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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Du terme prédicatif au cadre sémantique : méthodologie de compilation d'une ressource terminologique pour les termes arabes de l'informatique

Ghazzawi, Nizar 08 1900 (has links)
La description des termes dans les ressources terminologiques traditionnelles se limite à certaines informations, comme le terme (principalement nominal), sa définition et son équivalent dans une langue étrangère. Cette description donne rarement d’autres informations qui peuvent être très utiles pour l’utilisateur, surtout s’il consulte les ressources dans le but d’approfondir ses connaissances dans un domaine de spécialité, maitriser la rédaction professionnelle ou trouver des contextes où le terme recherché est réalisé. Les informations pouvant être utiles dans ce sens comprennent la description de la structure actancielle des termes, des contextes provenant de sources authentiques et l’inclusion d’autres parties du discours comme les verbes. Les verbes et les noms déverbaux, ou les unités terminologiques prédicatives (UTP), souvent ignorés par la terminologie classique, revêtent une grande importance lorsqu’il s’agit d’exprimer une action, un processus ou un évènement. Or, la description de ces unités nécessite un modèle de description terminologique qui rend compte de leurs particularités. Un certain nombre de terminologues (Condamines 1993, Mathieu-Colas 2002, Gross et Mathieu-Colas 2001 et L’Homme 2012, 2015) ont d’ailleurs proposé des modèles de description basés sur différents cadres théoriques. Notre recherche consiste à proposer une méthodologie de description terminologique des UTP de la langue arabe, notamment l’arabe standard moderne (ASM), selon la théorie de la Sémantique des cadres (Frame Semantics) de Fillmore (1976, 1977, 1982, 1985) et son application, le projet FrameNet (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010). Le domaine de spécialité qui nous intéresse est l’informatique. Dans notre recherche, nous nous appuyons sur un corpus recueilli du web et nous nous inspirons d’une ressource terminologique existante, le DiCoInfo (L’Homme 2008), pour compiler notre propre ressource. Nos objectifs se résument comme suit. Premièrement, nous souhaitons jeter les premières bases d’une version en ASM de cette ressource. Cette version a ses propres particularités : 1) nous visons des unités bien spécifiques, à savoir les UTP verbales et déverbales; 2) la méthodologie développée pour la compilation du DiCoInfo original devra être adaptée pour prendre en compte une langue sémitique. Par la suite, nous souhaitons créer une version en cadres de cette ressource, où nous regroupons les UTP dans des cadres sémantiques, en nous inspirant du modèle de FrameNet. À cette ressource, nous ajoutons les UTP anglaises et françaises, puisque cette partie du travail a une portée multilingue. La méthodologie consiste à extraire automatiquement les unités terminologiques verbales et nominales (UTV et UTN), comme Ham~ala (حمل) (télécharger) et taHmiyl (تحميل) (téléchargement). Pour ce faire, nous avons adapté un extracteur automatique existant, TermoStat (Drouin 2004). Ensuite, à l’aide des critères de validation terminologique (L’Homme 2004), nous validons le statut terminologique d’une partie des candidats. Après la validation, nous procédons à la création de fiches terminologiques, à l’aide d’un éditeur XML, pour chaque UTV et UTN retenue. Ces fiches comprennent certains éléments comme la structure actancielle des UTP et jusqu’à vingt contextes annotés. La dernière étape consiste à créer des cadres sémantiques à partir des UTP de l’ASM. Nous associons également des UTP anglaises et françaises en fonction des cadres créés. Cette association a mené à la création d’une ressource terminologique appelée « DiCoInfo : A Framed Version ». Dans cette ressource, les UTP qui partagent les mêmes propriétés sémantiques et structures actancielles sont regroupées dans des cadres sémantiques. Par exemple, le cadre sémantique Product_development regroupe