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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isoform-spezifische Funktionen mitogen-aktivierter Proteinkinasen in Transkriptionskontrolle und Proliferation

Wieland, Anja 06 July 2011 (has links)
In vielen humanen Neoplasien findet sich eine erhöhte Aktivität des Raf-Mek-Erk-Signaltransduktionsweges. Zunächst wurde davon ausgegangen, dass diese erhöhte Aktivität hauptsächlich durch die Ras-Onkogene hervorgerufen wird. Doch mittlerweile konnten auch Mutationen der Raf Gene in humanen Neoplasien nachgewiesen werden. Gegen Raf und Mek konnten eine Anzahl von Enzyminhibitoren entwickelt werden. Der Nachteil vieler dieser Inhibitoren ist, dass sie nicht zwischen den einzelnen Kinaseisoformen unterscheiden können. In dieser Arbeit ist es nun das erste Mal gelungen, jede Komponente des Raf-Mek-Erk-Signaltransduktionsweges einzeln mittels RNA Interferenz effizient zu inhibieren. Dabei konnte die Rolle der verschiedenen Isoformen in der Proliferation, Morphologie und Genex-pression von transformierten Zellen definiert werden. In den NIH3T3-pEJ Zellen konnte A-Raf erstmals eine antiapoptotische Rolle zugewiesen werden. Diese Hemmung der Apoptose läuft möglicherweise über einen Mek2-abhängigen Weg und ist an die Mitochondrien gekoppelt. Für die beiden Mek Kinasen konnten unter-schiedliche Funktionen in der Signalweiterleitung gezeigt werden. Mek2 spielt die Hauptrolle in der Aktivierung der beiden Substratkinasen Erk1 und Erk2. Der Verlust der Mek1 Isoform wird dagegen möglicherweise durch eine erhöhte Expression von Mek2 kompensiert und wirkt sich nicht so stark auf die Phosphorylierung von Erk1/2 aus. Durch die Verwendung von Erk1 und Erk2 spezifischen siRNAs konnte eine Trennung zwischen der Proliferationsre-gulation und der Kontrolle der morphologischen Transformation herausgearbeitet werden. Durch die Verwendung von Mikroarrays ist es gelungen, beiden Phänotypen ein Genexpres-sionsprofil zuzuordnen. Neben Unterschieden zwischen den verschiedenen Kinaseisoformen konnten neue, potentielle Feedbacks beschrieben werden. / In many human neoplasia an increased activity of the RAF/MEK/ERK- signaling pathway is found. First it was assumed that this raised activity is caused primarily by the RAS onco-genes. However, meanwhile mutations in the RAF genes could be also proved in human neo-plasia. A number of enzyme inhibitors have been developed against the RAF and MEK pro-teins. The disadvantage of many of these inhibitors is that they cannot distinguish between the different kinase isoforms. In this work it has succeeded the first time to inhibit every compo-nent of the RAF/MEK/ERK- signaling pathway individually by means of interference RNA. Beside this, the role of the different isoforms in the proliferation, morphology and genetic profile of transformed cells could be defined. For the first time A-Raf could be assigned an anti-apoptotic role in NIH3T3-pEJ cells. This inhibition of the apoptosis possibly runs through a Mek2-dependent way and is coupled to the mitochondria. For both Mek kinases different functions could be shown in the downstream signaling. Mek2 plays the leading role in the activation of both downstream kinases Erk1 and Erk2. The loss of the Mek1 isoform expression is possibly compensated through an increased expression of Mek2 and does not affect the phosphorylation of Erk1 / 2 so strongly. A discri-mination between the regulation of proliferation and the control of the morphological trans-formation could be worked out by the use of Erk1 and Erk2 specific siRNAs. By the use of micorarray an expression profile of both phenotypes has assigned. Beside differences between the different kinases new, potential feedback pathways could be described.

Überwindung der P-Glykoprotein (MDR1)-abhängigen Multidrugresistenz mittels RNA-Interferenz

