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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Gheldof, Tom 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Trismegistos (TM, http://www.trismegistos.org) is a metadata platform for the study of texts from the Ancient World, coordinated and maintained by the KU Leuven research group of Ancient History. Originating from the Prosopographia Ptolemaica, TM was developed in 2005 as a database containing information about people mentioned in papyrus documents from Ptolemaic Egypt. In other related databases additional information about these texts was found: when they were written (dates), where they are stored (collections) and to which archive they belong (archives). The following years also epigraphic data were added to these databases. The TM platform has two important goals: firstly it functions as an aggregator of metadata for which it also links to other projects (e.g. Papyrological Navigator, Epigraphic Database Heidelberg), secondly it can be used as an identifying tool for all of its content such as Ancient World texts, places and people. With its unique identifying numbers and stable URI\'s, TM sets standards for and bridges the gap between different digital representations of Ancient World texts. In the future TM aims not only to expand its coverage, but also to provide new ways to study these ancient sources, for example via social network analysis trough its latest addition: Trismegistos networks ((http://www.trismegistos.org/network).

Les municipalités rémoises de 1919 à 1959 / The municipalities of Reims from 1919 to 1959

Royer, Michel 28 November 2011 (has links)
De 1919 à 1939, les municipalités rémoises sont marquées par la domination des radicaux, alliés d'abord à la SFIO puis ensuite à la droite et largement dominées par la personnalité de Paul Marchandeau. Après 1945, la situation apparaît beaucoup plus fluctuante. De 1945 à 1959 on a affaire à des municipalités fragiles qui voient se succéder à leur tête successivement un communiste, un RPF, un radical et deux MRP. C’est là le résultat cumulé du scrutin proportionnel et de l’isolement du PCF qui fait que les majorités ne peuvent se constituer qu’entre les partis non communistes aux rivalités incessantes. Mais les municipalités, ce sont aussi des individus. Deux générations d’édiles peuvent être individualisées. Celle de l’entre-deux-guerres qui vieillit progressivement en fonctions, sans se renouveler, et celle de la Quatrième République qui connaît un renouvellement plus important et apparaît davantage en phase avec la société rémoise des années 1950. / From 1919 to 1939, the municipalities of Reims were marked by the domination of radical party allied to the SFIO and then to the right and largely dominated by the personality of Paul Marchandeau. After 1945 the situation appeared much more variable. From 1945 to 1959 we are dealing with fragile municipalities headed successively by a communist, an RPF, a radical and two members of MRP. This is the cumulative result of proportional representation and isolation of the FPC which led to the fact that majorities could be formed only between the non-communist parties in which was incessant rivalry.. But municipalities are represented by individuals. Two generations of councilors can be individualized. The one that was in office between the two world wars who remained in office without any significant change and the one of the Fourth Republic, who experienced a larger renewal and appeared to be more in line with the Reims society of the time.

Sociedades nem tão anônimas : um estudo prosopográfico sobre a elite empresarial de Rio Grande (1884-1913)

Ferraretto, Maria Karina January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a atuação de um grupo de empresários no processo de industrialização e modernização da cidade de Rio Grande, no início do século XX. O período de análise vai de 1884, quando a Fábrica Rheingantz se transforma em sociedade por ações , até 1913 , momento que precede a Primeira Guerra Mundial, quando movimentos políticos e econômicos alterariam profundamente as relações produtivas no país. A pesquisa apoia-se nos métodos prosopográfico e indutivo de análise, para os quais foi construído um banco de dados em linguagem de programação SQL. Como fontes de dados usa-se uma série de documentos corporativos , inventários e testamentos , entre outras . São explorados critérios como relações de parentesco e financeiras e as próprias conexões entre um conjunto grande de empresas locais . O trabalho surge da necessidade de se demonstrar os elos existentes entre um conjunto variado de empreendimentos (assistenciais , industriais , comerciais e financeiros ) e as trajetórias de vida dos sujeitos envolvidos nesses processos. / The purpose of this study is to understand how a group of businessmen acted in the industrialization and modernization of the city of Rio Grande, Brazil, in the early twentieth century. The period analyzed goes from 1884, when Fábrica Rheingantz becomes a limited partnership per shares (partnership in commendam per shares), until 1913, right before World War I, when political and economic movements cause deep changes in Brazil's productive relations. An SQL database was constructed to support the use of prosopography and the inductive method of analysis in the study. The primary data sources were corporate documents, probate proceedings and wills, among others. The study analyzes criteria such as family ties, financial relationships and the very connections among a large set of local companies to better understand the ties between a diverse group of enterprises (in the welfare, manufacturing, commerce and finance sectors) and the life stories of the subjects involved in these processes.

