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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Image of Sweden : Nation Branding and Public Diplomacy in Germany

Nömm, Heidi Marie January 2007 (has links)
ABSTRACT Title: The Image of Sweden - A study of the Swedish Embassy’s Nation Branding and Public Diplomacy in Germany Number of pages: 46 (57 including enclosures) Author: Heidi Marie Nömm Tutor: Göran Svensson Course: Media and Communication Studies C Level – Bachelor’s Thesis. Period: Autumn term 2006/2007 University: Division of Media and Communication Department of Information Science Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: The purpose of my research study is to examine how the press, culture and PR department at the Swedish Embassy in Berlin is organising its external communication of Swedish affairs and “branding” Sweden as an attractive and competitive nation in Germany. My research objective is therefore to investigate the nature of the Embassy’s Nation Branding by means of one specific media channel, which is the Embassy’s German website, in order to find out how Sweden’s nation brand is communicated according to my chosen theory. Material/Method: The method of analysis is a combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods: a qualitative interview in terms of collecting information about the Embassy’s external communication, as well as a quantitative content analysis of the Embassy’s German website. Furthermore I’m making use of secondary data from previous research, various articles and several information sources from the Internet. Main results: On the basis of the results I have gained by dint of the content analysis, it can be concluded that the Embassy’s German website foregrounds and focuses on communicating cultural topics, whereas political and governmental issues are being undermined. Hence, the website shows an uneven representation of Anholt’s nation brand key areas which denote that it is communicating a too one-sided and unbalanced picture of a national image, thus Sweden’s nation brand. Keywords: Nation Branding, Public Diplomacy, external communication, content analysis, case study, Swedish Embassy Berlin, channel of communication, information flow.

Svensk offentlig diplomati i förändring : En fallstudie om Svenska institutet

Åström, Angie January 2012 (has links)
The Swedish Institute is a public agency promoting Swedish interest, national image and confidence around the world. This work attempts to investigate how communication and a process over time influences and effects public diplomacy. The analytic discussion is based on a single case study research of this Institute representing ideas in the international science field of public diplomacy. The theoretical ideas of public diplomacy are placed in a theoretical perspective of social constructivism. The method is qualitative, with excerpts taken from interviews, literature, newspapers, articles, state public reports and social media. The work adopts a discourse analytic approach, aiming to uncover the structure of public diplomacy by using three analytic tools: soft power, nation branding and cultural diplomacy. The presented analysis and examples suggest a close collaboration between researchers and practitioners can lead to a coherent theory of public diplomacy. The result identifies promising directions as well as weakness and gaps in existing knowledge. The work promotes an analytic tool “korstryck” for theorize and conceptualize the discussion of public diplomacy. A strategy of today requires three fundamental components: power, diplomacy and communication. The challenge in public diplomacy is the balance between public opinion, public foreign policy and global networks of communication. The paper aims to open doors for further scientific works are needed in the searching for a theory of public diplomacy.

中小型國家的人道外交利基 / Mapping Humanitarian Diplomacy in Small and Medium Size States: Niche Cases in Public Diplomacy

