Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conseq."" "subject:"deseq.""
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Análise, via RNAseq, do transcritoma da cana-de-açúcar e identificação de genes expressos em resposta a Sporisorium scitamineum, o agente causal do carvão / RNAseq based transcriptome analysis and identification of sugarcane genes expressed in response to Sporisorium scitamineum, the causal agent of smutAlessandra Carolina Palhares 09 September 2014 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) é uma importante cultura agrícola, sendo hospedeira de vários patógenos, incluindo o fungo biotrófico Sporisorium scitamineum, agente causal do carvão. A doença reduz a produtividade das lavouras de cana e a qualidade de seus produtos, sendo reconhecida pelo desenvolvimento de uma estrutura em forma de chicote, onde os teliósporos são produzidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o transcritoma da interação cana-de-açúcar - S. scitamineum, visando a identificação de genes do hospedeiro diferencialmente expressos em resposta à infecção fúngica. Gemas da variedade tolerante \'RB92-5345\' foram inoculadas com S. scitamineum e mantidas em casa de vegetação para a coleta das amostras, em dois momentos: 120 h após a inoculação, e no momento da emissão do chicote, aos 200 dias após a inoculação. Foram construídas 12 bibliotecas com base na abordagem RNAseq. Três estratégias computacionais foram utilizadas nas etapas de mapeamento e análise da expressão diferencial de genes da cana: (i) STAR e DESeq, tomando como referência o genoma do sorgo; (ii) Bowtie 2 e DESeq, e (iii) CLC Genomics Workbench, tomando como referência as sequências codificadoras (CDS) do sorgo. Diagramas de Venn foram construídos para identificar genes diferencialmente expressos comuns às três estratégias computacionais, aumentando a acurácia das análises. Para a anotação, foi usada a ferramenta BLAST2GO. Foram obtidos 225 milhões de reads; dentre os 185 milhões usados no mapeamento, 66% foram mapeados em genes e 51% nas CDS. Aproximadamente 77% dos genes e 87% das CDS mapeados apresentaram atividade transcricional (pelo menos um read mapeado), sob as condições do experimento, em ambos os momentos da interação. Um total de 596 e 2.148 genes diferencialmente expressos foram identificados nas respostas iniciais e tardias à infecção, respectivamente; para 79% deles foi possível atribuir uma função. Pelas intersecções, 41 (resposta inicial) e 206 (resposta tardia) genes foram comuns às três estratégias. Sugere-se que a planta percebe o patógeno no início da interação, porém o fungo é capaz de suprimir a resposta de defesa vegetal. Propõe-se que há uma reprogramação da expressão gênica defesa-orientada, favorecendo o desenvolvimento da planta, mesmo com a doença instalada. A expressão de genes relacionados à resistência, às vias de hormônios e com a formação da parede celular (além de inibidores de proteínas fúngicas) sugerem que a planta se empenha drasticamente para sobreviver após 200 dias de interação. Decifrando os perfis do transcritoma da cana na interação com S. scitamineum, este trabalho deve contribuir para o melhor entendimento dos mecanismos de resistência ao carvão. / Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is an important crop, and hosts several pathogens, including the biotrophic fungus Sporisorium scitamineum, the causal agent of smut. The disease reduces the sugarcane crop yield and the quality of its products, and is recognized by the development of a whip-like structure, where teliospores are produced. The objective of this study was to analyze the transcriptome of sugarcane - S. scitamineum interaction and to identify differentially expressed genes from the host in response to fungal infection. Buds of the tolerant variety \'RB92-5345\' were inoculated with S. scitamineum and maintained in a greenhouse for two sampling interaction moments: 120 h after inoculation, and at the moment of the whip emission, 200 days after inoculation. Twelve libraries were constructed based on RNAseq approach. Three computational strategies were used in the mapping step and differential expression analysis of sugarcane genes: (i) STAR and DESeq, using as reference the sorghum genome; (ii) Bowtie 2 and DESeq, and (iii) CLC Genomics Workbench, using as reference the coding sequences (CDS) from sorghum. Venn diagrams were created to identify differential expressed genes that were common to the three computational strategies, thus increasing the analysis accuracy. For annotation, the BLAST2GO tool was used. We have obtained 225 million reads; out of the 185 million reads used for mapping, 66% were mapped to genes and 51% to CDS. Approximately 77% and 87% of the mapped genes and CDS respectively showed transcriptional activity (at least one read was mapped) under the experimental conditions at both interaction moments. A total of 596 and 2,148 differentially expressed genes were identified at early and late responses to the infection, respectively; it was possible to attribute function to 79% of them. Through intersectioning, 41 (early response) and 206 (late response) genes were found to be common to the three strategies. It is suggested that the plant recognizes the pathogen at the beginning of interaction period, though the fungal is able to suppress the host defense response. It is also proposed that a defense-oriented transcriptional reprogramming takes place, supporting plant development even with the disease setting. The expression of genes related to resistance, hormone pathways, and cell wall formation (as well as inhibitors of fungal proteins) suggests that the plant makes exceptional efforts to survive after 200 days of interaction. Deciphering the sugarcane transcriptome profile during the interaction with S. scitamineum, this study should contribute to a better understanding of the resistance mechanisms to the smut.
