Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic finance"" "subject:"bublic finance""
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Государственный (муниципальный) финансовый контроль как инструмент повышения эффективности управления общественными финансами : магистерская диссертация / State (municipal) financial control as a tool to improve the efficiency of public finance managementМурашова, А. В., Murashova, A. V. January 2022 (has links)
Научная новизна исследования состоит в развитии теоретических и методических положений по совершенствованию подходов к оценке эффективности государственного (муниципального) финансового контроля, являющегося инструментом управления общественными финансами. В первой главе исследуются теоретические аспекты управления общественными финансами, рассматривается вопрос влияния государственного (муниципального) финансового контроля на процесс управления общественными финансами. Во второй главе проведен анализ нормативно-правовых актов, статистической информации и результатов контрольной деятельности, характеризующий систему государственного финансового контроля на примере Министерства финансов Свердловской области. В третьей главе сформулированы предложения по совершенствованию системы государственного (муниципального) финансового контроля, а также автором представлена модель оценки эффективности данной системы. / The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of theoretical and methodological provisions for improving approaches to assessing the effectiveness of state (municipal) financial control, which is a tool for managing public finances. The first chapter examines the theoretical aspects of public finance management, considers the issue of the influence of state (municipal) financial control on the process of managing public finances. In the second chapter, an analysis of legal acts, statistical information and the results of control activities is carried out, characterizing the system of state financial control on the example of the Ministry of Finance of the Sverdlovsk Region. In the third chapter, proposals are formulated for improving the system of state (municipal) financial control, and the author presents a model for evaluating the effectiveness of this system.
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Welfare state v rozvojových zemích: případová studie Botswany, Ghany a Indie / Welfare state in developing countries: Case study of Botswana, Ghana and IndiaŠanc, Filip January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores the emergence of the welfare state in developing countries, in particular shown on the example of Botswana, Ghana and India. The inquiry is focused on the period beginning in 1990, when the neoliberal paradigm was dominating, untill 2010. The recent years are in token of the shift from the neoliberalism to the post-neoliberalism characterized by a number of concepts, which are taking into account. The common feature of these concepts is the diversion from the narrow focus on GDP, as the only indicator of the growth, to the social dimension of the development. This shift is also being distinguished as a transition from the basic-needs concept to the rights-based approach. Therefore, the thesis explores, if these shifts are remarkable in the analyzed countries, eventually, if there are any divergences as compared to the theoretical concepts. To achieve this goal, a broader analysis of the welfare state was used, which involves social, health and education policy. Based on this analysis, the diploma thesis tries to classify the analyzed countries into the welfare state typology; eventually, in case such classification is impossible, it describes the weaknesses of this welfare state the typology. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Les garanties accordées par les personnes publiques / Guarantees granted by public law personsGervais, Marie 14 December 2015 (has links)
Les garanties accordées par les personnes publiques se présentent comme des mécanismes attrayants pour les personnes publiques qui souhaitent intervenir économiquement tout en s’assurant de protéger au mieux les deniers publics. En apportant l’élément de confiance, les mécanismes de garantie présents dans la sphère publique connaissent une évolution qui suit de près l’évolution de la société en jouant un rôle moteur lors de grands projets ou encore lors de période de crise. L’introduction et le développement de l’octroi de garanties par les personnes publiques nécessitent un travail de définition de la notion de garantie publique qui connaît un régime de plus en plus encadré au niveau matériel mais également institutionnel. / Guarantees granted by public law persons appear as attractive mechanisms for the public law persons who wish to intervene economically while ensuring to protect at best public funds. By bringing the element of trust, the present mechanisms of guarantee in the public sphere know an evolution which follows closely the evolution of society by playing a leading role during major projects or still during period of crisis. The introduction and development of the granting of guarantees by the public law persons require a work of definition of the notion of public guarantee which knows a regime more and more framed at the material but also institutional level.
