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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Delinquency among adolescents with psychopathic traits in high-risk neighborhoods. / Brottslighet bland ungdomar med psykopatiska drag i högriskområden.

Ibrahim, Laura, Kaur, Adarshprit January 2018 (has links)
The study examine if there is a direct link between adolescents with psychopathic traits and delinquency, secondly if there is a direct link between neighborhood and delinquency. Gender differences were also examined as a control variable. The third aim is to look at the interaction between psychopathic traits and neighborhood on delinquency. We hypothesized that adolescents with psychopathic traits are more likely to engage in delinquent behaviour. We also hypothesized that adolescents who lives in high-risk areas are more prone to engage in delinquent acts. Regarding gender, we believe that boys have higher risk of becoming delinquent. We hypothesized that the interaction between psychopathic traits and high-risk neighborhood would increase the likelihood to engage in delinquent behaviour. The study is conducted by self-report of 1.485 adolescents (10–18 years of age) in a medium-sized city in Sweden. Analyses show that adolescents with high levels of psychopathic traits are more engaged in delinquency. Regarding neighborhood the analyses showed that high-risk neighborhood increases the risk for adolescents to engage in delinquent behaviour. The findings suggest that boys in high-risk areas is more likely to engage in delinquent behaviour compared to girls. Last, the moderation analysis shows that neighborhood accentuated the differences in delinquency between adolescents who has low, medium or high levels of psychopatic traits. In low-risk neighborhoods there are few differences in delinquency between adolescents who has low, medium or high levels of psychopathic triats. In high-risk neighborhoods there are substantial differences between adolescents who has low, medium or high levels of psychopathic traits. This suggest that the effect personality risks have on delinquency is accentuated by contextual risk factors. / Denna studie undersöker om det finns ett samband mellan ungdomar med psykopatiska drag och brottslighet, det andra syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan bostadsområde och brottslighet. Könsskillnader undersöktes också som en kontrollvariabel. Det tredje och sista syftet är att undersöka interaktionen mellan psykopatiska drag och bostadsområde på brottslighet. Vår hypotes var att ungdomar med psykopatiska drag är mer benägna att engagera sig i brottsligt beteende. Vår hypotes var även att ungdomar som bor i högriskområden är mer benägna att delta i brottsliga handlingar. När det gäller kön tror vi att pojkar har högre risk att bli brottslingar. Vår tredje hypotes är att samspelet mellan psykopatiska drag och högriskområden skulle öka sannolikheten för att delta i brottsligt beteende. Studien genomförs av självuppskattning av 1.485 ungdomar (10-18 år) i en medelstor stad i Sverige. Analyserna visar att ungdomar med höga nivåer av psykopatiska drag är mer engagerade i brottslighet. Gällande bostadsområde visar analysen att högriskområden ökar risken för ungdomar att engagera sig i brottsligt beteende. Resultaten tyder på att pojkar i högriskområden har en större sannolikhet att engagera sig i brottsligt beteende jämfört med tjejer. Slutligen visar moderationsanalysen att bostadsområde framhäver skillnaden i brottslighet hos ungdomar som har låg, mellan eller höga nivåer av psykopatiska drag. I lågriskområden är det få skillnader i brottslighet hos ungdomar som har låg, mellan eller höga nivåer av psykopatiska drag. I högriskområden är det väsentliga skillnader hos ungdomar som har låg, mellan eller höga nivåer av psykopatiska drag. Detta tyder på att den effekt som personlighetsrisker har på brottslighet accentueras av kontextuella riskfaktorer.

Comparaison de différentes méthodes de recrutement permettant la détection d’un niveau élevé de traits psychopathiques dans la communauté

