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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processorienterad kultur : Mätmetod över beteenden som driver resultat i en processorienterad kultur

Celinder, Johan, Klang, Anders January 2019 (has links)
Iden till arbetet fick författarna från en föreläsning om kultur (SIQ &amp; SKI, 2018) och hur enligt Drucker kulturen i en organisation slår strategi utan problem. Syftet var att undersöka vilka beteenden som driver resultat i en processorienterad kultur, samt att utveckla en modell för att mäta detta.   Målet var att mäta beteende i organisationen för att hjälpa dem skapa en konkurrenskraftigare kultur och snabbare uppnå processorientering med en enkät i en kvantitativ pilotstudie. Trots att alla svarade var populationen får pilotstudien för liten för att ge signifikanta resultat. Studien bygger på teorin om kluster av fyra tillämpningar “fumlare”, “kartläggare”, “pratare” och “organiserare” från Hellström &amp; Eriksson (2013) och resultaten redovisas i diagram och IPA-matris.   Slutasatsen är att organisationen lutar åt funktionsorientering, men strävar i riktning mot processorientering. Den sammanlagda bilden är att de tillhör klustret “pratare” med knapp marginal. De är dock på väg i riktningen att börja sin resa mot processorientering via fokus på kommunikation. Mätmodellen som används är i linje med forskning och ger svar på vilka hindrande och stödjande beteenden som finns i en organisation för en processorienterad kultur. Mätmodellen har även svagheten att den inte ger svar på andra frågor än för hörnstenen “att arbeta med processer” och att processorientering endast utgör en del av det som är en kvalitetskultur. / The authors of this thesis got the idea to this projekt from a lecture and from Drucker´s quote “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. The purpose was to investigate what behaviours that drives results in a process oriented culture, and to develop a model for measuring these behaviours.   The goal was to measure the behaviours in the organisation and to help them obtain a culture that exceed the culture of their competitors, and reaching process orientation using a quantitative survey in a pilot study. Even though we got answers from all participants in the survey, the population was too small to generate statistically significant results. The study is based on the theory of four clusters; “fumblers”, “talkers”, “organisers”, and “mappers” by Eriksson and Hellström (2013) and the results are displayed in diagrams and an IPA-matrix.   The conclusion is that the organisation leans towards function orientation, but they are striving towards becoming process orientated. The total picture the authors got is they belong to the cluster “talkers” with a slight margin. They are heading in the direction of becoming process orientated by focusing on their communication though. The model was designed using research about what behaviours have a positive or a negative effect on the processorientated culture of the organisation. The weakness of the model is that it only takes the cornerstone “working with processes” into account and does not measure the other perspectives of quality culture. / <p>2019-07-26</p>

Managing quality inside a high-technology project organization

Jokinen, T. (Tauno) 19 March 2004 (has links)
Abstract This action research addresses the deployment of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles in a high-technology new product development organisation. During the period of study, the organisation grew fast. High-technology product development and hypergrowth provided a unique combination of extreme conditions for the study. The existing concepts of TQM are presented as an organised map enabling strategic analysis for an implementation plan. The history of TQM dates back to the manufacturing industry. The key differences between product development as an operating environment and the industrial manufacturing environment are described. The deployment of TQM is described from the perspective of learning theories, leadership theories, studies of organisational culture and studies of teamwork. Based on the learning, a psychodynamic model of organisation is presented for better understanding the challenges of implementation. The results show that, in these specific conditions, organisational culture and leadership are of essential importance for the implementation of TQM. The study also shows that, in the given conditions, TQM is specifically a learning challenge. The results of this study are presented as a framework supporting the selection of TQM implementation objectives and the planning of a strategy for organisational learning.