Les experts au concile Vatican II : socio-histoire d'un affrontement culturel à l'intérieur du champ religieux catholique / The experts at the second Vatican council : socio-history of a cultural confrontation within the Catholic field

Weiser, François 13 December 2016 (has links)
A travers une enquête prosopographique sur les 480 experts officiels (periti) du concile Vatican II, cette thèse interroge à nouveaux frais l’histoire des idées et des réseaux à l’intérieur du catholicisme au cours du second vingtième siècle. En s’intéressant aux acteurs et à leurs points de vue subjectifs, à leurs trajectoires mais également aux médiations institutionnelles et aux sociabilités dans lesquelles ils sont pris, on s’attache à inscrire cet « événement » et ses suites dans les conditions historiques et sociales de sa production. Structuré entre un pôle institutionnel (le gouvernement de l’Église, diocésain ou romain, mais aussi l’enseignement) et un pôle prophétique (les pionniers dans les mouvements d’Église et les chercheurs), le champ religieux, étudié au prisme du groupe des periti, apparaît comme un espace où les prises de position renvoient largement aux positions occupées. Or le concile, s’il ne transforme pas le champ étudié, perturbe un temps les mécanismes ordinaires de légitimation des discours de vérité, et modifie, pour certains experts, les positions dans ce champ. Les carrières postérieures de nombre d’entre eux confirment un réajustement relatif de leurs propres prises de position, comme de celles de l’institution, tout en consacrant les positions de pouvoir d’une nouvelle génération. Répercutés dans, et modifiés par la logique conciliaire, ces débats situent le concile dans une histoire plus longue du catholicisme. A son tour, la cartographie dynamique de l’espace théologique qui se dessine aide à placer la théologie dans une histoire internationale des circulations intellectuelles, celles des idées comme celles des hommes. / Based on a prosopographic investigation of the 480 official experts (periti) at the Second Vatican Council, this thesis revisits the history of ideas and networks of twentieth century Catholicism. By focusing on individual protagonists, their points of view, their trajectories as well as the interpersonal relationships and institutional mediations they are involved in, this research aims to reposition this event and its aftermath in the life history of the Church as determined by its historical and social conditions of production. The Catholic field is structured by a tense relation between an institutional center (comprising the government of the Church, be it local – diocesan, or global – Roman, and the teaching institutions) and a prophetic pole (the Church movements’ pioneers and the researchers). Studying the periti group, it appears that intellectual or theological stances often relate to positions held in the field. Although it does not ultimately transform the field itself, the council temporarily disrupts the ordinary process through which truth speeches are legitimized inside the institution, and alters some of the experts’ position in the field. Research into the later careers of a few of them confirm the relative readjustment of their own stands, as well as of those of the whole institution, while consolidating the positions of power of a new generation in the Church administration. As they are echoed and modified by the conciliar logic, these debates place the council in a longer Catholic history. In return, this dynamic cartography of Catholic ideas contributes to a better understanding of the place of theology in a global history of the intellectual networks, involving ideas and people.

