Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aprofessional training"" "subject:"bprofessional training""
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Pressions et stratégies dans la formation professionnelle universitaire : le cas de la formation des directions d’établissement scolaire du Québec (1988-1989 à 2008-2009)D'Arrisso, David 06 1900 (has links)
La multiplication des formations professionnelles universitaires (FPU) a poussé plusieurs chercheurs à s’intéresser aux caractéristiques de ces formations, leur perméabilité à une multitude de pressions étant l’une des plus fréquemment relevées. Ainsi, les unités responsables de FPU sont confrontées à des pressions diverses et souvent contradictoires. Si les écrits scientifiques sur les FPU témoignent bien de cette réalité, ceux-ci nous informent moins bien de la manière dont les unités responsables de ce type de formation répondent à ces pressions. Cette thèse a donc fait appel à plusieurs concepts de l’approche institutionnelle issue de la sociologie des organisations pour analyser l’évolution récente de la FPU destinée aux directions d’établissement scolaire (DES) du Québec, un champ qui a connu d’importantes transformations au cours des vingt-cinq dernières années. Construite sur une étude de cas interprétative dite à « unités enchâssées » (Yin, 2003), cette thèse s’est intéressée à l’évolution de cette formation dans deux unités universitaires francophones : le Département d’administration et fondements de l’éducation de l’Université de Montréal et le Département de gestion de l’éducation et de la formation de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Couvrant la période allant des années universitaires 1988-1989 à 2008-2009, elle repose sur une analyse du discours produit par les deux unités sélectionnées, et, dans une moindre mesure, par les organisations qui composent le champ organisationnel de la formation des DES au Québec. Pour ce faire, trois corpus documentaires distincts ont été assemblés et une série d’entrevues (dix par unités) ont été réalisées auprès d’informateurs-clés (doyens, directeurs de département/section, responsables de formation).
Les résultats montrent comment ces unités tendent à se rendre isomorphes à leur environnement, et comment cela se fait en réponse à des pressions institutionnelles et de compétition diverses émanant d’un champ organisationnel en pleine transformation. En fait, poussée par des changements plus profonds touchant l’administration scolaire, cette transformation amène un champ organisationnel plus structuré, où les attentes concernant la FPU destinée aux DES sont plus explicites. Cela n’est pas sans conséquence sur l’évolution de la formation dans les deux unités. En effet, celle-ci connaît des changements importants, dont plusieurs convergent autour d’une logique de professionnalisation, d’un archétype spécifique de formation (un continuum de formation de 2e cycle, au cœur duquel se trouve un diplôme de deuxième cycle) et d’outils conséquents (conditions d’admission et populations étudiantes élargies; flexibilité dans la structure du programme et professionnalisation des activités; équipes enseignantes plus diversifiées). Les deux unités n’apparaissent cependant pas impuissantes devant ces pressions. Les résultats témoignent d’un certain niveau d’agence des deux unités, qui déploient un éventail de stratégies en réaction à ces pressions. Ces stratégies évoluent au cours de la période observée et visent surtout à gérer la situation de « pluralisme institutionnel » à laquelle elles sont confrontées, notamment entre les pressions externes de nature plus professionnalisantes, et les pressions intraorganisationnelles de nature plus académisantes. Ainsi, plusieurs des stratégies et tactiques composant la typologie d’Oliver (1991) ont été observées, les stratégies de compromis et de manipulation occupant, dans les deux unités, une place de plus en plus importante au gré de l’évolution du champ. La mise en œuvre de ces stratégies vise surtout à maintenir la légitimité de leur offre de formation devant des pressions plurielles et parfois contradictoires. Les résultats montrent aussi que la nature de l’entrepreneuriat institutionnel en place détermine en grande partie les stratégies qu’elles déploient. Cet « entrepreneuriat » est au cœur de l’évolution de la formation. Cependant, les résultats montrent aussi comment celui-ci est en partie contraint ou, a contrario, stimulé par les choix historiques qui ont été faits par les unités et leur université, et par l’empreinte et les dépendances de sentier qui en découlent.
