Spelling suggestions: "subject:"psychotic disorders"" "subject:"psychotic isorders""
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Personers upplevelser av delaktighet inom psykiatrisk vård vid vård för psykossjukdom : En litteraturstudieRadivojevic, Mirjana, Zingmark, Erika January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige lever mellan 30 000 och 40 000 personer med diagnosen schizofreni och varje år insjuknar mellan 1500 och 2000 personer i psykossjukdomar. Dessa personer har ofta svårigheter att klara av sin vardag och behöver därför erbjudas samordnade insatser från hälso- och sjukvården och socialtjänsten. Tidigare forskning visar att personer med psykossjukdomar upplever att de inte är tillräckligt delaktiga i sin vård och att många beslut angående vården tas utan deras inblandning. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa och syntetisera forskning avseende personers upplevelser av delaktighet inom psykiatrisk vård vid vård för psykossjukdom. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie där 16 artiklar med kvalitativ design inkluderades i resultatet. Analys av data genomfördes med hjälp av Bettany-Saltikov och McSherrys metod för kvalitativ analys av litteratur. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre kategorier med åtta underkategorier. Personernas upplevelse av delaktighet i den psykiatriska vården beskrivs i kategorierna Personlig förmåga, Maktdynamik och hierarki och Tillgänglighet. Slutsats: Maktfördelningen mellan person och vårdpersonal bör vara dynamisk och skifta beroende på omständigheter. Den psykiatriska vården bör fokusera mer på samarbete mellan personen och vårdpersonal än på läkemedelsregimen. / Background: There are between 30 000 and 40 000 persons living with Schizophrenia in Sweden and every year between 1500 and 2000 persons experience their first psychotic episode. These persons often have difficulties in coping with everyday life and are in need of multiprofessional care. Previous research shows that persons with psychotic disorders experience that they are not sufficiently involved in their care and many decisions about the care are made without their involvement. Aim: The aim was to review and synthesize research regarding persons experiences of participation in mental health care for psychosis. Method: The current literature review study consists of 16 scientific qualitative articles which are included in the result. Analysis of data was conducted withBettany-Saltikov and MchSherrys method for qualitative litterature analysis. Result: The result comprises three categories with eight subcategories. The experiences of participation in mental health care is described in the categories: Personal abilities, Power dynamics and Hierarchy and Availability. Conclusion: Depending on the circumstances the distribution of power between the person and the healthcare staff should be dynamic. The mental health care should have more focus on cooperation between the person and the healthcare staff instead of drug regimen.
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Psihički poremećaji nakon ishemijskog moždanog udara / Mental disorders after ischemic strokeJovanović Aleksandar 26 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Moždani udar spada u grupu masovnih nezaraznih bolesti, koje se smatraju najčešćim oboljenjima savremenog čoveka. On predstavlja jedan od najčešćih uzroka mortaliteta i invaliditeta u savremenom svetu. Među brojnim pratećim komplikacijama moždanog udara, navode se psihički poremećaji: depresija, anksioznost i psihotični poremećaji. Utvrđivanje povezanosti moždanog udara sa psihičkim poremećajima, kao i mehanizma njihovog nastanka predstavlja značajan doprinos boljem razumevanju ovog veoma čestog oboljenja, a njihov rani tretman omogućio bi brži i potpuniji oporavak nakon moždanog udara. CILJ: Utvrditi karakteristike psihičkog funkcionisanja osoba nakon ishemičnog moždanog udara, utvrditi uticaj lokalizacije lezije na nastanak određenih psihičkih poremećaja nakon moždanog udara, utvrditi uticaj vaskularnog statusa na nastanak psihičkih poremećaja, te utvrditi korelaciju između psihičkih komplikacija moždanog udara i brzine i stepena oporavka opšte životne aktivnosti. MATERIJAL I METODE: Istraživanje je izvedeno kao prospektivna studija, obuhvatilo je 101 pacijenta oba pola obolelih od moždanog udara, koji su hospitalno lečeni na Klinici za neurologiju u Novom Sadu. Svim pacijentima je uzeta anamneza o toku bolesti, faktorima rizika za moždani udar, kao i laboratorijska dijagnostika. Svim pacijentima načinjena je kompjuterizovana tomografija (CT) mozga (ili magnetna rezonanca - MRI mozga), ultrazvučni pregled karotidnih arterija, vertebrobazilarnih i krvnih sudova Willisovog poligona. Stepen neurološkog deficita i praćenje funkcionalnog oporavka u akutnoj fazi i nakon 3 meseca vršeno je primenom Skale Moždanog Udara Nacionalnog Instituta za Zdravlje (NIHSS), Rankinove skale i Bartelovog indeksa. Svim pacijentima je načinjena eksploracija psihičkog statusa u akutnoj fazi bolesti primenom Bekove Skale Depresije 2 (BDI-2), Skale procene anksioznosti kao stanja i odlike (STAI), Skale pozitivnih i negativnih sindroma (PANSS) i Kornelovog regrutnog indeksa (CSI). Kontrolno testiranje gore navedenim testovima obavljeno je nakon 3 meseca. Od statističkih metoda korišćena je deskriptivna statistika: tabelarni prikazi učestalosti i procentualna izraženost kod neparametrijski (nominalno ili ordinarno) organizovanih varijabli. Za ukršten prikaz dve varijable korišćene su tabele kontingencije. Takođe su korišćene mere centralne tendencije (aritmetička sredina) i mere disperzije (standardna devijacija) kod parametrijski korektno uređenih varijabli. Pored toga, korišćen je Hi-kvadrat test za utvrđivanje razlika između grupa za varijable nominalnog nivoa merenja, Kramerovo V za utvrđivanje povezanosti između nominalnog nivoa merenja, Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije r, za utvrđivanje povezanosti između varijabli intervalnog nivoa merenja, te analiza varijanse (ANOVA) za utvrđivanje značajnosti razlika između aritmetičkih sredina više grupa. REZULTATI: U ispitivanje je uključen 101 pacijent, 65.3% muškog pola, 34.7% ženskog pola. Prosečna starost bila je 60.69 godina (medijana=62.00, standardna devijacija =10.828, statistička greška=1.077). 38.6% je imalo lokalizaciju u desnoj hemisferi velikog mozga, 34.7% u levoj hemisferi, 4% u cerebelumu, 11.9% u moždanom stablu, dok je 10.9% imalo višestruku lokalizaciju infarkta. 39.6% je imalo teritorijalni infarkt, a 59.4% lakunarni infarkt. Distribucija faktora rizika za moždani udar bila je uobičajena za podneblje na kojem je vršeno istraživanje. 