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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pupil participation in decision making and the role of school councils in primary schools : an exploration of the views of school council members and staff

Lafferty-Jenkins, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
A child’s right to have their opinion in decisions which affect them given due regard forms the basis of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) (1989) which was ratified by the UK government in 1991. The term ‘pupil voice’ has been used by schools as a way of encapsulating this and a survey in 2007 suggested that 92% of primary schools in England and Wales had a school council in place (Whitty & Wisby, 2007a). The aim of the current study was to elicit the views of key stage 2 school councillors and staff members about the role of school councils and pupil participation in decision making. In Phase One staff from three primary schools in the south west of England were interviewed about school councils and pupil participation in school. Data were analysed using thematic analysis and three themes emerged. In Phase Two 16 key stage 2 pupils, who were members of their own school’s school council, took part. Mixed gender paired interviews were conducted to elicit their views about their role and pupil participation in decision making in their school. Interviews were followed by five weekly group sessions involving participatory activities to support and develop their understanding of their role as school councillors. Pupils from each school council had input into the topics explored in this part of the research. Findings from Phase One suggest that staff regard school councils as being positive for the children involved but they differ in opinion in terms of the impact they have on the wider school population. Findings from Phase Two suggest school council members value being responded to by adults when they have been asked to express their views about a specific decision. School council members also perceive trust as being one of the main factors involved in their election by peers. Findings are discussed in relation to recent research about participation in decision making, the effectiveness of school councils and the importance of a participatory ethos within schools. Overall findings lead to the proposal of a model for use in schools to support the participation of pupils in decision making. The model is based on the existing model conceptualising Article 12 of the UNCRC by Lundy (2007) but incorporates a shared participatory ethos and adult response as required factors. Limitations of the current study as well as suggestions for future research and implications for EP practice are discussed.

Dialogue and participation : A study on communication in the classroom

Georgii, Glorianne January 2010 (has links)
<p>School is a preparation for pupils’ active participation in society. According to the school curriculum (Lpf 94) every pupil should be able to influence, take responsibility and participate in the schools educational programme. In order to do this there has to be a good communication between the teachers and pupils in the classroom. (Maltén 1995:210)</p><p>The aim of this observational study was to describe and analyze communication between the teacher and pupils in the classroom. The study was conducted by observing five teachers and twenty two pupils in one class, in the classroom.</p><p>The results suggest that even though there was enough pupil participation in active learning, there was not enough pupil participation in the planning of the lessons.</p>

Dialogue and participation : A study on communication in the classroom

Georgii, Glorianne January 2010 (has links)
School is a preparation for pupils’ active participation in society. According to the school curriculum (Lpf 94) every pupil should be able to influence, take responsibility and participate in the schools educational programme. In order to do this there has to be a good communication between the teachers and pupils in the classroom. (Maltén 1995:210) The aim of this observational study was to describe and analyze communication between the teacher and pupils in the classroom. The study was conducted by observing five teachers and twenty two pupils in one class, in the classroom. The results suggest that even though there was enough pupil participation in active learning, there was not enough pupil participation in the planning of the lessons.

Elevinflytande - Pupil participation

Rosdahl, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
Författare: Fredrik Rosdahl Titel: Elevinflytande Nyckelord: Elevinflytande, intervjuer, Lgr-11Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka hur eleverna på en skola upplever elevinflytande. Elevinflytande är något som alltid har intresserat mig, att få möjligheten att påverka ens utbildning och arbets-/lärningsmiljö upplever jag som något väldigt viktigt. Under min egen skolgång var det inte förrän i högstadiet och gymnasiet som elevinflytande togs på allvar av skolan. I denna undersökningen kommer jag undersöka hur elevinflytande ser ut och fungerar på en låg- och mellanstadieskola. Undersökningens syfte är att upplysa hur elever upplever att elevinflytande fungerar på deras skola.Jag har tagit del av olika teorier om elevinflytande och hur man som pedagog kan arbeta med elevinflytande i skolan. Teorier så som John Dewey "learning by doing", som betonar vikten av att låta elever vara delaktiga i sin egen utbildning och få prova sig fram för att växa till kompetenta demokratiska medborgare. Min empiri bygger på intervjuer med rektorn, personal samt elever på en skola i västra Skåne samt intervju med en lärare på en skola i norra Skåne. Min empiri bygger också på observationer utav klassråd i olika klasser samt elevrådsmöte.Resultatet av denna studien presenteras i större utsträckning i resultats kapitlet i examensarbetet. Kortfattat, så visar resultatet av denna undersökningen att de medverkande eleverna upplever en stor möjlighet att få påverka sin skola och undervisning via elevinflytande.

