal hortaliça em volume industrializado e a segunda atividade hortícola, no que se refere à área cultivada e à importância econômica. A cultura do tomate é conhecida como uma atividade agrícola de alto risco, devido aos graves problemas fitossanitários que ocorrem durante todo seu ciclo. Dentre as principais pragas do tomateiro pode ser citado o ácaro Tetranychus evansi Baker e Pritchard. Este ácaro é encontrado nas Américas, África, Europa e, mais recentemente, na Ásia. No continente africano, esta praga ocasiona perdas de até 90% na produção.T. evansi tem se mostrado uma presa desfavorável para a maioria dos predadores estudados até recentemente. Encontra-se em andamento um projeto de controle biológico com intuito de localizar agentes eficientes para o controle de T. evansi, que possam ser introduzidos no continente africano. As buscas estão sendo realizadas em espécies de Solanaceae em regiões do continente sul americano que apresentam condições climáticas semelhantes às encontradas nos países africanos onde esta praga esta ocorrendo. Os ácaros predadores (Phytoseiidae) encontrados em associação com T. evansi naquelas avaliações foram Phytoseiulus longipes Evans, Phytoseiulus fragariae Denmark e Schicha e Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), coletadas no município de Uruguaiana, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Estudos em laboratório e campo com populações de P. longipes apresentaram resultados bastante promissores no controle de T. evansi Nada se conhece, entretanto em relação ao potencial dos outros dois predadores como agentes de controle daquela praga. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o potencial dos predadores P. fragariae e N. californicus, no controle biológico de T. evansi e T. urticae em solanáceas. / Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is the most important industrialized vegetable crop in the world, and the second horticultural activity in terms of cultivated area and economic importance. The tomato crop is known as an agricultural activity of high risk, due to phytosanitary problems during the entire cycle. Among the mite pests of tomato, Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard is one of the most important in many countries. This mite has been found in the Americas, Africa, Europe and more recently, in Asia. In Africa, this pest causes losses of up to 90% in the tomato production. T. evansi is an unfavourable prey for the most common predatory mites studied until recently. In order to reduce the losses caused by T. evansi in África, a classical biological control program was initiated with the intention of identifying exotic natural enemies of T. evansi in South America that can be potentially introduced into Africa. The searches are being conducted on Solanaceae plants in areas of South America with similar climatic conditions of those where T. evansi is found in Africa. Three predatory mites (Phytoseiidae) were found associated with T. evansi in Uruguaiana-RS, Phytoseiulus longipes Evans, Phytoseiulus fragariae Denmark and Schicha and Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor). Laboratory and field studies with P. longipes presented promising results and demonstrated that this predator is a potential candidate agent against T. evansi. The potential of the two other predatory species against T. evansi is unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of P. fragariae and N. californicus in the biological control of T. evansi and T. urticae in Solanaceae.

Papel funcional do Colículo Superior nos comportamentos motivados de ratos / Functional role of the Upper Colliculus In the motivated behaviors of rats

