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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Katolické noviny v letech 1949-1968 / Catholic newpaper in the days of lack of freedom 1949-1968

Dušková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The present study Catholic Newspaper between 1949 and 1968 deals with a historical analysis of the Catholic Newspaper which was established in order to implement repressive measures of the Communist Party against the Catholic Church. This study also discusses the situation of the Catholic Church after 1948 when the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia came to power. The Catholic Newspaper was established in 1949 and at that time, it represented the only periodical of the Catholic Church which could strengthen the belief of people as well as provide religious education. Other Catholic journals were discontinued shortly after the Communist coup in February 1948. The Catholic Church became one of the major enemies of the new government. A part of this study deals with the negotiations of the main representatives of the state as well as the Catholic Church. The failure of establishing an agreement led to a new religious policy in Czechoslovakia; the policy comprised administrative measures against the Catholic Church, processes with Church Authorities and restrictions in the education system of theologians. The present study concentrates on the establishing of the Catholic Newspaper and discusses the first years of its existence with a major focus on the sections for children. It also discusses the Second...

Sena nätter och farliga män –Vad säger media? : En kvalitativ studie om gestaltningen av våldtäktsoffer i media / Late nights and dangerous men

Andersson, Hanna, Rosenblad, Joanna January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker hur våldtäktsoffer framställs i två olika tidningar (Dagens nyheter och Aftonbladet) och om det finns någon skillnad i framställningen beroende av offrets kön. Studien är gjord genom att tillämpa kritisk diskursanalys på de valda tidningsartiklarna för att se om det finns några skillnader. För att göra detta har vi utgått från genusteori samt Goffmans teori kring stigma. Studiens resultat medför att artiklarna har delats upp i tre kategorier: "ideala offer", "icke-idela offer" och "manliga offer". Utöver det genererades även kategorin för "diskussions- eller debattartiklar". Artiklar som kategoriseras som "ideala offer" innehåller färre detaljer kring brotten än artiklarna om de "icke-ideala offer". Kategorin "manliga offer" uppkom på grund av att artiklarna som tillhör den var gravt underrepresenterade, däremot kunde vi se att även dessa artiklar kan jämföras med de två första kategorierna. Artiklarna i den sista kategorin diskuterar mer allmänt kring problemen som våldtäkt för med sig mer allmänt. Majoriteten av dessa artiklar riktade sig till eller handlade om kvinnor. Den slutsats som kunde dras utifrån denna undersökning är att det rapporteras olika gällande olika kön hos våldtäktsoffer. Detta visar sig bland annat genom att det i artiklar som beskriver kvinnor ges mer detaljer som beskriver offret än om de som handlar om män; artiklar om män är generellt sett relativt detaljfattiga. Detta medför också att media styr den allmänna synen kring våldtäktsoffer och har därmed makt att förbättra situationen och göra bilden av manliga och kvinnliga offer mer jämställd då båda könen behöver lika mycket stöd från omgivningen. / This essay investigates how rape victims are shown in two different Swedish newspapers (Dagens nyheter and Aftonbladet) and if there are any differences depending on the victim’s sex. The study is using critical discourse analysis for the selected news articles to find out if the views differentiate. To be able to do this we have based our research in gender theory and the theory of stigma created by Goffman. The results if this study generates three categories: "ideal victims", "non-ideal victims" and "male victims". Apart from these, another category was detected: "discussion or debate articles". Articles that categorises as "ideal victims" contains fewer details of the crime than the articles about "non-ideal victims". The category "male victims" vas created because the articles from this category was seriously diminished, we could on the other hand also apply the two previously stated categories on this one. The articles from the discussion or debate category brings up the problems of rape in a more general matter. The majority of these are speaking to or about women. The conclusion of this study is that media is presenting male and female rape victims differently. This shows, among other conclusions, that articles about female victims contains more details about the victim than articles about men; articles about men do in general rapport lesser details. This contributes to media’s control over the general view on rape victims and have therefor the opportunity to make this situation better. Media can create a more equal image of male and female victims where both will be needing support from society.