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Génétique écologique et génomique des évènements de divergence chez les complexes d’espèces en forêt tropicale humide / Ecological genetic and genomic of divergences events of species complexes in tropical rain forestTinaut, Alexandra 17 December 2015 (has links)
Connaitre et appréhender les mécanismes de la diversification des espèces est important pour la gestion des écosystèmes, la prévision des impacts des changements climatiques et la compréhension de la biodiversité actuelle et passée. Le but de cette thèse est de comprendre et de déceler les mécanismes génétiques à l’origine de la diversification des espèces en présence de flux de gènes. Cette thèse se focalise sur le modèle biologique Symphonia globulifera, qui compte deux écotypes : le S.globulifera spécialiste de la terra firme et le S.sp1, spécialiste des bas-fonds. Ces deux écotypes montrent une faible différenciation génétique, malgré la présence de deux phénotypes différents.Une première étape a été de mettre en évidence la présence d’une adaptation locale au sein de cette espèce, par le biais d’une expérimentation de jardins de transplantation réciproques, permettant d’expliquer la répartition des écotypes dans leur habitat naturel. Ensuite, dans le but d’identifier les mécanismes sous-jacent à cette adaptation locale, j’ai testé l’hypothèse que la méthylation des gènes pourrait être une marque de l’épigénétique contribuant à la divergence des écotypes, par l’utilisation d’enzyme sensibles à la méthylation dans un protocole de génotypage AFLP. Enfin, un séquençage haut-débit du transcriptome des écotypes en jardins de transplantation réciproques m’a permis de mettre en évidence une expression différentielle des gènes entre les écotypes, qui pourrait expliquer les différences phénotypiques observées entre les écotypes malgré une faible différentiation génétique. Ces travaux de thèse s’appuie, ainsi, sur des données de traits phénotypiques, de génotypage AFLP et de séquençage à haut débit du transcriptome pour montrer la valeur importante de la régulation des gènes dans la divergence des écotypes adaptés localement, et un faible rôle de la méthylation de l’ADN dans l’établissement cette adaptation locale. / Understanding of the mechanisms driving diversification of species is a significant way to improve the management of ecosystems, predict the impacts of climate change and understand the actual and past biodiversity level. The aim of this thesis is to understand and comprehend genetic mechanisms behind the diversification of species in the presence of gene flow. This thesis is focused on the biological model Symphonia globulifera, which presents two ecotypes: the S.globulifera, specialist of seasonally flooded lowlands and S.sp1, specialist of terra firme. These two ecotypes show low genetic differentiation, despite the presence of two apparent phenotypes. A first part of this thesis was to test the presence of local adaptation of this using reciprocal transplant experiment gardens, allowing the understanding of the ecotypes distributions in their natural habitats. Then, this local adaptation in the presence of gene flow, directed me to the regulation of gene methylation in order to see the role this brand of epigenetics can have in the divergence of the ecotypes. In a third part of the thesis, new generation sequencing of the transcriptome ecotypes in reciprocal gardens transplantations allowed me to show the evidence of gene regulation to differentiate the ecotypes. This work thesis is based on phenotype records data, AFLP genotyping and high-throughput sequencing of the transcriptome, in order to show the important value of gene regulation in the divergence of the locally adapted ecotypes, and a weak role of DNA methylation in the establishment of local adaptation.
