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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La prescription littéraire sur les réseaux socionumériques de lecteurs / The literary prescription on book social networks

Wiart, Louis 26 November 2015 (has links)
L’apparition des réseaux socionumériques de lecteurs au tournant des années 2000, liée au développement du web social et aux innovations technologiques qui traversent l’industrie du livre, renouvelle les moyens par lesquels les lecteurs accèdentaux informations sur les oeuvres littéraires et en diffusent autour d’eux. Goodreads, aNobii, Shelfari, LibraryThing, Babelio, BdGest, Booknode, Critiques Libres, Entrée Livre, Lecteurs, Libfly, Livraddict, Lecture Academy, MyBoox et beaucoup d’autres plateformes dédiées à la critique de livres sont devenues des lieux incontournables de prescription littéraire. Cette thèse analyse la contribution des réseaux socionumériques de lecteurs à la prescription littéraire, à travers une approche inter‐dimensionnelle destinée à saisir les conditions de l’offre et de la demande de prescription sur Internet. D’un point de vue empirique, l’observation des sites, la réalisation d’entretiens, la diffusion d’un questionnaire et le recueil de traces d’usage, constituent autant de techniques qui nous permettent de recueillir les données nécessaires à la réalisation de l’étude. À l’arrivée, nous mettons au jour les logiques de sociabilité et les modes d’utilisation privilégiés par ces services numériques. Les stratégies, les modes de fonctionnement, les trajectoires de développement et les modèles de valorisation économique qui caractérisent les acteurs engagés sur ce secteur d’activité sont également analysés. En outre, nous portons un éclairage sur les profils et les usages des internautes qui fréquentent les réseaux socionumériques de lecteurs. Enfin, nous interrogeons leurs effets sur la visibilité en ligne des oeuvres littéraires. / The emergence of book social networks during the 2000s, linked to the development of social media and technological innovations in the publishing industry, renews the means by which readers access information about books and share it withothers. Goodreads, aNobii, Shelfari, LibraryThing, Babelio, BdGest, Booknode, Critiques Libres, Entrée Livre, Lecteurs, Libfly, Livraddict, Lecture Academy, MyBoox and many other platforms dedicated to book reviews have become key places of literaryprescription. This thesis analyzes the contribution of book social networks to the literary prescription, through an inter‐dimensional approach that allows us to understand the conditions of supply and demand of prescription on Internet. From an empirical point of view, we observed the websites, conducted interviews, distributed a questionnaire and collected traces of use to gather the data needed to conduct the study. Firstly, we identify the logics of sociability and the usage patterns of these digitalservices. Strategies, modes of operation, trajectories of development and business models that characterize the actors involved in this sector are also analyzed. In addition, we study the profiles and uses of people who visit book social networks. Finally, wequestion the effects of these networks on the online visibility of literary works.

O uso do livro eletrônico no ensino superior sob a ótica dos professores universitários e profissionais de editoras / Ebook usage in universities from the point of view of professors and publishing company professionals

Pinsky, Daniel 15 May 2009 (has links)
A digitalização e a popularização da internet podem fazer o livro impresso, que existe há mais de quinhentos anos, desaparecer em um futuro próximo. Diversos produtos pertencentes à mesma indústria de bens informativos, como a música, vêm atualmente sendo entregues pela indústria e consumidos de maneira bastante diferente de alguns anos atrás. Livros continuam sendo majoritariamente consumidos em seu formato impresso. Por quê? O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar as diferenças de percepção sobre a adoção de livros didáticos eletrônicos entre professores universitários e profissionais da indústria editorial. A pesquisa utiliza o método survey e o instrumento desenvolvido por Moore e Benbasat (1991) sobre adoção de inovações. Foram pesquisadas as percepções de professores universitários e profissionais de editoras sobre a possível utilização de livros eletrônicos didáticos no lugar de impressos. As conclusões indicam que os professores estão mais preparados para a utilização de livros eletrônicos do que imaginam os profissionais de editoras. / The digitization and the spread of the internet may result in the extinction of the printed book, that has existed for more than 500 years. Many products that belongs to the same information industry, like thes the music, are currently being provided by the industry and consumed in radically different manners as compared to just few years ago. Books still have been consumed mainly in the printed format. Why is that? The main objective of this research is to identify the differences in perception about the adoption of electronic didactic books among university professors and publishing professionals. This research uses the Survey as its method and the instrument developed by Moore and Benbasat (1991) about the adoption of innovations. Professors´ and Publishing professionals´ perceptions were investigated in what it concerned the possible use of electronic didactic books replacing the printed. It is concluded that professors are more prepared to make use of electronic books than it is imagined by the publishing professionals.