Ces résultats apportent un éclairage « institutionnaliste » sur la manière dont deux unités universitaires ont réagi, à une période donnée, aux pressions diverses provenant de leur environnement. Ils brossent un portrait complexe et nuancé qui vient à la fois (1) approfondir notre compréhension de cette spécificité des FPU, (2) approfondir notre compréhension de l’évolution récente de la FPU destinée aux DES québécoises, et (3) confirmer la puissance d’analyse de plusieurs concepts tirés de l’approche institutionnelle. / The multiplication of university professional training programs (UPTP) has generated some interest in the description of such programs. Their permeability to pressures is often cited as a characteristic of UPTP. Departments that offer UPTP deal with pressures that are both diverse and often contradictory. This phenomenon is well documented in the scientific literature, though said literature does not well inform researchers on how departments respond to these pressures. This doctoral research used various concepts taken from institutional theory (itself a branch of organizational sociology) to analyze the recent evolution of UPTP for educational leadership in the province of Quebec (Canada). This field of training has gone through major changes in the past 25 years. Using an embedded interpretative case study (Yin, 2003), this research studied the evolution of educational leadership training programs in two university departments: the Département d’administration et fondements de l’éducation at Université de Montréal and the Département de gestion de l’éducation et de la formation at Université de Sherbrooke. We analyzed the discourse from the two departments (from 1988-1989 to 2008-2009) and from other organizations involved in educational leadership training in Quebec. We compiled data from three distinct document sources and from a series of interviews (ten per department) conducted with key agents (deans, department chairs, program coordinators).
Results show that the two units tend to become isomorphic to their environment. They behave as such as a response to institutional pressures and organizational competition in a changing environment. These changes, often driven by a deeper transformation in the field of school administration, actually help create a more structured organizational field in which demands regarding UPTP for educational leadership were made more explicit. This had observable impacts on the evolution of training programs in both departments, where they went through several changes and were lead to share a ‘logic’ of professionalization, a training ‘archetype’ (a graduate continuing education program with, at its core, a graduate diploma) and some relevant institutional ‘tools’ (widened admissions policies and target student population, enhanced program flexibility, professionalized training activities, and teaching teams with diversified backgrounds).
Nevertheless, none of the departments appeared powerless when facing these pressures. Results show that these two units uphold their agency, through a variety of strategies in response to the pressures from the environment. These strategies evolved during the period under scrutiny and seem aimed at managing the ‘institutional pluralism’ that arises from the clash of external pressures (that push towards professionalizing educational leadership development programs) and internal pressures (that push towards a more “academic” model of development). Many of the strategies and tactics described by Oliver (1991) were used, including compromise and manipulation, both of which took more and more place as time went by. The quest for legitimacy seems to have driven the implementation of these strategies, with regards to the multitude of sometimes contradictory pressures. The nature of the institutional entrepreneurship also determines the choice of strategy used by each department. This entrepreneurship is the main driver of the evolution of the UPTP. Results show, however, that this entrepreneurship is both constrained and stimulated by historical institutional choices and, furthermore, by the ‘imprint’ and ‘path dependencies’ created by these choices.
These results shed an institutionalist spotlight on the way these two departments reacted to environmental pressures during the period under study. The complex portrait sketched by these results 1) enhances our understanding of this important characteristic of university professional training programs, 2) enhances our understanding of the recent evolution of educational leadership training in Quebec, and 3) confirms the analytical strength of many concepts that stem from institutional theory.
