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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leadership v pojetí odborníků a v názorech českých uživatelů internetu / Leadership in specialists' interpretations and in opinions of Czech internet users

Hanáková, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Resume Topic of this thesis is leadership. Its aim is to recapitulate theoretical frame of this subject, and to outline to what extent Czech people (for purposes of this thesis Czech internet users) are familiar with leadership concept in similar way which is presented by authors who write about it. This work is based on ideas of so-called classical management schools, and information about leadership takes not only from books of chosen Czech authors, but also from works of foreign specialists like Peter F. Drucker or John Adair. For theoretical frame are used also some management textbooks like works of Koontz and Weihrich or Vodáček and Vodáčková. My hypothesis and initiative for this work is that for Czech environment leadership still is not much usual concept. There was quantitative survey on sample of Czech population carried out. As the interviewing was done online, it is not possible to present it as fully representative however criterions for choosing respondents corresponded with representative sample of Czech population when considered demographical indicators like gender, age, region or size of residence. Aim of the survey was to check on how leaders are perceived in Czech environment, which characteristics are they connected with, and if there are any differences between them and managers. The...

Inre liv och yttre verklighet – en kommunikationsstudie av Habia Cable

Nordström, Carin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Kommunikationen är en av våra viktigaste verktyg då den förmedlar information och kontakter mellan människor. För att den ska fungera krävs att budskapet förstås av dem vi riktar det till. Tyvärr förekommer det att kommunikationen fallerar pga. budskapet missförstås, feltolkas eller att den vi kommunicerar med inte vill ha en relation med annan part.</p><p>I den här uppsatsen har jag identifierat och analyserat hur Habia Cables kommunikations- nätverk ser ut, då de klagat på att deras kommunikation är katastrofal.</p><p>Habia Cable är en av Europas största tillverkare av specialkabel. Deras största kunder finns inom telekommunikation, kärnkraft, försvar och övrig industri.</p><p>I Sverige, är de lokaliserade på två ställen, i Upplands Väsby och i Söderfors, det är också där som deras huvudfabrik finns. De har 220 anställda I Sverige och deras omsättning 2006 var, 565 MSEK.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats var att identifiera:</p><p>• Hur kommunikationsstrukturen ser ut på Habia Cable?</p><p>• Vilka uppfattas som nyckelpersoner samt om det finns några centrala grupper?</p><p>• Har cheferna en central position i kommunikationsmönstret?</p><p>• Vilka personer har svag eller ingen kommunikationskontakt alls?</p><p>Jag använde mig av enkäter för att få in informationen jag behövde till denna undersökning tillsammans med en Social Nätverks Analys (SNA). Min avsikt var att få en komplett bild av kommunikationsmönstret och för att få det utförde jag en total undersökning, där alla 220 anställda fick fylla i enkäten. I enkäten fick alla svara på vilka de kände till av samtliga anställda. Mitt mål var att få in 176 svar, jag fick in 190 – 86%, vilket väl översteg mitt mål. Från datat jag fick in, kunde jag med hjälp av SNA få fram olika case-by-case relationer, vilket gav mig information om hur Habia Cables kommunikationsmönster såg ut.</p><p>Från undersökningen kunde jag se att kommunikationen kunde ha varit mycket bättre hos Habia Cable. Bara 24% hade någon form av kontakt och av dessa ansg 26% att deras kontakt inom förtaget hade stor betydelse. Det ska tilläggas att 61% kände till varandra och det fanns över 106.000 gruppkonstellationer. Det gör att jag tror att kommunikationen fungerar, men mer på det privata planet. Därför måste företaget arbeta mer med hur de kommunicerar och vilket budskap de skickar ut. Här är det viktigt att budskapet skickas ut på mottagaren villkor.</p><p>Jag vill föreslå Habia Cable att fortsätta analysera och gå djupare ner i kommunikationsmönstret. Jag vill också rekommendera dem att analysera grupp konstellationerna och vilka personer som en har en mer maktposition i dessa.</p><p>Genom denna studie, har jag lärt mig mycket om enkäter och kommunikationsmönster. Jag har också lärt mig att dessa undersökningar tar tid och att det är mycket arbete med att skriva in svaren i databasen, ett arbete jag inte är skapt för.</p> / <p>Communication is one of our most important tool due to the fact that it act as intermediary of information and connect people. For it to work it takes that the message is understood to them we direct it to. Unfortunately, the communication fails because the message is misunderstood, interpreted wrongly or that the people we communicate with, do not want this relation.</p><p>In this study, I have identified and analysed how Habia Cables communication network is structured, since they claim that their communication is catastrophic.</p><p>Habia Cable is one of Europe largest manufacture of specialized cable. Their largest customers are found in telecommunications, nuclear, defends and other industries.</p><p>In Sweden, they are located in two different places, one in Upplands Väsby and one in Söderfors, it is also here where the main manufacturing are done. They have 220 employees and the turn over where 565 MSEK in 2006.</p><p>The central question of this study where to identify:</p><p>• How the communication network at Habia Cable is structured</p><p>• Where the top management are located in the communications network?</p><p>• Which of the employees that have a centralized role in the company, and if there are any central groups</p><p>• Which employees that have a very vague or are lacking a communication network</p><p>I used questionnaires to gather information needed for this study together with a Social Network Analysis. My intension was to get a complete picture of the communication network. I performed a survey, in which all-220 employees where asked to fill in a form. In the form, they where asked to acknowledge who they knew out of all the 220 employees. My wish where to get 176 answerers; I got 190 - 86% which fulfilled my requirements. From the collected data, I received different case-by-case relations, which in the analysis could give information about how their communication network was structured.</p><p>From the findings and analysis, I could see that the communication could be much better at Habia Cable. Only 24% had any form of contact and 26%, of these 24% said that the contact they had within the company where of large importance. With that said, 61% knew of each other and there where over 106.000 workgroups. This leaves me to believe that the communication do work, but in a more private matter. Therefore, the company need to work more on how they communicate and what the message is all about. The message should be told to the recipient in his way.</p><p>My suggestions for Habia Cable is to keep analyse and go deeper into the communication network. I would also recommend them to analyse the group constellations and which people that have a more powerful position.</p><p>By doing the study, I have learnt a lot in questionnaires and communication networks. I have also learnt that these surveys take time and that it is a lot of work writing them in to the database, a work I am not designed for.</p>