Chaussé, Sarah 11 1900 (has links)
Outre les milieux carcéraux et psychiatriques, les traits de personnalité et les comportements associés à la psychopathie se retrouveraient chez des personnes non-institutionnalisées. Plusieurs chercheurs soulèvent que le recrutement des personnes qui possèdent un niveau élevé de traits psychopathiques représente un réel défi (Benning et al., 2018; Dinn et Harris, 2000; Mullins-Sweatt et al., 2010 et Ndiaye, 2009). Par conséquent, déterminer une méthode de recrutement efficace serait bénéfique, épargnant du temps et des coûts aux chercheurs qui recrutent de trop grands échantillons sans avoir accès à la population cible (Patrick et al., 1998). Ainsi, l’objectif du mémoire est d’évaluer l’efficacité de trois annonces visant à cibler spécifiquement les personnes qui possèdent un niveau élevé de traits psychopathiques au sein de la communauté. La première annonce est une traduction renversée de celle de Widom (1977), soit : « Nous recherchons des personnes charmantes, agressives, insouciantes, qui sont impulsivement irresponsables, mais bons pour manipuler les autres et égoïstes ». La seconde est conforme à la méthode utilisée par Chapleau (2015) et DeMatteo et al. (2005), étant : « Êtes-vous charmeur, intelligent, aventureux, combatif et êtes-vous souvent porté à agir sous le coup de l’impulsion? Avez-vous tendance à vous ennuyer rapidement et cherchez-vous à profiter de la vie au maximum? ». Finalement, la dernière annonce consiste à solliciter les participants pour une étude portant sur la personnalité. L’échantillon de 969 participants se divise en trois groupes dépendamment de l’annonce à laquelle ils ont été exposés, remplissant un même questionnaire composé du Self-Report Psychopathy Scale III (SRP-III; Paulhus et al., sous presse) et du Levenson self-report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP; Levenson et al., 1995). L’annonce qui semble la plus efficace est celle de Widom (1977), qui a permis de recruter le niveau moyen de psychopathie le plus élevé. Ce faisant, les chercheurs qui s’intéressent aux personnes possédant les caractéristiques affectives, interpersonnelles et comportementales associées à la psychopathie pourront utiliser cette annonce. / Personality traits and behaviors associated with psychopathy have often been found in environments such as prisons and psychiatric institutions. These traits can also be found among individuals living in the community. However, recruiting individuals showing various levels of psychopathy is challenging for researchers (Benning et al., 2018; Dinn et Harris, 2000; Mullins-Sweatt et al., 2010 et Ndiaye, 2009). In order to help researchers who are recruiting large community, it would be beneficial to refine recruiting procedures (Patrick et al., 1998). Therefore, the goal of the present thesis was to evaluate the efficiency of three recruitment procedure that can be used to specifically target people in the community who have some level of psychopathic traits. The first advertisement is a back translation in French of Widom (1977) : “Wanted: charming, aggressive, carefree people who are impulsively irresponsible but are good at handling people and at looking after number one”. The second was taken from Chapleau (2015) and DeMatteo et al. (2005) : “Are you charming, intelligent, adventurous, combative, and impulsive? Do you get bored easily and like to live life on the edge?”. Finally, the last advertisement is to recruit participants for a study on personality. A sample of 969 participants was divided into three groups depending on which ad they were exposed. All participants answering the same questionnaires including the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale III (SRP-III; Paulhus et al., sous presse) and the Levenson self-report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP; Levenson et al., 1995). The recruitment procedure used by Widom (1977) was found to be the most effective in that it allowed the recruitment of the highest average of psychopathy. It is recommended that researchers who are interested in people having affective traits, interpersonal traits and behaviors associated with psychopathy can use this recruitment procedure.

Confronting the Unknown: Pain Catastrophizing, Emotion Regulation, Psychopathy, and Associations With Uncertainty / Att konfrontera det okända: Smärtkatastrofiering, känsloreglering, psykopati och deras association med osäkerhet

Björk, Gabriel, Sand, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
Intolerance of uncertainty concerns how one views and reacts touncertainty, where one who’s highly intolerant would find it verydiscomforting when confronted with uncertain situations. The purposeof this study was to examine the associations between intolerance ofuncertainty, pain catastrophizing, emotion regulation andpsychopathic traits. These variables were to be examined in thecontext of a Beads Task and a Cold Pressor Test (CPT). Wehypothesized that there would be a positive significant associationbetween intolerance of uncertainty, pain catastrophizing, emotionregulation, psychopathic traits. We also hypothesized that there wouldbe a difference depending on the difficulty of the Beads Task. To doso, data was collected from 60 university students (32 females and 28males). The results showed that there was a significant, positiveassociation between intolerance of uncertainty, pain catastrophizing,emotion regulation and the Beads Task measurements. Some of theseresults were similar to previous studies. / Intolerans mot osäkerhet berör hur en person uppfattar och reagerarpå osäkerhet, där någon som är intolerant upplever osäkra situationersom obehagliga. Syftet med denna studie var att undersökaassociationerna mellan intolerans mot osäkerhet,smärtkatastrofiering, känsloreglering och psykopatiskapersonlighetsdrag. Dessa variabler undersöktes i sammanhang medBeads Task och ett Kallvattentest. Där några av hypoteserna var attdet finns positiva signifikanta associationer mellan intolerans motosäkerhet, smärtkatastrofiering, känsloreglering och psykopatiskapersonlighetsdrag. Vi hade också en hypotes att det kommer finnas enskillnad beroende på svårighetsgraden av Beads Task. För att göradetta samlades data in från 60 universitetsstudenter (32 kvinnor och28 män). Resultaten visade på en signifikant, positiv associationmellan intolerans mot osäkerhet, smärtkatastrofiering,känsloreglering och Beads Task-måtten. Några av dessa resultat varlikt de i tidigare studier.