Rodna analiza teksta u online štampanim medijima u Srbiji / Gender Analysis of the Online Editions of Printed Media in Serbia

Višnjić Jelena 21 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Politike predstavljanja ženskih identiteta u<br />javnom i medijskom diskursu mogu se<br />posmatrati kao izraz odnosa moći u određenom<br />dru&scaron;tvu i istorijskom razdoblju, i da je u tom<br />smislu pozicija &laquo;ženskog&raquo; konstruisana i<br />označena kao figura &laquo;drugog&raquo;, kao figura u<br />kojoj se ogledaju dominantni dru&scaron;tveni odnosi.<br />Žena je ovdje kategorija, dakle, riječ je o tome<br />da je ono &scaron;to se pripisuje ovoj kategoriji<br />odnosno ženskom principu drugo,<br />drugorazredno, nepoželjno, manje vrednovano u<br />vladajućim ideologijama i njima svojstvenim<br />medijskim praksama. Jedan od problema kojima<br />se bavim u ovom radu je istraživanje da li nove<br />medijske tehnologije i novi oblici komunikacija<br />i preno&scaron;enja medijskog sadržaja, kao i<br />formiranje dinamičnog su/odnosa medijskog<br />teksta i medijskih publika doprinose promjeni<br />reprezentacije i konstruisanja ženskih identiteta<br />u medijskim diskursima ili naprosto ponavljaju<br />patrijarhalne diskriminatorne obrasce u novom<br />medijskom okruženju.<br />Cilj istraživanja je da pokaže kako se konstrui&scaron;u<br />različiti identiteti žena u reprezentacijskim<br />praksama online (onlajn) izdanja &scaron;tampanih<br />medija, kao da li su na dijelu, i ako jesu na koji<br />način djeluju, strategije isključivanja žena u<br />medijskoj praksi kroz konstrukcije stvarnosti,<br />getoizacije i stereotipizacije žena u medijima.<br />Metodolo&scaron;ki okvir istraživanja &rdquo;Rodna analiza<br />onlajn &scaron;tampanih medija u Srbiji&rdquo; predstavlja<br />kombinaciju kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih<br />pristupa u procesu dokazivanja postavljenih<br />hipoteza, jedne op&scaron;te i tri specifične, proiza&scaron;le<br />iz nje.<br />Op&scaron;ta hipoteza<br />Ženski identitet nezavisno od globalne<br />transformacije medijskih žanrova i načina<br />komunikacije u savremenom tranzicionom<br />dru&scaron;tva u Srbiji je uvijek reprezentovan kroz<br />figuru &bdquo;drugog&rdquo; i &bdquo;drugosti&rdquo;, i to bez obzira na<br />identitetsku poziciju koju zauzima u dru&scaron;tvenoj<br />raspodjeli moći.<br />Hipoteza 1<br />Različita distribucija moći i vidljivosti u odnosu<br />na različite ženske identitete je prisutna u<br />medijskom diskursu (žene iz javne sfere<br />naspram marginalizovanih).<br />Hipoteza 2<br />Medijski tekst prepoznaje temu nasilja nad<br />ženama kao ključnu koja se odnosi na živote<br />žena, odnosno kada su u pitanju medijske<br />reprezentacije žena u dru&scaron;tvenom kontekstu,<br />one su u najvećem broju predstavljene kao<br />žrtve.<br />Hipoteza 3<br />Žene iz manjinskih i marginalizovanih grupa su<br />nevidljive u medijskom diskursu onlajn izdanja<br />&scaron;tampanih medija.<br />Provjera hipoteza se realizuje kroz istraživanje<br />koje uključuje monitoring onlajn izdanja<br />&scaron;tampanih medija (tekstova i komentara čitalaca<br />i čitateljki): četiri nacionalna: Blic, Politika,<br />Kurir, Danas i jednog lokalnog ‒ novosadski<br />Dnevnik. Istraživački ciklus je obuhvatio period<br />od 5 mjeseci (od novembra 2013. do marta<br />2014.). Selektovani su tekstovi o ženama koji su<br />na web stranicama: www.blic.rs; ww.politika.rs;<br />www.kurir-info.rs; www.danas.rs;<br />www.dnevnik.rs u sljedećim danima:<br />07.11.2013.; 25.11.2013.; 10.12.2013.;<br />18.12.2013.; 27.01.2014.; 31.01.2014.;<br />14.02.2014.; 28.02.2014.; 08.03.2014.;<br />13.03.2014.<br />Ukupan broj pregledanih tekstova je 184, dok<br />broj pregledanih komentara iznosi 980.<br />Onlajn sadržaj &scaron;tampanih medija proizvodi<br />istovjetne strategije isključivanja žena i njihovu<br />getoizaciju, kako u samom tekstu tako i u<br />komentarima nove interaktivne publike, koja<br />postaje ko-autor/ka u procesu promocije i<br />legitimizacije mizoginije kao javnog govora.<br />Ovaj rad je pokazao da informacijskokomunikacijske<br />tehnologije same po sebi ne<br />mjenjaju nejednakosti i da je neophodno<br />uspostaviti nove modele upotrebe savremenih<br />tehnologija, koje će žene i druge<br />marginalizovane grupe koristiti za socijalno<br />pozicioniranje na internetu, ali i obrazovanje<br />koje implicira novo oblikovanje rodnih uloga i<br />praktičan rad (programiranje, veb-dizajn) kako<br />bi stvorile orodnjeni i pravedniji sajber prostor<br />(gendered syber space).