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Taškinių vaizdų vektorizavimas ploninimo metodu / Vectorization of raster data using thining algorithmVelutis, Vaidas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Iki devyniolikto amžiaus devinto dešimtmečio pradžios kompiuterinė grafika buvo labai maža, specializuotas veiklos sfera. To priežastis buvo brangi techninė įranga ir mažas taikomųjų programų, kurios būtų ne brangios bei efektyvios, pasirinkimas. Tokių programų skaičius žymiai išaugo, kai pasirodė personaliniai kompiuteriai su vaizduokliais ir vartotojas galėjo tiesiogiai dirbti su grafiniais vaizdais.
Nuo to laiko kompiuterinė grafika ir taškinių vaizdų apdorojimas labai stipriai patobulėjo. Tai tapo inžinerinių, informatikos, fizikos, medicinos bei biologijos mokslo šakų disciplinomis universitetuose.
Viena iš sričių, kuri pažengė toliausiai šioje srityje yra kompiuterinis dizainas (CAD). Buvo pasiūlyta naudoti vektorinį duomenų formatą vietoje taškinių vaizdų, kadangi vektorinis formatas yra patogesnis ir tinkamesnis saugoti duomenims. Todėl atsirado būtinybė senus popierinius darbus, naudotus prieš pasirodant CAD sistemoms, paversti į vektorinį formatą. Pačioje pradžioje tai buvo atliekama rankiniu būdu, tačiau tobulinant taškinių vaizdų apdorojimo priemones buvo sukurti specializuoti įrankiai padedantys taškinius vaizdus versti į vektorinį formatą (vektorizuoti).
Šių tezių tikslas yra sukurti bei patobulinti sistemą gebančią vektorizuoti taškinius vaizdus. Palyginti naudojamus algoritmus bei sistemos veikimą su panašiomis sistemomis.
Šių tezių teorinėje dalyje yra detaliai aprašyti vektorizavimo procesą sudarantys veiksmai bei algoritmai. Projektinėje dalyje pateikti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Until the early 1980`s, computer graphics was a small, specialized field, largely because the hardware was expensive and graphics-based application programs that were easy to use and cost effective-were few. Then personal computers with built-in raster graphics displays popularized the use of graphics for user – computer interaction and as they become more affordable, an explosion of easy-to-use and inexpensive graphics-based applications soon followed.
Since then, computer graphics and image processing have experienced vigorous growth, having been subject to interdisciplinary study and research in such fields as engineering, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine.
One of the areas that have benefited a great deal was computer aided design (CAD). Several non-raster based graphics formats – vector formats – were introduced as more convenient and appropriate means of storage for CAD systems. It became necessary for print work produced before the appearance of CAD systems to be reinstated in electronic form. In the early days this work had to be done manually. Later, with the development of image processing, specialized tools were devised to tackle the problem of vectorization, or raster-to-vector conversion.
The aim of this thesis is to improve vectorization system, and to compare vectorization results with similar systems.
The main steps of raster data vectorization is discussed in this document. In project part of this thesis you will find the main... [to full text]
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Rastrinių vaizdų vektorizavimo sistema / Raster images vectorization systemGenytė, Jurgita 29 May 2006 (has links)
The problem of raster images vectorization was analyzed and researched in this work. Existing vectorization systems are quite expensive, the results are inaccurate, and the manual vectorization of a large number of drafts is impossible. That‘s why our goal was to design and develop a new raster images vectorization system using our suggested automatic vectorization algorithm and the way to record results in a new universal vectorial file format. The work consists of these main parts: analysis, design, user documentation and experimental research. Conclusions of the analysis of this field are that the optimal solution of vectorization is the synthesis of automatic and manual vectorization. Users’ requirements were documented and raster image vectorization system designed. It was noticed that the result of vectorization depends on: vectorization algorithm; vectorization parameters; quality of raster image and user experience in this field. The core problems of vectorization are: symbol, intersection and corners recognition, lines‘ and their endings‘ types, filled areas. Vectorization results of our system and Corel TRACE were compared during the experimental research.
