Spelling suggestions: "subject:"psychoeducation"" "subject:"psychoéducation""
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An observational and experimental examination of responses to the disclosure of stressful life experiences in real timeFoynes, Melissa Ming, 1982- 09 1900 (has links)
xvi, 159 p. : ill. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / This dissertation involves two studies investigating the disclosure of life experiences in the context of real relationships in real time. Study 1 included 126 university students and community members. Pairs of participants who had known each other for at least three months were eligible. After participants completed a set of self- report measures, one member of the pair was randomly selected to disclose an experience he/she had not previously disclosed to the other member of the pair. A final set of self- report measures was then completed by each participant. The interaction was videotaped for coding and analyses. Using the coders' and disclosers' ratings of listeners' behaviors, we examined the impact of both verbal and nonverbal responses to disclosure and identified two modifiable behaviors (interruptions and posture) that contributed to conveying support. Results indicated that leaning backward was associated with more negative responses to disclosure and moderate levels of interruption were associated with more supportive responses to disclosure. Study 2 involved similar recruitment procedures to Study 1 and included 220 university students and community members. Pairs of participants were randomly assigned to an experimental or control condition and researchers were blind to condition. After completing a series of self-report questionnaires, the person randomly assigned to the discloser role was asked to describe an experience of mistreatment not previously disclosed to the other participant. This interaction was videotaped. Following this, participants completed post-disclosure questionnaires Then, psychoeducational materials regarding either healthy lifestyle improvements (control condition) or supportive listening techniques (experimental condition) were distributed, followed by a quiz on these materials. A second experience of mistreatment was disclosed and a final set of post-disclosure questionnaires was completed. Results indicated that the psychoeducational materials were effective in enhancing supportive responses to disclosure such that listeners in the experimental condition demonstrated significantly fewer unsupportive behaviors than listeners in the control condition. Listeners who started with high levels of unsupportive behaviors benefitted the most from the psychoeducational materials. Although there are several limitations of these studies and additional research with more diverse samples is needed, the findings represent an important preliminary step in research. / Committee in charge: Jennifer Freyd, Chairperson, Psychology;
Gordon Hall, Member, Psychology;
Sara Hodges, Member, Psychology;
Jeff Todahl, Outside Member, Counseling Psychology and Human Services
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Význam rodinné psychoedukace v prevenci relapsu psychotického onemocnění / Family psychoeducation and relapse prevention in psychotic disordersPleštilová, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
Relapse prevention is a primary long-term clinical goal in treatment of psychotic disorders. Pharmacotherapy by itself is not sufficient, because compliance of patients in remission is usually low and there are more factors contributing to relapse, especially stress of patients resulting from emotionally demanding situations in the family. PREDUKA (PREventive EDUcational programme for relapse prevention) is a six-hour professionally-led group programme for patients with psychotic disorders in ambulant therapy and for their relatives. In a field questionnaire survey we mapped 1) theoretical knowledge of participants, 2) usage of practical advice obtained from PREDUKA and 3) general benefit of programme. Participants from years 2007 - 2009 were included. The sample consisted of 14 patients and 22 relatives, 27 women and 11 men. The average age of patients was 28,6 years, that of relatives 44,4 years. High return of questionnaires from patients confirms their goodwill to cooperate. Knowledge of participants about psychosis and their therapy is very good, compliance of patients from our sample is high. Participants usually follow advice obtained from PREDUKA. Common is the ignorance of important phone numbers (crisis centre, attending psychiatrist), so we suggest to include a page in a workbook for these dates....
