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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detection of the Change Point and Optimal Stopping Time by Using Control Charts on Energy Derivatives

AL, Cihan, Koroglu, Kubra January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Proceedings of the International Workshop "Innovation Information Technologies: Theory and Practice"

Konrad, Uwe, Iskhakova, Liliya 21 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This International Workshop is a high quality seminar providing a forum for the exchange of scientific achievements between research communities of different universities and research institutes in the area of innovation information technologies. It is a continuation of the Russian-German Workshops that have been organized by the universities in Dresden, Karlsruhe and Ufa before. The workshop was arranged in 9 sessions covering the major topics: Modern Trends in Information Technology, Knowledge Based Systems and Semantic Modelling, Software Technology and High Performance Computing, Geo-Information Systems and Virtual Reality, System and Process Engineering, Process Control and Management and Corporate Information Systems.

Μέθοδος Hamilton-Jacobi για τη ρύθμιση μη γραμμικών διεργασιών με ασταθή δυναμική μηδενιστών

Μουσαβερέ, Δήμητρα 13 March 2009 (has links)
Για την αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος ρύθμισης ενός συστήματος μη ελάχιστης φάσης είναι γνωστοί δύο τρόποι από τη θεωρία των γραμμικών συστημάτων. Ο ένας αφορά στην επιλογή βέλτιστης συνθετικής εξόδου ως προς την οποία το σύστημα είναι ελάχιστης φάσης. Ο δεύτερος τρόπος περιλαμβάνει άμεση κατασκευή βέλτιστου νόμου ανάδρασης καταστάσεων ως προς ένα σύνθετο δείκτη απόδοσης. Στην παρούσα εργασία αρχικά αναπτύσσεται μέθοδος για τη σύνθεση βέλτιστου νόμου ανάδρασης καταστάσεων για μη γραμμικές διεργασίες, όπου η είσοδος υπεισέρχεται μη γραμμικά στις διαφορικές εξισώσεις, με βάση ένα σύνθετο τετραγωνικό δείκτη απόδοσης. Ο δείκτης αυτός εξαρτάται τόσο από τη ρυθμιστική απόκλιση, όσο και από την απόκλιση της μεταβλητής χειρισμού. Για την επίλυση του προβλήματος δυναμικής βελτιστοποίησης χρησιμοποιούνται οι εξισώσεις Hamilton – Jacobi μέσω των οποίων υπολογίζεται ο βέλτιστος νόμος ανάδρασης καταστάσεων. Η λύση των εξισώσεων Hamilton – Jacobi υπολογίζεται με βάση την επαναληπτική μέθοδο Newton – Kantorovich. Σε κάθε βήμα της επανάληψης επιλύεται προσεγγιστικά μια μερική διαφορική εξίσωση τύπου Zubov με τη βοήθεια αναπτύγματος σε δυναμοσειρά. Στο Νοστό βήμα της επανάληψης η μέθοδος παράγει τη Νοστής τάξης προσέγγιση του αναπτύγματος κατά Taylor του βέλτιστου νόμου ανάδρασης καταστάσεων. Η παραπάνω μέθοδος εφαρμόζεται σε προβλήμα ρύθμισης της συγκέντρωσης προϊόντος σε σύστημα δύο μη ισοθερμοκρασιακών αντιδραστήρων CSTR, όπου λαμβάνει χώρα εξώθερμη αντίδραση, στην περίπτωση που η είσοδος υπεισέρχεται μη γραμμικά στις δυναμικές εξισώσεις της διεργασίας. Επίσης μελετώνται οι ιδιότητες σύγκλισης της επαναληπτικής μεθόδου Newton – Kantorovich, όταν αυτή εφαρμόζεται για την επίλυση της εξίσωσης Hamilton – Jacobi – Bellman που αντιστοιχεί στο πρόβλημα βελτιστοποίησης ενός σύνθετου τετραγωνικού δείκτη απόδοσης υπό τους περιορισμούς μιας μη γραμμικής δυναμικής όπου η είσοδος υπεισέρχεται γραμμικά στις διαφορικές εξισώσεις. Στη συνέχεια, για τη βέλτιστη ρύθμιση μη γραμμικών συστημάτων με ασταθή δυναμική μηδενιστών (συστήματα μη ελάχιστης φάσης), χρησιμοποιείται ο συνήθης τετραγωνικός δείκτης απόδοσης ISE. Στην περίπτωση αυτή το πρόβλημα δυναμικής βελτιστοποίησης είναι ιδιόμορφο. Για την επίλυση του προβλήματος αυτού το μη γραμμικό σύστημα μετασχηματίζεται στην κανονική μορφή Byrnes-Isidori, εφαρμόζεται η θεωρία Hamilton – Jacobi και