26.7% je imalo uredan nalaz na karotidnim krvnim sudovima, 26.7% je imalo difuznu ateromatozu, 27.7% je imalo stenozu ACI <70% , dok je 18.8% pacijenata imalo stenozu ACI>70%. U odnosu na nalaz u VB slivu, 52.5% je imalo uredan nalaz, a 47.5% patološki nalaz (stenozu i difuznu ateromatozu). 54.5% pacijenata je imalo uredan nalaz na arterijama Willisovog poligona, a 45.5% je imalo patološki nalaz (stenozu i difuznu ateromatozu). 5.9% je imalo depresivni poremećaj, 29.7% anksiozni poremećaj, 9.9% neurotski poremećaj i 2% psihotični poremećaj. U odnosu na pol, depresivni poremećaj javlja kod 3% muškaraca i 11.4% žena, anksiozni kod 25.8% muškaraca i 37.1% žena, neurotski kod 7.6% muškaraca i 14.3% žena i psihotični kod 3% muškaraca, dok kod žena nije zabeležen. U odnosu na životno doba, kod mlađih od 45 godina depresija nije bila prisutna, anksioznih je bilo 30%, 10% psihotičnih, dok neurotičnih nije bilo. U grupi 46-65 godina depresivnih je bilo 6.9%, anksioznih 22.4%, neurotičnih 12.1%, a psihotičnih 1.7%. U grupi starijih od 65 godina, depresivnih je bilo 6.1%, anksioznih 42.4%, neurotičnih 9.1%, dok psihotičnih nije bilo. Distribucija odgfovora dobijenih na BDI-2 skali ukazivala je na veću učestalost depresivnog poremećaja kod lezija u levoj hemisferi velikog mozga. Distribucija odgovora dobijenih primenom STAI ukazivala je na veću učestalost anksioznog poremećaja kod lezija desne hemisfere. Distribucija odgovora dobijenih primenom CSI ukazivala je na veću učestalost neurotskog poremećaja kod višestrukih lezija. Distribucija odgovora dobijenih primenom PANSS ukazivala je na veću učestalost psihotičnog poremećaja kod lezija desne hemisfere. Upoređivanje lezije na karotidama i psihičkih poremećaja pokazalo je na progresivni porast učestalosti psihičkih poremećaja sa težinom lezije na karotidnim krvnim sudovima, kao i na potpuno odsustvo psihičkih poremećaja kod osoba koje su imale uredan nalaz na karotidama. Praćenje uticaja psihičkih poremećaja (sumarno i pojedinačno) na funkcionalni oporavak pacijenata nakon moždanog udara, nije pokazalo statistički značajan uticaj. Zabeleženo je statistički značajno udruženo pojavljivanje depresivnog i anksioznog, depresivnog i neurotskog i anksioznog i neurotskog poremećaja, bez značajne interakcije navedenih poremećaja sa psihotičnim poremećajem. ZAKLJUČAK: Kod pacijenata sa ishemičnim moždanim udarom najveća je učestalost anksioznog poremećaja, zatim depresivnog poremećaja, a najređe se javlja psihotični poremećaj. Depresivni i anksiozni poremećaj značajno su češći kod žena, dok se psihotični poremećaji isključivo javljaju kod muškaraca. Depresivni poremećaj značajno se češće javlja u srednjem i starijem životnom dobu, anksiozni poremećaj se češće javlja u mlađem i srednjem životnom dobu, dok se psihotične manifestacije javljaju najčešće u srednjem životom dobu. Depresivni i anksiozni poremećaj jednako se često javljaju kod pacijenata sa teritorijalnim i lakunarnim infarktom, dok se psihotične manifestacije isključivo javljaju kod pacijenata sa teritorijalnim infarktom. Ne postoji značajna korelacija između prisustva faktora rizika za moždani udar i pojave psihičkih poremećaja, iako je upadljivo odsustvo psihičkih poremećaja kod pacijenata bez faktora rizika za moždani udar. Nakon 3 meseca od moždanog udara nije primećena značajnija regresija simptoma psihičkih poremećaja. Anksiozni poremećaj i psihotične manifestacije se statistički značajno češće javljaju kod infarkta u desnoj hemisferi, dok za depresivni poremećaj nije potvrđeno statistički značajno češće pojavljivanje kod infarkta u levoj hemisferi. Psihički poremećaji kod pacijenata sa moždanim udarom češće se javljaju kod pacijenata sa lezijama u karotidnom slivu, što se povećava sa težinom lezije i veličinom stenoze. Ne postoji statistički značajna korelacija između lezija krvnih sudova u vertebrobazilarnom slivu i Willisovom poligonu sa pojavom psihičkih poremećaja. Nije dokazan značajan uticaj psihičkih poremećaja na oporavak bolesnika nakon moždanog udara. Dokazan je visok stepen udruženog javljanja depresivnog i anksioznog poremećaja.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Stroke belongs to noninfectious diseases, which are considered the most common diseases of modern man. It is one of the most common causes of mortality and disability in the modern world. The many associated complications of stroke include mental disorders: depression, anxiety and psychotic disorders. Determining the relationship between stroke and mental disorders, as well as enlightening their underlying mechanism, represents a significant contribution to a better understanding of this very frequent disease, and an early treatment of these associated disorders should allow a faster and more complete recovery from stroke. OBJECTIVE: To determine characteristics of mental functioning after ischemic stroke, to determine the impact of lesion localization on development of certain mental disorders after stroke, to determine the impact of vascular status on development of mental disorders, and to determine the correlation between the associated mental disorders and the speed and degree of recovery of general life activities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The research was conducted as a prospective study that included 101 ischemic stroke patients of both sexes, hospitalized at the Clinic of Neurology in Novi Sad. Data about the course of disease and stroke risk factors was collected and laboratory diagnostics was performed in all patients. All patients underwent brain computed tomography (CT) (or magnetic resonance imaging - MRI), and ultrasound examination of carotid and vertebrobasilar arteries and the circle of Willis. The degree of neurological deficit and functional recovery in the acute phase and at 3-month follow-up were assessed using the National Institute of Health Stroke Severity (NIHSS) scale, the Rankin scale, and the Barthel Index. All patients underwent psychological exploration of the mental status in the acute phase of stroke by using the Beck Depression Inventory 2 (BDI - 2), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), and the Cornell Services Index (CSI). Follow-up testing with the same tests was performed after 3 months. Statistical analysis included methods of descriptive statistics: tabular presentation of the frequency and percentages in case of nonparametric (nominal or ordinal) variables. Contingency tables were used to present relationships between two variables. In addition, measures of central tendency (arithmetic mean) and measures of dispersion (standard deviation) were used for parametric variables. The chisquared test was used to determine differences between groups