O PCB e os livros: a Editorial Calvino no período da legalidade do partido nos anos 1940 (1943-1948) / PCB and the books: Editorial Calvino in party legality period in the 40s (1943-1948)

Juberte, Vinícius de Oliveira 20 September 2016 (has links)
A dissertação aborda a difusão da literatura marxista no Brasil na década de 1940 no período de reorganização e legalidade do PCB (Partido Comunista Brasileiro), que tem início com a II Conferência Nacional do partido em agosto de 1943 (Conferência da Mantiqueira) e vai até a cassação dos parlamentares comunistas pelo governo Dutra em janeiro de 1948. Trata-te de entender essa difusão pela atuação do editor José Calvino Filho e da Editorial Calvino Limitada, ligada ao PCB. Para isso, são analisados os catálogos dessa editora, os anúncios da mesma, artigos do editor presentes nos periódicos da época, além dos livros editados por ele. Por essa análise pretende-se compreender o papel das edições do partido na sua reorganização e na conformação do movimento comunista brasileiro no período, levando em conta as obras de caráter marxista publicados por Calvino Filho nesses anos, a sua natureza (doutrinária, política, de organização partidária, literatura operária, análises sobre a Rússia socialista, memórias, etc.), o nível de produção da editora através do número de publicações, e a relação entre o tipo de obras publicadas e a linha política adotada pelo partido nesse momento. / The thesis addresses the diffusion of the Marxist literature in Brazil during the 1940s in the period of reorganisation and and legitimacy of the PCB (Communist Brazilian Party), which begins with the Second National Conference of the party in August 1943 (Mantiqueira Conference) and goes on until de repeal of the communist parliamentarians by the Dutra government in January 1948. It regards understanding this diffusion through the performance of the editor José Calvino Filho and the Editorial Calvino Limitada, connected to PCB. For that, the catalogues of the aforementioned publishing company and its advertising have been analysed, as well as articles by the editor printed in the newspapers of the time, and the books edited by him. Through this analysis it is intended to comprehend the role of the partys editions in its reorganisation and in the conformation of the Brazilian communist movement of the time, taking into account the works of Marxist features published by Calvino Filho in these years, their nature (doctrinaire, political, of party organisation, working literature, analysis over socialist Russia, memories, etc), the level of production of the publishing company through the number of publications, and the relationship between the type of published works and the political line adopted by the party in this moment.

圖書出版業隨需出版策略之個案研究 / A Case Study of Books on Demand Strategy in Book Publishing Industry

