Spelling suggestions: "subject:"produktionsteknik"" "subject:"produktionsteknisk""
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Lean automation : Riktlinjer för arbete med robotceller i ett lean produktionssystemSamuelsson, Maria, Lundgren, Micaela January 2007 (has links)
<p>THIS PAPER IS BASED on thesis work done at Volvo CE Component</p><p>Division in Eskilstuna, from April to October 2007. The thesis work</p><p>considered industrial robots within lean production. The purpose was to</p><p>come up with guidelines on how to work with industrial robots and</p><p>design productions cells in a lean environment. The authors have used</p><p>various techniques e.g. literature study, study visit and interviews to reach</p><p>their result. First the authors tried to make a picture of and define lean</p><p>automation and then they wanted to compare that picture with the</p><p>present state of the factory. The purpose was to limit the thesis work to</p><p>the part of automation that is built by industrial robots and therefore only</p><p>this type of automation is considered in the current state analysis. The</p><p>authors consider that a holistic view and a stable foundation are the most</p><p>important things to start to work with lean automation. The result that is</p><p>presented in this thesis is most of the times far from specific for the design</p><p>of the individual cells since the authors felt it more important to focus on</p><p>building the right environment for lean automation. The easiest and</p><p>quickest way to summarize the work is the guidelines that are based on</p><p>the current state analysis made at CE Component Division and the</p><p>authors’ definition of lean automation. The purpose of the guidelines are</p><p>to give Component a picture of how to work to create clearer directives</p><p>when, where and how much the company wishes to implement</p><p>automation. At the same time they are also meant to help build a structure</p><p>for work with maintenance, internal transports, packaging etc. The paper</p><p>also presents a way to work as well as a suggestion on how to work with</p><p>building an individual cell could be conducted.</p> / <p>DEN HÄR RAPPORTEN BYGGER på ett examensarbete som utfördes på</p><p>Volvo CE Component Division i Eskilstuna från april till oktober 2007.</p><p>Examensarbetet behandlade området industrirobotar i ett lean</p><p>produktionssystem och hade som syfte att komma med riktlinjer på hur</p><p>arbetet med industrirobotar bör bedrivas och robotceller designas i en lean</p><p>produktionsmiljö. Författarna har använt sig av ett antal olika sätt, bl.a.</p><p>litteraturstudier, studiebesök och intervjuer för att komma fram till sitt</p><p>resultat. Först försökte författarna göra sig en bild av och definiera lean</p><p>automation för att sedan jämföra den bilden med situationen i fabriken.</p><p>Utgångspunkten var att begränsa arbetet till den del av automationen som</p><p>är uppbyggd med industrirobotar och i nulägesanalysen kartlades därför</p><p>endast de celler som innehåller industrirobotar. Författarna anser att för</p><p>att arbeta med lean automation är helheten och grunden det viktigaste.</p><p>Det resultat som presenteras i den här rapporten koncentrerades därför</p><p>kring att skapa förutsättningarna för lean automation. Arbetet kan enklast,</p><p>snabbast sammanfattas i de riktlinjerna som togs fram utifrån</p><p>nulägesanalysen och definitionen av lean automation. Riktlinjerna är</p><p>tänkta att ge Component en bild på hur de bör arbeta för att skapa klarare</p><p>direktiv när, var och hur mycket företaget önskar att automatisera.</p><p>Samtidigt som de även är tänkta att bygga upp en struktur för arbete med</p><p>underhåll, interna transporter, emballage etc. Rapporten presenterar även</p><p>ett tänkt arbetssätt samt förslag på hur arbetet med att utforma den</p><p>enskilda cellen bör bedrivas.</p>
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Hylshantering samt flödesanalysVishaj, Fidan January 2009 (has links)
<p>Trioplanex International AB is a part of the group Trioplast Industrier AB, which produces packaging materials for the film and hygiene industry. The group is active throughout Europe, where most of the production is located in Sweden, with head office in Smålandsstenar. Operations in Landskrona consist of Trioplanex International AB and Trioplast Landskrona.</p><p>Semi-finished articles consisting of paper cores, so called bobbins, give rise to a high amount of core waste in any form of core cutting. The objective of the report is to map out all core waste and illustrate the material flow with regard to present layout and equipment.</p><p>In the beginning of the project an analysis of the current process was carried out with focus on the cutting equipment. A case study in the form of an improvement work took place in order to reduce the causes which had the biggest impact on existing machinery.</p><p>Improvement proposals were discussed by the author together with supervisor, assigner and other parties involved. One of the solutions involved a relocation of industrial equipment with a modified material flow as a result. The introduction of continuous improvements is also one of the proposals outlined in the report.