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"Lalka"B.Prusa w kontekscie literatury młodopolskiej / B. Pruso „Lėlė” Jaunosios Lenkijos literatūros kontekste / B. Prus’ „The Doll” in the Contex of the Young Polish LiteratureGailiun, Tatjana 16 August 2007 (has links)
Celem rozprawy magisterskiej pod tytułem „Lalka” B. Prusa w kontekscie literatury młodopolskiej jest wprowadzenie poetyki tego utworu w kontekst literatury Młodej Polski i wyznaczenie relacji semantycznych, łączących dane arcydzieło z estetyką przełomu XIX i XX w. Osiągnięcie danego umożliwia się przy rozwiązaniu dwuch zadań, które polegają na odnalezieniu pola semantycznego Lalki wśród „izmów” literatury polskiej końca XIX w. i wyznaczeniu formuły arcydzieła literackiego w odniesieniu do danego utworu w ujęciu ogólnoteoretycznego. Wynikiem badań jest stwierdzenie, że powieść B. Prusa ma charakter prekursorski wobec utworów pisarzy młodopolskich, tak jak wprowadził kompozucję otwartą, nowy egzystencjalny modus bohatera, stworzył powieść polifoniczną i nowoczesny realizm, który łączy się na zasadzie syntezy. / Magistrinio darbo B. Pruso „Lėlė” Jaunosios Lenkijos literatūros kontekste tikslas yra to kūrinio poetikos nagrinėjimas Jaunosios Lenkijos literatūros kontekste ir semantinių ryšių,jungančių tą iškilų veikalą su XIX ir XX a. sankirtos estetika, nustatymas. Pasieki šį tikslą įmanoma išsprendus dvi užduotis – ateadus Lelek semantinį lauką tarp Lenkijos XIX a. pabaigos literatūros „izmų” ir nustačius literatūros veikalo formulę šio iškilaus kūrinio atžvilgiu pagaj bendrosios teorijos sampratą. Tyrimų rezultatas yra konstatavimas, kad B. Pruso romanas palyginti su Jaunosios Lenkijos rašytojų kūriniais buvo pirmtakas, nes jame plėtojama atvira kompozicija, naujas egzistencinis herojaus vaizdavimo būdas, kuriamas polifoninis Nauru laikų realizmas, jungiamas sintezės principu. / The purpose of the Master’s thesis B. Prus’ „The Doll” in the Contex of the Young Polish Literature is the analysis of the poetics of this work in the context of Young Polish Literature and determination of the semantic connections, connecting this prominent work with the aesthetics of the transition of the 19th and 20th centuries. This goal may be achieved by solving the following two tasks – having discovered the semantic field of The Doll between the Polish literature „isms” of the end of the 19th century and having determined the formula of the piece of literature in respect of this prominent work according to the general theoretical conception. The result of the research is the statement that B. Prus’ novel as compared with the works of the Young Polish writers was a predecessor, as an open composition, a new existential way of depiction of the hero is developed therein, a polyphonic realism of modern times is created, as well as connected in the principle of synthesis.
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The experiences of a shared placement for pupils identified as having behavioural, emotional and social difficulties and staffCockerill, Timothy Paul January 2013 (has links)
The following research project is split into two phases and concludes with a synthesis of both phases. The overarching aim of the research project is to explore how mainstream schools can best work with alternative providers to make collective provision for those identified as having Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties. In the first phase, a realistic evaluation methodology (Pawson & Tilley, 1997) is adopted and semi structured interviews are used to explore the experiences of staff in relation to pupils on a shared placement. A provisional theory is then developed to explain the outcomes of the shared placement arrangement. The second phase of the research involves gathering the views and perceptions of the pupils and also utilises the realistic evaluation approach. The aim of this phase is to refine and update the provisional theory developed in Phase 1. This study adopts a mixed methods approach, utilising semi-structured interviews with the pupils. A quantitative element is introduced through a closer examination of the relationship between pupils’ sense of school belonging and the success, or otherwise of the shared placement. Throughout both phases of the research, there is a focus on discovering how a shared placement affects the pupil and what the outcomes of this arrangement are. The project is also heavily focused on identifying the contextual conditions that either facilitate or inhibit positive outcomes occurring. The findings of the research indicate that shared placements can lead to a variety of outcomes for pupils. When it works well, pupils become more engaged with their education and this has a positive impact on their behaviour and emotional development. However, it is also clear that shared placements can result in undesirable outcomes including further disengagement from the mainstream school. When outcomes were positive, the shared placement increased pupils’ self-efficacy, aspirations and facilitated achievement. These factors were supported by valuing pupil voice, excellent partnership working between settings and the schools willingness to include children with complex needs. This research also highlights that a greater sense of belonging to the mainstream school is associated with an increased likelihood of positive outcomes occurring. This project has explored an area which has been largely neglected in previous research. The theories developed have a variety of implications for Educational Psychologists as well as wider implications, and these are discussed in the final section. Figure 1 presents a visual overview of the research project.