徐立軒, Hsu, Li Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
書本是推動文明進步不可或缺的一大利器,人們透過書本的知識來提升自己的能力,但現今的社會主要書本來源大多數皆由出版社主導編輯、出版及發行。因此本論文以不同的角度來討論幾個議題:從作者的角度來看,作者會希望可以擺脫出版社的控制並自行出版;出版社對通路的庫存量可以控制數量的需求;讀者可以自行決定閱讀內容,作出屬於自己的一本書。綜合以上的不同角度的出版需求議題,我們稱為隨需出版。 本論文首先分析出版業的總體環境,接下來透過次級資料收集及訪談方式,從作者、庫存及客製的需求角度來討論隨需出版。我們發現到從作者出版的需求,在美國及台灣都有業者提供相關的服務;從庫存的需求,我們透過訪問秀威資訊,他們利用印刷技術,讓庫存上升的量風險下降;從客製的需求,我們透過訪問旗標資訊,了解他們如何滿足對於大型企業客戶的需求出版。 另外我們也思考如何從單一讀者的需求,可以從建立出版平台,讀者依據自己想要的內容決定出版的書籍。因此本論文提出了以讀者為導向的隨需出版的觀念,讓讀者可以自行選擇想要內容來編輯書籍的出版模式,並且提出在老師編輯教材及個人研究方面的可能應用。 總之我們發現除了以讀者為導向的隨需出版仍需要深入研究外,其他種類需求仍不斷進步。雖然目前還沒有業者從事相關的工作,但未來讀者想要依據自己想要閱讀材料的需求日漸抬頭,相信我們所提出來的構想,一定會被實現。 / Books were an indispensable tool in helping the progress of civilization. People enhance their capacity through reading books. Nowadays, the provision of books was most dominated by the Press in terms of editing, publishing and issue. Therefore, this paper adopts different point of views to discuss several important issues. From the author's perspective, they wish to get rid of the control of the Press and publish on their own. Press, however, control the number of demand on the inventory of the market. Readers, on the other hand, wish to decide to what to read from the books. The comprehensive analysis from different point of view on publishing demand issues is so called “Book on-demand publishing”. This thesis analyzes the overall environment of the publishing industry, followed through secondary data collection and interviews from authors, inventory, and customized on-demand publishing. We visited the Show-We information company which took advantages of state of art printing technology in order to reduce the risks as the result from the increase of inventory; from the demand for customized, We visited the Flag publishing company. We understood how they meet the needs of enterprise customers for publishing. In addition, we also thought about how to establish a publishing platform on the basis of a single reader’s demand. In other words, the readers publish their own books based on the content they want to read. This thesis proposed the reader-oriented concept of demand publishing. Readers could select the desired content to be codifies in published form. We also propose the potential application of the demand publishing in the context of educational materials. In sum, we found that in-depth study in addition to on-demand publishing of reader-oriented and other types of customers-oriented is necessary. Although there is no industry engaged in such work, the need for readers-oriented publishing is rising. In the near future, we believe that our proposal could contribute the demand publishing.

The Effect of Brand Loyalty for Customer in Publishing Industry of English Teaching of English Teacher Training Activities¡V With Oxford University Press (Taiwan Branch) English Teacher Training Seminar As an example.

Chen, I-chi 24 June 2008 (has links)
Abstract Because the government¡¦s control over the publishing industry of English teaching has loosened, foreign companies start to set up agencies in Taiwan. In addition, due to more attention on English education by the public in recent years, the potential market of the publishing industry becomes larger; publishing companies try to share the benefit of the huge market, so the competitions in the industry also become extremely drastic. The foreign publishing company has kept higher market share until the chain of cram school raised and the native advantages plus tricks used by the local publishing companies. Thus, the foreign publishing companies now face a big challenge of ¡§live or die¡¨. The structure of the thesis is focused on the marketing mix of Oxford University Press (Taiwan Branch). The outset is the motivation, and a questionnaire is designed to investigate the six dimensions of marketing mix including seminar, product, price, promotion, place and loyalty. The interview was also carried out to complement and intensify the empirical analysis. The result is used to build the constructive marketing strategy for Oxford University Press (Taiwan Branch) to offer the reference of the company¡¦s business strategy. The results came from the research are: 1.For the most participators, their motivation of participation is increasing their teaching experiences. 2.Participators are highly satisfied with the teacher training seminar and all the factors are over 70%. 3.If participators have high satisfaction with entirely teacher training seminar, they are willing to continue to participate in the seminar, and will recommend the seminar to other people. 4.Participating in the teacher training seminar and buying teaching products have high correlation. 5.Participators are unsatisfied with promotion activities, but the satisfaction with product, price and place are over 65% Keyword: marketing mix, publishing industry of English teaching, loyalty, satisfaction, teacher training seminar.

Canadian books to readers everywhere: an examination of book policy development at the Department of Canadian Heritage /

Dingle, Sarah. January 2006 (has links)
Project Report (M.Pub.) - Simon Fraser University, 2006. / Theses (Master of Publishing Program) / Simon Fraser University.

