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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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考量專利品質下之台灣IC設計產業研發效率分析 / R&D Efficiency Analysis of IC Design Industry in Taiwan with Patent Quality Consideration

臧友文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討民國88年至94年台灣IC設計產業之研發效率分析。採兩階段資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA):第一階段以保證區域資料包絡分析法(Assurance Region DEA,AR/DEA)衡量績效,以避免傳統DEA方法可能出現產出或投入的乘數為0之狀況。第二階段採資料切齊的(censored) TOBIT迴歸模型探討影響研發效率值的效率因子。 研究發現: (1)只考量專利數量與納入專利品質考量下之統計檢定結果,雖沒有顯著的差 異,但對少數的廠商的研發效率值與排名確實有變動,納入專利品質考 量,可以掌握更多研究發展資訊,了解廠商專利真正的價值。 (2)專利被引證次數與研發效率值呈現顯著正相關。 (3)TOBIT迴歸實證結果顯示: 研發效率與公司規模無顯著關係;研發效率與研發人力密集度無顯著相 關;研發效率與研究發展費用率呈負向關係;研發人員年約收入對研發技 術效率無顯著影響;外來知識流量占自有知識存量比例會正向影響研發效 率表現。 / This study investigates R&D efficiency analysis of IC design industry in Taiwan from 1999 to 2005 by using the two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). To avoid the situations that the multiplier of the input or output might be zero, we adapt the method of Assurance Region DEA (AR/DEA) to measure achievements in the first stage. We then use censored TOBIT regression model to study the factors that influence the efficiency value in the second stage. Through our study, we conclude that: (1) Although there is no significant difference in the results of statistical test whether we take patent quantity into account or not, both the value of R&D efficiency and ranking of a few firms do change. We can grasp more information of research and development and understand the true value of firm’s patent as we put patent quality into account. (2) The correlation coefficient between the amount of patent cited and the value of R&D efficiency is positive significantly. (3) The empirical results of TOBIT regression show that: a. There is no significant relationship between the R&D efficiency and the company’s scale. b. There is no significant relationship between the R&D efficiency and the density of R&D workers. c. There is a negative relationship between the R&D efficiency and the ratio of R&D expense. d. The yearly revenue of R&D workers does not significantly influence the R&D and technology efficiency. e. The ratio between the flow rate of external knowledge and the owned knowledge storage affects positively on R&D efficiency.

Innovationsförmågans påverkan på varumärket : En vindlande resa om redovisningens svårighet att informera om det mest väsentliga / The innovativeness impact on brand value : A winding journey of accounts difficulty to inform about the most essential