French Makes Communication and Structures Make English : An Analysis of Official Language-Teaching Documents in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sweden / Franska skapar kommunikation och strukturer skapar engelska : En analys av officiella språkundervisningsdokument i Demokratiska republiken Kongo och Sverige

Sidenholm, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the least developed countries in the world and its school system needs to be improved. The aim of this research is to find out what the Congolese state expects from language teaching (French and English), how this is described in the curriculum, and whether this differs from the curriculum of a more developed country, such as Sweden. Through a content analysis, the language view, the role of the teacher and views of pupil participation are investigated. The Swedish curriculum and the Congolese programme of French show similarities by communicative and constructivist views, while the Congolese programme of English demonstrates behaviouristic features. This study can serve as an example of how the language context, i.e., second language v. foreign language, as well as the national culture, influence the curriculum. / Demokratiska republiken Kongo är ett av världens minst utvecklade länder och dess skolsystem är i behov av en förbättring. Språk är en viktig del i utvecklingen av landet. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att ta reda på vad den kongolesiska staten förväntar sig av sin språkundervisning, hur den beskrivs i styrdokument samt om den skiljer sig från läroplanen i ett mer utvecklat land som Sverige. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys har uppfattningar om uppsatsens teman; språksyn, lärarens roll och elevdeltagande, hittats. Materialet som analyserats är den kongolesiska skolans program för franska och engelska, samt den svenska läroplanen inklusive kursplanerna för franska och engelska. Analysen avser de första åren i den kongolesiska sekundärskolan och det svenska högstadiet, vilka motsvarar varandra när det gäller elevernas ålder. Skillnaden i DR Kongo mellan andraspråk (franska) och främmande språk (engelska) berörs.Den svenska läroplanen samt det kongolesiska programmet för franska visar många likheter genom att lyfta fram kommunikativa och konstruktivistiska perspektiv. Det kongolesiska programmet för engelska har däremot behavioristiska drag. Lärarens olika roller och hur elevdeltagande lyfts fram förstärker dessa språksyner. De två kongolesiska programmen liknar dock varandra när det gäller synen på hur läraren ska behandla språkliga fel i klassrummet. Studien kan ses som ett exempel på hur språkkontexten, d.v.s. andraspråk och främmande språk, likväl som den nationella kulturen påverkar läroplaner.

Det tysta samtyckets motstånd : En systematisk litteraturstudie över elevinflytande i skolan

Hedlund, Karl-Johan, Markskog, David January 2014 (has links)
School activities are under constant discussion. This literatur study examines student participation and its relationship to democracy mission and the factors that contribute to students marginalized in school. The study also intends to examine the relationship between intersektionall analysis and the limitation of opportunities for student participation in school. The study results problematize the relationship between student participation and school democracy quests, this by highlighting the challenges and difficulties the school faces. Our results also strengthen the relationship between the study theory and marginalization of students and the limitation of opportunities for student participation.

Hälsofrämjande skola : en sambandsanalys mellan hälso- och riskvariabler / Health Promoting School : a correlation analyses between health- and riskvariables