O PCB e os livros: a Editorial Calvino no período da legalidade do partido nos anos 1940 (1943-1948) / PCB and the books: Editorial Calvino in party legality period in the 40s (1943-1948)

Vinícius de Oliveira Juberte 20 September 2016 (has links)
A dissertação aborda a difusão da literatura marxista no Brasil na década de 1940 no período de reorganização e legalidade do PCB (Partido Comunista Brasileiro), que tem início com a II Conferência Nacional do partido em agosto de 1943 (Conferência da Mantiqueira) e vai até a cassação dos parlamentares comunistas pelo governo Dutra em janeiro de 1948. Trata-te de entender essa difusão pela atuação do editor José Calvino Filho e da Editorial Calvino Limitada, ligada ao PCB. Para isso, são analisados os catálogos dessa editora, os anúncios da mesma, artigos do editor presentes nos periódicos da época, além dos livros editados por ele. Por essa análise pretende-se compreender o papel das edições do partido na sua reorganização e na conformação do movimento comunista brasileiro no período, levando em conta as obras de caráter marxista publicados por Calvino Filho nesses anos, a sua natureza (doutrinária, política, de organização partidária, literatura operária, análises sobre a Rússia socialista, memórias, etc.), o nível de produção da editora através do número de publicações, e a relação entre o tipo de obras publicadas e a linha política adotada pelo partido nesse momento. / The thesis addresses the diffusion of the Marxist literature in Brazil during the 1940s in the period of reorganisation and and legitimacy of the PCB (Communist Brazilian Party), which begins with the Second National Conference of the party in August 1943 (Mantiqueira Conference) and goes on until de repeal of the communist parliamentarians by the Dutra government in January 1948. It regards understanding this diffusion through the performance of the editor José Calvino Filho and the Editorial Calvino Limitada, connected to PCB. For that, the catalogues of the aforementioned publishing company and its advertising have been analysed, as well as articles by the editor printed in the newspapers of the time, and the books edited by him. Through this analysis it is intended to comprehend the role of the partys editions in its reorganisation and in the conformation of the Brazilian communist movement of the time, taking into account the works of Marxist features published by Calvino Filho in these years, their nature (doctrinaire, political, of party organisation, working literature, analysis over socialist Russia, memories, etc), the level of production of the publishing company through the number of publications, and the relationship between the type of published works and the political line adopted by the party in this moment.

O uso do livro eletrônico no ensino superior sob a ótica dos professores universitários e profissionais de editoras / Ebook usage in universities from the point of view of professors and publishing company professionals

Daniel Pinsky 15 May 2009 (has links)
A digitalização e a popularização da internet podem fazer o livro impresso, que existe há mais de quinhentos anos, desaparecer em um futuro próximo. Diversos produtos pertencentes à mesma indústria de bens informativos, como a música, vêm atualmente sendo entregues pela indústria e consumidos de maneira bastante diferente de alguns anos atrás. Livros continuam sendo majoritariamente consumidos em seu formato impresso. Por quê? O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar as diferenças de percepção sobre a adoção de livros didáticos eletrônicos entre professores universitários e profissionais da indústria editorial. A pesquisa utiliza o método survey e o instrumento desenvolvido por Moore e Benbasat (1991) sobre adoção de inovações. Foram pesquisadas as percepções de professores universitários e profissionais de editoras sobre a possível utilização de livros eletrônicos didáticos no lugar de impressos. As conclusões indicam que os professores estão mais preparados para a utilização de livros eletrônicos do que imaginam os profissionais de editoras. / The digitization and the spread of the internet may result in the extinction of the printed book, that has existed for more than 500 years. Many products that belongs to the same information industry, like thes the music, are currently being provided by the industry and consumed in radically different manners as compared to just few years ago. Books still have been consumed mainly in the printed format. Why is that? The main objective of this research is to identify the differences in perception about the adoption of electronic didactic books among university professors and publishing professionals. This research uses the Survey as its method and the instrument developed by Moore and Benbasat (1991) about the adoption of innovations. Professors´ and Publishing professionals´ perceptions were investigated in what it concerned the possible use of electronic didactic books replacing the printed. It is concluded that professors are more prepared to make use of electronic books than it is imagined by the publishing professionals.