Stege, Alexandra Eva 11 January 2007 (has links)
P-Glykoprotein als Produkt des MDR1-Gens stellt einen gut untersuchten Mediator der Multidrugresistenz (MDR) in humanen Malignomen dar. Die Überexpression dieses ABC-Transporters steht in Korrelation zu einer erniedrigten Tumorremission und einer kürzeren Überlebensrate der Patienten. Bisherige Versuche, das Protein über niedermolekulare Substanzen (MDR-Modulatoren) zu inhibieren, vermochten in allen bisherigen klinischen Studien nicht zu überzeugen, so daß diese bis heute keinen Eingang in Standardtherapieschemata gefunden haben. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, mittels RNA-Interferenz Strategien die Expression von MDR1 zu hemmen und eine Reversion der zellulären Chemoresistenz sowohl im Zellkultur- als auch im Tiermodell zu erreichen. Für die in vitro Untersuchungen an drei humanen multidrug-resistenten Karzinomzellinien wurden verschiedene siRNA (short interfering) Duplexe und shRNA (short hairpin)-exprimierende Vektoren gegen die MDR1 mRNA entwickelt. Die Behandlung der Zellen mit siRNAs führte zu einer bis zu 91 %igen Inhibition der MDR1 mRNA-Expression und zu einer Sensitivierung der Zellen gegenüber dem Anthrazyklin um 89 %. Diese Effekte konnte über einen Zeitraum von drei bis fünf Tagen aufrechterhalten werden. Die stabile Expression von anti-MDR1 shRNAs führte in zwei der untersuchten Zellmodelle zu einer dauerhaften und kompletten Überwindung des MDR1-abhängigen Resistenzphänotyps. Im Mausmodell konnte durch intratumorale Applikation des anti-MDR1 shRNA-kodierenden Vektors mittels low-volume Jet-Injektion eine komplette Reversion der MDR1-Überexpression sowie eine Wiederherstellung der Chemosensitivität gegenüber Doxorubicin in dem resistenten Tumormodell erreicht werden. Die Effizienz der kombinierten Gen- und Chemotherapie wird durch die Verminderung des in vivo Tumorwachstums auf das Volumen des von der sensiblen Zellinien-abgeleiteten Tumors reflektiert. / Multidrug resistance (MDR) is the major cause of failure of effective chemotherapeutic treatment of disseminated neoplasms. The "classical" MDR phenotype of human malignancies is mediated by drug extrusion by the adenosine triphosphate binding cassette (ABC)-transporter P-glycoprotein (MDR1/P-gp). For stable reversal of "classical" MDR in three human cancer cell lines by RNA interference (RNAi) technology, two small interfering RNA (siRNA) constructs and four H1-RNA gene promoter-driven expression vectors encoding anti-MDR1/P-gp short hairpin RNA (shRNA) molecules were constructed. In all cellular systems, siRNAs could specifically inhibit MDR1 expression up to 91% at the mRNA and protein levels. Resistance against daunorubicin was decreased to a maximum of 89%. The introduction of anti-MDR1/P-gp shRNA expression vectors leads in two of the three human cancer cell lines to a complete reversion of the MDR phenotype. The reversal of MDR was accompanied by a complete suppression of MDR1/P-gp expression on mRNA and protein level, and by a considerable increased intracellular anthracyline accumulation in the anti-MDR1/P-gp shRNA-treated cells. In a mouse xenograft model a complete in vivo restoration of MDR1 overexpression and chemosensitivity to doxorubicin could be obtained by intratumorally jet-injected anti-MDR1 shRNA in a multidrug resistant human cancer tumor model.

Analýza exprese inhibitorů serinových proteáz v klíštěti \kur{Ixodes ricinus} pomocí kvantitativní real-time PCR

HAUSEROVÁ, Simona January 2019 (has links)
Tick saliva contains a lot of biological active substances helping them to succesfully complete their feeding which is neccesary for their next development. Both proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous molecules including protease inhibitors are present in tick saliva. The biggest family of these proteases are serpins. Serpins are involved in many biological processes as blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, apoptosis or inflammation. The aim of this diploma work was to determine expression profiles of 10 serpins from nymphs of Ixodes ricinus fed for different times using quantitative real time PCR. For chosen genes (IRS 10, IRS 20) dsRNA for silencing of the gene was prepared and using RNA interference the role of these genes during tick (I. ricinus nymphs) feeding and transmission of Borrelia afzelii spirochetes, a vector of Lyme borreliosis, was evaluated.Tick saliva contains a lot of biological active substances helping them to succesfully complete their feeding which is neccesary for their next development. Both proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous molecules including protease inhibitors are present in tick saliva. The biggest family of these proteases are serpins. Serpins are involved in many biological processes as blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, apoptosis or inflammation. The aim of this diploma work was to determine expression profiles of 10 serpins from nymphs of Ixodes ricinus fed for different times using quantitative real time PCR. For chosen genes (IRS 10, IRS 20) dsRNA for silencing of the gene was prepared and using RNA interference the role of these genes during tick (I. ricinus nymphs) feeding and transmission of Borrelia afzelii spirochetes, a vector of Lyme borreliosis, was evaluated.

Untersuchung der Funktion des Transkriptionsfaktors GATA-4 durch eine Mausmutante mit einem induzierbaren RNA-Interferenz System

