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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Cross-Platform Health Care Application

Eriksson, Rickard, Hemani, Sajjadali January 2015 (has links)
This report describes the development process of the mobile application HealthyWay. The application is developed as a Bachelor thesis project together with KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The applications' main function is to be the interface to a number of wearable medical electronic appliances such as bandages and pill boxes. The communication is done through Bluetooth Low Energy. The application was mainly written in 3 di erent languages, QML, C++ and Java. The most stressed point throughout this project was the importance of platform independence. The exibility had to be done on a scalable as well as on a modular level. With this in mind, QT was used to address the requirement of scalability. The modularity was achieved through an organized structure to the program accompanied by easy directives to introduce new devices. The purpose of the application is to increase the quality of life for the user. This intent could however not be concluded due to the lack of testing among users. In its current state, the application is not yet ready for deployment but instead acts as a framework for future prospects. / Den här rapporten beskriver utvecklingsprocessen för en mobilapplikation vid namn Healthy- Way. Applikationen är utvecklad som ett kandidatexamensarbete tillsammans med KTH. Applikationens huvudsakliga uppgift är att vara ett gränssnitt till medicinskt relaterad utrustning såsom plaster och pilleraskar. Kommunikationen mellan dessa sker via Bluetooth Low Energy. Applikationen skrevs huvudsakligen i 3 olika språk, QML, C++ och Java. Den viktigaste punkten genom projektets gång var att applikationen skulle vara oberoende av plattform. Flexibiliteten var tvungen att göras på både en skalbar och modulär nivå. Med detta i åtanke valdes QT för att behandla skalbarheten. Modulariteten uppnåddes genom en välplanerad struktur på programmet tillsammans med instruktioner på hur ny utrustning kan introduceras. Syftet med programmet är att öka livskvaliteten för användaren. Detta syfte kunde däremot inte slutföras på grund av bristande testning hos användare. I dagens läge är applikationen inte redo för att släppas kommersiellt, men tjänar som ett bra ramverk för framtida utveckling.

Electronic Coupling Effects and Charge Transfer between Organic Molecules and Metal Surfaces

Forker, Roman 12 January 2010 (has links)
We employ a variant of optical absorption spectroscopy, namely in situ differential reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), for an analysis of the structure-properties relations of thin epitaxial organic films. Clear correlations between the spectra and the differently intense coupling to the respective substrates are found. While rather broad and almost structureless spectra are obtained for a quaterrylene (QT) monolayer on Au(111), the spectral shape resembles that of isolated molecules when QT is grown on graphite. We even achieve an efficient electronic decoupling from the subjacent Au(111) by inserting an atomically thin organic spacer layer consisting of hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) with a noticeably dissimilar electronic behavior. These observations are further consolidated by a systematic variation of the metal substrate (Au, Ag, and Al), ranging from inert to rather reactive. For this purpose, 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) is chosen to ensure comparability of the molecular film structures on the different metals, and also because its electronic alignment on various metal surfaces has previously been studied with great intensity. We present evidence for ionized PTCDA at several interfaces and propose the charge transfer to be related to the electronic level alignment governed by interface dipole formation on the respective metals. / Zur Analyse der Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen dünner, epitaktischer Molekülfilme wird in situ differentielle Reflexionsspektroskopie (DRS) als Variante der optischen Absorptionsspektroskopie verwendet. Klare Zusammenhänge zwischen den Spektren und der unterschiedlich starken Kopplung zum jeweiligen Substrat werden gefunden. Während man breite und beinahe unstrukturierte Spektren für eine Quaterrylen (QT) Monolage auf Au(111) erhält, ist die spektrale Form von auf Graphit abgeschiedenem QT ähnlich der isolierter Moleküle. Durch Einfügen einer atomar dünnen organischen Zwischenschicht bestehend aus Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronen (HBC) mit einem deutlich unterschiedlichen elektronischen Verhalten gelingt sogar eine effiziente elektronische Entkopplung vom darunter liegenden Au(111). Diese Ergebnisse werden durch systematische Variation der Metallsubstrate (Au, Ag und Al), welche von inert bis sehr reaktiv reichen, untermauert. Zu diesem Zweck wird 3,4,9,10-Perylentetracarbonsäuredianhydrid (PTCDA) gewählt, um Vergleichbarkeit der molekularen Filmstrukturen zu gewährleisten, und weil dessen elektronische Anordnung auf verschiedenen Metalloberflächen bereits eingehend untersucht worden ist. Wir weisen ionisiertes PTCDA an einigen dieser Grenzflächen nach und schlagen vor, dass der Ladungsübergang mit der elektronischen Niveauanpassung zusammenhängt, welche mit der Ausbildung von Grenzflächendipolen auf den entsprechenden Metallen einhergeht.