Woxberg, Anna-Kari January 2005 (has links)
Att öka möjligheterna för unga att leva ett hälsosamt liv framstår som allt angelägnare både ur ett individuellt och ur ett samhälleligt perspektiv. Skolan är därför en utmärkt arena för ett hälsofrämjande arbete. WHO:s konferenser i Ottawa 1986 och i Sundsvall 1991 betonade behovet av en perspektivförskjutning inom folkhälsoarbetet från att förebygga ohälsa till att främja hälsa. WHO tog också initiativ till flera internationella nätverk. ”Health promoting school” är ett sådant som handlar om att skapa en kontinuerlig process där hela skolans vardag utvecklas som en stödjande och främjande fysisk och psykosocial miljö för hälsa, välbefinnande och lärande samt att stärka hälsoundervisningen. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att kartlägga och beskriva samband mellan några hälso- respektive riskvariabler för att testa en hypotes om skolan som en hälsofrämjande arena. Hypotesen formulerades enligt följande:-Skolor med en hög andel elever med hälsofrämjande upplevelser har en låg andel elever med riskbeteenden och vice versa. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av befintliga data från två enkätundersökningar, ”Hälsoenkäten” och den mer riskrelaterade ”CAN-enkäten”. De båda enkätundersökningarna var totalundersökningar riktade till år 9 elever i Gävleborgs län. Undersökningarna genomfördes vid skilda men nära tidpunkter under våren 2002. Fem frågeställningar valdes ur respektive enkät. Elevernas egna utsagor på dessa frågeställningar utgör materialet till denna studie. Analysen genomfördes i två steg. I steg ett studerades om det förelåg något samband på skolnivå och i steg två studerades samband på individnivå. Resultatet visade inga samband mellan hälsofrämjande upplevelser och riskbeteenden. Den formulerade forskningshypotesen förkastas alltså. I litteraturen finns flera studier som styrker resultatet i denna studie samtidigt som litteraturen också fortsatt visar på vikten av hälsofrämjande arbete i skolan. I framtiden bör begreppet ”Hälsofrämjande skola” förtydligas, en tydlig organisation skapas, tydliga strategier utarbetas och ges ett ledningsansvar. / It is increasingly stressed as more important to increase the possibility for young people to live a healthy life, both through an individual as well as a community perspective. The school is therefore a perfect health promoting setting. WHO:s conferences in Ottawa, 1986 and Sundsvall, 1997 both stressed the need to shift perspective from prevention to promotion. WHO also took initiative to set up several international networks. “Health promoting school” was one example involving creating a supportive and health promoting physical, mental and social environment for health, wellbeing and learning as well as strengthening the health education. The aim of this study was to survey and describe the connection between some health- and risk related variables to test a hypothesis about the school as a health promoting setting. The hypothesis was formulated: -schools with a high percentage of students with health-related experiences has a low percentage of students with risk behaviours and vice versa. Available data from two different questionnaires were used, the “Health questionnaire” and the more risk-related “CAN questionnaire”. The two questionnaires were both conducted among all students within the ninth school year in the county of Gävleborg. They were administrated as separate but adjacent studies during the spring term of 2002. Five questions were chosen from each questionnaire. Responses from the students consists the material used in this study. The analyses were made in two steps. Initially, school level connections were studied, later individual level connections. The result did not find any connections between more health related and risk related variables. The formulated hypothesis is therefore rejected. There are several studies in the literature supporting the findings in this study. At the same time there is continuing or increasing support for the idea of a health promoting school. In the future the concept “Health promoting school” needs to be clarified as well as strategies, organisation and leadership. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-125-3</p>

Vad är vardagsteknik? : Niondeklassares syn på ämnet teknik och teknikundervisningen. / What's every-day technology? : Grade 9 pupils view on the technology subject and teaching of technology.

Elfgren, Carl January 2015 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för det här examensarbetet är några av de synpunkter som Skolinspektionens har i sin kvalitetsgranskning av teknikämnet 2014. Undersökningen ställer frågorna; vad tycker eleverna om teknikundervisningen, hur ser eleverna på teknikämnets utformning? I examensarbetet har en enkätstudie genomförts i en förortsskola i Stockholm. Enkäten har gått ut till 125 elever i årskurs 9.  Examensarbetet fokuserar på arbetsområdena som eleverna anser att de kan använda i sin vardag. Enkäten omfattar även bakgrundsfrågor med elevernas värderingar av den aktuella skolan, undervisningen i stort och teknikundervisningen.  Resultaten visar att eleverna uppfattar teknikundervisningen som varken intressant eller ointressant. Undervisningen är heller inte användbar i vardagen. Engagerade elever är också de elever som värdesätter teknikundervisningen mest. Dessa elever ser också mest nytta av undervisningen. Nyttan de ser är av relativt komplex teknisk natur. Det är också komplexa tekniska områden de skulle vilja arbeta med i undervisningen. / Based on some of the objections of the Swedish Schools Inspectorate quality audit of the subject technology in 2014 this research puts some questions; What do the students think about the technology subject, what do the students think the subject should teach?   The research was conducted as a survey in a suburban school in Stockholm, presented to 125 students in grade 9.  The research is focused on objects that the students they have worked with and the objects they want to work with, and where the objects can be used in the students' everyday lives. The questionnaire also includes background questions with the students' assessments of the current school teaching in general and the teaching in technology.  The results show that students perceive a technology education that is neither interesting nor uninteresting. The technology teaching is not useful in their everyday life. Students who value technology education the most also see the most benefits from the subjet. The benefits they see are of relatively complex technical nature. It is also complex technological objects or areas they would like to work with.

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