Adebäck, Sara, Norman, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Att utveckla ett starkt varumärke är ett sätt för företag att utmärka sig från mängden, vilket idag är nödvändigt på grund av den ständigt ökande konkurrenssituationen. Varumärket anses vara ett av företagens mest värdefulla tillgångar men är problematiska att värdera. Problematiken beror bland annat på att värdet på varumärken påverkas av flertalet olika faktorer, däribland företagets innovationsförmåga. Utifrån denna bakgrund har studiens syfte utformats: att undersöka hur värdet på företags varumärken påverkas av deras innovationsförmåga. Metod: Vi har gjort en sekundärdataundersökning, där data tänkts samlas in från databasen Retriever och, eftersom det visade sig att kvalitén i den var bristfällig, från företagens årsredovisningar. P.g.a bristerna i Retrievers databas och otydlig information i årsredovisningar kompletterades studien med tre semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Studien genomfördes på Stockholm Nasdaq OMX om omfattade de största 250 företag som hade minst ett registrerat varumärke. Företag med irrelevant data för studiens syfte eliminerades. Data analyserades genom Pearsons korrelationsanalys och linjär regression. Intervjusvaren analyserades med hjälp av ”well-grundad teori”. Resultat & Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar på att det finns ett positivt samband mellan varumärkesvärdet och FoU. De kompletterande intervjuerna bidrog till att vi uppmärksammandes på skillnaderna mellan praktikers och forskningens syn på väsentligt redovisningsinformation och att bristerna som standarderna har ger företagen möjligheten att kringgå rekommendationerna. Studiens slutsats är att företags varumärken påverkas positivt av företagets innovationsförmåga. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: På grund av begränsade resurser och databasens låga kvalitet har begränsat möjligheten att samla in tillfredsställande data. Därför är ett förslag till fortsatt forskning att genomföra studien på en annan börs än Stockholm Nasdaq OMX. Uppsatsens bidrag: Främst bidrar denna studie till att belysa problemet med att den information som företagen idag redovisar inte är tillräcklig för att ge kunskap om företagens innovations- förmåga och immateriella tillgångar. Ett bidrag är även att det finns ett samband mellan företags varumärken och deras innovationsförmåga hos de företag som undersökts, men på grund av den begränsade datamängden är det svårt att dra några generella slutsatser om detta samband. / Aim: Developing an strong brand is a way for companies to stand out of the crowd, which today is necessary to conquer on the competitive market. The brand value is one of the most important assets in annual reports, but there are difficult to estimate an reliable value. It depends on the fact that the brand value is affected by few different factors, including innovativ-eness. Due to the thesis background the purpose enunciate: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate it there is a correlation between companies brand value and innovation capacity. Method: We have done a secondary data analysis, with help from the database Retriever. The combination of faint information and lack of quality in Retrievers capacity it contributed that we had to use semi-structured interviews as an complement to full follow the purpose. The paper per- form at Stockholm Nasdaq OMX and included de 250 largest companies that at least had one registered brand value. Companies with inapplicable data for the purpose of the study was elimi- nated. As a final the data was analysed by dint of linear regression, Pearsons correlation analysis, and interviews thru ”well-grounded theory”. Result & Conclusion: The result of the study indicated that there are positive relation between brand value and R&D. The complemented interviews contributed that the authors observed diff- erences between practitioners and researchers on the perception of between essential accounting information and the opportunities to provide principles to circumvent the recommendations. The conclusion of the study is that companies brand value are positively affected by the innovativeness. Suggestions for future research: Due to the lack of resources and qualitative database it wasn’t possible to satisfy the purpose of the study. Consequently our suggestion for future research will contain the recommendation to do the study on another stock exchange. Contribute of the thesis: Mainly this study contributes to illuminate the fact of accounting information: companies doesn't inform sufficient information to increase knowledge for there own business innovativeness and immaterial assets. Which can be seen as a problem. Second contribute comprises that there is, hence small or implicit, relation between brand value and their companies innovativeness at the researched companies. Consequently the results gets difficult to draw general conclusion from.

Outcome predictors of co-operative R&D in Europe : organisational capabilities and cultures

Zibell, Laurent January 2010 (has links)
This research investigates organisational capabilities and cultures of both partners as potential explanatory factors of co-operative R&D projects outcomes. Contributions to theory are (1) a justification for the existence of organisational capabilities and 'world views', (2) a parsimonious typology of 'world views' and (3) a method to measure organisational capabilities. The survey covers 514 projects in the electronics industry, in Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Finland. It obtains 120 full answers, each of which coupling responses from a matched pair of project managers having co-operated on the same R&D project. The survey refers to the organisation's capabilities, to those of the partner, to its 'world view', and to project outcomes. None of the traditional explanatory factors (geographic distance, difference in nationality, size or legal status, strategic compatibility) has any significant influence on any of the outcomes being studied (save one). The explanatory factors introduced by the research (organisational capabilities and 'world views') have a significant influence on almost all outcomes being considered of the co-operative R&D projects: attainment of concrete results, compliance with budget and schedule, creation and transfer of knowledge, learning (modification of capabilities). Cultural diversity, 'absorptive capacity', and teaching effects, selective according to the capability in question, are evidenced. Commonalities between partners are shown to be more important than distance. These results validate empirically organisational capabilities and 'world views' as descriptors of inter-organisational capabilities, and their operationalisation.

