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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O psicodiagnóstico interventivo psicanalítico com idosos deprimidos na clínica social / Interventional Psychodiagnosis Psychoanalytic With Elderly Depressed in Social Clinic

Rodrigo Jorge Salles 25 April 2014 (has links)
Com o processo de envelhecimento populacional e as mudanças na estrutura etária da população, faz-se necessário pensar nas possíveis contribuições que a Psicanálise e a Psicologia podem oferecer para a compreensão do sofrimento e a intervenção terapêutica junto à população idosa. O presente trabalho aborda o Psicodiagnóstico Interventivo de orientação Psicanalítica como instrumento de intervenção em idosos com sintomas depressivos inseridos em contextos comunitários. Adotou-se como referencial teórico Psicanalítico as Consultas Terapêuticas de Donald W. Winnicott. Foram realizadas sessões de Psicodiagnóstico Interventivo com dois idosos em uma instituição de referência na assistência a este segmento populacional. Realizou-se um total de sete sessões acompanhadas de mais duas sessões de follow-up, sendo a primeira após um mês e a segunda após dois meses decorridos das sessões iniciais. Durante o seu desenvolvimento, foram aplicados os instrumentos Teste de Apercepção Temática para Idosos (SAT) e a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica (GDS). A análise dos dados seguiu a proposta de estudos de casos múltiplos, realizando-se a comparação e discussão dos dados coletados durante as sessões. Pode-se observar uma remissão nos sintomas depressivos nos dois casos atendidos, constatada a partir da reaplicação da escala em três momentos deste processo. Esse enquadre também possibilitou que esses pacientes entrassem em contato com aspectos latentes de suas personalidades, que puderam então ser integrados na relação terapêutica. O estudo desses casos possibilitou a compreensão de diferentes elementos teóricos e técnicos do processo Psicodiagnóstico Interventivo, como também a compreensão das diversas funções ocupadas pela patologia depressiva na velhice. Por último, o estudo também contribuiu para a compreensão das particularidades do uso desse enquadre na comunidade, configurando-se como uma importante ferramenta para a clínica social / Along with the population aging process and the changes in its age structure, it is necessary to think about the possible contribution that Psychoanalysis and Psychology can offer to the understanding of suffering and the therapeutic intervention for the elderly population. The present study brings the Interventional Psychodiagnosis of psychoanalytic orientation as an instrument of intervention for elderly with depressive symptoms inserted in the community context. It was adopted as a theoretical psychoanalytic reference the Therapeutic Consults of Donald W. Winnicott. There were made sessions of Interventional Psychodiagnosis with two elderly in an institution that is reference in the assistance of this population group. There were made, overall, seven sessions, along with two follow-up sessions, the first one after a month and the second one after two months from the initial sessions. During the development there were used the instruments Scale of Apperception Thematic (SAT) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). The analysis of data followed the approach of multiple cases study, accomplishing a comparison and discussion of the data collected during the sessions. It can be observed a remission in the depressive symptoms in both attended cases, found trough the reapplication of the scale on three moments of this process. This setting also allowed the patients to get in touch with latent aspects of their personality, which could then be integrated in the therapeutic relation. The study of these cases made possible the understanding of different theoretical and technical elements of the Interventional Psychodiagnosis process, as also the understanding of the several functions of the depressive pathology in old age. At last, the study also contributed to the understanding of the particularities of the use of this setting in the community, showing it as an important tool to the social clinic

Padrões normativos do Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach em adolescentes de 12 a 14 anos / Normative data for the Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test in adolescents aged 12 - 14 years

