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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

俄羅斯聯邦形象塑造研究(2012-2016) / The study of Russia’s image-building (2012-2016)

史安梅, Anastasia Starichkova Unknown Date (has links)
自第21世紀初以來,由於電信與資訊科技的積極發展,使資訊取得更容易。於此同時,資訊來源的多樣性也使思想和觀點多元化。 國家形象是簡潔且通俗易懂的概念,它包含一國的國內經濟、政治發展程度、國際體系上的地位、合作行爲、文化和歷史價值。此外,國家形象也把國家利益反映到國際舞臺,允許領導人與外國夥伴鞏固關係、創造共贏局面。該背景下,國家形象塑造是每個政府的迫切目標之一,蓋因和平且可靠的國際形象可以保證國家永續發展。 最近幾年當中,俄羅斯的國際形象惡化。因此本論文的目標為研究自2012年至2016年中(現任總統普京的任職期間)的國際公眾對俄羅斯聯邦的態度。 作者研究俄羅斯形象塑造及公眾外交政策,分析俄羅斯聯邦與其他國家及國際組織的正式文件、國際學者文獻理的推論,也解析臺灣國立政治大學來自不同國家學生、畢業生、老師與教授的立場。作者根據上述資料推論出俄羅斯國際形象受損的原因及國家公眾外交有哪些需要改善的部分;並以強調形象改革政策計畫中,哪些交流能夠使俄羅斯聯邦與國際社會關係暖化來作為結論。 / Since the beginning of the 21st century, development of telecommunication and information technologies has resulted in the substantial expansion of media coverage, greater information accessibility, and sophistication of control over the information. Abundance of facts concerning any issue makes it multidimensional, provoking a plentitude of opinions. The image of a country is a succinct and ready-for-apprehension informational phenomena or entrenched perception of a country by foreign partners, which offers a particular expectation of its behavior, thus, it is one of the major factors influencing international cooperation. In addition, state image identifies a country’s political weight abroad and its status among other members of global community, including the capacity to defend national interests. The significance of the image-building is determined by the fact that it is one of the strategic tasks for each contemporary government. Trustworthy international image speaks for a country’s economic and cultural development and creates a formula of its success abroad and within national borders, serves as a criterion of its stability and transparency. Recently Russia has experienced a substantial shift in its apprehension by the foreign public. The particular study is focused on how global community perceived the Russian Federation from 2012 till 2016, the period that correlated with the latest tenet of President Vladimir Putin. The research is focused on the origins of Russia’s international image along with the evaluation of governmental attempts to enhance it and create transparency and mutual trust under existing conditions, including the course of the country’s public diplomacy. The author analyzed how the world academia and media portray the Russian Federation and collected opinions among students, alumni, and professors of the National Chengchi University. The paper aims to define the most distinctive factors, which form the image of the Russian Federation on the international arena and to elicit the fields of Russia’s public diplomacy, which lack attention the most, as well as to offer a roadmap for overcoming the existing misunderstanding.

「國家」行銷—公眾外交的新思維 / the marketing of "nation": the new thinking of public diplomacy

曾秉芳, Tseng, Ping-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本文從分析國際環境的變化開始,在資訊傳播科技的進步和國際社會價值觀的變化中,整理出國家管理國家形象的三種方法:國際宣傳、公眾外交和國家品牌。本文將公眾外交和國家品牌作結合,建構出本論文的主題:「國家」行銷。 由於目前並沒有實例可證明「國家」行銷的效用,故只能從美國的失敗案例中,說明「國家」行銷的重要性。接著,本文以中國對美國發動公眾外交的個案為例,測試該模式的「描述」能力,並加以「解釋」中國行動背後的原因,最後「研究」中國公眾外交的發展。 本論文主要的研究成果有四:第一,是從文獻的討論中,指出「國際宣傳」與「公眾外交」的差異。第二,是蒐集1965年至2005年間,學界討論公眾外交的變化。第三,是建構一套「國家」行銷分析架構,試圖描述、解釋並研究一國公眾外交政策的發展。第四,是以中國的公眾外交為例,補足目前學術界在亞洲個案上的空缺。 / This thesis paper drew four conclusions: (1) illustrated the difference between “international propaganda” and “public diplomacy” (2) collected and cataloged different definitions of “public diplomacy” (3) established the analytical model-the marketing of “nation”, trying to describe, explain or predict the whole scenery of “public diplomacy” (4) taking the public diplomacy of People’s Republic of China(PRC) for example, examined the effectiveness of the marketing of “nation”.