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Contribution à l'étude juridique du droit de la mobilité professionnelle / Contribution to the legal study of the law of professional mobilityBrunner, Elodie 11 December 2018 (has links)
Le droit de la mobilité professionnelle, s'il connaît de nombreuses définitions, suppose encore un travail de construction. Entre obligations de l’employeur et droits du salarié, la mobilité professionnelle oblige à concilier un épineux paradigme alliant flexibilité dans l’entreprise et sécurité du parcours professionnel. Cette complexité est révélatrice d’une ambiguïté originelle : la mobilité professionnelle s’inspire pour l’essentiel de la pratique d’entreprise, si bien qu’il existe aujourd’hui autant de régimes de mobilité que de situations impliquant des mobilités. Clause de mobilité professionnelle, reclassement du salarié, mise à disposition de personnel, mobilité volontaire sécurisée, accord de performance collective, ruptures négociées, cession de contrat, l’étude des dispositifs juridiques démontre que la mobilité est essentiellement envisagée à court terme, à l’initiative de l’employeur et construite sur un schéma de contrainte ne tenant pas compte de la liberté individuelle du salarié. Le manque d’efficacité de l’arsenal juridique et les dérives qui en résultent en pratique rendent incompatibles le droit positif avec l’objectif de développement de la mobilité positive, pierre angulaire du droit de la mobilité professionnelle. Les nombreuses interventions du législateur au soutien des formes de mobilités contraintes concourent à la défaillance de cette ambition. Alors que le droit à la mobilité est, formellement, une garantie fondamentale du statut des fonctionnaires et des agents publics, une telle équivalence n’existe pas en matière de droit privé. L’enjeu majeur réside dès lors dans la capacité du législateur à repenser la mobilité positive. / The professional mobility law, although it has many definitions, still requires construction work. Between the obligations of the employer and the rights of the employee, professional mobility requires reconciling the thorny paradigm between flexibility in the company and safety of the professional career. This complexity reveals an original ambiguity: professional mobility is essentially inspired by practice, so that today there are as many mobility schemes as there are situations involving mobility. Professional mobility clause, reclassification of the employee, personnel provision, secure voluntary mobility, performing agreement, negotiated breaks of contract, assignment of contract, the study of legal devices shows that mobility is mainly envisaged in the short term, at the initiative of the employer and built on a pattern of constraint not taking into account the individual freedom of the employee. The lack of efficiency of the legal framework and the resulting abuses in practice make positive law incompatible with the objective of developing positive mobility, which is the cornerstone professional mobility law. The many interventions of the legislator in support of the forms of constrained mobilities contribute to the failure of this ambition. While the right to mobility is, formally, a fundamental guarantee of the status of civil servants and public officials, such equivalence does not exist in private law. The major challenge therefore lies in the ability of the legislator to rethink positive mobility.
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Emploi et chômage en Algérie, évolution et transformaion de 1966 à 2014 / Employment and unemployment in Algeria, its evolution and transformationMekherbeche, Ghalem 27 February 2019 (has links)
Cette étude a pour objectif d’étudier l’emploi et le chômage, son évolution en Algérie de 1966 à 2014 ainsi que ses aspects sociodémographiques. L’étude du marché du travail algérien a montré que celui-ci a subi de profondes transformations à cause des événements démographiques et économiques qui ont jalonné le pays, tels que : l’expansion de l’emploi informel et féminin, le recul de l’emploi public et l’effondrement du secteur agricole. L’analyse des données des enquêtes emplois de l’ONS, montre l’impact de ces éléments sur les taux d’activité. Ces derniers ont connu une grande hausse durant les périodes de crise etparticulièrement dans les années 1990. Cette hausse était due, à la fois, à la croissance démographique et à la poussée de l’activité féminine. Pour le taux de chômage, il a atteint son niveau le plus bas en 1984. Cette baisse est imputée à la faible pression démographique sur le marché du travail comme à la politique économique suivie dans les années 1970. A partir de 1986, le niveau de chômage augmente et atteint un pic durant les années 1990. Cette hausse a été déclenchée par un ensemble de facteurs : l’arrivée en masse sur le marché du travail d’individus issus des générations du baby-boom, la baisse durable des prix des hydrocarbures , la crise politique et sécuritaire et l’arrivée d’un nombre croissant de femmes sur le marché du travail. De 2000 à 2013, le niveau de chômage tend à la baisse. En effet, la forte hausse des prix des hydrocarbures en cette période, a permis la création d’un volume important d’emplois non permanents. S’ajoute, à cela, la baisse de la pression démographique dans la même période. A partir de 2014, le niveau de chômage repart vers la hausse alors qu’en même temps les cours du prix du pétrole chutent.Cette thèse a également visé le marché de l’emploi à l’échelle locale. Ainsi, l’enquête menée dans la wilaya d’Oran a concerné cinq communes. L’exploitation des données de cette enquête a révélé une forte participation des femmes dans la vie active ; près de la moitié d’entre elles ont suivi un enseignement supérieur. Cela a influé sur le taux d’activité global qui est plus élevé que la moyenne nationale. Quant aux taux d’emploi, ils sont faibles dans les communes réputées pour leur structure industrielle et plus important dans les communes les plus agglomérées. S’agissant de l’âge moyen d’entrée dans le premier emploi, l’enquête a relevé que le niveau d’instruction joue un rôle déterminant dans la diminution de l’écart entre les hommes et les femmes: l’âge d’entrée dans un premier emploi chez les universitaires femmes et hommes est presque identique alors que pour le niveau d’instruction égal ou inférieur au moyen, les femmes entrent plus tardivement sur le marché de l’emploi par rapport aux hommes. En ce qui