陳米蘭, Chen, Mi Lan Unknown Date (has links)
雖然公共外交已行之有年,但隨著科技的革新和非國家行為者的崛起等國際社會的改變,公共外交的策略與手段勢必面對一番調整與改變。對於受制於傳統政治、地理位置、權力等中小型國家,這番外交的變革所帶來的並不僅僅是挑戰,更是機會與創新。這些國家藉由這些變革,發展出獨特的外交策略並拓展其在國際領域上的影響力。而藉由提供援助和救濟、致力於維護人類福祉的人道外交,是中小型國家採取的外交手段之一。為了有進一步的探討,本研究聚焦於挪威、土耳其、和台灣做為比較案例,並分析其人道外交背景、策略、和手段。 / Public diplomacy is not a new phenomenon in the history, yet with the changing features in the 21st century, such as the rise of the non-state actors and the technology advancement, the strategies and practices of public diplomacy have also been adjusted and modified. For small and middle size states that are constrained by power, politics, or geographic location, the changing environment has brought them both challenges and opportunities. They are able to develop diplomatic strategies beyond these hindrances through concentrating resources in specific areas that best able to increase the influence and visibility on the global stage. In this regard, humanitarian diplomacy is one of the niches that small and middle size states adopt to carry out their foreign policy goals, while generating awareness and providing assistance for areas suffering from severe humanitarian conditions and political conflicts. To further the study and to shed light on how small and middle size countries adopt humanitarian diplomacy as their diplomatic niches, the three cases, Norway, Turkey, and Taiwan, are selected and compared in terms of background, strategies, and practices. The comparison indicates that different countries develop their diplomatic strategies and practices based on state’s characteristics and existing resources. However, under the notion of public diplomacy, there are still several essential requirements needs to be examined in order to “make each punch above its weight.”

中國電影文化外交探索-以2013年巴黎中國電影節為例 / The Analysis of Culture Diplomacy in Chinese Films--The Case of the Chinese Film Festival in Paris in 2013

王政皓, Zheng-Hao Wang January 1900 (has links)
電影作為跨文化傳播的重要媒介,對國家形象的扮演有著重大作用。胡錦濤特別在2004的四中全會上提到中國一方面發展硬實力,另一面就是軟實力的培養。中國當局希望透過文化電影的發展超越西方國家。   中國旅法畫家高醇芳女士於2004年有感於法國人對中國電影的生疏,因而創立「巴黎中國電影節」,其宗旨就是向法國人推廣中國的電影,而此活動也逐漸受到中國當局的關注和協助。因此,中國政府採用「巴黎中國電影節」進行「公共外交」的策略。也希望影片中的意識形態能讓法國人接受。   中國在經濟上已逐漸與歐美並駕齊驅,在文化上更是希望與歐美國家抗衡。然而在西方影展得獎的中國片或是西方電影呈現的中國意象,這些影片經常出現很深的東方主義觀念。「巴黎中國電影節」的出現提供中國宣揚自身文化,以及利用此機會平反歐美國家對中國東方主義的觀點。 / Film is an important medium of cross-cultural communication, it plays major role in the shaping of national image. In 2004, Hu Jintao particularly referred to the development of China on Fourth Plenary Session. One is hard power; another is the training of soft power. Chinese authorities want to go beyond the western countries through the development of cultural films.   In 2004, Chinese painter in France, Ms. Gao Chunfang felt the French were unfamiliar on Chinese films, so she found “the Chinese Film Festival in Paris”. The purpose is to promote the Chinese Films to French public, and this festival is also gradually paid attention by Chinese authorities. Therefore, the Chinese government has adopted "Chinese Film Festival in Paris" to execute "public diplomacy strategy". The government also hopes the film's ideology could be accepted by French person.   Chinese economy has gradually reached Europe or American; it also wants to compete on culture. However, Chinese films won the reward on West Film Festival and the Chinese image on western films which often appear the concept of "Orientalism". The appearing of ''The Chines Film Festival in Paris" provides China to promote their culture, as well as they use this opportunity to vindicate the perspectives on Chinese Orientalism from United States and Europe. / 第一章緒論 1 第一節研究動機與目的 1 第二節研究架構 6 第二章文獻探討8 第一節軟實力和公共外交理論探討 8 第二節意識形態理論11 第三節國際電影節與中國電影節概略 12 第三章研究方法 16 第一節樣本取樣 16 第二節研究限制 28 第三節符號學分析 28 第四節鏡頭分析 32 第四章、分析 35 第一節中國夢VS.美國夢:《中國合夥人》、《北京遇見西雅圖》 35 第二節宣揚政府形象:《三個未婚媽媽》、《蝶吻》 46 第三節歌頌青春愛情:《情人節》、《青春派》、《我願意》 51 第四節演繹女性主義:《蕭紅》 76 第五節彰顯愛國情操:《黃金大劫案》 90 第六節營造民族融合:《唐卡》 97 第七節再現古老中國:《畫皮II》 110 第五章、結論 119 第六章、文獻參考 125

