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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Narcisismo: o imaginário da palavra / Not informed

Bicalho, Helena Maria Sampaio 26 September 1984 (has links)
Este trabalho pretendeu acompanhar o movimento do conceito de narcisismo em Freud e Lacan, no alcance do meu estudo atual de suas obras. Este tema tem sido estudado pelas diferentes linhas teóricas em psicanálise, evidenciando-se a dificuldade na diferenciação dos dois narcisismos. Assim, foi oportuno e importante que Lacan tenha retomado esta discussão, destacando os impasses do texto freudiano Introducción al narcisismo. A partir do estudo desenvolvido por Lacan, a questão deixada por Freud a respeito da constituição do narcisismo de que ao autoerotismo teria que se agregar um novo ato psíquico começa a se esclarecer. A segunda metáfora a respeito do narcisismo a dos espelhos conjugados foi um recurso retórico para dar conta do impasse deixado por Freud e já trabalhado por Lacan em sua primeira metáfora a do espelho plano. É neste momento de sua obra que Lacan situa o processo de simbolização ao nível do narcisismo primário e a relação especular ao do narcisismo secundário. O Outro aspecto destacado pelo seu trabalho foi mostrar que as miragens narcísicas estão estruturadas pelo discurso da degeneração / This work intended to follow the movement of narcissism in Freud and Lacan, considering my actual study of their work. This subject has been studied by different theoretical lines in psychoanalysis, becoming clear the difficulty in the differentiation between both narcissisms. So, it was convenient and important that Lacan could retake this debate, putting in relief the impasses of the freudiens text Introduction to the narcissism. From the study developed by Lacan, the question left by Freud about the constitution of narcissism to the autoerotism it should be added a new act psychic started to turn clear. The second metaphor about narcissism the one of de conjugated mirrors has been a rethoric mean to overcome the impasse left by Freud and already worked by Lacan in his first metaphor the one of the plane mirror. At this moment of his work Lacan establishes the symbolization process in the primary narcissism level and the specular relation in the second narcissism. Another aspect placed in relief by my work has been showing that the narcisic mirages were structured by denial discourse

Rumo à \'metapsicologia dos limites\': o diálogo possível entre a teoria pulsional e a teoria das relações de objeto e algumas de suas consequências - Freud, Winnicott e Green / Towards metapsychology of limits: the possible dialogue between drive theory and object relational theory and some of its consequences Freud, Winnicott and Green

