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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tėvų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus, požiūris į žaislų saugumą / Parents growing preschool age children attitude to the safety of toys

Garjonytė, Ieva 04 July 2012 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojama tėvų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus, požiūris į žaislų saugumą. Tyrime dalyvavo 100 tėvų, auginantys ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus. Literatūros šaltinių analizė atskleidė, kad žaidimas yra vaikų savarankiška veikla, padedanti juos auklėti ir mokyti perteikti jiems žmonių veiklos patirtį. Žaislas žaidime yra tam tikras ženklas daiktų, kurių paskirtį vaikas turi sužinoti ir su kuriais turi išmokti įvairių veiksmų. Žaidimas kaip vaiko gyvenimo organizavimo forma svarbus tuo, kad padeda formuotis vaiko psichikai. Taip pat tyrimo metu buvo atlikta dokumentų reglamentų, žaislų higienos ir saugos reikalavimų analizė, kuri atskleidė, kad žaislai turi būti suprojektuoti, sukonstruoti ir pagaminti taip, kad žaidžiant arba naudojant kokiu nors numanomu būdu, atsižvelgiant į įprastą vaikų elgseną, nesukeltų pavojaus sveikatai ar rizikos susižeisti. Anketinės apklausos metodu tirta, pagal kokius kriterijus tėvai perka žaislus savo vaikams; iš kokios medžiagos pagamintų žaislų jų vaikas turi daugiausiai; kur tėvai dažniausiai perka žaislus vaikams; ar prieš įsigyjant žaislą, tėvai skaito etiketes; kokia informacija tėvams yra svarbi žaislų etiketėje; ar tėvai perka žaislus be pakuočių ar be ženklinimo; kaip mano tėvai, kokiose dokumentuose yra kalbama apie žaislų saugą ir kas reglamentuoja žaislų saugą; tėvų nuomone, svarbiausios žaislų atliekamos funkcijos; tėvų nuomone, kokie žaislai pavojingiausi vaikų sveikatai; kas yra atsakingi, kad prekybai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Parents’ bringing up pre-school aged children attitude towards safety of toys is being analyzed in the bachelor work. 100 parents raising pre-school children participated in the research. The analysis of literature sources has revealed that games are children’s independent activity helping to bring them up and teach, as well as to pass over human activity experience. A toy in a game is a certain sign of items whose purpose a child has to find out and learns to perform different action. A game is significant as a form of organizing a child’s life which helps to develop a child’s mentality. An analysis of toys hygiene and safety requirements and document regulations has been carried out which revealed that toys should be constructed and produced in the way that they do not cause danger to children’s health or a risk to get injured while playing or using it in any other way, taking children’s common behavior into account. Using a method of questionnaire we have investigated the following issues: according to which criteria parents buy toys for their children; the material which the majority of toys are made of; where parents usually buy toys from; whether parents read labels before buying a toy; what information is relevant to parents in the labels; whether parents buy toys without packaging or marking; in parents opinion, what documents inform about safety of toys and what regulations it; parents’ point of view about the main function of toys and what toys cause most... [to full text]

Ikikomyklinio amžiaus mergaičių, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo nustatyti motorinės raidos sutrikimai, stambiosios ir smulkiosios motorikos įvertinimas / The evaluation of gross and fine motor for preschool girls, who have had motor development disorder in infancy