</p> / <p>Policies of representation of female identities in<br />public and media discourse can be seen as the<br />expression of the relations of power in a certain<br />society and historical period. In that sense, the<br />position of &bdquo;feminine&ldquo; is constructed and<br />labeled as &bdquo;the other&ldquo;, the figure reflecting<br />prevailing social relations. Thus, woman is a<br />category and things attributed to this category,<br />i.e. to the feminine principle, are other, secondrated,<br />unwelcome, less worth within the<br />dominant ideologies and media practices typical<br />for them. One of the issues I deal with in this<br />work is the research on whether the new media<br />technologies and new forms of communication<br />and conveying media content, as well as the<br />dynamic relationship between media contents<br />and media audiences, contribute to the change<br />of representing and constructing feminine<br />identities in media discourses, or they just<br />repeat the patriarchal discriminatory patterns in<br />a new media setting.<br />Aim of the research is to show how different<br />identities of women are being constructed in the<br />representation practices of the online editions<br />of the printed media, as well as to determine if<br />these media practices include the strategies of<br />excluding women through certain constructions<br />of reality, ghettoization and stereotyping of<br />women in the media, and if they do, to examine<br />how these strategies work.<br />Methodological framework of the research<br />&bdquo;Gender Analysis of the Online Editions of<br />Printed Media in Serbia&ldquo; includes combination<br />of quantitative and qualitative approaches to the<br />process of proving hypotheses &ndash; one general<br />and three specific hypotheses derived from the<br />general one.<br />General Hypothesis<br />Unrelated to the global transformation of media<br />genres and ways of communication, female<br />identity in the contemporary transitional society<br />of Serbia is always represented as &bdquo;the other&ldquo;<br />and through &bdquo;otherness&ldquo;, regardless of the<br />position an identity has in the social distribution<br />of power.<br />Hypothesis 1<br />In the media discourse there is uneven<br />distribution of power and visibility of different<br />female identities (women from the public sphere<br />vs. marginalized women).<br />Hypothesis 2<br />Media texts recognize the subject of violence<br />against women as the crucial subject of the lives<br />of women, i.e. it is crucial in the media<br />representations of women in the social context &ndash;<br />and the majority of women are presented as<br />victims.<br />Hypothesis 3<br />Women from minority and marginalized groups<br />are invisible in the media discourse of the online<br />editions of printed media.<br />Hypotheses were tested through the research<br />based on monitoring online editions of the<br />printed media (texts and comments of readers):<br />four national &ndash; Blic, Politikа, Kurir, Dаnаs, and<br />one local &ndash; Dnevnik from Novi Sad. Research<br />cycle covered 5 months (from November 2013<br />to March 2014). I selected texts about women<br />published at web pages www.blic.rs;<br />www.politika.rs; www.kurir-info.rs;<br />www.danas.rs; www.dnevnik.rs on the<br />following dates: 07.11.2013.; 25.11.2013.;<br />10.12.2013.; 18.12.2013.; 27.01.2014.;<br />31.01.2014.; 14.02.2014.; 28.02.2014.;<br />08.03.2014.; 13.03.2014.<br />Total number of examined texts was 184, while<br />the total number of examined comments was<br />980.<br />Online content of the printed media produces<br />the identical strategies of excluding and<br />ghettoizing women, both in the texts and in the<br />comments of the new interactive audience that<br />becomes the co-author of the promotion and<br />legitimization of misogyny in the public<br />discourse.<br />This work showed that informationalcommunicational<br />technologies by themselves do<br />not change inequalities, and that it would be<br />necessary to establish new models of use of<br />contemporary technologies, so that women and<br />other marginalized groups could use them for<br />social positioning on the Internet, but also for<br />the education that would imply reshaping of<br />gender roles and practical work (programming,<br />web-design) for the purpose of creating more<br />gendered and equitable cyber space.</p>