Faktory vysvětlující spotřební chování: výzkum spotřebitelů biopotravin na vzorku obyvatel hl. m. Prahy a okresu Znojmo / Explanatory factors of consumer behaviour: the survey of organic food consumers conducted on sample of inhabitants of Prague and Znojmo district

Zvěřinová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
Production, processing, transport and consumption of food form a significant part of the environmental burden. Organic farming and organic food production represent for many experts, policymakers and for a part of lay public a way to reduce the environmental burden. The volume of organic food production hinges on, among others, the willingness of consumers to prefer organic food to conventional food and also to change consumer behaviour. Although organic food consumer and purchase behaviour is sometimes found to be environmentally motivated, health motives are prevailing in many developed countries. Recently, organic food consumption has grown significantly in developed countries. The diploma thesis is for these reasons aimed at analysis of motivational factors and barriers that affect consumer's purchase decision-making related to organic food. First, the overview of scientific literature concerning organic food consumption behaviour is presented. Factors that explain it can be divided into four major types: attitudinal variables, contextual forces, personal capabilities and habits. In the diploma thesis, we focus on risk perception, which can be classified as the attitudinal variable. Considering the perception of health and environmental risks, it is important to point out that manufactured...

Never Good Enough - Why It Is Worth It to Normalize Normal Bodies : A Quantitative Analysis of the Impacts of Body Image Satisfaction on the Reaction Towards Body Positivity and Thinspiration Commercials

Falk, Madlen January 2021 (has links)
Background: There is a ubiquitous societal trend to define one’s self-worth based on externalities such as looks. The visibility of idealised and homogenous, mainly white, ‘perfect’ bodies in mass media contributes to the surge in body dissatisfaction of individuals, especially young women. This is accompanied by ethical problems such as mental diseases and eating disorders. Moreover, it renders young women with a high body dissatisfaction a profitable target group for several industries. Purpose: This paper develops and tests a model on how different levels of Body Image Satisfaction impact young female’s emotional responses and their attitude towards the advertisements and the brand that uses them. It directly compares these effects for Body Positivity (BoPo) advertising (visuals of diversities of physical appearances) and traditional, idealised imagery in an experimental setup. With this, this study aims to prove that a high level of Body Image Satisfaction and thus BoPo content makes economic sense. Method: This study measures the psychological constructs Body Image Satisfaction, experiential emotional response and attitude. It draws on research on how different body types are used to profit from the effects of self-esteem advertising while linking them to research on the Body Image Satisfaction of young females. BoPo commercials are compared to traditional, idealised imagery in commercials and measured consumer reactions to both using a quantitative survey in a representative panel in Germany. Conclusion: High Body Image Satisfaction leads to a more positive experiential emotional response, a more positive attitude towards commercials, and a more positive attitude towards brands for any type of commercials. Commercials with BoPo content are highly accepted. As the exposure to BoPo content leads to a higher Body Image Satisfaction, BoPo content in mass media is ethically desirable and also economically beneficial.

Der Status Quo des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in der beruflichen Weiterbildung

