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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le Soulier de satin et l’art moderne / The Satin Slipper and modern art

Barbier, Christèle 18 December 2014 (has links)
Le Soulier de satin, tour à tour perçu comme oeuvre Dada, drame baroque ou pièce àclef, est une oeuvre dont l’étude de la création et la réception permet de mieuxappréhender les liens de Paul Claudel avec son temps. Dans cette pièce, Claudeleffectue la somme de l’héritage artistique de remise en cause de la société positiviste desa jeunesse et livre le récit de sa vocation poétique, enracinée dans la penséebaudelairienne et mallarméenne sur la modernité. La prégnance du paradigme picturalpour livrer son manifeste esthétique et l’utilisation de l’image sous toutes ses formespour entrer en dialogue avec le sens du texte vérifient la concordance d’intérêts entreClaudel et les artistes de sa génération. L’originalité du dramaturge réside dans sonrecours à l’image pour faire de son oeuvre un ex-voto qui retrace l’itinéraire de saconversion, l’inspiration thomiste le conduisant à privilégier l’image dans l’économiedu salut à l’oeuvre dans la pièce. L’oeuvre révèle enfin son affinité avec l’art modernepar son utilisation de procédés et de formes propres à l’art moderne, comme le collageet le montage, ou redécouverts par la modernité, comme l’empreinte ou la planéité,procédés et formes que Claudel emploie de manière polysémique et dialectique. Eninscrivant la question de sa vocation poétique, de sa conversion et de la réception de sonoeuvre par ses contemporains au coeur de la pièce, avec Le Soulier de satin, Claudeldonne une oeuvre qui s’inscrit pleinement dans le programme de la modernité tout enrévélant son originalité propre. / The Satin Slipper has been received alternately as a Dada work, a Baroque drama or a‘pièce à clé’, and studying both its first production and its reception allows one to graspbetter Claudel’s relationships with his days. In this work, Claudel adds up together theartistic legacy of his questioning the positivist society of his youth and gives thenarrative of his poetic vocation, which is rooted in the Baudelairean and Mallarméanthoughts on modernity. Claudel delivers his aesthetic manifesto through the primacy ofthe pictural paradigm and makes the reader establish a dialogue with the meaning of thetext, and all this makes him meet the concerns of the artists of his generation. Theplaywright’s originality lies in his resorting to the image to make his work into an exvoto that traces the itinerary of his conversion, as the Thomistic inspiration drives himto favour the image, in God’s plan at work in the play. Ultimately, the work discloses itscloseness to modern art through the use of devices and forms that are proper to modernart, such as collages and montages, or that were rediscovered by modernity, like theimprint or the planeness, that Claudel uses in a polysemous and dialectical way. As heincludes the questions of his poetic vocation, his conversion and the reception of hiswork by his contemporaries in the heart of the play, Claudel thrusts The Satin Slipperdeeply into the programme of modernity, original though it may be revealed.

Webová správa databáze bibliografických citací / System for Bibliography Database Management on the Internet

Daněk, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this master´s thesis was to create a web interface for working with bibliographic quotations. This whole project was created to easy writing bibliographic quotations in author´s piece. The system allows inserting, searching and managing bibliographic quotations. These quotations can also be exported into four types of files : RTF, XML, HTML, a database bib file. The czech norms CSN ISO 690-1 and also CSN ISO 690-2 are fully supported. Whole the system is based on language like PHP which is used for developing dynamic web pages. The system contains graphical user interface, which is simple to use. The web interface is fully functional and it is ready for using by autors of scientific publications or students in schools.

Formy a funkce přímé řeči v žánrové struktuře novinových zpráv / The function of direct forms of presentation in the generic structure of newspaper reports

Urbanová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the employment of direct forms of presentation in the genre of hard news. The texts for the analysis were excerpted from the main British broadsheet newspapers. The classification of forms of presentation is based on Semino and Short (2004) and focuses on their deictic and syntactic properties, interpreted in terms of the pragmatic concepts of perspective, faithfulness claims and the role of the reported and reporting speaker. Attention is paid to various direct forms, including direct speech, free direct speech and combined forms, i.e. non-direct forms appearing with a partial direct quote. The thesis draws heavily on the work by White (1998), whose approach to genre is informed by the ideas proposed by the Sydney School and Systemic Functional Linguistics. Hard news is characterised by the orbital generic structure, consisting of the nucleus and a number of specifying satellites (White 1998). The occurrence of direct and combined forms of presentation is explained by their deictic, syntactic and pragmatic properties, the generic role and characteristic features of the nucleus and individual satellites, and the overall function of hard news. The function of hard news and forms of presentation is also discussed in terms of the more general concepts of heteroglossia, dialogue...

