Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deproblem based learning"" "subject:"deproblem eased learning""
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Neue Medien: neues Lernen - neues HandelnBuchholtz, Christiane 27 October 2010 (has links)
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien bieten heute neuartige Möglichkeiten für den Unterricht. Die didaktisch ertragreiche Nutzung dieser neuen Medien verlangt allerdings die Veränderung sowohl der Organisation wie auch der Methoden und Rollen des Lehrens und Lernens, die, wie empirische Studien zeigen, bei großen Teilen der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer noch aussteht. Zielstellung dieser explorativen Studie ist die Entwicklung und empirische Überprüfung eines Lehrerfortbildungskonzeptes, das eine nachhaltige Veränderung des unterrichtlichen Handelns bewirken kann. Im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit werden zunächst mediendidaktische Erkenntnisse diskutiert und daraus der inhaltliche Ansatz der Fortbildung, die Umsetzung einer problemorientierten Lernumgebung mit neuen Medien im Fach Englisch entwickelt. Die Ursachenanalyse der bestehenden didaktischen Defizite im Unterricht mit neuen Medien aus Sicht der professionswissenschaftlichen Forschung zum Lehrerwissen und -handeln zeigt die Veränderungsresistenz unterrichtlicher Routinen, aufgefasst als Unterrichtskripts, auf. Hier setzt die Fortbildung methodisch mit einem dreischrittigen Verfahren an, das den Erwerb neuen Wissens mit dessen praktischer Erprobung und Reflexion verbindet. Dem empirischen Teil der Arbeit liegt ein Prä-Post-Untersuchungsdesign zugrunde, zu denen die unterrichtlichen Handlungsmuster der Lehrpersonen als Niederschlag ihrer Unterrichtsskripts im Fremdbeurteilungsverfahren erfasst werden. Die Analyse der Veränderung auf Gruppenebene mit quantitativen Verfahren und die Auswertungen auf Ebene der einzelnen Lehrpersonen mittels typisierender Verfahren zeigen eine Hinwendung zu einem problemorientierten Lehren und Lernen sowohl im Hinblick auf die gewählte Aufgabenstellung als auch in ihren Ablauf- und Interaktionsmustern. Insgesamt weist die Studie das Fortbildungskonzept als einen fruchtbaren Ansatz dafür aus, eine Neuorientierung beim Unterricht mit neuen Medien anzustoßen. / In today’s modern information society and knowledge economy new media offer novel possibilities for teaching and learning processes in school. Nevertheless, an effective use of new media in instruction requires changes in its organisation as well as in teaching methods and the role of the teacher. Empirical studies show that many teachers still have to implement this kind of reorientation. This explorative study aims to develop and test a concept for the professional development of teachers, which leads to a sustained change of their teaching. Based on prior research on media in instruction, a theoretical framework is developed that applies problem-based learning to the professional development of teachers of English. Also, didactical deficits in the use of new media in instruction are analyzed with a focus on teachers’ cognition. It shows that the existing teaching routines, represented in the form of lesson scripts, constrain a reorientation of teacher performance. Hence, the professional development focuses on changing these routines by devising a procedure consisting of three steps, which combines the acquisition of new knowledge with practicing it and reflecting the practice. The empirical part of this thesis is based on a pre-postdesign. For all participants of the professional training the patterns of action in class were observed and tested in a third-party assessment. The data was transformed into lesson scripts. Both the analysis at group level, which used quantitative methods, and the analysis on the individual level of the teacher using classifying methods showed that after the training the participants made more use of problem-based teaching and learning. This reorganisation happened on the level of the chosen tasks as well as with regard to the interaction models. All in all, the study showed that the concept of professional training developed for this study is a promising approach to initiate the required reorientation in education with new media.