concerne les demandeurs d’emplois, les données de l’enquête ont abouti à un taux de chômage plus élevé que la moyenne nationale. Le niveau de chômage est plus élevé dans les communes réputées être le bassin d’emploi de la wilaya d’Oran. / This study aims to analyze employment, unemployment and their evolution in Algeria from 1966 to 2014 and their socio-demographic point of view. The study of the Algerian workforce has shown that there has been a profound transformation due to demographic and economic events which stand out as milestones such as: the expansion of informal work, women in the workforce, decreasing public sector employment and the collapse of agriculture. The analysis of studies by the ONS show the impact of these elements on the rate of activity. The latter has shown a large increase during periods of crisis and particularlyduring the 1990's.This demand was the result of the increase of population and the development of women in the workforce. Unemployment reached its lowest level in 1984. This reduction is due to low population demand and the political and economic situation in the 1970's. From 1986, unemployment increased and reached its peak in the 1990's. This rise was due to a number of factors: the arrival of the baby-boomers and an increased number of women in the workplace, low petrol prices, and the political and security crisis. From 2000 to 2013 unemployment lessened. In fact, the high price of petrol in this period created a large number of precarious jobs and a drop in demand. From 2014, unemployment increased while the price of petrol fell.This work also studies the marketplace on a local level via 5 communes in wilaya d'Oran. The analysis of the information reveals a strong female participation, almost half of them have tertiary qualifications. That has influenced the total activity which is higher than the national average. Employment is low in the communes with an industrial structure and more important in built-up areas.The study shows that the level of education for first job seekers plays an important role between the employment of men and women: the age of tertiary educated men and women entering their first job is almost equal, where the level of education of men and women is equal or less than the average, women enter the workforce later than men. The study reveals that the level of job-seekers is higher than the national average. The level of unemployment is higher in the labour pool of the communes of wilaya d'Oran.
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La formation des formateurs aux technologies éducatives comme vecteur d’amélioration de la qualité de l’offre de formation professionnelle et technique au Sénégal : cas du Lycée d’enseignement technique et de formation professionnelle de ThièsThiam, Souleymane Simele 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Desafios contemporâneos na formação profissional: o desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades no serviço social / Contemporary challenges to professional formation: development of competencies and skills in social serviceWerner, Rosiléa Clara 05 May 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-05-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study presents the conceptual diversity of competencies and abilities in higher education and its appropriation and incorporation into Social Work based on curriculum guidelines CNE/CES Resolution 15/2002. The method selected for this study was the qualitative research based on interviews and document analysis obtained from a total of 21 subjects. The subjects were coordinators and professors of six Social Work undergraduate courses from South and Southeast of Brazil along with professor members of the Expert Committee on Social Work Teaching - MEC/SESu. All the interviews were scheduled in advance; they were conducted face to face and were digitally recorded, and further transcribed. A previously established guide for interview was used with each group. The Political-Pedagogical Projects (PPP) of six undergraduate courses in the selected sample were analysed. The competencies‟ and abilities‟ categories were studied in the higher education and Social Work scenarios from the historical perspective. The research was designed to identify how the concept of competencies and abilities was appropriated in Social Work and how education embodied it. In order to help with data systematization and analysis, two analytical axes were defined: a) The understanding of competencies and abilities; b) the appropriation of competencies and abilities in Social Work professional development. It has been observed that the concept of competencies and abilities is polysemic; this applies both to the theory researched and to the subjects interviewed. There is a tendency among the subjects interviewed to relate competencies with the professional Social Work competencies defined in the profession‟s regulatory law. The initial assumption that the concept of competencies and abilities was not appropriated in Social Work undergraduate courses, despite being present in the guidelines, was validated. The Political-Pedagogical Projects analysed show an influence of the ABEPSS curriculum guidelines in their elaboration, as well as legal rules such as MEC/SESu curriculum guidelines and professional regulation laws. In general, the PPPs contain items proposed in the CNE/CES Resolution 15/2002. They introduce the competencies to be developed during the undergraduate course, although without clarifying when and how this should be achieved. Social Work area presently lacks a discussion of a competency-based curriculum and the professional competencies were defined in the profession‟s Regulatory Law in mid 90‟s / O estudo apresenta a diversidade conceitual de competências e habilidades na formação superior e sua apropriação e incorporação no Serviço Social, a partir das diretrizes curriculares Resolução CNE/CES 15/2002. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa em que os principais instrumentos de trabalho foram entrevistas e análise de documentos. Foram entrevistados os coordenadores e professores de seis cursos de Serviço Social da Região Sul e Sudeste do país e professoras da Comissão de Especialistas de Ensino em Serviço Social MEC/SESu, um total de 21 sujeitos. Todas as entrevistas foram presenciais, agendadas com antecedência, gravadas digitalmente e depois transcritas. Utilizou-se um roteiro prévio para cada grupo entrevistado. Foram analisados os projetos político-pedagógicos dos seis cursos definidos na amostra. As categorias competência e habilidade foram estudadas em uma perspectiva histórica no Ensino Superior e no Serviço Social. A pesquisa objetivou verificar como se dá a apropriação do conceito de competências e habilidades no Serviço e como são incorporadas no cotidiano da formação. Para a sistematização e análise dos dados, foram definidos dois eixos analíticos: a) compreensão de competências e habilidades; b) apropriação das competências e habilidades na formação profissional do Serviço Social. Constatou-se que o conceito de competência é polissêmico, tanto para os teóricos estudados, quanto para os sujeitos entrevistados. Há uma tendência entre os entrevistados de relacionar competência com as competências profissionais do Serviço Social definidas na lei de regulamentação da profissão. A hipótese de que não houve apropriação pelos cursos de Serviço Social dos conceitos de competências e habilidades, embora estejam contidas nas diretrizes, foi validada. Os projetos político-pedagógicos analisados mostram a influência das diretrizes curriculares da ABEPSS na sua elaboração, bem como de normativas legais como as diretrizes curriculares MEC/SESu e a Lei de Regulamentação da Profissão. Os PPPs, de forma geral, contêm os itens propostos na resolução CNE/CES 15/2002. Apresentam as competências a serem desenvolvidas no decorrer no curso, mas não deixam claro em que momento e como serão desenvolvidas. O Serviço Social não tem uma discussão de currículo por competência e as competências profissionais foram definidas na Lei de Regulamentação da Profissão na metade na década de 1990
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Další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků středních škol ve Středočeském kraji / Further education of secondary school pedagogic workers in the Central Bohemia regionVančura, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
The present thesis focuses on further education of pedagogical personnel at high schools in Central Bohemia Region. The aim of this thesis is to explore, whether the teaching staff continue with their education. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is split into two chapters which offer definitions of key words and explain the basic terms closely related to further education of pedagogical personnel. The following chapter describes the implementation of further education of pedagogical personnel, educational methods and tools. The theoretical part also deals with gaining financial sources for further education. The practical part of the thesis is split into two chapters employing the method of questionnaire survey which was sent to the teaching staff in the Central Bohemia Region. This method was used to explore the motivation of pedagogical personnel to continue their education, and to monitor the conditions for their education. In the conclusion, the thesis adverts to several recommendations arising from the questionnaire survey.
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From policy to practice: an evaluation of the Unisa National Professional Diploma in Education from the perspective of social critical theoryMays, Tony John 30 June 2004 (has links)
The National Professional Diploma in Education is an in-service programme for classroom-based educators who have less than three years of professional training. The programme seeks to create a pathway to qualified teacher status in ways that will impact positively on classroom practice, prepare teacher-learners for the implementation of the new curriculum and provide a sufficiently rigorous foundation for further study. This evaluation adopted a fourth generation evaluation approach characterised by extensive engagement with programme stakeholders. Chapter 2 outlines an epistemological and philosophical framework of reference whilst Chapters 3 and 4 explore learning and teaching strategies and management and costing issues. The findings of these investigations lead to the recommendations made in Chapter 5. It is felt that the Unisa NPDE meets many of the goals of the programme, but further research is needed into the impact on classroom practice and into the management of the decentralised learner support. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Didactics)
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La formation continue des salariés en droit social : contribution à l’étude d’une nouvelle assurance sociale. / Continuing vocational training in French social law : contributing to the study of a new social insuranceTchanon, Cyril 29 November 2017 (has links)
Par sa finalité et son objet, la formation professionnelle continue appartient au droit de la protection sociale. Elle permet ainsi aux salariés de faire face au risque social d'obsolescence des compétences, mais également de sécuriser leur parcours professionnel. En 1973, le législateur forgea un lien artificiel entre cette matière et le droit du travail en la codifiant au sein du Code du travail. Le droit du travail exerça une influence constante sur la formation professionnelle qui fut orientée en priorité vers les besoins des seuls salariés. La réforme du 5 mars 2014 et les lois qui ont suivi semblent vouloir rompre avec ce cadre juridique artificiel. Le législateur entend consacrer un système d’assurance social, universel, personnel et individuel, ce qui pose la question d'un éventuel droit à la formation et appelle une réforme globale de son mode de fonctionnement. / Continuing vocational training in French social law : contributing to the study of a new social insurance.For its purpose and its content, continuing vocational training belongs to the law of social protection. It allows employees to face the social risk of skills' obsolescence but also to secure their professional path. In 1973, the legislator created an artificial link between vocational training and labour law by codifying this field into the Labour Code. Labour Law exercised a constant influence on vocational training which was primarily based on the sole needs of employees. The reform of 5th March 2014 and the subsequent laws seem to have the will to break with this artificial legal framework. The legislator intends to create a system of social insurance which is universal, personal and individual. It raises the question of a potential right to vocational training and calls for a global reform of its functioning.