des UTP comme Taw~ara (طور) (développer), to develop et développer. À la suite de ces étapes, nous avons obtenu un total de 106 UTP ASM compilées dans la version en ASM du DiCoInfo et 57 cadres sémantiques associés à ces unités dans la version en cadres du DiCoInfo. Notre recherche montre que l’ASM peut être décrite avec la méthodologie que nous avons mise au point. / The description of terms in traditional terminological resources is limited to certain details, such as the term (which is usually a noun), its definition, and its equivalent. This description seldom takes into account other details, which can be of high importance for the users, especially if they consult resources to enhance their knowledge of the domain, to improve professional writing, or to find contexts where the term is realized. The information that might be useful includes the description of the actantial structure of the terms, contexts from authentic resources and the inclusion of other parts of speech such as verbs. Verbs and deverbal nouns, or predicative terminological units (PTUs), which are often ignored by traditional terminology, are of great importance especially for expressing actions, processes or events. But the description of these units requires a model of terminological description that takes into account their special features. Some terminologists (Condamines 1993, Mathieu-Colas 2002, Gross et Mathieu-Colas 2001 et L’Homme 2012, 2015) proposed description models based on different theoretical frameworks. Our research consists of proposing a methodology of terminological description of PTUs of the Arabic language, in particular Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), according to the theory of Frame Semantics of Fillmore (1976, 1977, 1982, 1985) and its application, the FrameNet project (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010). The specialized domain in which we are interested is computing. In our research, we compiled a corpus that we collected from online material and we based our method on an existing online terminological resource called the DiCoInfo (L’Homme 2008) in our pursuit to compile our own. Our objectives are the following. First, we will lay the foundations of an MSA version of the aforementioned resource. This version has its own features: 1) we target specific units, namely verbal and deverbal PTUs; 2) the developed methodology for the compilation of the original DiCoInfo should be adapted to take into account a Semitic language. Afterwards, we will create a framed version of this resource. In this version, we organize the PTUs in semantic frames according to the model of FrameNet. Since this frame version has a multilingual dimension, we add English and French PTUs to the resource. Our methodology consists of automatically extracting the verbal and nominal terminological units (VTUs and NTUs) such as Ham~ala (حمل) (download). To do this, we integrated the MSA to an existing automatic extractor, TermoStat (Drouin 2004). Then, with the help of terminological validation criteria, we validate the terminological status of the candidates. After the validation, we create terminological files with an XML editor for each VTU and NTU. These files contain elements, such as the actantial structure of the PTUs and up to 20 annotated contexts. The last step consists of creating semantic frames from the MSA PTUs. We also associate English and French PTUs to the created frames. This association resulted in the creation of a second terminological resource called “DiCoInfo: A Framed Version”. In this resource, the PTUs that share the same semantic features and actantial structures are organized in semantic frames. For example, the semantic frame Product_development groups PTUs such as Taw~ara (طور) (develop), to develop and développer. As a result of our methodology, we obtained a total of 106 PTUs in MSA compiled in the MSA version of DiCoInfo and 57 semantic frames associated to these units in the framed version. Our research shows that the MSA can be described using the methodology that we set up.