Thurisch, Boris 11 December 2007 (has links)
Hintergrund: Der Transkriptionsfaktor GATA-4 ist für die normale Entwicklung des Endoderms essentiell. Mausmutanten mit einer homozygoten Deletion des gata-4 Gens versterben zwischen den embryonalen Tagen 8.5 - 10.5 aufgrund einer Störung der ventralen Morphogenese und der Ausbildung des Herzschlauches. Zielsetzung und experimentelle Strategie: Um die Bedeutung von GATA-4 auch nach der embryonalen Entwicklung untersuchen zu können, wurden doppelt-transgene Mäuse generiert. Diese Mausmutanten exprimieren einen Tetrazyklin-Repressor und eine gegen GATA-4 gerichtete short hairpin RNA (shGATA-4). Die Expression der shGATA-4 steht dabei unter der Kontrolle eines H1-Promotors, welcher durch ein Tetrazyklin-Operator Element modifiziert wurde. Dadurch ist das System durch Doxyzyklin induzierbar. Ergebnisse: Die Integration der Transgene in dem Genom der Maus wurde durch Southern-Blot Analyse nachgewiesen. Die Expression der shGATA-4 wurde durch die Applikation von Doxyzyklin über das Trinkwasser (20 mg/ml) induziert. Langzeitstudien am Herzen haben dabei eine signifikante Suppression von GATA-4 nach 38 Tagen ergeben (80 %). Diese Reduktion konnte durch Western-Blot Analyse bestätigt werden. Obwohl die Expression verschiedener Zielgene von GATA-4 (ANF, BMP-4) ebenfalls herunterreguliert war, fiel bei den transgenen Mäusen kein kardialer Phänotyp auf. Jedoch wurde die GATA-4 Expression in den Hoden und Ovarien transgener Mäuse supprimiert, nachdem shGATA-4 durch die Applikation von Doxyzyklin induziert wurde. Weiterführende Untersuchungen an adulten Mäusen zeigten eine GATA-4 Reduktion von 20 % auch in nicht mit Doxyzyklin-induzierten Mausmutanten. Diese Reduktion könnte durch einen sog. leaky-Effekt des shGATA-4 Transgens hervorgerufen worden sein, wodurch die stark eingeschränkte Fertilität dieser Mauslinie erklärt werden könnte. Interessanterweise haben ca. 10 % der mit Doxyzyklin behandelten transgenen Weibchen Ovarial-Teratome ausgebildet. Histologisch wiesen diese Teratome überwiegend (neuro-) ektodermale, vereinzelt mesodermale und nahezu keine endodermalen Strukturen auf. Schlussfolgerung: In diesem Modell hat die Suppression von GATA-4 keinen Einfluss auf die Funktion des Herzens der adulten Maus. Jedoch scheint GATA-4 für die Fertilität der Maus von großer Bedeutung zu sein. Weiterhin scheint die Suppression von GATA-4 mit der Ausbildung von Ovarial-Teratomen assoziiert zu sein. / Background: The transcription factor GATA-4 is crucial for the normal endodermal development. In mice, homozygous deficiency of GATA-4 causes defects in ventral morphogenesis and heart tube formation, resulting in embryonic death between day e8.5 and e10.5. Aim and experimental strategy: To analyze the implication of GATA-4 beyond embryonic development a double transgenic mouse expressing the tetracycline repressor (TetR) and an inducible small interfering RNA directed against GATA-4 was generated. This expression construct contains a H1 promoter modified with a tetracycline operator upstream of the coding region for the GATA-4 short hairpin RNA (shGATA-4). Results: The integration of the transgenes in FvB mice (H1:G4/TetR) was confirmed by Southern blot. To induce the expression of the shGATA-4 construct, transgenic mice were treated with doxycycline (20 mg/ml drinking water). In longitudinal analysis, most efficient GATA-4 suppression was detected after 38 days. Quantitative PCR revealed a GATA-4 reduction of about 80 % in the heart, if normalized against the wildtype. Reduction of GATA-4 was confirmed by Western Blot. Although GATA-4 target genes (ANP, BMP-4) were down regulated, the animals showed no clinical phenotype. In opposite to wildtype mice, GATA-4 expression was undetectable in the ovaries and testis of transgenic mice with induced shGATA-4. Additional analysis in adult transgenic mice, which were not treated with doxycycline, also showed a reduction of GATA-4 expression of about 20 %, probably caused by a leaky-effect of the transgene. This may explain the significantly reduced fertility of the colony. Importantly, 10 % of transgenic females treated with doxycycline developed ovarian teratomas. Histological examination of teratomas showed predominantly (neuro-) ectodermal and to a lower degree mesodermal, but almost no endodermal compounds. Conclusions: GATA-4 reduction in the adult murine heart is – at least to a certain degree – clinically redundant. GATA-4 seems to be required for normal fertility. In our model GATA-4 deficiency seems to be associated with an increased risk for developing ovarian teratoma.

A galectina-3 na fisiologia e no câncer de tiróide: identificação de SNPs no gene LGALS3 e estudo funcional de galectina-3 in vitro e in vivo / Galectin-3 in thyroid physiology and cancer: identification of SNPs in the LGALS3 gene and functional study of galectin-3 in vitro and in vivo.

Martins, Luciane 17 April 2008 (has links)
Neste estudo, investigamos o envolvimento de galectina-3 na fisiologia e no câncer de tiróide usando vários modelos biológicos e metodologias. Observamos que o gene LGALS3 apresenta um SNP no códon 98, mas não observamos correlação entre os genótipos deste SNP e fenótipo de câncer de tiróide. Na linhagem de tiróide de rato PCCl3, mostramos que a indução da expressão do oncogene RET/PTC promove o aumento da expressão de galectina-3, no entanto, a expressão de galectina-3, por si só, não confere vantagem de proliferação à célula. Por outro lado, na linhagem de carcinoma papilífero de tiróide TPC-1, a galectina-3 contribui para a sobrevivência da célula tumoral e progressão do ciclo celular, aumentando a expressão de c-Myc, diminuindo a expressão de p21 e caspase-3, e favorecendo a ativação de importantes vias envolvidas no controle do ciclo celular. Além disto, em modelos in vivo e in vitro, a galectina-3 interferiu na função e diferenciação da célula folicular tiroidiana, exercendo um papel indireto na regulação da expressão da tireoglobulina e atividade de TTF-1. / In this study, we investigate the involvement of galectin-3 in thyroid physiology and cancer using several biological models and methodologies. We observed that LGALS3 gene presents a SNP in codon 98, but no correlation between the genotype and the phenotype of benign or malignant thyroid tumor was observed. In the rat thyroid cell line PCCl3, we showed that the conditional induction of RET/PTC oncogene expression promotes the increase of galectin-3 expression, however, galectin-3 expression itself did not confer a proliferative advantage to cell. On the other hand, in papillary thyroid carcinoma cell line TPC-1 the galectin-3 contributes to tumor cell survival and cell cycle progression, increasing c-Myc expression, decreasing p21 and caspase-3 expression and cooperating to activation of important signaling pathways which are involved in the cell cycle control. In addition, in vitro and in vivo models the galectin-3 interferes in the differentiation and function of thyroid follicular cell, playing an indirect role in the regulation of thyroglobulin expression and TTF-1 activity.

