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Effects of nanoparticles on the microstructure and crystallographic texture evolution of two Aluminium-based alloys / Effets des nanoparticules sur l'évolution de la microstructure et de la texture cristallographique des deux alliages à base d'AluminiumDan, Chengyi 03 July 2019 (has links)
Les effets des nanoparticules (cisaillables et non-cisaillables) sur l’évolution microstructurale et l'évolution de la texture cristallographique des deux alliages à base d’aluminium après laminage à froid ont été étudiés dans cette thèse. Un alliage Al-Sc contenant des nanoparticules cisaillables de Al3Sc et un composite Al-TiB2 contenant des nanoparticules non-cisaillables TiB2 sont étudiés. La microscopie électronique en transmission (MET), la diffraction d'électrons rétrodiffusés (EBSD) et l’analyse de la texture par la diffraction de neutrons sont utilisées pour caractériser le développement de la microstructure et la texture cristallographique lors du laminage à froid des 2 alliages.La restauration dynamique pendant laminage a été inhibée dans la matrice contenant des Al3Sc nanoparticules cisaillables et TiB2 non-cisaillables. Par conséquent, peu de cellules de dislocation ont été générées dans la matrice, ce qui limite la diminution de la taille des grains.Le développement de la texture de laminage est retardé par les nanoparticules cisaillables ou les particules non-cisaillables. Des bandes d’orientation de cube résiduelles se trouvent dans les matériaux contenant des particules cisaillables dans une matrice très déformée en raison de la limitation du glissement croisé. La réduction de la proption volumique des composantes de texture du laminage se produit dans les matériaux contenant de grandes particules non-cisaillables (de l’ordre d’un micromètre) en raison de la recristallisation dans les PDZs (Particle Deformation Zones), ce qui contribue également à la diminution des grains.De plus, le cisaillement de nanoparticules favorise le glissades en plan, ce qui conduit à une forte localisation des déformations et à l'apparition de bandes de cisaillement. La génération de bandes de cisaillement dépend de l'orientation et est dû au changement soudain des chemins de déformation et et de l'inhibition de la récupération dynamique. Les nanoparticules non cisaillables ont probablement pivoté avec la matrice environnante, ce qui pourrait constituer un nouveau mécanisme de déformation. / The effects of shearable and non-shearable nanoparticles on the microstructure and crystallographic texture evolution of two Al-based alloys after cold rolling have been studied in this thesis. An Al-Sc alloy containing shearable Al3Sc nanoprecipitates and Al-TiB2 composite containing non-shearable TiB2 nanoparticles are investigated, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and neutron diffraction texture analysis are employed to characterize the microstructure and texture development of the two alloys during cold rolling.Dynamic recovery has been inhibited in the matrix containing both shearable (Al3Sc) and non-shearable (TiB2) nanoparticles due to the pinning effects. Hence, few dislocation cells are generated in these matrices that impedes the grain refinement.The development of rolling texture is retarded by either shearable nanoprecipitates or non-shearbale particles. Obvious residual Cube orientation bands are found in materials containing shearable precipitates at the deformed states due to the limitation of cross-slip. Volume reduction of rolling texture components occurs in materials containing large non-shearable particles (about 1 micrometer) due to the recrystallization at PDZs (Particle Deformation Zones), which contributes to grain refinement.In addition, the shearing of nanoprecipitates promotes planar slip leading to strong strain localization and the occurrence of shearbands. The generation of shearbands is orientation dependent and results from the sudden change of deformation paths and inhibition of dynamic recovery. The non-shearable nanoparticles probably have rotated together with the surrounding matrix, which could be a new deformation mechanism.