La complétive objet en chinois / The clausal object in Chinese

Jiang, Shuaijun 07 December 2012 (has links)
Notre thèse traite la complétive objet et ses prédicats introducteurs en chinois. Nous adoptons, dans l’ensemble, le cadre théorique du lexique-grammaire de Gross (1984) et dans l’analyse concrète, celle de la structure prédicative de Muller (2001). Elle est divisée en cinq chapitres. Dans le premier « Etat des lieux », nous présentons la conception de la complétive en tant qu’un type de subordonnée et nous adoptons l’analyse de la dépendance énonciative de Muller (1996). Ensuite nous présentons quelques analyses qui intègre la sémantique dans l’analyse de la complétive. Le chapitre 2 a pour objectif de délimiter notre objet d’étude, qui inclut trois sous-types : la complétive propositionnelle, le complément verbal sans sujet syntaxique (l’équivalent de la complétive infinitive du français) et l’interrogative indirecte dont la spécificité sémantique est bien prise en compte.Dans le troisième chapitre nous étudions les propriétés de sélection des prédicats introducteurs de la complétive en chinois : celles concernant le complément nominal et verbal sans sujet syntaxique d’une part, et celle entre la complétive déclarative et l’II d’autre part, à propos de laquelle nous étudions aussi les éléments qui la modifient. Dans le chapitre 4 la complétive objet est mise en parallèles avec trois autre types de constructions qui partagent le même schéma de construction [(SN1) +SV1+SN2+SV2] avec elle et qui impliquent aussi une relation de dépendance entre deux prédicats, ce sont la construction à double complément, la construction à 2nd complément et la construction à contrôle objet. Nous tenterons de fournir quelques outils de distinction d’ordre lexical ou contextuel.Le chapitre 5 concerne les propriétés syntaxiques de la complétive objet. Nous discuterons d’abord du morphème ‘shuo’ à propos de son statut de ‘conjonction émergente’ et de quelques caractéristiques d’intégration sous le terme de « main clause phenomena ». Ensuite seront scrutés les verbes « recteurs faibles » dans les termes de Blanche-Benveniste (1988) qui s’avéreront assez similaires à leurs équivalents en français et en anglais. Enfin nous analyserons les références temporelles dans la construction complétive. Nous postulerons qu’elles se basent principalement sur la télicité des prédicats matrice et la sémantique de leurs arguments ; les marqueurs aspectuels –le, -guo et –zhe modifient cette interprétation par défaut selon leur sémantique propre. Et nous donnerons une analyse détaillée des contraintes de différents degrés imposées sur les différents types de prédicats. / Our thesis deals with the clausal object in Chinese and the predicats which select this type of complementation. In general we adopt the theoretical framework of the lexicon-grammar (Gross 1984) ; in concrete analysis, we adopte the analysis of the predicative structure (Muller 2001). It is divided into five chapters.In the first chaptre, we present the general conception of the clausal object as a type of propositional complement and we adopt the analysis of the dependence enunciative (Muller 1996). Then we present several articles which integrate the semantic aspect in the analysis of the clausal object.Chapter 2 aims to delimitate our object of study, which includes three subtypes: the propositional complement with that, the verbal complement without syntactic subject (the equivalent of the infinitive construction in French) and the embedded questions whose semantic specificity is taken into account.In the third chapter we study the other selectional properties of the prédicats compatible with that clause, firstly with regard to noun complement and verbal complement without syntactic subject, secondly with regard to that clause and the embedded questions. We also study the elements which can change the second type of selection.In Chapter 4 the completive object is placed in parallel with three other types of constructions that share the same construction scheme [(SN1) + SV1 + SV2 + SN2] with that clause and also imply a relationship of dependence between two predicates. They are : construction with double complement, construction with 2nd complement and construction of object control. We will try to provide some lexical or contextual parameters in order to distinguish them.In Chapter 5 we study the syntactic properties of the clausal object. We first discuss the morpheme 'shuo' about his status of 'emerging conjunction' and some characteristics of integration under the term of "main clause phenomena." Then are scrutinized the verbs of assertion under the name of ‘recteur faible’ (Blanche-Benveniste 1988) ; they are proved to be quite similar to their equivalents in French and English. Finally, we analyze the temporal references in the construction with clausal object. We postulate that it relies primarily on the telicity of matrix predicates and the semantics of their arguments ; the aspectual markers -le,-guo and –zhe can modify this interpretation by defaut according to their semantics. And we give a detailed analysis of constraints of different degrees imposed on different types of predicates.

Medidas relativas das estruturas que compõem a articulação metacarpofalangeana em eqüinos / Relative measures of the structures that compose the metacarpophalangeal joint in horses

Bragante, Tatiana 09 June 2006 (has links)
Visou-se neste estudo criar uma forma de qualidade preditiva, buscando uma padronização das estruturas que compõem a articulação metacarpofalangeana, através do método de corte pós-congelamento e mensuração das estruturas nas medidas de espessura e largura. Então através da análise estatística foi possível gerar esse padrão para as seguintes estruturas: tendão flexor digital superficial, tendão flexor digital profundo, cápsula articular, ligamento extensor, ligamento intersesamoideo e ainda correlacionar os valores obtidos, visando agora à interligação de estruturas em seu estado de normalidade, para que pudesse ser aplicado em situações de injúrias. Dentro das estruturas analisadas a que mais apresentou variações foi a cápsula articular, talvez pela falta de padronização no momento da coleta (idade, função, histórico clínico). No caso da correlação não foi possível chegar a valores significativos, uma vez que a correlação apresentou-se baixa para a maioria das estruturas. / This study, try to create a predicative quality, looking for a pattern for the structures that compose the metacarpophalangeal joint, using the method of cutting after freezing and making the measures of the structures in denseness and largeness. Then through the statistics analysis it was possible to create the pattern to the following structures: superficial digital flexor tendon, deep digital flexor tendon, articular capsule, extensor ligaments, intersesamoids ligaments and still make the correlation with the numbers that was found, trying to get the interconnect of the structures in the normal position, to be used in injuries situations. The articular capsule was the structure that shows the highest variation, maybe because there was not a pattern at the moment of collecting (age, function, clinical historical). In the correlation it was not possible to find significant values, once the correlation was low to the majority of structures.