Le « harem » royal dans l’Égypte ancienne. Enquête philologique, archéologique et prosopographique / The royal "harem" in Ancient Egypt. Philological, archaeological and prosopographical investigation

Yoyotte-Husson, Marine 04 February 2012 (has links)
Le mot « harem » renvoie immanquablement à un imaginaire orientaliste construit autour du sérail turc. Le « harem » dans l’Égypte ancienne appelait donc à une redéfinition en s’appuyant sur les attestations connues de l’Ancien Empire jusqu’aux périodes tardives. Les deux expressions qui servent à le désigner, jpt nsw et pr xnty, permettent tout autant d’évoquer la communauté des femmes et des enfants qui y résident, le bâtiment qui les abrite que l’institution toute entière, privilège royal. À l’origine, le « harem » constitue des quartiers privés dans le palais du roi, puis peut au Nouvel Empire caractériser des « harems » séparés du lieu de résidence du pharaon, mais encore intégrés au complexe palatial, parallèlement à la création de « harems » en dehors du complexe palatial. Le « harem » connaît alors un essor considérable tant du point de vue architectural qu’institutionnel, sans doute en raison notamment de la mise en place de mariages diplomatiques avec les filles de souverains étrangers. C’est à cette époque, sous le règne de Thoutmosis III, qu’est bâti le « harem » de Mi-Our, situé à l’entrée sud de la dépression du Fayoum, qui regroupe les seuls vestiges conservés d’une telle structure architecturale, ainsi qu’une documentation inscrite et méritait donc une attention particulière. Nous nous sommes par ailleurs attachée à l’examen des habitants du « harem » ainsi qu’au personnel chargé de l’administrer. Ce dernier a fait l’objet d’une étude prosopographique exhaustive pour déterminer de quelle manière cette entité administrative était hiérarchisée, mais également dans le but de comprendre la microsociété que constituait une telle institution. / The word "harem" invariably refers to an orientalist fantasy built around the Turkish harem. The "harem" in Ancient Egypt was then due for a redefinition based on the known attestations dating from the Old Kingdom to the Late Period. The two expressions used to designate it, jpt nsw and pr xnty, allow to evoke at the same time the community of women and children who live there, the building that houses them, as well as the institution as a whole, which is a royal privilege. Originally, the "harem" constitutes private quarters in the king’s palace; then during the New Kingdom, it can characterize "harems" separated from the pharaoh’s residence but still integrated into the palace complex, along with the creation of "harems" outside the palace complex. The "harem" then experienced a considerable growth both in terms of institution as well as of architecture, probably due in part to the setting up of diplomatic marriages with daughters of foreign rulers. It is under the reign of Thutmose III that was built the "harem" of Mi-wer, located at the southern entrance of the Fayyum depression. The fact that it includes the only remains of such an architectural structure as well as a written documentation therefore deserved a specific attention. We also examined the inhabitants of the "harem" and the employees who were in charge of its administration. These people are the subject of an exhaustive prosopographical study conducted to determine how this administrative unit was organized but also to understand the microsociety that was such an institution.

La XIIIe dynastie : aspects politiques, économiques et sociaux / The 13th Dynasty : political, economical and social aspects