LEDARSKAP FÖR KVALITETSKULTUR : Fem förebilders erfarenhet av att skapa kvalitetskultur

Thuresson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Befintlig forskning visar att det finns ett starkt samband mellan ledarskap och att skapakvalitetskultur för organisationers framgång. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hu skap påverkar kvalitetskulturen. Dgenom att ta reda på vilka förutsättningarledare behöver för att kunna skapa kvalitetskultur, samt vilka faktorer i ledarskapet somfrämjar respektive hindrar skapandet av kvalitetskultur. Studien har en kvalitativ ansatsoch har genomförts genom litteraturstudier och semistrukturerade intervjuer med femledare som anses vara förbilder på att skapa kvalitetskultur. I studien framkom blan annaatt skapa kvalitetskultur kräver tydliga incitamt, kunskap, enig ledning medinsikt och förståelse om vad det innebär att skapa en kvalitetskultur. Vidare visa resultatet att det är ett långsiktigt, hårt och svårt arbete som kräver strukturer som gerstöd till en kvalitetskultur och ett tränat ledarskap. De hindrande faktorer somframkommer är bland annat detaljstyrning, okunskap, adhoc-lösningar och kortsiktigh Studiens resultat bekräftar på många sätt den befintliga forskning som finns på området.Resultatet visar på att skapandet av kvalitetskultur ofta är ett förändringsledningsarbeteoch att det är komplext, svårt och tidskrävande. Det väcker frågor som; hur säkerställervi kunskap och förmåga som krävs i organisationer för att hantera den komplexitet somdet innebär att skapa kvalitetskultur och hur blir kvalitetskulturen bestående? / Exisg research shows that there is a strong connection between leadership andcreating quality culture for organizations' success. This study aims to investigate howleadership affects quality culture. This by finding out what conditions leaders need to bable to create quality culture, and what factors in leadership that promote or obstruct thecreation of quality culture. The study has a qualitative approach and has been carried outthrough literature studies and semi-structured interviews with five leaders who areconsidered being role models to creating quality culture within different organizations.The study indicates, among other things, that creating a culture of quality requires clearincentives, knowledge, agree management with insight and understanding of what itmeans to create a quality culture. Furthermore, the results show that it is a long-term,hard and difficult work. It requires structures that support a quality culture and trainedleadership. The obstructing factors that arise are detailed control, ignorance, ad hocsolutions and short-sightedness. The study's findings in many ways confirm the existingresearch that is in the field. The result shows that the creation of quality culture is often achange management and that it is complex, difficult and time consuming. It raise questions like; how do we ensure the knowledge and abilities required in organizationsto manage the complexity that it entails to create quality culture and how does the quality culture consist over time? / <p>2019-06-27</p>

Vilken påverkan har kvalitetskulturen vid införandet av ISO? / What impact does quality culture have on the implementation of ISO?