Jacquemin, Roberta Cury de Paula 29 June 2012 (has links)
Acompanhando tendência mundial de aprimoramento dos instrumentos de avaliação psicológica, é possível observar, no contexto brasileiro, esforços de diversos pesquisadores em busca da qualidade e adequado uso dessas técnicas. Dentre os métodos pesquisados e bastante utilizados no Brasil e no mundo encontra-se o Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach que, apesar de constituir importante técnica de avaliação da personalidade, ainda exige investigações científicas na realidade brasileira, de modo a oferecer o adequado suporte para sua utilização clínica em diferentes contextos. Dificuldades são encontradas, sobretudo, no tocante aos referenciais normativos para interpretação dos indicadores técnicos, em especial na investigação do desenvolvimento infanto-juvenil. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo objetivou elaborar padrões normativos do Método de Rorschach (Escola Francesa) em adolescentes de 12 a 14 anos de idade, de ambos os gêneros, de forma a oferecer referenciais técnicos para subsidiar processos analítico-interpretativos deste instrumento projetivo para a referida faixa etária, na realidade sociocultural contemporânea. Para tanto, avaliou-se amostra de 174 estudantes de escolas públicas e particulares da cidade de Ribeirão Preto, interior do Estado de São Paulo (SP). Os adolescentes foram examinados, individualmente, por questionário de histórico pessoal (respondido por seus pais e/ou responsáveis), pelo Teste de Inteligência Não Verbal (INV forma C) e pelo Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach (Escola Francesa). Os dois primeiros instrumentos serviram como critérios de seleção dos participantes, de modo a compor amostra de adolescentes com indícios de desenvolvimento típico. Cada protocolo do Rorschach coletado foi codificado por três juízes independentes, com posterior análise da concordância entre avaliadores. Foram examinados resultados dos adolescentes em 56 variáveis da Escola Francesa do Rorschach em termos descritivos (média, desvio-padrão, mediana, valores mínimo, máximo) e inferenciais, utilizando-se do método de regressão linear e distribuição binomial, a depender da variável analisada, a fim de verificar possíveis influências do gênero, idade e origem escolar na produção. Um quadro geral dos atuais referenciais normativos assinalou os seguintes índices médios: a) produtividade e de ritmo: R=21,3 respostas; TLm=17,6 segundos e TRm=29,6 segundos; b) modos de apreensão: G=25,7%, D=45,7%, Dd=27,3% e Dbl=1,3%; c) determinantes e índices formais: F%=45,2% e F+ext% = 65,5%; d) estilo de vivência afetiva predominante: extratensivo; e) conteúdos predominantes: A=53,8% e H=22,7%; f) Ban=14,8%. A análise do possível efeito das variáveis gênero, idade e procedência escolar sobre a produção do Rorschach na amostra examinada apontou diferenças estatisticamente significativas em reduzido número de variáveis deste método projetivo, permitindo formulação de padrões normativos globais e atlas único para os adolescentes de 12 a 14 anos, de ambos os gêneros, provenientes do ensino público e privado do interior do Estado de São Paulo, cumprindo-se os objetivos aqui delineados, possibilitando aprimoramento em processos analítico-interpretativos deste método projetivo na realidade brasileira contemporânea. (CAPES) / Accompanying a worldwide trend towards the improvement of the psychological assessment instruments, it is possible to observe, in the Brazilian context, efforts of many researchers seeking quality and encouraging the appropriate use of these techniques. Among the methods studied and widely used in Brazil and abroad lies the Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test that, although it is an important technique of personality assessment, still requires scientific research in the Brazilian environment, in order to provide appropriate support for its clinical use in different contexts. Difficulties are found particularly as regards the elaboration of appropriate normative reference to interpret technical indicators, especially in investigating the development of children and adolescents. In this context, this study aims to establish normative patterns of the Rorschach Method (French School) for 12-14-year-old adolescents, from both genders, with typical development indicators, in order to provide technical references to support analytical and interpretive processes of this projective instrument for this age, in contemporary sociocultural reality. For this purpose, a sample of 174 students from public and private schools from the city of Ribeirão Preto, in the country region of the State of São Paulo (SP), was evaluated. The adolescents were examined, individually, by an informative questionnaire about participants life history (responded by their parents and/or guardians), by the Non Verbal Intelligence Test (INV form C), and by the Rorschach Method (French School). The first two instruments were used as selection criteria of participants in order to compose a sample of adolescents with indicative signs of typical development. Each Rorschach protocol collected was coded by three independent judges, with subsequent analysis of inter-rater agreement. The results of the adolescents were examined in 56 variables of the Rorschach French School in descriptive (mean, standard deviation, median, minimum, maximum) and inferential terms, using the method of linear regression and binomial distribution, depending on the variable analyzed in order to evaluate possible influences of gender, age, and school origin in the production. An overview of the current normative references indicated the following mean indexes: a) productivity and rhythm: R = 21,3 responses; TLm = 17,6 seconds and TRm = 29,6 seconds; b) apprehension models: G = 25,7%, D = 45,7%, Dd = 27,3% and Dbl = 1,3%; c) determinants and formal indexes: F% = 45,2%, and F+ext% = 65,5%; d) predominant affective experience style: extratensive; e) contents predominant: A = 53,8% e H = 22,7%; f) Ban = 14,8%. The analysis of the possible effect of variables such as gender, age and school origin on the production of the sample examined, showed statistically significant differences in a reduced number of variables of this projective method, so as to enable the formulation of global normative data and a single atlas for adolescents aged 12 - 14 years of both genders, coming from public and private schools in the country region of the State of Sao Paulo, fulfilling the goals outlined here, enabling improvements in analytical-interpretative processes of this projective method in the contemporary Brazilian reality. (CAPES)