Televizní krize (ČT) a "bias" na stránkách českých deníků a týdeníků / Czech TV Crisis on the Biased Pages of the Czech Daily Newspapers and Weekly Magazines

Salát, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
The thesis describes the transposition of the Czech Television crisis on the pages of daily newspapers and weekly magazines. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the genesis of the TV crisis and later shows the problematic of biased news. In the practical part it divides the Czech media according to the quantitative content analysis to the media which openly supported the rebelling journalists or the new management of Czech TV. Interesting in the study is that the traditional right-left division of the Czech media was disproved in the analysis, because the Socialist Party was speaking frequently and with biggest weight also in the traditional right-wing daily newspapers such as Hospodarske noviny, Lidove noviny and Mlada fronta Dnes.

Vliv jazyka online médií na vyjadřování médií tištěných na příkladu Lidových novin / The influence of online media language on language of print media for example "Lidové noviny"

Zavadilová, Michala January 2020 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the influence the language of online media has on the expression of printed media on the example of Lidové noviny newspaper and the Lidovky.cz server. In the theoretical part, this work describes media product and content, style and language of news reporting and opinion journalism, the selection of language devices which are further defined, and the editorial preparation of texts. The empirical part offers an insight into the operation of the newsroom of Lidové noviny and of the server Lidovky.cz and marks their connectedness as well as their differences. Furthermore, this work identifies the language devices appearing in news reporting both local and foreign sections based on a qualitative analysis. Singular language devices are investigated in printed Lidové noviny newspapers from years 2014 and 2019 and in the content of the Lidovky.cz server. The research sample consists in the case of Lidové noviny of the first Monday issue of each month in the respective years. Comparisons within the framework of the specific language devices appearing in the selected research sample are then provided based on the results and their interpretation. In the conclusion, the main results of the singular language categories are summarized after the comparisons between the above-mentioned...

Mediální obrazy politických lídrů - volby 2010 / Media images of political leaders - 2010 Elections

Šubertová, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
This thesis titled The Media Images of Political Leaders - 2010 Elections focuses on descriptions and depictions of Czech political leaders, Vojtěch Filip, Jiří Paroubek, Petr Nečas, Radek John and Karel Schwarzenberg in printed press. The thesis contains an introduction of the leaders and the parties which they led during the 2010 parliamentary elections. The thesis shows the differing images of the leaders in various media. It contains a quantitative content analysis of MF Dnes, Lidové noviny, Hospodářské noviny, Právo and Blesk daily newspapers in the pre-election period between 1 April and 27 May 2010, examining the frequency of informing about the leaders, differences in their presentation and attention given to each of them. The content and tone of individual articles has been examined as well. The thesis also analyses the ratios between informing about the individual leaders and other topics in each newspaper. The theoretical concept of the thesis is media communication in relation to politics. Political communication is examined from the view of the theory of political parallelism and the influence of media on politics.

Representações na mídia impressa sobre o assédio moral no trabalho / Representations in the printed media about psychological work harassment