Junqueira, Camila 26 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho fundamenta-se na compreensão da metapsicologia dos limites como parte da teoria psicanalítica que visa compreender a estruturação e o funcionamento dos limites do psiquismo, bem como parte da teoria psicanalítica que se destina a compreender a etiologia, o funcionamento e o tratamento das patologias-limite, manifestações decorrentes de falhas na constituição e no funcionamento dos limites do psiquismo. Tem como hipótese de pesquisa que o giro metapsicológico exigido pelos estados-limite se coloca menos no sentido de ampliar a diversidade de modelos teóricos e mais no sentido de fazer dialogar dois modelos teóricos que estão na base do pensamento psicanalítico, mas que foram historicamente separados e considerados incompatíveis, a saber: o modelo pulsional e o modelo das relações objetais. Os objetivos deste trabalho são os de (1) questionar os limites da oposição entre a teoria pulsional de Freud e a teoria relacional de Winnicott, (2) apresentar a alternativa que André Green propõe para essa aparente oposição, argumentando a favor da concepção de pulsão e objeto como um par inseparável, bem como (3) apresentar e discutir algumas consequências metapsicológicas do diálogo possível entre essas duas teorias a partir do estudo de Freud e de Winnicott, dando também destaque para as contribuições de André Green para esse diálogo a fim de verificar se a hipótese explicitada acima se sustenta. A presença do objeto na teoria freudiana e a presença do instinto na teoria winnicottiana num segundo momento do desenvolvimento emocional denotam certa abertura nessas teorias para o diálogo entre elas. A forte oposição entre essas teorias apontada pela literatura psicanalítica parece ser fruto de um momento histórico. Contudo, conclui-se também que o diálogo entre essas teorias deve ser realizado dentro de certos limites que contemplem a constatação que Freud e Winnicott se dedicaram ao estudo de dois níveis diferentes de apreensão do Self, que estão relacionados, mas não se sobrepõem. André Green, a princípio, desconsidera o limite desse diálogo a partir da argumentação de que a pulsão e o objeto formam um par inseparável, o que torna inadmissível uma teoria que se organize apenas em um desses pólos, promovendo, com isso, uma releitura de Freud e Winnicott e produzindo importantes avanços para a metapsicologia dos limites. Entretanto, mais recentemente, Green apresenta o que denomina de teoria dos gradientes, que corrobora com a constatação de que há limites nesse diálogo. O exame das consequências desse diálogo produziu algumas propostas, entre elas: uma nova reorganização da tópica psíquica a fim de incluir o não-psíquico, produto da desobjetalização e da clivagem, também denominado de terceira tópica; a compreensão das patologias-limite como um tipo específico de neurose narcísica; e o pensamento metapsicológico como auxílio ao analista aos desafios clínicos propostos por esses casos. Por fim, o exame realizado nesta tese demonstra que o giro metapsicológico exigido por essas patologias está na direção do diálogo entre a teoria pulsional e a teoria das relações de objeto, confirmando a hipótese inicial desta pesquisa / Understanding the metapsychology of limits as a part of the psychoanalytic theory which aim to understand the framing and the functioning of the psychic limits as well as a part of the psychoanalytic theory which aim to understand the etiology, the functioning and the treatment of the borderline cases, manifestations which occur due to failures at the constitutioning and functioning of the psychic limits. And departing of the hypothesis that the metapsychologycal turn demanded by the borderline states is less in the sense of amplify the diversity of metapsychological models and much more in the sense of set in dialogue two theoretical models which are in the base of the psychoanalytic thought, but which were historically split off and considered incompatible: the drive theory and the object relation theory. The aims of this research were (1) to question the limits of the opposition between Freuds drive theory and Winnicotts object relation theory, (2) to present the solution Andre Green propose to this apparent opposition, arguing in favor of the conception of drive and instinct as an inseparable pair, (3) to present and to discuss some of the metapsychological consequences of the possible dialogue between these two theories since study of Freuds and Winnicotts theories, also giving emphasis to the Greens contributions to this dialogue, in order to verify if the hypothesis describe above can be maintained. The presence of object in Freuds theory and the presence of instinct in Winnicotts theory in a second moment of the emotional development denote some overture on theses theories for dialogue. The strong opposition between then, pointed by the psychoanalytic literature, seems to be result of a historical moment. Nevertheless, it follows that the dialogue between these two theories must be done inside certain limits which regard the evidence that Freuds and Winnicotts studies concerned two different levels of apprehension of the Self, which are related, but not superpose each other. Andre Green, at first, disrespect the limits of this dialogue arguing in favor that drive and instinct constitute an inseparable pair, which turns unacceptable one theory which is organized upon one of these two poles, promoting then a re-reading of Freuds and Winnicotts theories and producing important advances for the metapsychology of limits. Meanwhile, more recently, Green brings up what he calls the gradients theory, which corroborate with the evidence that there are limits in this dialogue. The examination of the consequences of this dialogue have produced some proposals, among them: a new reorganization of the psychic topic in order to include the no-psychic, product of the desobjatalization and splitting process, also named third topic; the understanding of borderline pathologies as a specific type of narcissistic neurosis; and also the metapsychological thought as a help to the analyst in front of the clinical challenges proposed by these cases. Finally, the exam accomplished on this research give evidence that the metapsychological turn demanded the borderline states is towards a dialogue between drive theory and object relational theory, confirming the initial hypothesis of this research