Branding Spain : analyzing the organizations behind the image of Spain in Sweden

Alvarez Martinez, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
Globalization abates barriers and makes the world similar, but also leads countries to perform like companies seeking and competing for global capitals. In this competition the „nation brand‟ becomes a critical tool to stand out and attract any sort of foreign investments. In this research, the factors which affect the nation brand, presented in the Anholt´s hexagon model, will be tested through the combination of theory on nation branding and empirical data. The study analyzes how different organizations affect and promote the commercial image of Spain in Sweden. Up to seven entities susceptible to affect the brand Spain were analyzed; the ICEX, the economic and commercial office of Spain in Stockholm, the embassy of Spain in Stockholm, Invest in Spain, the Elcano Royal institute, the Hispanic-Swedish chamber of commerce in Madrid and the Swedish trade council in Madrid. The study also presents an outline of the current context of the brand Spain and its projection in Sweden, as well as an overview on the trade relationship between both countries. The individual commitment of most of the organizations investigated, under the guidance of the Ministry of foreign affairs and the Ministry of industry, tourism, and trade of Spain, appears as one of the main findings. Despite the limited scope of this investigation, the relative novelty of this field of study leaves room for further research in different directions, questioning those who claim that globalization threats local diversity.

La public diplomacy des Etats-Unis : théories, pratiques, effets (1948-2008) / American Public Diplomacy : theories, Pracices, Effects (1948-2008)

Ricaud, Raphaël 10 November 2012 (has links)
La présente étude vise à appréhender en trois temps la public diplomacy des Etats-Unis, objet civilisationnel protéiforme. Notre premier chapitre a pour objectif la constitution d’un appareil théorique permettant de comprendre le fonctionnement de la projection d’une image extraterritoriale des Etats-Unis. La multiplicité d’acteurs, d’auteurs et de prescripteurs façonnant la public diplomacy américaine nécessite d’en dresser une taxonomie. Par ailleurs, les nombreux prismes disciplinaires par lesquels la public diplomacy est décrite font amplement varier son signifié. Pour donner du sens à cet ensemble hétérogène, nous choisissons d’étudier la public diplomacy des Etats-Unis sous l’angle de la propagande. Notre second chapitre est une étude pratique. Celle-ci révèle que la littérature consacrée à la public diplomacy est de nature quasi hagiographique. Présentée comme vertueuse par ses acteurs, la réalité est tout autre. Quatre cas d’étude – la « campagne de vérité » sous Truman, la « guerre du Vietnam » sous Johnson, l’Office of Public Diplomacy for Latin America and the Caribbean sous Reagan, ainsi que la « guerre contre la terreur » sous Bush fils – montrent que sa praxis est en contradiction avec sa rhétorique. Lors de l’ultime chapitre, on s’interrogera sur les différences entre effets annoncés et effets constatés. Le phénomène le plus notable est la constitution d’un maillage international de personnes influentes au sein d’instituts servant de relais au message américain. Cet effet fait-il des chercheurs en Etudes américaines des propagandistes à leur insu ? / This three-part dissertation considers U.S. public diplomacy as a protean American Studies object. Part one is the creation of a theoretical apparatus to assist readers in their comprehension of how America projects its image abroad. The (too) many actors, authors and policy-makers involved in the shaping of American public diplomacy require the creation of a taxonomy. What is more, depending on academic focus, the meaning of public diplomacy varies. To make sense of this heterogeneous set, we choose to use propaganda as the master signifier tying together the different facets of public diplomacy. Part two is a practical study. Quasi hagiographic literature massages the reader into believing public diplomacy is of a virtuous nature. Yet four case studies (Truman’s Campaign of truth, Johnson’s Vietnam War, Reagan’s Office of Public Diplomacy for Latin America and the Caribbean and Bush 43’s so-called “War on Terror”) reveal the width of the gap that separates rhetoric from practice. Part three ponders the difference between supposed and real effects of American public diplomacy. Its most tangible achievement being the creation of a network of influential people and institutions to relay the American message abroad, one may wonder whether American Studies specialists unknowingly become propagandists themselves.