Application development of 3D LiDAR sensor for display computers

Ekstrand, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
A highly accurate sensor for measuring distances, used for creating high-resolution 3D maps of the environment, utilize “Light Detection And Ranging” (LiDAR) technology. This degree project aims to investigate the implementation of 3D LiDAR sensors into off-highway vehicle display computers, called CCpilots. This involves a study of available low-cost 3D LiDAR sensors on the market and development of an application for visualizing real time data graphically, with room for optimization algorithms. The selected LiDAR sensor is “Livox Mid-360”, a hybrid-solid technology and a field of view of 360° horizontally and 59° vertically. The LiDAR application was developed using Livox SDK2 combined with a C++ back-end, in order to visualize data using Qt QML as the Graphical User Interface design tool. A filter was utilized from the Point Cloud Library (PCL), called a voxel grid filter, for optimization purpose. Real time 3D LiDAR sensor data was graphically visualized on the display computer CCpilot X900. The voxel grid filter had a few visual advantages, although it consumed more processor power compared to when no filter was used. Whether a filter was used or not, all points generated by the LiDAR sensor could be processed and visualized by the developed application without any latency.

Ökologischer Landbau in Südkorea / Stand und Entwicklungschancen

Chang, Chullee 05 January 2005 (has links)
Ökologischer Landbau hat insbesondere in den vergangenen zwanzig Jahren weltweit an Bedeutung zugenommen. Im Zusammenhang mit Ernährungssicherung, ressourcenschonender Landwirtschaft und Umweltschutz ist die Entwicklung und Förderung dieses Bewirtschaftungssystems in vielen Ländern der Erde auf der Agenda. Landwirte, Verbraucher und Politiker verbinden damit die Hoffnung, Landnutzung nachhaltiger betreiben zu können und durch die Kenntnis der naturwissenschaftlichen Zusammenhänge, den Umgang mit pflanzlichen und tierischen Organismen in der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion wesensgemäßer gestalten zu können. Gleichzeitig entsprechen sie damit der Forderung von Konsumenten nach gesunden, nicht belasteten Lebensmitteln und einer intakten Umwelt. Obwohl wir weltweit die Einführung und Etablierung des Bewirtschaftungssystems ökologischer Landbau beobachten können, ist festzustellen, dass die Gründe, Wurzeln und Erscheinungsformen in den einzelnen Ländern unterschiedlich sind. Deshalb sind länderspezifische Analysen und Bewertungen notwendige Beiträge zur Theoriebildung zum ökologischen Landbau. In diesen Kontext ist die vorliegende Arbeit zu stellen. Gegenstand der Arbeit war die Analyse des gegenwärtigen Entwicklungsstandes des ökologischen Landbaus in Südkorea in den Bereichen, wie Entwicklungsgeschichte, Konzeptionen, Institutionen, Produktion und Vermarktung sowie Zertifizierung und Förderungspolitik. In einer Fallstudie wurden ausgewählte ökologisch (Yuki)-wirtschaftende Betriebe analysiert. Es werden damit Lösungsansätze zur Weiterentwicklung des ökologischen Landbaus in Südkorea dargestellt. / Organic farming has increased in meaning world-widely in particular in the past two decades. In relation to securing food supply, resource-preserving farming and environmental protection are the development and promotion of this management system in many countries on the agenda. Organic farming made it possible that farmers, consumers and politicians hope to manage land in a sustainable way, and achieve the handling of vegetable and animal organisms in the agricultural production in a suitable way. At the same time it corresponds to the need of con-sumers for healthy, not polluted food and intact environment. Although we can observe the introduction and establishment of the management system of organic farming in many countries, it needs to specify that that the reasons, roots and manifestations of organic farming in each country are different. Therefore, individual analysis and evaluation for each country necessarily contribute to build their own theory of organic farming. This work has to be viewed in this respect. The purpose of this work is to clarify: - the basic conditions of the organic farming in South Korea, - the practical change of organic farming based on the case study of organic rice cultivation and - the ideas for developing strategy of organic farming in South Korea.