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Význam denního stacionáře v prevenci relapsu psychotického onemocnění / Day treatment programme for psychotic disorders and relapse preventionPetráňová, Dana January 2010 (has links)
Day treatment programme is clinically-based 6-week structured integrated programme for out patiens with schizophrenia, best after first attack, when patients need psychological support as soon as possible to cope with their illness and with reality,that they have to use drugs. The programme is led by psychiatrist and nurse-therapist. The group day treatment programme consists of individual and family psychoeducation,social skill training, life style improvement intervention, cognitive remediation and information aided relapse prevention programme ITAREPS. The principal aim of day treatment programme i afford place for psychiatric rehabilitation and surmount stage after release from hospital. Combination of all those interventions is more effective. And by this way doctors try to improve quality of patient"s life and make easy return to society. Although they try to educate patients and their families to recognize early warning signs of relapse. Main problems are: recognize illness,bad manipulation with informations,changing relapse and remissions,stigma of schizophrenia in society,support in family. Patients have to know,that they are ill. They have to understand, that if they take pills every day, the relapse does not come. And they will take pills, if they will understand, why is it so important. They...
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Schizofrenie: prevence relapsu a opětovné hospitalizace na psychiatrické klinice po léčbě / Schizophrenia: Prevention of relapse and re-admission to psychiatric hospital after treatmentAarseth, Erling Becker January 2010 (has links)
It has in this review article been cited several different studies and sources, all concerning the prevention of relapse of schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders; The different approaches to treatment (programs, type of psychotherapy etc.) have been discussed according to evidence based research and randomized controlled trials. Although some explanations have been given about terms used in the literature, as well as some definitions to enable classifications in future studies, it has been focused only on the preventive measures used in schizophrenia; a detailed description of different subgroups of schizophrenia, as well as detailed descriptions of pharmacology in euroleptics is beyond the scope of this article. The recognition of relapse symptoms was first considered and defined, and the different approaches was then discussed; Outpatient treatment plans and relapse prevention plans, as well as the impact of cognitive behavioral therapy and psychotherapy have been discussed in subsequent chapters. In this section, it was especially focused on the ITAREPS program and its impact on the relapse prevention. The role of medications was then defined and supported with clinical studies and trials.
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Grupo de psicoeducação e suas implicações no cotidiano de portadores de transtorno afetivo bipolar / Psychoeducation Group and its implications in the daily lives of people with Bipolar Affective Disorder.Sarita Lopes Menezes 01 December 2009 (has links)
O Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB), conhecido por sua cronicidade, complexidade e altos índices de morbidade e mortalidade, é uma das principais causas de incapacitação no mundo, gerando um impacto significativo na qualidade de vida dos portadores, bem como uma grande carga para a família e a sociedade em geral. Há evidências crescentes de que o curso desse transtorno pode ser modificado por abordagens psicoterápicas, tais como a psicoeducação, que promove o aumento do funcionamento social e ocupacional, bem como da capacidade de manejarem situações estressantes. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as implicações do grupo de psicoeducação no cotidiano dos portadores de Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar. Para tanto, optamos pelo estudo de natureza qualitativa, do tipo Estudo de Caso. Foram incluídos neste estudo doze sujeitos portadores de TAB que tiveram pelo menos seis participações no Grupo de Psicoeducação desenvolvido na Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP). Para coleta de dados foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas, transcritas na íntegra pela própria pesquisadora e, posteriormente trabalhadas por meio da Análise Temática. Os resultados apontaram para as conseqüências do TAB na vida das pessoas no que se refere às modificações da rotina, ao desejo de encontrar a causa de todo o sofrimento, ao preconceito sofrido dentro e fora da família, ao sentimento de culpa vivenciado pelo portador, bem como à influência nos relacionamentos interpessoais, nos estudos e no trabalho. Além disso, ao vivenciar o tratamento, é o notório o histórico de não adesão, as experiências negativas em relação a algumas formas de tratamento, a supervalorização do tratamento medicamentoso, o forte desejo de cura e a busca de outras formas de ajuda. Quanto às implicações do grupo de psicoeducação no cotidiano de portadores de TAB, este estudo demonstrou que tal experiência grupal