Mathematical modelling and optimal control of constrained systems

Pitcher, Ashley Brooke January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with mathematical modelling and optimal control of constrained systems. Each of the systems under consideration is a system that can be controlled by one of the variables, and this control is subject to constraints. First, we consider middle-distance running where a runner's horizontal propulsive force is the control which is constrained to be within a given range. Middle-distance running is typically a strategy-intensive race as slipstreaming effects come into play since speeds are still relatively fast and runners can leave their starting lane. We formulate a two-runner coupled model and determine optimal strategies using optimal control theory. Second, we consider two applications of control systems with delay related to R&D expenditure. The first of these applications relates to the defence industry. The second relates to the pharmaceutical industry. Both applications are characterised by a long delay between initial investment in R&D and seeing the benefits of R&D realised. We formulate models tailored to each application and use optimal control theory to determine the optimal proportion of available funds to invest in R&D over a given time horizon. Third, we consider a mathematical model of urban burglary based on the Short model. We make some modifications to this model including the addition of deterrence due to police officer presence. Police officer density is the control variable, which is constrained due to a finite number of police officers. We look at different control strategies for the police and their effect on burglary hot-spot formation.

Retornos do P&D e incentivos fiscais: uma análise para o caso brasileiro / Returns to R&D and tax incentives: an analysis for the Brasilian case

Santana, Bruna Goussain 26 June 2017 (has links)
Esse trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para a literatura empírica dos retornos do P&D no Brasil, em particular, dos incentivos fiscais da Lei do Bem (Lei no 11.196/2005) sobre a sobre a produtividade total dos fatores (PTF) das firmas beneficiárias. Para isso, desenvolvemos nosso trabalho em torno de dois objetivos específicos: o primeiro é verificar o impacto do incentivo fiscal sobre os esforços em P&D das firmas beneficiárias por meio do teste de adicionalidade. O segundo é estimar a elasticidade da PTF com relação ao P&D e o impacto do tratamento da Lei do Bem sobre essa elasticidade. Por fim, analisamos o impacto indireto da Lei do Bem sobre a PTF que ocorre por meio do aumento dos dispêndios em P&D. Essa avaliação foi conduzida a partir de estimações de modelos econométricos com microdados de firmas industriais brasileiras para o período de 2003 a 2013, aplicando o procedimento de Propensity Score Matching (PSM) associado a estimações de Efeitos Fixos e de Blundell e Bond (1998). Entre os resultados encontrados, verificamos que apenas as estimações para o período de 2006 a 2009 ultrapassaram o limite superior da renúncia fiscal, o que significa que uma parte do aumento verificado para o período de 2010 a 2013 deva ter ocorrido como substituição do gasto público, evidenciando, pelo menos parcialmente, o efeito de crowding out. Os resultados da segunda etapa do trabalho sugerem que a lei tem efeitos indiretos positivos sobre a produtividade das firmas, mas, apesar disso, a elasticidade da PTF se encontra abaixo da mediana dos estudos internacionais / The objective of this dissertation is to contribute to the empirical literature on returns to R&D in Brazil, in particular, the tax incentives of Lei do Bem (Lei no 11.196/2005) on the total factor productivity (TFP) of the beneficiary firms. In order to do this, we have organized this study around two specific objectives: the first is to verify the impact of the tax incentive on the R&D efforts of the beneficiary firms through the additionality test. The second is to estimate the elasticity of TFP with respect to R&D and the impact of the treatment of the Lei do Bem on this elasticity. Finally, we analyze the indirect impact of the Lei do Bem on TFP that occurs through the increase in expenditures in R&D. This evaluation was carried out based on estimations of econometric models with microdata from Brazilian industrial firms for the period 2003 to 2013, applying the procedure of Propensity Score Matching (PSM) associated with estimates of Fixed Effects, and Blundell and Bond (1998). Among the results, we found that only the estimates for the period from 2006 to 2009 exceeded the upper limit of the tax waiver, which means that part of the increase observed for the period from 2010 to 2013 must have occurred as a substitution of public expenditure, evidencing, at least partially, the crowding-out effect. The results of the second stage of the study suggest that the law has positive indirect effects on firm productivity, but nonetheless, the elasticity of TFP is below the median of international studies.

