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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Betydelsefullt partnerskap : En diskursanalys om partnerskapets betydelseoch sektoriella subjektspositioner inom hållbar global utveckling

Andreasson, Sofia, Persson, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att genom diskursanalys identifiera hur begreppet “partnerskap” tillskrivs mening genom olika diskurser inom ramen för hållbar global utveckling, med särskilt fokus på privatoffentliga partnerskap (POP). Genom att tillämpa diskursiva begrepp från Laclau och Mouffes diskursteori har tre huvudsakliga diskurser och tillhörande nodalpunkter identifierats: globalisering, governance och solidaritet. Dessa olika men delvis överlappande diskurser tillskriver olika meningar till partnerskapsbegreppet, likväl som olika roller och identiteter till privat respektive offentlig sektor. Partnerskap är konstruerat som en nödvändighet för att lösa globala problem, en ideal samverkansform för hållbar utveckling samt som ett uttryck för global solidaritet. Vidare framkommer att privat sektor tillskrivs en mer aktiv roll, medan offentlig sektor ges en mer passiv och stöttande roll. / By applying discourse analysis, the purpose of this essay is to identify how different meanings are assigned to the term “partnership” through competing discourses in the context of global Sustainable Development, with special attention devoted to Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). Using concepts from Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory, three main discourses and corresponding nodal points have been identified: globalization, governance and solidarity. These different albeit somewhat overlapping discourses apply different meanings to the term partnership, and also attribute different roles and identities to the public and private sector respectively. Partnerships are constructed as a necessity for solving global issues, an ideal form of governance for sustainable development and as a natural expression for global solidarity. Furthermore, the results point towards a more active role appointed to the private sector, whilst public institutions are assigned a more passive and supportive role.

Kommunaler Investitionsbedarf und ÖPP in Sachsen

Hesse, Mario, Lück, Oliver, Redlich, Matthias 03 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Vor dem Hintergrund der angespannten Finanzlage in den Kommunen und eingebettet in einen Prozess der Binnenmodernisierung der Kommunalverwaltungen, der Einführung der Doppik und einer intensiven Debatte um die effizientere und effektivere Bereitstellung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen sowie deren Bereitstellungsstrukturen steigt die Attraktivität von lebenszyklusorientierter Infrastrukturbeschaffung für die kommunale Ebene. Damit nimmt auch der Bedarf an unterstützender Beratung der kommunalen Ebene zu. Diese hängt einerseits mit den naturgemäß begrenzten Kapazitäten – bei gleichzeitig erhöhtem Abstimmungsdarf zwischen den Akteuren auf lokaler Ebene und der hohen Komplexität der Thematik über einen längeren Realisierungszeitraum – zusammen. Hier kann durch wissenschaftliche Expertise und praxisfundierte Begleitung ein Mehrwert geschaffen werden. Gleichzeitig können durch ein intensives Erfahrungsmanagement Optimierungspotentiale aus bestehenden ÖPP-Projekten generiert werden. Bei heutigen lebenszyklusorientierten Infrastrukturprojekten werden alle Phasen einer Infrastruktureinrichtung ganzheitlich über ihre gesamte Lebensdauer hinweg betrachtet und dabei ggf. Effizienz- und Einspareffekte im Vergleich zur konventionellen Realisierung aufgezeigt. Dies kann eine transparente und mit Blick auf notwendige Finanzströme antizipative Wirkung entfalten, die den Prozess nachhaltiger steuert als der konventionelle Fall. Die Städte und Gemeinden im Freistaat Sachsen stehen diesem Ansatz derzeit noch verhalten gegenüber, was häufig daraus resultiert, dass lebenszyklusorientierte Infrastrukturbeschaffung und deren Folgen und Wirkungen teilweise unreflektiert diskutiert und in den Modellen vermischt werden. Die vorliegende Untersuchung hat das Ziel, Ansprüche an und Erfahrungen mit Infrastrukturbeschaffung – konventionell oder lebenszyklusbasiert – in den sächsischen Kommunen darzulegen und darauf aufbauend den Städten und Gemeinden im Freistaat in der Kommunalberatung unterstützend und kritisch zur Seite zu stehen. Eine einzelfallbezogene Analyse statt pauschaler Urteile ist hierbei stets notwendig.