以色列對美國公眾外交政策:納坦雅胡政府時期案例研究(2009-2013) / The Israeli Public Diplomacy Policy toward the United States of America: A Case Study of the Netanyahu Period (2009-2013)

張維軒, Chang, Wei Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
公眾外交在世界各地逐漸受到重視,本文試圖藉由研究以色列這個強敵環伺下的國家對其盟國美國的公眾外交政策,觀察這兩個同盟國家之間的軟實力外交關係。 本文從以色列對美國公眾外交的歷史實踐中證明,美國對以色列友好的原因除了硬實力外,公眾外交等軟實力因素也有重要影響力。其次,本文認為影響以色列對美國之外交策略的內外要素主要包含衝突、宗教、民主和政府態度等要素。最後,本文介紹納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)政府時期,以色列對美國的兩大公共外交利基:「新媒體」和「族裔外交」,分別以「點對點外交」及「美國以色列公眾事務委員會」(the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC)的機會與阻礙作為主軸。 / Public Diplomacy’s value is gradually increasing around the world. This thesis focuses on Israel and its Public Diplomacy policy toward its ally, the United States of America, in order to observe the soft power diplomatic relationship between the two. This thesis proves that besides Hard Power, Soft Power is also a crucial factor that improves the relations between Israel and the U.S. Also, this thesis states that “conflicts,” “religion,” “democracy,” and “the attitude of domestic leaderships” are the main factors that influence Israel’s diplomatic strategy toward the U.S. Finally, by describing “the Peer-to Peer Diplomacy,” and “the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC),” this thesis introduces the two main “Niches” in Israel’s Public Diplomacy Policy towards the U.S.: “New Media,” and “Diaspora Diplomacy.”

中國大陸與台灣公眾外交的比較研究 / A Comparative Study of Public Diplomacy in Mainland China and Taiwan