Siesse, Julien 11 October 2014 (has links)
Les recherches récentes sur la XIIIe dynastie ont abordé séparément les questions chronologiques et politiques d’une part, et celles traitant de l’administration et de la société d’autre part, le résultat étant une vision fragmentée de l’Histoire de cette époque. Il est donc apparu nécessaire d’élaborer une synthèse historique sur la XIIIe dynastie qui réunit ces différentes problématiques. L’originalité de notre travail consiste en une approche globale de la documentation de la période, fondée sur l’étude croisée des sources historiques et archéologiques, royales ou privées, sans les opposer ni en privilégier plutôt l’une que l’autre. Cette entreprise est d’autant plus nécessaire que la XIIIe dynastie n’a été étudiée jusqu’à présent que dans le cadre d’études globales sur le Moyen Empire ou la Deuxième Période Intermédiaire. Elle n’y occupe pas forcément une place très importante et elle y est souvent l’objet d’opinions peu flatteuses. Notre thèse est divisée en quatre chapitres. Les deux premiers sont consacrés à la datation, à l’identification et à l’étude du milieu social des principaux acteurs de la XIIIe dynastie que sont les rois et l’élite de l’administration et du clergé. Les deux derniers traitent de questions politiques, qu’elles soient architecturales, religieuses, économiques ou diplomatiques. Dans le premier chapitre, les limites de la XIIIe dynastie sont fixées, ses souverains identifiés et la famille royale étudiée. Le deuxième est dévolu à l’examen de l’administration et de la société de cette époque et s’articule autour de l’étude prosopographique des élites. L’activité constructrice et les développements religieux de la XIIIe dynastie au sein du territoire traditionnel de l’Egypte sont abordés dans le troisième. Le dernier chapitre traite en partie de thèmes abordés dans les deux précédents, mais dans un contexte géographique différent, celui des marges de l’Egypte et des territoires nouvellement annexés en Basse Nubie et au Levant. Les questions de politiques extérieures y sont également étudiées. Les résultats auxquels nous sommes parvenus contribuent à changer la vision traditionnelle de la XIIIe dynastie, la grande oubliée du Moyen Empire, tant sur les plans politiques, économiques que sociaux. / In recent times, the 13th Dynasty has been approached either from a chronological and political perspective or from an administrative and social standpoint. The result is an incomplete view of the History of that period. The need to touch on those different issues in a single historical study quickly arose. Our work is unique in the sense that it tackles the problems of this period in a global way, based upon a crossover study of the historical and archaeological sources, may they be royal or private, without opposing them or favouring one or the other. This attempt at an overview is all the more necessary that the 13th Dynasty has always been examined within general studies on the Middle Kingdom or the Second Intermediate Period but never in its own right. Thereby, it is often looked upon in a superficial manner and poorly considered. Our thesis is split in four chapters. The first two are devoted to the dating, identification and social study of the main protagonists of the 13th Dynasty, which are its kings, high officials and higher priests. The last two deal with political issues, whether architectural, religious, economical or diplomatic. In the first chapter, once the frame of the 13th Dynasty is ascertained and its kings identified, the royal family is examined. The second one is devoted to the administration and the society of that time through a prosopographical study of its elites. We look into the royal work projects and religious developments of the 13th Dynasty inside the traditional borders of Egypt in the third chapter. The last one covers in part some of the issues dealt with in the previous two chapters, but within a different geographical context, that of the edges of Egypt and its newly annexed territories in Lower Nubia and in the Levant. Foreign policies are also considered in this final chapter. The results attained in our thesis contribute to change the traditional view of the political, economical and social aspects of the often overlooked Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom, the 13th one.

Pouvoir et prestige des élites locales en Égypte à la Première Période intermédiaire : études sur l’administration et la société égyptiennes de la fin du IIIe millénaire / Power and Prestige of Local Elites in First Intermediate Period Egypt : Studies on Egyptian Administration and Society at the End of the 3rd Millennium