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Kalibratoriaus geometrinio tikslumo įtakos rastrų formavimui ir kalibravimui lazerinėmis technologijomis tyrimai / Research of comparator geometrical accuracy influence on formatting and calibrating rasters using laser technologyKojelavičius, Paulius 22 July 2008 (has links)
Linijinių skalių kalibravimo įrenginiuose vienu iš pagrindinių linijos padėties kalibravimo paklaidos sandų yra geometrinės komparatoriaus paklaidos. t.y. paklaidos, susijusios su karietėlės judesio nuokrypiais – jos mažais kampiniais svyravimais apie pagrindinio judesio ašį ir jai statmenas ašis bei linijiniai poslinkiai išilgai šių statmenų ašių. Dėl Abbe principo nesilaikymo, reikšmingiausiais yra karietėlės kampiniai svyravimai apie minėtąsias statmenas ašis. / One of the main components of a line position calibration error in linear scale calibrators are geometrical errors of the comparator, i.e. the errors associated with the carriage’s movement deviations – its slight angular fluctuations about the main movement axis and the axes perpendicular thereto, and the linear displacements along those perpendicular axes. The most important are the carriage’s angular fluctuations about the abovementioned perpendicular axes due to nonobservance of Abbe principle.
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Geographic research on the Corn Belt and other regional landscapes of the central U.S. has not to date identified quantitatively the climatic, edaphic, topographic, and economic characteristics that determine rural land cover, and that therefore govern land cover change. Using the USDA/NASS Cropland Data Layer, this study identifies these characteristics using Multivariable Fractional Polynomials within a logistic regression framework. It maps the suitability distribution for corn, soybeans, spring and winter wheat, cotton, grassland, and forest land covers that dominate the central U.S., at a 56m resolution across 16 central U.S. states. The non-linear logistic regression models are successful in identifying determinants of land cover with relative operating characteristic (ROC) scores that range from 0.769 for soybeans to 0.888 for forest, with a combined corn/soybean model achieving an ROC of 0.871. For corn and soybean models, when prior land cover of a pixel is added, predictability and ROC scores increase substantially (0.07-0.10), indicating a strong temporal feedback in land cover dynamics. This process also aids in the delineation of fields from pixels. Adding neighboring land covers, however, improves predictability and ROC scores only slightly (0.014-0.019), indicating a weak spatial feedback mechanism. By including annual crop prices within the logit models, economically marginal cropland that comes into crop production only when prices are high is identified in a spatially-explicit manner. This capacity improves further analyses of economic and environmental impacts of policies that affect crop prices. The sustainability of current rural land use trends in the central U.S. is highly dependent on the ability to adapt to changing climatic conditions of the 21st century. As the climate begins to shift towards longer growing seasons, more erratic rainfall patterns, and overall warmer temperatures, there is potential for major impacts on seven major land covers of the central U.S. Suitability landscapes of individual land covers (corn, soybeans, spring and winter wheat, cotton, grasslands, and forests) were utilized to determine the influence of climate change on these landscapes. Twenty-seven climate change projection scenarios based on three global climate models, three representative concentration pathways, and three time periods were applied to the land cover suitability maps utilizing raster regression. The area now identified as the Corn Belt is projected to see a dramatic shift in the suitable climate with a potential for a 30 percent increase in summer growing degree days. While the area where conditions are suitable for corn, soybeans and spring wheat are all expected to decrease, winter wheat has the potential to increase in suitable area. In order to maintain current geographic patterns of crop production, corn would need to be adapted to higher temperatures.
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Potential of GPU Based Hybrid Ray Tracing For Real-Time GamesPoulsen, Henrik January 2009 (has links)
The development of Graphics Hardware Technology is blazing fast, with new and more improved models, that out spec the previous generations with leaps and bounds, before one has the time to digest the potential of the previous generations computing power. With the progression of this technology the computer games industry has always been quick to adapt this new power and all the features that emerge as the graphic card industry learn what the customers need from their products. The current generations of games use extraordinary visual effects to heighten the immersion into the games, all of which is thanks to the constant progress of the graphics hardware, which would have been an impossibility just a couple of years ago. Ray tracing has been used for years in the movie industry for creation of stunning special effects and whole movies completely made in 3D. This technique for giving realistic imagery has always been for usage exclusively for non-interactive entertainment, since this way of rendering an image is extremely expensive when it comes to computations. To generate one single image with Ray Tracing you might need several hundred millions of calculations, which so far haven’t been proven to work in real-time situations, such as for games. However, due to the continuous increase of processing power in Graphical Processing Units, GPUs, the limits of what can, and cannot, be done in real-time is constantly shifting further and further into the realm of possibility. So this thesis focuses upon finding out just how close we are to getting ray tracing into the realm of real-time games. Two tests were performed to find out the potential a current (2009) high-end computer system has when it comes to handling a raster - ray tracing hybrid implementation. The first test is to see how well a modern GPU handles rendering of a very simple scene with phong shading and ray traced shadows without any optimizations. And the second test is with the same scenario, but this time done with a basic optimization; this last test is to illustrate the impact that possible optimizations have on ray tracers. These tests were later compared to Intel’s results with ray tracing Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.