盧秀蓮, Lu, Hsiu-lien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由中國大陸與台灣公眾外交策略、官方文獻、新聞稿、研究報告、著作之搜集,分析比較兩岸公眾外交的思維發展、制度沿革、文化交流、國際傳播、形象塑造等,主要的研究發現如下: 一、因應無國界挑戰環境,網路科技是公眾外交的利器:處於瞬息萬變的資訊化、全球化、民主化時代,公眾外交必須善加利用網路科技,方能因應無國界、無時差之挑戰。 二、支助非政府組織推動公眾外交:政府不被信任是常有的事情。非政府組織強調獨立、非營利與專業,活動形式靈活多樣,與民眾關係也較密切,較官方機關更受人們信任。因此,政府支助非政府組織推動公眾外交,將獲得更明顯的成效。 三、公眾外交傳遞之訊息,其包裝須符合目標國家需求:設計訊息時,要有一個清晰的主題。在傳遞訊息之前,要了解接受訊息一方的需要,以他們能明白的方式去發送訊息。為吸引目標對象的注意,訊息內容除了要符合對方的國情外,還要以創意或新奇的手法包裝。 四、研究機構及媒體最能塑造輿論,是公眾外交的重點目標對象:研究機構及媒體之意見受到很多人的重視,會直接影響社會菁英及大眾。政府經常與各國智庫、基金會及大學等研究機構建立合作關係,共同提倡某些議題或政策,並藉由媒體塑造有利於本國的輿論環境,推動外交關係的發展。 五、設計推動公眾外交的跨部門協調機制:公眾外交涵蓋資訊、文化、教育等領域,有賴不同機關協力合作,但不同機關基於本位思考,難免意見相左,因此有必要設計一個跨部門的協調機制。 六、突發事件中之公眾外交,在於盡快提供正確的資訊:當突發事件發生時,由於資訊不明,國內外民眾詮釋危機訊息時,經常各自表述,公眾外交必須盡快提供正確的資訊,積極掌控全盤。 七、體育外交係較為國際社會所能接受之公眾外交活動:體育被譽為「世界通用語言」,可以讓不同血統、背景、宗教信仰和經濟狀況的各國人民共聚一堂,互相學習、瞭解、欣賞不同文化。 八、國民素質、文化活動、消費產品及對國際社會之貢獻係塑造國家形象之關鍵:公眾外交重要的目標就是形塑良好的國家形象。從研究分析形塑國家形象經驗中,了解塑造國家形象關鍵在於注重國民素質之培養、善用文化活動、提高消費產品信譽,以及對國外民眾做出實質貢獻,建立休戚與共與互惠關係。 / The research is aimed at studying ideology, institution, cultural exchanges, international communication of public diplomacy in Mainland China and Taiwan. After analyzing the relevant policies, official literature, news releases, and publications, I come up with the following research findings: First, internet technology is an efficient instrument of public diplomacy to cope with boundless environment. In the face of ever-changing global and democratic environment equipped with information technology, a government should make the most of internet technology to deal with real-time challenges transcending national borders. Second, a government may sponsor non-governmental organizations to implement public diplomacy. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) attach great importance on their independence, non-profit programs and expertise. Moreover, by means of various and lively activities, NGOs establish close relations with the public, and thus are more trusted by the public than governments. In this context, a government may sponsor NGOs to launch public diplomacy and will bring about lasting effects. Third, a message to be delivered should meet the needs of the target audience. A message should be clear to the receiver and framed from the receiver’s point of view. Besides, to attract the target audience’s attention, the message should be delivered in a novice manner. Most importantly, the message will be perceived by both the sender and the receiver in the same way. Fourth, public diplomacy targets research organizations and the media to construct public opinion. As the majority of the public pay attention to the suggestions and advice from research organizations and the media, research organizations and the media can exert deep influences on the social elite and the public. As a result, a government always teams up with such research organizations as think tanks, foundations and universities to advocate certain issues or policies. Meanwhile, favorable public opinion will be built through the assistance of the media to develop foreign relations. Fifth, an inter-agency coordinating mechanism should be designed. Related with various aspects like information, culture and education, public diplomacy depends on relevant agencies to work hand in hand. However, given that different agencies surely have conflicting opinions, it is necessary to design an inter-agency coordinating mechanism. Sixth, timely leading public opinion is a key to dealing with unexpected events. As unclear or confusing information is rampant in an unexpected event, people at home and abroad are likely to make their own interpretation. A government should release accurate information as soon as possible to dominate the whole situation. Seventh, sports diplomacy is the most well received activity of public diplomacy. Dubbed the world’s common language, sports can bring all kinds of peoples together regardless of race, background, religion, and economic status and learn from each other. Eighth, national overall quality, cultural activities, consumer products, and contributions to the international community play a vital role in building a national image. Successfully building a national image lies in improving the national overall quality, making the most of cultural activities, enhancing the credibility of consumer products, and establishing mutually beneficial relations with the people abroad.

Access issues associated with U.S. military presence in Thailand and the Philippines

Dilag, Bayani C. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / In pursuit of the objectives of the U.S. National Security Strategy and the National Military Strategy, the U.S. Armed Forces require access to military and logistics facilities overseas to be able to support and sustain its combat power projection. Access to these places translates into capabilities. An American military forward presence in time of peace as well as during a regional crisis lends credibility to U.S. diplomacy. Moreover, access to forward locations is expedient when engaging transnational threats or supporting humanitarian missions, e.g., the South and Southeast Asia tsunami relief operations. This thesis analyzes the political opposition to U.S. military presence in Thailand and the Philippines. The historical context that led to the development of this opposition is examined in detail. The rationale of those who oppose, as well as those who support, American military presence is clearly delineated. By understanding the sensitive political issues, U.S. military planners and operators can adapt base access strategies according to the existing political climate in these two countries. The politics unique to each environment will dictate the combination of "basing" approaches tailored to meet the U.S. military objectives as well as the public diplomacy required to support them. / Major (Select), United States Air Force

