Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic activity"" "subject:"bublic activity""
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Typ veřejně činné pražské měšťanské rodiny na přelomu 19. a 20. století. Příklad Jana a Anny Podlipných. / The Type of Publicly-Active Family of Prague City-Dwellers at The Turn of 19th and 20th Century. The Case of John and Ann Podlipný.Heřmánková, Adéla January 2011 (has links)
The thesis intends to show, using the specific example of Jan and Anna Podlipný, a typical Prague family active in public life on the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Both the public activities and the private lives of the married couple are described. The thesis introduces the family of both Podlipnýs, particular focus being on the free time activities of the family members; home theatre is of special importance in this context. The core of the thesis is a discussion of the public activities of Jan and Anna Podlipný. Public life of Jan Podlipný is divided in his work for the Prague administration and in various interest groups. Emphasis is placed on years 1897-1900 when he was the mayor of Prague; the thesis also partially discusses his work as a lawyer and a member of the Young Czech Party. Podlipný is also introduced as a member of the Sokol union, the first head of the Czech Sokol Community and a member of the Society for the Construction of a Monument of Master Jan Hus. Podlipný's efforts in the cooperation between Sokol and the Union of French Gymnasts are also mentioned, and briefly also the other organisations he was active in. Anna Podlipná is introduced primarily as a wife and a mother. Emphasis is placed on her activities in the Domácnosť (Household) and České srdce (Czech Heart)...
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Pilietinė visuomenė Lietuvoje: jaunimo dalyvavimas ir nuostatos / Civil society in Lithuania: participation and attitude of youthKazlauskaitė, Ernesta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Demokratinėje valstybėje svarbu kurti ir puoselėti pilietinės visuomenės pagrindus. Kiekvienas pilietinės visuomenės narys turi deramai, išsamiai ir atsakingai suvokti pilietinę visuomenę kaip tokią, identifikuoti jos nuostatas, principus ir tikslus, įsisąmoninti ir pažinti savo teises ir pareigas, lūkesčius ir galimybes veikti demokratiniame, visuomeniniame gyvenime. Šiandieniniame pasaulyje kiekvienas demokratinės visuomenės pilietis suvokia, kad valstybės, o kartu ir jo, tobulėjimas ir ateitis priklauso nuo jaunosios kartos. Jaunimas turi būti kiekvienos demokratinės valstybės bendros politikos objektas. Tačiau, ar nepastebime Lietuvoje visiškai priešingos situacijos? Šio magistrinio darbo tikslas: ištirti Lituvos jaunimo dalyvavimą ir nuostatas pilietinės visuomenės kontekste. / For everyone of us it is very important to have ability to express own ideas, to understand and to know how to deal with civil rights and responsibilities, to identify principes, goals and mission of civil society and to have apropriate attitude to civility and democracy to be enshrinen. Without any doubts such conditions and attitude gives opportunity for every person to attend and positivelly operate in political and public life. As one of the main goals of civil society is to create a better welfare in the country, therefore we do understand, that youth is extremely important for all countries. The youngsters are the future of the country. The policy of youth has to be one of the main objects in country‘s general policy. Every country has to encourage youngsters to participate in public and political country‘s life. Unfortunatelly, today in Lithuania we can hardly find manifestations of civility among the youngsters in Lithuania. On the basis of current a situation in Lithuania, this diploma thesis appeared as nessesity to explore the reality of civil society, faced by youngsters in Lithuania.
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Serving Life: Creating Community in a Resort TownBrennan, Derek 26 November 2010 (has links)
This thesis studies how architecture and planning influence community living through relationships between public spaces, housing, and circulation that focus on
stimulating social activities for the betterment of service industry workers’ way of life. Our built environment can not only connect people to one another or to activities or to places, but it can also isolate people. For the service-based populace of Lake Louise, Alberta, isolation is a recurring factor in various aspects of their lives. The design attempts to establish connections between the people and the community, to eradicate the barriers that fragment the community without neglecting the necessity of refuge for the individual.