for nominal measurement variables, Cramer’s V was used to examine association between nominal levels of measurement. Association between interval measurement variables was measured by the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), and significance of differences between arithmetic means of more groups was determined by the analysis of variance (ANOVA). RESULTS: The study included 101 patients, 65.3% male and 34.7% female. The average age of patients was 60.69 years (median=62.00, standard deviation=10.828, statistical error=1.077). Stroke localizations were as follows: the right cerebral hemisphere in 38.6%, the left hemisphere in 34.7%, the cerebellum in 4%, the brainstem in 11.9%, and 10.9% of patients had multiple localizations. In 39.6% of patients, stroke was territorial, and in 59.4% lacunar. The distribution of risk factors for stroke was typical for the study area. Normal carotid arteries were found in 26.7%, 26.7% had diffuse atheromatosis, 27.7% had <70% ACI stenosis, and 18.8% had >70% ACI stenosis. As regards VB circulation, 52.5% had normal findings and 47.5% had pathological findings (stenosis and diffuse atheromatosis). As regards the circle of Willis, 54.5% had normal findings and 45.5% had pathological findings (stenosis and diffuse atheromatosis). Regarding mental functioning, 5.9% had depressive disorder, 29.7% had anxiety disorder, 9.9% had neurotic disorder, and 2% had psychotic disorder. In relation to sex, mental disorders were present as follows: depressive disorder in 3% of men and 11.4% of women, anxiety disorder in 25.8% of men and 37.1% of women, neurotic disorder in 7.6% of men and 14.3% of women, and psychotic disorder in 3% of men and none of women. With respect to age, among patients under 45 years of, age none had depressive disorder, 30% had anxiety disorder, 10% had psychotic disorder, and none had neurotic disorder. In the group of patients aged 46-65 years, 6.9% had depressive disorder, 22.4% had anxiety disorder, 12.1% had neurotic disorder, and 1.7% had neurotic disorder. In the group above 65 years of age, 6.1% had depressive disorder, 42.4% had anxiety disorder, 9.1% had neurotic disorder, and none had psychotic disorder. The distribution of responses obtained on the BDI-2 showed a higher prevalence of depressive disorder in patients with lesions in the left cerebral hemisphere. The distribution of responses obtained on the STAI showed a higher prevalence of anxiety disorder in patients who had lesion of the right hemisphere. The distribution of responses obtained on the CSI showed a higher prevalence of neurotic disorder in those who had multiple lesions. The distribution of responses obtained by the PANSS indicated a higher prevalence of psychotic disorder in those with lesion of the right hemisphere. Comparison of carotid artery lesions and mental disorders showed a progressive increase in the prevalence of mental disorders with increasing severity of the lesions, as well as a complete absence of mental disorders in people who had normal findings on carotids. The follow-up results showed that mental disorders (generally and individually) did not have a statistically significant effect on functional recovery of stroke patients. There were statistically significant comorbidities of depressive disorder and anxiety disorder, depressive disorder and neurotic disorder, and anxiety disorder and neurotic disorder, and no significant interactions of any of these disorders with psychotic disorder. CONCLUSION: In patients with ischemic stroke, anxiety disorder has the highest prevalence, followed by depressive disorder, whereas psychosis is the rarest. Depressive and anxiety disorders are significantly more common in women, while psychotic disorder occurs exclusively in men. Depressive disorder is significantly more common in the middle and old ages, anxiety disorder is more frequent in the younger and middle ages, while psychotic manifestations occur most often in the middle age of life. Depressive and anxiety disorders are similarly prevalent in patients with territorial and lacunar strokes, while psychotic manifestations occur exclusively in patients with territorial stroke. There is no significant correlation between the presence of stroke risk factors and mental disorders, although there is an evident absence of mental disorders in patients without stroke risk factors. Three months after stroke, no significant regression of the symptoms of mental disorders was observed. Anxiety disorder and psychotic manifestations are significantly more common in right hemispheric stroke, while as regards depressive disorder, there is no statistically significant association with left-hemispheric stroke. Mental disorders in stroke patients are more common in those with carotid lesions and increase in severity with increasing severity of lesion and degree of stenosis. There are no statistically significant correlations between lesions in the vertebrobasilar circulation or the circle of Willis and development of mental disorders. No significant impact of mental disorders on recovery from stroke was found. A high prevalence of comorbid depressive and anxiety disorders was proven/confirmed.</p>
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L’improvisation vocale en musicothérapie auprès d’enfants présentant des troubles psychotiques : une voie vers l’harmonisation de l’originaire / Vocal improvisation in music therapy with children presenting psychotic disorders : a way towards the harmonization of the primary psychic processusLiegl, Darwin 28 January 2009 (has links)
L’auteur centre sa recherche sur la médiation sonore avec des enfants présentant des troubles psychotiques dans le cadre d’une pratique clinique groupale.La production de musique improvisée et l’improvisation vocale sont utilisées en tant que voies d’accès à l’originaire et à l’inconscient afin de favoriser la symbolisation.Complétée par une recherche théorique et des observations cliniques concernant l’émission de la voix archaïque chez nouveaux-nés et bébés, cette élaboration prend appui sur l’analyse du transfert-contre-transfert, la chaîne associative et les référentiels psychanalytiques. L’ensemble des analyses et observations montre que chez l’enfant présentant des troubles psychotiques, la pratique de la médiation sonore en groupe utilisant la technique de l’improvisation vocale, permet la mobilisation et l’harmonisation de séquences traumatiques originaires conduisant à une modification de la relation d’objet et inaugurant une dynamique évolutive accrue. / The author centers his research on sound mediation with children presenting psychotic disorders within the framework of clinical group practice.