υπολογίζεται στατικά ισοδύναμη συνθετική έξοδος με ευσταθή δυναμική μηδενιστών. Η ρύθμιση της συνθετικής εξόδου στο προκαθορισμένο σημείο επιτυγχάνεται με γραμμικοποίηση εισόδου/εξόδου. Για την επίλυση των σχετικών εξισώσεων Hamilton–Jacobi αναπτύσσεται η επαναληπτική μέθοδος Newton – Kantorovich, η οποία περιλαμβάνει την επίλυση μιας μερικής διαφορικής εξίσωσης τύπου Zubov σε κάθε βήμα της επανάληψης. Η μέθοδος εφαρμόζεται σε πρόβλημα ρύθμισης της συγκέντρωσης του επιθυμητού προϊόντος σε μη ισοθερμοκρασιακό αντιδραστήρα CSTR με κινητική Van de Vusse που παρουσιάζει ασταθή δυναμική μηδενιστών. Τέλος, οι δύο μέθοδοι συγκρίνονται με βάση τους επιμέρους δείκτες απόδοσης ISE και ISC, των οποίων ο γραμμικός συνδυασμός συνιστά το σύνθετο δείκτη απόδοσης της πρώτης μεθόδου, ενώ τα αποτελέσματά τους συγκρίνονται όταν αυτές εφαρμόζονται σε πρόβλημα ρύθμισης της συγκέντρωσης του επιθυμητού προϊόντος σε μη ισοθερμοκρασιακό αντιδραστήρα CSTR με κινητική Van de Vusse. / For the control of nonlinear nonminimum – phase systems, there are two possible lines of attack, originating from linear systems theory: a) direct calculation of the optimal state feedback with respect to a quadratic performance index that represents a combination of an error measure and a control effort measure (composite index), and b) calculation of the ISE-optimal minimum-phase output and subsequent input/output linearization on that output. This work develops a numerical algorithm for the calculation of an optimal nonlinear state feedback law for nonlinear systems. A quadratic performance index is used, which contains quadratic error terms and quadratic input penalty terms. The optimization problem is solved using the Hamilton-Jacobi equations, which determine the optimal nonlinear state feedback law. A Newton-Kantorovich iteration is developed for the solution of the pertinent Hamilton-Jacobi equations, which involves solving a Zubov partial differential equation at each step of the iteration, using a power series method. At step N of the iteration, the method generates the (N+1)-th order truncation of the Taylor series expansion of the optimal state feedback function. The method is applied to the problem of controlling a system of two non-isothermal continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR), where an exothermic reaction takes place. Convergence properties of the algorithm are also developed independently of Kantorovich’s theorem, and the results are illustrated in a numerical example. For the optimal regulation of nonminimum-phase nonlinear systems, the performance index ISE (Integral of the Square of the Error) is used. The problem of minimizing ISE subject to the dynamics of the system and closed-loop stability is singular. The problem of calculation of an ISE-optimal, statically equivalent, minimum-phase output for nonminimum-phase compensation is formulated using Hamilton-Jacobi theory and the Byrnes-Isidori normal form representation of the nonlinear system. An input/output linearizing state feedback law is applied to regulate the synthetic output to a constant set point. A Newton-Kantorovich iteration is developed for the solution of the pertinent Hamilton-Jacobi equations, which involves solving a Zubov equation at each step of the iteration. The method is applied to the problem of controlling a nonisothermal CSTR with Van de Vusse kinetics, which exhibits nonminimum-phase behaviour. Finally, the two methods are compared with respect to the constituent indexes ISE and ISC (Integral of the Square of the Control), whose linear combination forms the composite performance index. The numerical results from both methods are compared in the control of a nonisothermal CSTR with Van de Vusse kinetics.