Ekman, David January 2020 (has links)
Bröderna Axelssons är ett plåtslageri beläget i Karlskoga. Detta examensarbete har syftat till att undersöka kvalitetskulturen vid två olika ISO-införanden på företaget. Företaget har även fått hjälp med att skriva nya rutiner och instruktioner till processen Beredning/Produktion/Leverans.  För att undersöka kvalitetskulturen har metoder använts från Cronemyr P, Bäckström I och Rönnbäck Å (2016). Vid undersökning av kvalitetskulturen har intervjuer genomförts med VD, administratör, produktionstekniker och en enkät om beteenden på företaget. Svaren används sedan till analys för att se vilka värderingar som hindrar/stödjer kvalitetskulturen. Resultatet visade att den dåvarande kvalitetskulturen på företaget till stor del var hindrande, medan dagens kvalitetskultur är av blandad karaktär, alltså både stödjande och hindrande. Vid skapandet av de nya rutinerna och instruktionerna inspirerades strukturen och innehållet av material från Bergman B och Klefsjö B (2012). De färdiga rutinerna och instruktioner lämnades vid arbetets slut över till företaget som ska användas till deras nya ledningssystem som är ISO 9001:2015 integrerat med ISO 14001:2015. Resultatet visade att rutiner och instruktioner från det gamla ledningssystemet var felaktigt skrivna för de gjordes av en utomstående part. Dagens rutiner och instruktioner är gjorda tillsammans med dem som arbetar i processen. Utöver det följer allt material i det nya ledningssystemet samma dokumentationsstruktur, vilket de ej gjorde i det gamla ledningssystemet.   För ett fortsatt arbete rekommenderas att vidare undersöka kvalitetskulturen samt ge de    ISO-ansvariga på företaget dedikerad arbetstid för att få möjlighet att skriva klart det nya ledningssystemet. Utöver det minimera de värderingar som hindrar kvalitetskulturen. / Bröderna Axelssons is a sheet metal part producing company located in Karlskoga. This thesis aim has been to investigate the quality culture at the company at two different ISO implementation occasions. The company has also received guided help to write new routines and instructions for their process Preparation/Production/Delivery.  To investigate the quality culture, methods from Cronemyr P, Bäckström I and Rönnbäck Å (2016) have been used. In the investigation of the quality culture, interviews were conducted with the CEO, administrator, manufacturing engineer and a survey was conducted regarding the existing behaviours in the company. The responses from the interviews and survey were then used to analyse which values obstruct or support the quality culture. The results show that the former quality culture was for the most part obstructive, while the current quality culture is of mixed nature, i.e. both supportive and obstructive.      The creation of the new routines and instructions, structure and content were inspired by materials from Bergman B and Klefsjö B (2012). The completed routines and instructions were handed over to the company to be used in their new management system containing ISO 9001:2015 integrated with ISO 14001:2015. The result showed that routines and instructions from the old management system were written incorrectly because they were created by a third party. The new routines and instructions are made together with those who work in the process. In addition, all material in the new management system follows the same documentation structure, which they did not do in the old management system.     For continued work it is recommended to further investigate the quality culture and give the responsible for ISO implementation at the company dedicated time to complete the new management system. In addition, the company should minimize the values that obstruct the quality culture.

Avvikelsehantering en isolerad händelse eller en del av ständiga förbättringar : En studie av avvikelsehanteringen i en kommuns egenregi verksamheter inom LSS 9:9

Stapf Ekström, Heidi January 2020 (has links)
Enligt SOFS 2011: 9 ska kommuner ha ett kvalitetsledningssystem, detta ska generera kunskap och utveckling inom organisationen och respektive förvaltning. En del av denna utveckling, och således kvalitetssäkringen, är arbetet med avvikelsehantering inom de verksamheterna som bedrivs, både inom kommunen och i de av kommunen upphandlade verksamheter. Om arbetet med avvikelser inte återspeglas i organisationens samtliga nivåer kan brister inte åtgärdas långsiktigt och organisationen och verksamheternas utvecklingspotential uppmärksammas inte. Att låta medarbetare få återkoppling och bekräftelse samt att skapa förutsättning för kunskapsutveckling i verksamheter är nödvändigt för att hela organisationen ska kunna utvecklas. För att detta ska kunna realiseras måste kvalitetsperspektivet löpa som en röd tråd genom förvaltningar, ledarskapet, de digitala systemen och styrdokument måste sammanfogas till en helhet. Det krävs en sammanhållen bild av vad organisationen och förvaltningen står för och vad som är det primära målet. En bild, inte löst liggande pusselbitar utan eget syfte. Denna studie påvisar ett behov av att sammanfoga dessa pusselbitar till en bild som alla kan se tolka och vara med att lägga. / According to SOFS 2011: 9, municipalities must have a quality management system, this should generate knowledge and development within the organization and the respective administration. Part of this development and thus quality assurance is the work with deviation control within the different care facilities both run by municipality but also care facilities procured by the municipality. If the work with deviations is not reflected in all levels of the organization, deficiencies cannot be remedied in the long term, and the organization and the development potential of the businesses are not noticed. To allow employees to receive feedback and confirmation and to create the prerequisite for knowledge development in operations is necessary for the entire organization to develop. For this to be realized, the quality perspective must be the main thread through administrations, leadership, digital systems and governance documents must be joined together as a whole. A clear picture of what the organization and management stand for and what is the primary goal. A cohensive image, not single pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, pieces without their own purpose. This study demonstrates a need to join these jigsaw puzzle pieces into an image that everyone can see, interpret and contribute to. / <p>2020-06-26</p>