Efeito do silenciamento gênico do Tnfa na preservação auditiva em ratos Wistar expostos ao ruído e análise da expressão gênica dessa via metabólica / Effect of Tnfa gene silencing on auditory preservation in Wistar rats exposed to noise and analysis of gene expression of this metabolic pathway

Rodrigues, Janaina Candida 23 May 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A exposição a níveis elevados de pressão sonora é a segunda causa mais comum de perda auditiva sensorioneural adquirida. Está relacionada à morte celular por apoptose, necrose e/ou necrose programada (necroptose) devido ao dano mecânico e/ou metabólico, ocasionando a degeneração de estruturas cocleares como células ciliadas, sobretudo externas, células de suporte e de fibras aferentes do nervo coclear. Estudos têm demostrado um aumento na citocina inflamatória TNFa após a exposição ao ruído, bem como a melhoria auditiva relacionada ao uso de etanercepte, que é um bloqueador destacitocina. Neste contexto, este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do silenciamento gênico do Tnfa na audição de ratos Wistar, expostos ao ruído branco, e identificar o perfil de expressão gênica na via metabólica desse gene. METODOLOGIA: Foram incluídos ratos Wistar do sexo masculino, jovens com limiar auditivo no Peate clique de 50 dBSPL. Os animais foram submetidos à introdução do siRNA Tnfa em uma orelha, e siRNA scramble na orelha contralateral por via trans-timpânica com posterior exposição à 120 dBSPL de ruído branco por 3h. Foi realizado Peate clique e remoção das cócleas para obtenção do cDNA e avaliação da expressão gênica da via metabólica do Tnfa por meio de qRT-PCR. Um grupo de animais, não submetidos ao silenciamento, foi exposto ao ruído para análise dessa via metabólica. Para o cálculo da expressão gênica relativa (Rq) utilizamos o método do deltaCT comparativo e o teste t-Student pareado para avaliar os parâmetros no Peate clique. RESULTADOS: A taxa de silenciamento observada foi de 74,1%. A média do limiar eletrofisiológico nas orelhas silenciadas foi estaticamente melhor que a orelha scramble (p < 0,001) com valores médios de 49,5 +- 10.5. A amplitude média da onda I em 80 dBSPL e das ondas II e IV em 90 dBSPL foi estatisticamente maior na orelha siRNA Tnfa, sem alteração na latência nas intensidades audíveis,para ambos os lados. A exposição ao ruído promoveu aumento da expressão do gene Tnfa e de seu receptor Tnfrsf1A, 24h após à exposição, associado ao aumento da expressão de genes relacionados à apoptose e diminuição de genes relacionados à sobrevida celular. CONCLUSÃO: O ruído promoveu aumento de expressão do gene Tnfa e de genes envolvidos na apoptose, associado à perda auditiva em modelo experimental. A administração trans-timpânica do siRNA Tnfa promoveu preservação do limiar eletrofisiológico e da amplitude da onda I, II e IV no Peate clique, após exposição ao ruído intenso, sugerindo que a inibição deste pode ser uma estratégia de preservação auditiva promissora. O silenciamento do Tnfa inibiu a disfunção coclear após estímulo acústico, sugerindo que esta proteína é um dos principais agentes envolvidos na perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído, devendo ser considerada como alvo terapêutico na estratégia de preservação auditiva / INTRODUCTION: Exposure to high levels of sound pressure is the second most common cause of acquired sensorineural hearing loss. It is related to cell death through apoptosis, necrosis and/or programmed necrosis (necroptosis) due to mechanical and/or metabolic damage, causing the degeneration of cochlear structures, such as cilliary cells, mainly external, as well as support cells and afferent fibers of the cochlear nerve. Studies have demonstrated an increase in the inflammatory cytokine TNFalfa after exposure to noise, as well as auditory improvement related to the use of etanercept, a cytokine blocker. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of Tnfa gene silencing on the hearing of Wistar rats exposed to white noise and to identify the expression profile in the metabolic pathway of this gene. METHODOLOGY: Young male Wistar rats with 50 dBSPL threshold in auditory brainstem responses click (ABR) were included in this study and submitted to the introduction of the TnfasiRNA in one ear and the scramble siRNA in the contralateral ear by trans-tympanic route, with subsequent exposure to 120 dB SPL of white noise for 3h. ABR was measured and the cochleae were dissected and used for the extraction of total RNA to obtain cDNA and conduct evaluations of the Tnfa metabolic pathway gene expression by qRT-PCR. A group of animals, not submitted to silencing, was exposed to noise to analyze this metabolic pathway. The relative gene expression (Rq) was calculated by the comparative deltaCT method and the paired Student t-test were applied to evaluate the parameters of the ABR click. RESULTS: The silencing rate was 74.1%. The mean electrophysiological threshold in the silenced ears was statistically higher than the scrambled ear (p < 0.001) with mean values of 49.5 +- 10.5. The mean amplitudes of wave I at 80 dBSPL and waves II and IV at 90dBSPL were statistically higher in the TnfasiRNA ear, with no change in latency at audible intensities for both sides. Noise exposure promoted increased expression of the Tnfa gene and its receptor, Tnfrsf1A, 24h after exposure, associated with increased expression of genes related to apoptosis and decreased expression of genes related to cell survival. CONCLUSIONS: Noise exposure promoted increased in Tnfa gene expression as well as in genes involved in apoptosis, associated with hearing loss in an experimental model. The trans-tympanic administration of TnfasiRNA promotes the preservation of the electrophysiological threshold and the amplitude of wave I, II and IV in the ABR click, after exposure to intense noise, suggesting that this inhibition may be a promising auditory preservation strategy. The Tnfa knockdown inhibited cochlear dysfunction after acoustic injury, suggesting that this protein plays an important role in noise induced hearing loss and should be considered a therapeutic target in auditory preservation strategies