Narcisismo: o imaginário da palavra / Not informed

Helena Maria Sampaio Bicalho 26 September 1984 (has links)
Este trabalho pretendeu acompanhar o movimento do conceito de narcisismo em Freud e Lacan, no alcance do meu estudo atual de suas obras. Este tema tem sido estudado pelas diferentes linhas teóricas em psicanálise, evidenciando-se a dificuldade na diferenciação dos dois narcisismos. Assim, foi oportuno e importante que Lacan tenha retomado esta discussão, destacando os impasses do texto freudiano Introducción al narcisismo. A partir do estudo desenvolvido por Lacan, a questão deixada por Freud a respeito da constituição do narcisismo de que ao autoerotismo teria que se agregar um novo ato psíquico começa a se esclarecer. A segunda metáfora a respeito do narcisismo a dos espelhos conjugados foi um recurso retórico para dar conta do impasse deixado por Freud e já trabalhado por Lacan em sua primeira metáfora a do espelho plano. É neste momento de sua obra que Lacan situa o processo de simbolização ao nível do narcisismo primário e a relação especular ao do narcisismo secundário. O Outro aspecto destacado pelo seu trabalho foi mostrar que as miragens narcísicas estão estruturadas pelo discurso da degeneração / This work intended to follow the movement of narcissism in Freud and Lacan, considering my actual study of their work. This subject has been studied by different theoretical lines in psychoanalysis, becoming clear the difficulty in the differentiation between both narcissisms. So, it was convenient and important that Lacan could retake this debate, putting in relief the impasses of the freudiens text Introduction to the narcissism. From the study developed by Lacan, the question left by Freud about the constitution of narcissism to the autoerotism it should be added a new act psychic started to turn clear. The second metaphor about narcissism the one of de conjugated mirrors has been a rethoric mean to overcome the impasse left by Freud and already worked by Lacan in his first metaphor the one of the plane mirror. At this moment of his work Lacan establishes the symbolization process in the primary narcissism level and the specular relation in the second narcissism. Another aspect placed in relief by my work has been showing that the narcisic mirages were structured by denial discourse

Rumo à \'metapsicologia dos limites\': o diálogo possível entre a teoria pulsional e a teoria das relações de objeto e algumas de suas consequências - Freud, Winnicott e Green / Towards metapsychology of limits: the possible dialogue between drive theory and object relational theory and some of its consequences Freud, Winnicott and Green

Camila Junqueira 26 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho fundamenta-se na compreensão da metapsicologia dos limites como parte da teoria psicanalítica que visa compreender a estruturação e o funcionamento dos limites do psiquismo, bem como parte da teoria psicanalítica que se destina a compreender a etiologia, o funcionamento e o tratamento das patologias-limite, manifestações decorrentes de falhas na constituição e no funcionamento dos limites do psiquismo. Tem como hipótese de pesquisa que o giro metapsicológico exigido pelos estados-limite se coloca menos no sentido de ampliar a diversidade de modelos teóricos e mais no sentido de fazer dialogar dois modelos teóricos que estão na base do pensamento psicanalítico, mas que foram historicamente separados e considerados incompatíveis, a saber: o modelo pulsional e o modelo das relações objetais. Os objetivos deste trabalho são os de (1) questionar os limites da oposição entre a teoria pulsional de Freud e a teoria relacional de Winnicott, (2) apresentar a alternativa que André Green propõe para essa aparente oposição, argumentando a favor da concepção de pulsão e objeto como um par inseparável, bem como (3) apresentar e discutir algumas consequências metapsicológicas do diálogo possível entre essas duas teorias a partir do estudo de Freud e de Winnicott, dando também destaque para as contribuições de André Green para esse diálogo a fim de verificar se a hipótese explicitada acima se sustenta. A presença do objeto na teoria freudiana e a presença do instinto na teoria winnicottiana num segundo momento do desenvolvimento emocional denotam certa abertura nessas teorias para o diálogo entre elas. A forte oposição entre essas teorias apontada pela literatura psicanalítica parece ser fruto de um momento histórico. Contudo, conclui-se também que o diálogo entre essas teorias deve ser realizado dentro de certos limites que contemplem a constatação que Freud e Winnicott se dedicaram ao estudo de dois níveis diferentes de apreensão do Self, que estão relacionados, mas não se sobrepõem. André Green, a princípio, desconsidera o limite desse diálogo a partir da argumentação de que a pulsão e o objeto formam um par inseparável, o que torna inadmissível uma teoria que se organize apenas em um desses pólos, promovendo, com isso, uma releitura de Freud e Winnicott e produzindo importantes avanços para a metapsicologia dos limites. Entretanto, mais recentemente, Green apresenta o que denomina de teoria dos gradientes, que corrobora com a constatação de que há limites nesse diálogo. O exame das consequências desse diálogo produziu algumas propostas, entre elas: uma nova reorganização da tópica psíquica a fim de incluir o não-psíquico, produto da desobjetalização e da clivagem, também denominado de terceira tópica; a compreensão das patologias-limite como um tipo específico de neurose narcísica; e o pensamento metapsicológico como auxílio ao analista aos desafios clínicos propostos por esses casos. Por fim, o exame realizado nesta tese demonstra que o giro metapsicológico exigido por essas patologias está na direção do diálogo entre a teoria pulsional e a teoria das relações de objeto, confirmando a hipótese inicial desta pesquisa / Understanding the metapsychology of limits as a part of the psychoanalytic theory which aim to understand the framing and the functioning of the psychic limits as well as a part of the psychoanalytic theory which aim to understand the etiology, the functioning and the treatment of the borderline cases, manifestations which occur due to failures at the constitutioning and functioning of the psychic limits. And departing of the hypothesis that the metapsychologycal turn demanded by the borderline states is less in the sense of amplify the diversity of metapsychological models and much more in the sense of set in dialogue two theoretical models which are in the base of the psychoanalytic thought, but which were historically split off and considered incompatible: the drive theory and the object relation theory. The aims of this research were (1) to question the limits of the opposition between Freuds drive theory and Winnicotts object relation theory, (2) to present the solution Andre Green propose to this apparent opposition, arguing in favor of the conception of drive and instinct as an inseparable pair, (3) to present and to discuss some of the metapsychological consequences of the possible dialogue between these two theories since study of Freuds and Winnicotts theories, also giving emphasis to the Greens contributions to this dialogue, in order to verify if the hypothesis describe above can be maintained. The presence of object in Freuds theory and the presence of instinct in Winnicotts theory in a second moment of the emotional development denote some overture on theses theories for dialogue. The strong opposition between then, pointed by the psychoanalytic literature, seems to be result of a historical moment. Nevertheless, it follows that the dialogue between these two theories must be done inside certain limits which regard the evidence that Freuds and Winnicotts studies concerned two different levels of apprehension of the Self, which are related, but not superpose each other. Andre Green, at first, disrespect the limits of this dialogue arguing in favor that drive and instinct constitute an inseparable pair, which turns unacceptable one theory which is organized upon one of these two poles, promoting then a re-reading of Freuds and Winnicotts theories and producing important advances for the metapsychology of limits. Meanwhile, more recently, Green brings up what he calls the gradients theory, which corroborate with the evidence that there are limits in this dialogue. The examination of the consequences of this dialogue have produced some proposals, among them: a new reorganization of the psychic topic in order to include the no-psychic, product of the desobjatalization and splitting process, also named third topic; the understanding of borderline pathologies as a specific type of narcissistic neurosis; and also the metapsychological thought as a help to the analyst in front of the clinical challenges proposed by these cases. Finally, the exam accomplished on this research give evidence that the metapsychological turn demanded the borderline states is towards a dialogue between drive theory and object relational theory, confirming the initial hypothesis of this research

