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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Riviéra vzletná! / Riviera takes wing!

Kysela, Vladimír Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis concerns the replenishment of the urban mosaic of Frýdek-Místek regional town in the Czech Republic. A new local vision for the Riviéra housing estate is to be set. The intervention area spirals around the brownfield of a former spinning factory, which is included into the modernist urban area. The brownfield neighbours with the Janáček park, which is standing out in the surroundings in the means of the articulation and condition of the public space. The fenced areal, on the other hand, forms a barrier to the urban life. The aspiration of the project is to unscramble the potential of the unbuilt area within the vivid part of the town.

Vodojemy - Brno, Žlutý kopec / Reservoirs - Brno, Zluty kopec (Yellow hill)

Mokrášová, Nina Unknown Date (has links)
The planning area is situated on the border of historical city of Brno and the district of Stránice in the close vicinity of the important transport hub Vaňkovo square. It spreads between two main streets - Tomešová and Tvrého. The main dominant of this location is a built-up area of The Hospital. The uniqueness of this place is also related to the city’s historical centre, the view of the Špilberk Castle and at the same time the historical uniqueness hidden underground of the plot. Therefore, the aim of the work is to increase the attractiveness of the area and pleasant environment for inhabitants of the city regarding to the surrounding buildings. Also to open up magnificant spaces of historical water reservoirs to the public and thus increase the social level and attendance of this locality.

The transformation of Gandhi Square: the search for socially inclusive heritage and public space in the Johannesburg city centre

Itzkin, Eric 10 March 2009 (has links)
ABSTRACT The need to create socially inclusive public space has gained increasing attention among policy makers at the City of Johannesburg. A rise in the privatisation of public space has however been criticised by some analysts as exclusionary. In that context, this study explores the recent development of Gandhi Square as a central city heritage site which operates as privately-managed public space. The re-imaging of the Square has been inspired by M.K. Gandhi’s association with the site. As its main aim, the study assesses the effectiveness of heritage interventions made at the site in meeting their intended goal of addressing a legacy of spatial exclusion through the creation of socially inclusive public space. It evaluates the historical legacy of M.K. Gandhi as the figurehead for the new Square, considered in relation to issues of social inclusion and diversity. Further, the study explores whether the private management of Gandhi square accommodates diversity. It concludes that Gandhi Square is, on both a symbolic and functional level, broadly inclusive of diversity in the context of the Johannesburg inner city.

Breadcrumbs : Citizen’s house and nodes along Rickleån / Breadcrumbs : Medborgarhus och noder längs Rickleån

Westlund, Alva January 2023 (has links)
Breadcrumbs is a continuation of the collaboration between Robertsfors municipality, ARKNAT, and Umeå School of Architecture, to create site-specific wind shelters along the hikingpath of fiske- and flottarstigen aiming to revitalize the path and promote a new experience in nature. The objective with “Breadcrumbs” is to attract attention and promote tourism in the municipality without solely relying on the anticipated railway project Norrbottniabanan by creating an architectural spectacle that aligns with the aesthetic expression of one of the wind shelters. The concept of nanotourism is used as a tool throughout the project as a critique towards the social and environmental strains associated with tourism. By doing so “Breadcrumbs” aim to cultivate a sense of pride and ownership within the local community and be mindful of the rural context. The project establishes a network of information spots along the hiking path, where the primary material is wood. These spots, strategically located near bus stations to encourage car-less transportation, feature bulletin boards displaying current events, maps of activities and detours, and a leisure library offering equipment like skis, and bikes to borrow. This enriches the hiking experience and enhances the attractiveness of the path. Medborgarhuset serves as the central node of the network. Lanterns are designed to be the structure's load-bearing elements. Medborgarhuset acts as a destination in itself due to its design, programs, and location, but also serves as the starting point for the exploration of the rest of Robertsfors.