Caracterização da expressão de CD63 e KAI1/CD82 em células de câncer de vulva metastático e não metastático / Characterization of CD63 and KAI1/CD82 expression profile in metastatic and no metastatic vulvar cancer cells

Kelly Pedrozo Ferreira 07 December 2018 (has links)
O carcinoma de células escamosas de vulva (CECV) corresponde a cerca de 95% dos tumores vulvares. Apresenta bom prognóstico quando diagnosticado precocemente. O tratamento cirúrgico, embora eficaz, pode ser mutilante e acarreta em sérios danos psicossociais para as pacientes. Embora algumas pesquisas sobre os mecanismos que determinam os comportamentos clínico e biológico dos CECV tenham sido realizadas, ainda há muito a ser investigado. As tetraspaninas (TSPANs) são proteínas de membrana que interagem com diversas moléculas e estão envolvidas em diferentes processos fisiológicos como proliferação e migração celular. Vários estudos associam sua expressão desregulada ao desenvolvimento de cânceres. Resultados anteriores de nosso grupo mostraram maior expressão de CD63 em amostras de pacientes com CECV, e menor expressão de KAI1/CD82, em relação ao tecido normal adjacente. Porém, seu papel nesses tumores permanece incerto. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os perfis de expressão gênica e proteica de CD63 e KAI1/CD82, bem como avaliar os efeitos de sua manipulação genética no comportamento de células de CECV metastático e não metastático. As linhagens utilizadas neste trabalho foram SW954 (ATCC® HTB-117(TM), não metastática) e SW962 (ATCC® HTB-118(TM), metastática). Os ensaios de qRT PCR mostraram maior expressão de CD63, e menor de KAI1/CD82, nas células metastáticas, em relação as não metastáticas. Assim, optou-se pela manipulação transiente somente de CD63 por RNA interferente (RNAi). Os resultados mostraram efeitos significativos de inibição de expressão gênica e proteica de CD63 em ambas linhagens, por qRT PCR e imunocitoquímica (ICQ), respectivamente, porém, a inibição da TSPAN foi mais proeminente nas células metastáticas. A deleção da tetraspanina acarretou em redução significativa da proliferação das células não metastáticas (*p < 0.05) e metastáticas (**p=0.0022), bem como na migração das células metastáticas (*p < 0.05). Assim sendo, os resultados apontam CD63 com relevante papel nos CECV, uma vez que sua inibição compromete a proliferação e capacidade de migração das células tumorais. Além disso, a perda de expressão do supressor de metástases KAI1/CD82 corrobora os dados para outros tipos de canceres. Em conjunto, essas TSPAN, podem ser considerados não só importantes fatores prognósticos no CECV, mas potenciais alvos terapêuticos / Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (VSCC) accounts about 95% of vulvar tumors. When diagnosed at an early stage, prognosis is usually good. Although effective, surgical treatment can be mutilating and entails serious psychosocial damage to patients. Whilst molecular aspects in VSCCs have been investigated, mechanisms underlying the VSCC clinical and biological behavior are poorly understood. Tetraspanins (TSPANs) are membrane proteins, which can interact with several molecules. In addition, they are involved in physiological processes such as proliferation and migration. Besides that, several studies show the deregulated expression of TSPANs associated with cancer development. Previous results of our group showed higher expression of CD63, and lower expression of KAI1/CD82, in VSCC patient samples, compared to adjacent normal tissue. However, the role of these proteins in vulvar tumors remains uncertain. Thus, the aim of this work was to characterize CD63 and KAI1/CD82 gene and protein expression profile in VSCC metastatic and non-metastatic cells lines, and to investigate the effects of genetic manipulation on these cells behavior. The cell lines used in this work were SW954 (Non-metastatic) and SW962 (metastatic). The qRT PCR assays showed CD63 overexpression and KAI1/CD82 downexpression in the metastatic cells. Thus, we chose to perform transient manipulation of CD63 by interfering RNA (RNAi). The RNAi assays showed significant inhibitory effects of gene and protein expression of CD63 in both cell lines, by qRT PCR and immunocytochemistry (ICC), respectively, however, inhibition of TSPAN was more prominent in metastatic cells. When inhibited, CD63 showed a significant decrease in proliferation of non-metastatic (*p < 0.05) and metastatic cells (**p=0.0022), as well as migration of metastatic cells (*p < 0.05). Therefore, the results point to CD63 playing a relevant role in VSCC, since its inhibition compromises the proliferation and migration capacity of tumor cells. In addition, decrease in the expression of KAI1/CD82 metastasis suppressor corroborates with other data in different types of cancers. Taken together, these TSPANs may be considered not only important prognostic factors in VSCC, but potential therapeutic targets

Efeito do silenciamento gênico do Tnfa na preservação auditiva em ratos Wistar expostos ao ruído e análise da expressão gênica dessa via metabólica / Effect of Tnfa gene silencing on auditory preservation in Wistar rats exposed to noise and analysis of gene expression of this metabolic pathway