On the threshold of adulthood : Recurrent phenomena and developmental tasks during the period of young adulthood

Jacobsson, Gunnel January 2005 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to investigate the own narratives told by young adults in the age group 18 to 25 years old about strains in life, ideas about the background to these, and attitudes now and in an imagined future. The emerging recurrent phenomena form the basis for a deeper understanding of the developmental tasks of young adults. Gender variances and changes over time are focused upon. The investigation is based on three distinct theoretical perspectives: developmental psychology, social constructionism and personal epistemology. The methods used vary according to the focus in four separate studies: (1) The Interview study is based on the narratives of 23 informants. A qualitative analysis was carried out and central themes are presented at group level. (2) In the Questionnaire study, a bird’s eye view is taken. A quantitative analysis was performed on 611 respondents’ answers about their own attitudes and experienced background to strains. (3) In the Follow-up study, 21 informants from the Interview study were interviewed again after eighteen months. (4) The Case study scrutinizes in detail four informants’ narratives about strains and attitudes on three occasions, over a total of three years. The combination of three different theoretical and three different methodological perspectives was used to make recurrent phenomena more visible, enabling the formulation of developmental tasks during this period of life. The most prominent phenomenon concerning strains is to become someone in the world. This is interpreted as an individuation process, which is a specific developmental task. Depression-like conditions occur and are understood to be transitional expressions of developmental-related sorrow. A spectrum based on prominent attitudes is formulated: vegetative being – creative being – productive doing – warding-off doing. The spectrum includes both problem-solving and problem-distancing attitudes. Common for men and for women is a movement between the problem-distancing and the problem-solving attitudes. The attitudes differ between men and women. Over time, a greater range of problem-solving attitudes is used, and they become less gender-specific. The problem-distancing attitudes decrease, both within the group of women and the group of men, but are still as gender-specific. As time passes, the narratives about the background to strains and future attitudes gain an increased number of themes. These changes are interpreted as a maturity process within the age group. Most of the young adults convey a hopeful view of the future.