Representació qualitativa asíncrona de senyals per a la supervisió de sistemes dinàmics

Colomer, Joan (Colomer Llinàs) 28 July 1998 (has links)
L'objectiu general d'aquest treball és trobar i mostrar una eina que permeti obtenir unarepresentació dels senyals procedents de sistemes dinàmics adequada a les necessitatsdels sistemes de Supervisió Experta de processos. Aquest objectiu general es pot subdividir en diverses parts, que són tractades en els diferents capítols que composen el treball i que es poden resumir en els següents punts:En primer lloc, cal conèixer les necessitats dels sistemes de Supervisió: La gran quantitat de dades que provenen dels processos fa necessari el tractament d'aquestes dades per obtenir-ne d'altres, més elaborades, amb un nivell més elevat de representació.La utilització de raonament qualitatiu, pròpia dels éssers humans, comporta la necessitat de representar simbòlicament els senyals, de traduir les dades numèriques en símbols.La Supervisió de sistemes dinàmics comporta que el temps sigui una variable fonamental, la asincronia dels esdeveniments significatius per a la Supervisió fa que les representacions més adequades i útils dels senyals siguinasíncrones. Finalment,l'ús dels coneixements experimentals en la Supervisió dels processos comporta que les representacions més naturals siguin les més útils.Aquestes necessitats fan de la representació dels senyals mitjançant episodis l'eina amb més possibilitats per assolir els objectius que es volen assolir. Per això, es presenta un formalisme que permet descriure i incloure-hi la formalització i les diferents aproximacions a aquest tipus de representació ja existents i, al mateix temps, augmentar-ne la significació a través de característiques dels senyals que noes tenen en compte en les aproximacions ja existents.El següent pas és aprofitar el nou formalisme per obtenir una nova representació amb un grau més gran de significació, cosa que s'aconsegueix representant explícitament les discontinuïtats i els períodes estacionaris o d'estabilitat, moltsignificatius en Supervisió de processos.Un problema sempre present en el tractament de senyals és el soroll que els afecta. Per aquest motiu es presenta un mètode que permet filtrar el soroll de manera que les representacions resultants quedin afectades el mínim possible per aquest tractament.Finalment, es presenta l'aplicació en línia de les eines descrites. La representació en línia dels senyals comporta el tractament de la incertesa inherent al coneixement parcial del senyal (un episodi no pot ser determinat i caracteritzat completament fins que no s'acaba). L'obtenció de resultats amb determinats graus de certesa és perfectament coherent amb la seva utilització posterior mitjançant Sistemes Expertso altres eines de la IA. Totes les aportacions del treball vénen acompanyades d'exemples i/o aplicacions que permeten observar-ne la utilitat i les limitacions.

Identificação e análise dos processos de negócio de empresas de pequeno porte do setor da construção civil

Amarilla, Rosemara Santos Deniz 15 March 2013 (has links)
Capes / O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar comparativamente os principais processos de negócio de empresas de pequeno porte do subsetor de edificações da construção civil. Para tanto, foi utilizado o método de pesquisa qualitativa e estudo de casos múltiplos como técnica principal. Participaram deste trabalho, cinco empresas que estão localizadas na cidade de Curitiba, Paraná. Para a coleta de dados, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, análises de documentos e observações diretas. A partir das informações obtidas, desenvolveu-se graficamente o mapeamento dos processos de negócio de cada empresa utilizando-se a notação BPMN. O estudo mostrou que os processos e as atividades das empresas deste setor apresentam características comuns, facilitando assim, a padronização das melhores práticas. Com o estudo de outros casos, surgirão outros aspectos semelhantes que poderão ser utilizados na elaboração de um modelo de referência que apresenta orientação específica sobre como os processos de negócio podem ser gerenciados nas organizações do subsetor de edificações. / The present study has as objective to identify and analyze comparatively the main business processes of small companies of the subsector of edifications of the civil construction. Therefore, was used the qualitative research method and multiple case study as the main technique. Participated of this work, five companies that are located in the city of Curitiba, Paraná. For data collection were performed semi-structured interviews, document analysis and direct observations. From the information obtained, developed graphically mapping the business processes of each company using the BPMN notation. The study showed that the processes and activities of companies in this sector present common characteristics, thus facilitating the standardization of best practices. With the study of other cases will arise other similar aspects that could be used in the preparation of a reference model that provide specific guidance on how business processes can be managed in organizations of the subsector of edifications.