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Ludwig Zinzendorf's political economy in the Habsburg monarchy, 1750-1774Adler, Simon January 2018 (has links)
This study examines Ludwig Zinzendorf’s political economy and the intellectual inspiration of his thinking. Zinzendorf, a protégé of Kaunitz, was a sophisticated economic thinker in the mid eighteenth-century Habsburg monarchy who was part of the wider intellectual movement in Europe dedicated to understanding political economy and presenting it as an independent and important activity. Self- educated, polyglot and hard-working, Zinzendorf was formidably well read and impressively numerate. His output was detailed and analytical. With an exceptionally wide knowledge, he offered a more original way to discuss the economy than the essentially didactic approach of cameralist writers. He was a reformer dedicated to propagating the most advanced European ideas and practices. This study is divided into five chapters: chapter one covers the relationship between Zinzendorf and Kaunitz and Zinzendorf’s formative years in France from 1750 to 1752. The influence of French economic thinkers on Zinzendorf’s intellectual development, Jean-François Melon and Vincent de Gournay in particular, is the subject of chapter two. Chapter three is devoted to Zinzendorf’s German translation of John Law’s Money and Trade. The development of Zinzendorf’s ideas on state credit, notably the creation of a new stock exchange and political bank in the monarchy, modelled on the Bank of England, is discussed in chapter four. The final chapter examines how Zinzendorf operated as a sophisticated financial expert in the monarchy. He sought to provide a different kind of economic advice and attempted to open-up government to new concepts on the economy. He was influenced by the important contribution in France made by Gournay and his circle of writers in disseminating foreign ideas by publishing in French a range of economic texts from rival nations. Zinzendorf, it is argued, attempted to apply a moderate format of Gournay’s initiative in the monarchy.
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O orçamento público federal e a garantia de prioridade absoluta de crianças e adolescentes nas políticas públicas / The federal government budget and the guarantee of absolute priority of children and adolescents in public policiesFrancisco José Sadeck Filho 04 November 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Essa pesquisa objetiva verificar a garantia de prioridade absoluta de crianças e adolescentes nas políticas públicas do governo federal. Para tanto, resgata o processo de criação dos novos direitos de crianças e adolescentes, que se origina na Assembléia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) 1987-1988, perpassa a discussão da comunidade internacional para a criação da Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança (CDC) e resulta em uma legislação nacional, o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), sob a égide da Doutrina da Proteção Integral. Essa legislação reflete os novos direitos de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros como cidadãos e cidadãs, titulares de direitos especiais por sua condição peculiar de desenvolvimento e compõe os critérios de garantia, defesa e promoção de seus direitos humanos. Esse estudo também traz informações sobre a desigualdade social brasileira para inferir que o investimento em políticas públicas para infância e adolescência é um dos mecanismos para promover desenvolvimento sustentável, construir bases para uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária e que, quando aliadas a políticas de transferências de renda, oportunizam condições sólidas para reduzir o grau de desigualdade social, com efetiva melhora da qualidade de vida da população. A prioridade absoluta foi estimada a partir de um método de apuração do Orçamento Criança e Adolescente (OCA) que filtra as políticas orçamentárias voltadas ao público infanto-adolescente, nos termos do ECA, por critérios de exclusividade e direcionamento. Os resultados indicam que, apesar das melhoras recentes em indicadores socioeconômicos e na qualidade de vida da população brasileira, ainda falta um longo caminho para o respeito ao princípio da prioridade absoluta de crianças e adolescentes nas políticas públicas do governo federal, pois os recursos públicos da União estão à mercê do pagamento dos juros, encargos e amortizações da dívida pública. Com isso, as políticas sociais ficam mantidas em segundo plano, e sua arrecadação tem caráter regressivo, baseada em tributos indiretos, no que o financiamento das políticas públicas é feito pela população mais pobre, majoritariamente, justamente a que mais demanda as políticas públicas sociais. / This research aims to estimate if the absolute priority of children and teenagers on the public policy of the federal government has been assured. To do that, it ransoms the process of creation of the new rights of children and teenagers, which origins at the Constituent National Assembly during 1987-1988, pass over the international community discussions for the assents of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and results in a legislation called Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA). It establishes the Integral Protection Doctrine in Brazil, the new condition of children and teenagers as citizens, with special rights for their growth condition, and the conditions to guaranty, to defense and to promote their human rights. This research also brings information about the brazilian social inequality to deduce the public policy for children and teenagers investments are able to promote sustainable development, to build sustainers of a society more equality based on human rights, and when associated with income distribution policies create solid conditions to reduce the social inequality degree and effective improve on life quality of the people. The absolute priority has been estimated from a method to compute the budget for children and teenagers, called Orçamento Criança e Adolescente (OCA) based on exclusiveness and directionament criterions. The results indicates that, despite the recent betters on socioeconomic indicators and life quality improve of Brazilian people, there still a long way until the respect to the principle of the absolute priority of children and teenagers in public policies of the federal government, since the federal public resources are being used to the public debt, the social policies are being set in second plan, and their gathering has regressive impact, notability indirect tributes, so the poorer ones financing the public policies, just those who more need the social public policies.