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Etude de la régulation de l'activité transcriptionelle de la protéine Abdominal-A / A study into the regulation of the transcriptional activity of Abdominal-AZouaz, Amel 16 December 2013 (has links)
Les gènes Hox codent des facteurs de transcription à homéodomain (HD). Bien que ce dernier reconnaisse des séquences similaires in vitro, les protéines Hox achèvent des fonctions hautement spécifiques in vivo. Des séquences protéiques en dehors de l’HD influencent la spécificité d’action des protéines Hox par le recrutement de cofacteurs, dont le mieux caractérisé est Extradenticle (Exd) chez la drosophile. Des travaux récents au sein de notre équipe ont démontré la contribution fonctionnelle de trois motifs de AbdA, aussi bien dans des fonctions Exd-dépendantes qu’à des fonctions Exd-indépendantes. Mon travail de thèse a porté sur la caractérisation de la contribution des motifs protéiques de AbdA dans la sélection puis dans la régulation des gènes cibles en utilisant une approche combinée ChIPseq/RNAseq, dans un contexte Exd-indépendant. Le code ADN identifié nous a renseigné sur la présence d’inputs transcriptionnels additionnels. Ces derniers correspondant à des facteurs de transcription déjà connus, leur présence dans un complexe protéique avec AbdA a été démontrée par des analyses de spectrométrie de masse. Un second volet de mon travail de thèse a été l’identification de modifications post-traductionnelles pouvant rendre compte d’un mécanisme de régulation de l’activité des protéines Hox. Des analyses prédictives in silico, confirmées par des approches biochimiques et des analyses in vivo ont démontré la SUMOylation de AbdA. Ces résultats préliminaires posent les bases pour des travaux futures qui auront pour objectif d’identifier les résidus d’AbdA SUMOylés et d’élucider le rôle de cette modification dans la régulation de l’activité de la protéine AbdA. / Hox genes encode homeodomain-containing transcription factors (HD). Although the HD binds to similar DNA sequences in vitro, Hox proteins display a high functional specificity in vivo. Protein motifs outside of the HD influence Hox specificity through recruiting additional cofactors, with the best characterized being Extradenticle (Exd in Drosophila). Recent evidence from our group has uncovered the functional contribution of AbdA intrinsic motifs to AbdA Exd-dependent functions as well as AbdA Exd-independent functions. My PhD work has aimed to characterize the contribution of AbdA motifs to target gene selection and regulation using a combined approach of ChIPseq/RNAseq in an Exd-independent context. The DNA code identified provides us with new insights about additional transcriptional inputs from additional DNA-binding proteins lying in the vicinity of AbdA recognition sites. Mass spectrometry analysis establishes the occurrence of these additional DNA binding proteins in a multi-protein complex with AbdA. Deciphering the involvement of post-translational modifications in the regulation of Hox protein activity was another aspect of my PhD work. In silico predictive analysis, followed by biochemical approaches and in vivo assays reveal the potential for SUMOylation of AbdA as a potentially important regulatory component of AbdA activity. These preliminary results set the bases for further work aimed at identifying SUMOylated residues on AbdA and the functional relevance of such post-translational modification on AbdA activity regulation.