Über die szientometrische Bedeutung des Impact-Faktors

Nourmohammadi, Hamzehali 03 May 2007 (has links)
Auf der Basis des Impact-Faktors, entsprechend der Definition Eugene Garfields, werden die Implikationen dieses IF für szientometrische Überlegungen und deren Folgen für das Zeitschriftenwesen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen: Der Impact-Faktor ist ein Wert, der einen Hinweis auf den durchschnittlichen Bekanntheitsgrad eines Beitrags in einer vom SCI erfassten Zeitschrift gibt. Der Impact-Faktor ist ein Wert, der in hohem Maße vom Umfang des SCI bestimmt ist. Über die dort erfassten Zitationen wird ermittelt, wie oft eine Zeitschrift zitiert worden ist. Der Impact-Faktor ist in hohem Maße davon bestimmt, in wieweit die Quellen zugänglich sind, die zitiert werden. Der lineare Zusammenhang, den R. Rousseau und G.V. Hooydonk (1996) zwischen dem Impact-Faktor von Zeitschriften und der Zahl der darin erschienenen Aufsätze (Produktion) hergestellt haben, gilt nur in dem von ihnen untersuchten Bereich des Impact-Faktors 0,5 – 3. Bei höheren Werten kommt es zu einer Abflachung, bei Werten über 7 sogar zu einer Umkehr der Steigung. Es gibt einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Höhe des Impact-Faktors und seinem jährlichen Zuwachs im SCI. Je höher der IF, desto höher ist auch sein jährlicher Anstieg. Bei genauerer Analyse zeigte sich, dass der Zuwachs, zum Zeitpunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung, gegen einen Grenzwert von 0,42 ging. Die Impact-Faktoren von Zeitschriften und deren Preise für die Abonnements hängen statistisch nur schwach voneinander ab. Ob Zeitschriften erworben werden müssen ist weitaus stärker von den Zitationen abhängig, die diese Zeitschriften auf sich versammeln. Der IF steigt mit der Auflagenhöhe von Zeitschriften, wenn diese bereits einen höheren IF aufweisen. Für wissenschaftliche Autoren ist der Druck, in Zeitschriften mit einem hohen IF zu publizieren, beobachtsam. Je höher dieser allgemeine Druck ist, desto geringer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit für einen einzelnen Autor wiederholt in derartigen Zeitschriften publizieren zu können. / The current thesis investigates the Impact Factor (IF) in scientific journals and its consequences for scientometric considerations. The results are: The Impact Factor is a value for Journals listed in the Science Citation Index, which show the average degree of acquaintance in the scientific community. It is much less a sign of quality than often believed. The IF is highly determined by the degree of the extent of the SCI. The Impact Factor is also, to a considerable degree determined by the availability of the cited sources. Methodological the IF depends strongly on the topical adjustment of the SCI. A linear correlation, found by R. Rousseau and G.V. Hooydonk (1996) between the Impact Factor and the number of papers per journal, is only valid in the analysed range of 0.5 - 3 examined by these authors. At higher IF values it comes to a flattening, and for values greater 7 even to a reversal of the curve. There is an annual increase of the Impact Factor in the SCI, in which the annual rate is rising as higher the IF is. More exact analyses have shown that the increase had an upper of 0.42, at the investigated time. Impact factors of Journals and prices for their relations depend only on a weak statistic from each other. Whether Journal is acquired, depends by far more strongly on the citations, which meets these magazines on itself. The IF rises with the number of copies of magazines if these already exhibit a higher IF. A clear separation between a cause and effect cannot be recognized here. It would be both possible that Journals with high IF experience increased demand, so that the copy number thereby rises and that the IF rises, because the Journal enjoys a high interest. Scientific authors are under pressure to publish in journals with Ifs as high as possible. The higher this general pressure is the smaller is the probability for an author to publish in such journals repeatedly. Exceptions are the publishers or editors of these Journals.