A System Dynamics Approach Linking Employee Health, Quality Culture and Organizational Effectiveness

Sadia, Rina 04 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to investigate the interactions between organizational effectiveness, quality culture, and employee health. The system dynamics modeling approach is used in order to reveal the complex and dynamic behavior of the system under investigation. Understanding system behavior facilitates policy analysis and management decision-making. The relationships between the three constructs: organizational effectiveness, quality culture and employee health are non linear and during the research a number of dynamic hypotheses were investigated. For example, illness is the main cause for absenteeism, loss of productivity, ineffective learning, which in turn causes even more stress and eventually more illness. As part of the system dynamics approach a conceptual (qualitative) model and a formal (quantitative) model were built. The conclusion from analyzing the dynamic hypotheses of this model was that quality culture had a great impact on the performance of the whole system, especially on employees’ health and on organizational effectiveness. Furthermore, employees’ health and organizational effectiveness concurrently impact each other. However, this research could not show a considerable impact of the employees’ health and organizational effectiveness on the organization’s quality culture. The research contributes to the general understanding of complex production systems, since the three constructs investigated in this research face similar issues, i.e., the trade-off between long-term and short-term goals, consequences of managerial actions that are far apart in time and space, and conflicts between measurable outcomes and subjective outcomes. The research adds to the design of effective social systems, where the products and the services are created in a quality fashion, and individuals experience an environment that is conducive to their well-being. / Ph. D.

Leda föratt stärka en kvalitetskultur : Genom mjuka värderingar och struktur enligt Teal

Karlell, Kerstin January 2019 (has links)
Avgörande för att organisationer ska lyckas medkvalitets- och verksamhetsutveckling är värderingar som stödjer enkvalitetskultur, där engagerat ledarskap är en av värderingarna. Ledarskap ochkultur är olika sidor av samma mynt. Trots att de påverkar varandra saknaskunskap om vad ledare faktiskt gör och hur de beter sig för att stärka enkvalitetskultur. Tidigare studier har visat att det framförallt är det mjukavärderingarna; engagerat ledarskap, allas delaktighet/samverkan ochkundorientering som ger goda resultat för kvalitets- och verksamhetsutveckling.Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur ledare stärker en kvalitetskultur ochbeskriva en struktur för att leda en kvalitetskultur enligtorganisationsmodellen Teal. Frågeställningarna var; vad gör ledare för attstärka en kvalitetskultur, och hur beter sig ledare för att stärka enkvalitetskultur. Metoden var en kvalitativ fallstudie med litteraturgenomgång,fokusintervjuer och egna observationer. Åtta intervjuer genomfördes på ettkunskaps- och programföretag med en kultur som stämmer väl in på Teal.Intervjuerna kodades utifrån värderingarna inom kvalitetskultur och resulteradei för fallstudien specifika värderingar, beskrivningar av dessa utifrånbeteenden och en struktur för att stärka en kvalitetskultur. Resultatet visadeatt det ledarna gjorde för att stärka kvalitetskulturen var att ha fokus påvärderingarna engagerat ledarskap och allas delaktighet/samverkan, det villsäga mjuka värderingar vilka är de som framförallt ger goda resultat inom kvalitets-och verksamhetsutveckling. Ledarnas beteende kopplat till värderingarnaresulterade i strukturer för att stärka en kvalitetskultur enligt Teal. Såvälfallstudiens specifika värderingar som strukturer kan ge kunskap, stöd ochinspiration till organisationer och ledare som vill stärka en kvalitetskultur. / For organizations to succeed in quality management   values ​​that support a quality culture are crucial, where committed   leadership is one of these values. Leadership and culture are different sides   of the same coin. But even though they affect each other, there is little   knowledge of what leaders actually do and how they behave and act to   strengthen a quality culture. Previous studies have shown that it´s   especially the soft values; committed leadership, everyone's   involvement/collaboration and customer orientation that amount to good   results regarding quality management. The purpose of the study was to   describe how leaders strengthen a quality culture and describe a structure to   lead a quality culture according to the organizational model Teal. The   research questions were; what do leaders do to strengthen a quality culture,   and how do leaders behave in order to strengthen a quality culture? The   method was a qualitative case study with literature studies, focus interviews   and observations. Eight interviews were conducted at a company with a culture   that foremost is Teal. The interviews were coded based on the values ​​in   quality culture and resulted in case studies specific values, behavior   despriptions of these and a structure to strengthen a quality culture. The   results showed that what the leaders did to strengthen the quality culture   was to focus on the values ​​of committed leadership and everyone's   participation/collaboration, that is, soft values ​​which are the ones that   above all provide good results in quality management. The conduct of the   leaders, linked to the values, ​​resulted in structures to strengthen a   quality culture according to Teal. Both the case study's specific values   ​​and structures can provide knowledge, support and inspiration to   organizations and leaders who aim to strengthen a quality culture. / <p>2019-06-27</p>