The production of improvised music and vocal improvisation are used as gateways to the primary psychic processus and to the unconscious to facilitate symbolization.
Completed by theoretical research and clinical observations concerning the emission of the archaic voice to new-borns and babies, this elaboration is supported by the analysis of the transference-counter-transference, the as-sociative channel and psychoanalytical system of reference.
All the analyses and the obser-vations show that with children presenting psychotic disorders, the practice of group sound mediation using the technique of vocal improvisation, allows the mobilization and the harmo-nization of primary psychic processus traumatic sequences leading to a modification of the relation to object and initiating greater evolutionary dynamics.
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Sistema informartizado para gestão de casos clínicos psiquiátricos / Computerized system for psychiatric clinical case managementPellozo, Lucas Romeiro 14 June 2016 (has links)
A grande quantidade de informação e conhecimento, armazenada nos casos clínicos médicos documentados, gera a necessidade de recuperar, relacionar e categorizar essa informação para a geração de conhecimento através de pesquisas e para melhoria de treinamento e tratamento médico. Na área da saúde, especificamente Psiquiatria, os casos clínicos apresentam determinantes multifatoriais biológicas e sociais. Pela característica multifatorial, os casos são complexos e evidências importantes podem passar despercebidas para estudo, análise e auxílio a diagnóstico. Dentro da Psiquiatria, outro fator importante é a forma como os diagnósticos relacionados à Esquizofrenia e outros transtornos psicóticos (EOP) são feitos: trata-se de uma entrevista clinica estruturada que exige uma complexidade para aplicação e gera uma grande quantidade de informação. Nesse cenário, inundado de conhecimento espalhado, este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar um sistema informatizado com a função de realizar a entrevista clínica de forma informatizada, assim como a recuperação, relacionamento e categorização dos casos clínicos. Permite também a busca dos casos baseados em similaridade de conteúdo textual, através de técnica de similaridade baseada em raciocínio de caso. O sistema foi testado com uma base de dados previamente montada por especialistas e validado na sua perspectiva clinica e de pesquisa através da utilização em um cenário real, com casos reais. Para uma validação voltada a uma perspectiva de expansão e comercialização deste tipo de sistema foi feita uma avaliação através da perspectiva de inovação e novos negócios, o que se alinha com as metas nacionais de inovação em softwares e a transferência tecnológica das universidades para o atendimento da população. Por fim, foi demonstrado que esse sistema tem potencial para se tornar um gerador de conhecimento e apontamento de informação de fina relevância para auxiliar e acelerar treinamentos e tratamentos na área da saúde tendo impacto direto na formação dos profissionais dessa área e consequente melhoria no atendimento feito por eles. / A large amount of information and knowledge, stored in documented medical clinical cases creates the necessity to retrieve, categorize and relate that information to generate knowledge through research and to improve training and medical treatment. In the Health area, specifically Psychiatry, clinical cases have multifactorial biological and social determinants. Because of multifactorial feature, cases are complex and important evidence can be missed for study, analysis and aid the diagnosis. Another important factor is how the diagnoses related to schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders (EOP) are done: it is a structured clinical interview which requires a complexity to application and generates a lot of information. In this scenario, full with Spread Knowledge, this project aims to introduce a computerized system with the function to perform the clinical interview computerized form, As the Recovery, Relationship and categorization of Clinical Cases. Also it allows the pursuit of cases based on textual content similarity, through technique of reasoning based on similarity Case. The system was tested with database pre-assembled and validated by experts in their clinical and research perspective through the use of a real scenario with real cases. For a more focused assessment with a view to expansion and commercialization of this system, an evaluation through innovation perspective and new business, this is in line with national goals of innovation in software and technology transfer from universities to meet the population. Lastly it was demonstrated that this system has the potential to become a generator of knowledge and information for fine pointing relevance to assist and accelerate training and treatments in healthcare with a direct impact on training of professionals in this area and consequent improvement in treatment done for them.