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Matériau architecturé à base de cuivre pour l’électronique de puissance : Substrats pour modules de puissance / Architectured copper based materials for power electronicsFekiri, Hiba 10 December 2018 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur la caractérisation des mécanismes d'adhésion et d'endommagement de produits colaminés à froid, afin de pouvoir proposer des procédés optimisés. Celle-ci s’inscrit dans le cadre de la participation au projet MeGaN (pour Module Electronique GaN) qui porte le développement de nouvelles technologies de modules de puissances à base de composants à grand gap « GaN », compatibles avec des applications hautes températures et hautes tensions. Notre travail porte essentiellement sur l’intégration d’un substrat innovant (i-TBC), un composite architecturé cuivre invar doté de ponts thermiques pour un bon compromis dialatation thermique/conductivité thermique pour accueillir les composants électroniques développés dans le cadre de ce projet. Ainsi, une première partie de ce travail est axée sur la caractérisation microstructurale du substrat i-TBC durant les étapes de son élaboration, l’objectif est de comprendre l’impact du procédé de colaminage sur la formation de l’adhésion des interfaces de cuivre dans les ponts thermiques. On a ainsi mis en évidence que la recristallisation de grains et la microstructure continue à travers l'interface Cu-Cu était garante d'une bonne adhérence de celle-ci. Dans la seconde partie, nous nous sommes focalisés sur la caractérisation de la tenue mécanique du substrat i-TBCdans des conditions de cycles thermiques passifs. Pour ce faire, des essais de fatigue thermique et de choc thermique nous permettent de déterminer la sensibilité de la tenue mécanique des interfaces à la fois à l’amplitude et à la vitesse de variation de température. La conclusion de cette étudeest que les paramètres de colaminage doivent permettent un compromis entreadhérence du pont Cu-Cu et des interfaces Cu-Invar pour augmenter significativement la durée de vie du composant. Enfin, nous avons procédé à l'analyse thermo-mécanique des propriétés intrinsèques du substrat seul et de l'assemblage électronique complet. Les propriétés intrinsèques ont été établies en termes de comportement mécanique du composite Cu-Invar et d'endommagement des interfaces sous la forme de propagation d'une fissure à l'interface Cu-Cu. / This work is part of ‘MeGaN” project which focuses on the development of new power module technologies based on "GaN" wide gap components, compatible with high temperature and high voltages applications. In This study, a new substrate an innovative thermal bridge composite (i-TBC) has been developed, obtained by roll bonding of two copper sheets separated by perforated invar. The i-TBC is an “architectured” composite material that combines good thermal conductivity associated to copper and limited CTE due to the presence of invar. A particularity of the i-TBC consists of the formation of copper bonding area through the invar perforations during the cold rolling called thermal bridges. These thermal bridges, ensure good thermal conductivity of the i-TBC. Thus, a first part of this work focuses on the microstructural characterization of the i-TBC substrate during the stages of its elaboration, the objective is to understand the impact of the elaboration steps on the adhesion formationof the copper interfaces. in thermal bridges. It was thus demonstrated that the cold welding obtained along the interface Cu-Cu was a guarantee of good adhesion. In the second part, we focused on the characterization of the mechanical strength of the i-TBC substrate under passive thermal cycling conditions. To do this, tests of thermal fatigue and thermal shock allow us todetermine the sensitivity of the mechanical resistance of the interfaces to both the amplitude and the speed of temperature variation. The conclusion of this study is that the parameters of cold rolling must allow a compromise between adhesion of the Cu-Cu bridge and Cu-Invar interfaces to significantly increase the lifetime of the substrate. Finally, a finite element analysis (FEA) wasperformed. firstly, the thermal modeling validated the thermal performance of the i-TBC substrate in an electronic assembly.Then, the intrinsic properties were established in terms of mechanical behavior of the Cu-Invar composite and deterioration of the interfaces in the form of propagation ofa crack at the Cu-Cu interface.