Janaina Candida Rodrigues 23 May 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A exposição a níveis elevados de pressão sonora é a segunda causa mais comum de perda auditiva sensorioneural adquirida. Está relacionada à morte celular por apoptose, necrose e/ou necrose programada (necroptose) devido ao dano mecânico e/ou metabólico, ocasionando a degeneração de estruturas cocleares como células ciliadas, sobretudo externas, células de suporte e de fibras aferentes do nervo coclear. Estudos têm demostrado um aumento na citocina inflamatória TNFa após a exposição ao ruído, bem como a melhoria auditiva relacionada ao uso de etanercepte, que é um bloqueador destacitocina. Neste contexto, este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do silenciamento gênico do Tnfa na audição de ratos Wistar, expostos ao ruído branco, e identificar o perfil de expressão gênica na via metabólica desse gene. METODOLOGIA: Foram incluídos ratos Wistar do sexo masculino, jovens com limiar auditivo no Peate clique de 50 dBSPL. Os animais foram submetidos à introdução do siRNA Tnfa em uma orelha, e siRNA scramble na orelha contralateral por via trans-timpânica com posterior exposição à 120 dBSPL de ruído branco por 3h. Foi realizado Peate clique e remoção das cócleas para obtenção do cDNA e avaliação da expressão gênica da via metabólica do Tnfa por meio de qRT-PCR. Um grupo de animais, não submetidos ao silenciamento, foi exposto ao ruído para análise dessa via metabólica. Para o cálculo da expressão gênica relativa (Rq) utilizamos o método do deltaCT comparativo e o teste t-Student pareado para avaliar os parâmetros no Peate clique. RESULTADOS: A taxa de silenciamento observada foi de 74,1%. A média do limiar eletrofisiológico nas orelhas silenciadas foi estaticamente melhor que a orelha scramble (p < 0,001) com valores médios de 49,5 +- 10.5. A amplitude média da onda I em 80 dBSPL e das ondas II e IV em 90 dBSPL foi estatisticamente maior na orelha siRNA Tnfa, sem alteração na latência nas intensidades audíveis,para ambos os lados. A exposição ao ruído promoveu aumento da expressão do gene Tnfa e de seu receptor Tnfrsf1A, 24h após à exposição, associado ao aumento da expressão de genes relacionados à apoptose e diminuição de genes relacionados à sobrevida celular. CONCLUSÃO: O ruído promoveu aumento de expressão do gene Tnfa e de genes envolvidos na apoptose, associado à perda auditiva em modelo experimental. A administração trans-timpânica do siRNA Tnfa promoveu preservação do limiar eletrofisiológico e da amplitude da onda I, II e IV no Peate clique, após exposição ao ruído intenso, sugerindo que a inibição deste pode ser uma estratégia de preservação auditiva promissora. O silenciamento do Tnfa inibiu a disfunção coclear após estímulo acústico, sugerindo que esta proteína é um dos principais agentes envolvidos na perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído, devendo ser considerada como alvo terapêutico na estratégia de preservação auditiva / INTRODUCTION: Exposure to high levels of sound pressure is the second most common cause of acquired sensorineural hearing loss. It is related to cell death through apoptosis, necrosis and/or programmed necrosis (necroptosis) due to mechanical and/or metabolic damage, causing the degeneration of cochlear structures, such as cilliary cells, mainly external, as well as support cells and afferent fibers of the cochlear nerve. Studies have demonstrated an increase in the inflammatory cytokine TNFalfa after exposure to noise, as well as auditory improvement related to the use of etanercept, a cytokine blocker. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of Tnfa gene silencing on the hearing of Wistar rats exposed to white noise and to identify the expression profile in the metabolic pathway of this gene. METHODOLOGY: Young male Wistar rats with 50 dBSPL threshold in auditory brainstem responses click (ABR) were included in this study and submitted to the introduction of the TnfasiRNA in one ear and the scramble siRNA in the contralateral ear by trans-tympanic route, with subsequent exposure to 120 dB SPL of white noise for 3h. ABR was measured and the cochleae were dissected and used for the extraction of total RNA to obtain cDNA and conduct evaluations of the Tnfa metabolic pathway gene expression by qRT-PCR. A group of animals, not submitted to silencing, was exposed to noise to analyze this metabolic pathway. The relative gene expression (Rq) was calculated by the comparative deltaCT method and the paired Student t-test were applied to evaluate the parameters of the ABR click. RESULTS: The silencing rate was 74.1%. The mean electrophysiological threshold in the silenced ears was statistically higher than the scrambled ear (p < 0.001) with mean values of 49.5 +- 10.5. The mean amplitudes of wave I at 80 dBSPL and waves II and IV at 90dBSPL were statistically higher in the TnfasiRNA ear, with no change in latency at audible intensities for both sides. Noise exposure promoted increased expression of the Tnfa gene and its receptor, Tnfrsf1A, 24h after exposure, associated with increased expression of genes related to apoptosis and decreased expression of genes related to cell survival. CONCLUSIONS: Noise exposure promoted increased in Tnfa gene expression as well as in genes involved in apoptosis, associated with hearing loss in an experimental model. The trans-tympanic administration of TnfasiRNA promotes the preservation of the electrophysiological threshold and the amplitude of wave I, II and IV in the ABR click, after exposure to intense noise, suggesting that this inhibition may be a promising auditory preservation strategy. The Tnfa knockdown inhibited cochlear dysfunction after acoustic injury, suggesting that this protein plays an important role in noise induced hearing loss and should be considered a therapeutic target in auditory preservation strategies

Epigenetische und funktionelle Analyse von secreted Frizzled-related protein 1 in humanem Pankreaskarzinom / Epigenetic and functional analysis of secreted Frizzled-related protein 1 in human pancreatic carcinoma

