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Previous issue date: 2011-09-19 / This dissertation aims to comprehend the space transformations lived by women who are the home responsible after marriage dissolution in Ponta Grossa city, located in Paraná State. The process of marriage dissolution besides the kids guard by the mother has been creating families which are leaded by women. Although, this phenomenon is usual in every income zone, the families which live in poor outskirts are in a vulnerable group to poverty and fragility to the citizens rights. To achieve the goal of the research, it was made a survey with the process at Segunda Vara de Família in Ponta Grossa, in categories of Separation, Divorce and Food, in the period of 2003 to 2007, involving families between zero to two minimum wage with children under twelve years old. There were selected five hundred twenty two process, related to the social limits established as well as effected analysis about the key categories. The interviews were written and analyzed by discursive analysis technique and frequency of evocation, building the meaning logic about the special experiences lived by the women in focus in the research. The space lived by the women who lead the families modify itself after marriage separation, it has been articulating in a different way of the public and private level in the urban area. The womanliness is lived to articulate de scales of home and the city, showing that the women experience many scales in simultaneous and complex ways. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo compreender as transformações das espacialidades vividas por mulheres responsáveis pelo domicílio, após a dissolução conjugal na cidade de Ponta Grossa – PR. Os processos de dissolução conjugal e a guarda feminina dos filhos do casal têm instituído famílias em que se destaca a chefia das mulheres. Embora o fenômeno seja comum em todas as faixas de rendimento, as famílias moradoras de periferias pobres constituem um grupo vulnerável ao empobrecimento e fragilização aos direitos cidadãos. Para cumprir o objetivo da pesquisa foi realizado um levantamento dos processos da Segunda Vara de Família de Ponta Grossa, nas categorias de Separação, Divórcio e Alimentos no período de 2003 a 2007, envolvendo famílias entre zero e dois salários mínimos com filhos menores de doze anos de idade. Foram selecionados quinhentos e vinte e dois processos, relativos ao recorte social estabelecido e efetivada uma análise segundo categorias chave. Além da análise dos processos foram realizadas dezessete entrevistas em profundidade com mulheres que se auto-identificaram como chefes de família, com base em um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado. As falas foram transcritas e analisadas por meio de técnicas de análise discursiva e frequências de evocações, construindo a lógica de significados sobre as experiências espaciais vividas pelas mulheres, foco da pesquisa. As espacialidades vivenciadas por mulheres chefes de família se modificam após a separação conjugal, articulando de forma diversa as esferas pública e privada do espaço urbano. A feminilidade é vivenciada de forma a articular a escala da casa e da cidade, evidenciando que as mulheres experienciam diversas escalas de forma simultânea e complexa.
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A proposta de educação para o empreendedorismo do instituto empreender Endeavor : um estudo sobre parceria público-privadaSantos, Maurício Ivan dos January 2017 (has links)
A dissertação “A proposta de Educação para o Empreendedorismo do Instituto Empreender Endeavor: um estudo sobre parceria público-privada apresenta como temática central a relação público-privada na educação e tem como objetivo geral analisar o conteúdo da proposta de educação que fundamenta os cursos de empreendedorismo do Instituto Empreender Endeavor, promovidos em parceria com instituições públicas de educação no Brasil. Quanto à metodologia utilizada para realizar a pesquisa, o materialismo histórico representa o referencial teóricometodológico, sendo a análise documental a principal ferramenta, a partir do trabalho com fontes primárias e secundárias. O marco teórico da presente pesquisa parte das crises do capitalismo de 1970 e 2008 e o decorrente processo de reestruturação do sistema, o qual apresenta o Neoliberalismo, a Reestruturação Produtiva, a Globalização e a Terceira Via como estratégias para superação deste quadro. No plano políticoideológico, tanto o Neoliberalismo quanto a Terceira Via apresentam a reforma do Estado baseada na lógica mercantil como padrão de qualidade, o que tem possibilitado o crescimento da influência dos setores privados na direção e execução das políticas públicas, em especial no campo social, como a educação, que é o foco deste estudo. Contudo, a proposta neoliberal consiste no amplo processo de privatização, já a Terceira Via privilegia como elemento central a atuação das organizações ligadas ao Terceiro Setor. Constituintes deste processo, a Reestruturação Produtiva legitimou formas de organização do trabalho que atendessem aos interesses do capital em crise, com destaque para o Empreendedorismo, e a Globalização potencializou a expansão do capitalismo reestruturado através das Redes. Desta forma, a redefinição das fronteiras