Obesidade feminina: considerações a partir do Psicodiagnóstico Interventivo / Female Obesity: considerations based on Intervenient Psychodiagnosis.

Gomes, Fernanda Kimie Tavares Mishima 28 June 2011 (has links)
Atualmente a obesidade desponta como epidemia global, uma das patologias de mais alto risco e com graves consequências para a saúde física e mental. Suas formas de tratamento mostram-se ineficazes, as pessoas sentem dificuldade em seguir dietas alimentares e manter atividades físicas. Assim, a perda de peso não permanece por muito tempo. Pensando nas possíveis formas de tratamento, este trabalho teve por objetivo averiguar as possibilidades de auxílio proporcionadas pelo Psicodiagnóstico Interventivo como coadjuvante no tratamento de mulheres com obesidade grau II. Foram realizados cinco estudos de caso com mulheres entre 30 e 40 anos, com IMC maior que 35 kg/m² e menor que 39,9 kg/m² (obesidade grau II), de nível socioeconômico médio. Elas foram encaminhadas pela equipe médica do Centro de Saúde-Escola da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. Realizou-se avaliação psicológica em oito sessões, com aplicação do Procedimento do Desenho da Figura Humana (DFH), no início e ao final do processo; entrevista semiestruturada e Procedimento de Desenhos-Estória (D-E), com enfoque interventivo. As técnicas foram avaliadas por meio do método da livre inspeção, em uma abordagem qualitativa de perspectiva psicanalítica. Houve similaridades entre as mulheres avaliadas. Como aspectos comuns, todas elas tiveram experiências iniciais com um ambiente que não se mostrou suficientemente bom, incapaz de prover suas necessidades afetivas. A figura materna não foi capaz de acolher as necessidades das mulheres, também não houve auxílio da figura paterna, que foi vista com intensa rigidez, autoritarismo e severidade. A falta de confiança no ambiente familiar pareceu se estender ao convívio social das mulheres, em especial, em seus relacionamentos amorosos, tidos como insuficientes e até traumáticos. Muitas vezes, o outro funcionou como figura provedora de afeto e cuidado, em uma tentativa de substituir o prejuízo das figuras parentais. Assim, ele era visto como cuidador e não aquele capaz de prover satisfação sexual. As mulheres apresentaram sentimentos de menos valia, desvalorização de si e baixa autoestima, recorrendo à submissão ao outro e a busca incessante por agradá-lo para não perder o seu afeto. Elas usavam o alimento como forma de se proteger do contato interpessoal, por receio de sofrerem e não serem amadas, como uma capa falso self que protegesse o self verdadeiro. Logo, afastavam-se deste convívio, sentindo-se isoladas. A falta de provimento das necessidades dessas mulheres na infância acarretou em dificuldade em ser autônoma e fazer uso pessoal dos objetos, com prejuízos na passagem pela transicionalidade. Durante o Psicodiagnóstico Interventivo, o encontro entre participante e pesquisadora permitiu que as mulheres se sentissem seguras, confiantes e aceitas, mesmo ao demonstrar seus sentimentos hostis em relação ao outro. O fornecimento de holding e a vivência de um ambiente suficientemente bom, oferecido durante a avaliação/intervenção, permitiram que elas entrassem em contato consigo mesmas, conhecessem suas necessidades e desejos, podendo expressá-los sem sofrer retaliação ou perder o objeto amado. Assim, foi dado um sentido para o alimento e cada uma pôde fazer uso desta significação em sua vida