Essays in Microeconomics

Rakic, Ruzica 31 July 2017 (has links)
Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei unabhängigen Kapiteln über mikroökonomische Themen. Die ersten beiden Kapitel befassen sich mit Themen der Industriökonomie und Wettbewerbstheorie, wohingegen das dritte Kapitel Fragestellungen von Cheap Talk Spielen untersucht. Kapitel 1 untersucht die Folgen, die sich aus einer partiellen Akquisition zwischen Wettbewerbern ergeben. Kapitel 2 analysiert die Auswirkungen einer Forschungs-und Entwicklungs (FuE)- Kooperation auf die Investitionsanreize in einem Markt, in dem eine Mehrproduktunternehmer mit einem Einzelproduktuntfirma konkurriert. Kapitel 3 untersucht die Funktion der Mediation zur Erleichterung der Kommunikation mit privaten Informationen. / This dissertation consists of three independent chapters in the field of microeconomics. The first two chapters are concerned with topics of industrial organization and competition policy, whereas the third chapter addresses some problems in cheap talk games. Chapter 1 studies anti-competitive issues that arise from partial acquisition between competitors. Chapter 2 analyzes the effects of cooperation on R&D investment incentives in a market where a multi-product firm competes with a single-product firm. The third chapter examines the role of mediation in facilitating communication with private information.

Three essays on auctions and innovation

Giebe, Thomas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Innovation ist von zentraler Bedeutung für Entwicklung und Wirtschaftswachstum. Innovation findet in einem institutionellen Rahmen statt. Auktionen und auktionsähnliche Mechanismen sind Institutionen. Sie organisieren Transaktionen zwischen ökonomischen Agenten. Auktionen enthüllen private Information indem sie Wettbewerb zwischen Agenten erzeugen. Wenn sie günstig gestaltet werden, dann nutzen sie die enthüllte private Information zur Erfüllung bestimmter Ziele, wie z.B. Gewinnmaximierung oder Effizienz. In drei Aufsätzen untersucht diese Dissertation die Verwendung von Auktionen im Kontext von Innovation. Kapitel 1 betrachtet die übliche Praxis der öffentlichen Subventionsvergabe an private Unternehmen. Wir weisen auf Nachteile dieser Praxis hin und machen Verbesserungsvorschläge, die man einzeln oder in Kombination anwenden kann. Unsere Vorschläge wurden mit Hilfe von Laborexperimenten und Simulation getestet. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass unsere Vorschläge eine erhebliche Verbesserung der Subventionsvergabe ermöglichen. Kapitel 2 betrachtet den Verkauf, bzw. die Versteigerung, von Lizenzen zur Nutzung einer patentierten Innovation an Unternehmen in einem oligopolistischen Markt. Das Kapitel analysiert eine modifizierte Lizenzauktion, die profitabler ist als die in der Literatur untersuchten Mechanismen. Bei dieser Auktion wird eine begrenzte Anzahl Royalty-Verträge (Royalty = mengenabhängige Lizenzgebühren) versteigert und die Verlierer der Auktion erhalten ebenfalls die Option auf Royalty-Verträge. Kapitel 3 untersucht Innovations-Turniere. Zwei bekannte Institutionen, Festpreis-Turnier und Scoring-Auktion, werden mit einer Auktion kombiniert, in der um die Teilnahme am Turnier geboten wird (entry auction). Diese Variante wurde in der Literatur vorgeschlagen. Wir charakterisieren Bayesianische Nash-Gleichgewichte bei denen die beiden Mechanismen zu gleichartigen Ergebnissen führen. / Innovation is central to development and economic growth. Innovation happens within some institutional framework. Auctions and auction-like mechanisms are institutions that organize transactions between economic agents. In the face of private information, they provide a means of revealing part of that information by inducing competition between agents. If well designed, they make use of the revealed information in order to achieve a certain objective, e.g., to maximize profit or to allocate efficiently. In three essays, this dissertation studies the use of auctions in the context of innovation. Chapter 1 looks at the widely used practice of allocating government R&D subsidies to private companies. We point out flaws of that practice and propose improvements that can be adopted separately or in combination. Our proposals are tested in controlled lab experiments and by simulation. The results suggest that adopting the proposals might substantially improve the allocation of subsidies. Chapter 2 revisits the literature on the sale, and, in particular, auctioning, of patent licenses by an innovator to a downstream oligopoly. It analyzes a modified auction that turns out to be more profitable than many other mechanisms that have been analyzed in the literature. There, a restricted number of royalty contracts is auctioned while all losers of the auction are granted the right to sign a royalty contract. Chapter 3 looks at R&D tournaments. It starts from two well-known auction institutions, the fixed-prize tournament and the scoring auction. It combines both with an entry auction, a feature that has been proposed in the literature. We characterize Bayesian Nash equilibria such that both mechanisms are equivalent in a number of ways.