GCAD - Um modelo conceitual para gerenciamento e controle autônomo e distribuído para sistemas industriais automatizados.

Pacheco, Luciana de Almeida January 2011 (has links)
166f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-10T19:35:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Pacheco seg.pdf: 3529890 bytes, checksum: 13857ac04543f1bbc9fd4d7ed9849eba (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-11T15:30:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Pacheco seg.pdf: 3529890 bytes, checksum: 13857ac04543f1bbc9fd4d7ed9849eba (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-11T15:30:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Pacheco seg.pdf: 3529890 bytes, checksum: 13857ac04543f1bbc9fd4d7ed9849eba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Em sistemas industriais automatizados, a inatividade provocada pela escassez não planejada de recursos, ou por falhas de processo, tem grande influência no desempenho dos sistemas por conta das descontinuidades e instabilidades geradas. Sistemas de controle distribuídos e autônomos podem ajudar a lidar com esses tipos de problemas devido à melhoria de desempenho possibilitada. Entretanto, aspectos relativos à segurança e ao tempo de resposta devem ser bem tratados nesses sistemas devido aos riscos envolvidos (humanos, financeiros e ambientais). A proposta de sistemas autônomos e distribuídos visa a que decisões de controle sejam tomadas mais próximas do objeto controlado, reduzindo assim o tempo de atuação no processo e sistematizando algumas decisões, antes tomadas de forma empírica. Consequentemente, se espera aumentar a disponibilidade e a continuidade do processo, bem como garantir os aspectos de confiabilidade. Entretanto, quando tais sistemas se tornam mais autônomos e distribuídos, podem tender ao comportamento global caótico, caso suas interações não estejam bem definidas. Assim, é importante que seja avaliado e dimensionado o acoplamento entre os sistemas autônomos relacionados. O grau de inteligência de um sistema pode variar de uma entidade completamente controlada a entidades completamente autônomas. O primeiro nível de inteligência é verificado quando um sistema é capaz de gerenciar suas próprias informações, obtidas por meio de sensores e demais técnicas e dispositivos, e não somente manipular informações. Em um segundo nível, o sistema pode notificar o seu gestor quando há um problema. Em um terceiro nível, o sistema já é capaz de tomar decisões e se autogerenciar, mesmo sem intervenção externa. Neste caso, o sistema tem controle total sobre suas tarefas e não há nenhum controle externo a ele. A alternativa proposta pelo GCAD visa a que Sistemas Industriais Automatizados atinjam até o terceiro nível de inteligência, sendo que intervenções externas podem ser admitidas nos casos em que uma ação puramente local e autônoma de fato não é recomendável ou não é possível, por exemplo, havendo necessidade de substituição de equipamentos ou dispositivos. O GCAD propõe um módulo de controle inteligente instanciado predominantemente em nível local que visa a permitir que cada Sistema Industrial Automatizado, distribuído em células, tome decisões críticas de uma forma autônoma. Adicionalmente, um módulo remoto deve gerenciar situações mais complexas que estão além da capacidade de decisão ou atuação do sistema de controle local. O modelo proposto visa a permitir ajustes automáticos e autônomos no sistema, a fim de melhorar seu desempenho, e prevenir ou tratar as falhas inesperadas,assegurando a continuidade da operação. / Salvador

Statistické řízení procesů / Statistical Process Control

Hudečková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with the problem of statistical process control. The theoretical part describes the basic quality tools and new quality tools, as a tool for collecting, recording, classifying, and analyzing data. The knowledge gained from the theoretical part are used to describe processes in the company Heat Transfer Systems s.r.o., analyze sticking points, control plans updating and to statistical process control in the organization.