favoreceu a aquisição de conhecimento sobre o TAB; a conscientização da doença e adesão ao tratamento; a realização de mudanças positivas na vida; a possibilidade de ajudarem outros portadores a se beneficiarem do aprendizado construído no grupo; a descoberta de outras realidades e estratégias de enfrentamento, obtidas por meio da troca de experiências entre os participantes; o desejo de ampliarem as possibilidades de acesso à informação pela comunidade.Compreender a percepção desses indivíduos sobre a influência do grupo no dia a dia deles favorecerá o enriquecimento deste programa de extensão à comunidade e, assim, contribuir para a prática em saúde mental neste momento de transformações e construção do paradigma psicossocial. / The Bipolar Affective Disorder (BD), known for its chronicity, complexity and high levels of morbidity and mortality, is one of the main causes of incapability in the world, generating a significant impact in the sick people\'s lives, as well as a great burden to the family and to the society in general. There are increasingly evidences that this disorder course can be changed by psychoterapic approaches, such as the psychoeducation, that promotes the increase of the occupational and social functioning, as well as the capacity to deal with stressful situations. Therefore, this study aim was to indentisy the implications of the psychoeducation group in the daily lives of the people with Bipolar Affective Disorder. For this, we opted for a qualitative nature study, like Case Study. Twelve people with Bipolar Affective Disorder, who attended the Psychoeducation Group developed in the Medicine University at São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP), were included in this study. In order to collect the data, some semi-structered, recorded interviews, whole transcripted by the researcher, were made and later on they were considered by means Subject Matter Analysis. The results pointed to the consequences of the BD in people\'s lives related to the routine change, the hope to find the cause of all the suffering, the prejudice suffered inside and outside the family, the guilt feeling the sick ones have, as well as the influence in the interpersonal relationships, in the study and in the job. Besides it, as they live the treatment, it is notorious the not adherence historic, the negative experiences related to some ways of help, the overestimation of the medicine treatment, the strong hope of cure and the search for other kinds of help. Related to the implications of the psychoeducation group in the daily life of people with BD, this study showed that such group experience favored the acquisition of knowledge about BD; the sickness awareness and adherence to the treatment; the fulfillment of positive changes in life, the possibility to help other sick people and benefit from the learning built in the group; the discovery of other realities and facing strtategies, obtained by means of experience exchanges among the participants; the hope to extend the possibilities to access information by means of the community. Comprehending these subjects perceptions on the group influence in their daily lives will favor the enrichment of this program focused on the community and then contribute to the mental health practice at this moment of transformations and building of a psychosocial paradigm.
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A eficácia de um programa de treino da atenção e orientação parental de crianças e adolescentes com transtornos psiquiátricos / The efficacy of a program of attention training and parental orientation of children and adolescents with psychiatric disordersPriscila Lima Cerqueira Ferreira Sertori 20 April 2018 (has links)
Crianças e adolescentes com Transtornos Mentais apresentam déficits atencionais. Na literatura encontram-se estudos de treino cognitivo com TDAH que sugerem melhoras nos testes neuropsicológicos, porém, sem generalização dos benefícios para outros contextos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os resultados de um Programa de Estimulação da Atenção (PEA) estruturado com treino cognitivo da atenção, psicoeducação e orientação aos pais de crianças e adolescentes que realizavam tratamento psiquiátrico e apresentavam queixas de atenção.Participaram deste estudo 29 crianças e adolescentes (8-17 anos) organizados em dois grupos: Experimental-GE (n=17), submetidos a 10 sessões de treino cognitivo associados à psicoeducação e orientação de pais / responsáveis e Grupo Controle-GC (n=12), que receberam apenas o treino cognitivo (10 sessões). Foi aplicada a escala MTASNAP- IV nos pais, professores e pacientes e uma bateria neuropsicológica nas fasespré e pós-intervenção. Os resultados evidenciaram melhoras no desempenho dos testes nos dois grupos após o treino cognitivo de atenção. No entanto, o GE apresentou melhora significativa no teste de atenção concentrada, com diminuição das omissões e aumento de estímulos detectados, indicando maior precisão e menos erros. Além disso, o GE também apresentou maior redução dos sintomas de desatenção, hiperatividade e comportamento opositor desafiador de acordo com Escala MTA-SNAP-IV. Esse dado representa um novo achado para literatura, já que até então os trabalhos existentes indicavam, apenas, os benefícios do treino cognitivo para os testes