</p> / <p> </p><p>Trioplanex International AB ingår i koncernen Trioplast Industrier AB som producerar förpackningsmaterial till film och hygienindustrin. Koncernen är verksam över hela Europa där större delen av tillverkningen är lokaliserad i Sverige med huvudsäte i Smålandsstenar. Verksamheten i Landskrona består av Trioplanex International AB och Trioplast Landskrona.</p><p>Halvfabrikat utgörs av pappershylsor, s.k. bobiner, och ger upphov till en hög andel hylsspill vid all form av hylskapning. Rapporten har i syfte att kartlägga materialspillet samt belysa materialflödet med avseende på nuvarande layout och maskinutrustning.</p><p>I projektets början genomfördes en analys av nuvarande process med fokus på Bobinkapen. En fallstudie i form av ett förbättringsarbete ägde rum för att reducera de orsaker som hade störst inverkan på nuvarande maskinutrustning.</p><p>Förbättringsförslag diskuterades fram av författaren tillsammans med handledare, uppdragsgivare och övriga involverade parter. En av lösningarna innebar en flytt av maskinutrustningen med ett ändrat materialflöde som följd. Införandet av ständiga förbättringar är också ett av de förslag som tas upp i rapporten.</p>
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Automatisering av slutförpackning : En förstudie vid Hilton Food Group, Sverige ABZhang, Zhedong January 2007 (has links)
<p>Examensarbetet har genomförts på Hilton Food Group, Sverige AB (HFG Sverige) i västerås. Uppgiften var att göra en förstudie som utreder möjligheten att automatisera slutförpackningsprocessen av komsummentförpackat kött (kpk) på företaget och är en del av projektet Robot till tusen. Projektet drivs av Robotdalen i syfte att öka tillväxten hos små- och medelstora företag i Mälardalen med hjälp av robotisering. Målet med examensarbetet var att ta fram förbättringsförslag och ett genomtänkt beslutsunderlag med framtagna koncept för automatiseringen av slutförpackningsprocessen. De prioriterade koncepten skall möjliggöra en besparing av personalresursen. Några avgränsningar som gjorts var att inte ta hänsyn till materialhantering före eller efter slutförpackningsprocessen.</p><p>HFG bearbetar och packar över 150 olika sorters köttprodukter i deras 17 produktionslinjer. Dessa packas i standardlåda från Svenska Retursystem (SRS) och levereras till ICA. Detta görs i dagsläget manuellt. För att nå en fungerande automatiserad lösning behövde antal praktiska materialhanteringsproblem lösas:</p><p>- Kvalitetskrav på trågen</p><p>- SRS-låda försörjning</p><p>- Bygelpositionering och kontroll innan lådfyllning och stapling</p><p>- Trågförpackning från transportband till SRS-låda</p><p>- Hantering av ”avvikelse” t.ex. tråg som måste packas om</p><p>- Hantering av störningar</p><p>I rapporten presenteras tänkbara lösningar till de nämnda problemen. Dessa lösningar, robotar och andra utrustningar som behövs för att realisera det automatiska systemet på en packlinje beräknas för HFG Sverige få en investeringskostnad upp till 2,5 miljoner kr. Minst en person per linje per skift sparas vid slutpackningsprocessen. Detta skulle resultera i en återbetalningstid på cirka två år.</p><p>Författaren presenterar även andra förslag bland annat en automatiserad lösning för flera packlinjer samt att spelvända närmande packlinje för att effektivisera processen. Dessa är dock övergripande koncept varför ingen investeringskostnad kalkylerats.</p>
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Reducering av ledtider samt framtagande av kalkylmodell / Reducing lead times and developing a calculation schemeBirgersson, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
<p>Rimaster Kisa AB is a member of the Rimaster Group, the corporation was bought from Samhall AB in January 2007. The corporation is producing mechanichs needed by the Rimaster group as well for external costumers. Samhall AB is now functioning as a provider of labor for Rimaster Kisa, as the company is hiring personnel from Samhall AB. The company has earlier have had problems with their lead times being far too long. This has resulted in that the management decided to invest in a new edging press. Areas of work included in this thesis are, Investigating the investment of an edging machine, implementing of 5S and a new model of calculating prices of articles. The goal with the report is to reduce the corporations lead times.</p><p>To reduce lead times the company has started working with 5S. This reports presents protocols to aid the employee responsible for the 5S work of the factory. The model for calculating prices is based on a model used by Rimaster Polen. The model has been modified for the needs of the factory in Kisa. The model calculates with parameters for the potential production capability, using this leads to a margin of error with prices higher than needed to be. The company should always be aware of this margin of error so that they do not loose clients because of it. When using this model the company protects themselves for the future. They are not as dependent of the cheap labor gained by Samhall AB. The model calculates cost factors ready to be implemented in the MRP-system, prices are then calculated with the MRP-system.