Discrète ténacité : l'entreprise de communication politique des gouvernements ouest-allemands à l'étranger à l'exemple de la France (1958-1969) / Discreet but tenacious : West Germany's international public relations policy : a case study of its implementation in France (1958-1969)

Angelo, Ariane d' 03 December 2014 (has links)
La présente étude est consacrée au développement spécifique du secteur ouest-allemand de la communication d'État à l'étranger, dans le contexte des initiatives menées en France entre 1958 et 1969. L'élaboration d'une doctrine de l'information conforme à la doxa démocratique de la République fédérale d'Allemagne constitue le point de référence d'une analyse où affleurent les analogies avec la République de Weimar et les continuités dans le domaine du personnel et de l'appareil institutionnel. L'accession de la communication politique à l'étranger, domaine distinct de la diplomatie culturelle, au rang d'instrument indispensable de la politique extérieure est préalablement examinée à l'aune des efforts accomplis par le chancelier Konrad Adenauer pour conquérir une marge de manoeuvre internationale dans les premières années d'existence de la République fédérale ; l'ultimatum soviétique sur Berlin, en novembre 1958, est mis en évidence comme l'élément déclencheur de l'assentiment donné par le Parlement fédéral à la mise en oeuvre de mesures renforcées dans le domaine de l'information politique à l'étranger. La concurrence avec la RDA et l'importance de la distanciation avec la notion de propagande s'établissent comme deux critères d'analyse de l'action menée en France par la diplomatie ouest-allemande en coordination avec l'Office de presse et d'information du gouvernement fédéral. À rebours de la thèse de la « retenue », souvent utilisée pour désigner l'attitude officielle ouest-allemande à l'étranger, les procédés révèlent plutôt une action tenace, le plus souvent attentive à rester discrète, et dont les présupposés contredisent les tentatives de faire table rase du passé. / This dissertation explores the specific way in which West German governments have developed strategies in international public relations and it discusses more particularly their implementation in France between 1958 and 1969. A cornerstone of this study is the creation by the Federal Republic of Germany of an official information doctrine that was intended to reflect the democratic orthodoxy of the newly created state. Its analysis not only reveals the many continuities between the Weimar Republic and post-war West Germany, but it also points out the permanence of political staff and institutional structures. The rise of international public relations as an essential tool in the country’s foreign policy is first examined in the light of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s efforts to make the FRG regain international leeway in its early first few years. Secondly, this study demonstrates that the Soviets’ Berlin ultimatum in November 1958 led the West German Parliament to agree with the reinforcement of the country’s international public relations policy. Competition with the German Democratic Republic as well as the West German governments’ need to stay well away from propaganda are the two criteria which inform the analysis of the action carried out in France by West German diplomatic services in cooperation with the Federal Press and Information Office. Whereas West Germany’s official attitude overseas has frequently been described as “non-assertive”, this dissertation contends that it should more justly be reassessed as a form of relentless, albeit it carefully discreet, action. The way it operated went against the official claim that West Germany was doing away with its past.

Le potentiel de Smart Power de l'UE : comment penser la puissance européenne ? / The EU's smart power potential : how to think about European power?