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Governança republicana como vetor para a interpretação das normas de direito financeiro / Republican governance as a vetor for the interpretation of financial law normsCamargo, Guilherme Bueno de 07 May 2010 (has links)
O mundo corporativo desenvolveu mecanismos para atenuar os conflitos de agência, decorrentes das divergências entre os interesses dos acionistas e dos gestores profissionais. A adoção de práticas de governança corporativa nas sociedades empresariais, em que o capital está pulverizado entre milhares de acionistas que não participam da gestão do negócio, impõe aos gestores um comportamento ético, pautado pela boa-fé, pela transparência, pela prestação de contas, pela eficiência e pela responsabilidade pelos atos de gestão. De outro lado, permite que os acionistas acompanhem e participem do estabelecimento das diretrizes da administração do empreendimento, sempre sob o pressuposto de que o gestor age em nome dos interesses dos proprietários da empresa. No regime republicano estabelecido pela Constituição Federal de 1988 os cidadãos são os titulares da res publica, cabendo ao gestor público a administração da coisa pública em prol dos interesses da sociedade. A gestão dos recursos públicos, regulada pelo Direito Financeiro, deve seguir rigorosamente a lógica republicana, mas neste ponto é possível identificar potenciais conflitos de agência entre os gestores públicos e os cidadãos. Com o objetivo de garantir a melhor aplicação dos escassos recursos financeiros arrecadados junto à sociedade, a Constituição Federal institucionalizou um complexo sistema de preservação do interesse público na gestão financeira estatal, sistema esse descrito neste trabalho, aqui denominado de governança republicana. Esse complexo, constituído de normas e princípios constitucionais, normas infraconstitucionais, mecanismos de controle e planejamento, além de formas de participação social, formam um sistema institucional de proteção à boa aplicação dos recursos financeiros do Estado e devem servir aos aplicadores do direito como vetor para a interpretação das normas de Direito Financeiro. / The corporate world developed mechanisms to lessen agency conflicts due to divergences between shareholders and professional managers interests. The adoption of corporate governing practices in corporate businesses (where the capital is spread out among thousands of shareholders, who do not participate in the administration of the business) requires an ethical behavior from the managers; this ethical behavior should be guided by good-faith, transparency, accountability, efficiency and responsibility for the administrative actions. On the other hand, it allows the shareholders to accompany and to participate in the establishment of guidelines for the administration of the enterprise, always under the presupposition that the manager acts on behalf of the interests of the company owner. Under the republican regime, established by the 1988 Federal Constitution, the citizens are the holders of the republic; thus, it is the responsibility of the public administrator to manage the public thing on behalf of the interests of society. The administration of the public resources, which is regulated by the Financial Law, must strictly follow the republican logic, but in this sense it is possible to identify potentials agency conflicts between public administrators and citizens. With the objective of ensuring the best application of the scarce financial resources collected from society, the Federal Constitution institutionalized a complex system of preservation of the public interest in the state financial administration, and this system is described in this work and is here denominated of Republican governance. This complex (which is constituted of norms and constitutional principles, infra-constitutional norms, planning and control mechanisms, besides forms of social participation) forms an institutional protection system for the good application of the State financial resources and it should also be useful to those who apply the law as a vector for the interpretation of Financial Law norms.