pessoal. / In the present days, obesity stands out as a global epidemics and one of the most risky pathologies, with serious consequences for both physical and mental health. Treatments for such illness have shown unsuccessful, with people experiencing difficulties in following alimentary diets and keep on practicing physical exercises. Therefore, weight loss does not last for long. Within the reflections on possible treatment strategies, the present study aimed to investigate care possibilities offered by Intervenient Psychodiagnosis as an adjuvant resource in the treatment of Level II, obese women. Five case studies were performed, with women ranging from 30 to 40 years of age, BMI between 35 kg/m² and 39,9 kg/m² (Level II Obesity) and average socio-economic level. All participants were addressed by their medical staff (School/Health Unit Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo) and psychologically assessed along eight sessions. The following instruments were applied: Human Figure Drawing Test (HFDT; beginning and end of process); semi-structured interview and Drawing-and-Story Procedure (D-E), with an intervenient approach. All techniques were assessed via free inspection method, in a qualitative, psychoanalytical approach. Similarities were found along all participants; common aspects include initial experiences within an ambient that has shown not sufficiently good, and therefore, unable to support participants affective needs. The same inability was observed in the maternal figure, as well as lack of support by a paternal figure, which was perceived as highly rigid, authoritative and severe. The lack of confidence in the familiar ambient seemed to extend to participants sociability, especially when regarding their love relationships, which were experienced as insufficient and even traumatic. Many times, the other worked as an affection and care provider, in an attempt to substitute the impairment of parental figures. Hence, such other was seen as someone who took care and not one able to provide sexual satisfaction. The participants also presented feelings of low self-esteem as well as self-depreciation, recurring to the other in a submissive way, in an attempt to incessantly pleasing this object, so that his/her affection would not be lost. Food was used by participants as way to protect themselves from interpersonal contact, due to their fear of suffering and not be loved; such expedient worked as a false-self cloak, in order to protect the true self. Soon, participants would create a distance from such contact, leading to feelings of isolation. The lacks of necessities satisfaction of such women during their infancies led to a difficulty in developing autonomy and make a personal use of objects, as well as to an impairment of their passage to transitionality. During Intervenient Psychodiagnosis, the meeting of participant and researcher allowed that these women felt safe, confident and accepted, even when showing hostile feelings toward the other. The offering of holding and experience in a sufficiently good ambient, as done during the assessment/intervention, allowed these women to get in touch with themselves and to know their needs and desires, as well as experiencing they could be expressed without retaliation, or leading to a loss of the loved object. Therefore, food was attributed a meaning, with each of the participants being able to make use of such meaning in their personal lives.