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Batch-digitalisering och GIS-anpassning av analoga enkätdata / Batch-digitalizing and GIS adaptation of analogue visitor survey dataAla-Häivälä, Anders January 2007 (has links)
I denna rapport beskrivs arbetet med att tillvarata och anpassa data från en enkätundersökning till digital hantering i GIS. Undersökningen är en besöksstudie utförd av Karlstads kommun och Skogsstyrelsen för att kartlägga människors rörelsemönster i I2-Skogen, ett gammalt militärt övningsfält som numera används som rekreationsområde. Enkäten består av ett antal frågor om exempelvis typ av aktivitet, ålder och åsikter om området, samt en karta på vilken besökaren ritat in var i området han eller hon rört sig. Utgångsmaterialet för arbetet har varit en databas innehållande enkätsvaren, samt originalkartorna med den ritade informationen. Arbetet omfattar dels att undersöka om kartinformationen kan digitaliseras automatiskt genom scanning och vektorisering i batch, och dels att normalisera och strukturera databasen med enkätsvaren. En metod för digitalisering har utarbetats och testats på ett urval av kartorna. Metoden består av ett antal steg och innefattar bl a bearbetning av kartorna i bildbehandlingsprogram samt klassning och vektorisering i GIS-programvara. Eftersom batchfunktioner saknas i GIS-programvaran har makron skapats genom programmering i VBA. Metoden har visat sig fungera bra på urvalet och slutsatsen blir att det är fullt möjligt att digitalisera de ritade linjerna med automatik. Dock finns vissa brister avseende noggrannhet och användbarhet. Dessutom är urvalet relativt litet och viss justering av inställningarna för klassning och vektorisering kan vara nödvändig vid tillämpning på större delar av materialet. Databasen har normaliserats så långt som ansetts rimligt med tanke på prestanda och användbarhet. För att tillförlitliga sökningar ska kunna utföras har flera attribut tolkats och modifierats genom indelning i kategorier och intervall. Arbetet har resulterat i en geodatabas innehållande samtliga enkätsvar samt det utvalda materialet från digitaliseringstestet. För att visa hur databasen kan användas har två enkla analysexempel tagits fram. / This report describes the work with utilizing and adapting data from a visitor poll for use in a GIS. The poll was performed by the Municipality of Karlstad and the Swedish Forest Agency to survey peoples visit patterns in the I2-Forest, a former military training field which is now used as a recreation area. The poll consists of a number of questions about the visitor’s activities, age, opinions etc, and a map on which the visitor has drawn his or her path through the forest. Source data is a database containing poll answers, and the original maps with the drawn information. The task is partly to investigate if the maps can be batch-digitalized through scanning and vectorization, and partly to normalize the database. A method for digitalizing has been developed and tested on a selection of the maps. The method consists of a number of steps, including image processing, classification and vectorization. According to lack of batch-possibilities in the used GIS software, macros have been created by programming in VBA. The method works well on the selected maps and the conclusion is that it is possible to digitalize the drawn lines automatically. However, there are some shortages regarding accuracy and usability. Furthermore, the selection is relatively small and some adjustments on the settings for classification and vectorization might be necessary when applying the method on a larger part of the data. The database has been normalized as far as reasonable with consideration of performance and usability. To enable reliable searches, several attributes has been interpreted and modified through categorization and classification. The result is a geodatabase consisting of all poll answers, and the selected data from the digitalization test. To show how the database can be used, two simple examples of analyses have been made.
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A Large-scale Dynamic Vector and Raster Data Visualization Geographic Information System Based on Parallel Map TilingWang, Huan 08 November 2011 (has links)
With the exponential increasing demands and uses of GIS data visualization system, such as urban planning, environment and climate change monitoring, weather simulation, hydrographic gauge and so forth, the geospatial vector and raster data visualization research, application and technology has become prevalent. However, we observe that current web GIS techniques are merely suitable for static vector and raster data where no dynamic overlaying layers. While it is desirable to enable visual explorations of large-scale dynamic vector and raster geospatial data in a web environment, improving the performance between backend datasets and the vector and raster applications remains a challenging technical issue.