Empirischer Vergleich von KBV und ÖPP

Hesse, Mario, Lück, Oliver, Redlich, Matthias, Rottmann, Oliver 03 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Seit einigen Jahren erfolgt in Deutschland eine verstärkte Einbindung von privatwirtschaftlichen Akteuren bei der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Leistungen. Insbesondere im Bereich der Infrastrukturbereitstellung haben sich Öffentlich-Private-Partnerschaften als eine alternative Beschaffungsvariante etabliert. Diese Vertrags-ÖPP sind in den Kontext einer allgemeinen Privatisierungskritik geraten, vor allem wird die Wirtschaftlichkeit dieser Variante bzw. deren Berechnung diskutiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund liegt das Ziel der Studie darin, die geringe empirische Datenlage zum Status quo der Umsetzungspraxis zu vergrößern, die Beschaffungsalternativen konventionelle Beschaffungsvariante (KBV) und ÖPP komparativ gegenüberzustellen und dabei auch auf Aspekte einzugehen, die im Erfahrungsbericht der Rechnungshöfe nicht behandelt werden, da dieser ausschließlich die Wirtschaftlichkeit von ÖPP fokussiert. Der Untersuchungsgegenstand fokussiert nur kommunale ÖPP-Projekte die einen Lebenszyklusansatz verfolgen, folglich Infrastruktureinrichtungen wie Schulen, Kindertagestätten und Verwaltungsgebäude. Allen diesen Projekten ist inhärent, dass während der Vertragslaufzeit kein öffentliches Eigentum veräußert wird, die Aufgabenverantwortung folglich stets bei der öffentlichen Hand verbleibt und somit auch keine Privatisierung öffentlichen Eigentums erfolgt. Die Studie zeigt, dass bei vielen KBV-Projekten die Betriebskosten in den anfänglich zu erstellenden Wirtschaftlichkeitsvergleichen keine oder nur eine untergeordnete Rolle spielen, während bei ÖPP in der Regel von Anfang an der gesamte Lebenszyklus der Infrastruktureinrichtung betrachtet wird, da der Großteil der Gesamtkosten der Infrastrukturmaßnahme während der Betriebsphase anfällt. (Kostensparende) Synergieeffekte bleiben deshalb bei den KBV vielfach ungenutzt. Die Nutzung von ABC-Ausschreibungen löst dieses Problem nur bedingt, da durch sie Aufwand und Transaktionskosten enorm gesteigert werden. Die Betrachtung unterschiedlicher Wertschöpfungsstufen (Planung, Bau, Finanzierung, Betrieb, Verwertung) stellt den entscheidenden Punkt für die Wirtschaftlichkeit von ÖPP-Projekten im Vergleich zur KBV dar, da die private Seite veranlasst ist, die Bauleistungen betriebsoptimierend zu planen und durchzuführen. Ferner zeigt die Studie, dass die von den Rechnungshöfen angemahnte Verfahrenstransparenz eine Herausforderung bei allen öffentlichen Beschaffungsvarianten darstellt und das Fehlanreize, die durch die Prinzipal-Agent-Problematik entstehen, ebenfalls kein singuläres Defizit des ÖPP-Ansatzes sind. Dem Vorwurf, dass ÖPP-Projekte dazu genutzt würden, Schulden in öffentlichen Haushalten zu verschleiern und Kosten möglichst intransparent darzustellen, wird mit der schrittweisen bundesweiten Umstellung der Kommunen auf doppische Haushaltsführung weitestgehend der Boden entzogen, da ÖPP-Projekte mit Forfaitierung sogar Transparenzvorteile gegenüber den KBV aufweisen. Ziel der Studie ist nicht, die ÖPP als „Königsweg“ der öffentlichen Beschaffung darzustellen, sondern den Versuch zu unternehmen, einen kritischen Blick auf die Beschaffungsvariante selbst und die an ihr geäußerte Kritik zu werfen. Es gilt: Vor dem Hintergrund der langfristigen Bindung des privaten Partners und der damit verbundenen Verantwortungs- und Risikoteilung ist es nach wie vor möglich, dass wirtschaftlichere und bedarfsgerechtere Lösungen als bei der KBV gefunden werden.