entre o público e o privado tem influenciado no conteúdo da educação pública, pois as Redes de Empreendedores Sociais ligadas ao Terceiro Setor, como é o caso do Instituto Empreender Endeavor, que estabelecem parcerias com instituições públicas de educação, definem o conteúdo educacional ofertado à população. A influência exercida por estas instituições privadas junto ao campo público da educação constitui-se como o problema deste estudo, o que sugere o seguinte questionamento: poderá o conteúdo da educação proposto pelo Instituto Empreender Endeavor, através de cursos de empreendedorismo oferecidos em parceria com instituições públicas de educação, ter implicações para a Democratização da Educação? No desenvolvimento da pesquisa verificou-se que o empreendedorismo dialoga com todas as estratégias características do processo de reestruturação do capitalismo, contribuindo para assegurar a hegemonia e conseqüente reprodução do sistema. Isto é, sua proposta articula, ao mesmo tempo, o apassivamento dos sujeitos que, diante do contexto de crise econômica e social, passam a buscar individualmente as competências demandadas pelo mercado e assumem os riscos de empreender seu próprio negócio para garantir a sobrevivência. Nesse sentido, conclui-se que os cursos de empreendedorismo do Instituto Empreender Endeavor promovidos em parceria com instituições públicas da educação brasileira contribuem para a deteriorização dos princípios de uma educação democrática, proporcionando um único caminho, a adaptação dos sujeitos às demandas do mercado capitalista, através da incorporação de competências socioemocionais para empreender seu próprio negócio, uma realidade que, para a maioria dos empreendedores brasileiros, significa precarização das condições de vida. / The dissertation "The Entrepreneurial Education Project of the Empreender Endeavor Institute: a study on public-private partnership presents as central theme the publicprivate relationship in education and its general objective is to analyze the content of the education proposal that bases the courses of entrepreneurship of Instituto Empreender Endeavor, promoted in partnership with public education institutions in Brazil. As for the methodology used to carry out the research, historical materialism represents the theoretical-methodological reference, and documentary analysis is the main tool, based on the work with primary and secondary sources. The theoretical framework of the present research starts from the crises of capitalism of 1970 and 2008 and the resulting process of restructuring the system, which presents Neoliberalism, Productive Restructuring, Globalization and the Third Way as strategies to overcome this framework. At the political-ideological level, both Neoliberalism and the Third Way present the reform of the State based on the mercantile logic as a quality standard, which has allowed the growth of the influence of the private sectors in the direction and execution of public policies, especially in the field social, such as education, which is the focus of this study. However, the neoliberal proposal consists of the broad process of privatization, since the Third Way privileges as a central element the performance of organizations related to the Third Sector. Constituents of this process, Productive Restructuring legitimized forms of work organization that served the interests of capital in crisis, with emphasis on Entrepreneurship, and Globalization enhanced the expansion of restructured capitalism through Networks. In this way, the redefinition of publicprivate boundaries has influenced the content of public education, since the Network of Social Entrepreneurs linked to the Third Sector, such as Instituto Empreender Endeavor, which establishes partnerships with public institutions of education, define the educational content offered to the population. The influence exerted by these private institutions in the public field of education constitutes the problem of this study, which suggests the following question: can the content of the education proposed by the Instituto Empreender Endeavor, through entrepreneurship courses offered in partnership with institutions education, have implications for the democratization of education? In the development of the research it was verified that entrepreneurship dialogues with all the characteristic strategies of the process of capitalist restructuring, contributing to ensure hegemony and consequent reproduction of the system. That is to say, its proposal articulates, at the same time, the apassivamento of the individuals who, faced with the context of economic and social crisis, begin to individually seek the competences demanded by the market and assume the risks of starting their own business to guarantee their survival. In this sense, it is concluded that the entrepreneurship courses of the Instituto Empreender Endeavor promoted in partnership with public institutions of Brazilian education contribute to the deterioration of the principles of a democratic education, providing a single path, the adaptation of the subjects to the demands of the capitalist market, through the incorporation of socio-emotional competences to undertake their own business, a reality that, for most Brazilian entrepreneurs, means the precariousness of living conditions.