Naujalienė, Agnė 19 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo tiklsas: įvertinti ikimokyklinio amžiaus mergaičių, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo nustatyti motorinės raidos sutrikimai, stambiąją ir smulkiąją motoriką. Pasirinktam darbo tikslui įgyvendinti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti ikimokyklinio amžiaus mergaičių, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo nustatytas specifinis motorinės raidos sutrikimas, stambiąją motoriką ir palyginti su kontroline grupe. 2. Įvertinti ikimokyklinio amžiaus mergaičių, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo nustatytas specifinis motorinės raidos sutrikimas, smulkiąją motoriką ir palyginti su kontroline grupe. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Medicinos akademijos, Sporto institute bei viename Kauno lopšelyje darželyje. Tyrime dalyvavo 45 tiriamosios. Buvo vykdomi antropometriniai matavimai, stambiosios ir smulkiosios motorikos vertinimas. Išvados: 1. Įvertinus ikimokyklinio amžiaus mergaičių stambiosios motorikos gebėjimus nustatėme, kad tiriamųjų, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo diagnozuotas specifinis motorinės raidos sutrikimas, buvo prastesnė statinė pusiausvyra, šoklumas, manipuliacijos kamuoliu bei galūnės judesio greitis lyginant su mergaitėmis, kurioms nebuvo diagnozuoti raidos sutrikimai kūdikystės laikotarpiu (p<0,05). 2. Smulkiosios motorikos įvertinimas parodė, kad mergaitės, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo diagnozuotas specifinis raidos sutrikimas, pasižymėjo prastesne dinamine bei abipuse rankų koordinacija (p<0,05). / Objective of the work: to evaluate gross and fine motor of the preschool girls, who have had motor development disorder in infancy. Goals of the work: 1. To evaluate preschool girls, who have had motor development disorder in infancy, gross motor and to compare with control group. 2. To evaluate preschool girls, who have had motor disorder in infancy, fine motor and to compare with control group. The study was made in Lithuanian university of health science Medicine academy’s Sport institute and in one of Kaunas kindergarten nursery – school. The study examined 45 preschool girls. We investigated anthropometric measurements (weight, height), gross and fine motor. Conclusion: 1. The evaluation of preschool girls, who have had motor disorder in infancy, revealed that these girls showed worse results in such gross motor abilities like static balance, spring, manipulation with ball, extremity movement speed in comparison with the girls which didn’t had any motor disorders in infancy. 2. Fine motor evaluation showed that, girls, who have had motor disorder in infancy, had worse hand dynamic and bimanual coordination results (p<0,05).

Ankstyvasis karjeros projektavimas (X lopšelio-darželio atvejis) / Early career design (case of X kinder garden)

Mažeikaitė, Agnė 27 February 2014 (has links)
Dauguma mokslininkų kalbėdami apie karjeros projektavimo vieną iš pirmųjų elementų – ugdymą karjerai, nurodo, jog jis turi prasidėti asmens mokykliniais metais. Tačiau visi pamiršta, kad žmogui daugeliu atveju svarbiausias amžiaus tarpsnis – ankstyvoji vaikystė, jo ikimokykliniai metai. Šis laikotarpis turi didelės įtakos tolimesnei žmogaus raidai, kuo vaikai užsiima, kaip jie yra ugdomi šiuo laikotarpiu, lemia ir jų karjeros siekius bei karjeros kokybę tolimesniais raidos etapais. / When scientists are talking about the first element of a career development most of them state that it must start at school age. However they almost always forget that in many cases the period of early childhood and preschool age is the most important period in human’s life and very important for his further development. The way how children are educated also determines their career aspirations and the quality of their future career.