Environmental Inequalities in the Anthropocene

Schuster, Antonia 17 June 2024 (has links)
Die Dissertation beleuchtet die dringende Notwendigkeit, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um den Druck auf die Ressourcen der Erde zu mindern und nachhaltige Bedingungen für gegenwärtige und künftige Generationen zu schaffen. Zwei zentrale Strategien werden diskutiert: Die Dekarbonisierung von Energiesystemen und die Reduktion der Emissionen von Haushalten. Diese Strategien sind eng mit Fragen von Gerechtigkeit verbunden, sowohl im Zusammenhang mit einer gerechten Energiewende als auch in der Emissionsminderung von Haushalten. Die Dissertation besteht aus vier Artikeln, die diese Themen vertiefen. Die erste untersucht den Kohleausstieg in europäischen Regionen und die Wahrnehmung der Energiewende durch die davon betroffenen Menschen. Die nächsten beiden untersuchen die Emissionsreduktion auf Haushaltsebene, wobei die sozialen Realitäten der Emittenten analysiert werden, um Reduktionspotenziale zu identifizieren. Die vierte Publikation bietet einen historischen Überblick über Energiekonsummuster und zeigt vergangene und bestehenden Ungleichheiten auf. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Klimakrise nur unter Berücksichtigung von Ungleichheiten und Ungerechtigkeiten verstanden und angegangen werden kann. Lösungen müssen darauf abzielen, weitere Ungerechtigkeiten zu vermeiden. Die Ergebnisse der Dissertation bieten unter anderem wertvolle Erkenntnisse für Entscheidungsträger auf verschiedenen Ebenen, um eine gerechte Transformation zu klimaneutralen Gesellschaften voranzutreiben. Es wird jedoch betont, dass weitere Forschung in diesen Bereichen, einschließlich anderer fossiler Energieträger und betroffener Regionen, sowie unterschiedlicher Lebensstile, entscheidend ist, um effektive Instrumente zur Unterstützung nachhaltiger Praktiken zu entwickeln. / The dissertation underscores the urgent need to address the strain human activities place on the Earth system, emphasizing the necessity for sustainable solutions to ensure the well-being of current and future generations. Mitigating the impacts of the climate crisis requires significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, prompting a closer examination of their sources and contributors. Two primary strategies are proposed: decarbonizing energy systems and reducing household emissions. However, discussions surrounding these strategies often intersect with considerations of justice, highlighting the complex social dimensions of addressing climate change. The dissertation comprises four papers that delve into these issues. The first explores the transition away from coal in European regions, assessing perceptions of justice among affected actors. The subsequent publications focus on emissions reduction at the household level, analyzing social realities and identifying potential avenues for mitigation. The final publication provides a historical perspective on energy consumption patterns, emphasizing past and contemporary societal inequalities. Findings indicate disparities in emissions across households and individuals, necessitating urgent action to reduce per capita emissions. Moreover, sociological frameworks are employed to better understand the ecological dimensions of emissions, revealing complex relationships between social classes and environmental impact. While efforts to combat the climate crisis must prioritize justice and equity, the dissertation also underscores the need for further research. This includes examining alternative energy sources, regions disproportionately affected by climate change, as well as diverse lifestyles. Such research will be essential for developing effective strategies to support sustainable practices and address the complex social dynamics of climate action.

Extended Bluetooth Profiles on CCpilot displays

Johnson, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Bluetooth is used in modern cars to connect smartphones to stream music, to access internet and for phone services such as phone book contacts and making calls. Similar features are now requested by customers of maximatecc's products, e.g. display computers, for offroad vehicles. This thesis is aimed to investigate what is needed to support these features in maximatecc's Linux based displays and how the features can be used in a Qt application. For instance, the connectivity features in personal cars most commonly utilizes the Bluetooth profiles: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP) Personal Area Network (PAN) Profile Hands Free Profile (HFP) Phone Book Access Profile (PBAP) Message Access Profile (MAP). In Linux operating system the Bluetooth stack Bluez is used in the lower level implementation. Open source software components recommended to implement the above profiles includes: Obexd (for MAP and PBAP) PulseAudio (for A2DP and HFP) oFono (for HFP) Connman (for PAN) all of which help to implement the top level profiles of the Bluetooth stack needed, easily controlled by a Qt application through DBus. Most of the external software components were not possible to add to the Linux image on the CCpilot VA display during the period of the thesis. Instead some features of the profiles have been tested, through a Qt demo and python test scripts, on a Virtual Machine in an environment similar to the CCpilot VA. All profiles tested had some functionality verified except for AVRCP, which is not supported until later versions of Bluez, not available for the Linux kernel on the CCpilot VA. However, the audio in the HFP only occasionally worked. On the CCpilot VA only PBAP was tested successfully.