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La guerre, le Prince et ses sujets. Les finances des Pays-Bas bourguignons sous les règnes de Marie de Bourgogne et de Philippe le Beau (1477-1506) / The War, the Prince and his Subjects. The Finances of the Burgundian Netherlands under the Reigns of Mary of Burgundy and Philipp the Fair (1477-1506)Sablon du Corail, Amable 02 December 2017 (has links)
Entre 1477 et 1493, l’État bourguignon traversa la plus grave crise de son existence. Face à Louis XI, les successeurs de Charles le Téméraire durent d’abord défendre l’intégrité territoriale de leurs possessions. À l’intérieur de celles-ci, ils furent confrontés aux revendications des villes de Flandre et de Brabant, porteuses d’un projet politique fondé sur l’autonomie urbaine. Au contexte politique très difficile, s’ajoute une conjoncture défavorable, en raison du très haut niveau des salaires, et donc du coût de la guerre, à la fin du XVe siècle. Les structures financières et militaires de l’État bourguignon montrèrent très vite leurs limites, obligeant les capitaines de Maximilien de Habsbourg à vivre d’expédients, de réquisitions et de pillages. Après la défaite des rebelles de Flandre, de Hollande et de Brabant, l’État bourguignon, désormais recentré sur les Pays-Bas, poursuivit son intégration sous le règne de Philippe le Beau. L’acceptation d’une fiscalité commune, débattue dans les assemblées représentatives des principautés et aux États généraux, est au cœur de ce processus. / Between 1477 and 1493, the Burgundian state was confronted with the most serious crisis of its history. Against Louis XI, the successors of Charles the Bold had to defend the territorial integrity of his heritage. Within the Burgundian Netherlands, they were challenged by the claims of the largest Flemish and Brabantine cities, who promoted a political agenda based on urban autonomy. Besides the political background, the economic environment raised other difficulties, owing to the general high level of wages, which dramatically increased the cost of war at the end of the XVth century. The fiscal and military structures of the Burgundian state quickly found their limits and collapsed several times, forcing Maximilian’s captains to live by one’s wits, requisitioning supplies, extorting money or plundering the countryside, so that the inability of the medieval state to lastingly finance war invariably led to outbursts of violence. After the defeat of the Flemish-Brabantine revolt, the political integration of the Habsburg-Burgundian Netherlands made continuous progress. The rise of a common tax system, discussed at the States-General, without offending the strong particularism of the Netherlands principalities, played a crucial role in this process.
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Descentralização fiscal no Brasil: economia e finanças públicas nos municípios alagoanos (1999/2010) / Decentralization tax in Brazil economy and public finances in municipalities Alagoas (1999/2010)Araújo, Anderson Henrique dos Santos 09 August 2013 (has links)
The present work aims to study the public finances and the economic behavior of Municipalities alagoanos between the years 1999/2010, using the fiscal and economic indicators commonly used. Therefore, it is considered the theoretical training of Public Finance, the influence of government in the economy to theoretical assumptions about the process of decentralization / centralization in Brazil. The Constitution of 1988 is a milestone in the pursuit of decentralized fiscal federalism, since from that moment, the municipalities now receive the status of a federated entity and had the largest increase in revenues and collection mechanisms itself. Thus, subnational, closer to the wishes of the population could more effectively meet the state's role in the production of public goods and the solution of the demands of the population. However, in the years after the Constitution of 1988, the political changes in the country, especially with Brazil's adherence to the neoliberal project, the advent of the plan and the actual enactment of the Fiscal Responsibility Law, led to a new process of fiscal centralization in Brazil, with consequences for the 5565 Brazilian municipalities. In this context, it is statistically analyzed the finances and economy of the municipalities in Alagoas. The GDP of them indicate the growth of the service sector and centralization of wealth in a small number of cities, as well as the lack of dynamics in small towns, which the government has the primary component in your product. The analysis of municipal finances, with the support of development indicators and the index itself FIRJAN fiscal management, confirm the initial assumptions of the work: the low collection itself, high dependence on federal transfers, effort and compliance with the limits established by LRF for personnel expenses and low levels of investment. Thus, the main findings indicate that the decentralization process of the 1988 Constitution was undermined by the next decade, penalizing the poorest municipalities in case of most in Alagoas. / O presente de trabalho tem por objetivo estudar as finanças