Enabling temporary use of public space / Temporär aktivering av det offentliga rummet

Liabäck Löwstett, Felicia January 2018 (has links)
Public space, where ordinary situations and everyday life takes place, is a concept that has gone from being ignored to becoming the core of urban development. As the interest of public space is increasing, so does the critique. A critique that in Kista criticizes public space for being neglected, segregated and scary. Nevertheless, Kista is standing before several urban renewal projects aiming to be a place of mixed functions and vibrancy. However, these projects are both time-consuming and complex and will not be able to address the issues within the nearest future. By introducing temporary use of public space, ideals such as placemaking and temporary urbanism may deal with the amount of time being consumed during the planning processes of formulation, approval, adaption and implementation. It is done so by activating space through meanwhile usage. By studying places, functions and actors in Kista, the aim is to develop a method to initiate and implement the concept of temporary use of space, in accordance to the Swedish planning system. Through a literature review, a city’s function is being analyzed, definitions of public space identified and urbans ideals/ theories explored. Furthermore, two urban renewal projects are being studied, where strategic structures of how to develop temporary initiatives is analyzed. From the literature review follows a case study where interviews and observations are being conducted to gain local knowledge and professional expertise. There are both general drivers and specific features found in Kista arguing for temporary use of space, which results in a strategy and a process. The strategy is of a comprehensive approach aiming to initiate the concept of temporary use while the process is about how to implement temporary activities. To initiate and implement temporary use of space several strategic structures are suggested. The study suggests an early implementation within a larger urban renewal project, developed together with a vision and municipal plan and program. The method should be of a top-down structure, led by Kista Science City and developed by the City of Stockholm and real estate developers in Kista. The community should act as co-creators during the development and implementation of temporary activities. Space chosen for temporary used should be done so with care, in relation to knowledge of what attracts people and preconditions in Kista. The structure of the process needs to be dynamic, giving room for changes and improvements.

Blue Ti(d)e - Exploring the role of water as Örebro’s meeting space

Lichvárová, Sofia, Spanlang, Sophie Barbara January 2022 (has links)
In 1888, the lake Hjälmaren underwent a process of lowering by almost 2 metres with the aim of gaining 19.000 ha of arable land. This process had a wide array of ecological implications, and in connection with other historical events, it also resulted in spatial and social cracks dividing the city of Örebro laying on Hjälmaren’s west shore. The changing physical aspects of the city have led us to question the relationship of humans and species to the lake, but also to the stream Svartån connecting the lake and the city. Örebro used to be a city of collective practices and shared resources. It had much stronger ties to water as it used to be more present and made the city more centre-oriented. This does not apply today - the city’s development is oriented outwards, its centre lacks in quality non-consumerist spaces and capitalism and individualism are at the forefront. With this explorative design thesis, we propose solutions to activate Hjälmaren and Svartån. Our project widens the offer of common spaces and resources in Örebro, giving its residents more opportunities to interact in the everyday presence of water – just like in the past, but with a more modern spin.

Vem betalar den kommunalainfrastrukturen? : Tillämpning av exploateringsavtal / Who Pays for the Municipality’s Infrastructure? : Application of Land Development Agreements