Higher Education Policy-building in Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Perceptions of University Representatives

Palander, Namam 10 July 2013 (has links)
This study examines the perceptions and operational assumptions of university representatives with regard to the new higher education policy-making in Kurdistan. It attempts to explore the development and implementation of the policy’s first priority, the aim to bridge the gap between quality and quantity in higher education. A mixed-methods case study research is employed by applying qualitative methods in a series of interviews carried out with nine faculty members from a University in the Kurdistan Region. The interviews were followed by a survey of a representative sample of 305 faculty members from all faculties of the university, with responses from 148. Both research methods explored the implementation of quality assurance initiatives under the quality teaching reforms. The aim is to identify what type of quality culture in higher education is being encouraged and if it will enable higher education to serve as a bridge for Kurdistan to the global knowledge economy.

Higher Education Policy-building in Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Perceptions of University Representatives

Palander, Namam 10 July 2013 (has links)
This study examines the perceptions and operational assumptions of university representatives with regard to the new higher education policy-making in Kurdistan. It attempts to explore the development and implementation of the policy’s first priority, the aim to bridge the gap between quality and quantity in higher education. A mixed-methods case study research is employed by applying qualitative methods in a series of interviews carried out with nine faculty members from a University in the Kurdistan Region. The interviews were followed by a survey of a representative sample of 305 faculty members from all faculties of the university, with responses from 148. Both research methods explored the implementation of quality assurance initiatives under the quality teaching reforms. The aim is to identify what type of quality culture in higher education is being encouraged and if it will enable higher education to serve as a bridge for Kurdistan to the global knowledge economy.

Εκπαιδευτική πολιτική για την ποιότητα της εκπαίδευσης : ο σχολικός σύμβουλος πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης / Educational policy for the quality in educatio : the school consultant of primary education