Schulze-Achatz, Sylvia, Dyrna, Jonathan, Riedel, Jana 13 January 2022 (has links)
Die digitale Transformation stärkt die Notwendigkeit selbstgesteuerten Lernens in der beruflichen Weiterbildung und gibt dieser Lernform neue Impulse. Um ihre aktuelle Relevanz und Umsetzung in der Bildungspraxis näher zu beleuchten, wurde im BMBF-geförderten Vorhaben 'Weiterbildung selbstorganisiert! Entwicklung einer Weiterbildungsdidaktik für selbstorganisierte Lernprozesse' u. a. der Status Quo des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in zwei exemplarisch ausgewählten Weiterbildungsinstitutionen untersucht. Zur Erhebung von triangulierbaren Daten wurden eine Dokumentenanalyse, eine qualitative Befragung des Koordinations- und Leitungspersonals und eine quantitative Befragung von Lehrenden und Kursteilnehmenden in beiden Institutionen durchgeführt. Ein besonderes Augenmerk der Untersuchungen lag jeweils auf den Rahmenbedingungen, die selbstgesteuertes Lernen ermöglichen, fördern oder erschweren können und auf dem Einsatz von Methoden, didaktischen Prinzipien und digitalen Medien zur Unterstützung von selbstgesteuerten Lernprozessen. Die Ergebnisse der Teilerhebungen werden im vorliegenden Forschungsbericht präsentiert, diskutiert und mit Blick auf die Beantwortung der zentralen Forschungsfragen zusammengeführt. Daraus werden Handlungsempfehlungen für die zukünftige Gestaltung der Rahmenbedingungen für selbstgesteuertes Lernen in Weiterbildungsinstitutionen abgeleitet. Abschließend werden Forschungsdesiderata formuliert, die anknüpfende Forschungsvorhaben aufgreifen sollten.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen in der beruflichen Weiterbildung 1.2 Exkurs: Die Berufliche Weiterbildung 1.3 Kurzbeschreibung der zwei exemplarisch untersuchten Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 1.3.1 Bildungszentrum eines regionalen Berufsverbandes 1.3.2 Volkshochschule 2 Forschungsstand 2.1 Vergleichsstudien zur Umsetzung selbstgesteuerten Lernens in Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 2.1.1 Landesinstitut für Schule und Weiterbildung Soest 2.1.2 SeGeL 2.2 Rahmenbedingungen für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 2.2.1 Übergreifende institutionelle Faktoren 2.2.2 Institutionelle Bedingungen 2.2.3 Übersicht der für selbstgesteuertes Lernen erforderlichen Rahmenbedingungen 2.3 Methoden, didaktische Prinzipien und Medien für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 2.3.1 Methoden für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 2.3.2 Didaktische Prinzipien des selbstgesteuerten Lernens 2.3.3 Digitale Medien für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 3 Dokumentenanalyse 3.1 Erhebungsmethode Dokumentenanalyse 3.2 Bestimmung des Ausgangsmaterials 3.3 Durchführung der Dokumentenanalyse 3.3.1 Vorbereitung 3.3.2 Kodierung und Auswertung mittels strukturierender Inhaltsanalyse 3.3.3 Kodierung und Auswertung mittels evaluativer Inhaltsanalyse 3.4 Ergebnisse der Dokumentenanalyse 3.4.1 Selbstverständnis der Institutionen 3.4.2 Mitarbeitende 3.4.3 Entwicklung/ Planung eines neuen Kurses 3.4.4 Durchführung eines Kurses 3.4.5 Organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen 3.4.6 Gewährleistung der Qualitätsstandards 3.4.7 Lerndimensionen 3.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Dokumentenanalyse 3.5.1 Status Quo der Rahmenbedingungen in den zwei exemplarisch untersuchten Weiterbildungseinrichtungen 3.5.2 Methodische Limitation der Dokumentenanalyse 4 Befragung des Koordinations- und Leitungspersonals 4.1 Erhebungsmethoden 4.1.1 Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten 4.1.2 Gruppendiskussion 4.1.3 Stichprobe 4.2 Messinstrument: Leitfaden 4.3 Durchführung 4.3.1 Vorbereitung & Durchführung 4.3.2 Auswertung 4.4 Ergebnisse 4.4.1 Status Quo des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in den Einrichtungen 4.4.2 Rahmenbedingungen 4.4.3 Nächste Schritte 4.