Efeitos da meditação na autoimagem de idosos / Meditation effects on elderly self image

Claudia Emi Regis 03 October 2014 (has links)
O crescimento do número de idosos no Brasil nos confronta com o desafio de olhar para o envelhecimento de forma diferente. No que concerne à Psicologia, tal exercício é essencial para (re)pensarmos a prática ampliando-a à população idosa. Tendo como hipótese a ocorrência de mudanças na imagem corporal e considerando o possível conflito mente-corpo no envelhecimento, o estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de uma prática de meditação na autoimagem de idosos analisando conteúdo verbal e conteúdo gráfico; foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevista e o Procedimento de Desenho-Estória com Tema (Vaisberg, 1999); foi solicitado aos participantes que realizassem o desenho de uma pessoa idosa, que foi comparado com suas respostas sobre percepção do envelhecimento/velhice. Os dados foram analisados antes e depois da intervenção do curso de meditação. O referencial psicanalítico serviu como base para a análise dos dados, que considera a existência de aspectos inconscientes e a presença de mecanismos de defesa permeando o funcionamento psíquico. Os instrumentos permitiram visualizar diferenças entre os dados, com contradição no teor das respostas gráficas e verbais; os resultados mostraram essencialmente mudanças significativas referentes aos desenhos; o conteúdo verbal permaneceu praticamente o mesmo nos dois momentos; nas características gráficas houve expansão, notando-se ampliação da percepção de si e mudança de posicionamento/perspectiva num modo geral; dois desenhos apresentaram maior espontaneidade retratando o próprio sujeito de maneira mais natural, menos formal; uma resistência na execução da tarefa conforme solicitada também ocorreu, que foi associada a conflito com o envelhecimento; houve referência explícita dos sujeitos sobre a melhora percebida em seu cotidiano atribuindo-a à meditação. Tal prática pode ter contribuído para a expansão da autoimagem e da espontaneidade, porém outros fatores podem ter concorrido para esta mudança, como a frequência ao curso, a aquisição de novos contatos pessoais (pares), um novo conhecimento, ou mesmo o ato de sair de casa direcionando-se à uma atividade. Estes fatores influenciam a autoestima, a motivação e consequentemente, a autoimagem. O conflito mente-corpo não é exclusivo da população idosa, porém se torna mais proeminente nesta fase da vida. A dificuldade em lidar com o descompasso entre o ritmo do corpo que já não acompanha o ritmo mental foi a tônica vista nos sujeitos da pesquisa. O ato de meditar conciliado com a ideia de reservar um tempo para si, direcionado para o autocuidado, visando o equilíbrio, pode ser benéfico para ampliar a percepção de modo geral, em que os detalhes não importam, e sim o olhar para o todo. Para relativizar vivências, memórias, a percepção de outras gerações, para que sejam ponderados também os afetos: pensar o quanto se pode afetar/ser afetado por condições inerentes da vida: olhar para o que foi trilhado como escolha e para aquilo que não se pôde escolher, se aproximando de uma autoimagem serena na última fase da vida. Concluiu-se que a melhor saída na velhice é ter consciência do conflito mente-corpo e não lutar contra, mas aprender a viver com ele / The growth of elderly number in Brazil confronts us with the challenge of stare at the aging process in a different way. Related to Psychology, such exercise is essential in order to (re) think the practice extending it to the elderly. Given the hypothesis of the changes occurrence in self-image and considering the possible mind-body conflict in this phase of life, the study aimed to evaluate the effects of a meditation practice in self-image of elderly analyzing verbal and graphic content. An interview script and the Procedimento de Desenho-Estória com Tema (Vaisberg, 1999) were used; the participants were asked to draw an old person figure, which was compared with their answers about aging process/old age perception. The material was analyzed before and after the meditation course intervention. The psychoanalytical referential served as basis to interpret the data, which considers the existence of unconscious aspects and presence of defense mechanisms permeating the psychic functioning. The instruments allowed one to visualize differences between data, with contradiction in the graphic and verbal answers accent; the results showed significant changes mainly related to the drawings; the verbal content remained practically the same in both moments; in the graphic features there were expansion, being noticed the self-perception enlargement and change of positioning/perspective in general; two drawings presented more spontaneity picturing the own participant in a more natural way, with less formality; one resistance in the execution of task as solicited also occurred, which was associated to aging process conflict; there was explicit reference from the subjects about a perceived improve in their daily lives attributing it to the meditation. Such practice may have contributed to the self-image and the spontaneity expansion, although other factors may have concurred to this change, such as the attendance to the mediation classes, the acquirement of new personal contacts (pairs), to learn something new, or even the act of going out directed to an activity. These factors have influence on selfesteem, motivation and consequently, the self-image. The mind-body conflict isnt exclusive of elderly population, but it becomes more prominent at this phase of life. The difficulty in deal with the mismatch between the body rhythm which no longer follow the mind rhythm was the tonic seen in the research subjects. The act of meditate adjoined with the idea of reserving a time for oneself, towards self-care, aiming the balance, may be good to extend the overall perception, in which the details dont matter, but the look towards the whole picture, in order to relativize experiences, memories, other generations perception, also pondering the affects; to think how much one can affect/being affected by life inherent conditions: to look at what was trodden as choice and to what one could not choose, getting closer to a serene self - image in the last phase of life. It was concluded that the best alternative in old age is to be conscious of the mind-body conflict and not fight against it, but learn to live with it