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The company should accept the offer made by Amada Implement the model for calculating prices fully, but be aware of its margin of error. Continue the work with 5S that has already been started. </p> / <p>Rimaster Kisa AB ingår i Rimastergruppen, Företaget köptes ifrån Samhall AB i Januari 2007. Samhall AB agerar nu som ett bemanningsföretag och hyr ut sin personal till Rimaster Kisa AB. Anläggningen i Kisa tillverkar mekanik till övriga företag inom koncernen samt externa kunder. Företaget har tidigare haft problem med långa ledtider, detta har resulterat i att ledningen har beslutat i att investera i en ny kantpress. Företaget har även haft problem med att kalkylera sina priser till kund. I rapporten behandlas investeringen av kantpress, framtida investering av stans, ett inledande arbete med 5S samt ett sätt för företaget att visualisera infasningen av nya artiklar i produktionen detta för att sänka de långa ledtider som företaget hittills har haft. Även ett nytt kalkylsystem har införts för att säkerställa att kunder offereras rätt pris.</p><p>Huvudsakligen har två offerter studerats och ställts mot varandra. Den ena offererades av din Maskin och den andra av Amada. Din Maskin har offererat en servostyrd kantpress vilket ses som en ännu ej färdigutvecklad teknik till skillnad mot den mer konventionella hydraulstyrda kantpressen som Amada har offererat. Skillnaden i pris är marginell även om kantpressen offererad av Amada var något billigare på grund av möjligheten att leasa den på sju år. Den stora skillnaden mellan maskinerna låg dock i mjukvaran. Amada offererar en helintegrerad databaslösning, som säkerställer att det hela tiden finns en unik ritning till varje artikel. En ändring för en maskin slår igenom för samtliga i produktionskedjan. Vilket minimerar risken för beredningsmisstag. Då underleverantör av stansning använder sig av en stans ifrån Amada så underlättar investeringen beredningen för såväl underleverantör som för Rimaster Kisa AB.</p><p>Det 5S arbete som inletts består av formulär med frågor för de olika produktionsgrupperna. Formuläret är en vägledning för vad den 5S ansvariga på företaget bör uppmärksamma när den utför sitt uppdrag.</p><p>Den kalkylmodell som tagits fram baseras på en kalkylmodell som Rimaster Polen använder sig av. Den är sedan anpassats så att den passar Rimaster Kisa AB. Den slutgiltiga kalkylmodellen baseras på den potentiella produktionen som Rimaster Kisa är förmögna att producera. Detta lämnar en felmarginal som kan leda till priser som är högre än vad de skulle behöva vara, å andra sidan så garderar sig Rimaster Kisa AB för framtiden. Då man inte kommer vara beroende av att behålla den billigare arbetskraft som företaget idag hyr in via Samhall AB. Kalkylen tar fram kostnadsfaktorer som senare implementeras i Företagets MRP-system. Artiklars pris tas sedan fram med hjälp av beredningstider och dessa kostnadsfaktorer i MRP systemet.</p><p><strong>Företaget råds:</strong> - att acceptera den offert på leasning som Amada har offererat. - Implementera kalkylmodellen som tagits fram, men även vara medvetna om den felmarginal som uppstår. - Fortsätta arbeta med 5S för att minska mängden inventarier och få kortare ledtider.</p>
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Automatisk plastlisthanterare / Automatic Plastic List HandlerFernegård, Hans January 2005 (has links)
<p>Today a lot of goods is transported on wood pallets because it’s practical and enabels a fast way to load cargo. The drawbacks with pallets are that they weight a lot, are big and are relatively expensive. Therefore IKEA has developed plastic lists that can replace the europallet in some applications. In this examwork an automatic handling equipment for plastic lists are design from a requirement specification to a finished machine. The task of the plastic list handler task is to automatically mount plastic lists under goods. To make the engineering design work easier the plastic list handler were divided in to modules.</p><p>The examwork has been performed at Linköpings Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för konstruktions- och produktionsteknik, and at TEXO Application in Älmhult. TEXO Application started in 2001 by Bo Lidbom in purpose to find new market areas for TEXO Holding.</p> / <p>Idag transporteras mycket gods på lastpallar eftersom det är praktisk och går snabbt att lasta. Den stora nackdelen med lastpallarna är att de väger mycket, är skrymmande och kostar mycket pengar. Därför har IKEA utvecklat plastlister som ska ersätta europapallen vid vissa transsporter. I det här examensarbetet beskrivs hur en plastlisthanterare konstrueras från kravspecifikation till färdig maskin. Plastlisthanterarens uppgift är att applicera plastlister under gods automatiskt. För att förenkla konstruktionsarbetet delades plastlisthanteraren upp i olika moduler.</p><p>Examensarbetet har utförts vid Linköpings Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för konstruktions- och produktionsteknik, och vid TEXO Application i Älmhult. TEXO Application startades 2001 av Bo Lidbom i syfte att hitta nya marknadsområden för TEXO Holding.</p>