Rankine cycle based waste heat recovery system applied to heavy duty vehicles : topological optimization and model based control / Récupération de chaleur par cycle de Rankine dans un véhicule poid lourd : optimisation topologique et commande

Grelet, Vincent 18 January 2016 (has links)
L’évolution croissante du prix des carburants ainsi que les normes antipollution de plus en plus drastiques obligent les fabricants de véhicules commerciaux à développer des solutions innovantes pour réduire la consommation de carburant. Dans cet objectif, comme une grande partie de l’énergie contenue dans le carburant est directement relâchée à l’ambient sous forme de chaleur, celle-ci peut être valorisée et transformée via un cycle thermodynamique secondaire. Dans ce cadre, l’importante utilisation du cycle de Rankine à travers le monde en font un candidat naturel pour une implémentation dans un véhicule. Mais contrairement à une utilisation stationnaire, de nombreux obstacles se dressent pour une intégration totale dans un poids lourd. De nombreuses études ont été menées ces trente dernières années afin de déterminer le potentiel réel d’un tel système une fois embarqué à bord d’un véhicule. Les nombreuses sources de chaleur valorisables, les contraintes inhérentes à l’application embarquée ou encore les forts régimes transitoires induits par l’utilisation du camion doivent mener à une optimisation à la fois de l’architecture du système ainsi que de son système de contrôle. L’optimisation du système mène à un choix en terme de sources chaudes et froides, de topologie, de fluide de travail ainsi que de dimensionnement des composants afin de maximiser les performances. Le système de contrôle joue lui un rôle primordial afin de tirer un bénéfice maximum d’un tel système connaissant ses limites physiques ainsi que d’assurer une utilisation efficace. Dans cette thèse, une méthodologie de conception d’un système de valorisation des rejets thermiques est proposée. En se basant sur des simulations du véhicule complet basées sur un modèle détaillé, les thématiques de la sélection du fluide de travail, des sources chaudes et froides ainsi que l’optimisation des composants et du cycle sont approchées. Par la suite, le problème de contrôle en ligne de la surchauffe à la sortie de l’évaporateur est formalisé. En tenant compte des contraintes numériques d’implémentation, différentes stratégies de commande sont mises en place, allant du contrôleur PID à des structures plus avancées telle que la commande prédictive par modèle ou une loi de commande basée sur un observateur. La plupart de ces stratégies sont validées expérimentalement sur un banc d’essai mis en place durant la thèse / The constant evolution of oil prices and the more and more stringent automotive emission standards force the original engine manufacturers to search for innovative solutions in order to reduce oil consumption. As an important part of the energy contained in the primary carrier (the fuel) is lost to the ambient through heat, it seems convenient to recover a part of this thermal energy and to turn it into fuel consumption reduction. Thermodynamic bottoming cycle such as the Rankine cycle could be used to meet this objective. Its popular use throughout the world for electricity generation makes it a natural candidate for on-board implementation in vehicles. However, a certain number of hurdles are still present before the system can be efficiently applied to heavy-duty trucks. In the last thirty years, numerous studies heave been carried out to evaluate the real potential of that kind of system on a vehicle but nothing has yet been commercialized. The heat sources to recover from, the constraints relative to the on-board application and the long and frequent transient behavior of the vehicle mean both the system architecture and its control strategy need to be optimized. The system optimization leads to a choice in terms of working fluid, heat sources and sinks, and components sizing in order to maximize power recovery and hence the fuel saving. The control plays a major role by using the capability of such a system to ensure an efficient and safe operation and limiting the interactions with the other vehicle sub-systems. In this thesis, a system design methodology is introduced to optimize the system architecture using complete model-based vehicle simulation. The constraints relative to the mobile application are taken into consideration to evaluate the potential of such a system. Modelbased control strategies for on controlled variable, namely the superheat level, are developed. Constrained by the implementation platform, different control frameworks ranging from PID to model predictive controllers or observer based controllers are developed to fit into a normal automotive electronic control unit. Most of these novel strategies were experimentally validated on a test rig developed during the thesis

Estudo de um laboratório destinado ao controle em processo do biofármaco interferon alfa 2b humano recombinante