Boiardo lettore di Dante. Comunicazione letteraria e intertestualità a Ferrara nella loro dimensione storica

Cazzato, Matteo 29 May 2024 (has links)
La tesi si propone di indagare l’intertestualità dantesca nell’opera volgare di Matteo Maria Boiardo. Il fenomeno è già stato oggetto di studi – indirizzati soprattutto al poema cavalleresco, e in misura minore (specie negli ultimi anni) al canzoniere lirico – che si sono mossi però nell’alveo dell’impostazione strutturalista, con una considerazione della memoria poetica da un punto di vista formalista e tipologico. Questa corrente ha consentito sviluppi importanti negli studi filologici, ma porta a vedere il fatto letterario staccato dal suo contesto di riferimento. Se questo esito in Italia è stato arginato da una forte base storicista, va detto che gli studi sulle riprese poetiche hanno però vissuto una situazione particolare. Da una parte, infatti, lo strutturalismo fra anni ’60 e ’70 ha imposto anche in Italia, attraverso una serie di importanti lavori, il suo modo di trattare la questione, senza poi che il successivo approdo semiotico incidesse in maniera significativa. Dall’altra, la reazione di chi voleva agganciare il fenomeno al dato storico ha riportato il problema all’impostazione erudita della critica delle fonti, privilegiando la raccolta dati da mettere in relazione con le informazioni sulla storia della tradizione e della circolazione. L’obbiettivo di questa tesi è fare un passo avanti, nella convinzione che per lo studio di questi fenomeni di riuso sia la circolazione manoscritta che i dati testuali e formali vadano letti in una piena prospettiva semiotica: guardare ai fenomeni di tradizione e trasmissione testuale nell’ottica dei processi ricettivi, e considerare le scelte di memoria poetica come atti comunicativi, con un valore pragmatico. La ricerca ha l’intento di giungere ad una maggior comprensione del rapporto del dotto poeta umanistico con il modello dantesco, un’interpretazione più chiara delle strategie di riuso, determinate dal particolare modo di leggere la Commedia nel contesto specifico, e perciò attraverso un preciso filtro fra quelli disponibili al tempo. Accanto all’insieme di informazioni filologiche sulle attestazioni manoscritte nelle biblioteche del tempo, l’indagine qui condotta consente – anche da un punto di vista che potremmo definire attributivo – di indicare in Benvenuto da Imola l’esegeta di riferimento per Boiardo e il suo pubblico, proprio perché l’osservazione ravvicinata dei testi e dei loro legami fa emergere questa tradizione interpretativa come la più attiva nell’elaborazione boiardesca rivolta ai lettori. Il lavoro non ha preso le mosse da un afflato teorico, teso a riconcettualizzare l’intertestualità, ma da un intento di chiarificazione sui testi e alcuni loro aspetti che non sembravano però trovare una spiegazione soddisfacente all’interno del quadro metodologico diffuso. Il lavoro, allora, ha assunto poco alla volta anche una vena metodologica sorta dall’osservazione dei fenomeni in modo nuovo. E così, accanto all’indagine storico-letteraria, e in stretta relazione con essa, è stato possibile avanzare alcune proposte ermeneutiche sui meccanismi intertestuali in base alle dinamiche della comunicazione letteraria. E nelle pagine che seguono il percorso si articola attorno a nuclei diversi ma interconnessi: da una parte la riflessione generale a carattere semiotico sui fenomeni di memoria poetica, che vengono concettualizzati grazie agli apporti di discipline come la pragmatica; segue una ricognizione storica sulle modalità di lettura e ricezione del modello dantesco – e non solo – in base alla circolazione dei testi e dei loro apparati esegetici; si arriva poi al nucleo del lavoro con l’affondo diretto su opere e paratesti esegetici con le loro relazioni, che si instaurano all’interno del laboratorio d’autore e poi da lì arrivano al pubblico.

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