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Befragung des Leitungs- und Koordinationspersonals 4.5.1 Status Quo der Rahmenbedingungen selbstgesteuerten Lernens in den zwei exemplarisch untersuchten Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 4.5.2 Grenzen und Herausforderungen des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 4.5.3 Methodische Limitation der qualitativen Interviews 5 Dozierenden- und Teilnehmendenbefragung 5.1 Erhebungsmethode 5.1.1 Schriftliche Befragung 5.1.2 Stichprobe 5.2 Messinstrumentarien 5.3 Durchführung 5.3.1 Vorbereitung und Durchführung 5.3.2 Auswertung 5.4 Ergebnisse 5.4.1 Beschreibung der Befragten 5.4.2 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen in Kursen der beruflichen Weiterbildung 5.4.3 Methoden des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in Kursen der beruflichen Weiterbildung 5.4.4 Medieneinsatz in Kursen der beruflichen Weiterbildung 5.4.5 Didaktische Prinzipien in Kursen der beruflichen Weiterbildung 5.4.6 Abschluss 5.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Dozierenden- und Teilnehmendenbefragung 5.5.1 Status Quo des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in den zwei exemplarisch untersuchten Weiterbildungseinrichtungen 5.5.2 Methodische Limitationen der quantitativen Befragung 6 Zusammenführung der Ergebnisse 6.1 Vergleich des Status Quo des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in den zwei exemplarisch untersuchten Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 6.1.1 Allgemeine Eckdaten der Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 6.1.2 Rahmenbedingungen für selbstgesteuertes Lernen in den Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 6.1.3 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen in den Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 6.2 Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit dem Forschungsstand 6.2.1 Rahmenbedingungen für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 6.2.2 Methoden, die selbstgesteuertes Lernen unterstützen können 6.2.3 Didaktische Prinzipien, die selbstgesteuertes Lernen unterstützen können 6.2.4 Digitale Medien, die selbstgesteuertes Lernen unterstützen können 6.3 Rückbezug zu den Forschungsfragen 6.3.1 Teilfrage 1: Status Quo der Rahmenbedingungen des selbstgesteuerten Lernens 6.3.2 Teilfrage 2: Anforderungen der Teilnehmenden an berufliche Weiterbildungsangebote 6.3.3 Teilfrage 3: Didaktische Prinzipien, Methoden und mediale Szenarien für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 7 Ausblick: Handlungsempfehlungen und Desiderata 7.1 Handlungsempfehlungen 7.2 Forschungsdesiderata 8 Bibliographie / The digital transformation strengthens the need for self-directed learning in continuing vocational education and training and gives new impetus to this form of learning. In order to shed more light on its current relevance and implementation in educational practice, the BMBF-funded project 'Weiterbildung selbstorganisiert! Entwicklung einer Weiterbildungsdidaktik für selbstorganisierte Lernprozesse' (Self-organised continuing education! Development of continuing education didactics for self-organised learning processes), the status quo of self-directed learning was investigated in two selected continuing education institutions. To collect triangulated data, a document analysis, a qualitative survey of coordination and management staff and a quantitative survey of teachers and course participants were conducted in both institutions. In each case, special attention was paid to the framework conditions that can enable, promote or impede self-directed learning and to the use of methods, didactic principles and digital media to support self-directed learning processes. The results of the sub-surveys are presented, discussed and summarised in this research report with a view to answering the central research questions. From this, recommendations for action are derived for the future design of the framework conditions for self-directed learning in continuing education institutions. Finally, research desiderata are formulated that should be taken up by related research projects.