Almeida, Carla França Wolanski de January 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Priscila Nascimento (pnascimento@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2012-11-21T16:17:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 carla-franca-wolanski-de-almeida.pdf: 1099876 bytes, checksum: e454fb4f1e8e4f2a5e837e602abcf47e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-11-21T16:17:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 carla-franca-wolanski-de-almeida.pdf: 1099876 bytes, checksum: e454fb4f1e8e4f2a5e837e602abcf47e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Tecnologia em Imunobiológicos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / Controle em processo é parte das ações para garantia da qualidade dos produtos a fim de que eles atendam aos requisitos mínimos estabelecidos para seu uso. Os resultados obtidos nos ensaios orientam na tomada de decisões, bem como em ajustes ao processo de produção. Muitas vezes tais resultados são condições imperativas para as etapas subsequentes. O monitoramento do processo produtivo se dá a partir do estabelecimento dos pontos críticos de controle, que precisam ser verificados a cada lote, pois interferem diretamente na qualidade e rendimentos da produção. Portanto, a confiabilidade e agilidade deresposta são fundamentais para correta tomada de decisão e/ou ajuste. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo de laboratório de controle em processo nos aspectos gerenciais e principalmente nos aspectos técnicos aplicados ao processo de produção do biofármaco Interferon alfa 2b humano recombinante. Este produto, oferecido no portfólio de Bio-Manguinhos encontra-se em processode transferência de tecnologia com o Instituto cubano CIGB. Com base nos dados da literatura foram estabelecidas as principais etapas do processo produtivo a para expressão de proteínas heterólogas, em sistema recombinante utilizando-se a bactéria Escherichia coli. Os pontos críticos de controle foram estabelecidos utilizando-se a metodologia de análise de riscos HACCP (Hazard Analisys Critical Control Point). Para as análises de controle foram propostas metodologias analíticas que proporcionem a consistência de resultados e que possam garantir a qualidade final do processo de manufatura do produto. O modelo proposto também enfatiza a conduta de ações rotineiras de forma que qualquer desvio possa ser imediatamente identificado e suas causas apuradas além de executar as análises com segurança. Os critérios gerenciais e técnicos abordados foram avaliados criticamente, utilizando-se os procedimentos do sistema de garantia da qualidade vigentes no Instituto, bem como na estrutura do laboratório de controle em processodestinado à vacina contra Hib, que foi adotado como premissa básica, fruto da transferência de tecnologia bem sucedida em Bio-Manguinhos. A proposta elaborada poderá ser utilizada em outros laboratórios destinados ao controle em processo de novos produtos em Bio-Manguinhos e enfatiza os critérios técnicos como condicionais para confiabilidade de medição. / In-process control is a part of the actions to guarantee the quality for final products in order to attend the minimum requirements established for their using. The results obtained from analytical assays guide on decision-making as well as production process adjustments. Often, these results are conditioned to the follow the subsequent stages. The process monitoring occurs from the establishment of critical control points to verify in each batch because theydeterminate product quality and process yield. Therefore, the reliability and speedof response are critical for correct decision-making and adjustment. The objective of this work is to propose a model in process control laboratory in management aspects and especially the technical aspects applied to the production of human recombinant interferon alpha 2b biopharmaceutical, object of this study. Bio-Manguinhos supplies this product in its portfolio, which production technology is being transferred from the CIGB, a Cuban Institution. Based on literature data the main steps were established for a production process of heterologous proteins expressed using a recombinant system with the Escherichia colibacteria. The critical control points were established using the risk assessment methodology HACCP, Hazard analysis Critical Control, HACCP. Analytical methodologies were proposed to improve results consistency and assure the final quality of production process. The proposed model emphasizes the routine actions, so that, any deviation could be immediately identified, their causes verified and activities performed reliably. The management and technical criteria described have been critically evaluated using the Bio-Manguinhos institute quality assurance procedures as well as compared to the structure of the in-process control laboratory for Hib vaccine. This laboratory, adopted as basic premise, resulted from a successful technology transfer in Bio-Manguinhos. The proposal drawn up can be used in other laboratories for in- process control in new products in Bio-Manguinhos and emphasizes the technical criteria for conditional measurement reliability.