Understanding inter-organisational relationships in public-private partnerships : a study of educational PPPs in Pakistan

Irfan, Sidra January 2015 (has links)
Given the increasing proliferation of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in both developed and developing countries, and the huge challenges that are often associated with establishing and managing them, and ensuring that they achieve their objectives, it is important to understand multiple aspects of their operation. Whilst the structural and economic aspects of PPPs have long been recognised and researched, the relational aspects of PPPs remain under-researched. This thesis is a contribution to addressing this gap in the literature. It uses a dimensional approach to understand the nature of inter-organisations relationships (IORs) in PPPs and considers the factors that shape these relationships. It also investigates whether a particular pattern of relationships is needed for PPPs to deliver more than could have been achieved by each partner working alone (synergistic benefits). These issues are studied empirically in three educational PPP programmes in Pakistan. In two of these, not-for-profit organisations ‘adopt’ state schools. In the third, the state funds private sector schools on the condition that they offer free education to students and achieve threshold quality standards. A case study methodology is used and an integrative conceptual framework, derived from a wide-ranging literature review, is used to guide both data collection and analysis. The research finds that partners’ motives for entering into a PPP play a dominant role in shaping inter-organisational relationships. These motives are, in turn, influenced by a range of contextual and organisational factors. Inter-organisational relationships can be broadly characterised as collaborative, contractual, cooperative or conflictual. Whereas much of the existing literature emphasises that collaborative relationships are a prerequisite for PPPs to deliver synergistic outcomes, this research finds that these outcomes are also present in PPPs characterised by cooperative relationships. However, inter-organisational relationships in PPPs are not static; they develop and change over time. These changes result from a dynamic interplay between contextual factors, organisational factors, partner motives and the perceived outcomes of the partnership. The research reported in the thesis makes a number of contributions to knowledge. It sheds new light on the relational aspects of PPPs and offers a new conceptual framework for explaining and investigating inter-organisational relationships, which integrates insights from the largely separate literatures on PPPs and inter-organisational relations. It counters an apparent pro-collaboration emphasis in the existing PPP literature by documenting and explaining the benefits associated with cooperative relationships. It also offers new empirical evidence on the operation of PPPs in a developing country context, which contributes to redressing the predominance of evidence from developed countries in the existing literature. The insights from the research have theoretical and practical implications for the development and management of PPPs and future research in this area.

Public-private partnerships' contribution to quality healthcare : a case study of South Africa after 1994

09 October 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / PPPs have developed out of a realisation by governments that in order to improve health systems efficiency there is a need to involve the private sector. Governments throughout the world have opted for PPPs to deliver public services, share risks and attain common goals. While the idea of PPPs is not new, it nonetheless has grown in application in recent years especially in developing countries such as South Africa. The neo-liberal GEAR macro-economic policy, that seeked to reduce government spending and to accelerate investment, catalysed the formation of PPPs in South Africa after 1996. The South African health system is a two-tier system consisting of the public sector and private sector. The public health sector is under resourced in terms of health personnel, health resources and funding compared to private healthcare. As a consequence, public health outcomes in South Africa are poor relative to its funding and have deteriorated since 1996, reportedly mainly due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. On the contrary, private healthcare outcomes are amongst the best in the world. As a result, the demand for private healthcare is higher than that of public healthcare, because it is better resourced and offers better quality care. The research investigates the contribution of PPPs to access quality healthcare in South Africa. The study follows the policy, financial and governance approach to review health PPPs. It suggests that the 7 implemented health PPPs contributed directly and indirectly to improved access to quality healthcare. It recommends the implementation of health PPPs particularly at local government level, to improve access to quality healthcare.

Private equity - leveraged buyouts a KKR / Private equity - leveraged buyouts and KKR

Haško, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is description and understanding of private equity industry as a part of alternative asset class. In the first part, we describe the basic concepts of private equity industry and characteristics of individual subjects present in this sector. Analysis of the industry and basic comparison of private equity in Europe and United States is the theme of the second part of this paper. The base of knowledge created in the previous parts supports the analysis of buyouts and their value creation strategies. On the example of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, pre-eminent private equity firm, we show how private equity works in practice and what current trends in the industry are. In the end, we estimate the subjective value of one unit of ownership in KKR and list that risks could affect the company and the industry.