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen in der beruflichen Weiterbildung 1.2 Exkurs: Die Berufliche Weiterbildung 1.3 Kurzbeschreibung der zwei exemplarisch untersuchten Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 1.3.1 Bildungszentrum eines regionalen Berufsverbandes 1.3.2 Volkshochschule 2 Forschungsstand 2.1 Vergleichsstudien zur Umsetzung selbstgesteuerten Lernens in Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 2.1.1 Landesinstitut für Schule und Weiterbildung Soest 2.1.2 SeGeL 2.2 Rahmenbedingungen für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 2.2.1 Übergreifende institutionelle Faktoren 2.2.2 Institutionelle Bedingungen 2.2.3 Übersicht der für selbstgesteuertes Lernen erforderlichen Rahmenbedingungen 2.3 Methoden, didaktische Prinzipien und Medien für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 2.3.1 Methoden für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 2.3.2 Didaktische Prinzipien des selbstgesteuerten Lernens 2.3.3 Digitale Medien für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 3 Dokumentenanalyse 3.1 Erhebungsmethode Dokumentenanalyse 3.2 Bestimmung des Ausgangsmaterials 3.3 Durchführung der Dokumentenanalyse 3.3.1 Vorbereitung 3.3.2 Kodierung und Auswertung mittels strukturierender Inhaltsanalyse 3.3.3 Kodierung und Auswertung mittels evaluativer Inhaltsanalyse 3.4 Ergebnisse der Dokumentenanalyse 3.4.1 Selbstverständnis der Institutionen 3.4.2 Mitarbeitende 3.4.3 Entwicklung/ Planung eines neuen Kurses 3.4.4 Durchführung eines Kurses 3.4.5 Organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen 3.4.6 Gewährleistung der Qualitätsstandards 3.4.7 Lerndimensionen 3.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Dokumentenanalyse 3.5.1 Status Quo der Rahmenbedingungen in den zwei exemplarisch untersuchten Weiterbildungseinrichtungen 3.5.2 Methodische Limitation der Dokumentenanalyse 4 Befragung des Koordinations- und Leitungspersonals 4.1 Erhebungsmethoden 4.1.1 Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten 4.1.2 Gruppendiskussion 4.1.3 Stichprobe 4.2 Messinstrument: Leitfaden 4.3 Durchführung 4.3.1 Vorbereitung & Durchführung 4.3.2 Auswertung 4.4 Ergebnisse 4.4.1 Status Quo des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in den Einrichtungen 4.4.2 Rahmenbedingungen 4.4.3 Nächste Schritte 4.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Befragung des Leitungs- und Koordinationspersonals 4.5.1 Status Quo der Rahmenbedingungen selbstgesteuerten Lernens in den zwei exemplarisch untersuchten Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 4.5.2 Grenzen und Herausforderungen des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 4.5.3 Methodische Limitation der qualitativen Interviews 5 Dozierenden- und Teilnehmendenbefragung 5.1 Erhebungsmethode 5.1.1 Schriftliche Befragung 5.1.2 Stichprobe 5.2 Messinstrumentarien 5.3 Durchführung 5.3.1 Vorbereitung und Durchführung 5.3.2 Auswertung 5.4 Ergebnisse 5.4.1 Beschreibung der Befragten 5.4.2 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen in Kursen der beruflichen Weiterbildung 5.4.3 Methoden des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in Kursen der beruflichen Weiterbildung 5.4.4 Medieneinsatz in Kursen der beruflichen Weiterbildung 5.4.5 Didaktische Prinzipien in Kursen der beruflichen Weiterbildung 5.4.6 Abschluss 5.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Dozierenden- und Teilnehmendenbefragung 5.5.1 Status Quo des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in den zwei exemplarisch untersuchten Weiterbildungseinrichtungen 5.5.2 Methodische Limitationen der quantitativen Befragung 6 Zusammenführung der Ergebnisse 6.1 Vergleich des Status Quo des selbstgesteuerten Lernens in den zwei exemplarisch untersuchten Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 6.1.1 Allgemeine Eckdaten der Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 6.1.2 Rahmenbedingungen für selbstgesteuertes Lernen in den Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 6.1.3 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen in den Weiterbildungsinstitutionen 6.2 Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit dem Forschungsstand 6.2.1 Rahmenbedingungen für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 6.2.2 Methoden, die selbstgesteuertes Lernen unterstützen können 6.2.3 Didaktische Prinzipien, die selbstgesteuertes Lernen unterstützen können 6.2.4 Digitale Medien, die selbstgesteuertes Lernen unterstützen können 6.3 Rückbezug zu den Forschungsfragen 6.3.1 Teilfrage 1: Status Quo der Rahmenbedingungen des selbstgesteuerten Lernens 6.3.2 Teilfrage 2: Anforderungen der Teilnehmenden an berufliche Weiterbildungsangebote 6.3.3 Teilfrage 3: Didaktische Prinzipien, Methoden und mediale Szenarien für selbstgesteuertes Lernen 7 Ausblick: Handlungsempfehlungen und Desiderata 7.1 Handlungsempfehlungen 7.2 Forschungsdesiderata 8 Bibliographie