A internacionalização e ensino básico: suas motivações / Internationalization and basic education: their motivations

Gustavo Brechesi Servilha 26 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende analisar as motivações de uma internacionalização do ensino básico, com uma atenção especial ao Ensino Médio. Por meio de uma análise qualitativa e dedutiva, a pesquisa teve como hipótese que as motivações estão diretamente relacionadas a elementos político-institucionais e sociológico, em um contexto de globalização e de novas estratégias de atuação internacional de atores nacionais e subnacionais, sendo que, no caso da Educação, o principal instrumento para essa atuação é o ensino de línguas estrangeiras modernas. A análise teórica foi desenvolvida no campo das Relações Internacionais, Ciência Política, Sociologia e Direito; bem como no campo prático, ao analisar possíveis fatores de internacionalização na Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Ao fim, conclui-se que o processo de globalização (e seu caráter integrador e excludente), o processo de integração regional, as novas estratégias de ação dos estados por meio da diplomacia pública e da paradiplomacia, as novas estratégias de escolarização das famílias (e dos Estados), a retomada da importância do ensino de línguas estrangeiras modernas a partir da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases, de 1996, além da demanda crescente por conhecimento nesse campo, fizeram com que houvesse o ambiente e as condições necessárias para que o tema da internacionalização e o ensino básico entrassem na agenda e no campo das políticas publicas pertinentes / This paper discusses the motivations that drive the internationalization of basic education, with special attention to high school. Through a qualitative and deductive analysis, the research has the hypothesis that the inclusion of the theme of internationalization of basic education in public schools is directly related to the politicalinstitutional and sociological motivations, in the context of globalization and new strategies for international operations national and subnational actors, and, in the case of the Education, the main instrument for this action is the teaching of modern foreign languages. The analysis was developed through theoretical analysis in the field of International Relations, Political Science, Sociology and Law, as well as the practical field, to analyze possible factors of internationalization in the Secretariat of Education of the State of São Paulo. At the end, it is concluded that the process of globalization (and its integrative and exclusionary character), the process of regional integration, new strategies of action states through public diplomacy and paradiplomacy, the new strategies for schooling from families (and from states), the resumption of the importance of teaching modern foreign languages from the LDB 1996, and the growing demand for knowledge in this field, had caused the environment and the conditions required for the issue of the agenda and enter in the field of public policy

Assessoria de Imprensa do Gabinete do Itamaraty na Diplomacia Pública Brasileira: Estudo sobre Cultura Organizacional e Excelência em Relações Públicas / Press Office of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Foreign Relations: Study on Organizational Culture and Excellence in Public Relations