Pillon, Andrea 08 March 2018 (has links)
La Première Période intermédiaire égyptienne est souvent perçue comme une époque de crise de l’autorité royale, de morcellement politique du pays et de perte des valeurs éthiques traditionnels. Cette recherche a l’ambition de vérifier l’état de ce changement dans l’organisation sociale à travers le prisme de l’histoire institutionnelle. Les sources primaires analysées sont principalement les textes commémoratifs des notables des villes et des membres de leur maisonnée : il s’agit de titres, d’épithètes et de récits autobiographiques qui révèlent comment les rangs supérieurs de la société définissaient leur autorité, c’est-à-dire leur pouvoir et leur prestige. L’étude de leurs fonctions et de leur comportement dans quatre secteurs administratifs (l’administration centrale, territoriale, l’administration des palais et des temples) et dans le domaine privé permet de conclure que la Première Période intermédiaire ne représente pas une césure nette avec le passé. En revanche, l’augmentation des centres ayant leurs propres ateliers qui produisent des monuments inscrits offre une photographie inédite sur les sociétés urbaines et sur les liens que les élites de province entretenaient avec la capitale à la fin du IIIe millénaire. Des aspects caractéristiques de la Première Période intermédiaire, comme l’importance des activités militaires, sont aussi envisagés. / Egypt's First Intermediate Period is often portrayed as a time of crisis of the royal authority, political fragmentation, and loss of traditional ethical values. The aim of this research is to assess the features of this transformation in the social organization, through the lens of institutional history. The primary sources analysed are chiefly the commemorative texts of the towns' dignitaries and the members of their households; they includes titles, epithets, and autobiographical records that reveal how the higher ranks of society defined their authority, i.e. their power and prestige. The study of the roles and behaviour of these individuals within four administrative areas (i.e. central, territorial, palace, and temple administration) and in the private domain makes it possible to conclude that the First Intermediate Period does not constitute a clear break with the past. On the other hand, the increase in the number of centres that were provided with their own workshops for the production of inscribed monuments offers a new view of the contemporary urban societies, and of the link that the provincial elites maintain with the capital at the end of the 3rd millennium. Some features distinctive of the First Intermediate Period (for instance, the importance of military activities) are also considered.

Innehållsdesign : Principer, metoder och verktyg samt tillämpningar inom utbildningshistorisk forskning och undervisning / Content design : Principles, methods, tools, and applications in history of education

Langerth Zetterman, Monica January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores content design – an area which encompasses the practices and the conceptions of the description, organisation and manipulation of digital content. The overall aim was to identify and examine principles, methods and tools appropriate for content design within the humanities and the social sciences. Another purpose was to investigate the limitations and opportunities of the identified methods and tools by means of modelling and applications of prosopographical materials, designed for research and teaching in history of education.</p><p>The prosopographical collection consists of three different kinds of sources: transcriptions from biographical reference books, written biographical accounts and digitalised archival sources, such as enrolment registers. These resources were encoded according to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) guidelines with the purpose to denote specific structures and semantic features of the content. The thesis demonstrates how the prosopographical collection, stored in a master file in TEI/XML format, was encoded and organised and then further transformed, migrated and manipulated by other tools and to other platforms. This resulted in several examples of applications demonstrating a broad range of uses for research and teaching in history of education and alike.</p><p>One conclusion is that the TEI guidelines serve well as a valuable tool for the markup of rather complex historical materials designed for multiple purposes: for qualitative analyses, and as input to multivariate statistical analyses, and for migration into relational databases. Another conclusion is that such digital collections, provided with markup, could be treated as research tools themselves, because they lend themselves much more than simply access, retrieval or reading. In this prosopographical collection, the markup contributes to make explicit the underlying theories and thus provides scholars, teachers and students with tools to reuse and rearrange the content for other kinds of uses in other areas. </p>

Innehållsdesign : Principer, metoder och verktyg samt tillämpningar inom utbildningshistorisk forskning och undervisning / Content design : Principles, methods, tools, and applications in history of education

Langerth Zetterman, Monica January 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores content design – an area which encompasses the practices and the conceptions of the description, organisation and manipulation of digital content. The overall aim was to identify and examine principles, methods and tools appropriate for content design within the humanities and the social sciences. Another purpose was to investigate the limitations and opportunities of the identified methods and tools by means of modelling and applications of prosopographical materials, designed for research and teaching in history of education. The prosopographical collection consists of three different kinds of sources: transcriptions from biographical reference books, written biographical accounts and digitalised archival sources, such as enrolment registers. These resources were encoded according to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) guidelines with the purpose to denote specific structures and semantic features of the content. The thesis demonstrates how the prosopographical collection, stored in a master file in TEI/XML format, was encoded and organised and then further transformed, migrated and manipulated by other tools and to other platforms. This resulted in several examples of applications demonstrating a broad range of uses for research and teaching in history of education and alike. One conclusion is that the TEI guidelines serve well as a valuable tool for the markup of rather complex historical materials designed for multiple purposes: for qualitative analyses, and as input to multivariate statistical analyses, and for migration into relational databases. Another conclusion is that such digital collections, provided with markup, could be treated as research tools themselves, because they lend themselves much more than simply access, retrieval or reading. In this prosopographical collection, the markup contributes to make explicit the underlying theories and thus provides scholars, teachers and students with tools to reuse and rearrange the content for other kinds of uses in other areas.