Mercez, Pedro Leonardo Cedraz 15 October 2010 (has links)
O colículo superior (CS) é conhecido por ser responsável pela detecção e orientação da cabeça e olhos em direção a estímulos visuais. Ainda o CS funciona na detecção e guia de respostas iniciais a objetos inesperados no campo visual e orientação da cabeça no sentido de estímulos apetitivos ou afastamento de estímulos potencialmente ameaçadores. Estudos prévios mostraram que a predação de insetos está associada à expressão da proteína Fos nas porções laterais do colículo superior (CSl) e ratos com lesões bilaterais de NMDA na região do CSl tipicamente falham em orientarem-se e caçarem insetos usando a sequência de movimentos estereotipados comumente vistos na caça predatória de insetos. Parece que as porções mediais do colículo superior (CSm) está envolvida com a organização de respostas defensivas, uma vez que estimulações nesse sítio elicia respostas de esquiva adicionadas de ajustes viscerais relacionados as respostas defensivas. Interessantemente, um aumento de imunorreatividade à proteína Fos foi observada no CSm enquanto ratos foram expostos ao predador natural (Comoli and Cedraz-Mercez, 2009). Um estudo sistemático com o rastreador neuronial FluoroGold realizado no nosso laboratório mostrou diferenças no padrão de conexões aferentes sugerindo que o CSm recebe informações principalmente de vários setores do córtex associativo que refletem uma maior integração de informações cognitivas referentes ao predador e do circuito hipotalâmico relacionado com a defesa, enquanto o CSl integra informações principalmente relacionadas ao sistema somatossensorial das vibrissas e da região orofacial que sabidamente são muito importantes para o comportamento de aproximação. Essas diferenças anatômicas podem ser importantes para influenciar o CS na modulação de respostas comportamentais aos estímulos relevantes biologicamente. Baseado no exposto acima sugerimos que haja uma distinção funcional entre o CSm e CSl de ratos. Nossos resultados mostraram que 100% dos ratos expostos ao predador natural ou as baratas e ao predador ao mesmo tempo desempenharam respostas de defesa e tiveram aumento da proteína Fos no CSm. A inativação do CSm com muscimol mostrou um aumento de comportamento exploratório e redução da resposta de congelamento motor quando esses animais foram expostos as baratas e ao predador natural ao mesmo tempo. Interessantemente na situação em que o rato encontra-se fisicamente ameaçado pela presença do predador e também fisiologicamente ameaçado por um déficit nutricional elevado (devido à privação alimentar) e defronta-se com presas observamos que 50% desses animais desempenham respostas defensivas e apresentam aumento da proteína Fos no CSm e setores do circuito de defesa; e 50% dos animais desempenham respostas predatórias e apresentam aumento de proteína Fos no CSl e pouca atividade no circuito de defesa. Sugerimos que o CSm é um sítio muito importante na integração de informações referentes à atenção voltada ao predador e que deve exercer um papel no processo de seleção comportamental ao nível dos gânglios da base. Ainda sugerimos que existe uma interação importante entre os sistema colicular e o sistema hipotalâmico de defesa. / The Superior Colliculus (SC) is well known to be responsible for detecting and orienting the head and eyes toward visual stimuli. Moreover SC works in the detection and guidance of initial responses to unexpected objects in the visual field, in addition to the orienting the head towards appetitive and away from potentially threatening stimuli. Previous studies have shown that insect predation in rats is associated with the expression of Fos protein at the lateral part of intermediate layer of Superior Colliculus (SCl) and rats with local bilateral NMDA lesions in the SCl typically fail to orient towards and chase the roaches with the series of stereotyped movements commonly seen in the predatory hunting of intact controls. It seems that the medial region of Superior Colliculus (SCm) is involved in the organization of defensive behavior once stimulation in this site elicits avoidance responses in addition to visceral adjustments related to defensive responses. Interestingly, an increase of Fos immunoreactivity was found in the medial region of SC (SCm) while rats were exposed to the cat (Comoli and Cedraz-Mercez, 2009). A systematic study with the retrograde tracer FluoroGold conducted in our laboratory showed the differences in the pattern of afferent connections suggesting that SCm mostly integrates inputs coming from associative cortical areas and key sites of the defensive circuitry while SCl integrates inputs from whiskers and orofacial-related somatosensory information which is important for approaching behaviors. These anatomical differences might be very important to influence SC in modulating behavioral responses to biologically relevant stimuli. Based on the mentioned above we propose that SCm and SCl could be functionally distinct. Our results showed that rats exposed to the natural predator or exposed to the roaches and the natural predator together performed fear responses and Fos upregulation at the SCm. Muscimol inactivation of SCm showed an increase of exploratory behaviors and reduction of freezing responses when the animals were exposed o both the roaches and the predator together. In a challenging experiment rats were food deprived and were exposed to both, the roaches and the natural predator and Fos protein was detected. Fifty percent of the rats showed predatory behavior and did not show the fear responses commonly seen when exposed to the natural predator. Moreover an increase of Fos protein levels was observed at the SCl of these rats. The other fifty percent of the rats showed fear responses and did not hunt the preys. In contrast an increase of Fos protein was detected at SCm and at the hypothalamic defensive circuitry of these rats. We suggest that SCm is very important for integration of information concerning the predator and might influence the behavioral selection process at the level of basal ganglia. We also suggest there is a relation between collicular and hypothalamic defensive circuits.