Longevidade e temporalidades: um estudo psicodinâmico com idosos longevos / Longevity and temporalities: a psychodynamic study with oldest old elderly people

Salles, Rodrigo Jorge 14 November 2018 (has links)
As pesquisas atuais nos campos das ciências do envelhecimento chamam a atenção para a necessidade de estudos sobre o grupo de idosos com idade igual ou superior a 80 anos, denominados idosos muito idosos ou longevos. A necessidade de estudos com essa população se justifica pela elevada prevalência de morbidades e incapacidades que afetam esses idosos, comprometendo sua autonomia e capacidade funcional, gerando maior risco para quedas e institucionalização. Entretanto, para além dos critérios cronológicos adotados pela literatura, sabe-se que a vivência do processo de envelhecimento e a consciência da passagem do tempo são condicionadas também por um fator subjetivo, fazendo com que os critérios baseados na exterioridade, como a idade numerada, sejam insuficientes para circunscrever a complexa experiência de envelhecer. Visando a compreensão das particularidades desse segmento populacional, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi investigar as percepções do idoso longevo sobre a passagem do tempo e suas vias de inscrição psíquica. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo de natureza exploratória, envolvendo metodologias quantitativas e qualitativas. Participaram da pesquisa 30 idosos com idade igual ou superior a 80 anos, distribuídos em dois grupos: idosos que vivem na comunidade e idosos que vivem em um lar geriátrico. Para a coleta dos dados foi utilizado o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), um Questionário de Caracterização Socioeconômica e de Saúde, um Roteiro de Entrevista Semiestruturado, oito pranchas da Técnica de Apercepção Temática para Idosos (SAT) e a versão abreviada da Escala de Depressão Geriátrica (GDS-15). A comparação dos resultados do SAT evidenciou que os idosos que residem no lar geriátrico demonstraram percepções mais positivas sobre a velhice e as relações estabelecidas nessa etapa da vida, descontruindo parte dos estigmas relacionados às instituições geriátricas. Também foi observada uma maior pontuação positiva para depressão na GDS-15 e pontuações mais baixas no MEEM no grupo de idosos que residem na comunidade. Como principais resultados da análise qualitativa da entrevista e SAT, observou-se que o tempo da velhice é produto do encontro entre o tempo de Kairós e o tempo de Crono, sendo o primeiro baseado numa acepção temporal subjetiva e o segundo numa concepção de tempo objetivo e sequencial. Observou-se que esse encontro ocorre a partir das diferentes experiências reais com a exterioridade, como as perdas vinculares e as alterações corporais, que se configuram como vias de inscrições psíquicas da temporalidade objetiva, promovendo a conscientização sobre a existência de um tempo externo ao Ego que situa o sujeito no momento presente da velhice. Com isso, conclui-se que a maior consciência da transitoriedade é o denominador que confere especificidade à experiência dos idosos longevos com a passagem do tempo. A adoção de instrumentos epistemologicamente distintos, como escalas, técnica projetiva e entrevista, evidenciou ser uma posição metodológica válida para a investigação dos fenômenos da velhice. Considera-se que a presente pesquisa cumpriu seus objetivos, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento científico do campo das ciências do envelhecimento e a atuação profissional junto à população idosa longeva / Current research in the fields of the Sciences of Aging draws attention to the need for studies on the group of elderly people with 80 years and over, called very elderly or oldest old. The need for studies on this population is justified by the high prevalence of morbidities and disabilities that affect these elderly people, compromising their autonomy and functional capacity, generating a greater risk for falls and institutionalization. Beyond the chronological criteria adopted in the literature, however, it is known that the experience of aging and the awareness of the passing time are also conditioned by a subjective factor, rendering criteria based on exteriority, such as numbered age, insufficient to circumscribe the complex experience of aging. Aiming at understanding the particularities of this population segment, the objective of this research is to investigate the perceptions of the very elderly about the passage of time and the pathways of its psychic inscription. A field research of an exploratory nature was carried out, involving quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The study included 30 elderly people aged 80 years and over, divided into two groups: elderly people living in the community and elderly people living in a geriatric home. The following instruments were used for data collection: the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), a Socioeconomic and Health Characterization Questionnaire, a Semistructured Interview, eight boards of the Senior Apperception Technique (SAT) and the abbreviated version of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15). The comparison of the results of the SAT showed that the elderly who reside in the geriatric home demonstrated more positive perceptions about old age and the relationships established at this stage of life, deconstructing some of the stigmas related to geriatric institutions. There was also a higher positive score for depression in GDS-15 and lower scores in the group of elderly people residing in the community. As the main results of the qualitative analysis of the interview and SAT indicate, the time of old age is the product of the encounter between the time of Kairos and the time of Cronos, the first one being based on a subjective temporal meaning and the second on a conception of objective and sequential time. This encounter occurs in different real experiences with the externality, such as loss of bonds and bodily alterations, that are configured as ways of psychic inscriptions of the objective temporality, entailing awareness about the existence of a time external to the Ego which places the subject in the present moment of old age. Therefore, a greater consciousness of transience is the denominator that confers specificity to the experience of the oldest old with the passage of time. The adoption of epistemologically distinct instruments, such as scales, projective technique and interview, proved itself to be a valid methodological standpoint for the investigation of the phenomena of old age. This research is considered to have fulfilled its objectives, contributing to the scientific development of the field of the Sciences of Aging and to the professional practice with the very elderly population