« Pour lui aider à soustenir son estat » : alliances, fiefs, réseaux, clientèles et partis dans l’ancienne noblesse d’Île-de-France de Philippe Auguste à Charles VII (1180-1437) / « Pour lui aider à soustenir son estat » : marriages, fiefs, networks, clientelism and factions in the former nobility of the Île-de-France region from Philippe Auguste to Charles VII (1180-1437)

Nabias, Laurent 14 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse consiste dans l’étude des stratégies de résistance et d’adaptation de topolignages constitués de successions de lignages de l’ancienne noblesse francilienne sur des mêmes centres de pouvoir seigneuriaux, face à la soi-disant crise nobiliaire des XIVe et XVe siècles. Il s’agit de montrer que le concept de crise nobiliaire ne doit pas être appliqué à l’ensemble de la noblesse francilienne, puisque certains topolignages anciens traversent la période sans dommage. L’enquête recense et interroge les moyens et ressources utilisés par ces anciens nobles qui survivent. Les alliances et les stratégies matrimoniales afférentes sont abordées. L’organisation de la continuité de l’exploitation de leurs fiefs est examinée, montrant des signes de crispation et de réactivation du système féodal en réaction aux difficultés économiques liées à la guerre de Cent Ans. Une base de données prosopographiques est présentée, et une typologie de relations individuelles est proposée pour nourrir ensuite une méthodologie d’analyse de réseaux des parentés, de réseaux d’affiliations aux institutions royales ou princières, ou d’appartenance à des clientèles ou de partis. Comment ces anciens nobles ont-ils profité des clientèles mises en place par les Princes ? Comment ont-ils pris part aux différents partis qui se sont opposés pendant la guerre de Cent Ans ? Enfin, la culture de la noblesse est étudiée à travers sa participation à la vie curiale des Grands, à ses marques de dévotion et à ses relations avec ses ancêtres. Le sentiment d’appartenance de l’ancienne noblesse francilienne à un même groupe fier de ses origines n’a-t-il pas finalement été la principale raison de leur subsistance ? / This thesis consists in the study of the strategies of resistance and adaptation of topographic lineages made up by successions of chalk-linings of the former nobility from the Île-de-France region on same seigniorial centers of power, facing the so-called crisis peerage-book of 14th and 15th centuries. It is a question of showing that the concept of crisis peerage-book should not be applied to the whole of the nobility from the Île-de-France region, since some topographic lineages old cross the period without damage. The investigation counts and questions the means and resources used by these old noble which survive. The related alliances and matrimonial strategies are approached. The organization of the continuity of the exploitation of their strongholds is examined, showing signs of crispation and reactivation of the feudal system in reaction to the economic difficulties related to the Hundred Year War. A prosopographical database is presented and a typology of individual relations is proposed to then nourish a methodology of network analysis of the relationships, networks of affiliations at the royal princely institutions, or of membership of customers or parties. How did these old noble benefit from the clients installation by the Princes? How did they take part in the various parties which were opposed during the Hundred Year War? Lastly, the culture of the nobility is studied through its participation in the life curiale the Largeones, its brands of devotion and its relations with its ancestors. Wasn't the feeling of appartenance of the former nobility from the Île-de-France region to the same proud group of its origins finally the main reason of their subsistence?

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