Samband mellan psykopatiska drag och otrygga anknytningsstilar hos vuxna / Relationship between psychopathic trait and insecure attachment styles in adults

Friström, Ulrika January 2020 (has links)
Psykopatiska drag kan ge negativa konsekvenser såsom ett antisocialt beteende och låg empati. För att kunna förebygga har forskningen tittat på olika orsaker till att sådana drag utvecklas. Man har bland annat tittat på om otrygga anknytningsstilar har ett samband med psykopatiska drag.   I den här studien deltog 102 personer i ett bekvämlighetsurval. Av de som svarade var 83,3% kvinnor och resten män, de flesta var i åldersgrupperna mellan 41–64 år.   Denna studie visade ett svagt samband mellan otrygg-undvikande anknytningsstil och psykopatiska drag. Andra studier har gjorts med andra urvalsgrupper med problematik såsom psykiatrisk diagnos och kriminalitet. Förmodligen hade resultatet blivit annorlunda med ett annat urval. Tendensen är dock att det finns ett samband mellan otrygg-undvikande anknytningsstil och psykopatiska drag. / Psychopathic traits can have negative consequences such as antisocial behaviour and low empathy. In order to be able to prevent it, research has looked at various reasons why such traits develop. Among other things, they have looked at whether insecure attachment styles have a connection with psychopathic traits.   In this study, 102 people participated in a convenience sample. Of those who responded, 83.3% were women and the rest were men, most were in the age groups between 41–64 years.   This study showed a weak association between insecure-avoidant attachment style and psychopathic traits. Other studies have been done with other sample groups with problems such as psychiatric diagnosis and crime. Probably the result would have been different with a different selection. The tendency, however, is that there is a connection between insecure-avoidant attachment style and psychopathic traits.

Cultural Influence on Attachment and Psychopathic Traits

Lasslett, Heather Elicia 08 1900 (has links)
Individuals evidencing psychopathic personality traits have been shown to have problematic attachment to others. Moreover, research suggests that culture affects attachment style as well as the expression of various psychopathic traits using the four-factor model of psychopathy. However, the majority of this research has included only white college students, which is a limiting factor. The current study assessed the relations among attachment representations and psychopathic features across two independent samples (one adult & one adolescent) from different world regions (adults only), ethnicity (adolescents only), and gender. Using similar assessments of attachment and psychopathic traits for both samples, dismissing attachment was related to aspects of psychopathic traits in nearly all cultures and ethnicities sampled. In the world sample, secure attachment was found to positively relate to impulsive and parasitic lifestyle traits in all regions. Culture and gender were found to moderate several relations between specific attachment styles and psychopathic features. Overall, the patterns of data indicated that many of the differences found between groups may be rooted in individualistic versus collectivistic values, and were consistent with previous research assessing these constructs across diverse samples.

Investigating Dimensions of Psychopathy in an Adjudicated Adolescent Sample: The Role of Race, Sex and Disruptive Family Processes

James, Matthew Gene 03 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Unmasking the unwanted: Which dimension of psychopathy predicts antisocial behavior?

Unge, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
This study examined the predictive value of the three dimensions of youth psychopathic personality towards delinquency, on delinquency through the application of hierarchical regression analysis, while controlling for gender. Dimensions being: Callous/Unemotional-, Impulsive/Irresponsible-, and Grandiose/Manipulative traits. The study included 891 (48% female) Swedish adolescents from a community sample with a mean age of 14.28 (SD=.94) years. A self-report instrument was used to assess psychopathic traits in youth, the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI), consisting of 50 items and is specifically designed to lower the risk of response bias. Results: It was discovered that Impulsivity/Irresponsible behavior predicted statistically significant 14% of the variance in delinquency, and gender significantly predicted 4%. Callous/Unemotional predicted non-significant 0,3% and Grandiose/Manipulative predicted none of the variance in delinquency and was not significant. The findings regarding dimensions contradict the majority of research on the subject which has focused on CU-traits as main predictor of antisocial behavior, but in line with recent studies using a similar analytical approach showing Impulsivity/Irresponsible behavior as main predictor. The findings regarding gender are in line with previous research.

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