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A psicose como homo sacer: A vida entre o uso do corpo e a cidadania / The psychosis as homo sacer: the life between the use of body and citizenshipCorreia, Romulo Marcelo dos Santos 20 April 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga se no Brasil o lugar social destinado pela sociedade às pessoas que possuem diagnósticos relativos à psicose é semelhante àquele que o poder soberano destina ao homo sacer. Para isso, o referencial teórico estudado baseia-se na pesquisa de Agamben sobre o homo sacer e na teoria psicanalítica da psicose, mas não de forma exaustiva, e sim recortando possíveis contribuições. Essas noções subsidiam toda discussão que vai dos primeiros entendimentos sobre loucura, atravessando o ideal de eugenia, até desembocar na reforma psiquiátrica e no Serviço de Residência Terapêutica SRT como contraponto à política manicomial. Já para a pesquisa de campo, a metodologia escolhida baseou-se numa pesquisa qualitativa, com o uso de entrevista semiestruturada e de diários de campo. Os participantes foram divididos em três perfis: moradores do SRT que são egressos de períodos de longa internação em hospitais psiquiátricos, com nosologia relativa à psicose; cuidadores do SRT; e técnicos de nível superior que atuam na área da saúde mental. A análise das entrevistas foi baseada na análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciam que a história da loucura no Brasil foi marcada pela exclusão, mas que os acontecimentos do século XX evidenciaram que o psicótico deixa de estar apenas no lugar do excluído e é jogado no lugar do homo sacer. Simultaneamente ao psicótico como homo sacer está a figura do neurótico como sobrevivente, mas ambos vivem a insegurança de se afogarem no rio da biopolítica. Já as falas dos moradores, cuidadores e técnicos reconheceram o hospital psiquiátrico como um lugar onde as pessoas são abandonadas por todos para morrer: abandonadas pelas famílias, abandonadas pela equipe do hospital, abandonadas pelo poder público, abandonadas pela sociedade como um todo. Mais que um lugar de abandono, o hospital psiquiátrico era um lugar de morte. A este lugar de morte surgiu como contraponto uma saúde mental voltada para a inserção social e territorial das pessoas acometidas de transtornos mentais, e o SRT mostrou-se um importante equipamento para efetivar tais ações. Para os participantes, o SRT é tudo o que o hospital psiquiátrico não é: Enquanto o hospital leva as pessoas para longe da cidade, a residência traz de volta para ela. Enquanto o hospital aprisiona irresponsavelmente, a residência liberta responsavelmente. Enquanto nos hospitais existem pacientes internados, na residência existem moradores que participam da sociedade. Enquanto nos hospitais corpos são usados desrespeitosamente, na residência vidas são vividas dignamente / This work problematizes and investigates if in Brazil the social place destined by the society to the people that have diagnoses related to the psychosis is similar to the one that the sovereign power destines to homo sacer. For this, the theoretical framework studied is based on Agamben\'s research on homo sacer and on the psychoanalytic theory of psychosis, but not in an exhaustive way, but rather by cutting possible contributions. These notions subsidize any discussion that goes from the first understandings about madness, crossing the ideal of eugenics, until it ends in the psychiatric reform and the Service of Therapeutic Residence - STR - as a counterpoint to the asylum policy. For the field research, the chosen methodology was based on a qualitative research, with the use of semi-structured interviews and field diaries. Participants were divided into three profiles: residents of the STR who are graduates of periods of long stay in psychiatric hospitals, with nosology related to psychosis; STR caregivers; and higher education technicians who work in the area of mental health. The analysis of the interviews was based on content analysis. The results show that the history of madness in Brazil was marked by exclusion, but that the events of the twentieth century showed that the psychotic is no longer only in the place of the excluded and is played in the place of homo sacer. Simultaneously with the psychotic as homo sacer is the figure of the neurotic as survivor, but both live the insecurity of drowning in the river of biopolitics. The speeches of the residents, caregivers and technicians have recognized the psychiatric hospital as a place where people are abandoned by all to die: abandoned by the families, abandoned by the hospital staff, abandoned by the public power, abandoned by society as a whole. More than a place of abandonment, the psychiatric hospital was a place of death. To this place of death a mental health aimed at the social and territorial insertion of the people affected by mental disorders appeared as a counterpoint, and the STR proved to be an important equipment to carry out such actions. For participants, the STR is all that the psychiatric hospital is not: While the hospital takes people away from the city, the residence brings it back to it. While the hospital imprisons irresponsibly, the residence frees responsibly. While in hospitals there are hospitalized patients, in the residence there are residents who participate in society. While in hospitals bodies are used disrespectfully, in residence lives are lived worthily
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Intervenções familiares no primeiro episódio psicótico: possibilidades e barreiras na perspectiva da equipe / Family interventions in first episode psychosis: possibilities and barriers in the perspective of staffFendrich, Lorena 28 August 2015 (has links)
Com o advento da Reforma Psiquiátrica no Brasil, novos espaços de assistência e tratamento vêm sendo constituídos e a família passa a ser entendida como um fator fundamental na recuperação do portador de transtorno mental. Desta forma, compete aos profissionais apoiá- la, orientá-la e fortalecê-la, por meio de ações educativas e de apoio emocional. No entanto, estudos atuais na área apontam que a inclusão da família no tratamento de portadores de transtorno mental ainda não é procedimento de rotina em muitos serviços. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar e analisar as possibilidades e barreiras percebidas pelos profissionais de saúde para implantar e manter, na rotina de um serviço de saúde mental, o cuidado às famílias de portadores de transtorno mental. Método: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo. Para a coleta de dados, foram realizadas duas sessões de grupo focal com os profissionais envolvidos com a criação e manutenção do atendimento familiar em um serviço especializado de nível ambulatorial. Resultados: Os profissionais participantes ressaltaram a importância da família no início do tratamento, e suas necessidades neste momento. Porém, reconheceram que os pacientes e seus familiares participam pouco das atividades de intervenção familiar oferecidas. As barreiras para uma participação mais ativa identificadas nas discussões estão relacionadas à própria família, ao serviço, e aos profissionais, e são semelhantes aos achados de outros estudos nacionais e internacionais. A supervalorização do modelo biomédico está presente em todas as barreiras. Conclusão: Concluímos que o estudo reforçou nossa compreensão sobre a importância da inclusão da família no atendimento de pessoas no primeiro episódio psicótico, e contribui apontando barreiras para efetivar esta proposta / With the advent of the Psychiatric Reform in Brazil, new care spaces and treatment have been made and the family passed being understood how a fundamental factor in the recovery of mental health patients. Thus, compete to professionals supports it, guides it and strengthen it through educational and emotional support. However, current studies points that inclusion of the family for treatment of mental disorders carriers still is