Andréia de Conto Garbin 02 September 2009 (has links)
Aquele chefe que já fez você chorar no banheiro pode ser mais prejudicial à sua saúde do que parece. Assim a mídia escrita principia, no Brasil, a abordagem do tema assédio moral. No amplo cardápio de situações de violência relacionadas ao trabalho, a violência psicológica ganhou visibilidade e interesse de pesquisadores e estudiosos, dos sindicatos, dos trabalhadores e das empresas. Realizamos um estudo exploratório baseado na coleta de fontes primárias referentes ao assédio moral no trabalho, no qual foram estudadas as matérias jornalísticas sobre o tema, veiculadas em três jornais de grande circulação do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 1990 a 2008. A partir da metodologia de análise do discurso foram reconhecidas as práticas discursivas que configuram o fenômeno do assédio moral na sociedade atual, as explicações para sua ocorrência e a repercussão para a saúde dos trabalhadores. O surgimento do tema nos veículos de comunicação deu-se por meio da divulgação de livros, de produções acadêmicas e de legislações sobre o assédio moral. Ocorreu em editorias que tratam de assuntos gerais e, posteriormente, migrou para as editorias de emprego e/ou de caráter econômico-financeiro. O tratamento do tema ganha contornos de alerta relacionado às indenizações judiciais. A terminologia assédio moral tem se firmado relacionada ao trabalho e carece de conceito preciso. As explicações causais tendem a uma interpretação psicológica do fenômeno, acentuando o caráter individualista e privilegiando a relação pessoal, minimizando uma abordagem coletiva. Os discursos banalizam o assédio ao criar caricaturas para os envolvidos. O caráter psicologizante versus a estigmatização produz sentido na sociedade contribuindo para naturalizar o assédio moral no trabalho, compreendido como uma forma de violência no trabalho. / That boss who already made you cry in the bathroom can be more harmful to your health than you think so. This is how the discussion started about psychological harassment at work in Brazil released by daily papers. Among the large number of work related stressors, psychological violence at workplace gained visibility of researchers, labor unions and companies in the past 10 years. The issue started to be discussed in Brazil after publications (aimed to academic and general public) were published, and legislation was established at the municipal and state levels. An exploratory study was carried out about moral harassment at work, based on articles published from 1990 to 2008, by three important daily newspapers of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Method: An extensive review of the subject including its origins and consequences to workers health was prepared. Discourse analyses were used to recognize the phenomenon, its importance and consequences of the moral harassment at work according the published articles. Results: the articles were first published in editorials, and then they appeared in the employment, economics and finances sections of the papers. The content of the manuscripts also aimed to aware companies about law suits. In spite the terminology of moral harassment has been discussed as work-related, it still lacks a precise concept. The discourses published by the papers trivialized psychological harassment at work, as they created caricatures and stigmatization of the individuals involved. The causal explanations tend to a psychological interpretation of this phenomenon, emphasizing individual and behavioral characteristics, favoring personal relations, and minimizing the collective approach of psychological harassment at the workplace.

Nova : 30 Anos da mulher de 30

Guimarães, Maria Paula Piotto da Silveira 21 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:15:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Paula Piotto da Silveira Guimaraes.pdf: 2561937 bytes, checksum: 2af94ba1ac74eaa8a513d0d3d67bd589 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-09-21 / This research work investigates the construction of the female identity in the NOVA magazine texts and images and how the meaning is produced from intersubjective relationship between the enunciator and the enunciated. The focus of this work is aimed to the female readers in their 30 s, from a publication that in the last 30 years presents the simulacrum (or offigy) of the NOVA woman and reminding that (...) whereas the simulacruns always find one to adopt it, some are born to assume it. (Landowski 1992: 172). The central problem was to infer which woman simulacrum was being built by the media, with the intention of knowing if it was the effigy of an emancipated woman with liberal behavior, or on the contrary, the magazine was maintaining the old values and the stereotipes of the female object. The verification of an discursive reinteration in NOVA , under different arrangements, implied in a temporal incursion in the initial publications aimed towards to the females, to investigate the effects of the continue and descontinue sense of the woman presented by the brazilian printed media. The NOVA s woman construction of identity hypoteses is marked by a global presence, what would corroborate the annihilation of the major addresser COSMOPOLITAN and the way of the female presence even more sensual, allowed us to understand how the building of sense effects of new in NOVA was produced. This research was based on the theoretical and methodlogical substract of Semiotica Discursiva proposed by Algirdas Julien Greimas et al. The breadth of the work was limited from October 1973 (edition 1, year 1, number 1) to October 2005 (edition 385, year 33, number 10), therefore covering 32 years of publications. This body of work was selected based in the examination of variables and invariables published by NOVA Magazine in its frontpage, articles and publicity texts / Esta pesquisa investiga a construção da identidade feminina nos textos verbovisuais da revista NOVA e como se dá a produção de sentido a partir da relação intersubjetiva do sujeito da enunciação e do sujeito do enunciado. A pesquisa foca as leitoras na faixa etária de 30 anos, de uma publicação que há trinta anos presentifica um simulacro de mulher NOVA e remete ao fato de que (...) enquanto os simulacros encontram quem os adote, nascem os sujeitos que os assumem (Landowski 1992: 172). O problema central era depreender qual o simulacro de mulher construído por essa mídia, com o objetivo de saber se, era o edifício da mulher emancipada e de costumes liberados, ou, ao contrário, se a revista tratava da manutenção dos valores e da reificação feminina. A constatação de uma reiteração discursiva em NOVA , sob arranjos diferentes, implicou numa incursão temporal nas primeiras publicações destinadas ao gênero feminino, a fim de investigar os efeitos de sentido de continuidade e descontinuidade da mulher presentificada na mídia impressa brasileira. A hipótese de a construção identitária da mulher NOVA estar marcada por uma presença global, que corrobora o niilismo do destinador maior COSMOPOLITAN e o modo de presença feminina cada vez mais erotizada, permitiu compreender como se engendra a construção de efeitos de sentido do novo em NOVA . A pesquisa teve como fundamento o arcabouço teórico e metodológico da Semiótica Discursiva proposta por Algirdas Julien Greimas e seus colaboradores. O corpus foi delimitado de outrubro de 1973 (edição 1, ano 1, número 1) a outubro de 2005 (edição 385, ano 33, número 10), portanto, em 32 anos de publicação. A seleção e recorte desse corpus se deram a partir da exploração das variantes e das invariantes que marcam a enunciação das capas, das matérias e dos textos publicitários veiculados pela revista NOVA