Supply chain integration i förlagsbranschen

Johansson, Erik, Lindh, Andreas, Rogarn, Klara January 2020 (has links)
Den här studien fokuserar på digitaliserade kommunikationslösningar inom en leveranskedja för magasin samt de möjligheter som uppstår vid integrering inom leveranskedjan. Vårt tillvägagångssätt var att undersöka leveranskedjan för ett förlag lokaliserat i Sverige. Datainsamlingsprocessen baseras på en metod av att intervjua sex olika parter från leveranskedjan för magasin. De som intervjuats har olika positioner bland olika företag inom leveranskedjan och presenteras anonymt i vår studie. Studien visar att leveranskedjan för magasin har kommit långt med att integrera men att det fortfarande finns utrymme för förbättringar. När det gäller digitalisering fann vi att parterna inom leveranskedjan mest använder standardkommunikationsverktyg som mail och telefoner men att automatiseringsprocesserna har börjat och är på väg att implementeras. Inom leveranskedjan har organisationerna utvecklat en pålitlig och öppen kommunikation vilket skapar möjlighet för integration i leveranskedjan. / This study focuses on digitalized communication solutions within a supply chain and the opportunities that arises when creating a more integrated supply chain for magazines. Our approach was to examine the supply chain for a magazine publisher based in Sweden. The data gathering process was based on a method of interviewing six different party representatives from the supply chain for magazines. The interviewees all hold different positions within different companies and are made anonymous in our study. The study shows that the supply chain for magazines has already come a long way in integrating but still there is room for improvement. When it comes to digitalization, we found that they mostly use standard communication tools between the parties such as email and phones but the automation processes has started and is on its way of being implemented. Within the supply chain the organizations have developed a trusting and transparent communication and have the possibility of integrating the supply chain.

The translation of children's literature in the South African educational context

Kruger, Haidee 28 May 2010 (has links)
Abstract Research on the translation of children’s literature in South Africa is currently in its nascent stages. This study aims to provide a comprehensive descriptive overview of current practices in the translation of children’s literature in South Africa, particularly against the backdrop of the educational context. It espouses a broadly causal view of translation, but also encompasses a comparative and process model (see Chesterman, 2000). Translation is used to a significant degree in the production of children’s books in South Africa. However, it is not clear exactly to what degree translation is utilised, nor is there any information available about how translation contributes to the production of children’s books in South Africa. This study addresses these questions. Based on survey research among publishers, and the analysis of publishing data, it finds that there are significant differences between the ways in which translation is used in the production of children’s books in the various languages in South Africa. Specifically, translation is used much more extensively in the African languages than in Afrikaans and English, with a correspondingly lower incidence of original production in the African languages. Furthermore, the educational discourse has a profound effect on the uses of translation in the production of children’s books in South Africa. However, the educational discourse has a greater determining effect on the production of books for children in the African languages than in Afrikaans and English. Theoretical discourse surrounding domestication and foreignisation is particularly problematic in the South African context, and findings from a survey among translators indicate that translators from different language groups have different opinions about whether children’s books should be translated using domesticating or foreignising approaches. The above findings broadly deal with the contextual dimension. They are concerned with how social, ideological and material factors and discourses affect the ways in which translation is used in the production of children’s books in South Africa. At this point the matter of translation theory is introduced. It is questioned to what degree contemporary context-oriented translation theory manages to provide a satisfactory explanation of the South African situation. It is argued that polysystem theory and Toury’s (1995) concept of translation norms provides some explanation of the translational dynamics evident in the production of children’s books in the different languages in South Africa. However, some aspects of the South African situation do not neatly “fit” into polysystem theory, and some parts of the theory therefore have to be mediated or reconsidered, particularly utilising postcolonial and more ideologically sensitive perspectives, to satisfactorily account for the South African situation. This reconsideration leads to a conception of the relationship between translation and its context that is less binary and determinist, with a greater emphasis on hybridity and fluidity. This contextual dimension of the study spills over into the textual dimension. All of the above contextual and process-oriented factors finally find their precipitation in actual translations. By means of close analysis of a sample of 42 (21 translations and their source texts) English and Afrikaans children’s books intended for leisure reading and for educational reading, this part of the study investigates the norms evident in the selection of children’s books for translation, as well as the operational norms evident from the translations. The key questions here are why particular texts are selected for translation, and how cultural markers in these texts are handled in translation. The analysis demonstrates that the selection of books for translation (preliminary translation norms) is dependent on contextual as well as textual factors, with ideology and function playing particularly important roles. These roles differ for different types of books, books of different origins, and books in different language pairs. In terms of the operational norms, translators’ opinions about domestication and foreignisation do not necessarily correspond to translation practices. Rather than an exclusive, binary adherence to domesticating and foreignising approaches, analyses of the operational norms evident in translated children’s books demonstrate a hybridised mix of domesticating and foreignising strategies, which vary according to the type of book, the origin of the book, and the language pair involved in the translation process.

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