Transferability of Policies and Organisational Practices across Public and Private Health Service Delivery Systems: A Case Study of Selected Hospitals in the Eastern Cape: Exploring Lessons, Ambiguities and Contradictions

Mpofana, Mziwonke Milton January 2016 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Since the advent of South Africa‘s democracy in 1994 there have been several changes in the policy and legislative arena specifically promoting public-private-partnerships in the health sector. These initiatives have given rise to opportunities for inter-sectoral policy transfer under the rubric of ―best practices‖. This exploratory study examines the character, obstacles and contested nature of a selection of policy transfers between private and public health institutions in a single province of South Africa. The study looks at the dynamics at play around envisaged, current and past transfers of policies and organisational practices in relation to administrative systems and technologies used in four different hospital settings – two public and two private hospitals in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This thesis explores the views of managers and labour organisations about policy transfer focusing on local contexts, and how various parties construct policy transfer, hence providing a perspective of policy at the ―plant‖ level. In this research, special focus is placed on different agents‘ role and understandings of their contexts and how and why policies move and contradictions of these developments. In-depth interviews were conducted at four major Eastern Cape hospitals. The thesis argues that in practice, policy transfer is messy, politicized and traversed by power and vested interests and that organised labour plays a key role in policy transfer process. The thesis focuses on the different philosophical/ideological underpinnings, socio-political values and operational environments in each sector. This study is designed to contribute to existing knowledge on practices particularly between the public and private sectors in order to widen the understanding of the complexity of transferability.


ADILSIMAR SARAIVA MACIEL LIMA 19 September 2011 (has links)
[pt] A crescente expansão das atividades sociais efetivadas pelas Organizações Não-Governamentais (ONGs) têm sido constante nas sociedades contemporâneas. Este modelo de intervenção social traz como pano de fundo a redefinição do papel do Estado, aliado ao predomínio da lógica mercadológica e suas conseqüências sociais. No Brasil, o cenário não é diferente, na medida em que o Estado legitima a ação dessas ONGs por meio do estabelecimento de parcerias que possibilitam que suas responsabilidades sejam desenvolvidas através da efetivação de ações sociais coordenadas pelas ONGs. Nesta dissertação buscou-se traçar o perfil das Organizações-Não-Governamentais localizadas na cidade de Manaus/AM, assim como dos profissionais de Serviço Social que atuam nessas organizações, com o objetivo de coletar dados que possibilitassem conhecer os desafios e possíveis limites impostos a esses profissionais. Neste sentido, foi feita uma pesquisa com as assistentes sociais que desenvolvem seu trabalho junto a ONGs que mantêm convênio com a Secretaria de Estado de Assistência Social do Amazonas. Para dar suporte teórico às propostas neste trabalho, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico e documental acerca do tema. Os resultados encontrados levam a concluir, ainda que preliminarmente, que o Serviço Social não ficou imune às mudanças societárias em curso, desde a década de 1990. Antes, sofre diretamente, seja nas requisições que lhes são direcionadas pelas mudanças na fatia do mercado de trabalho que lhe cabe, pelos impactos gerados pelas relações que se estabelecem entre Estado, mercado e sociedade, que vai se (re) construindo na atualidade. / [en] The increasing expansion of the social activities accomplished by the Not-Governmental Organizations has been a constant in the societies contemporaries, this model of social intervention brings as deep cloth of the redefinition of the paper of the State, social ally to the predominance of the marketing logic and its consequences. In Brazil the scene is not different, in the measure where the State legitimizes the action of these ONGs by means of the establishment of partnerships that they make possible that its responsibilities are repassed and thus developed through to take the effect of social actions co-ordinate by the ONGs. In this thesis the objective is to trace the profile of Organization-Not-Governmental of Manaus AM, as well as of the professionals of Social Service who act in these ONGs, in order analyzing the limits and the challenges taxes to these professionals. For in such a way, a research with the Social Assistants will be made who develop its work next to ONGs that they keep accord with the State secretary of Social Assistance of Amazon (Brazil). To give theoretical support to the constant reflections in this work, a bibliographical and documentary survey concerning the subject was carried through, object of this study. Thus, one concludes briefly that the Social Service was not immune to the society changes, but that it suffers directly, either in the solicitations that are directed to them, either for the changes in the slice of the work market that fits to it, the impacts generated for the relations that if establish between State, market and society, that goes if (reverse speed) constructing in the present time.