Hallbäck, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
I takt med att samhällen utvecklas och exploateras behöver även infrastruktur byggas ut. Samhället harett gemensamt behov av allmänna platser såsom vägar, gator, grönområden samt platser för rekreation,lek och motion. Som utgångspunkt är det kommunen som är ansvarig för dessa allmänna platser.Kommunernas resurser är dock begränsade och infrastruktur är kostsam. Till följd av offentliga investeringarökar värden på marken hos de fastigheter som har möjlighet att använda de allmänna platserna.Dessa värden kan anses som oförtjänta då de uppstår på grund av offentliga investeringar. Utefterdetta har system för fördelning av kostnader motiverats.År 2015 infördes ett nytt system för exploateringsavtal som delvis har till syfte till att kunna finansierade offentliga investeringar som behövs vid genomförandet av en detaljplan. Lagregleringenhar som ändamål att skapa ett system för förutsägbarhet och lagstöd och samtidigt en möjlighet tillanpassning i varje unik situation. System för fördelning av värden har generellt som mål att vara rättvisaoch effektiva. Vid lagstiftning behöver det ske en avvägning mellan rättvisa och effektivitet föratt skapa ett ändamålsenligt system.Genom exploateringsavtalen har kommunen möjlighet att ålägga exploatörer att vidta och finansieraåtgärder för anläggandet av allmänna platser. Det finns restriktioner genom huvudsakligen tvårekvisit; åtgärden måste vara nödvändig för genomförandet av planen och åtagandet måste vara rimligti förhållande till exploatörens nytta av planen.Syftet med denna studie har varit att utreda vem det är som betalar för vilka allmänna platser.Den situation som studerats är när kommunen är huvudman och använder sig av exploateringsavtal.Med en rättsdogmatisk metod har rättsläget för exploateringsavtal utretts. Förfarandet ska visa vemsom ska betala för vilka allmänna platser enligt lag. Utöver detta har studien använt ett samhällsvetenskapligtperspektiv i syfte att se hur tillämpandet av exploateringsavtal sker i praktiken i förhållandetill gällande rätt. För att kunna analysera resultatet på ett systematiskt sätt har fördelningssystemetjämförts med vedertagna rättviseteorier och principer.Resultatet av sammanställningen tyder på att det finns avtal som inte stämmer överens med gällandelagstiftning. En del avtal tycks gå utöver det som är stadgat i lag. Det finns avtal som åläggerexploatörer åtgärder som inte kan anses vara nödvändiga. Dessutom är det många gånger ifrågasättbartom fördelningen mellan de olika parterna är i enighet med lagen. Tvivel finns angående vilken omfattningexploatören ska vara med och finansiera för att det fortfarande ska gå att anses som nödvän diga åtgärder. Rekvisitet angående att åtagandet ska vara rimligt i förhållande till nyttan borde varauppfyllt i de undersökta avtalen. Bestämmelsen kan även ha använts för att skapa en fördelning avkostnaderna mellan olika exploatörer. I dessa fall är det svårare att bedöma om villkoret använts enligtlag.Vem som faktiskt betalar för kostnaderna i slutändan verkar bero på i vilken marknadssituationprojektet befinner sig. Ett alternativ innebär att det är bostadskonsumenterna som påverkas av deökade kostnaderna. Ett annat tänkbart alternativ innebär att när ett exploateringsprojekt påförs merkostnader påverkar detta vilket pris exploatören kan tänkas köpa marken för. Därmed blir det den ursprungligamarkägaren som huvudsakligen påverkas av de ökade kostnaderna.Om systemet är rättvist beror på vilka värderingar som anses ligga till grund för rättvisan ochdessa är subjektiva. Dock bör tillämpningen vara i enlighet med lagen för att systemet ska vara effektivt.När tillämpningen inte följer lagen finns risk för fler konfliktpunkter samt minskat förtroende ochnegativ inställning till projektet hos exploatörerna. / When urban areas are developed, it is often necessary to develop the infrastructure. The society has aneed for public places such as roads, squares, parks and playgrounds. The outset is that the municipalityis responsible for the public places. However, the resources are limited and infrastructure is costly.When the values on the land increases as a result of the public investments there is a possibility toimpose the landowners to pay for these.New rules about land development agreements were introduced in 2015 with the purpose of distributingthe costs for public places through the agreements. A general goal for the legislation of distributionsystems is to be effective and fair. There has to be a consideration of both justice and effectivenessin order to make the distribution system fulfill its purpose. Through the development agreementsthe municipality can impose the developers to pay for the public places that is necessary to carryout the plan and reasonable in comparison to the landowner’s benefit of the plan.The aim with this study is to investigate who pays for which public places. This study have examinedthe situation where the municipality has the responsibility for public places and uses land developmentagreements. An investigation of existing law has been done in order to show who is possibleto impose to pay for what. In addition has this study investigated how the usage of the land developmentagreements are used in practice. A comparison between the legislation and practice has beencarried out in order to see if the agreements are in accordance with the legislation. Furthermore, thesystem has been compared to some theories and concepts of justice.The result shows that there are agreements that does not seem to be in accordance with the legislation.Some of the public places does not seem to be necessary and it is questionable how much of themeasure can be imposed to the developer. The agreements are neither specified enough in order to bein accordance with law.Who actually pays for the public places in the end seems to depend on the market situation inwhich they are carried out. If the system is fair depends on the subjective values that lays ground forjustice. The legislation and implementation also shows faults in the system in order for it to be effective.When the municipality goes further than the law allows there is a risk for increase in conflicts andalso reduced trust and a bad attitude towards the project.