"Honourable" or "Highly-sexed" : Adjectival Descriptions of Male and Female Characters in Victorian and Contemporary Children's Fiction

Sveen, Hanna Andersdotter January 2005 (has links)
<p>This corpus-based study examines adjectives and adjectival expressions used to describe characters in British children’s fiction. The focus is on diachronic variation, by comparing Victorian (19th-century) and contemporary (late 20th-century) children’s fiction, and on gender variation, by comparing the descriptions of female and male characters. I adopt a qualitative as well as a quantitative approach, and consider factors such as lexical diversity, adjectival density, collocation patterns, evaluative meaning, syntactic function and distribution across semantic domains. Most findings are related to a dichotomy set up between an idealistic and a realistic portrayal of characters. The study shows that an idealistic portrayal of characters is typical of the Victorian material and a realistic portrayal of characters typical of the contemporary material. Further, gender differences are much more pronounced, and reflect traditional gender role patterns more in the Victorian material than in the contemporary material. For instance, a pleasant appearance is typically described for Victorian female characters and social position for Victorian male characters. Moreover, descriptions of mental properties of Victorian female characters are conspicuously rare. Such gendered patterns are less distinct in the contemporary material, although appearance is still more extensively described for female than male characters. As regards how the qualities are attributed to characters, the descriptions of Victorian female characters were found to be the most formulaic compared to the descriptions of Victorian male, contemporary female and contemporary male characters.</p>

A Comprehensive Buck-Passing Account of Value

Dageryd, Marcus January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

"Honourable" or "Highly-sexed" : Adjectival Descriptions of Male and Female Characters in Victorian and Contemporary Children's Fiction

Sveen, Hanna Andersdotter January 2005 (has links)
This corpus-based study examines adjectives and adjectival expressions used to describe characters in British children’s fiction. The focus is on diachronic variation, by comparing Victorian (19th-century) and contemporary (late 20th-century) children’s fiction, and on gender variation, by comparing the descriptions of female and male characters. I adopt a qualitative as well as a quantitative approach, and consider factors such as lexical diversity, adjectival density, collocation patterns, evaluative meaning, syntactic function and distribution across semantic domains. Most findings are related to a dichotomy set up between an idealistic and a realistic portrayal of characters. The study shows that an idealistic portrayal of characters is typical of the Victorian material and a realistic portrayal of characters typical of the contemporary material. Further, gender differences are much more pronounced, and reflect traditional gender role patterns more in the Victorian material than in the contemporary material. For instance, a pleasant appearance is typically described for Victorian female characters and social position for Victorian male characters. Moreover, descriptions of mental properties of Victorian female characters are conspicuously rare. Such gendered patterns are less distinct in the contemporary material, although appearance is still more extensively described for female than male characters. As regards how the qualities are attributed to characters, the descriptions of Victorian female characters were found to be the most formulaic compared to the descriptions of Victorian male, contemporary female and contemporary male characters.