Ácaros predadores da família Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) para o controle do biótipo B da mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) no Brasil / Predatory mites of the family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) for the control of biotype B of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Brazil

Cavalcante, Ana Cristina Cerqueira 02 June 2014 (has links)
A mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) é considerada uma das principais pragas agrícolas. Seu controle é realizado principalmente com a utilização de inseticidas, que entretanto não tem funcionado a contento. Uma alternativa seria a utilização de ácaros predadores da família Phytoseiidae, como agentes de controle. O ácaro predador Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot tem se mostrado um eficiente agente de controle desta praga em outros países, porém este não foi até o momento constatado no Brasil. Sua introdução poderia viabilizar o controle biológico da mosca-branca no país, sendo, porém, necessária a condução de estudos prévios, para avaliar sua eficiência como agente de controle do biótipo B de B. tabaci, encontrado no Brasil. Uma população de A. swirskii coletada na República de Benin e outra comercialmente disponível na Holanda foram recentemente introduzidas no Brasil para estudos. No primeiro estudo relatado neste documento, as duas populações foram comparadas quanto à habilidade de predação e oviposição quando alimentadas com ovos de B. tabaci de diferentes idades e com outros alimentos. Melhor desempenho foi apresentado pela população da Holanda, mas para ambas as populações, maiores níveis de predação e oviposição foram observados em ovos mais novos (< 24 h de idade) de B. tabaci. No segundo estudo avaliou-se o potencial biótico desta população quando alimentada com ovos de B. tabaci ou pólen de Typha domingensis Persoon, e o efeito de ambas as populações sobre larvas de Euseius concordis (Chant), fitoseídeo comumente encontrado no Brasil. A taxa intrínseca de aumento populacional foi relativamente alta em ambos os alimentos, sendo ligeiramente mais alta em ovos de B. tabaci que em pólen (respectivamente 0,29 e 0,25 fêmea/fêmea/dia). Fêmeas adultas de ambas as populações predaram larvas da própria espécie e, em maiores níveis, de E. concordis, independentemente da presença de pólen. No terceiro estudo, avaliou-se o potencial de populações brasileiras de fitoseídeos como predadores de B. tabaci, assim como o desempenho destes em outros alimentos. Os fitoseídeos avaliados foram Amblydromalus limonicus (Garman & McGregor), Amblyseius herbicolus (Chant), Amblyseius largoensis (Muma), Amblyseius tamatavensis (Blommers) e Neoseiulus tunus (De Leon). Todos predaram ovos de B. tabaci. Contudo, melhores resultados foram observados para A. herbicolus, A. tamatavensis e N. tunus. Os resultados sugerem que estas espécies sejam promissoras como agentes de controle de B. tabaci. No quarto estudo, avaliou-se o potencial biótico de A. tamatavensis quando alimentado com ovos de B. tabaci e seu desempenho no controle desta praga em plantas jovens de pimentão (Capsicum annuum L.). A taxa intrínseca de aumento populacional foi comparável à obtida para A. swriskii alimentando-se da mesma presa. Por outro lado, a liberação deste predador resultou em reduções de 60 a 80% nas densidades da praga, sugerindo que A. tamatavensis seja promissor como agente de controle de B. tabaci. Conclui-se que exista um grande potencial de se controlar B. tabaci no Brasil com o uso de espécies de fitoseídeos, seja com uma espécie em fase de introdução, A. swirskii, seja com uma espécie já presente no país, A. tamatavensis. / The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is considered a major agricultural pest. Its control is mainly done with the use of insecticides, which however have not provided satisfactorily. An alternative could be the use of predatory mites of the family Phytoseiidae as control agents. The predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot is an effective control agent of this pest in other countries, nonetheless this species has not being found in Brazil. Its introduction could enable the biological control of whitefly in the country. However, preliminary studies carried are still necessary to evaluate its effectiveness as a control agent of B. tabaci biotype B, found in Brazil. One population of A. swirskii collected in the Republic of Benin and the other commercially available in the Netherlands, have been recently introduced to Brazil for studies. On the first study reported in this paper, two populations were compared in relation to their ability to prey and oviposit when fed with B. tabaci eggs of different ages and with other food sources. The best performance was presented by the Netherlands population, but for both populations, higher predation and oviposition levels were observed on younger eggs (< 24h). In the second study, we evaluated the biotic potential of the same population when fed with B. tabaci eggs or pollen of Typha domingensis Persoon as well as the effect of both populations on the larvae of Euseius concordis (Chant), phytoseiid commonly found in Brazil. The intrinsic rate of population increase was relatively high on both food types, being slightly higher on eggs of B. tabaci than on pollen (respectively 0.29 and 0.25 female/female/day). Adults females of both populations preyed on their on larvae and also the highest levels of E. concordis, regardless of the presence of pollen. In the third study, we evaluated the potential of Brazilian populations of phytoseiids as predators of B. tabaci, as well as their performance on other food sources. The phytoseiid species evaluated were Amblydromalus limonicus (Garman & McGregor), Amblyseius herbicolus (Chant), Amblyseius largoensis (Muma), Amblyseius tamatavensis Blommers and Neoseiulus tunus (De Leon). All species preyed on eggs of B. tabaci, but best results were observed for A. herbicolus, A. tamatavensis and N. tunus. The results suggest that these species are promising as control agents of B. tabaci. In the fourth study, we evaluated the biotic potential of A. tamatavensis when fed on eggs of B. tabaci and its performance in controlling this pest in young bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants. The intrinsic rate of population increase was comparable to that of A. swirskii fed with the same prey. On the other hand, the release of this predator resulted in a reduction of 60 to 80 % in pest density, suggesting that A. tamatavensis is promising as a control agent B. tabaci. We conclude that there is a great potential to control B. tabaci in Brazil using phytoseiid species, with a species which is now being introduced, A. swirskii, or with a species which is already present in the country, A. tamatavensis.