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Diagnostic d'une externalisation sous forme de partenariat public-privé : Cas du Centre National des Sports de la Défense / Diagnosis of outsourcing as a public-private partnership : Case of the Centre National des Sports de la DéfenseMenani, Noureddine 11 July 2018 (has links)
Recourir à l'externalisation représente paradoxalement une opportunité, un enjeu et un risque. À ce titre, il est pertinent de comprendre en profondeur le phénomène. Il s'agit, par ce travail, d'analyser les différentes phases du processus, pourquoi externaliser et comment s'y prendre pour palier à tout éventuel effet pervers. La personne publique, sous contrainte budgétaire, choisie de faire appel au secteur privé afin de maîtriser les coûts. Nous observons cependant que cet objectif n’est pas atteint. Ce travail tente de rechercher la vraie légitimité d’un partenariat public-privé. Une triangulation de quatre sources d’information a donné lieu au constat suivant : un intérêt pour les compétences émerge au détriment de la réduction budgétaire. En s’appuyant sur la littérature et l’observation de plusieurs projets, nous constatons, dans le cadre d’une vision socio-philosophique que les partenariats public-privé s’inscrivent dans un nouveau monde de consommation, la société liquide. / Outsourcing, paradoxically represents an opportunity, an issue and a risk. In fact, it is relevant to understand the phenomenon in depth. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the different phases of the process, why outsource and how to deal with any possible perverse effect. The public person, under a budget constraint, chooses to call on the private sector to control costs. We observe, however, that this objective is not achieved. This thesis tries to look for the real legitimacy of a public-private partnership. A triangulation of four information sources has given rise to the following report: an interest for the skills emerges to the detriment of the budget cut. Relying on the literature and several projects observation, we find out, within the framework of a more socio-philosophical vision, that public-private partnerships are part of a new world of consumption, liquid society.
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Collaborative and partnership opportunities in the area of research and development for paediatric antiretroviral drugs for low income countriesMartin, Gregory 28 June 2011 (has links)
This research was motivated by the urgent need for global health institutions like the World Health Organization and UNITAID to adopt an informed, market based approach to engaging with the research and development pipeline for drugs that treat children infected with the HIV virus. As the market size for these products declines over the next decade, the usual incentives for pharmaceutical and biotech companies to invest in the development of new drugs and new formulations of existing drugs is likely to dwindle. Innovated solutions are needed if a business case is to be made that addresses this important public health need. The objectives of the research include firstly, describing the public health need for research and development into paediatric Antiretroviral drugs; secondly describing the various stakeholders and their interests; and finally exploring and indentifying potential collaborative / partnership opportunities that can be employed to address the existing public health need while satisfying the various stakeholder interests at play.
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Public Private Partnerships in road transport infrastructure in India : a governance perspectiveVerma, Manisha January 2012 (has links)
Public Private Partnerships, or PPPs, are being increasingly preferred by governments across the world for filling the infrastructure deficit, as they are claimed to provide access to private capital, and bring private sector efficiencies in provisioning of public services. In India too, a distinct policy shift towards PPPs in various sectors has been observed accompanied by a high degree of reliance on such partnerships to upscale the transport infrastructure. A growing body of literature however reveals serious flaws in the claims of economic superiority, effectiveness and profitability of the PPPs. They are being questioned on various accounts of transparency, accountability, equity, and excessive profiteering by the private partners. This gives rise to an advocacy for the enhanced role of the State in governance of PPPs. In this background, this research explores the nature of division of roles and responsibilities, allocation of risks and sharing of benefits by the State and the private partners within the PPPs in the context of road transport sector in India. It further examines the extent of investment of resources by the private partners in the projects. The factors shaping PPPs in road transport in India are also examined. This research suggests measures to strengthen the structures and mechanisms within the public and private partners to improve public infrastructure within the PPP framework. In order to achieve the research aims, and to gain a deeper perspective of the governance issues of PPPs from different administrative levels, two national and two state highways (one in construction while the other in operational stage in both cases) along with an intra-city transport project, part of which is already operationalised, were selected for the study. This study is rooted in critical realism according to which understanding of any social phenomenon can be achieved through study of the underlying multi-layered structures and mechanisms which cause the phenomenon. Research findings reveal that while PPP projects in highways largely followed the theoretical model of PPPs, the urban transportation project was found to be substantially deviating from a general PPP model discussed in the literature due to the unique requirements of urban transport infrastructure in India. The widely accepted argument of PPPs bringing in private capital to public services has been debunked by the Ahmedabad Bus Rapid Transit System (ABRTS). The project is substantially funded by the national and state governments due to limited incentives for the private sector to invest in these projects under BOT mode. The under-developed capability within the private sector in urban transportation projects in India resulted in unbundling of services rather than one private agency providing all of them. The local urban body has retained several risks as it more suitably located to bear them more efficiently. In the PPPs in highways, the public partner has shifted many of its responsibilities to the concessionaire primarily due to shortage of adequate manpower with the public partner, and the incentive of timely completion of the project with the private partner. Adoption of the PPP mode in highways has not been able to avoid time and cost over-runs, largely due to the public partners not meeting their share of responsibilities. Land acquisition has emerged as the single most contentious issue of PPPs in infrastructure in India and is the major cause for delay in PPP projects. In addition, serious issues in land-grabbing and profiteering by the private partners have also been observed. A more active role of the State in PPPs is suggested to improve the delivery of public services through the PPP mode. This may require establishing additional structures and mechanisms of governance to meet the emerging requirements of these new modes of procurement, and to strengthen the existing ones.