投映法と水準仮説に関する文献展望 : 有効なテスト・バッテリー構築のために

MORITA, Miyako, TSUCHIYA, Machi, 森田, 美弥子, 土屋, マチ 27 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Kinetic family drawings (KFD's) of sexually abused and non-abused African females.

McDonald, Cindy. January 1999 (has links)
ABSTRACT The discriminative ability and interrater reliability of one quantitative method of scoring Kinetic Family Drawings, (KFDJs), was explored, focusing on a little researched population - that of sexually abused versus non-referred Zulu speaking females between 7 and 11 years of age. An additional 20 indicators, suggested by various research to be frequent in the human figure drawings of (Western) sexually abused children, were also evaluated. The KFD's of 28 subjects were obtained. The 14 experimental group subjects were drawn from an organisation which deals extensively with the child survivors and perpetrators of sexual abuse. The 14 control group subjects were drawn from alocal primary school and had no known history of sexual abuse. Results were interpreted empirically. Results suggested that although the scoring system may be reliable, it is sensitive to the training, theoretical stance, etc. of the user. It was also suggested that the indicators used were not, as used by the scorers, able to distinguish between the KFDJs of the control and experimental groups. The relevance of certain of the indicators to South African populations was questioned since they were not scored at all by the scorers. In view of the researcher's perception of shortcomings with this approach, she attempted to describe more fully that which was depicted in the KFD's collected. Finally, several comments on the utility of viewing drawings from social constructivist, deconstructionist and social constructionist understandings as a complement to qualitative and quantitative approaches to the KFD were made. Suggestions as to how the KFD could be fruitfully used were proffered. It was contended that the KFD technique is not suitable for the use of lower level health care workers, that KFD's may have value in therapeutic settings, and that quantitative methods are simply one set of meanings which could be used to (partly) understand KFD's - attending to the child's context and the meanings he/she attributes to the various aspects of the KFD was contended to be important. / Thesis (M.Ed.) - University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1999.