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Klimatanpassning av mjukpappersfabrik / The climate adaptation of a tissue factoryGillberg, Peter, Eriksson, August January 2008 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport är en dokumentation av ett examensarbete vid Karlstads universitet våren 2006. Arbetets storlek är 20 poäng varav 5 poäng utgörs av en litteraturstudie.</p><p>Examensarbetet har gjorts i samarbete med Pöyry. Uppdragsbeskrivningen var att klimatanpassa en mjukpappersfabrik i ökenlandskap. Både för att tillgodose befintliga energibehov och om möjligt minska dem.</p><p>Fabriken har ett behov av produktionsånga. Solen kan användas för att producera ånga. Den metod som används då är att fånga upp solstrålningen i en stor area och leda den till en mottagare i en liten punkt. På detta sätt kan höga temperaturer uppnås och ånga kan framställas. Den typ av solfångare som är användbara för dessa behov kallas ”medium temperature solar trough”. Detta är en typ av kupade solfångare som kan röra sig i en riktning och fånga upp solens strålning.</p><p>För att ge en behaglig arbetstemperatur är fabriken även i behov av komfortkyla. De kalla nätter som kan råda i ökenklimat kan användas för att kyla fabriken. Ett system med kylbafflar som monteras i fabrikens tak för att kyla fabriken dagtid används. I kylbafflarna cirkuleras kallt vatten som kylmedium. Detta vatten värms upp under dagen och måste då kylas nattetid. Vattnet kyls i vattenslingor på taket för att sedan under dagtid lagras i marken innan användning.</p><p>I ökenlandskapen så är den passiva uppvärmningen ett problem då det är en stark solintensitet dagtid. Om fabriken delvis skulle grävas ner så kan en viss del av den passiva uppvärmningen undvikas. Problemet blir att bli av med den värme som alstras inne i fabriken. En väl utbyggd ventilation skulle krävas i fabriken för att inte stänga inne denna värme.</p> / <p>This report is the documentation of a final project at the Karlstad university during the spring of 2006. The project consists of 20 credits where 5 credits are a literature study.</p><p>The project was accomplished in cooperation with Pöyry. The assignment was to adapt a tissue factory to desert climate and in doing that provide the energy needed to operate and if possible reduce the need of the same.</p><p>The factory has a need for steam in the production. The sun can be used to produce steam. The method used would be gathering sunrays from a big area and concentrating them in a small spot, a receiver. Thus high temperatures could be reached and steam produced. The solar collector that would be used is called “medium temperature solar trough”. It’s at type of solar collector that can move in one axis to catch the sunrays.</p><p>To obtain an agreeable working environment in the factory there is a need for comfort cooling. The cold nights that are prevalent in desert areas can be used to cool the factory. A system with chilled beams installed in the ceiling of the factory will be used. The chilled beams contain circulating cool water. The cool water is heated while circulating during the day and thus has to be chilled during nighttime. The water is chilled in pipes on the roof during the night and then stored underground until used during daytime.</p><p>The passive warming of buildings is a problem in desert areas when there is high sun intensity during the days. If the factory were to be built partially underground parts of the passive warming could be avoided. There is still a problem with the heat being generated in the factory. A well built ventilation system would need to be constructed to not lock this heat in.</p>
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Investigations of Slag Properties and ReactionsPersson, Mikael January 2007 (has links)
The present dissertation describes the efforts directed towards the development of computational tools to support process modeling. This work is also a further development of the Thermoslag® software developed in the Division of Materials Process Science, KTH. The essential parts of the thesis are a) development of a semi-empirical model for the estimation of the molar volumes/densities of multicomponent slags with a view to incorporate the same in the model for viscosities and b) further development of the viscosity model for application towards fluoride- and manganese containing slags, as for example, mould flux slags and manganese slags used in ferromanganese production. c) estimating fluoride emissions from industrial slags and mould fluxes. d) study the reaction between carbon particles, hematite containing slags and in oxygen containing atmosphere. The model for the estimation of molar volume is based on a correlation between the relative integral molar volume of a slag system and the relative integral molar enthalpies of mixing of the same system. The integral molar enthalpies of the relevant systems could be evaluated from the Gibbs energy data available in the Thermoslag® software. The binary parameters were evaluated from experimental measurements of the molar volumes. Satisfactory correlations were obtained in the case of the binary silicate and aluminate systems. The model was extended to ternary and multi component systems by computing the molar volumes using the binary parameters. The model predictions showed agreements with the molar volume data available in literature. The model was used to estimate the molar volumes of industrial slags as well as to trace the trends in molar volume due to enable prediction of molar volumes of slags that are compatible with the thermodynamic data available. With a view to extend the existing model for viscosities to F--containing slags, the viscosities of mould flux slags for continuous casting in steel production have been investigated in the present work. The measurements were carried out utilizing the rotating cylinder method. Seven mould