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Le processus de domiciliation des punaises hématophages vectrices de la maladie de Chagas : apport de l’étude du transcriptome chimiosensoriel / The domiciliation process of bloodsucking bug vectors of Chagas disease : contribution of the transcriptome chemosensory studyMarchant, Axelle 15 January 2016 (has links)
En Amérique Latine, les punaises hématophages Triatominae transmettent à l’homme le parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, responsable de la maladie de Chagas touchant actuellement 5 millions de personnes. Même si les programmes d’éradication chimique des vecteurs sont efficaces, la maladie persiste du fait de la recolonisation des habitations humaines par des vecteurs provenant d’habitats naturels. Ainsi, certaines espèces présentent une capacité d’adaptation aux anthroposystèmes (processus de domiciliation), alors que d’autres espèces apparentées ne l’ont pas. Comprendre cette capacité d’adaptation est crucial d’un point de vue épidémiologique afin de cibler les espèces présentant un risque pour l’homme. La capacité à s’adapter à un nouvel habitat pourrait être liée à l’évolution du répertoire de gènes du système chimiosensoriel, important pour la perception du milieu. Cette étude a porté sur le système chimiosensoriel des Triatominae dans le but de documenter le processus d’adaptation et donc de domiciliation des vecteurs. Des données transcriptomiques obtenues en séquençage à haut débit ont été utilisées pour annoter et répertorier les gènes chimiosensoriels ainsi que pour comparer leur expression au sein de punaises hématophages d’habitats différents. L’existence d’une relation entre les variations de ces gènes chez différentes espèces de Triatominae et leur capacité d’adaptation à un habitat a par la suite été évaluée. L’espèce T. brasiliensis en voie de domiciliation au Brésil et présentant à la fois des populations sylvatiques, péri-domiciliaires et domiciliaires, et différentes espèces du genre Rhodnius d’habitats variés, ont été étudiées, notamment les deux espèces sœurs, R. robustus, sylvatique en Amazonie et R. prolixus majoritairement domiciliée dans toute son aire de répartition. En l’absence de génomes de références suffisamment proches de T. brasiliensis et des 10 espèces de Rhodnius étudiées, leurs transcriptomes ont été assemblés de novo. Les transcriptomes des deux espèces R. prolixus et R. robustus ont été assemblés par alignement sur le génome de R. prolixus. Chez ces différentes espèces de Triatominae étudiées, l’analyse du répertoire des gènes chimiosensoriels codant les OBPs et CSPs (familles multigéniques) comparé à celui d’autres Paranéoptères a montré des expansions géniques pouvant refléter des processus adaptatifs. Par ailleurs, chez les différentes espèces du genre Rhodnius, il existe une corrélation positive entre le nombre de gènes codant les OBPs et la capacité de domiciliation, suggérant l’implication de cette famille de gènes dans l’adaptation au milieu anthropique. Les analyses d’expression différentielle concernant les différentes populations de T. brasiliensis et les espèces R. prolixus/R. robustus ont montré qu’un certain nombre de transcrits sont différentiellement exprimés selon l’environnement dans lequel ont évolué les punaises notamment des gènes chimiosensoriels (OBPs, CSPs) ainsi que des gènes impliqués dans le rythme circadien et le comportement de recherche alimentaire (Takeout), dans la réponse à des stress environnementaux comme des gènes de détoxification (P450, glutathione S-transférase), dans la résistance à des changements climatiques (Heat-shock protéines) et dans la protection du milieu extérieur (protéines cuticulaires). Ce travail a permis de mettre à la disposition de la communauté scientifique des outils performants pour l’étude du processus de domiciliation des vecteurs de la maladie de Chagas (transcriptome, répertoire de gènes). Il a également permis de révéler des gènes qui pourraient être impliqués dans l’adaptation et/ou la plasticité phénotypique en réponse à un changement d’habitat. La compréhension des bases moléculaires de l’adaptation des vecteurs aux habitations humaines ouvre des potentialités de développer des méthodes alternatives de lutte contre les vecteurs qui pourraient être basées sur une perturbation de la communication chimique. / In Latin America, the bloodsucking bugs (Triatominae, Hemiptera, Reduviidae) are vectors of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas disease. More than five million people are infected. Even if chemical control campaigns are effective against vectors, the disease persists due to the recolonization of human habitations by vectors from natural habitats. Some species have the capacity to adapt to anthroposystems (domiciliation process), while other related species do not. Understanding this capacity to adapt is crucial from an epidemiological perspective to target species at risk to humans. The capacity to adapt to a new habitat could be linked to changes in the repertoire of chemosensory system genes, particularly for odorant binding proteins (OBP) and chemosensory proteins (CSP), which are important proteins to detect various odor stimuli. This study is based on the chemosensory system of Triatominae to document the adaptation process and then the domiciliation of the vectors. Transcriptomic data obtained by high-throughput sequencing were used to annotate and list the chemosensory genes and also to compare their expression in bloodsucking bugs from different habitats. The relationship between changes in these genes in different Triatominae species and their ability to adapt to a new habitat was evaluated. The species T. brasiliensis, which is in the process of domiciliation in Brazil