Τα κίνητρα των παιδιών προσχολικής ηλικίας για μάθηση

Αθανασοπούλου, Μαρία 20 October 2010 (has links)
Τα κίνητρα αποτελούν σημαντικό στοιχείο στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία. Κίνητρο είναι ό, τι ωθεί ή κινεί το άτομο σε δράση. Η παρούσα έρευνα έχει σκοπό να διερευνήσει τις απόψεις παιδιών, εκπαιδευτικών και γονέων για τα κίνητρα μάθησης των παιδιών προσχολικής ηλικίας. Συγκεκριμένα, τα ερωτήματα της έρευνας είναι τα εξής: 1. Σε τι βαθμό τα παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας επιλέγουν να εμπλακούν σε μια δραστηριότητα με σκοπό την ικανοποίηση της εκπαιδευτικού; 2. Σε τι βαθμό τα παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας επιλέγουν να εμπλακούν σε μια δραστηριότητα με σκοπό την αμοιβή; 3. Σε τι βαθμό τα παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας εμπλέκονται σε μια δραστηριότητα με δική τους πρωτοβουλία; 4. Σε τι βαθμό τα παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας αναζητούν νέες γνώσεις και μαθησιακές εμπειρίες; 5. Σε τι βαθμό συγκλίνουν οι απόψεις εκπαιδευτικών και γονέων για τα κίνητρα των παιδιών για μάθηση; 6. Υπάρχει συσχέτιση ανάμεσα στις απόψεις γονέων, εκπαιδευτικών και παιδιών; Το δείγμα αποτέλεσαν 45 παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας, με τις εκπαιδευτικούς και τους γονείς τους. Χρησιμοποιήθηκε η κλίμακα Children’s achievement rating scale (CARS) που μεταφράστηκε και προσαρμόστηκε στα ελληνικά και δόθηκε σε γονείς και εκπαιδευτικούς. Για τα παιδιά δομήθηκε ένα εργαλείο βασισμένο στην κλίμακα της Harter για εσωτερικά και εξωτερικά κίνητρα. Τα συμπεράσματα της έρευνας μας δείχνουν πως υπάρχουν παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας που έχουν εσωτερικά κίνητρα για μάθηση. Δεν απουσιάζουν, ωστόσο, τα εξωτερικά και τα κοινωνικά κίνητρα. Γονείς και εκπαιδευτικοί φαίνεται να μην διαφοροποιούνται στις απαντήσεις τους σχετικά με τα κίνητρα των παιδιών, αλλά οι γονείς αναγνωρίζουν σε μεγαλύτερο βαθμό στη συμπεριφορά των παιδιών τους κίνητρα, απ’ ότι οι εκπαιδευτικοί. Τέλος, οι απόψεις γονέων, εκπαιδευτικών και παιδιών φαίνεται να συγκλίνουν, χωρίς να λείπουν, ωστόσο, μικρές παρεκκλίσεις. / Motivation constitutes an important element in the educational procedure. Motivation is whatever motivates or leads a person to action. Current research investigates children’s, teachers’ and parents’ views about learning motivation of pre-school age children. Particularly, the questions of the research are the following: 1. Do pre-school age children choose to get involved in an activity in order to satisfy the teacher? 2. Do children of pre-school age choose to get involved in an activity with the goal of reward? 3. Do children of pre-school age get involved in an activity with their own initiative? 4. Do children of pre-school age seek for new knowledge and learning experience? 5. Do the teacher’s and parent’s views converge about the motivation of children towards learning? 6. Is there a correlation among the parent’s, teacher’s and children’s views? The sample consisted of 45 children pre-school age with their teachers and parents. The scale Children’s Achievement Rating Scale (CARS) was used which was translated and adjusted in Greek was given to parents and teachers. A tool based on the scale of Harter about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation was structured for the children. The analysis of results shows that there are children of pre-school age who have intrinsic motivation for learning. However, the extrinsic motivation are not absent, as well as the social motivation. Both parents and teachers seems to agree concerning children’s motivation, but parents recognize higher motivation in their children learning behavior than the teachers. Finally, parent’s, teachers’ and children’s views seem to converge, although, there is some divergence.

Četnost skrytě obézních předškoláků a jejich motorická výkonnost - vybrané populace dětí ze 6 pražských mateřských škol / Frequency of normal weight obese preschoolers and its physical fitness - selected populations of children from 6 Prague kindergartens

Horák, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
Title: Frequency of normal weight obese preschool children and its physical fitness - selected populations of children from 6 Prague kindergartens. Objectives: The goal of this thesis is to find out the occurence and physical fitness of preschool age children with normal weight obese and compare it with physical fitness of normal weight non-obese preschool children and children with overweight and obese. Methods: Observation is the main method used in this thesis (regarding to title). We analysed 289 preschool aged children and chose BMI index in the range of 25th to 80th percentil, according to Vignerova at al. (2006) along with values of each skinfold higher then 85th percentil according to Bláha et al. (1990), to identify normal weight obese children. Physical fitness was based on several tests: multistage 20 metre shuttle run, standing long jump, sit-ups, sit- and-reach, throw ball with alternative hands. To analyse all the facts and get results we used descriptive statistics, tests of normaltity and ANOVA. Results: We identified n = 12 normal weight obese children (4,15 %) from all participating children. Results of research showed us that normal weight obese children were worse than normal weight non-obese children by 5,80 %, respectively by 4,76 %. Children that were overweight and obese had...

Sekulární změny lineární proporcionality českých předškolních dětí / Secular changes in linear proportionality of Czech preschool children

Paříková, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the evaluation of secular changes in linear proporcionality of body in actual preschool children in the last 27 years. In this context, the research also aims to determine the need for validation of the reference data for linear parameters of preschool children, which are currently used from 1990. The study was realized in six kindergartens in Prague and the surrounding area in the years 2016-2017. A total of 369 children (189 boys and 180 girls) aged 4 - 6 years were examined. The body height, BMI, 11 length and height markers and 10 indexes were measured. Statistically significant differences were not found in most of the observed parameters. Significant differences were not clinically relevant. The effect of secular changes on the characteristics of linear body proportionality of Czech preschool children was not confirmed. Therefore, for clinical practise remaind recommended to use the reference data from 1990, which are valid. Key words:secular trend, linear proporcionality, preschool age

Stravování v mateřských školách se zaměřením na děti předškolního věku / Kindergartens catering with focus on preschool age children

Husová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Kindergartens catering with focus on preschool age children" is focused on the catering services of the facility. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part which included the development of the child, the dietary requirements of the organism at certain periods of life and, last but not least, the institution for upbringing and education of preschool age children-kindergartens. The practical part of the thesis is devoted to the research in selected kindergartens. Institutions are selected to transcribe catering in the capital city, town and village. In the comparison of kindergartens, one kindergarten is selected in the particular location, where a survey was carried out. The result of the survey is the filling of the consumer basket in selected kindergartens, which corresponds to decree no. 107/2005.