fluxes used in the Swedish steel industry and the impact of Al2O3 pick up by mould flux slags on viscosities were included in the study. The results showed that even relatively small additions of Al2O3 are related with a significant increase in viscosity. A similar experimental technique was employed to estimate the viscosity of twelve synthetic slags corresponding to composition of the raw materials used in ferromanganese production. The flow rate of the liquid slag, which is determined by the slag viscosity, is an important parameter affecting the reduction rate of manganese oxide. The results show a clear correlation between manganese oxide content and viscosity. An increase of MnO in the slag lowers the viscosity. The measured viscosities have also been connected to the structure of the silicates. The fluoride loss from the binary slag systems Al2O3-SiO2, CaO-SiO2 and MgOSiO2 with additions of CaF2 was studied by thermogravimetric (TGA) studies. The Arrhenius activation energy for the evaporation reaction of fluorides was found to be dependent on temperature and slag chemistry for the slags studied. A correlation between the activation energy for fluoride evaporation and activity of SiO2 in the slag melt was established. This relationship obtained for the binary systems appears also to be suitable for the ternary systems Al2O3-CaO-SiO2 with CaF2 addition, which indicates a possibility to estimate the fluoride emissions from industrial slags and mould fluxes. A Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy was used to investigate the reaction between carbon particles in hematite containing slags and in oxygen containing atmosphere. Experiments with varying temperature and slags with varying FeOx content were carried out. The general trends were that the particle size decrease was more rapid with increase of FeOx amount and/or temperature was increased. / QC 20100812
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Configuration Design of a High Performance and Responsive Manufacturing System : Modeling and EvaluationTesfamariam Semere, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
Configuring and reconfiguring a manufacturing system is presented as an issue with increasing importance due to higher frequency of system configuration or major reconfigurations to accommodate new set of requirements and/or the need to configure the system to make it usable across generations of products or product families. This research has focused in the modeling, evaluation and selection decisions which involves multiple, incommensurate and conflicting objectives. Which renders configuration a multi criteria decision making or multi objective optimization problem. A manufacturing system configuration design is strategic, i.e., the effects are long term and determines the competitiveness of manufacturing. A case study in one of Swedish large discrete part manufacturing which produces variants of products for two different market segments is conducted to verify the fit between the manufacturing strategy and the existing system configuration. The relevance of aggregate modeling is discussed and it’s argued that system dynamics has the advantage over analytical methods in its capability to capture the complexity, its capability to evolve into more rigorous and detailed model, and the lesser time needed for the assessment especially when there are a number of alternatives. Circumstances are when a cost model may suffice for certain comparative analysis. The challenge with cost models is the difficulty in projecting intangible factors in terms of cost. However, approximation to some important factors can be made that may give insights in the comparative performances of alternatives. In line with this view a cost model that comprises the investment and operation costs, quality and reliability is proposed. Application of AHP and ANP for preference weight (subjective) elicitation and qualitative performance evaluation, entropy for objective weights calculation that may help to evaluate the discriminating ability of a criteria, Pareto frontier Analysis particularly Data Envelopment Analysis for selection and ranking of alternatives are shown to be relevant and applicable in configuration design. A comprehensive design decision matrix called House of Assessment is proposed that captures the dependency among the criteria and evaluation objectives weights of the criteria using entropy to determine the discriminating ability of the criteria whenever appropriate. / QC 20100826
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Development of Industrial Information Systems based on StandardsRosén, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