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Public-Private Partnership : countries' attractiveness and the risk of project failureMansaray, Alhassan A. January 2018 (has links)
The primary objective of this thesis is to analyse the public private partnership (PPP) framework for infrastructure development in developing countries across the six regions of the world. The thesis utilises the World Bank's private participation in infrastructure (PPI) dataset for the period 1980–2014, and examines three thematic areas. The first comprises of an exploratory analysis of the PPI dataset. The second research area focuses on the relationship between countries' attractiveness for PPPs and the characteristics of the countries, including: macroeconomic and market; fiscal constraints; regulatory and governance; and experience in PPPs, by utilising the Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial and Cragg's Double Hurdle models in an attempt to model private investors' decision to engage in PPPs as separate participation and consumption decisions. The third research area employs the methodology of survival analysis to investigate the risk of failure of PPP projects based on the allocation of residual facility ownership between the partners. The thesis's primary contributions include the utilisation of a wider and more informative range of econometric methodologies which have not been previously applied to the PPI dataset, and for the first time also, provides a framework to select an appropriate structure for PPPs that will enhance project survival. A key finding of the thesis is that private investors prioritise macroeconomic and market variables, such as price stability over regulatory and governance variables, such as corruption, in their determination as to which country to engage in PPPs. Contrary to previous research, corruption was found to be of no consequence to private investors who wish to engage in PPPs even for developing countries. Another key finding is that PPP projects which confer residual ownership on the public sector have lower risk of failure than those for which such ownership is conferred on the private sector. Evidence also suggests that the size of the project and the participation of multilateral institutions in PPPs also affect the risk of project failure.
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New decision support systems for Public Private Partnership projectsRajabi, Mohammad January 2017 (has links)
It is well established that one of the key contributing factors to the growth of countries’ economies is the existence of appropriate economic and social infrastructures. The setup of these infrastructures and their operation or delivery of public services associated with them have proved to be a costly and often unaffordable business for most governments. Therefore, private sector participation in the delivery of public services has been opted for by governments under Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). Additional reasons for the public sector to choose a PPP framework to deliver public services include the public sector representatives’ lack of sufficient technical knowledge and specifications required by most projects; the required amount of investment to implement such projects is too high to be affordable by the public sector alone; the increasing difficulties of predicting and controlling the uncertainties that typically govern the phases of such projects including the level of actual demand for the related services by the time the project is operational; the level of bureaucracy in the public sector and its implications on the time frame of decision-making processes; the relatively low efficiency in project execution by the public sector; and most importantly the fact that, in practice, these difficulties are often better managed by the private sector who seem to possess both the financial and the executive capabilities to undertake such projects Currently, there is a gap in the game theory literature on modelling PPP related decisions and issues. This thesis contributes to reducing such gap by proposing three novel and practice-oriented game theoretical models along with algorithms for solving them, namely an ordinal game for the shortlisting of potential private sector partners; two non-cooperative dynamic games for negotiation with shortlisted private sector partners and selection of private sector partner to award the PPP contract to; and a non-cooperative dynamic game for financial renegotiation post-PPP contract award. In sum, each novel game addresses an important problem faced by the private sector during the typical stages of the life cycle of PPPs, namely private sector partner selection at the tendering stage; negotiation between the public sector and shortlisted bidders to select the candidate to whom to award a PPP contract to at the post-tendering stage; and financial re-negotiation between the public sector and the selected private sector partner at the post-contract award stage.