Modelo para a avaliação da adicionalidade comportamental: uma aplicação em microempresas de base tecnológica beneficiadas com incentivo à inovação tecnológica / Behavioral additionality evaluation model: application in technology based micro-enterprise benefited by technological innovation incentive

Martins, Débora Segato 10 November 2011 (has links)
Diversos autores tratam a necessidade das empresas gerenciarem seu processo de inovação para reforçar sua posição competitiva e de procurarem estratégias competitivas coerentes com as mudanças impostas pelo ambiente. O sucesso da inovação depende, além das fontes técnicas, de competências para gerenciá-las. Seguindo essa lógica, para cumprir com os objetivos dos programas de incentivos à inovação, é preciso, além de proporcionar recursos financeiros e humanos, assegurar que as empresas possuam competências para lidar com a gestão da inovação. Diante do exposto, este trabalho propõe um modelo para a análise da adicionalidade comportamental das empresas beneficiadas pelo programa de Subvenção Econômica da FINEP e o aplica com cinco microempresas de base tecnológica beneficiadas pelo programa. Sendo que o objetivo é de explorar de que maneira a participação no Programa de Subvenção Econômica pode modificar a estratégia e gestão de inovação dessas empresas. O modelo desenvolvido baseia-se no conceito de adicionalidade comportamental e nos modelos de avaliação de instrumentos de incentivos à inovação levantados na literatura. É pautado ainda nas teorias de gestão e estratégia de inovação como forma de captar as possíveis adicionalidades comportamentais no nível do projeto e da empresa. A aplicação do modelo às cinco microempresas de base tecnológica apoiadas pelo programa de subvenção econômica de 2006 mostrou a sua eficácia. Foi possível captar que as empresas apresentaram adicionalidade comportamental em intensidade distinta no nível do projeto e no nível da empresa e também para a dimensão da gestão da inovação e da estratégia da inovação. Essa abordagem não pretende substituir as avaliações já realizadas pela FINEP e sim ser de caráter complementar. Traz uma nova perspectiva para as avaliações de políticas públicas por considerar que a contribuição do instrumento de incentivo à inovação não deve trazer resultados pontuais ou ter caráter redistributivo de recursos, mas sim pode elevar a competência inovativa das empresas por eles beneficiadas, seja no aprimoramento de suas ferramentas ou processo de inovação ou por alterar de forma substancial e positiva a sua estratégia de inovação. / Several authors address the companies need for managing their innovation process in order to strength its competitive position and for seeking competitive strategies coherent with the changes imposed by the environment. Successful innovation depends, in addition to technical sources, of expertise to manage them. Following this logic, to meet the goals of the innovation incentives programs, we must ensure that companies have responsibilities to deal with the management of innovation, besides providing financial and human resources. Given the above, this paper proposes a behavioral additionality evaluation model of companies benefited by FINEP Economic Support Program and applies it to five technology based micro-enterprise. Since the goal is to explore how the participation in the Economic Support Program can modify the strategy and innovation management of these companies, the model is based on the concept of behavioral additionality and the evaluation models of technological innovation incentive raised in the literature. It is based on the theories of management and innovation strategy as a way to capture the possible behavioral additionality at the project and company level. The application of the model with the five technology based micro-enterprise benefited by FINEP Economic Support Program of 2006 showed its effectiveness. It was possible to capture that companies had different intensity of behavioral additionality at the project and the company level and also at the innovation management and innovation strategy dimension. This approach is not intended to replace the evaluation already carried out by FINEP, but to be used as complementary. It brings a new perspective for the public polices evaluation by considering that the contribution of the stimulate innovation instrument should not bring specific results or not have redistributive resources character, but can increase the innovation ability of the companies benefited by them, also in the improvement of your tools or innovation process or by changing substantially and positively its innovation strategy.