with sylvatic, peridomiciliary and domiciliary populations, and various species of the genus Rhodnius from diverse habitats were studied, especially the two sibling species R. robustus, sylvatic in the Amazonia and R. prolixus mostly domiciliary throughout its geographical range. In the absence of a reference genome for T. brasiliensis, a reference transcriptome via de novo assembly (data 454 and Illumina) was achieved. The reference transcriptomes for 10 Rhodnius species were also established using the de novo assembly method. A genome reference based method on R. prolixus was also used to assemble the transcriptome of the two species R. prolixus and R. robustus. In the different species of the Triatominae studied, the chemosensory gene repertoire showed a high diversity and genic expansions compared to that of others Paraneoptera, which could reflect adaptive process. Furthermore, a positive correlation was shown between the number of OBP genes in Rhodnius species and their domiciliation ability, suggesting that this gene family is involved in the adaptation to anthropogenic environment. The differential expression analyses on the T. brasiliensis populations and the R. prolixus / R. robustus species showed that some transcripts are differentially expressed according to the environment in which the bugs have evolved, especially the chemosensory genes (OBP, CSP) and also genes involved in the circadian rhythm and foraging behavior (Takeout), in the response to environmental stress such as detoxification genes (P450, glutathione S-transferase), in resistance to climatic changes (heat-shock proteins) and in protection from the external environment (cuticular proteins).This work has helped make available to the scientific community powerful tools for studying the process of domiciliation of Chagas disease vectors (transcriptome, gene repertoire). It also revealed genes that could be involved in the adaptation and/or phenotypic plasticity in response to a change in habitat. Understanding the molecular basis of vector adaptation to human dwellings opens the potential to develop new tools to control the disease vectors, for example by disrupting chemical communication.
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Pharmacogenomic and High-Throughput Data Analysis to Overcome Triple Negative Breast Cancers Drug Resistance / Analyse de données pharmacogénomiques et moléculaires pour comprendre la résistance aux traitements des cancers du sein triple négatifSadacca, Benjamin 15 December 2017 (has links)
Devant le grand nombre de tumeurs du sein triple négatif résistant aux traitements, il est essentiel de comprendre les mécanismes de résistance et de trouver de nouvelles molécules efficaces. En premier lieu, nous analysons deux ensembles de données pharmacogénomiques à grande échelle. Nous proposons une nouvelle classification basée sur des profils transcriptomiques de lignées cellulaires, selon un processus de sélection de gènes basé sur des réseaux biologiques. Notre classification moléculaire montre une plus grande homogénéité dans la réponse aux médicaments que lorsque l’on regroupe les lignées cellulaires en fonction de leur tissu d'origine. Elle permet également d’identifier des profils similaires de réponse aux traitements. Dans un second travail, nous étudions une cohorte de patients atteints d’un cancer du sein triple négatif ayant résisté à la chimiothérapie néoadjuvante. Nous effectuons des analyses moléculaires complètes basées sur du RNAseq et WES. Nous constatons une forte hétérogénéité moléculaire des tumeurs avant et après traitement. Bien que nous observons une évolution clonale sous traitement, aucun mécanisme récurrent de résistance n’a pu être identifié. Nos résultats suggèrent fortement que chaque tumeur a un profil moléculaire unique et qu'il est important d'étudier de grandes séries de tumeurs. Enfin, nous améliorons une méthode pour tester la surreprésentation de motifs connus de protéines de liaison à l'ARN, dans un ensemble donné de séquences régulées. Cet outil utilise une approche innovante pour contrôler la proportion de faux positifs qui n'est pas réalisé par l'algorithme existant. Nous montrons l'efficacité de notre approche en utilisant deux séries de données différentes. / Given the large number of treatment-resistant triple-negative breast cancers, it is essential to understand the mechanisms of resistance and to find new effective molecules. First, we analyze two large-scale pharmacogenomic datasets. We propose a novel classification based on transcriptomic profiles of cell lines, according to a biological network-driven gene selection process. Our molecular classification shows greater homogeneity in drug response than when cell lines are grouped according to their original tissue. It also helps identify similar patterns of treatment response. In a second analysis, we study a cohort of patients with triple-negative breast cancer who have resisted to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. We perform complete molecular analyzes based on RNAseq and WES. We observe a high molecular heterogeneity of tumors before and after treatment. Although we highlighted clonal evolution under treatment, no recurrent mechanism of resistance could be identified Our results strongly suggest that each tumor has a unique molecular profile and that that it is increasingly important to have large series of tumors. Finally, we are improving a method for testing the overrepresentation of known RNA binding protein motifs in a given set of regulated sequences. This tool uses an innovative approach to control the proportion of false positives that is not realized by the existing algorithm. We show the effectiveness of our approach using two different datasets.