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Organisatorisk tillit : En kvalitativ studie av en statlig myndighetSamuelsson, Patric, Thodén, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Tillit som begrepp blir allt viktigare som organisatoriskt styrmedel desto mer kunskapsintensiv organisationen blir. I studiens undersökta organisation läggs ett större ansvar på tjänstemannens kunskap samtidigt som verksamheten karaktäriseras av regler och riktlinjer som avspeglas i processtyrning och kontroller som upplevs begränsa ansvaret. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera handlingar som påverkar den organisatoriska tilliten hos anställda inom den undersökta statliga myndigheten. För att svara mot studiens syfte har vi genomfört en kvalitativ undersökning bestående av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter vars arbetsroll är handläggare. Intervjuerna såväl som interna styrdokument har analyserats och tematiserats utifrån teori som berör organisatorisk tillit. I studien har vi identifierat fem områden som har visat sig vara av större betydande faktorer för organisatorisk tillit hos individerna. Dessa områden som även analyserats är arbetsmängd, arbetssätt och kontroll, förståelse, förändring och kommunikation. Det har framkommit att en känsla av självbestämmande finns, även om arbetet ofta beskrivs innefatta regler, riktlinjer och kontroll. Vår uppfattning är att det råder en hög organisatorisk tillit från de intervjuade handläggarna, något som vi främst menar beror på den byråkratiska strukturen och dess bidragande faktor till det upplevda organisatoriska stödet. Konsekvenserna av den organisatoriska tilliten behöver däremot inte alltid vara positiva. Slutsatser som dragits är att styrningen behöver anpassas utifrån rådande organisationskultur och -struktur för att inte bryta med den normativa styrlogiken så pass att det skapar organisationsstrukturell inlåsning. / Trust as a concept is becoming increasingly important as an organizational governance instrument, the more knowledge-intensive the organization becomes. In the organization featured in this study, it appears that greater demands are being placed on the employee's knowledge. At the same time, the organization is often characterized by rules and guidelines that reflect forms of governance and control, which are perceived as limiting individual responsibility. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze actions that affect the organizational trust of employees in a Swedish public-administration organization. In order to respond to the purpose of the study, a qualitative study consisting of seven semi-structured interviews with administrators has been conducted. The interviews have been analyzed thematically using internal policy documents and a theoretical lens within the concept of organizational trust. In this study, we have identified five areas that have shown to be significant factors in the perception of organizational trust by the administrators: workload, working methods and external controls, understanding, change, and communication. It has become apparent that a sense of self-determination exists, even though the work is often characterized by rules, guidelines and external controls. In the interviews a high level of organizational trust came across, something that appears to be linked to the bureaucratic structure and a perceived organizational support. However, the consequences of organizational trust are not always necessarily positive. Conclusions drawn are that the management needs to be adaptable based on the prevailing organizational culture and structure, so as not to break with the normative control logic, which can create organizational structural lock-in.
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Närbyråkraten kommer till tals : En kvalitativ studie om närbyråkratens upplevelse av tjänstemannarollenoch handlingsutrymmet i en post-NPM era av styrningsidéer / The street-level bureaucrat gets to speak : A qualitative study on the street-level bureaucrats experience of the civilservant role and discretion in a post-NPM era of governance ideasBellini, Tara January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka närbyråkraters upplevelser av sin roll somoffentligt anställd, och sitt handlingsutrymme i en post-NPM era av styrningsidéer. Dettainnebär att kartlägga hur de upplever den komplexa rollen som närbyråkrat och dehandlingsutrymme som det innebär i en politiskt föränderlig miljö. Studien, som är avkvalitativ sort, genomfördes hos Socialtjänsten i Malmö. Alla tjänstemän i offentlig verksamhet behöver förhålla sig till de krav samhället ställer pådem, det offentliga etoset. Närbyråkrater har ytterligare en utmaning i att hanterahandlingsutrymmet som innebär en balans mellan rättssäkerhet och etik ochsituationsanpassat beslutsfattande i mötet med medborgare. De senaste decennierna harpräglats av ett antal styrreformer som har kommit att påverka hur offentlig verksamhetutformas och bedrivs. Många forskare är eniga om att styrreformer med inspiration frånnäringslivet har haft negativ inverkan på den offentliga sektorn, och i förlängningensamhället i stort. Studier visar också att idéer från styrreformer sällan byts ut, utan iställetkompletteras till nuvarande och skapar komplexa hybridsystem som ofta gör organisationenineffektiv och svårstyrd. Resultatet speglar närbråkraternas egna upplevelser och visar ett komplext samband därmotstridiga styrlogiker styr inom organisationen, där både styridéer från begreppet NPM ochpost-NPM identifieras. Resultatet visar också komplexiteten i samlevande styrlogiker ochstyrsystem låter närbyråkrater befinna sig i ett spänningsfält mellan sig själv ochbeslutsfattare, där handlingsutrymme att situationsanpassa bedömningar är fritt, menresurserna tillhanda kontrolleras av en organisation i politisk föränderlig miljö. Vidare verkardet finnas ett unikt handlingsutrymme inom handlingsutrymmet i socialarbetarrollen,bestående av hur man förhåller sig till det frihet under ansvar som rollen innebär. Slutligendiskuteras delar av empirin i relation till en ännu inte etablerad teori kring motivation tilloffentligt arbete där intressanta fynd görs. / The purpose of this essay is to investigate local bureaucrats' experiences of their role aspublic employees, and their discretion in a post-NPM era of governance ideas. This meanscharting how they experience the complex role of street-level bureaucracy and discretion thatthis entails in a politically changing environment. The study, which is of a qualitative nature,was carried out at the Social Services in Malmö. All civil servants in public organizationsneed to consider the demands society places on them, the public ethos. Street-levelbureaucrats have another challenge in managing the room for action, which involves abalance between the rule of law and public ethics and situationally adapted decision-makingwhen in contact with citizens. The last few decades have been characterized by a number ofgovernance reforms that have come to influence how public organizations are designed andfunction. Many researchers agree that governance reforms inspired by business have had anegative impact on the public sector, and by extension also the society at large. Studies alsoshow that ideas from management reforms are rarely replaced, but instead supplemented tocurrent ones and create complex hybrid systems that often make the organization inefficientand difficult to manage. The result reflects the street-level bureaucrats’ own experiences andshows a complex relationship where conflicting management logics rule within theorganization, where both management ideas from the concept of NPM and post-NPM areidentified. The result also shows the complexity of coexisting management logics andmanagement systems when bureaucrats find themselves in a tension field between themselvesand decision-makers, where discretion to adapt assessments to the situation is current, but theresources at hand are controlled by an organization in a politically changing environment.Furthermore, there seems to be a unique discretion within the street-level bureaucratsdiscretion in the social worker role, consisting of how one relates to the role of freedom underresponsibility that the social worker role entails. Finally, parts of the empirical evidence arediscussed in relation to a not yet established theory about motivation for public work whereinteresting findings are made.