públicas e o comportamento econômico dos Municípios alagoanos entre, os anos de 1999/2010, utilizando os indicadores fiscais e econômicos usualmente utilizados. Para tanto, é analisado desde a formação teórica das Finanças Públicas, passando pela influência do Governo na economia e os pressupostos teóricos acerca do processo de descentralização/ centralização no Brasil. A Constituição de 1988 é um marco na busca do federalismo fiscal descentralizado, visto que a partir desse momento, os Municípios passaram a receber os status de ente federado e tiveram ampliação das receitas e maiores mecanismos de arrecadação própria. Assim, os entes subnacionais, mais próximos aos anseios da população poderiam cumprir mais eficientemente seu papel na produção de bens públicos e na solução das demandas da população. Todavia, nos anos posteriores à Constituição de 1988, as mudanças políticas nos País, sobretudo com a adesão do Brasil ao projeto neoliberal, o advento do plano real e a promulgação da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, conduziram a um novo processo de centralização fiscal no Brasil, com consequências para os 5565 Municípios brasileiros. Nesse contexto, é analisado estatisticamente as finanças e economia dos Municípios alagoanos. Os dados do PIB deles indicam o crescimento do setor de serviços e centralização de riquezas em um número reduzido de cidades, bem como a falta de dinâmica nas pequenas localidades, que tem na administração pública o principal componente em seu produto. A análise das finanças municipais, com o apoio de indicadores de elaboração própria e o Índice FIRJAN de gestão fiscal, confirmam os pressupostos iniciais do trabalho: a baixa arrecadação própria, alta dependência dos repasses federais, o esforço e cumprimento dos limites estabelecidos pela LRF para gasto com pessoal e os baixos níveis de investimento. Assim, as conclusões principais indicam que o processo descentralizador da Constituição de 1988 foi minado por toda a década seguinte, penalizando os Municípios mais pobres, caso de grande parte dos entes alagoanos.
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A Lei de responsabilidade fiscal e as finanças públicas: efeitos e consequências sobre os municípios alagoanos (2000 a 2010) / A fiscal responsibility law and public finances: effects and consequences on municipalities alagoanos (2000 to 2010).Santos Filho, José Emílio dos 10 December 2012 (has links)
This work studies the effect of the Fiscal Responsibility Law (FRL) on public finances of municipalities Alagoas, since from the same edition, in 2000, the municipalities are trying to adapt to the new rules laid down by the Supplementary Law. In this study, the LRF was treated as a new framework for public finance in Brazil, and its deployment part of a roader process of recasting the role of the state in the economic system, begun in the 1980s and intensified in the 1990s, especially after the implementation of the Real Plan in 1994, from which time the federal government sought to extend its control over the public finances of subnational governments. Accordingly, the LRF can be considered one of the main mechanisms used for this purpose. The results obtained after fiscal year 2000 confirm the success of the LRF to promote the framework for subnational fiscal adjustment required by the federal government. Such governments, because they are more susceptible to the rigors of LRF, sought fiscal balance more forceful. In this context, the aim of this study was to analyze whether municipalities alagoanos are complying with the limits imposed by the LRF, in relation to the implementation of Personnel Costs (DP) and control of Net Consolidated Debt (DCL), ensuring fiscal balance public accounts from 2000 to 2010. The statistical results indicate that these municipalities are meeting these limits, however it was found that this condition does not guarantee a consistent fiscal balance and long term. It was found also that the share of current spending and especially personnel costs in total expenditure increased over this period, while the relative share of public investment was reduced. The LRF little altered condition of dependence of municipalities alagoanos by funds from intergovernmental transfers. The conclusions of this study indicate that close to the concept of fiscal responsibility needs to be expanded beyond mere balance of public accounts, since only such a condition does not guarantee that the public sector is allocating and distributing resources efficiently. / Este trabalho estuda o efeito da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF) sobre as finanças públicas dos municípios alagoanos, visto que desde a edição da mesma, no ano 2000, os municípios brasileiros estão tentando se adaptar às novas regras estabelecidas por essa Lei Complementar. Neste estudo, a LRF foi tratada como um novo marco para as finanças públicas no Brasil, sendo sua implantação parte de um amplo processo de reformulação do papel do Estado no sistema econômico, iniciado na década de 1980 e intensificado nos anos
de 1990, principalmente após a implantação do Plano Real, em 1994, ocasião a partir da qual o governo federal buscou ampliar seu controle sobre as finanças públicas dos governos