A Critical Analysis of Presidential Term Limits in Africa: A Mixed-Methods Case Study of Causes of Political Violence in Burundi

Darboe, Foday 01 January 2018 (has links)
The crisis in Burundi began when President Pierre Nkurunziza declared that he would pursue a third term despite a two-term limitation in Burundi’s Constitution. Opposition parties along, with some members of President Nkurunziza’s own National Council for Defence of Democracy, Forces for the Defence of Democracy (CNDD-FDD), argued that President Nkurunziza’s decision to extend his rule beyond the maximum two-terms was in direct violation of the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation agreement, also referred to as the Arusha agreement, signed in 2000. This action triggered opposition parties and civil society groups to organize peaceful protests to challenge President Nkurunziza’s third term bid. In response, government forces and Imbonerakure youth militia coordinated a campaign of repression and intimidation. The country of Burundi is characterized by political violence, targeted assassinations, and accusations of torture and rape by both government forces and armed opposition groups. The purpose of this study was to examine how the conflict surrounding presidential term limit manipulation affected the perception of peace and stability among people in Burundi. Understanding this phenomenon is extremely important because the recent hike in violence among Burundians has negatively affected the peace and stability of the nation. Through a mixed-method case study approach, the study’s main findings indicate the significant fracturing of citizen perceptions of peace and stability along identity lines, significant fear and insecurity among Burundians about the current crisis, as well as the continuing impact of the long-standing violence in the country’s past. Keywords: presidential term limits, conflict resolution, political violence, term limit manipulation, qualitative case study, and quantitative survey.