Camila Verbisck Alcântara Bonfim 28 August 2018 (has links)
A Diplomacia Pública trata da comunicação dos temas de política externa de um país para participar na discussão do tema no país, apresentando como objetivo verificar como as características da cultura organizacional do Itamaraty impactam no papel da Assessoria de Imprensa do Gabinete do Ministério das Relações Exteriores no desenvolvimento da Diplomacia Pública. A análise foi realizada em comparação aos princípios elaborados por James Grunig (2002) na Teoria da Excelência em Relações Públicas. Os dados selecionados para análise de conteúdo foram recolhidos por meio de entrevistas com diplomatas ligados à Assessoria de Imprensa do Gabinete, diplomatas externos à Assessoria do Gabinete e jornalistas com experiência na cobertura de temas internacionais. A pesquisa foi complementada com dados extraídos da análise do site do Itamaraty e de suas redes sociais oficiais: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, SoundCloud e Instagram. O estudo revelou que as características organizacionais do Itamaraty como bacharelismo, formalismo, espírito de corpo e elitismo estão presentes na Assessoria de Imprensa do Gabinete, de maneira a impactar nas atividades de Diplomacia Pública, distanciando-as dos princípios da Teoria da Excelência de Grunig (2002). / Public Diplomacy addresses the communication of a country\'s foreign policy to the international public opinion. Considered to be an interdi sci pl i nary theme between Communication and International Relations, the Public Diplomacy a theme scarcely researched in Brazil. This dissertation intends to participate in the discussion of the subject in the country, aiming to verify how the characteristics of Itamaraty\'s organizational culture impact on the role of the Press Office of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the development of Public Diplomacy. The analysis was carried out in comparison to the principles elaborated by James Grunig (2002) i n the Theory of Excellence i n Public Relations. The data selected for the analysis were col I ected through interviews with diplomats I inked to the Press Office of the Cabi net, diplomats outside the Press Office and journalists with experience in the coverage of international issues. The research was complemented with data extracted from the analysis of the Itamaraty\'s website and official social networks: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, SoundCloud and Instagram. The study revealed that the organizational characteristics of Itamaraty as bachelorism, formalism, esprit de corps, and elitism are present in the Press Office of the Cabinet, in a manner that it impacts the activities of Public Diplomacy, distancing them from the principles of Grunig\'s Theory of Excellence (2002).

Med kulturen som redskap : En fallstudie om kulturell representation och dess möjligheter att stärka Sverigebilden utomlands

Sjöwall, Rebecca January 2011 (has links)
Abstract In the heart of Paris, you will find Sweden‟s only cultural center abroad. Since the early 70‟s a wealth of cultural activities has been offered, and every year the center receives more than 100,000 visitors. The center is a branch of the Swedish Institute (Si), a public authority which promotes mutual relationships between Sweden and other countries through culture, education, science and business. The overall mission of Si is to increase the interest and trust in Sweden, and to manage and evaluate the public image of Sweden abroad. This study aims to reveal to what extent the Swedish Institute in Paris influences Sweden‟s public image among its visitors. Thus, the study analyses if activities within the field of cultural diplomacy can be seen as a means, in the purpose of reinforcing a nation‟s brand. During a two week period, about 140 visitors to the exhibition "Tio fotografer" at the Swedish Institute in Paris responded to a statistical survey, which examined whether their visit had in anyway influenced their images and perceptions of Sweden. The design of the questionnaire was partly inspired by Simon Anholt‟s „Nation Brands Index‟ analysis method, which is used to evaluate a country‟s image abroad. The results from the survey show that the image of Sweden, by a majority of these visitors, has become more positive thanks to the Swedish Institute.

Bilder av Sverige i Italien

Gustafsson, Oskar January 2010 (has links)
Title: Images of Sweden in Italy Number of pages: 5252 (589 including enclosures) Author: Oskar Gustafsson Tutor: Martin Nilsson Course: Political Science C level – Bachelor’s Thesis Period: Spring term 2010 University: School of Social Sciences Linnaeus University Purpose/Aim: The purpose of my research study is to, through the use of political science theories on soft power and marketing theories about nation branding and in comparison to previous studies on the image of Sweden in Italy, gains a better understanding of the image of Sweden in Italy, with special focus on national political institutions and young Italians. Method: The method of analysis is a combination of qualitative methods: interviews where information about the image of Sweden amongst national political institutions were gathered and a survey where information was gathered about the image of Sweden amongst young Italians. Main results: On the basis of the results I have gained it can be concluded that a positive and well informed image of Sweden emerges when it comes to cultural and social factors but a more restricted and somewhat negative image come to light when asking national political institutions and young citizens in Italy about their views and knowledge on Swedish domestic and international politics and economics. Keywords: Soft power, Public Diplomacy, Nation Branding, Images of Sweden, Italy.

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