Snowy Plover Demography in Oregon

Gaines, Eleanor Prindiville 03 June 2019 (has links)
A thorough understanding of demographic parameters and their contribution to overall population growth is fundamental to effective conservation of small populations, but this information is often lacking. The Pacific Coast population of the Western Snowy Plover (Charadrius nivosus nivosus) is listed as threatened and has been the target of long-term, multi-pronged management in Oregon. The Oregon coastal population has been intensively monitored since 1990, and over 80% of the population is color banded, but a comprehensive analysis of demographic parameters and the effect of management on vital rates and population growth has been unavailable until now. Here, the author used capture-mark-resight techniques to document survival at each life stage and to explore environmental and management factors that best explained variation in survival over a 25-year study period. The author analyzed the effects of habitat restoration, exclosure use, and lethal predator management on survival at appropriate life stages and evaluated the effects of one management option, lethal predator control, on overall population growth. Chick survival to fledging improved dramatically after the chicks' 5th day, was higher in years with lethal predator management, and was highest during the peak of the long brood-rearing season. Cold weather, particularly during the chicks' first 5 days, had a negative effect on survival to fledging. Juvenile survival from fledging to the following spring declined over the study period, but rebounded after implementation of lethal predator management. Adult survival was lower in wetter-than-average winters and higher in years with predator management. The author used the survival analyses and productivity data collected over 25 years in a matrix population model to reveal that population growth is most sensitive to changes in adult survival, and that while predator management is important for continued growth, its use may be scaled back by as much as 50% and still maintain a growing population. My results, encompassing all phases of this species' life cycle, demonstrate that with holistic and thoughtful adaptive management, and with the cooperation of numerous agencies, a balance can be struck between protection and control of native species to bring about recovery of species threatened with (local) extinction.

Movements, population dynamics and predatory behaviour of stoats inhabiting alpine grasslands in Fiordland