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Contrôle post transcriptionnel des transcrits des auto-antigènes induits par AIRE dans le thymus / Post transcriptional control of transcripts of AIRE-induced autoantigens in the thymusGuyon, Clotilde 31 October 2016 (has links)
La tolérance immunologique assure le maintien de l’intégrité des organismes contre les pathogènes tout en respectant les constituants du soi. La dérégulation de ce mécanisme entraîne la survenue de maladies autoimmunes qui touchent de 5 à 10% de la population générale. Un mécanisme clé de la tolérance immunologique est la délétion clonale des lymphocytes T auto-réactifs après qu’ils ont reconnu leur antigène spécifique au cours de leur maturation dans le thymus. Il a été montré qu’un vaste répertoire d’autoantigènes est exprimé par les cellules épithéliales médullaires du thymus (mTECs) sous l’action de la protéine AIRE (AutoImmune Regulator).
Les études présentées dans ce travail participent à améliorer la compréhension du fonctionnement de AIRE. Au-delà de la fonction de transactivation de AIRE, nous avons montré, avec le reséquençage à haut débit (RNAseq) des mTECs, que les transcrits des autoantigènes induits par AIRE ont des extrémités 3’UTRs courtes associées à l’utilisation des sites de polyadénylation (pA) alternatifs. Nous avons identifié par analyse de données de CLIPseq une fixation préférentielle du complexe de terminaison de la transcription au niveau des pAs alternatifs des gènes sensibles à AIRE. Nous avons également mis en évidence l’interaction de AIRE au complexe de terminaison de la transcription. Parmi plusieurs partenaires de AIRE associés à ce complexe, nous avons montré par interférence d’ARN et RNAseq le rôle de CLP1 dans le choix des pAs alternatifs. De plus nous montrons que CLP1 est le seul membre du complexe de terminaison à être préférentiellement exprimé dans les mTECs matures. Fonctionnellement, nous avons mis en évidence une stabilité plus importante pour les transcrits des autoantigènes induits par AIRE en bloquant la transcription des mTECs ex-vivo par traitement à l’Actinomycine D. Nous montrons également l’existence d’un raccourcissement 3’UTR général dans les mTECs matures par rapport aux mTECs immatures et autres tissus de la souris, auquel se combine le raccourcissement spécifique des gènes dépendant de AIRE. Après avoir identifié par des analyses de Gene Ontology une activité cellulaire exacerbée dans les mTECs matures vs immatures, nous confirmons l’activité transcriptionnelle exacerbée des mTECs matures in-vivo grâce à l’incorporation de 5Ethynyl Uridine (EU) dans les ARN néosynthétisés après injection intrathymique. Le raccourcissement des transcrits des auto-antigènes associé à leur stabilité accrue suggère qu’ils échappent à la répression transcriptionnelle médiée par les microARNs. Ce travail a permis d’identifier les bases moléculaires de la régulation post-transcriptionnelle des autoantigènes dans le thymus. Dans l’étude faite en collaboration avec l’équipe de Jakub Abramson du laboratoire Weizmann, démontre que Sirt1, une désactylase ADN dépendante, est exprimé de façon abondante dans les mTEC AIRE+ et ce grâce à l’utilisation de profil d’expression génétique, de cytométrie en flux et d’analyses d’immunoblot de différents types cellulaires thymiques. De plus lorsque Sirt1 est inactivé, dans les lignées germinales et des lignées TEC, l’expression des gènes AIRE dépendants diminuent et donc avec elle la tolérance immune induite par AIRE. La capacité désacétylase de Sirt1 est nécessaire pour l’expression des gènes induits par AIRE dans les mTECs. Sirt1 cible surement d’autres molécules nucléaires, impliquées dans la voie de AIRE. Elle pourrait avoir un rôle plus étendu dans la régulation du système immunitaire et être présent à la périphérie. Cette étude a mis en évidence un rôle important de Sirt1 dans la tolérance centrale dans le thymus à travers la régulation des gènes induits par AIRE. (...) / No abstract