Elevers upplevelse av matematik på skolor med högre- respektive lägre socioekonomisk profil: en kvantitativ studie / Students' experience of mathematics in schools with higher and lower socio-economic profiles: a quantitative study

Knutsson, Jack January 2022 (has links)
Detta arbete har, med ett kvantitativt arbetssätt, undersökt hur socioekonomisk ojämlikhet kan påverka matematikutbildning på grundskolan. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur 15-åriga högstadieelever på skolor med högre respektive lägre genomsnittlig socioekonomisk profil upplever matematikundervisningen. Forskningsfrågorna handlar om hur elever upplever eget intresse och svårighet inom matematik, och hur elever upplever förväntningar från föräldrar och lärare samt deras egna mål på slutbetyg i matematik. För att beskriva skolornas socioekonomiska profil, användes föräldrarnas utbildningsbakgrund utifrån skolverkets SALSA-undersökning. Digitala enkäter i Google formulär användes i datainsamling för detta arbete. Univariata analyser med statistiska tabeller och signifikanstest (Wilcoxon test) används i dataanalysen. Totalt 19 elever på skolan med högre socioekonomisk status och 70 elever på skolan med lägre socioekonomisk status har deltagit i enkätundersökningen. Resultaten visar att elever på skolan med lägre socioekonomisk status upplever större förväntningar från föräldrar på deras betyg i matematik. Resultaten visar också att jämfört med elever på skolan med lägre socioekonomisk status, så tycker elever på skolan med högre socioekonomisk profil att matematik är enklare och att några matematiska områden som ingår i det centrala innehållet är mer intressanta. De matematiska områdena som taluppfattning, samband och förändring samt sannolikhet och statistik påverkas mest av elevers socioekonomisk status. Socioekonomisk status kan även påverka elevers gymnasieval där elever på skolan med högre socioekonomisk status har betydande högre vilja att söka gymnasieprogram som kräver matematisk kunskap. / This work has, with a quantitative approach, investigated how socio-economic inequality can affect mathematics education in primary school. The purpose of this work was to investigate how 15-year-old students at schools with higher and lower average socio-economic profile experience mathematics teaching. The research questions were how students experience their own interest and difficulty in mathematics, and how students experience expectations from parents and teachers as well as their own goals for final grades in mathematics. To describe the schools’ 'socio-economic profile, the parents' educational background was used based on the National Agency for Education's SALSA survey. Digital surveys in Google Forms were used as a data collection method. Univariate analysis with statistical tables and significance tests (Wilcoxon test) are applied in the data analysis. A total of 19 students at the school with higher socio-economic status and 70 students at the school with lower socio-economic status have participated in the survey. The results show that students at school with lower socio-economic status experience greater expectations from parents of their grades in mathematics. The results also show that compared with students at the school with a lower socio-economic status, students at the school with a higher socio-economic profile think that mathematics is simpler and that some mathematical areas that are included in the central content are more interesting. The mathematical areas such as number perception, connection and change as well as probability and statistics are most affected by students' socio-economic status. Socio-economic status can also affect students' upper secondary school choices, where students at the school with a higher socio-economic status have a significantly higher willingness to apply for upper secondary school programs that require mathematical knowledge.