Od ducha k lupiči: Vývoj strachu u dětí mladšího školního věku / From Ghost to Robber: Development of Fear in Young School Age Children

Brummer, Martin January 2018 (has links)
From ghost to robber: Development of fears of early school age children Bc. Martin Brummer ANNOTATION The diploma thesis is focused on the area of children's fears and monsters. It is a long-range study. The research follows up the bachelor thesis, it uses the same research design and compares the results of both. The emotion of fear is defined in the theoretical part. Moreover the current knowledge about the forms, intensities and development of fears is presented. The importance of monsters for the imagination of children and their role in the set of fears are described. The empirical part is divided into two parts. In the first part the intensity of fears of children and their relatives is surveyed by the means of questionnaires. In the part of interviews the children's conceptions of monsters and situations related to them are described. The result of the study is the clarification of the development of the fears and the conception of monsters in the minds of early and middle school aged children. KEYWORDS fear, monsters, early school age, middle school age, gender

Revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o uso de probióticos em fibrose cística e perfil nutricional dos pacientes acompanhados no Instituto da Criança - HCFMUSP / Systematic review of the literature on the use of probiotics in cystic fibrosis and nutritional profile of patients treated at Children\'s Institute - HCFMUSP

Lenycia de Cassya Lopes Neri 31 March 2017 (has links)
Fibrose cística é uma doença hereditária, caracterizada por alterações no transporte de cloro nas membranas das células epiteliais, gerando a produção de muco espesso e anormal, o que pode obstruir os ductos de glândulas exócrinas de vários órgãos. As manifestações clínicas principais da doença abrangem os sistemas respiratório (com infecções pulmonares recorrentes e crônicas) e gastrointestinal (com insuficiência pancreática e consequente má-digestão e absorção de nutrientes, levando a desnutrição energético-protéica). Existem evidências de que a constituição da microbiota intestinal pode influenciar a colonização do trato respiratório de indivíduos com fibrose cística. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo realizar revisão sistemática e metanálise das publicações científicas sobre o uso de pré, pró ou simbióticos em fibrose cística, além de avaliar a situação nutricional dos pacientes com fibrose cística acompanhados no Instituto da Criança - HCFMUSP. A revisão sistemática e metanálise seguiu protocolo proposto pela Colaboração Cochrane, com buscas em bases de dados eletrônicas com os termos prebioticos ou probióticos ou simbióticos e fibrose cística. Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos randomizados que abordassem os desfechos de inflamação intestinal e/ou exacerbações pulmonares. O estudo de avaliação nutricional foi realizado através de levantamento de dados antropométricos e clínicos, além de questionários aplicados a pacientes e responsáveis sobre dados de consumo alimentar e características socioeconômicas. Na busca bibliográfica foram encontrados 48 diferentes estudos, e somente 6 atingiram os critérios para integrar a metanálise. Foi observado efeito protetor do uso de probióticos e simbióticos na taxa de exacerbação pulmonar em pacientes com fibrose cística quando comparados com placebo (OR= -1,01 (IC 95% -1,66; -0,37), p = 0,002). Os níveis de calprotectina fecal (indicador de inflamação intestinal) tiveram redução significativa após intervenção (OR= -12,18 (IC 95%: -22,50; -1,86), p = 0,02), e houve diminuição dos pacientes com inflamação intestinal (calprotectina > 50 mcg/g de fezes) com OR= 0,31 (IC 95%: 0,13; 0,79), p = 0,01. Na avaliação do perfil nutricional foram incluídos 101 pacientes (59,4% do gênero masculino, 86,4% caucasianos), e a mediana de idade na inclusão foi de 10 anos. A maioria dos pacientes foi classificada como eutrófica, com consumo alimentar adequado. Valores menores de escore Z de IMC foram observados em escolares e adolescentes, e a proporção de pacientes com peso abaixo do esperado aumenta de 10% entre pré-escolares para 35% na faixa etária escolar. As características socioeconômicas não demostraram relação com consumo alimentar ou estado nutricional. Os valores de função pulmonar foram mais baixos em adolescentes e indivíduos com pior estado nutricional, porém sem diferença significante. Dados da metanálise, apesar da limitação amostral, apontaram o uso de probióticos como fator de proteção para exacerbações respiratórias, bem como para inflamação intestinal. Resultados da avaliação nutricional indicam que a transição das faixas etárias pré-escolar para escolar é um momento crítico, portanto abordagens direcionadas para estas faixas etárias podem ser de grande importância para preservação da saúde nutricional. Sendo assim, recomenda-se que mais estudos de estratégias nutricionais preventivas sejam realizados em faixas etárias