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Gefügeausbildung und mechanische Eigenschaften von unlegiertem bainitischem Warmband mit RestaustenitKorpala, Grzegorz 19 June 2017 (has links)
Seit vielen Jahren wächst die Nachfrage bezüglich sparsamer Fahrzeuge; die Autohersteller konkurrieren miteinander und werben mit neuen Fahrzeugkonzepten, in denen hochmoderne Werkstoffe ihre Anwendung finden. In dieser Arbeit werden Legierungskonzepte und entsprechende Warmwalztechnologien einer ultrahochfesten bainitischen Stahlsorte mit Restaustenit vorgestellt, die der genannten Anwendung angepasst werden können. Der gewählte Werkstoff gehört zu den Stählen mit mittleren Kohlenstoffgehalten, die sich nach der - im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten - Behandlung durch hohe Zugfestigkeit bei vergleichsweise hoher Bruchdehnung auszeichnen. Es werden erweiterte Modelle zur Beschreibung der Phasenumwandlung von Stählen im Bainitgebiet vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse aus den Experimenten wurden genutzt, um die Modelle zu ergänzen und zu evaluieren. Dabei wird nicht nur der Warmwalzprozess, sondern auch die chemische Zusammensetzung der Stähle selbst optimiert. Die hier präsentierte Arbeit erstreckt sich über die gesamte Produktionskette und zeigt geeignete Herstellungsbedingungen, die in Betriebsanlagen leicht realisierbar sind und umgesetzt wurden.:1 Einführung 10
2 Literaturauswertung 12
3 Aufgabestellung 52
4 Eigene Arbeiten 53
5 Versuchsdurchführung 55
6 Ergebnisse 67
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 129
8 Literaturverzeichnis 131
9 Abbildungsverzeichnis 141
10 Tabellenverzeichnis 144
11 Angewendete Simulationsanlagen 146
12 Anhang 151
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The rolling resistances of roller skis and their effects on human performance during treadmill roller skiingAinegren, Mats January 2010 (has links)
Modern ski-treadmills allow cross-country skiers, biathletes and ski-orienteers to test their physical performance in a laboratory environment using classical and freestyle techniques on roller skis. For elite athletes the differences in performance between test occasions are quite small, thus emphasising the importance of knowing the roller skis’ rolling resistance coefficient, µR, in order to allow correct comparisons between the results, as well as providing the opportunity to study work economy between different athletes, test occasions and core techniques. Thus, one of the aims of this thesis was to evaluate how roller skis’ µR is related to warm-up, mass, velocity and inclination of the treadmill. It was also necessary to investigate the methodological variability of the rolling resistance measurement system, RRMS, specially produced for the experiments, with a reproducibility study in order to indicate the validity and reliability of the results. The aim was also to study physiological responses to different µR during roller skiing with freestyle and classical roller skis and techniques on the treadmill as a case in which all measurements were carried out in stationary and comparable conditions. Finally, the aim was also to investigate the work economy of amateurs and female and male junior and senior cross-country skiers during treadmill roller skiing, i.e. as a function of skill, age and gender, including whether differences in body mass causes significant differences in external power per kg due to differences in the roller skis’ µR. The experiments showed that during a warm-up period of 30 minutes, µR decreased to about 60-65% and 70-75% of its initial value for freestyle and classical roller skis respectively. For another 30 minutes of rolling no significant change was found. Simultaneous measurements of roller ski temperature and mR showed that stabilized mR corresponds to a certain running temperature for a given normal force on the roller ski. The study of the influence on mR of normal force, velocity and inclination produced a significant influence of normal force on mR, while different velocities and inclinations of the treadmill only resulted in small changes in mR. The reproducibility study of the RRMS showed no significant differences between paired measurements with either classical or the freestyle roller skis. The study of the effects on physiological variables of ~50% change in µR,showed that during submaximal steady state exercise, external power, oxygen uptake, heart rate and blood lactate were significantly changed, while there were non significant or only small changes to cycle rate, cycle length and ratings of perceived exertion. Incremental maximal tests showed that time to exhaustion was significantly changed and this occurred without a significantly changed maximal power, maximal oxygen uptake, maximal heart rate and blood lactate, and that the influence on ratings of perceived exertion was non significant or small. The final part of the thesis, which focused on work economy, found no significant difference between the four groups of elite competitors, i.e. between the two genders and between the junior and senior elite athletes. It was only the male amateurs who significantly differed among the five studied groups. The study also showed that the external power per kg was significantly different between the two genders due to differences in body mass and mR, i.e. the lighter female testing groups were roller skiing with a relatively heavier rolling resistance coefficient compared to the heavier testing groups of male participants. / Sporttech