Akcadag, Emine 16 October 2014 (has links)
Depuis les années 1970, bien avant l’entrée en vigueur du traité de Maastricht, le statut de l’UE dans les relations internationales et donc sa puissance est une source des débats conceptuels. Bien que la construction européenne soit souvent vue comme un processus de renoncement à la puissance, l’idée d’une Europe puissance qui se substitute à l’impuissance des Etats membres après la Seconde Guerre mondiale est toujours présente parmi les représentants de divers approches des relations internationales: puissance civile, puissance normative, puissance militaire, puissance douce, etc. Il faut remarquer que la recherche pour les nouveaux concepts supposés décrire toujours mieux la nature énigmatique de la puissance européenne continue. L’objectif de ce travail est de contribuer à ce débat en utilisant le concept de smart power, combinaison raisonné de hard et de soft power, pour décrire le rapport de l’UE à la puissance. Le concept de smart power parait pertinent pour expliquer le modèle de la puissance de l’Union, même si, en pratique, l’UE a des difficultés à exercer le smart power en raison du manque de volonté parmi ces pays membres. / Since the 1970s, even before the Maastricht Treaty comes into force, the status of the EU in international relations and therefore its power is a source of conceptual debates. Although European integration is often seen as a process of renunciation of power, the idea of a European power which replaces the powerlessness of member states after the Second World War is always present among the representatives of various approaches to international relations: civilian power, normative power, soft power, military power, etc. It should be noted that the search for new concepts to describe better the enigmatic nature of European power is in progress.The aim of this work is to contribute to this debate by using the concept of smart power, effective combination of hard power and soft power, in order to describe the nature of the power of the EU. The concept of smart power seems relevant to explain the model of the EU’s power, although, in practice, the EU has difficulties in exercising smart power because of the lack of will among the member countries.

Les politiques de communication extérieure de la France de 2003 à 2009 / The Foreign Communication Policies of France 2003-2009

Zanifi, Karima 10 February 2011 (has links)
Dans un monde globalisé où compétitivité et concurrence façonnent en partie la scène politique etéconomique internationale, la construction d’une image voire d’une identité via la communication extérieuredevient un outil de puissance. Ces implications se retrouvent de la même manière dans les relations entre unÉtat, la France, et les opinions publiques nationales et étrangères.Cette thèse de doctorat complète le questionnement de la place de la France dans le monde.L’étude de la production de la communication extérieure par l’État, personnifiant la Nation, prend formedans un contexte géopolitique mouvant, caractérisé par une évolution technologique et médiatiquedifficilement prévisible. Elle propose une synthèse de la communication extérieure marquée par les structuresde la Ve République et par la politique étrangère menée par le Ministère des Affaires étrangères et impulséepar le chef de l’État. Les freins psychologiques, le refus de la communication comme outil de visibilité et depouvoir ainsi que les problématiques intérieures pèsent sur l’élaboration de politiques pensées et crédibles.Cette recherche interroge également la légitimité de l’échelle de la communication extérieure de la Francelorsque l’attractivité économique se dispute au niveau régional et que la compétition politique se livre à unniveau supra – national.Ce travail fait état de l’existant afin de proposer la correction de travers nationaux qui compliquent lespolitiques de communication supposées porter la voix de la France dans le monde. / In a globalized world partly shaped by competition between nations, building a strong identity andimage is becoming an increasing tool of power.Producing such a good image and appearance is similarly important when it comes to relationshipsbetween states as to relationships between France and its own public opinion or foreign publicopinion. That’s where foreign communication and public diplomacy counts.This PhD thesis aims at providing another point of view and an answer to the French questioningabout France’s place in the world nowadays.Mainly managed by the French foreign office, foreign communication policies represent the will ofthe government and express its directions more than a French identity.The characteristics of the French tradition of diplomacy and international relations are marked by thespecificity of the Vth Republic. The governments’ foreign policies between 2003 and 2009 follow thenew strategy of France as a member of the international community building and preserving peace.Ambitions for France as an independent and important nation have to find a foundation in its actionsas well as a translation in the medias.The skills and means devoted to the foreign communicationpolicies appear to miss some points.We looked at the current situation to reveal the lacks and strengths of the process. Our work alsointend to suggest ways of imagining, building and managing operational policies and campaignsthroughout the world this next years.Psychological pressures from domestical tradition of rejecting communication refrains the population in itsself-representation and so far the country from entering the cognitive war this new century brought in.