Smith, Derek, n/a January 2006 (has links)
Stoats are introduced mammalian carnivores implicated in the decline of several of New Zealand�s endemic species. Most research into stoats in New Zealand has focused on beech forest habitat, especially in years of peak stoat abundance following heavy beech seedfall and peak cohorts of mice. In New Zealand, alpine grasslands occur above the altitudinal limit of beech forest (900-1000 m a.s.l.). Although previous research has shown stoats to be present there, little is known about the ecology of stoats in alpine grasslands. This research aimed to test whether alpine grasslands were a marginal habitat occupied by surplus stoats that had spilled over from beech forest populations, i.e. a sink habitat. The alternative is that alpine grasslands are a desirable habitat deliberately exploited by stoats. This question was answered using mark-recapture, radio-tracking, diet analysis and a food addition experiment. Another objective was to determine whether nest survival is higher in alpine grassland compared to beech forest and whether stoats are likely to be a frequent predator of ground nests in alpine grasslands relative to other introduced mammals that inhabit them. If nest survival is higher in alpine grassland then alpine grasslands may be a refuge from predation. However, if it is not then it is important for management to know the relative risk posed by stoats compared with other predators. An artificial nest experiment was used to answer these questions. This research was undertaken during two years of low to intermediate beech seedfall and therefore provided an opportunity to look at the ecology of stoats in a New Zealand National Park outside years of peak abundance. The principal study site for this research was the Borland Valley, Fiordland National Park. Compositional analysis showed that stoats in alpine grassland selected for it over adjacent beech forest. The range cores of these stoats were high up in alpine grassland away from the ecotone with beech forest. Stoats occurred at similar densities in alpine grasslands as they did in beech forest and observed survival was similar between the two habitats (with the exception of 2004 when it may have been higher in alpine grassland). The most frequent prey of stoats inhabiting beech forest were birds and mice. Although stoats in alpine grasslands also ate birds and mice their most frequent prey were ground weta and hare. Food addition appeared to cause diet switching but did not reduce the distances moved by stoats, suggesting that other factors may be more important in regulating their summer home range size in alpine grasslands. All of these factors lead to the conclusion that alpine grasslands in the Borland are not a marginal habitat for stoats, but may instead be a desirable one. Artificial nests had a higher probability of survival in alpine grassland compared to adjacent beech forest, but survival was too low to support the idea that alpine grasslands are a refuge. Stoats were the most frequent predator of artificial nests in both habitats, but 95 % confidence intervals overlapped the predation rate by possums, which was also high. These findings illustrate the need for a comprehensive landscape approach to stoat control in montane National Parks, for two reasons: 1) endemic biodiversity in alpine grasslands may be under threat from stoat predation, 2) alpine grasslands may act as a source for dispersing stoats that reinvade lowland stoat control areas. In the absence of heavy beech seedfall and peak mouse abundance, stoats occurred at densities of around 1 km⁻� in both habitats and there was recruitment into these populations. This raises the important question: What regulates the distribution and abundance of stoats in years of low beech seedfall and low mouse abundance? In these years birds, ground weta and hares may be as important as mice are in years of peak abundance following heavy beech seedfall.

The Trophic Ecologies of Larval Billfishes, Tunas, and Coral Reef Fishes in the Straits of Florida: Piscivory, Selectivity, and Niche Separation

Llopiz, Joel Kent 03 July 2008 (has links)
The processes influencing larval fish survival in the low-latitude open ocean are poorly understood, especially with regard to feeding. As part of a large-scale study that included two years of monthly sampling in the Straits of Florida (SOF), the objectives of this dissertation were to elucidate the larval fish feeding behaviors and strategies of 1) istiophorid billfishes, 2) tunas, and 3) coral reef fishes, while also 4) characterizing the feeding environment, synthesizing the dominant trophic pathways to fish larvae, and reviewing the literature for evidence of latitudinal distinctions in larval fish trophodynamics. Larval billfishes exhibited highly selective feeding, and their diets were numerically dominated (90%) by two genera of crustaceans, Farranula copepods and Evadne cladocerans. These prey were consumed throughout early larval ontogeny, from first-feeding through piscivorous lengths (> 5 mm), until piscivory became exclusive near 12 mm. High feeding incidence (0.94) and rapid digestion (~3.5 hrs) suggests frequent and successful feeding by billfish larvae. For tunas, nearly all larvae examined (>98%) contained prey. Thunnus spp. exhibited a mixed diet, while skipjack, little tunny, and Auxis spp. nearly exclusively consumed appendicularians. All four tuna taxa co-occurred in the western SOF where prey was more abundant, while in the central and eastern SOF (where prey availability was lower), only Thunnus spp. and skipjack were present. Additionally, these two taxa exhibited significantly different vertical distributions. Estimates of predatory impact indicated the potential for depletion of resources in the absence of the spatial and dietary niches of larval tunas. Coral reef fish families examined included Serranidae, Lutjanidae, Mullidae, Pomacentridae, Labridae, Scaridae, and Acanthuridae. Feeding incidences were high (0.94 to 1.0) for all taxa except scarids (0.04), and diets were narrow and predator-specific. Cluster analysis yielded clear groupings based on the selective feeding exhibited by the taxa, while within taxa, canonical correspondence analysis illustrated the change in diet with a variety of variables. The physical and biological environment varied markedly across the SOF, largely influenced by the Florida Current. Characteristics examined included thermocline depth, fluorescence, and abundances of total plankton and copepod nauplii. The feeding ecologies of the 21 taxa of fish larvae in this work were synthesized into qualitative and quantitative webs that illustrate the variable trophodynamic strategies of larvae in the SOF and the levels of community reliance upon zooplankton prey types. A review of 170 investigations on larval fish feeding revealed notable distinctions between high- and low-latitude regions, highlighting the substantial variability across environments in the role of larval fishes within the planktonic food web.

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