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PPP projekty - omyl nebo racionální řešení problémů financování projektů veřejného sektoru / PPP projects - error or rational solutions to problems of financing public sector projectsSuchánek, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The Diploma thesis is dealing with the usage of the private-public partnerships in the form of PPP projects. The main aim of this work is an evaluation of the PPP method whilst providing the public good as one of the main tools of financial projects from the public sectors. The thesis is briefly introducing the principles of public sector, its role and functions along with securing public good and their financing. The first part discusses the history of PPP projects, its characteristics and typology, as well as various advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional public contract model. The analytical part is dedicated to the implementation of the private projects and to public partnership in Czech Republic. The pilot projects are the D3 motorway and judicial complex in Usti nad Labem. Foreign projects are represented by M1/M15 motorway in Hungary and its comparison with the D3 motorway. The main section of the analytical part then focuses onto the analysis of the PPP projects, in terms of their effectiveness, financial aspects and the overall merits. In particular, a critical stance on the subject guarantees its objective evaluation. The conclusion of the thesis is evaluated whether it has indeed an effective method as it's sometimes called.
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Critérios de formatação de funding para projetos em rodovias vicinais no Estado de São Paulo. / Critiria of funding format applied in projects of feeder roads in state of São Paulo.Uirá Watanabe Falseti 30 September 2008 (has links)
Este projeto de pesquisa tem como proposta o estudo dos critérios de formatação de funding1 que auxiliem nos projetos de transporte rodoviário no Brasil, em particular as estradas vicinais no Estado de São Paulo. A partir de uma análise crítica da formatação de modelos já existentes para estradas vicinais, no Brasil e no exterior, são estabelecidos processos para o levantamento e formatação de funding para esta classe de negócios. Através da condução de um estudo de caso destinado a avaliar a aplicação destes processos, ao final, esta proposição de critérios é consolidada em um conjunto de diretrizes para a formatação de funding para projetos de estradas vicinais. Desta forma, as empresas do setor de transporte rodoviário e ligadas às atividades do Agronegócio poderão alcançar níveis mais eficientes de planejamento e competitividade, melhorando o suporte às decisões de nível tático, tanto no ambiente da empresa quanto dos empreendimentos de estradas vicinais. / The objective of this research is to study the existing criteria of funding`s models applied in projects of road transportation in Brazil, in particular the feed roads in state of São Paulo. Starting from a critical analysis of existing references and criteria of funding`s models in feeder roads in Brazil and surrounding, processes and database are established to give support to format this type of business. Through study case required to evaluate the application of these processes, at the end, these criteria are consolidated to provide guidelines to format funding applied in feeder roads. So that, the companies of the sector of road transport and agribusiness sector will be able to reach more efficient levels of planning and competitiveness, and improve their support to tactical level decisions, as much in the environment of the company such as the environment of enterprises of feeder roads.
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Interação público-privada no ambiente urbano: uma análise dos instrumentos jurídicos / Public private interaction in the urban environment: an analisys of the legal instruments.Renata Nadalin Meireles 20 May 2014 (has links)
A tão conhecida segmentação dos direitos em público e privado, marcante nos sistemas jurídicos romanísticos, têm sido alvo de questionamentos em razão de sua insuficiência para explicar fenômenos que não mais se reconduzem a uma ou outra rubrica. Tem-se, dessa forma, que os setores público e privado estão cada vez mais imbricados, o que demanda do jurista e dos legisladores a criação de novas categorias e instrumentos, ou mesmo um câmbio de interpretação no tocante a categorias antigas. O Urbanismo, a sua vez, é fértil em oferecer exemplos de imbricação entre público e privado, uma vez que o ambiente da urbe é prenhe de manifestação dos mais diversos interesses que, mais e mais, têm sido objeto de acolhimento pelo ordenamento jurídico. Nesse quadro, a dissertação propõe-se a demonstrar como o ambiente urbano constantemente desafia a divisão rígida entre público e privado, para, na sequência, se dedicar à análise: (i) dos mecanismos de participação na concertação público-privada, com foco, sobretudo, na definição das políticas públicas de cunho urbanístico; (ii) e dos instrumentos contratuais entendidos de forma ampla cada vez mais utilizados na formatação das operações urbanísticas / The well known division between public and private law, classical in romanistic legal systems, has suffered considerable challenges due to its insufficiency to explain issues that may not be included in one or another side. As a consequence, private and public are more and more integrated which demands from jurists and legislators the creation of new categories and instruments or even the change of interpretation of old conceptions. Urbanism, on its turn, is a fertile soil in offering examples of the integration between private and public, since the environment of the city is rich in manifestations of the most diverse interests, which, more and more, are being accepted and considered by the legal orders. In this scenario, this essay aims at demonstrating how the urban environment frequently challenges the rigid division between public and private and thus will be dedicated to analyze (i) the mechanisms of joint participation of public and private players in the definition of public policies of urban issues; and (ii) the contractual instruments understood broadly widely used to the implementation of urban projects.
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