Diplomatie culturelle - Diplomatie publique : approche communicationnelle et étude comparée des enjeux et des pratiques entre la France et la Colombie / Cultural diplomacy — Public diplomacy : communicational approach and comparative study of challenges and practices between France and Colombia

Joly, Maria Esperanza 16 December 2015 (has links)
La recherche porte sur l’analyse de la place et du rôle de la communication dans les pratiques de la Diplomatie Culturelle et de la Diplomatie Publique en Colombie et en France. Ces pratiques répondent aujourd’hui aux enjeux auxquels les pays doivent faire face dans un marché globalisé et un monde multipolaire, en particulier aux enjeux de mise en relation et de mise en scène au niveau international. Les pratiques communicationnelles de la diplomatie dans le cadre de modèles qualifiés d’« hybrides », prennent en compte les relations multidimensionnelles des rapports culture/marketing/histoire/politique, qui se révèlent dans l’exercice diplomatique et qui se concrétisent dans la gestion d’une image de pays (marketing/communication stratégique) et la diffusion d’une identité nationale (communication/culture). L’auteur contextualise l’analyse à la lumière des théories associant culture et communication qui guident différemment, d’une part la recherche européenne dans ces domaines et, d’autre part, la recherche latino-américaine. La méthode qualitative et interprétative est privilégiée notamment sur un corpus internet. La méthode compréhensive est mobilisée dans le cadre d’une enquête constituée par des entretiens menés dans chacun des deux pays.L’analyse porte notamment sur les stratégies et les points de convergence et de divergence de chaque modèle, ainsi que sur les tensions qui naissent des pratiques de communication des niveaux différents (stratégique et opérationnel). Les relations de pouvoir tissées entre les États sont étudiées ainsi que, parallèlement, la production de liens et d’interactivité dans la société civile, favorisée par les réseaux sociaux. / The research is about the places and roles played by cultural and public diplomatic practices in France and Colombia. These practices are the answer to the issues raised by the global economy and the multipolar world, particularly those concerning the connection to and the representation on the international scene.Diplomatic communication practices within models called “hybrids” stress the importance of the multi-dimensional relations between culture/marketing, culture/history, and culture/politics. This relationship can be observed in a diplomatic manner and in a way that the image of a country (marketing /strategic communication: nation branding) is managed and its national identity (communication /culture) is diffused.Due to France and Colombia's own characteristics, and their different geo-cultural positions, the author sets her analysis in the form of theories which associate culture and communication as seen in European research, by comparing them to Latin American research. The qualitative and interpretative method is privileged as it focuses on an internet corpus. This comprehensive method is used in an investigation made from interviews in each country.The analysis is about the strategies and the converging and diverging points of each model country. It also emphasizes the tensions due to different levels of communication practices (both strategic and operational) among the institutional actors studied herein. This study shows the power relationships between the two countries and also the relationships and interaction inside their own communities (civilian society), which are stimulated by social networks.

Soigner la Patrie. La fabrique des plantes médicinales suisses. / Caring for Fatherland. The production of Swiss medicinal herbs.