This thesis has studied how ISO STEP application protocols can be used as a base for development of enterprise information systems that provides information sharing capabilities in a collaborative environment. In this thesis, five papers have been selected and are presented in the context of four themes that characterize the whole research body. The four themes are: - Standard models as a base for development of IT systems - Applications operating on integrated (standard) models - Sharing of information - Sharing of collaborative processes The research have been performed in both an academic and industrial context, where the researcher have taken an active role in how to shape the solutions that became the result of the research project. Initially the projects were limited to virtual manufacturing with a focus on the management of manufacturing information. However, gradually the scope grew to include management of product information across the lifecycle. Also the organizational context was widened to include management of information that is shared between companies across their company borders. The growing scope made the research to take on new aspects for each new area of issues that surfaced. One overall issue that surfaced was how to be able to exchange product data between companies over a long time and at the same time be able to impose configuration control of the shared information. One of the major conclusions is that sharing of information over time and across the lifecycle in a virtual enterprise is a task that involves more efforts than the task of exchanging product data of the same type (e.g. design data, CAD files) between two companies. The results of the research show that the ISO 10303 application protocols are qualified for use in an enterprise product data management environment. However, the result also shows that there are a number of issues to deal with when developing a product data sharing environment based on standards. For example, how to efficiently transform and use the data structures of ISO 10303 application protocols in the different layers of a software system, the data layer, the business object and services layer and the user interfaces. Other issues are on how to deal with the neutral representation such that companies can integrate their contextual information with the neutral product data representation. Future research is recommended to look more close into how the new evolving software architectures that becomes more mainstream today, such as Enterprise Service Bus technology (ESB) and Cloud Computing, amongst others, can utilize the ISO 10303 application protocols as their canonical format. Another important area is to further elaborate, and integrate ISO 10303 with existing technologies for Reference Data and unstructured data that today get more and more traction / QC 20100920
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Framtidslayout för Motala Wire WorkTonring, Robin January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis was conducted at Motala Wire Works Ltd (MWW) in Motala during the autumn and winter of 2007-2008. The thesis named “Future layout of Motala Wire Works” focuses on making a better planed layout for the factory, which also take in to consideration future changes. Motala Wire Work produces wire mesh products of varying sorts for the white goods industry. The factory was started by Electrolux during the 1950’s. The factory was bought by Motalaverken and got it’s present form in 2004. The factories machine park has changed quite a bit during the course of time and so has the products produced which has made for a very unstructured layout. Because of this the management feels it has to update and re-plan the layout in order to get a better working factory layout for the future. The purpose of this master thesis was to construct a future layout for Motala Wire Works which shows how machines should be placed in order to get a better materials flow and free space for expansion of the present production or if they decide to take in other types of production. To solve the task at hand the theories and methods of Systematic plant layout was used and to a certain degree Lean Production. Interviews/conversations with employees, direct observations, and measurements was used to gauge the various parameters. During the course of work ideas and proposals have been analyzed thoroughly and discussed with management to insure that the ideas have support from the company. When analyzing the final layout proposals a SWOT- analyzes has been conducted and the layouts have been compared to the criteria list for a good layout presented in the theory section. The analyzes shows that product flow in the factory is very messy, with intersecting and against each other going flows. A majority of the production is not automated which makes for a lot of manual work. Several of the machines have been in service for a long time which means that the ergonomics and operational safety of the machines isn’t always the best. Throughout the analyzes there is a discussion about what should be done to improve the flow and how the problems could be solved . The analyzes has also shown that a common employee space is desirable in order to improve internal communications and strengthen the group feeling. The result of the thesis are two layouts, worked out together with the company, that have great potential of being implemented. The difference between the two layout lays in whether the wire is cut and straightened at the factory or by the supplier. The layouts result in more organized flows, shorter transports, planed spaces for expansion and new machines, and an overall improved working environment. The number of handling operations will not decrease but the transport distances will go down by 62% and in the production a cut down in the personnel can be made by at least one person. These savings put in to money comes to a grand total of 427054 kr. It’s recommended that Motala Wire Works implements the layout.
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