precoces, como suplementação de probióticos, visando a melhora do prognóstico de pacientes com fibrose cística. / Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease characterized by deficiency of chloride transportation in epithelial cell membranes, resulting in thick and abnormal mucus, which may obstruct ducts of exocrine glands in several organs. The main clinical manifestations include the respiratory (recurrent and chronic lung infections) and gastrointestinal systems (pancreatic insufficiency and consequent maldigestion and absorption of nutrients, resulting in malnutrition). There is evidence that intestinal microbiota composition may impact the respiratory tract colonization of individuals with cystic fibrosis. This study aimed to verify current evidence regarding the effects of supplementation of probiotics, prebiotics or both in cystic fibrosis patients, concerning gastrointestinal and respiratory outcomes. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis, and additionally carried out a survey of the nutritional status of patients with cystic fibrosis attending the outpatient clinic of the Instituto da Criança HCFMUSP. The systematic review and meta-analysis was performed according to the protocol proposed by the Cochrane Collaboration, searching electronic databases using the terms \"prebiotics\" or \"probiotics\" or \"symbiotic\", and \"cystic fibrosis\". Randomized clinical trials addressing intestinal inflammation and/or pulmonary exacerbations were included. The assessment of nutritional status was carried out through a cross-sectional survey of medical records concerning clinical and anthropometric data, and also by applying a questionnaire to patients and caregivers concerning food consumption, and socioeconomic characteristics. The bibliographic search identified 48 different studies, but only 6 fulfilled criteria to be included in the meta-analysis. A protective effect of probiotic and symbiotic use was observed in the rate of pulmonary exacerbations when compared to placebo (OR = -1.01 (95%CI -1.66, -0.37), p=0.002). The levels of fecal calprotectin (indicator of intestinal inflammation) had a significant reduction after intervention (OR = -12.18 (95%CI: -22.50, -1.86), p=0.02) and there was a decrease in the proportion of patients with intestinal inflammation (calprotectin> 50 mcg/g feces) with OR = 0.31 (95%CI: 0.13, 0.79), p=0.01. Regarding nutritional assessment, 101 patients were included (59.4% male, 86,4% white race), and median age at inclusion was 10 years old. The majority of patients were considered to be eutrophic and have adequate food intake, but lower values of BMI Z-score were observed in schoolchildren and adolescents. The proportion of underweight patients increased from 10% among preschoolers to 35% of the school age group. The socioeconomic characteristics were not associated to the food consumption or nutritional status. Lung function was lower in adolescents and individuals with poor nutritional status, but without significant difference. Data from the meta-analysis, despite the limitations of sample size, indicated that the use of probiotics may be a protective factor for respiratory exacerbations as well as intestinal inflammation. Results of the nutritional assessment indicate that the transition from the pre-school to the school age groups is a critical period, and therefore approaches directed to these age groups may have a significant impact in the nutritional health. Towards that, further studies using preventive nutritional strategies such as probiotic supplementation, are recommended for younger age groups, aiming to improve the prognosis of patients with cystic fibrosis.

Hyperaktivní děti v mateřské škole / Hyperactive children in kindergarten

Tálašová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
Summary: TÁLAŠOVÁ, Petra. Hyperactive children in kindergarten. Prague: Charles University pedagogical faculty, 2016. 90 p. thesis. The thesis deals with the hyperactive children in kindergarten. The theoretical part of the work focuses on basic information about ADHD syndrome, on the evolution of the terminology, the manifestations focused on the preschool age, the prevalence and diagnosis, causes of the syndrome, children support options with the syndrome of ADHD in the nursery school educators, educational process and, not least, to information about pre school age itself. The aim of the study was to compare the kindergartens in the region of Melnicko with a focus on the readiness of teachers to identify manifestations of hyperactivity and hyperactive on the attitude forward the education of children. The research included 10 kindergartens from Melnik and surroundings. In this thesis was used the method of the halfstructured interview, and subsequently his analysis. The conversation was focused on the occurrence of the hyperactive children in kindergarten, to measure knowledge of educators on this issue and in particular, as they are in individual kindergartens able to work with hyperactive children.

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