Reprezentace vybraných socialistických a komunistických zemí v českém tisku v roce 2010 / The Reprezentation of Selected Socialist and Communist Countries in the Czech Press in 2010

Javůrek, Karel January 2012 (has links)
Theme of this diploma work are news related to selected socialist and communist countries in the Czech press. Characteristic works are the specifics of media countries with the socialist (or communist) government in the Czech press. Theoretical work is beyond theory Frankfurt and Birmingham schools. The basis of the analysis work will stereotypes concerning the socialist and communist countries, the Czech news media contents. The findings will then be the basis for in-depth interviews with the news media workers and the staff representative bodies of the countries. The goal is to reveal the motives and the construction of stereotypes at the production of media content.

A construção da figura de Lula na mídia semanal em 2002 e 2006

Frazão, Cicília de Sousa 11 November 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:17:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cicilia de Sousa Frazao.pdf: 20175932 bytes, checksum: 8a46b0341e3180c0a4cff5f6d8ffbd5a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-11-11 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This research examines the construction of public images (in special of Lula) in the weekly magazines during the electoral coverage to the presidency of Brazil of 2002 and 2006. Through inquires of mechanisms of construction verbal and visual, we will privilege images of (first form that reaches and awakes the look of the reader), with the objective to understand the way for which each periodic one produces the images of the politicians. Election of units published in years of 2002 and 2006 was necessary, prioritizing the ones that make reference to the president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, with the intention to analyse the diversified texts that become presents in the cover and the interior of the magazine, in order to show as each one constructs, deconstructs or reconstructs the image of the candidate in these two historical moments, to unmask, therefore, the effect of precise meanings of the genre. According to Patrick Charaudeau, the genres in the media printed, come organized of a form that take them to approach the visibility, intelligibility and spetacularization and each one goes to explore the main characteristic of what it uses to pass the information, either it verbal or not verbal language, constituting true molds of information. The semiotics of Peirce supports us in the attempt to understand as the media speech of the magazines printed obtains through the signs (verbal and not verbal) cause certain effects of senses that act in society, achieving the desired effect in the field of information and publicity / Essa pesquisa examina a construção de imagens públicas (em especial a de Lula) nas revistas semanais durante a cobertura eleitoral à presidência do Brasil de 2002 e 2006. Através das investigações dos mecanismos de construção verbal e visual, privilegiaremos as imagens das capas (forma primeira que alcança e desperta o olhar do leitor), com o objetivo de compreender o modo pelo qual cada periódico produz as imagens dos políticos. A seleção de exemplares publicados nos anos de 2002 e 2006 foi necessária, priorizando as que fazem referência ao presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, com a intenção de analisar os diversificados textos que se apresentam na capa e no interior da revista, a fim de mostrar como cada uma constrói, desconstrói ou reconstrói a imagem do candidato nestes dois momentos históricos, para desvendar, pois, os efeitos de sentidos próprios do gênero. Segundo Patrick Charaudeau, os gêneros na mídia impressa, vêm organizados de uma forma que nos leva a abordar a visibilidade, inteligibilidade e espetacularização, e cada um vai explorar a característica principal daquilo que utiliza para passar a informação, seja ela linguagem verbal ou não-verbal, constituindo verdadeiros moldes de informação. A semiótica de Peirce nos apóia na tentativa de entender como o discurso midiático das revistas impressas consegue através dos signos (verbal e não-verbal) provocar determinados efeitos de sentidos que agem na sociedade, alcançando o efeito desejado no campo da informação e publicidade

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