Gráficos de controle adaptativos para monitoramento de perfis / Gráficos de controle adaptativos para monitoramento de perfis / Adaptive control charts for monitoring profiles / Adaptive control charts for monitoring profiles

Viviany Leão Fernandes 23 May 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Processos de produção precisam ser avaliados continuamente para que funcionem de modo mais eficaz e eficiente possível. Um conjunto de ferramentas utilizado para tal finalidade é denominado controle estatístico de processos (CEP). Através de ferramentas do CEP, o monitoramento pode ser realizado periodicamente. A ferramenta mais importante do CEP é o gráfico de controle. Nesta tese, foca-se no monitoramento de uma variável resposta, por meio dos parâmetros ou coeficientes de um modelo de regressão linear simples. Propõe-se gráficos de controle χ2 adaptativos para o monitoramento dos coeficientes do modelo de regressão linear simples. Mais especificamente, são desenvolvidos sete gráficos de controle χ2 adaptativos para o monitoramento de perfis lineares, a saber: gráfico com tamanho de amostra variável; intervalo de amostragem variável; limites de controle e de advertência variáveis; tamanho de amostra e intervalo de amostragem variáveis; tamanho de amostra e limites variáveis; intervalo de amostragem e limites variáveis e por fim, com todos os parâmetros de projeto variáveis. Medidas de desempenho dos gráficos propostos foram obtidas através de propriedades de cadeia de Markov, tanto para a situação zero-state como para a steady-state, verificando-se uma diminuição do tempo médio até um sinal no caso de desvios pequenos a moderados nos coeficientes do modelo de regressão do processo de produção. Os gráficos propostos foram aplicados a um exemplo de um processo de fabricação de semicondutores. Além disso, uma análise de sensibilidade dos mesmos é feita em função de desvios de diferentes magnitudes nos parâmetros do processo, a saber, no intercepto e na inclinação, comparando-se o desempenho entre os gráficos desenvolvidos e também com o gráfico χ2 com parâmetros fixos. Os gráficos propostos nesta tese são adequados para vários tipos de aplicações. Neste trabalho também foi considerado características de qualidade as quais são representadas por um modelo de regressão não-linear. Para o modelo de regressão não-linear considerado, a proposta é utilizar um método que divide o perfil não-linear em partes lineares, mais especificamente, um algoritmo para este fim, proposto na literatura, foi utilizado. Desta forma, foi possível validar a técnica proposta, mostrando que a mesma é robusta no sentido que permite tipos diferentes de perfis não-lineares. Aproxima-se, portanto um perfil não-linear por perfis lineares por partes, o que proporciona o monitoramento de cada perfil linear por gráficos de controle, como os gráficos de controle desenvolvidos nesta tese. Ademais apresenta-se a metodologia de decompor um perfil não-linear em partes lineares de forma detalhada e completa, abrindo espaço para ampla utilização. / Production processes need to be continually evaluated so that they are able to produce in the most effective and efficient way. Statistical process control (SPC) consists of a set of tools used for this purpose. The monitoring can be periodically performed through the SPC tools. The most important tool of SPC is the control chart. In this thesis, we focus on the monitoring of a response variable through the parameters or coefficients of a linear regression model. It is proposed adaptive χ2 control charts for monitoring the coefficients of linear regression models. More specifically, seven adaptive χ2 control charts are proposed for monitoring a simple linear regression model, being distinguished by the following properties: variable sample size; variable sampling interval; variable warning and control limits; variable sample size and sampling interval; variable sample size and limits; variable sampling interval and limits and finally, all design parameters varying. Performance measures of these charts were obtained through properties of Markov chain, for both the zero-state and the steady-state situation. It was found that the average time until a signal in the case of small to moderate shifts in the coefficients of the regression model decreased. The proposed charts were applied to an example of semiconductors manufacturing process. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis of the proposed charts is performed for different shifts magnitudes in the process parameters, namely the intercept and the slope, comparing the performance between the developed charts and also with the fixed parameter χ2 chart. The proposed charts in this thesis are suitable for several applications. In this work, it was also considered quality characteristics represented by nonlinear regression models. To the considered nonlinear regression model, the proposal is to use a method that divides the nonlinear profile in linear parts. More specifically, an algorithm for this purpose, proposed in the literature, was utilized. It approximates nonlinear profile by a set of linear profiles. It was possible to validate this technique, showing that it is robust in the sense that it allows different types of nonlinear profiles to be considered. In this way, techniques such as control charts developed here can be used to monitor each linear part. Furthermore, we present the methodology to decompose a nonlinear profile in linear parts in a detailed and complete way, allowing its widespread use.

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