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Investigating the problem-solving proficiency of second-year Quantitative Techniques students : the case of Walter Sisulu UniversityBester, Lynette 07 1900 (has links)
Quantitative Techniques is traditionally a subject with a poor pass rate at Walter Sisulu
University. In search of a turnaround strategy, the purpose of this study was to determine the
level of problem-solving proficiency of Quantitative Techniques students, which is suspected
to influence achievement in this subject. A descriptive survey design was used in this
research. Second-year ND (Marketing) students (128) took part in the study. A questionnaire
and a written test were used to collect data. A profile of participants’ problem-solving was
determined. Their weaknesses and strengths in problem-solving were investigated. The
problem-solving proficiency of participants with regards to the biographical variables of
Gender, Age, Mathematics background and whether they took Data Handling training at
school or not were explored.
A model, based on Polya’s four stages of problem-solving, was used to measure the students’
level of problem-solving proficiency, which was 59,16%. Findings suggest that the students
achieved highest in understanding a problem (72,29%) and making a plan to solve the
problem (73,77%). They are weakest at interpreting their results (29,38%). MANOVA results
showed no statistical significance for the biographical variables. The univariate results
suggest that age, Data Handling training at school and Gender could affect problem-solving
proficiency. Since the findings of this study indicate a strong relationship between participants’ problem-solving proficiency and their actual achievement, some intervention is
recommended. An intervention could be in the form of a section on problem-solving in the
course, supplemental instruction or an introductory course. Course and curriculum content should be revised to address students’ proficiency in problem-solving. / Mathematical Sciences / M. A. (Statistics Education)
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Scratch! um estudo de caso / Scratch! a case studyBressan, Manuelle Lopes Quintas 09 December 2016 (has links)
O estudo objetivou analisar como e se um Ambiente Visual de Programação pode contribuir apoiando os processos criativos de adolescentes, sendo uma ferramenta auxiliar para a aprendizagem pela solução de problemas, incitando novas formas de utilização das TIC na educação. O presente estudo justifica-se pela necessidade de aprofundar as questões relacionadas ao uso das TIC pelos docentes da Educação Básica e não apenas o uso de projetores e vídeos para substituir o quadro de giz, ou ferramentas de pesquisa em sites de busca apenas para transmitir informações de maneira a privilegiar as metodologias tradicionais de ensino. Como metodologia de pesquisa optou-se pela abordagem qualitativa de natureza interpretativa do tipo estudo de caso múltiplo. A apreensão dos dados foi em campo experimental por meio de questionário socioeducacional e diários de bordo, seguida da análise de conteúdos e descrição dos resultados obtidos. Os participantes do estudo foram adolescentes de 13 escolas públicas e privadas de Ensino Fundamental e do Ensino Médio no Município de Araucária-Pr. O estudo evidenciou o desenvolvimento das funções psicológicas superiores, pensamento computacional nos estudantes como atenção, memória e percepção. Estas habilidades foram observadas durante a elaboração dos projetos, por meio das habilidades de compreensão, planejamento, retrospecto e desenvolvimento de estratégias individuais e coletivas para a solução dos problemas encontrados. Este estudo se diferencia de outros já realizados com o Scratch, pois, enfatiza a busca da liberdade e criatividade dos sujeitos discentes na elaboração de projetos próprios, como estratégia para a autonomia. / The study aimed to analyze how and if a Visual Programming Environment can contribute by supporting the creative processes of adolescents, an auxiliary tool for learning by problem solving, encouraging new ways of using ICT in education. This study is justified by the need to deepen the issues related to the use of ICT in Basic Education teachers and not only the use of projectors and videos to replace the chalkboard, or research tools in search engines only to convey information in order to favor traditional teaching methodologies. As a research methodology was chosen qualitative approach to interpretation, the study of case type. The seizure of the data was in experimental field through socio-educational and daily quiz board, followed by analysis of content and description of the results obtained. Study participants were adolescents from 13 public and private elementary schools and high school in the city of Araucaria-Pr. The study showed the development of higher psychological functions, computational thinking in students such as attention, memory and perception. These skills were observed during the preparation of projects, through the comprehension skills, planning, retrospect and development of individual and collective strategies to solve the problems encountered. This study differs from others already undertaken with Scratch therefore emphasizes the pursuit of freedom and creativity of the subjects students in developing their own projects, as a strategy for autonomy.