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L'expansion de la formation professionnelle continue / The expansion of vocational trainingPiccoli, Philippe 10 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis les années 1970, la formation professionnelle continue s’étend à de nombreuses activités économiques et sociales, salariées comme non-salariées. La loi et le contrat, notamment, permettent cette expansion réalisée dans une grande instabilité normative. Constamment modifiés, les dispositifs d’accès à la formation sont souvent complexes et parfois peu efficaces. Le financement de la formation professionnelle suscite également des interrogations en raison des nombreuses personnes, publiques ou privées, chargées d’intervenir dans ce domaine. Le dispositif peut et doit être amélioré afin de permettre l’expansion de la formation professionnelle là où celle-ci mérite d’être encouragée. / Since the 1970s, continuing vocational training extends to many economic and social activities, either employed or self-employed. The law and the contract particulary provide such an expansion, which is carried out in a context of great normative instability. Constantly amended, training programmes are often complex and sometimes even reveal to be ineffective. Financing vocational training also raises questions due to the many people, both public and private, who are involved in this area. The overall system can and must be substantially improved so as to enable the expansion of vocational training wherever it deserves to be encouraged
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(Re)centring Africa in the training of counselling and clinical psychologistsDlamini, Sipho Solomon 01 1900 (has links)
The mimicry of Europe and United States of America (US) in South African psychology in the early 1900s and the continual presence of Euroamericanised psychology continues to marginalise Black, poor, and working-class people. In this dissertation, I investigated the misalignment of counselling and clinical psychologists’ professional training, specifically the first-year Masters psychology training programme with the South African socio-political context. To counter the usual reliance on hegemonic Euroamerican-centric approaches I elaborated on an Africa(n)-centred perspective so as to make sense of the training of counselling and clinical psychologists in the South African context. I argued that the Africa(n)-centred perspective was pluriversal (accepting of multiple epistemologies), endogenous (developing from within), and focuses on Africans not as the excluded Other but rather as the Subject at the centre of their lifeworlds. I elucidated curriculum practices within the professional training programmes as part of the investigation into the intransigence of Euroamerican-centric epistemologies in the professional training curriculum. I conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with 23 people, 8 of whom were course coordinators and 15 intern psychologists. The participants were from 5 universities falling into the 4 generic categories: Historically Black University (HBU), Historically White Afrikaans-speaking University (HWASU), merged university (MU), and Historically White English-speaking University (HWESU). For my analysis, I employed what I termed an Africa(n)-centred critical discourse analysis, which builds on the discursive turn in psychology, taking seriously the talk of people in the reproduction of socially unjust practices. All the interviews with the course coordinators and intern psychologists were dominated by talk of race and the Professional Board for Psychology. The interviews yielded a number of discourses, namely: 1) meritocracy, 2) diversity (which referenced issues of race, gender, and curriculum), 3) access, exclusion and privilege as related to language, 4) class, and 5) relevance (including social, market, and cultural relevance, with cultural relevance spoken about in relation to the curriculum). I conclude the dissertation by gesturing towards a constructive engagement (by which I mean a building) of an Africa(n)-centred professional training of counselling and clinical psychologists. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)
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