Wehrum, Diana 14 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Das duktale Adenokarzinom des Pankreas (PDAC) hat aufgrund seines aggressiven Wachstums, seiner frühen Metastasierung und seiner fehlenden Frühsymptome eine sehr schlechte Prognose und ist daher die vierthäufigste Krebstodesursache bei Männern und Frauen in Deutschland. Ein weiteres Charakteristikum von PDAC ist die starke desmoplas-tische Reaktion. Eine Funktion für stromale pankreatische Sternzellen (PSCs) bei der Förderung des Wachstums, der Proliferation und der Metastasierung des Tumors konnte bereits nachgewiesen werden. Für die Beantwortung der Frage, welche molekularen Ursachen einen funktionellen Zusammenhang zwischen Tumoraggressivität und Stroma-zellen herstellen könnten, wurden bereits im Vorfeld dieser Arbeit differentielle Genex-pressionsanalysen durchgeführt. Dabei fiel u.a. auf, dass das sezernierte Glykoprotein secreted Frizzled-related protein 1 (SFRP1), im Vergleich zum entsprechenden nicht-tumorigenen Pankreasgewebe, im Stroma von PDAC-Patienten transkriptionell herunterreguliert war. SFRP1 ist bereits bekannt als Tumorsuppressorgen. In den meisten Fällen wird seine Wirkung auf die Hemmung des β-Catenin-abhängigen (kanonischen) Wnt-Signalweges zurückgeführt. Es wurde bereits sehr häufig beobachtet, dass SFRP1 durch eine Hypermethylierung seiner Promotorregion in einer Vielzahl von humanen Tumoren, darunter auch PDAC sowie PDAC-Vorstufen, herunterreguliert ist. Mit dem Abschalten der SFRP1-Expression wurden erhöhte Proliferation sowie verringerte Apoptose bei den betroffenen Zellen, Merkmale des aktivierten kanonischen Wnt-Signalweges, festgestellt. SFRP1 ist jedoch auch in der Lage nichtkanonische Wnt-Signalwege zu modulieren. Das Ziel dieser von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Forschung geförderten Arbeit war es, die stromale SFRP1-Expression auf Proteinebene in Proben von PDAC-Patienten mit der von Patienten mit chronischer Pankreatitis zu vergleichen bzw. mit deren Überleben zu korrelieren. Ein möglicher Unterschied sollte mithilfe eines Zellkultur-modells auf einen funktionellen Effekt hin untersucht werden. Dafür sollten stabil und regulierbar SFRP1-überexprimierende Zelllinien aus PDAC- bzw. PSC-Zellen für die Einbindung in Migrationsassays etabliert werden. Für die Ergründung der Mechanismen, die zur Herunterregulierung der stromalen SFRP1-Expression führen könnten, sollte der Methylierungstatus der SFRP1-Promotorregion in PSC- sowie vergleichsweise in PDAC-Zellen mittels methylierungsspezifischer PCR und Bisulfitsequenzierung analysiert werden. Desweiteren sollten diese Zellen mit Hilfe eines Reportergenassays auf eine Mikro-RNA-bedingte Modulation der SFRP1-Expression hin untersucht werden. Die immunhistochemische SFRP1-Färbung von PDAC-Patientenproben auf Tissue-Microarrays (TMAs) ergab eine signifikante Reduktion der stromalen SFRP1-Färbung im Vergleich zur entsprechenden Expression im Stroma von Patienten mit chronischer Pankreatitis (CP). Die Ergebnisse der differentiellen Genexpressionsanalyse konnten also auf Proteinexpressionsebene bestätigt werden. Bei der Korrelation der stromalen SFRP1-Färbung mit dem Überleben der entsprechenden Patienten mit R1-Resektionsstatus zeigte sich ein leichter Überlebensvorteil für die Patienten mit positiver SFRP1-Färbung. Bei der Analyse der SFRP1-Expression auf RNA- und Proteinebene in Zellkulturmodellen von PDAC zeigte sich, dass zwei von vier PDAC-Zelllinien sowie die PSCs und normale Pankreasgangzellen SFRP1-RNA exprimierten. Auch bei anderen untersuchten Tumor- oder murinen PDAC-Zelllinien war das Verhältnis zwischen Linien mit SFRP1-RNA und Linien ohne SFRP1-RNA eher gemischt. Keine dieser Zelllinien jedoch exprimierte SFRP1-Protein bis auf eine murine Fibroblastenzelllinie (3T3). Um zu ergründen, wodurch die Diskrepanz zwischen SFRP1-RNA- und fehlender -Proteinexpression zustande kam, wurden Methylierungsanalysen durchgeführt. Dabei ergaben sich individuelle Methylierungsmuster für die verschiedenen DNAs, die eine fehlende Proteinexpression bei nur einem Teil der Zelllinien erklären würden. Daher wurde eine weitere Möglichkeit der Genexpressionsregulation in eukaryontischen Zellen als Ursache in Betracht gezogen, die Hemmung der Translation von SFRP1-mRNA in Protein durch miRNAs. Hierbei konnte mittels Reportergenassays nachgewiesen werden, dass miRNAs in PSCs und PDAC-Zellen eine kleine Stelle in der 3’-untranslatierten Region sowie Stellen in der kodierenden Sequenz von SFRP1 erkennen, daran binden und translational herunterregulieren konnten. Da keine endogene Proteinexpression festgestellt werden konnte, wurden drei PDAC-Zelllinien (PANC-1, AsPC1 und MIA PaCa-2) sowie eine PSC-Zelllinie (Klon2.2) für die stabile Transfektion mit humanem SFRP1 auf einem regulierbaren Vektor ausgewählt. Mithilfe der Lipofektion gelang es jedoch nur bei MIA PaCa-2 und Klon2.2-Zellen, stabile Einzelzellklone anzuziehen, jedoch mit relativ variablen SFRP1-Expressionen und -Regulierbarkeiten. Um noch mehr PDAC-Zelllinien in funktionellen Tests untersuchen zu können, wurden alle vier Zelllinien noch einmal mit einer weiteren Gentransfermethode, der retroviralen Transduktion, in stabil SFRP1-exprimierende Zelllinien umgewandelt. Um zu untersuchen, inwiefern das in den Patienten verlorengegangene SFRP1 das migratorische Verhalten von PDAC- und PSC-Zellen beeinflussen könnte, wurden Scratch- und Invasions- (Migrations) -Assays mit diesen Zellen durchgeführt und mit den Ergebnissen der entsprechenden Leerkontrollen verglichen. Dabei ergab sich für MIA PaCa-2 sowohl mit den durch Lipofektion als auch mit den durch retrovirale Transduktion generierten Klonen/Zelllinien ein signifikant hemmender Einfluss der SFRP1-Überexpression auf das Migrationsverhalten im Scratch-Assay. PANC-1-Zellen schienen mit Lipofektions-SFRP1-Überständen signifikant schlechter durch Membranen zu migrieren und zeigten ebenfalls eine signifikante Migrationshemmung als retroviral transduzierte Zelllinie in Scatch- und Invasionsassay mit endogener SFRP1-Expression. Für PSCs zeigte sich eine SFRP1-abhängige Migrationshemmung im Scratch-Assay und in den Invasionsassays (mit endogener SFRP1-Überexpression und mit SFRP1-Anwesenheit im Überstand), allerdings nur mit Lipofektionsklonen. Es konnte also ein hemmender Einfluss von SFRP1 auf die Migration von PDAC- und PSC-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Dieser würde theoretisch wegfallen, wenn SFRP1, wie im Tumorstroma von PDAC-Patienten nachgewiesen, herunterreguliert werden würde. Bei der Untersuchung eines Einflusses von SFRP1 auf die Expression weiterer Gene ergab sich, dass SFRP1 bei PDAC-Zellen keine Hemmung des kanonischen Wnt-Signalweges verursacht. Vielmehr scheint seine Überexpression einen positiven Effekt auf die Expression von Mitgliedern des nichtkanonischen planaren Zellpolaritätssignalweges (PCP) zu haben. Die Schlussfolgerung aus diesen Ergebnissen ist, dass ein Wegfall von SFRP1 im Stroma von PDAC in sehr frühen Phasen (und auch in den Tumorzellen selbst) durch miRNAs oder, im Falle der Tumorzellen, durch Hypermethylierung ausgelöst werden könnte. Sezernierte, tumorsupprimierende, parakrine Signale aus dem Stroma und autokrine Signale von den Tumorzellen selbst würden damit wegfallen und die planare Zellpolarität wäre nicht mehr aufrechterhaltbar. Damit würden sich die Polarität und die Migrationsbereitschaft der Tumorzellen so verändern, dass sie ungerichtet wandern könnten, wodurch das Risiko zur Metastasierung zunehmen könnte. Auf diese Weise könnte die stromale Herunterregulierung von SFRP1 bei der Aufrechterhaltung und Progression des PDAC eine Rolle spielen.