Μπαρτζάκλη, Μαριάννα 07 April 2011 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή ασχολείται με την έννοια της Ποιότητας της Εκπαίδευσης και συγκεκριμένα εστιάζεται στο ρόλο και τη δράση του Σχολικού Συμβούλου Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης στο θέμα αυτό ως υπεύθυνου για την επιστημονική και παιδαγωγική καθοδήγηση και αξιολόγηση των εκπαιδευτικών. Οι πολιτικές για την ποιότητα φαίνεται ότι δεν προέρχονται από την ελληνική παράδοση ή και τις ελληνικές εκπαιδευτικές προτεραιότητες. Είναι περισσότερο επίδραση της συμμετοχής της χώρας σε υπερ-εθνικούς και διεθνείς θεσμούς και μορφώματα. Κατά συνέπεια, η μελέτη αυτή εκκινεί από τη διττή διαπίστωση πως η διερεύνηση της σύγχρονης ελληνικής πολιτικής για την εκπαίδευση δεν μπορεί παρά να εστιάζει ταυτόχρονα, τόσο στο διεθνές περιβάλλον (ΕΕ και μεγάλοι διεθνείς οργανισμοί) όσο και στις ιδιαιτερότητες του εθνικού μέσα από τις δράσεις φορέων που μπορούν να διαμορφώσουν, να επηρεάσουν ή να καθορίσουν την τελική επιτυχία μιας οποιασδήποτε δέσμης πολιτικών αποφάσεων κατά την εφαρμογή τους. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό γίνεται απόπειρα να αναλυθεί η έννοια της Ποιότητας της Εκπαίδευσης, να διερευνηθεί το πώς προσεγγίζεται από τους μεγάλους διεθνείς οργανισμούς και πώς σχεδιάζεται και εν τέλει υλοποιείται ως εκπαιδευτική πολιτική. Στη συνέχεια, ενδιαφέρει το πώς αυτή η πολιτική μεταφέρεται, εφαρμόζεται και προσαρμόζεται τελικά στην ελληνική πραγματικότητα. Μέσα από την ανάλυση περιεχομένου κειμένων διεθνών οργανισμών, ευρωπαϊκών νομοθετικών κειμένων, ελληνικών νομοθετημάτων και του Διδασκαλικού Βήματος (1993-2008) καθώς και την ανάλυση ημί-δομημένων συνεντεύξεων σε 28 Σχολικούς Συμβούλους Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης επιχειρείται η ανάλυση και ερμηνεία τόσο των πολιτικών για την εκπαίδευση, διεθνώς και στην Ελλάδα, όσο και το ρόλο του Σχολικού Συμβούλου σε αυτές. Στα ευρήματα της έρευνας αναδεικνύονται και ερμηνεύονται οι λόγοι απόστασης θέσπισης και εφαρμογής των νομοθετημάτων που παρατηρείται στην ελληνική εκπαιδευτική πολιτική. Ακόμα συγκαταλέγονται τα εμπόδια που συναντά ο Σχολικός Σύμβουλος κατά τη δράση του, οι περιορισμοί της δράσης του καθώς επίσης και τα περιθώρια που έχει να αναπτύξει πρακτική που στοχεύει στην ποιότητα της εκπαίδευσης. Προς επικύρωση αλλά και ανάδειξη της καλής πρακτικής χρησιμοποιούνται ευρήματα έρευνας πεδίου σε εκπαιδευτικούς πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης. / The present thesis deals with the subject of quality in education. More specifically it deals with the role and action of the Scholikou Symvoulou of Primary Education. This person in the Greek educational system is responsible for the scientific and pedagogical guidance, consultation and the evaluation of teachers. It seems that the Greek educational policies that concerns quality in education do not have roots in the Greek educational tradition. They come as a result and consequence to the Greek’s participation in International Organizations and Unions. The dissertation focus starts from the dual point that the study of Greek educational policy should consider on the one hand the international makers of educational policy (European Union and International Organizations) and on the other the national specific under which the action of players who can modify, affect or determine the final success of political decision in their implementation. In this context we attempt to understand the meaning of quality in education, to study how this notion is used by the international organizations and how it is formulated and implemented in the Greek educational system. Through the content analysis of documents of International Organizations, of the European Union, of the Greek regulative framework and of the journal “Didaskaliko Vima” (1993-2008) and also the findings of the 28 semi-structured interviews of Scholikous Symvoulous we attempt on the one hand to analyze and explain the implementation of the Greek regulative framework and on the other to clarify and analyze the role and actions of Scholikou Symvoulou. The findings of the research bring to light the gap between formulation and implementation of the Greek educational policy that concerns quality in education. Furthermore the findings bring to light the obstacles, the restrictions of his/ her action but also the ways that he/ she has to develop action that promotes quality in education. In order to make clear this action that promotes quality, findings are used from semi-structured interviews to teachers.

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