Perrin, Julie 02 November 2017 (has links)
Dans les démocraties occidentales, la remise en cause depuis la fin des années 1970 du rôle de l’État dans la régulation économique se traduit par diverses reconfigurations institutionnelles et l’apparition de nouveaux collectifs d’acteurs publics et privés. Cette recherche explore la fabrique des « plantes médicinales suisses », en tant que celles-ci deviennent l’objet de nouvelles pratiques gouvernementales et entrepreneuriales ayant comme objectif commun de préserver « l’intérêt national » face à une concurrence étrangère accrue. Elle se consacre ainsi à l’étude des différentes pratiques qui, dans un contexte de forte compétition internationale, composent et encadrent la fabrication et la commercialisation de produits de santé à base de plantes en Suisse.Basé sur une enquête ethnographique multisite menée pendant quatre ans et enrichie par l’analyse d’un corpus de sources iconographiques et écrites, ce travail vise à rendre compte des transformations et de la diversité des conceptions et des utilisations des plantes médicinales en Suisse, à partir des points de vue de divers professionnels et expert-e-s des administrations culturelles. Plus précisément, ce travail s’attache à restituer ces diverses conceptions et utilisations dans leurs dimensions politiques et transnationales mouvantes et particulières. Ainsi, cette recherche examine les « plantes médicinales suisses » en tant qu’elles sont au cœur de diverses réformes de politiques publiques (agricole, régionale, sanitaire, culturelle, commerciales et de l’innovation) qui témoignent à la fois de l’adaptation du droit suisse au normes européennes et internationales et de l’extension du droit fédéral. D’autre part, cette recherche contribue à mettre en lumière l’articulation complexe et dynamique entre les intérêts des coopératives de producteurs et des industries relatives aux « plantes médicinales suisses » d’une part, et l’« intérêt commun » d’autre part, articulation mobilisée tant par les gouvernements à l’échelle fédéral et cantonale que par les industries pharmaceutiques, cosmétiques, alimentaires et touristiques, locales et nationales. Ainsi, c’est à travers la création discursive et symbolique d’une communauté de destin entre le secteur privé des plantes médicinales et la population nationale, qu’il faut comprendre la consécration par les administrations culturelles cantonales et fédérales de certains usages économiques de plantes médicinales en tant que « patrimoine culturel immatériel » (ci-après PCI) d’importance nationale. En effet, l’analyse détaillée de la mise en œuvre de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’Unesco met non seulement en évidence comment le recours à des formulaires standardisés d’inscription pour l’inventaire du PCI en Suisse invisibilise les rapports de force, les enjeux et les controverses entourant la fabrication et la commercialisation des produits à base de plantes, mais aussi comment cet inventaire produit des images épurées des pratiques qui y sont inscrites. Ces images sont dès lors mobilisées par les acteurs gouvernementaux comme instrument de relations publiques afin de susciter d’une part un sentiment de fierté parmi la population locale et/ou nationale et de promouvoir d’autre part l’image à l’étranger d’une Suisse attrayante, ouverte, respectueuse de l’environnement et démocratiquement exemplaire, image qui favorise l’économie nationale par l’afflux d’investissements étrangers, de main-d’œuvre qualifiée et de touristes en direction de la Suisse. / In Western democracies, the questioning of the role of the state in economic regulation since the late 1970s has resulted in various institutional reconfigurations and the emergence of new groups of public and private actors. This research explores the production of “Swiss medicinal herbs”, as these become the object of new governmental and entrepreneurial practices aiming to preserve “the national interest” in the face of increased foreign competition. It inquires into the various practices which compose and frame the production and the marketing of herbal health products in Switzerland in a context of economic liberalization.Based on four years of multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork, enriched by the analysis of iconographic and written sources, this work aims to account for the diversity of conceptions and uses of medicinal herbs in Switzerland, and to examine the transformations they underwent over the course of the twentieth century. It does so from the points of view of diverse professionals and experts of cultural administrations. Paying particular attention to the political and transnational dimensions, this study foregrounds how “Swiss medicinal herbs” have been at the heart of various public policy reforms (agricultural, regional, sanitary, cultural, trade and innovation) reflecting adaptations of Swiss law to European and international standards and the extension of federal law.Secondly, this research sheds light on the complex and dynamic articulation between, on the one hand, the interests of producers’ cooperatives and the “Swiss medicinal herbs” industries, and, on the one hand, the construct of a “common interest”. This articulation is mobilized by federal and cantonal governments as well as by local and national pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and tourism industries. The discursive und symbolic creation of a common destiny between the private sector of medicinal herbs and the national population is key to understanding the consecration, by the cantonal and federal cultural administrations, of certain economic uses of medicinal herbs as “intangible cultural heritage” (hereinafter ICH). Indeed, the detailed analysis of the implementation of the Unesco Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage brings to light not only how the use of standardized application forms for the ICH inventory in Switzerland renders invisible power relations, challenges and controversies surrounding the production and the marketing of herbal products. It also shows how this inventory produces purified images of the practices listed therein. These images are subsequently mobilized by state actors as an instrument of public relations to arouse a feeling of pride among the local and/or national population, and to promote abroad the image of an attractive, open, eco-friendly and democratically exemplary Switzerland.

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