neuropsicológicos, sem mostrar a generalização dos benefícios para outros ambientes, inclusive na diminuição dos sintomas de desatenção ao levar em conta a percepção dos responsáveis. Acredita-se que os resultados alcançados indicam um quadro promissor em termos de formas de intervenções que auxiliem no tratamento dos Transtornos Mentais com queixas de atenção / Children and adolescents with Mental Disorders present attention deficits. In the literature, there are studies of cognitive training with ADHD that suggest improvements in neuropsychological tests, however, without generalization of benefits to other contexts. The objective of this study was to evaluate the results of an Attention Stimulation Program (ASP) structured with cognitive training of attention, psychoeducation and orientation to parents of children and adolescents who performed psychiatric treatment and presented complaints of attention.A total of 29 children and adolescents (8-17 years old) participated in this study organized in two groups: Experimental-GE (n = 17), undergone 10 sessions of cognitive training associated with psychoeducation and orientation of parents / guardians and Control Group-CG (n = 12), who received only the cognitive training (10 sessions).The MTASNAP- IV scale was administered in the parents, teachers and patients and a neuropsychological battery in the pre- and post-intervention phases. The results showed improvements in the performance of the tests in both groups after cognitive attention training. However, the GE showed a significant improvement in the concentrated attention test, with a decrease in omissions and an increase in detected stimuli, indicating greater precision and less errors. In addition, GE also showed greater reduction of the symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and oppositional defiant behavior according to the MTA-SNAP-IV Scale. This data represents a new finding for literature, since until then the existing studies only indicated the benefits of cognitive training for neuropsychological tests, without showing the generalization of the benefits to other environments, including the reduction of the symptoms of inattention by taking into account the perception of those responsible.It is believed that the results indicate a promising scenario regarding the forms of interventions that assist in the treatment of Mental Disorders with complaints of attention
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Våldsutsatthet och förlossningsrädsla : En studie om våldsutsatthet bland kvinnor som fått barnmorskeledd behandling av förlossningsrädsla / Violence and fear of childbirth : A study of violence among women who received midwifery care for fear of childbirthSkoglund Jobs, Johanna, Grydén, Monica January 2018 (has links)
Violence against women is a global public health problem as well as a violation against human rights. This descriptive cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted to investigate experience of violence among women who receive midwifery care for childbirth fear. Data were retrieved from 633 patient records. In addition, all obstetric clinics offering care for fear of childbirth in Sweden were asked via e-mail about routines with regard to violence. Response rate was 56 percent. The results showed that only 50 percent of pregnant women had been asked about violence as part of the medical history, despite the national recommendation that all pregnant women should be asked about the subject. Among women who received midwife-led counseling for childbirth fear, 34 percent had reported some form of violence during their lifetime. All obstetric clinics follow the recommendations of The National Board of Health and Welfare regarding the appropriate skills within the team, although supplementary courses taken by the midwives at the clinics do differ. Midwives can play a crucial role for the survival and well-being of women faced with domestic violence. Midwives should keep in mind that there may be earlier or ongoing violence that contributes to the woman´s fear of childbirth. / Våld mot kvinnor är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem samt ett brott mot mänskliga rättigheter. Denna deskriptiva tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats genomfördes för att undersöka våldsutsatthet bland kvinnor som fått barnmorskeledd behandling av förlossningsrädsla. Data från 633 journaler inhämtades. Samtliga obstetriska kliniker i Sverige som erbjuder behandling av förlossningsrädsla tillfrågades via e-post om rutiner kring våldsutsatthet. Svarsfrekvensen var 56 procent. Resultatet visade att endast 50 procent av gravida kvinnor hade tillfrågats om våld som en del av anamnesen, trots rekommendationen att alla gravida kvinnor ska tillfrågas. Av kvinnor som fått barnmorskeledd behandling av förlossningsrädsla, hade 34 procent rapporterat att de erfarit någon form av våld under sin livstid. Samtliga obstetriska kliniker som ingick i studien följer Socialstyrelsens rekommendationer om lämplig kompetens i teamen, även om det finns stor variation gällande barnmorskornas påbyggnadsutbildningar. Barnmorskor kan spela en avgörande roll för våldsutsatta kvinnors överlevnad och hälsa. Barnmorskor bör ha i åtanke att det kan finnas tidigare eller pågående våldsproblematik som bidrar till kvinnans förlossningsrädsla.