This dissertation is to implement these challenging and unimplemented areas: how to provide a large-scale dynamic vector and raster data visualization service with dynamic overlaying layers accessible from various client devices through a standard web browser, and how to make the large-scale dynamic vector and raster data visualization service as rapid as the static one. To accomplish these, a large-scale dynamic vector and raster data visualization geographic information system based on parallel map tiling and a comprehensive performance improvement solution are proposed, designed and implemented. They include: the quadtree-based indexing and parallel map tiling, the Legend String, the vector data visualization with dynamic layers overlaying, the vector data time series visualization, the algorithm of vector data rendering, the algorithm of raster data re-projection, the algorithm for elimination of superfluous level of detail, the algorithm for vector data gridding and re-grouping and the cluster servers side vector and raster data caching.
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Quantification of cell penetrating peptide uptake by fluorescent techniquesStaley, Ben Paul January 2012 (has links)
Cell penetrating peptides have been the focus of drug delivery research for 15 years due to their apparent ability to deliver cargoes inside cells more readily than many other carriers. Using two of the most commonly studied peptides (tat47-57 and R9), the present study differs from previous work by deliberately choosing to observe uptake with lower peptide concentrations closer to potential therapeutic doses, and by implementing raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS) on a commercial microscope to quantify uptake in parallel to other techniques such as fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), confocal microscopy, and mass spectroscopy.An initial study using mass spectrometry and ExPASy (Expert Protein Analysis System) revealed that the peptides are stable for at least one hour in PBS. Based on this initial information and other experimental conditions, the study took two main directions with regards to the peptide: the membrane interaction and accumulation in the cell.The peptides interaction with the cell membrane revealed that neither tat-TAMRA nor R9-TAMRA disrupts the membrane of cells: incorporation of FM2-10 in the membrane was not modified in K562 cells whilst it was in presence of the control lytic peptides GALA and mellitin. Based on this information confocal microscopy was utilised to assess the localisation on the cell membrane. Peptide binding to the membrane appeared to be heterogeneous in distribution at 1µM bulk concentration.Accumulation in cells of the peptides was observed incubated at 37°C, confocal microscopy showed punctuated distribution with intracellular aggregations of fluorescence measuring between 2.5-3.5µm in diameter. Co-staining with a nuclear dye revealed these aggregations to be focused around the nucleus of the cell. Initial FCS experiments indicated a concentration dependent accumulation of the peptide in the cells and a decrease of the intracellular diffusion coefficients at high concentration possibly corresponding with molecular crowding. Interestingly the anomalous diffusion model did not statistically improve the results.RICS was implemented to study the kinetics of entry of TAMRA labelled cell penetrating peptides in both Caco-2 and HeLa cells lines at concentrations between 500nM and 2µM. Concentrations above 1µM exhibited higher final intracellular concentrations, yet the measured diffusion coefficients were similarly independent of extracellular concentration. Both peptides appeared to enter the cell quickly with a fast initial uptake over the first 10 minutes, reaching a concentration maxima after 30 minutes.Overall, the study reveals that many published studies may be incorrect as they may only be reporting the presence of a fluorescent dye inside the cell not the peptide. The fast binding of the peptide to the membrane is likely to cause false positive results when traditionally studying internalisation kinetics such as using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Correlation spectroscopy techniques such as FCS, provide useful information on internalisation of the peptides, but the single spot measurement is limited when providing information on the entire cell. RICS is a progression of correlation spectroscopy and provides a more representative picture of the cell.
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Architektura sociálně vyloučených - vězení s ostrahou v Brně / Architecture of socially excluded - Higher security prison in BrnoKanderová, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
Functional concrete building united by concrete grid. The second clear mass hall. Both buildings connected by footbridge a joined the central hallway.
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Implementace algoritmů zpracování obrazového rastru v FPGA / Implementation of Raster Processing Algorithms in FPGAŠiroký, Vít January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is about unusal view of implementation of graphic algorithms in FPGA in computer vision context. There are some informations about raster image and raster image operations, raster image segmentation usign threhsholding and adaptive thresholding and FPGA and DSP platforms. Next, there is a concept of the concrete project realization in the Unicam2D camera and description other ways of implementation. Next, there is a description of implemented tests with some demonstration followed by discussion of ressults in the end of the work.
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