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O ensino de ciências por resolução de problemas: uma proposta aplicada a estudantes do ensino fundamental da cidade de Araucária / The teaching of sciences by problem-based learning: a proposal applied to students of the elementary school of AraucáriaSierra, Cristine Lois Coleti 05 May 2017 (has links)
Acompanha produto. / A Resolução de Problemas consiste em uma metodologia de ensino que se empenha em instigar os alunos na busca e apropriação de estratégias adequadas para que respondam tanto perguntas escolares quanto questões cotidianas. Na Metodologia da Resolução de Problemas, o problema demanda do aluno uma carga cognitiva e motivacional maior do que em outras metodologias. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar as contribuições da Metodologia da Resolução de Problemas (MRP) no Ensino de Ciências nos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental, a partir das problemáticas locais. Para isto, a pesquisa foi planejada em três etapas: Planejamento do Trabalho Pedagógico; Planejamento e Aplicação da Metodologia da Resolução de Problemas; e Obtenção dos Resultados da Pesquisa. Os resultados desta pesquisa foram analisados em termos qualitativos. Para isso, foram analisados questionários e atividades realizadas pelos alunos, bem como fatores observacionais durante a aplicação da MRP. Por fim, foi escrito um Caderno Pedagógico destinado aos professores no intuito de difundir e motivar os professores de Ciências no Nível Fundamental, na aplicação da Metodologia da Resolução de Problemas em suas aulas. / The Problem-Based Learning (PBL) consists of a teaching methodology that strives to instill students in the search and appropriation of appropriate strategies to answer both school and daily questions. In the Problem-Based Learning, the problem demands from the student a greater cognitive and motivational load than in other methodologies. The objective of this research is to evaluate the contributions of the Problem-Based Learning in Science Teaching in the final years of Elementary Education, based on local problems. For this, the research was planned in three stages: Pedagogical Work Planning; Planning and Application of Problem-Based Learning; and Obtaining Search Results. The results of this research were analyzed in qualitative terms. For this, we analyzed the questionnaires and activities carried out by the students, as well as observational factors during the application of MRP. Finally, a Pedagogical Notebook was written for teachers in order to disseminate and motivate Science teachers at the Fundamental Level, in the application of the Problem-Based Learning in their classes.
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Conceptual and procedural difficulties experienced by National Certificate vocational level 4 students in solving factorisation problems at a Kwazulu-Natal technology centreNaicker, Ashley Soobramoney 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this interpretive qualitative study was to determine the extent of conceptual and procedural difficulties that NCV Level 4 students encountered when factorising and solving problems involving factorisation. This study is based on Kilpatrick, Swafford and Findel’s (2001) ideas on mathematical proficiency, focusing on conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge and the flexibility of integrating both appropriately to solve algebra problems involving factorisation. This study also explored reasons why NCV Level 4 students demonstrated such difficulties and suggested possible ways that could assist them to understand and flexibly use factorisation to solve problems. A purposive sample consisting of 30 NCV Level 4 students and 5 Subject Matter Experts participated in this study, which adopted a phenomenological case study research design. Triangulation of method was adopted for consistent gathering of information. Data was collected through a written assessment on factorisation under controlled test conditions, and semi-structured interviews. The researcher reduced and analysed data by utilising an integration of constant comparison analysis and classical content analysis. The findings and relevant recommendations concluded this research. / Mathematics Education / M. Ed. (Mathematical Education)
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Teaching of scientific investigations by life and natural science educators in BushbuckridgeDlamini, Amos Paspas 31 August 2008 (has links)
The study describes the teaching of scientific investigations by Life and Natural Sciences educators in the Bushbuckridge Region in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. A quantitative survey method was exploited using a Cluster sampling method. The study was conducted a year after the introduction of the National Curriculum Statement in Grade 10, in South African schools. The study found that most educators use teacher-centred teaching methodologies rather than open inquiry in teaching scientific investigations. Schools still have a shortage of infrastructure, teaching resources and references, which make it difficult for the educators to shift towards the expected new system of teaching. Teachers are confronted with language barriers, heavy workload and insufficient retraining in the new curriculum. / Science and Technology Education / M.Ed.