not procedure of many services routine. The present study aimed to identify and analyze as perceived opportunities and barriers by health professionals to deploy and maintain, in a mental health service routine, the care of the families of mental disorders carriers. Method: This is a qualitative study. Data collection, were conducted two focus group sessions with professionals involved with the creation and maintenance of familiar care in a specialized outpatient service. Results: The professionals participants stressed the importance of family in the outset of the treatment, and their needs in this time. However, recognized that the patients and their families does not participate much in family intervention activities offered. The barriers for a more active participation identified in discussions are related to own family, the service, and professionals, and are similar to findings in other national and international studies. The overvaluation of biomedical model is present in all barriers. Conclusion: We conclude that the study reinforced our understanding of the importance of family inclusion in the care of people on first episode psychotic, and contributes pointing barriers to accomplish this proposal
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Investigação de genes candidatos para psicoses funcionais: estudo caso-controle com mães e crianças (população de alto risco) / Investigation of candidate genes for functional psychoses: case-control study with mothers and children (population of high risk)Krelling, Renata 11 December 2007 (has links)
Os estudos de alto risco com descendentes de indivíduos portadores de psicoses fornecem uma oportunidade para estudar possíveis características fenotípicas e genéticas que podem estar envolvidas no desenvolvimento destes transtornos. Até o momento as pesquisas sobre a influência da vulnerabilidade genética e o ambiente sobre o comportamento das crianças de risco são escassos e inconclusivos. Objetivo: Revisão dos principais estudos genético-epidemiolólogicos e dos principais achados dos estudos de alto risco para psicose funcional. Revisão dos estudos genético-moleculares dos polimorfismos Ser9Gly (rs6280), VNTRDAT1 (NM_001044.3), Val66Met (rs6265) e 5HTTLPR (- X76753) e estudo de associação destes polimorfismos em mães portadoras de psicose funcional e em seus respectivos filhos. A distribuição destes polimorfismos em quatro características clínicas nos filhos (Síndrome Ansiedade/depressão e Retraimento/depressão do CBCL, atraso escolar e déficit intelectual) foi o objetivo secundário. Métodos: Sujeitos-Mães com esquizofrenia e transtorno afetivo bipolar atendidas no Instituto Psiquiatria do IPq-HCFMUSP e atendidas na Clínica de Ginecologia da mesma Universidade foram convidadas a participar.Para cada mãe, 1 filho foi escolhido, estratificando-se para gênero e idade (6-18 anos). Os entrevistadores eram cegos e aplicaram nas mães SCID (Entrevista Clínica Estruturada para DSM-IV) e GAF (Avaliação Global de Funcionamento) e nas crianças CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist) (Achenbach, 1983) e WASI (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence). Foi avaliado nível socioeconômico baseado em um instrumento utilizado em estudos de populacionais brasileiros (ANEP). As freqüências de polimorfismos da mães foi feita comparando-as segundo o diagnóstico psiquiátrico (Esquizofrenia, Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar e Controles). A análise das características das crianças foi realizado inicialmente segundo o diagnóstico da materno e posteriormente de acordo com possíveis síndromes clínicas que estas crianças apresentaram. A análise de dados foi executada pelo Programa Estatístico SPSS 15.0. Os grupos foram comparados de acordo com características através de Chi-quadrado de Pearson ou do Teste Exato de Fisher, adotando-se valor de significância de 0.05. RESULTADOS: 167 mães (58 com esquizofrenia, 47 com transtorno afetivo bipolar e 62 controles) e seus filhos participaram. Não se observaram diferenças significantes nos alelos e genótipos dos polimorfismos do Ser9Gly, VNTR-DAT1, Val66Met e 5HTTLPR. Houve diferença na freqüência das Síndromes Retraimento/depressão e Ansiedade/depressão no grupo de filhos de mães portadoras de TAB, porém sem associação com os polimorfismos estudados. Uma tendência de associação foi detectada entre homozigose ser9gly e prejuízo mental (p = 0,09) e uma associação entre homozigose 9 e 10 do VNTR-DAT1- (p=0,03) e Síndrome Ansiedade/Depressão nas crianças independente da diagnóstico da materno. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da limitação do tamanho da amostra, nossos resultados apóiam a viabilidade metodológica dos estudos de risco alto para analise em genética molecular. Futuramente pretende-se explorar os dados encontrados com o aumento da amostra e com a introdução de novas variáveis advindas do segmento desta população. / The high-risk studies involving offspring of parents who developed psychoses provide the opportunity to clarify quantitative trait loci that may underlie liability traits. Until now, the research about the influence of genetic vulnerability and environmental factors on child behavior is scarce and inconclusive. Objective: In this research a review of the findings of previous HR studies in functional psychoses, the analyze polymorphisms distribution of the genes DRD3 (Ser9Gly - rs6280), DAT1 (VNTR-Variable Number of Tandem Repeats - NM_001044.3), BDNF (Val66Metrs6265) and serotonin transporter (5HTTLPR - X76753.2) among functional psychoses women and their offspring and polymorphisms distribution in four clinical characteristics among the offspring (Anxious/Depressed and Withdrawn/Depressed syndromes from CBCL, school delay and low intelligence coefficient) was done. Methods: Outpatient mothers with schizophrenia and bipolar referred from the Psychiatric Institute in Sao Paulo and outpatient mothers referred from the Gynecologic Clinic of the same university. For each mother, one offspring was chosen and stratified by gender and age (6-18 y.o.). Blinded interviewers applied the SCID (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV) and Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF) to the mothers, the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (Achenbach, 1983) and WASI (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence) to the children. Socioeconomic status was evaluated based on a Brazilian standardized instrument used in population studies (ANEP). The polymorphisms distribution among mothers was done comparing the diagnoses (Controls, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia). The analysis of the offspring characteristics was initially done according to mother s diagnosis and later according to likely clinical syndromes these children showed. Data analysis was performed with the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS - 15.0). The groups were compared according to characteristics using Pearson s Chi-square or Fisher s Exact Test adopting significance value of 0.05. RESULTS: 167 mothers (58 with schizophrenia, 47 with bipolar disorder and 62 controls) participated. No significant difference was observed in the allelic and genotype frequencies in the polymorphisms of the Ser9Gly, VNTR- DAT1, Val66Met- and 5HTTLPR. There was some difference in Anxious/Depressed and Withdrawn/Depressed syndromes frequency in the children from bipolar group, but without association with the polymorphism studied. A tendency of association was detected between homozygosis ser9gly DRD3 and mental impairment (p= 0,09), and an association between homozygosis 9* and 10* of DAT1-VNTR (p=0,03) and Anxious/Depressed in children, regardless of mother s diagnosis. CONCLUSION: Despite of the sample size limitation, our results supported the methodological feasibility of a high-risk study. Hereafter it intends to explore the data found by increasing the sample and introducing new variables from the follow up.