subnacionais. Nesse sentido, a LRF pode ser considerada um dos principais mecanismos utilizados para esse fim. Os resultados fiscais obtidos após o ano 2000 confirmam o sucesso
da LRF em promover o enquadramento das esferas subnacionais no ajuste fiscal pretendido
pelo governo federal. Tais governos, por estarem mais suscetíveis aos rigores da LRF, buscaram o equilíbrio fiscal de forma mais contundente. Nesse contexto, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar se os municípios alagoanos estão cumprindo os limites impostos pela LRF, em relação à execução das Despesas com Pessoal (DP) e o controle da Dívida Consolidada Líquida (DCL), garantindo o equilíbrio fiscal das contas públicas no período de 2000 a 2010. Os resultados estatísticos indicam que esses municípios estão cumprindo tais limites, entretanto verificou-se que tal condição não garante um equilíbrio fiscal consistente e de longo prazo. Constatou-se, ainda, que a participação dos gastos correntes e especialmente os gastos com pessoal nas despesas totais aumentaram no período analisado, enquanto que a participação relativa dos investimentos públicos foi reduzida. A LRF pouco alterou o quadro de dependência dos municípios alagoanos por recursos oriundos de transferências intergovernamentais. As conclusões que encerram este trabalho indicam que o conceito de responsabilidade fiscal precisa ser ampliado para além do mero equilíbrio das contas públicas, visto que apenas tal condição não garante que o setor público esteja alocando e distribuindo recursos de forma eficiente.
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La théorisation des dépenses publiques de Richard A. Musgrave : essai d'histoire de la pensée et d'épistémologie économiques / On Musgrave's theorization of public expenditures : essay on history of thought and economic epistemologyDesmarais-Tremblay, Maxime 06 December 2016 (has links)
La thèse reconstruit l'histoire et les fondements épistémologiques de la théorisation des dépenses publiques de Richard A. Musgrave (1910-2007), notamment dans sa Theory of Public Finance (1959) en se concentrant sur deux concepts : les biens collectifs et les biens méritoires (biens sous tutelle). Premièrement, je montre qu'il est difficile de différentier les approches théoriques de Musgrave et de Buchanan selon la distinction positif/normatif. Deuxièmement, j'explique comment Musgrave et Samuelson affinent des arguments en faveur de l'intervention publique dans le cadre de la théorie des défaillances de marché, dans un monde où l'efficacité marchande est la norme par rapport à laquelle toute déviation doit être expliquée et justifiée. La théorisation effectuée par Musgrave et ses collègues est une rationalisation dans le langage économique de préoccupations sociales et politiques quant au rôle de l'État. Troisièmement, je suggère que Musgrave inventa le concept de biens méritoires pour compléter sa théorisation des dépenses publiques parce qu'il ne voulait pas se contenter du concept étroit de bien collectif pour rendre compte de l'ensemble des services publics et parce qu'il jugeait en particulier que ces dépenses méritoires avaient leur raison d'être. Quatrièmement, je retrace l'histoire du principe de souveraineté du consommateur afin de cerner la difficulté que pose la défense des biens méritoires aux États-Unis dans les années 1950. Le corpus sur la justification des biens méritoires est structuré en fonction de son rapport à ce principe. / The theorization of public expenditures in the twentieth century is a rationalization in the language of modern economics of social and political concerns regarding the role of the state. The thesis adopts a historical and philosophical perspective on two central concepts of Richard A. Musgrave's (1910-2007) Theory of Public Finance (1959): merit goods and social goods (or collective goods). Musgrave was more successful in introducing the definition of social (collective) goods in public economics (non-excludable and non-rival) than with his concept of merit goods. Yet, I suggest that he coined the latter because he wanted to build a comprehensive normative theory of the public household that would be useful for steering the revenue-expenditure processes. The two concepts play complementary roles in his theory which is a synthesis of various European traditions in public finance. Despite the rejection of merit goods by many economists, Musgrave's view on redistribution in-kind to fight poverty was shared by many liberal economists in the postwar period. The alternative approach to public finance of Buchanan is also discussed. I show that it is complicated to oppose Musgrave's and Buchanan's approaches along the positive/normative methodological line. In contrast, the friendly discussions between Samuelson and Musgrave led to a refinement of the market failure argument for public provision of collective goods. I identify the centrality of the principle of consumer sovereignty in this paradigm and I show how the literature on the justification of merit goods can be structured with respect to this principle.
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