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The development of mathematical problem solving skills of Grade 8 learners in a problem-centered teaching and learning environment at a secondary school in Gauteng / The development of mathematical problem solving skills of Grade eight learners in a problem-centered teaching and learning environment at a secondary school in GautengChirinda, Brantina 06 1900 (has links)
This mixed methods research design, which was modelled on the
constructivist view of schooling, sets out to investigate the effect of developing
mathematical problem solving skills of grade 8 learners on their performance
and achievement in mathematics. To develop the mathematical problem
solving skills of the experimental group, a problem-centred teaching and
learning environment was created in which problem posing and solving were
the key didactic mathematical activity. The effect of the intervention
programme on the experimental group was compared with the control group
by assessing learners’ problem solving processes, mathematical problem
solving skills, reasoning and cognitive processes, performance and
achievement in mathematics. Data were obtained through questionnaires, a
mathematical problem solving skills inventory, direct participant observation
and questioning, semi-structured interviews, learner journals, mathematical
tasks, written work, pre- and post- multiple-choice and word-problem tests.
Data analysis was largely done through descriptive analysis and the findings
assisted the researcher to make recommendations and suggest areas that
could require possible further research. / Mathematics Education / M. Ed. (Mathematical Education)
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Model vir kurrikulumontwikkeling in verpleegkunde / A curriculum development model for nursingDe Villiers, Louise, 1953- 06 1900 (has links)
Teoretiese navorsing is onderneem om 'n model vir kurrikulumontwikkeling vir die Diploma vir
Registrasie as Verpleegkundige (algemene, psigiatriese, gemeenskaps-) en Vroedvrou te ontwikkel.
Twee hooffaktore beinvloed verpleegonderwys. Op globale vlak word verpleegonderwys beinvloed
deur die realiteite van 'n inligtingtegnologie-gedrewe samelewing. Dit noodsaak die ontwikkeling van
kritiese denke, aanpasbaarheid ten opsigte van konstante sosiale verandering en 'n verbintenis tot
lewenslange leer. Op nasionale vlak word verpleegonderwys beinvloed deur 'n nasionale
gesondheidstelsel wat gekwalifiseerde verpleegkundiges vereis, wat in staat is om omvattende
gesondheidsorg te lewer. 'n Situasie-analise het gelei tot die identifisering van twee hoofkonsepte wat
die verpleegkundekurrikulum beinvloed, naamlik lcritiese denke en omvattende gesondheidsorg.
Vorige navorsing dui daarop dat verpleegdosente nie paraat is ten opsigte van verwikkelinge in die
onderwys nie. Dit kan negatiewe gevolge he vir innoverende kurrikulumontwikkeling in
verpleegkunde ten einde die professie strategies te posisioneer om te voldoen aan die eise van die
komende eeu. Die navorser het beoog om die leemte te oorbrug deur middel van navorsing wat gemik
was op die daarstelling van 'n omvattende kurrikulumontwikkelingstrategie wat kan dien as praktiese
riglyn vir die implementering van kurrikulumontwikkeling in verpleegkunde.
Op grond van 'n analise van die konsep kurri/culum, 'n situasie-analise en die interpretering daarvan,
is die Model vir Kurrikulumontwikkeling in Verpleegkunde gekonseptualiseer. Die model kan
verpleegdosente in staat stel om fundamentele kurrikulumverandering te bewerkstellig en 'n relevante
kurrikulum daar te stel, deur gespesifiseerde kurrikulumontwikkelingstake stelselmatig af te handel.