Medidas relativas das estruturas que compõem a articulação metacarpofalangeana em eqüinos / Relative measures of the structures that compose the metacarpophalangeal joint in horses

Tatiana Bragante 09 June 2006 (has links)
Visou-se neste estudo criar uma forma de qualidade preditiva, buscando uma padronização das estruturas que compõem a articulação metacarpofalangeana, através do método de corte pós-congelamento e mensuração das estruturas nas medidas de espessura e largura. Então através da análise estatística foi possível gerar esse padrão para as seguintes estruturas: tendão flexor digital superficial, tendão flexor digital profundo, cápsula articular, ligamento extensor, ligamento intersesamoideo e ainda correlacionar os valores obtidos, visando agora à interligação de estruturas em seu estado de normalidade, para que pudesse ser aplicado em situações de injúrias. Dentro das estruturas analisadas a que mais apresentou variações foi a cápsula articular, talvez pela falta de padronização no momento da coleta (idade, função, histórico clínico). No caso da correlação não foi possível chegar a valores significativos, uma vez que a correlação apresentou-se baixa para a maioria das estruturas. / This study, try to create a predicative quality, looking for a pattern for the structures that compose the metacarpophalangeal joint, using the method of cutting after freezing and making the measures of the structures in denseness and largeness. Then through the statistics analysis it was possible to create the pattern to the following structures: superficial digital flexor tendon, deep digital flexor tendon, articular capsule, extensor ligaments, intersesamoids ligaments and still make the correlation with the numbers that was found, trying to get the interconnect of the structures in the normal position, to be used in injuries situations. The articular capsule was the structure that shows the highest variation, maybe because there was not a pattern at the moment of collecting (age, function, clinical historical). In the correlation it was not possible to find significant values, once the correlation was low to the majority of structures.

Atributivní užití adjektiv available a responsible / Available and responsible as modifiers

Dudáková, Petra January 2019 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to describe and compare the modifying uses of two adjectives which can appear both as premodifiers as well as bare postmodifiers, namely available and responsible. Both modifying positions are examined with respect to the textual environment, the complexity of noun phrases and adjective phrases in which the adjectives function, reference and other features in order to outline the patterns in which these two adjectives appear. The data for the analytical part have been extracted from the British National Corpus using the basic query and limiting the search to the written part of the corpus. After manual assessment of the initial samples of 500 concordance lines, 154 concordance lines containing the adjective available and 147 containing the adjective responsible proved to be suitable for the analysis. The final samples of the data are further categorized and analysed concerning the complexity of the noun phrase, premodification, postmodification and complementation of the adjectives, semantic preference of the head nouns, and the motivation for the pre- or postnominal placement of the modifiers. Key words: adjective, adjective phrase, premodification, postmodification, complementation, attributive function, predicative function, postpositive function, bare adjective,...

The Southern Sotho relative in discourse

Mischke, Gertruida Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Southern Sotho verbal relative clauses are, on discourse-pragmatic grounds, categorised as direct and indirect. The pragmatic factors that govern the occurrence of these two types of relatives within a particular discourse context are investigated. An analysis of relative clauses occurring in live conversations as well as in the dramas Bulane (Khaketla, 1983) and Tjootjo e tla hloma sese/a (Maake, 1992) reveals that direct relative clauses usually modify the reference of predicate nouns (i.e. nouns used as the complements of copulative predicates), while indirect relative clauses modify the reference of object nouns. Theories which suggest that both predicate as well as object nouns generally convey new information, but that the reference status of predicate nouns is non-specific indefinite, while that of object nouns is specific indefinite, are discussed. A hypothesis suggesting that there is an interrelationship between the reference status of a head noun and the type of relative by means of which it is qualified, is proposed. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

K problematice překladu odborného textu / On Professional Text Translation

Pémová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
(in English): The work in this diploma contains the special syntactic structural features of Russian and Czech historical and political science texts. The author of the work takes as a theoretical starting point the principle that Russian scientific texts use more condensed forms of expression than Czech scientific texts, and uses evidence in this diploma to verify the truth of this principle. Quantitative research was carried out to test this theory via examination of Czech and Russian historical and political science texts in both original and translated forms. The original criteria for the choice of texts used was thematic closeness, time period of text creation and a minimum length of 5,000 words. This criteria was later expanded to 7,000 words for original texts and 9,000 words for original texts and their translations. In addition to this a translation analysis was carried out concerning condensation devices, expression dynamics and the implicitness and explicitness of the text. The contrastive analysis of applied condensation devices of Czech and Russian texts adheres to the classification framework of Czech linguist Milan Jelinek. The results of the author's analysis confirm that Russian political science and historical texts reach higher predicative tightness of expression and use more...

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