Estudo das fontes de financiamentos públicas dos processos ou projetos de inovação no Brasil

Scholz, Luiz Fernando de Barros 17 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:39:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Fernando de Barros Scholz.pdf: 24642964 bytes, checksum: 08e824ff733b3c68cba52b1e8b8e53c5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The article approaches The Study of Public Funding Sources for Innovation Processes and Projects in Brazil. This master dissertation is focused on the existing public funding sources, their effectiveness and contribution to foster R&D in Brazil. Its main objective was to present some of these existing funding sources for innovation in Brazil and their consistency with what is defined in the Oslo Manual about innovation. A secondary objective was to analyze the invested amounts and the available values to be used in innovation research and development in Brazil and to make considerations on their efficacy and efficiency. Two research techniques were used to meet those objectives. The linear regression model aimed at establishing a relation between investments and granted patents by studying the efficacy and efficiency of the investments. In this context, it was verified that the investments were effective because they have generated new patents, however, there is still space to increase their efficiency since they present a four year term to mature and a R2 of approximately 62%. This means, R2 shows that the investments explain a lot, but not all that occurs to grant the patent. The content analysis technique was used to study the consistency with the Oslo Manual. It was observed that incentive and fostering programs of R&D are adherent moderately to the Manual. There were no programs that contemplated innovation in marketing or in the operational and administrative reorganization form / Este trabalho tem o título de Estudo das Fontes de Financiamentos Públicas dos Processos ou Projetos de Inovação no Brasil. O foco desta dissertação de mestrado foram as fontes de financiamento públicas existentes no Brasil, sua efetividade e contribuição para o fomento de P&D no país. Teve como objetivo principal o de apresentar algumas das fontes de financiamento para Inovação existentes no Brasil e sua consistência com as definições do Manual de Oslo sobre inovação. Teve ainda o objetivo secundário de analisar os montantes investidos e os valores que estão disponíveis para utilização em pesquisa e desenvolvimento de Inovação Brasil e tecer considerações sobre sua eficácia e eficiência. Para o alcance destes objetivos foram usadas duas técnicas de pesquisa: um modelo de regressão linear, com o objetivo de estabelecer a relação entre investimentos e patentes concedidas, com o objetivo de se estudar a eficiência e a eficácia dos investimentos. Neste contexto verificou-se que os investimentos são eficazes, pois, geram novas patentes, havendo, no entanto, espaço para o aumento de sua eficiência, uma vez que apresentam um prazo de quatro anos para maturação e um R2 de aproximadamente 62%. Ou seja, o R2 mostra que os investimentos explicam muito, mas não explicam tudo o que ocorre para a concessão da patente. Quanto à consistência com o Manual de Oslo, esta foi estudada com uso de técnica de análise de conteúdo e verificou-se que os programas de incentivo e fomento à P&D são moderadamente aderentes ao Manual, com programas que não contemplam inovação em marketing, ou, inovação na forma de reorganização operacional e administrativa

A influência das variáveis gerenciamento, P&D e treinamento - diferido - na função de produção de empresas do setor de bens de capital brasileiro / The influence of variables management, R&D and training - diferido- in the production function in the Brazilian capital goods sector

Moralles, Herick Fernando 08 June 2010 (has links)
Criada na década de vinte, a função de produção Cobb-Douglas é, ainda hoje, muito popular na literatura microeconômica. Contudo, durante o século XX, o desenvolvimento da informática e das telecomunicações possibilitou diversas mudanças na forma de gestão das firmas. Como exemplo, é possível citar a implantação de sistemas integrados de gerenciamento e o crescente investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) de novos produtos e processos, bem como a qualificação da sua mão-de-obra via treinamento. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho se propõe a identificar a influência das variáveis gerenciamento, P&D e treinamento de mão-de-obra na função de produção de empresas do setor de bens de capital brasileiro. Para tanto serão desenvolvidos modelos econométricos, baseado em uma função Cobb-Douglas modificada, com especificações que contemplem a inclusão de tais variáveis. / Built in the twenties, the production function Cobb-Douglas is still very popular in the microeconomic literature. However, during the twentieth century, the development of computing and telecommunications has enabled several changes in companies management. As an example, we can mention the implementation of integrated management systems and the increasing investment in research and development (R&D) of new products and processes as well as the qualifications of its manpower through training. Accordingly, the present study aims to identify the influence of the variables management, R&D and manpower training in the production function of companies in the brazilian capital goods sector. In order to achieve the proposed objective, this work will develop some econometric models, based on a modified Cobb-Douglas function, with specifications that address the inclusion of such variables.

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