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"Fenomenologia das experiências mediúnicas, perfil e psicopatologia de médiuns espíritas" / Phenomenology of Mediumistic Experiences, Profile and Psychopathology of Spiritist MediumsAlmeida, Alexander Moreira de 22 February 2005 (has links)
Objetivos: Definir o perfil sociodemográfico e a saúde mental em médiuns espíritas,bem como a fenomenologia e o histórico de suas experiências mediúnicas. Métodos: 115 médiuns em atividade foram selecionados aleatoriamente de centros espíritas de São Paulo. Numa primeira etapa foram aplicados os questionários: sociodemográfico e de atividade mediúnica, SRQ (Self-Report Psychiatric Screening Questionnaire) e EAS (Escala de Adequação Social). Todos os médiuns com provável psicopatologia pelo SRQ (n=12) e o mesmo número de controles foram entrevistados com base no DDIS (Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule), SCAN (Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry) e através de uma entrevista qualitativa. Resultados: 76,5% da amostra eram mulheres, idade média 48,1 ± 10,7 anos, 2,7% de desemprego e 46,5% de escolaridade superior. Eram espíritas, em média, há 16,2 ± 12,7 anos e possuíam uma média de 3,5 tipos de mediunidade (incorporação 72%; psicofonia 66%; vidência 63%; audiência 32%; psicografia 23%). Cada modalidade mediúnica era exercitada entre 7 a 14 vezes por semana em média, não havendo diferença entre os sexos. 7,8% dos médiuns ficaram acima do ponto de corte para transtorno psiquiátrico menor pelo SRQ e a amostra alcançou uma pontuação de 1,85 ± 0,33 na EAS. Houve correlação significativa entre os escores de adequação social e de sintomas psiquiátricos pelo SRQ (r= 0,38 p<0,001). Não houve correlação entre a intensidade de atividade mediúnica e os escores SRQ e adequação social. Os médiuns diferiam das características de portadores de transtornos de identidade dissociativa e possuíam uma alta média (4) de sintomas Schneiderianos de primeira ordem para esquizofrenia, mas estes não se relacionaram aos escores do SRQ ou do EAS. Foram identificados quatro grupos de relatos de surgimento da mediunidade: sintomas isolados na infância ou na vida adulta, quadros de oscilação do humor e durante o curso de médiuns. A psicofonia/incorporação possui como pródromos uma sensação de presença, sintomas físicos diversos e sentimentos e sensações não reconhecidos como próprios do indivíduo. Posteriormente, é sentida uma pressão na garganta e mecanicamente começa-se a verbalizar um discurso não planejado. Aintuição foi caracterizada pelo surgimento de pensamentos ou imagens não reconhecidos como próprios. A audição e a vidência se caracterizaram pela percepção de imagens ou vozes no espaço psíquico interno ou objetivo externo. A psicofonia só ocorria no centro espírita, as demais modalidades mediúnicas ocorriam tanto dentro como fora dos centros espíritas Conclusões: Os médiuns estudados evidenciaram alto nível socioeducacional, baixa prevalência de transtornos psiquiátricos menores e razoável adequação social. A mediunidade provavelmente se constitui numa vivência diferente do transtorno de identidade dissociativa. A maioria teve o início de suas manifestações mediúnicas na infância, e estas, atualmente, se caracterizam por vivências de influência ou alucinatórias, que não necessariamente implicam num diagnóstico de esquizofrenia.¶ / Objectives: This study describes the social-demographic profile and psychopathology of Spiritist mediums, history and phenomenology of their mediumistic experiences. Methods: One hundred fifteen actively practicing medium subjects (27 male and 88 female) were randomly selected from different Kardecist Spiritist Centers in the City of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In the early phase of the study, all participants completed social-demographic and mediumistic activity questionnaires, SRQ (Self-Report Psychiatric Screening Questionnaire) and SAS (Social Adjustment Scale). All medium subjects (n = 12) identified by the SRQ with probable psychopathology, and a control group (12 healthy subjects) were submitted to interview using: the DDIS(Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule), SCAN (Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry), and a qualitative interview. Results: Females were 76.5% of the sample, sample mean age was 48.1 ± 10.7 years; 2.7% of the subjects were currently unemployed; and 46% of the sample had a college degree. Participants indicated being Spiritist for an average of 16.2 ±12.7 years, having a mean of 3.5 different types of mediumistic abilities (receiving/embodiment of an spiritual entity 72%; seeing 63%; hearing 32%; and automatic writing 23%). Each mediumistic modality was carried out an average of 7 to 14 times a week with no gender difference; 7.8% of the medium subjects exhibited a minor psychiatric disorder according to the SRQ, and the entire sample scored 1.85 ± 0,33 points in the SAS. There was a significant correlation between social adjustment scores and SRQ psychiatric symptoms (r= 0,38 p<0,001). There was no significant correlation between the degree of mediumistic activity and either SRQ or SAS scores. Medium subjects differed from dissociative identity disorders subjects and displayed 4 Schneiderian first rank symptoms for schizophrenia that were unrelated to either the SRQ or SAS scores. Four distinct modes of emergence of mediumistic symptoms were recorded: isolated symptoms during childhood, isolated symptoms during adulthood, spontaneous mood fluctuations, and formal courses in mediumistic ability development. A full mediumistic trance process begins with: sensing another presence, experiencing a variety of physical symptoms and feelings, and experiencing vibratory frequencies which subjects attributed to an external source, or spiritual entity. Subsequently, subjects begin to feel pressure in the area of the throat and an unplanned speech is mechanically voiced. Intuition is characterized by the emergence of thoughts and/or images not recognized by the subjects as their own. Hearing and seeing are characterized as the awareness of images and voices within the internal psychic space or as an external object. Full mediumistic trance was recorded exclusively within the Spiritist Centers however all other mediumistic experiences were recorded both inside and outside these centers. Conclusions: The medium subjects included in this analysis displayed evidences of having a high social-educational level, a low prevalence rate of minor psychiatric symptoms and a sound level of social adjustment. Mediumistic trance is very possibly an experience other than a Dissociative Identity Disorder. The majority of the subjects experienced the onset of mediumistic experiences during childhood, and the mediumistic process was characterized by experiences of replacement of the ego mind, or visual and/or auditory hallucinations not necessarily related to a definite diagnosis of schizophrenia.