The Uncanny Place of the Bad Mother and the Innocent Child at the Heart of New Zealand’s ‘Cultural Identity’

Provan, Sally Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a study of dominant forms of Pākehā banal nationalism within Aotearoa/New Zealand. A diverse range of contemporary non-fiction texts from Aotearoa/ New Zealand are analysed in order to explore the ways in which notions of a ‘New Zealand national identity’ are created. These texts include television programmes, advertisements, opinion columns, editorials and letters to the editor. The analysis of these texts reveals a complex circulation of ideas around innocence and guilt, history and nostalgia, childhood and good motherhood/bad motherhood. These ideas, as this thesis demonstrates, are central to the functioning of nationalism. Yet they also serve as a focus for the anxieties of nationalism: anxieties which arise from the impossibility of securing the desired nation. Drawing on Freudian psychoanalytic concepts such as repression and projection, and on Kristeva’s notion of abjection, this thesis examines the way in which attempts to secure a comfortable, homelike nation are forever undermined by the return of repressed elements of the nation’s past and present. Within Pākehā nationalism, a nostalgic vision of a unified, innocent, childlike nation is used as a defence against undesired knowledge of national disunity. National discomforts, which are generated by the impossibility of repressing the nation’s history, are projected onto those assigned an abject position in the nation. As a result of this process of projection, mediated by the association of national identity with childhood and home, the fantasised figure of the ‘bad Maori mother’ emerges as the ultimate uncanny element within the nation.

Normalitetens gränser : en studie om 1900-talets mentalhygieniska diskurser /

Piuva, Katarina, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2005.

Habits of whiteness in the neighborhood: a critical race analysis of urban ministry paradigms

Hauge, Daniel James 08 April 2016 (has links)
Recent decades have seen an increased interest among predominantly white, middle-class evangelicals in church planting and organizing ministries in urban centers, often in racially diverse neighborhoods undergoing the process of gentrification. This thesis will analyze the phenomenon of white urban ministry through the lens of critical whiteness studies and psychoanalytic theory, drawing on Shannon Sullivan's notion of whiteness as unconscious habit characterized by ontological expansiveness. I propose that sincere efforts on the part of white urban ministry practitioners to form and nurture diverse communities rooted in place are impeded by habitual modes of relationship to place formed in predominantly white contexts, which reproduce, however unintentionally, patterns of white supremacy and displacement of people of color. The thesis begins with a survey of print and online sources including accounts by white urban ministry practitioners and critiques of their models. I then address the theological and affective motives and rationales for these models, and examine their relationship to wider social patterns of gentrification. Next I will analyze these patterns in light of the work of critical theorists on whiteness, focusing on the nature of white relationship to place shaped by centuries of colonialism. Developmental psychology will then be employed to account for white habit formation, drawing upon Kohut's account of the development of grandiosity. I conclude by calling for a paradigmatic shift toward de-centering whiteness, drawing upon theological and psychological resources to transform white relationship to place into one of respect and deference to diverse ways of being.

A escuta e a defesa na psicanalise / Thehearing and the defense in psychoanalysis

Mendonça, Ricardo Alexandre Coimbra de 29 August 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Oswaldo Giacoia Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T07:06:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mendonca_RicardoAlexandreCoimbrade_M.pdf: 820205 bytes, checksum: 0787a7fe53440b8d16e09511264f3e53 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Este trabalho tem o objetivo de caracterizar a escuta psicanalítica à luz da teoria da defesa, exposta por Freud de modo inaugural no seu artigo As neuropsicoses de defesa. Tenta-se mostrar, a partir de um exemplo de intervenção clínica junto a um caso de fobia, em que medida a prática de escuta em psicanálise se articula com a problemática da falsa conexão, problemática que se insere nos quadros teóricos da hipótese da defesa / Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to characterize the psychoanalytic hearing under the light of the theory of defense, primarily exposed by Freud in his article "The neuropsychoses of defense". Here the idea is to show, from an example of clinical intervention on a phobia case, to what extent the psychoanalytic hearing practice articulates itself to the problematic of the false connection, which is related to the theoretical scope of the defense hypothesis / Mestrado / Filosofia / Mestre em Filosofia

Impossibilities and Missing Pieces: An Auto-Ethnographical Approach to Exploring Teacher Identity Formation in Art Education from a Lacanian Perspective

Pearce, Kathryn 16 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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