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Smu1 and RED play an important role for the activation of human spliceosomesKeiper, Sandra Maria 27 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Identificação e caracterização de genes de arroz (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica) importantes para a tolerância ao frio na fase de germinaçãoDametto, Andressa 12 1900 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-07 / FAPERGS / O arroz é uma das culturas mais importantes do mundo. No entanto, sua produtividade é muito afetada por diferentes estresses abióticos, incluindo a baixa temperatura, que pode ser prejudicial durante todas as fases de desenvolvimento, desde a germinação até o enchimento dos grãos. Durante a germinação, os sintomas mais comuns dos danos provocados pela baixa temperatura são o atraso e a menor porcentagem de germinação das sementes. No sul do Brasil, a maioria das cultivares de arroz pertence à subespécie indica, que apresenta germinação lenta e não uniforme em baixas temperaturas, resultando em plantações irregulares. A fim de identificar e caracterizar novos genes envolvidos na tolerância ao frio durante a fase de germinação, foram realizadas análises transcricionais (RNAseq) de dois genótipos de arroz da subespécie indica (linhagens irmãs previamente identificadas como tolerante e sensível ao frio) sob tratamento com baixas temperaturas (germinação à 13°C por 7 dias). Foram detectadas 1.361 sequências diferencialmente expressas. Destas, 758 sequências (56%) mostraram-se mais expressas no genótipo tolerante ao frio, enquanto que 603 (44%) mostraram-se mais expressas no genótipo sensível ao frio. Análises posteriores por RT-qPCR de onze sequências selecionadas foram utilizadas para confirmar a elevada qualidade dos resultados do RNAseq. Este estudo revelou que vários processos são mais ativos no genótipo tolerante, incluindo taxas de divisão celular e de crescimento, integridade e extensibilidade da parede celular, absorção de água e capacidade de transporte de membrana, síntese de sacarose, geração de açúcares simples, insaturação de ácidos graxos de membrana, biossíntese de cera, capacidade antioxidante e sinalização por hormônios e Ca+2, levando à adaptação e tolerância ao frio. Por outro lado, o genótipo sensível ao frio responde à baixa temperatura aumentando a síntese de proteínas de choque térmico (HSPs) e deidrinas, além de apresentar uma maior taxa de degradação proteica via ubiquitina/proteassoma e biossíntese de poliaminas. Nossos resultados revelaram características de expressão gênica no processo de germinação sob condições de estresse à baixa temperatura que podem ser úteis em futuras abordagens biotecnológicas visando a tolerância ao frio em arroz. / Rice is one of the most important crops in the world. However, productivity is greatly affected by different abiotic stresses, including low temperature which can be harmful during all developmental stages of rice plants, from germination to grain filling. During germination, the most common symptoms of cold temperature damage are delayed and lower percentage of germination. In southern Brazil, most rice cultivars belong to indica subspecies, which present slow and not uniform germination under cold temperature, resulting in irregular crop establishment. In order to identify and characterize novel genes involved in rice cold tolerance during the germination stage, we used two indica rice genotypes (sister lines previously identified as cold-tolerant and cold-sensitive) in parallel transcriptomic analysis (RNAseq) under cold treatment (germination at 13 oC for 7 days). We detected 1,361 differentially expressed sequences. From these, 758 sequences (56%) showed higher expression in the coldtolerant genotype, while 603 (44%) showed lower expression in the cold-sensitive genotype. Further analysis by quantitative RT-PCR of eleven selected sequences was used to confirm the high-quality of RNAseq results. This study revealed that several processes are more active in the cold-tolerant genotype, including cell division and growth rates, cell wall integrity and extensibility, water uptake and membrane transport capacity, sucrose synthesis, generation of monosaccharides, unsaturation of membrane fatty acids, wax biosynthesis, antioxidant capacity, and hormone and Ca+2-signaling, which ultimately lead to cold adaptation and tolerance. On the other hand, the cold-sensitive cultivar responds to low temperature stress increasing the synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSPs) and dehydrins, along with enhanced ubiquitin/proteasome protein degradation pathway and polyamine biosynthesis. Our findings revealed the gene expression characteristics in the process of germination under low temperature stress conditions, and can be useful in future biotechnological approaches aiming to cold stress tolerance in rice.