Long QT syndrome in Sweden : founder effects and associated cardiac phenotypes / Långt QT syndrom i Sverige : foundereffekter och associerade kardiella fenotyper

Winbo, Annika January 2012 (has links)
Background: We aimed to increase the knowledge regarding the familial arrhythmogenic disorder Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) and its recessive variant Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome (JLNS) in Sweden, including prevalences and clinical phenotypes. A specific focus was directed towards two KCNQ1 mutations –p.Y111C and p.R518X- commonly identified in Swedish LQTS index cases. Methods: Cases and families with LQTS (p.Y111C or p.R518X) and JLNS were recruited via regional clinical practices, national referrals to the Clinical Genetics laboratory, Umeå University Hospital, and a national inventory. Molecular genetics methods were used for case ascertainment. Clinical data was obtained via medical records, a questionnaire, and/or an interview. Electrocardiograms were manually assessed. In p.R518X heterozygotes intra-familial phenotypic variability (QTc and cardiac events) was assessed by analysis of sequence variants (modifier genes). The origins of the mutations p.Y111C and p.R518X were investigated using genealogical and haplotype analysis (microsatellite markers). In families sharing a common haplotype mutation age and associated prevalence was analyzed using ESTIAGE and DMLE computer software. Results: We identified p.Y111C (170 mutation-carriers) and p.R518X (101 mutation-carriers) as two major causes of LQTS/JLNS in Sweden. LQTS phenotype was revealed to be relatively benign in p.Y111C and p.R518X (annual incidence of life-threatening cardiac events, before therapy 0.05% and 0.04%, respectively). Gender-specific effects of genetic modifiers on phenotypic expression were seen. A founder origin, approximately 600-700 years ago in two northern river valleys was established for p.Y111C and p.R518X, and a high prevalence of LQTS founder descendants suggested. A minimum JLNS prevalence of 1:200 000 in preadolescent Swedish children was revealed. JLNS phenotype was mainly severe, with a cumulative incidence of life-threatening cardiac events of 53% (annual incidence rate before therapy 5%) and four sudden deaths. Possible founder effects regarding four KCNQ1 mutations; p.Y111C (8%), p.R518X (50%), c.572_576del (17%) and p.Q530X (8%) together explained 83% of the JLNS mutation-spectrum in Sweden, consisting of 8 KCNQ1 mutations. Conclusion: The high prevalence of p.Y111C- and p.R518X-related LQTS as well as JLNS revealed in Sweden could be explained by the combination of mild clinical phenotypes in heterozygotes and strong founder effects present during the population development of northern Sweden. Increased knowledge regarding the occurrence of LQTS and JLNS as well as mutation- and/or genotype-specific data constitute prerequisites for possible improvement of patient management.

Real-Time Visualization of Construction Equipment Performance / Realtidsvisualisering av materialhantering på bergtäckt

Palomeque, Carlos January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a proof-of-concept project that aims at modify and reuse existing communication protocols of wireless vehicle to vehicle communication in order to build a prototype of a real time graphical application that runs in an embedded environment. The application is a 2D visualization of the flow of material at a quarry and is built on top of existing communication protocols that enable wireless vehicle to vehicle communication according to the 802.11p standard for intelligent transport solutions. These communication protocols have already been used within the Volvo group in other research rojects, but not in a context of a real-time graphical 2D visualization. The application runs on an ALIX embedded motherboard and combined with the necessary hardware represent one node that makes the communication network. The visualization monitors the position of every active node in the network and the flow of material between material locations and crusher that process the material at the quarry. The visualization is implemented in C/C++ using Qt 4.6.2 Graphics View framework.

Testing the Global Banking Glut Hypothesis

Punzi, Maria Teresa, Kauko, Karlo 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This paper presents VAR results on the recent economic history of the U.S and focuses on the dependence of U.S. macrofinancial variables on international capital flows. Both gross and net flows are included in the analysis. The results indicate that cross-border funding has affected the build-up in the U.S. housing market irrespective of how these flows are defined and measured. Both the savings glut hypothesis and the banking glut hypothesis are supported by these findings. However, net banking flows appear to explain the higher volatility in the increase in house prices as well as the mortgage loan boom. (authors' abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series

Terminál pro docházkový systém / Attendance System Terminal

Chmelař, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with electronic attendance systems which are nowadays being widely used to record employee attendance. General problem of attendance tracking is introduced in first part of the thesis along with a conceptual solution of an attendance system terminal. Author then describes a circuitry and a PCB design of a baseboard for a Cubieboard2 minicomputer, a RFID reader and a touchscreen LCD display. After successful testing of said PCB, the terminal has been completed and it was possible to focus on a software solution. Latter part of the thesis is dedicated to a specifics of the Allwinner A20 platform and its support by a GNU/Linux operating system. In following chapter author describes use of a Buildroot software for creating a Linux based binary image for an aforementioned minicomputer. Since an operating system and a peripheral support were successfully tested author could focus on a design and implementation of an attendance software that is described in the final chapter.

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