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Mötet med personer som drabbats av nydebuterad psykos : en systematisk litteraturstudie / Encounter with people affected by recent onset psychosis : a systematic literature reviewStevenson, Åsa January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: En psykos innebär att tappa fotfästet i verkligheten. Risken för att drabbas av försämrad livskvalitet med stort lidande är hög. Tidigt insatta interventioner hos personer med nydebuterad psykos kan hindra ett ogynnsamt sjukdomsförlopp men forskning av nyinsjuknade genererar sällan kunskap gällande omvårdnad. Patienters symptombild med starka vanföreställningar och oro komplicerar ofta försök att interagera och en gynnsam vårdrelation kan vara svår att utveckla i och med patienternas speciella tillstånd. Syfte: Att beskriva hur personalen kan skapa en vårdprocessfrämjande relation med personen som drabbats av nydebuterad psykos på en slutenvårdsavdelning. Metod: Systematisk litteraturöversikt inkluderat femton artiklar med kvalitativt perspektiv för att besvara syftet. Data har analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ metasummering. Resultat: Resultatet antyder på fördelar med att skapa tillit på ett tidigt stadium med hjälp av vårdrelationen. I och med ökande tillit till omgivningen ökar också behovet av att ha personalen som stöd med kunskap och förståelse för att kunna lösa problem i ett ömsesidigt samarbete. Personalen bör vara tillgänglig, vänlig, kunnig, tydlig, empatisk, flexibel med positiv hållning för gynnsamt skapande av hälsoprocessfrämjande omvårdnad. Diskussion: I den optimala vårdrelationen sker ett samarbete runt mål och hälsoprocessfrämjande interventioner där personalen stöttar patienternas val med kunskap, uppmuntran och positiv feedback. Att få patienten att acceptera sin situation, att det kanske aldrig blir som förr och att leda in patienten på nya realistiska banor som inger livsmod och hopp kan vara en av personalens största utmaningar. / Background: A psychosis brings a lost sense of reality and generates a high risk of impaired quality of life with great suffering. Research shows that early intervention can prevent a disadvantageous health course whilst seldom generates knowledge regarding nursing as such. The nurse patient relationship is essential but often complicated by lack of trust due to symptoms such as strong delusions and anxiety. Aim: To describe how staff can create a care process promoting relationship with persons affected by recent-onset psychosis at an inpatient ward. Methods: Systematic literature review based on fifteen articles with a qualitative perspective. A qualitative meta-summary was chosen as method for synthesizing and analyzing the findings. Results: The result shows that the caring relationships focus may be on gaining trust at an early stage. As the patient gains trust in the surrounding environment the need for support from staff increases. Problem solving, together with staff, becomes more appreciated as symptoms fade away. Staff who are accessible, friendly, knowledgeable, clear, empathetic, flexible with a positive attitude are beneficial in creating a healthy process of promoting nursing. Discussions: Optimal nurse patient relationship interacts around goals and health process promotion interventions where staff supports the patients’ choices with the use of knowledge, encouragement and positive feedback. Getting the patient to accept their situation, making them realize that life may never be the same, leading them onto new realistic paths inspiring courage and hope, can be one of the staff's greatest challenges.
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Promoting agency among people with severe psychiatric disability : occupation-oriented interventions in home and community settings / Att främja aktörskap hos personer med svårt psykiskt funktionshinder : Aktivitetsinriktade interventioner i hem- och närmiljöLindström, Maria January 2011 (has links)
In general, people with severe psychiatric disability living in sheltered or supported housing lead passive, solitary lives. Current rehabilitative approaches often neglect considering an agentic perspective of the residents in sheltered or supported housing. Furthermore, the outreach and societal contexts are often not considered. Thus, practitioners tend to overlook the potential in providing support and rehabilitation that is adapted to their individual, collective and changing needs. My approach was to develop a model for Everyday Life Rehabilitation (ELR), which has a potential to promote agency while targeting recovery, meaningful daily occupations, social participation, and person-driven goals. We employed two occupational therapists (OT) and offered an intervention with ELR in a medium-sized municipality in northernSwedenand evaluated this intervention from the perspectives of residents and community care workers (CCW), using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. This thesis comprises four studies that focus on a home and community context, late rehabilitation efforts, daily occupations, and client-centredness. The overall aim is to understand and evaluate the impact of recovery- and occupation-oriented interventions in a home context for people with severe psychiatric disability. The study settings are sheltered and supported housing facilities. The first study (n=6) explores the significance of home for occupational transformations. The analysis reveals how residential conditions facilitate rehabilitative interactions, generating occupational transformations such as increasing social competence and taking charge of daily occupations. The second study evaluates occupation- and health-related outcomes of the ELR-intervention for residents (n=17). Pre-, post-, and follow-up differences in tests scores on goal attainment, occupation, and health-related factors indicate that important progress is made. The third study explores residents’ (n=16) narratives about occupational transformations in the context of everyday life and life history. Narrative analysis discloses stories of ‘rediscovering agency’, referring to occupational and identity transformations. The fourth study illuminates community care workers’ (n=21) experiences of collaborating with residents and OTs, using ELR. The CCW’ view on residents, rehabilitation, and the own role, along with organisational conditions in the housing facility, seem to characterise different outlooks influencing the CCWs responsiveness or resistance to the intervention. In conclusion, rehabilitation in a supported housing context appears paradoxical due to tensions between opposing values such as authentic versus artificial, and independence versus dependence. However, if residents are engaged in challenging these tensions, they can function as ‘progressive tensions’ generating change. Considering the personal and social meaning of home also appears to be valuable. The intervention studies on ELR, demonstrate its value for participants and indicates that a recovery approach applying ELR would promote shared perspectives among residents, CCWs, and OTs, while facilitating ‘agent-supported rehabilitation’ and ‘out-of-housing strategies’. The thesis provides initial support for the use of ELR-interventions and proposes continued research. / Vardagslivets Rehabilitering (Everyday Life Rehabilitation)
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