The Interaction Of Consumer Constructed Meanings Of Brand Identity And &amp / #8216 / designed&amp / #8217 / Product

Ozalp, Yesim 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This is an attempt to understand the interaction of meanings of brand identity and &amp / #8216 / designed&amp / #8217 / product from the consumers&amp / #8217 / viewpoint. Brand Identity is taken as the &amp / #8216 / conceived&amp / #8217 / identity, which overlaps with concepts of brand image and brand associations. &amp / #8216 / Designed&amp / #8217 / product is analyzed via dimensions of function, form (aesthetic) and symbol. The aim of the thesis is to find patterns of interaction of functional, emotive and symbolic associations for brand identity and the functional, formal (aesthetic) and symbolic communication of the &amp / #8216 / designed&amp / #8217 / product. A qualitative research paradigm is followed in the thesis, given the emphasis on consumer-constructed meanings. Projective tasks based on dummy models and word associations are used as research tools. The product group included in the study is mobile phones because of high awareness levels and wide interest of the consumers. The context of the interaction is constrained by the nature of product group (fashion and high-tech item) as well as the properties of brands used in the study (Nokia, Motorola and Samsung).

The development and validation of an instrument to identify risk of self-harm in children

Angelkovska, Agni January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract]The overall aim of the research reported in this thesis was to develop and validate an instrument that would identify children among the general population at risk of self-harm. To achieve this, four separate yet interrelated studies were conducted. Study One, which sought to explore the risk factors of self-harm in children comprised a series of focus interviews with three paediatricians and 24 mothers of children who had self-harmed or who had verbalized self-harm ideation. The findings revealed that prior to the onset of self-harming or self-harm ideation these children reportedly manifested other problem behaviours that prompted their mothers to seek specialist advice from a paediatrician. The majority of these problem behaviours were characteristic of externalizing problems, either in the form of conduct problems, aggressive behaviours or impulsiveness. Conversely, some problem behaviours were characteristic of internalizing problems such as anxiety and depression. These findings provided valuable information which in addition to the current literature created the conceptual framework for the subsequent studies. Study Two incorporated the information obtained from Study One, along with that obtained from a review of existing instruments that measure self-harm or suicide, to develop a new instrument specifically designed to assess the risk of children in the general population developing self-harming behaviours. Initially, 159 items were generated and using the extant knowledge regarding the risk factors of self-harm as a guide, the items were categorized into risk factors of anxiety, depression, low self- ii worth, social difficulty, social withdrawal, helplessness, hopelessness, atypical cognition, emotional lability, impulsivity, self-harming ideation and self-harm. ... Study Four comprised four interrelated investigations, the purposes of which were to (i) examine the prevalence rates of self-harming ideation and self-harm among young school aged children in the general population; (ii) investigate differences of risk of self-harm between the referred group and community comparison group; (iii) examine the relationship between impulsivity and risk of self-harm in these children and, (iv) examine the relationship between executive function and risk of self-harm among these children. The results from these investigations revealed that approximately 3.5% of children aged between 6 to12 years in the general population manifest self-harming ideations and approximately 2.5% actually self-harm. No significant age or gender differences were found. Children that presented with a higher level of risk of self-harm also presented with a complex array of internalizing and externalizing problem behaviours. Furthermore, children who displayed significantly higher levels of hyperactive-impulsive symptomatology scored higher on the SHRAC instrument, as did the children who had higher levels of executive functioning impairment. The findings are discussed and interpreted in line with the current research literature and are used to make suggestions for future research.

The development and validation of an instrument to identify risk of self-harm in children /

Angelkovska, Agni. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Western Australia, 2007.

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