Estudio de los efectos de la reducción de la expresión de Dyrk1A, mediante interferencia de RNA, sobre el fenotipo motor del model transgénico TgDyrk1A. Implantación de kis receptores glutamatérgicos de tipo NMDA

Ortiz Abalia, Jon 15 May 2008 (has links)
DYRK1A es uno de los principales genes candidatos que podrían explicar algunos de los defectos neurológicos asociados al fenotipo Síndrome de Down (SD); desde el retraso mental, rasgo común a todos los individuos con SD hasta los déficits motores, también muy frecuentes entre la población con SD. Con el fin de validar la implicación de DYRK1A en el fenotipo SD se ha desarrollado una estrategia de terapia génica basada en la reducción de la expresión del gen mediante interferencia del RNA, en el modelo transgénico TgDyrk1A, y se han evaluado los efectos en el fenotipo motor de estos animales. Además se ha estudiado la implicación de los receptores glutamatérgicos de tipo NMDA en las alteraciones motoras descritas en el modelo. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo ponen de manifiesto la validez de la estrategia desarrollada y apuntan a una desregulación de los receptores de NMDA como uno de los mecanismos moleculares subyacentes de las disfunción motora presente en el modelo TgDyrk1A. / The are growing evidences to consider DYRK1A as a candidate gene for some of the neurological alterations present in DS phenotype such as mental retardation which is a common feature in the syndrome, or motor deficits which show a high prevalence among DS individuals. With the aim to validate the contribution of Dyrk1A to DS phenothype, we have developped a gene therapy strategy based on RNA interference to reduce gene expression in the transgenic model TgDyrk1A, and we have evaluated the effects in the motor phenotype of these animals. Moreover, we have studied the implication of the NMDA glutamate receptor in the motor alterations present in the model. The results obtained validate the strategy developped and suggest the deregulation of the NMDA receptor as one of the main causes underlying motor dysfunction in TgDyrk1A mice.

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