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L'écran de l’écriture : les adaptations cinématographiques de Wojciech J. Has comme opérateurs de lecture des textes de Jean Potocki, Bolesław Prus et Bruno Schulz / The screen of writing : the film adaptations of Wojciech J. Has as operators of reading texts of Jean Potocki, Bolesław Prus and Bruno SchulzNeau, Jessy 31 March 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une approche renouvelée de l’adaptation cinématographique de la littérature, par l’étude d’un corpus composé de plusieurs textes littéraires et de leurs adaptations cinématographiques réalisées par le même cinéaste, Wojciech Jerzy Has (1925-2000). L’originalité de notre analyse de corpus réside dans le fait de placer les films, et non les textes, comme éléments premiers et centraux dans l’organisation de notre démarche. Les textes littéraires, par le choix de cette approche target-oriented (Cattrysse 2014) qui part plutôt de la cible que de la source, deviennent ainsi les points d’arrivée plutôt que les points de départ de l’épreuve du corpus. Nous proposons un champ d’expérimentation qui fait de trois films réalisés par Wojciech Has l’impulsion d’un itinéraire d’analyses à la fois textuelles et filmiques, incluant les textes hétérogènes adaptés par ce réalisateur (ceux de Jean Potocki, Bruno Schulz et Bolesław Prus). Ce mode d’organisation crée des modes de relation inédits entre les textes et les films, mais aussi des textes entre eux, alors qu’aucune relation d’intertextualité déclarée ne motive leurs mises en rapport : le roman de Potocki, Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse, les nouvelles de Bruno Schulz ainsi que La Poupée de Bolesław Prus appartiennent à trois siècles différents, des Lumières finissantes à l’entre-deux guerres mondiales. La logique de renversement du trajet critique traditionnel que nous mettons en œuvre, en mobilisant les ressources du cinéma à capter et projeter une expérience de lecture, révèle des analogies avec l’analyse textuelle : les notions de figure et de montage permettent de faire de l’adaptation un jeu de réécriture (Ropars 1990), ayant vocation à altérer le texte. C’est notamment par un certain nombre de figures apparentées au fantastique qu’une cohérence a posteriori est donnée au corpus textuel : les trois films de Has mettent en scène des doubles, des automates, des labyrinthes et des configurations autoréflexives qui créent de nouveaux points de contact entre les textes. Notre recherche double alors l’expérimentation de cet opérateur cinématographique de la littérature d’un opérateur fantastique, qui agit comme élément de cohésion dans le jeu différentiel entre littérature et cinéma. / This dissertation proposes a renewed approach to the topic of film adaptation, by studying several literary texts together with their film adaptations directed by the same filmmaker, Wojciech Jerzy Has (1925-2000). The originality of our analysis lies in placing films, not texts, as primary and central elements in the organization of our approach. By the choice of a target-oriented approach (Cattrysse 2014), literary texts become the points of arrival rather than the starting points of this comparative analysis. Three films directed by Wojciech Has give the impulse to an itinerary of analyzes that includes various texts adapted by this director (those of Jan Potocki, Bruno Schulz and Bolesław Prus). This mode of organization creates unprecedented modes of relation between the texts and the films, but also between texts themselves, while no relation of explicit intertextuality justifies their connections: Jan Potocki’s Zaragoza Manuscript (1794-1810), Bolesław Prus’ The Doll (1890) the short stories of Bruno Schulz (1934-1937) belong to three different centuries. The reversal of the traditional critical path that we are implementing in this work, by mobilizing the resources of films to capture and project the experience of reading, reveals analogies between filmic and textual analysis. The notions of figure and montage will allow to discover how adaptations can also qualify as rewritings (réécritures) (Ropars 1990), a concept that points towards films that alter the text.It is by the unveiling of some figures related to the fantastic genre that a posterior coherence is given to the texts adapted by Has: the three films present doubles, automata, labyrinth experiences and self-reflexive configurations, creating new relationships between heterogeneous texts. Our research doubles the experimentation of this cinematographic operator of the literature with a fantastic operator, which acts as an element of cohesion in the differential game between literature and cinema.
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