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Using films as a psychoeducation tool for patients with schizophrenia: a pilot study using a quasi-experimental pre-post designvon Maffei, Christian, Görges, Frauke, Kissling, Werner, Schreiber, Wolfgang, Rummel-Kluge, Christine January 2015 (has links)
Background: Relapses and, subsequently, readmissions are common in patients with schizophrenia. Psychoeducation has been shown to reduce the number and duration of readmissions. Yet, only little more than 20% of psychiatric patients in German speaking countries receive psychoeducation. Among other reasons, costs may be considered
too high by hospitals. The objective of the present study was to test the feasibility of a new cost-efficient approach in the psychoeducation of patients with schizophrenia. In this study, films were used to impart knowledge about the illness to inpatients.
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Supporting Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: A Psychoeducation Program at End-of-Life / Caregiver (Current and Bereaved) Perceptions of a Psychoeducation ProgramDurepos, Pamela January 2016 (has links)
Informal caregivers (CG) of persons with dementia can experience increased negative effects and symptoms of burden as the disease progresses, with long-term effects into bereavement. The purpose of this study was to describe staff and attendees’ perceptions of a unique CG psychoeducation program located in a Specialized Care Unit for persons with advanced dementia at end-of-life. This study used a qualitative descriptive design, which aimed to describe a natural experience. Sixteen individual interviews were conducted with current and bereaved CGs who jointly participated in the program, health care professionals (HCP) in the Specialized Care Unit and social work facilitators to understand experiences, perceived benefits and barriers of the program. Thematic content analysis was conducted with data collection following Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board approval. Final results indicate that the program was perceived positively, across all participant groups. Caregivers reported that the program contributed to improved emotional well-being, development of a close community, disease preparedness and empowerment. Participants also appreciated the open-ended, informal format of the program with continuity into bereavement. The study findings support the unique characteristics of this psychoeducation program compared to traditional education / support programs, which are closed to bereaved members and time-limited. This program model is translatable to multiple settings including long-term care. Moreover, study findings highlight the movement towards relationship-centered care for persons with dementia and their CGs. A future mixed-method study is warranted to measure quantitative outcomes, such as complicated grief, within CGs attending the program before and after bereavement. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / Family caregivers of persons with dementia can become depressed, anxious and isolated over time from caregiving. These feelings often do not go away even after the person with dementia has died. In this study, caregivers of people with advanced dementia or who had died, described how they felt about a new support and education program in a special unit of the hospital. Findings showed that caregivers believed the program helped them become: more balanced and part of a supportive community, empowered and prepared for end-of-life and occasionally frustrated. Caregivers whose family member had died felt the program gave them continued support, a chance to help others, and a place to continuing learning. Nurses should try to include caregivers in caring for people with dementia, learn about the program, become more involved, encourage people to attend, and help to begin the program in other areas of the hospital and long-term care.
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The Impact of Comorbid Anxiety on Treatment Outcome of a Family-Based Psychoeducational Psychotherapy Program for Children With Mood DisordersCummings, Colleen M. 26 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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