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Developmental basis of wing pattern diversity in Heliconius butterfliesHanly, Joseph January 2017 (has links)
A major challenge to evolutionary developmental biology is to understand the how modifications to gene regulatory networks can lead to biological diversity. Heliconius butterfly wing patterns provide an excellent example of this diversity. In particular, the species H. melpomene and H. erato display wide variation in wing pattern across their ranges in Central and South America, but wherever they co-occur, they have converged on remarkably similar wing patterns due to Müllerian mimicry. Linkage analysis of wing pattern genes has shown that in both species, there are three genomic loci that are responsible for most of the pattern variation, and that these loci are homologous. One locus, containing the transcription factor optix, is responsible for red pattern elements. A set of non-coding sequences linked to some of the red pattern elements have been identified. Another locus, containing the gene WntA, has been linked to the shape of the forewing band elements and is responsible for variation in wing pattern development in several species of lepidoptera. A third locus, responsible for yellow pattern elements, contains multiple candidate genes that may affect wing pattern development, including the gene cortex, which is also linked to the industrial melanism phenotype in the moth Biston betularia, as well as the genes domeless and washout, linked to the Bigeye mutant in Bicyclus anynana. I first investigated modifications to regulatory sequence near the transcription factor optix, detecting a module associated with the band pattern element. I also found that for some pattern regulatory modules at optix, the same sequence has independently evolved the same function in H. melpomene and H. erato, in association with non-coding sequences conserved throughout the Lepidoptera. I then investigated gene expression differences in two morphs from either side of a hybrid zone that vary only in the presence or absence of a yellow pattern element, in order to determine a role for candidate genes at the yellow pattern locus. In H. melpomene the gene cortex was upregulated in the larval wing discs of the black morph, whereas in H. erato it was upregulated in the larval wing discs of the yellow morph. In pupal wings, washout was differentially expressed, again in the opposite pattern in the two species, suggesting the same locus is responsible for convergent pattern modification, but by a different mechanism. Finally, I investigated the spatial transcriptomic landscape across the wings of three different heliconiine butterflies. I identified candidate factors for regulating the expression of wing patterning genes, including genes with a conserved expression profile in all three species, and others, including genes in the Wnt pathway, with markedly different profiles in each of the three species. Each of these studies contributes to our understanding of how gene regulatory networks can be modified to create diversity: first, at the level of cis-regulation, second at the level of gene interaction and expression, and lastly at the level of developmental bias and constraint.
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Coordinated response and regulation of carotenogenesis in Thermosynechococcus elongatus (BP-1) : implications for commercial applicationKnight, Rebecca Anne 16 February 2015 (has links)
If small isoprenoids, the starting component of carotenoids, can be efficiently excreted from thermophilic cyanobacteria, they could help satisfy the demand for sustainably produced hydrocarbons. This is the driving force behind wanting to understand the response and regulation of isoprenoid pathways to environmental stimuli in the thermophilic cyanobacterium, Thermosynechococcus elongatus, BP-1. The portion of the isoprenoid pathway studied here is the carotenoid pathway since these products are critical to adaptation and they encompass the largest pool of isoprenoid compounds in cyanobacteria. Although synthetic biology in cyanboacteria has improved in recent years, there are many undiscovered metabolic complexities that make large-scale commercial production challenging. To address this need, I quantify and report for the first time metabolic shifts within the carotenoid pathway of BP-1 due to combined effects of temperature, pH and blue light. I show that metabolism shifts from the dicyclic into the monocyclic carotenoid pathway in response to pH, and that decreasing temperature drives flux into the end products of both pathways. Also, I report that the productivity of an uncommon carotenoid, 2-hydroxymyxol 2’-fucoside (HMF), approached 500 μg/L-day in cultures grown at 45 °C, high light intensity, and pH 8. In order to further elucidate these responses, I analyzed 42 RNAseq samples taken over time of BP-1 induced by cold and heat stress and compared these results to metabolomics data. I showed that crtR and crtG, two central carotenogenesis genes, are transcriptionally controlled and used weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) to determine eight separate co-expressed modules of biological significance. Among the co-regulated heat response and cold response genes there were three and five non-coding RNA, respectively, providing targets for future investigation. Using subtractive genomics and transcriptional data I narrowed the potential missing steps of the myxol pathway in cyanobacteria to seven unknown BP-1 genes, two of which were confirmed not to be involved in the missing step(s). Finally, by generating a ΔcrtG mutant and testing it under different environmental parameters, I showed that HMF does not protect against high pH or low temperature (despite up-regulation at these conditions), and that CrtG has a higher affinity for monocyclic than dicyclic carotenoids. / text
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