Perspectives on financing healthcare in Africa

Dube, Samukeliso 25 August 2016 (has links)
Wits Business School University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg, South Africa Master in Finance and Investment (2014) / Following decades of under-investment, gaps in Africa’s healthcare infrastructure are becoming disturbingly obvious. The interplay of governments’ fiscal policies of budget imbalance reduction and other political considerations present a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to overcoming the backlog in Africa’s healthcare infrastructure. The two main objectives of this study were to understand the sources of financing and the best way to structure the financing of healthcare infrastructure in Africa. Looking at financing arrangements in various industries; and how healthcare sectors in developed countries have been financed, the report draws on perspectives from the financiers on how the healthcare infrastructure gap should be filled in Africa. This study, which utilised survey questionnaires and in-depth interviews, identified government revenues, regional development banks, private equity and donor financing numbers as dominant funding sources for the financing of healthcare infrastructure in Africa. Further, the study explored various ways in which finance could be structured and found that within those various models of financing, donor financing and government revenue were statistically significant on structuring the finance, especially within public-private partnership arrangements. These include sale and lease back arrangements (p=0.0022), complete ownership of projects by the private sector (p=0.003), management operation contracts (p=0.00034) and other forms of PPPs. More perspectives were obtained on enablers and barriers to improving investability of the healthcare sector. Africa’s economic growth and the improving ease of doing business were major enablers for healthcare sector’s investability. However, the role played by government as both a financier and a regulator seemed a barrier. Some structural models that would need government back-up include subordinated debt; with pricing at marginal cost and matching risk and return recovered through the taxation system. The latter continues to characterise much of Africa’s publicly provided healthcare infrastructure. In conclusion, investments in healthcare may not be separated from a country’s level of financial deepening. As the sector develops, it then becomes possible to utilise the models aforementioned. It is recommended that any governments’ investments in healthcare be more catalytic, to unlock value that allows the private sector to compete, both as financiers and innovators in healthcare. Furthermore clear strategies on PPPs are urgently needed for healthcare in Africa including policy consistency in financing and regulating healthcare.

Airport development in Sub-Saharan Africa: opportunities for public private partnerships

Langeslag, Marcel January 2016 (has links)
Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in Finance and Investment Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management Wits Business School University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg, South Africa / The development of transportation infrastructure, including airports, plays a vital role in economic growth in emerging markets. However, government budget allocations for this purpose are often insufficient to realise the full benefits. Project finance and Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in particular, have been used to enable private sector participation in the financing of airport development. Airports PPPs have successfully been implemented worldwide, including, to a lesser extent, in emerging markets and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). There is a lack of literature on the benefits, risks, challenges and opportunities associated with airport PPPs in SSA, which this research aims to address. Case studies of recent airport PPPs in Brazil and India provide an outline of the emerging market context and insight into factors that affected these airport PPPs. In-depth interviews with two representatives of governments in SSA provide a rich view on the perceived benefits, risks, challenges and opportunities associated with airport PPPs in Africa. This research has found that airport PPPs can contribute to airport developments in SSA by enabling the private funding of airport upgrades and expansions. However, governments have an important role to play in providing an enabling environment for private investors by improving investability and implementing clear and practical PPP legislation, aviation policies and economic regulation of airport services. The limited institutional capacity and domain expertise of SSA governments is perceived as a challenge to the implementation of airport PPPs in the region. The low level of air traffic and small number of airports that handle more than one million passengers per annum further limit the opportunities for airport PPPs in SSA, although strong GDP growth provides an encouraging sign. Successful airport PPPs require the participation of private consortia with expertise in airport operations, construction and infrastructure concessions. Financing of airport PPPs is done preferably from domestic sources and development finance can play an important role. There are risks associated with the foreign ownership of key national infrastructure and a reliance on private sector to provide public infrastructure. Lighter forms of PPPs that limit the private sector risk exposure may be more suitable to the low-traffic and high-risk environment in SSA. / MT2017

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