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Continuité de l’emploi et évolution des activités publiques / Public activities' changes and employement's continuityJuan, Muriel 28 June 2012 (has links)
Phénomène classique en droit privé du travail, l’évolution d’une activité et le sort réservé aux salariés de droit privé qui y sont affectés figure parmi les thèmes fondamentaux du droit social contemporain, et fait, à ce titre, l’objet d’une jurisprudence relativement stabilisée et d’une littérature abondante. La problématique sociale des évolutions d’activités publiques, pour être tout aussi essentielle sinon plus que celle qui irrigue le secteur économique classique, souffre à l’inverse d’un manque d’analyse globale et approfondie, du moins de l’absence d’une mise en perspective de l’ensemble des hypothèses où elle est amenée à être soulevée. L’approche de la présente recherche est donc d’envisager la problématique sociale liée aux évolutions d’activités publiques dans sa globalité, en embrassant l’ensemble des hypothèses génériques concernées tant d’un point de vue organique – nature des personnels concernés comme nature des entités d’origine et d’accueil – que matériel – externalisation d’activités publiques, reprise en régie, décentralisation de compétences, transfert intercommunal de compétences, privatisation d’établissements publics, etc. L’ambition est ici de révéler le caractère primordial de la donnée sociale dans la conduite des évolutions d’organisation ou de gestion des activités publiques, et d’apporter, dans la démarche pratique qui est la nôtre, les clés essentielles à la résolution de la problématique sociale qu’elle peut engendrer, quelque soit l’hypothèse sur laquelle elle porte. Il s’agit, en premier lieu, en fonction de la nature publique et/ou privée des personnels concernés, d’identifier clairement les obligations de transfert des personnels de nature légales - d’ordre interne comme communautaire - ou conventionnelles, et de les confronter à la volonté politique de conserver ou réaffecter ces personnels. Il convient, en deuxième lieu, de préciser les modalités de transfert des personnels concernés. Il s’agit tout particulièrement de vérifier la nécessité d’obtenir un accord exprès de leur part, de formaliser le transfert par la signature par un contrat de travail ou encore de solliciter les institutions représentatives du personnel pour procéder au transfert effectif des agents. Il est, en troisième et dernier lieu, important d’envisager précisément les conséquences du transfert des personnels tant pour la structure d’accueil que pour les agents eux-mêmes, en termes financiers (niveau de rémunération, avantages individuels acquis, etc.) et opérationnels (organisation interne des ressources humaines, répartition des pouvoirs hiérarchiques entre structure d’origine et d’accueil pour les personnels mis à disposition, etc.). / Classical phenomenon in labour law, the changes which happens in an activity’s management or organisation and the resulting question of the employee’s fate appears like one of the most important contemporary labour law’s subject. Despite it concerns public undertakings engaged in economic activities, whether or not they are operating for gain, as well as private undertakings, this dimension is nevertheless well known and characterised by a lack of detailed analysis, at least by a putting in perspective’s lack of all hypothesis concerned. Consequently, this study chooses to consider the social issue following public activities changes in its globality by including all cases concerned, as well in an organic point of vue (employees nature, original structure or welcoming structure nature) then in a material point of vue (public activities externalization, return of an activity under a public control, decentralization, powers’ transfers between local authorities, privatization of public ownerships, etc.). This study’s aim is to reveal the importance of the human element in the event of a change on activity’s management or organisation and to give, in a practical view, the keys to resolve the social issue which belongs to each activity’s changes, whatever is the working hypothesis concerned. First, depending on the public or private nature of the personnel, it should be clearly identified the tranfer’s obligations which could exist according to labour legislation or a collective agreement and to bring them face to political decision to keep or redeploy employees. Then, it must be explained the procedure of transfer. More particularly, it should be confirmed if the transfer needs to be accepted by each employee, to be formalized by a contract signature or as well to be submitted to union companies. Finally, it is important to envisage precisely the transfer consequences as for employers then for employees, in financial (wages, individual or collective benefits, etc.) and operational terms (human resources organisation, management rules between original employer and new employer in case of provided civil servant, etc.).
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