Vzdělávání rodičů v problematice drogové závislosti dětí - projekt kvantitativního průzkumu / Educating Parents in Children's Drug Addiction Problems - A Quantitative Survey Project

Hojerová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
The focus of the thesis is on drug addiction prevention in families. Education in the family is seen here as one of the key factors preventing substance addiction. In my work, I emphasize the need to inform and educate parents in this area and put forward solutions in the form of the project "Educating Parents in Children's Drug Addiction Problems". The purpose of the project is to publish a handbook for parents titled "Do You Know About Drugs What Your Child Does?" The publication will provide parents with basic information about drug addiction. In addition to theoretical knowledge about drugs, parents will also be offered practical advice and guidance on how to prevent potential problems with drugs in their children, on how to react when they learn about the child's experimentation with drugs and, last, but not least, how to act in the situation when they find out that their child is already drug-addicted. Prior to writing the handbook, quantitative survey of parents has been undertaken to map the situation in the area of drug addiction prevention in families. The aim is to include the results of the survey in the handbook in such a way that, e.g., its text, in some parts, will give details to the explanation of the problematic phenomena exposed by the survey. The survey is one part of an entire...

Problematika osob bez domova / Problem of homelessnes

Konopásková, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis Problem of homelessness Supervisor: MUDr. Jiřina Ondrušová Author: Bc. Veronika Konopásková Year of submission: 2013 Annotation The topic of the thesis is the problem of homelessness in contemporary Czech society. Specifically, it focuses on the concept of homelessness, its forms, history and presence in the Czech Republic. Further, I describe the lifestyle of homeless people, their health (physical and mental) and the problem of alcoholism among the homeless. I deal with homeless people as crime offenders and victims as well. Some of the practical problems of living as homeless are mentioned (loss of personal documents, the issue of homeless foreigners or the dependence on social services). The example of the Prague branch of civic organisation Naděje illustrates the range of social services for the homeless. Another part of the thesis is a case study of five homeless people. Further, I focus theoretically on public attitudes towards homelessness, including conducting a search of surveys published on this topic. An important part of the thesis is carrying out a quantitative survey on public attitudes towards homelessness. After describing the objectives, methodology and implementation of the survey, an extensive statistical analysis of data from 595 respondents follows along with...

Experiences and Barriers for Patient Safety Officers Conducting Root Cause Analysis

Lightner, Cynthia 01 January 2017 (has links)
Research shows that, when unintentional harm to patients in outpatient and hospital settings occurs, root cause analysis (RCA) investigations should be conducted to identify and implement corrective actions to prevent future patient harm. Executives at a small healthcare consulting company that employs patient safety officers (PSOs) responsible for conducting RCAs were concerned with the low quality of RCA outcomes, prompting this postinvestigation assessment of PSOs' RCA training and experiences. Guided by adult learning theory, the purpose of this study was to assess PSOs' RCA training and investigation experiences by examining self-reported benefits, attitudes, barriers, and time since training, and the relationship between time since training and the number of barriers encountered during RCA investigations. This quantitative study used a preestablished survey with a purposeful sample of 89 PSOs located at 75 military health care facilities in the United States and abroad. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and Kendall's tau-b correlations. Results indicated that PSOs had positive training experiences, valued RCA investigations, varied on the time since RCA training, and encountered barriers conducting RCAs. Kendall's tau-b correlation analysis showed that the time since training was not significantly associated with the frequency of barriers they encountered. Findings suggest that the transfer of technical RCA knowledge was applied during actual RCA investigations regardless of time since training, and barriers contributed to subpar quality RCA outcomes. RCA professional development was designed to enhance nontechnical, soft competency skills as a best practice to overcome encountered barriers and promote social change in the field.

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