Die implikasies van die konsepte lcritiese denke en omvattende gesondheidsorg vir die
verpleegkundekurrikulum, is uitgespel deur kriteria vir die nuwe verpleegkundekurrikulum te
formuleer / The researcher undertook theoretical research to develop a curriculum development model for the
Diploma for Registration as a Nurse (General, Psychiatric, Community) and Midwife.
There are two main tendencies that influence nursing education. On a global level nursing education
is influenced by realities that are inherent in an information technology-driven world. This requires
the development of critical thinking skills, adaptability to constant social change and a commitment to
life-long learning. Nationally, nursing education is influenced by a national health system requiring
trained nurses who are able to render comprehensive health care. A situation analysis resulted in the
identification of two main concepts that influence the nursing curriculum namely, critical thinking
and comprehensive health care.
Previous research indicates that nurse educators are outdated in terms of developments in education.
This can have negative consequences for innovative curriculum development in nursing in order to
position the nursing profession strategically to meet the demands of the next century. This limitation
prompted the researcher to conduct research that was aimed at designing a comprehensive curriculum
development strategy to serve as a practical guideline on how to implement curriculum development
in nursing.
Based on an analysis of the concept curriculum, a situation analysis and the interpretation thereof: the
researcher conceptualized the Curriculum Development Model for Nursing. The model will enable
nurse educators to effect fundamental curriculum change and the development of a relevant
curriculum by completing specified curriculum development tasks systematically. The implications of
the concepts critical thinking and comprehensive health care for the nursing curriculum, were
elucidated by formulating criteria for a new nursing curriculum.
Key terms: curriculum; curriculum development; curriculum foundation; curriculum structure;
curriculum design; situation analysis; critical thinking; reflective practice; comprehensive health care;
comprehensive nursing curriculum; community based curriculum; problem based learning; media
assisted learning; ~ve learning; reflective learning; experiential learning; mediated learning. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Science)
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The perceptions of second year medical students towards the problem-based curriculum as compared to the traditional curriculumHassan, Salochana 06 1900 (has links)
The main hallmarks of the novel problem-based curriculum are
self-directed, student-centred learning, clinical reasoning,
small group tutorials and the facilitation of learning in an
integrated way. These features differ significantly from the
traditional curriculum which is teacher-centred, discipline-based
and more content orientated.
The innovative programme was implemented at the University of
Transkei with a view to improving medical education. In this
study, the perceptions of second year medical students regarding
the implemention of and transition to the new curriculum, was
assessed, as part of the evaluation of the curriculum.
The results showed that students had grievances about the
overwhelming volume of information they had to cover, time
constraints, examination methods and bias of tutors towards their
own subjects. Nevertheless, they considered the innovation to
be favourable, exciting, relevant to life and to future tasks,
and more motivating than the traditional curriculum. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)
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Effects of chess instruction on the intellectual development of grade R leanersBasson, Mary Rose 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The literature review indicated similarities between education and chess
playing and possible transfer of knowledge between these two different domains. A
link was then suggested between some aspects of intellectual abilities and chess
instruction in children, but not in adults (Frydman & Lynn, 1992; Waters, Doll & Mayr,
1987). In this research study the aim was to explore the relationship between chess
playing and cognitive and intellectual development in Grade R learners at
Garsieland. Therefore the positive influence that chess playing brings to bear on the
intelligence of 64 Grade R learners (as measured on intelligence scales) was
investigated. The data was collected through short biographical questionnaires and
psychometric tests and the participants in both groups were assessed on two
The study suggested that chess instruction exerted a positive (small) effect on
Performance intelligence and subsequently on the Global scale of the Junior South
African Intelligence Scales. The children in both groups also exhibited improved
cognitive development after the 40 week period during 2009. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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