The construction of identity : An urban study of the Centrums of Rinkeby, Tensta and Husby / Konstruktion av identitet : En stadsstudie av Rinkeby, Tensta och Husby Centrum

Mekler, Sandra, Alfredo, Ambre January 2019 (has links)
The Stockholm Municipality has set inclusion at the core of its objectives for the city with its “Vision 2040: A Stockholm for Everyone” (Stockholm Stad, 2018). Acknowledging the divide between neighborhoods, the government has brought forward social sustainability as a key component to improve the fast-growing city. This research focuses on three of the most stigmatized neighborhoods of Stockholm: Rinkeby, Tensta, and Husby, where residents are predominantly of foreign background, to offer an alternative way of understanding inclusion. Specifically, this study looks into the public spaces at the center of these three neighborhoods in a comparative analysis of public life. The collaborative project presented here shows the importance of these centrums in supporting community life in the suburbs. Drawing from Setha Low’s research on public squares in Costa Rica, the following paragraphs suggest public space is not only produced by those who envision it, but also constructed by those who use it, through daily processes, behaviors, and habits. These observed patterns carry significance as they forge the character of a place, and address practices and emotions within a collective identity. The thesis puts emphasis on the dynamic nature of public space, the relationship between morphology and use, and the potential neighborhood centers have for becoming hubs of inclusion.

Civic Hall "Passagen" / Civic Hall "Passagen"

Börgö, Arvid January 2019 (has links)
Strängnäs är en stad med rötter långt tillbaka i historien, och som har ett vackert och blandat stadslandskap. Uppgiften i mitt kandidatprojekt har varit att utforma ett förslag på medborgarhus, beläget på en tomtyta bredvid ett bankhus i kanten till Västervikstorget. Närheten till vattnet, rörelsen på de offentliga ytorna och småskalighetens relation till det mer storskaliga, är teman som har varit viktiga i utformandet av förslaget. Ambitionen med mitt förslag är att skapa en plats som både ger Strängnäs nya offentliga rum och funktionella ytor, men som även binder ihop den närmsta miljön och inbjuder till rörelse. Genom att arbeta med de siktlinjer och offentliga förbindelser som byggnadens tomrum skapar, väcker projektet frågor om hur vår mänskliga nyfikenhet och förväntan kan användas som arkitektoniskt grepp. Förslagets gestaltning tar också upp frågor om hur det intima kan möta det offentliga, hur öppenhet kan förenas med slutenhet. / Strängnäs is a city dating a long way back in Swedish history, and which has a beautiful and varying cityscape. The task in my Bachelor project was to design a proposal for a civic hall, located in a central area of Strängnäs next to the plaza "Västervikstorget". Three important factors that have been important in the design process is the closeness to the water, the movement across the public space and the relationship between the intimate and more large-scale local architecture. The ambition of my proposed civic hall is to create a building that while providing new public space and social functions in Strängnäs, also binds together its close surroundings and initiates movement. By working with the different lines of sight and public pathways that emerge in the space between the bodies of the building, the project raises questions about how human curiosity and the sense of anticipation can be utilised in (public) architecture. The project also gives rise to discussion about how spatial intimacy can be combined with public architecture, the latter traditionally being more exposed. How can the contrasts between an open and a closed design get closer to each other?

The production of space : An urban study of the Centrums of Rinkeby, Tensta and Husby / Produktionen av rumslighet : En stadstudie av centrummiljöerna i Rinkeby, Tensta och Husby

Fique, Simon January 2019 (has links)
The Stockholm Municipality has set inclusion at the core of its objectives for the city with its “Vision 2040: A Stockholm for Everyone”. Acknowledging the divide between neighborhoods, the government has brought forward social sustainability as a key component to improve the fast- growing city. This research focuses on three of the most stigmatized neighborhoods of Stockholm: Rinkeby, Tensta, and Husby, where residents are predominantly of foreign background, to offer an alternative way of understanding inclusion. Specifically, this study looks into the public spaces at the center of these three neighborhoods in a comparative analysis of public life. The collaborative project presented here shows the importance of these centrums in supporting community life in the suburbs. Drawing from Setha Low’s research on public squares in Costa Rica, the following work suggest public space is not only produced by those who envision it, but also constructed by those who use it, through daily processes, behaviors, and habits. These observed patterns carry significance as they forge the character of a place, and address practices and emotions within a collective identity. The thesis puts emphasis on the dynamic nature of public space, the relationship between morphology and use, and the potential neighborhood centers have for becoming hubs of inclusion.

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