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To BI or Not to BI: Business Intelligence Role in BudgetingNåvik, Jonathan, Lydia, Rostedt January 2020 (has links)
Budgeting has a long tradition within management control but has faced criticism for being too expensive, time-consuming and irrelevant due to the inflexible nature of traditional fixed budgeting. In an increasingly volatile business environment, organizations need to move beyond the historical view inaugurated by the traditional budget and towards a more dynamically conducted budget that adapts to the environment. The proposed solution to the budget issue has been alternative budgeting methods such as beyond budgeting, rolling forecasts and zero-based budgeting, which are argued to excel with the utilities offered through emerging technology such as business intelligence, which has been on top of organizations agenda in over a decade. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the awareness of how business intelligence can improve the budgetary process to become more adaptive to the environment. This thesis takes a qualitative approach where six respondents were interviewed to form three groups; BI Experts, BI Prospects and BI Users, to elicit different perspectives of BI utility on the budgetary process. These perspectives were analyzed against the proposed purpose of budgeting to provide good targets, efficient resource allocation and reliable forecasts. The result of this thesis show that business intelligence can improve the budgeting process by providing more reliable forecasts through increased data accessibility and more reliant data, as well as ease of reporting. The budget process becomes less costly and time consuming in terms of data errors and reporting activities. An additional finding for this thesis is that there is a visionary discrepancy between the three defined groups.
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Dynamic amplification for moving vehicle loads on buried pipes : Evaluation of field-testsSmagina, Zana January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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An evaluation of the most prevalent budgeting practice in the South African business communitySabela, Sibusiso Wellington January 2012 (has links)
This study is based on a combination of existing theoretical knowledge and recently conducted empirical research. The analysis of knowledge that has come from the academic world has resulted in an extensive review of budgeting. The review starts at the inception of budgets in the nineteenth century, where it was just a tool to manage cost and cash flows. The study follows the trajectory of the evolution of budgeting from Traditional Budgeting practices that lasted for decades to, what is known today as, Better Budgeting.
The evolution of budgeting has been driven by the desire of organisations to mitigate business challenges which result from the economic volatilities of the day as well as to remain competitive. This desire to mitigate business challenges remains relevant today and demands that organisations be equipped with best practice management tools, systems and business processes.
In order to manage organisations effectively and efficiently, Management Accounting as a discipline is in a state of constant development. Over the years, a number of new innovations have been introduced in the field of Management Accounting. These include (but are not limited to) concepts such as Activity Based Costing (ABC), Activity Based Management (ABM), Activity Based Budgeting (ABB), Target Costing, Strategic Cost Management and Economic Value Added (Budgeting)(EVA™), Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB), Rolling Budgets and Forecasting (RBF), Balanced-Score Card (BSC) and Beyond Budgeting. These innovations aim to provide business managers with practical value adding solutions for a better understanding of the organisation’s product or service costing and planning strategies. The focus of this study is on innovations relating to the planning strategies of the organisation. Innovations that relate to planning include: Activity Based Budgeting, Zero Based Budgeting and Rolling Budgeting and Forecasting.
The budget evolution is not short of academic value; researchers have conducted empirical surveys and have provided a theoretical perspective on the subject matter with fruitful findings. There appears to be a consensus regarding a total overhaul of Traditional Budgeting with the clear intention to move towards Better Budgeting. In the midst of this continued research work, there has been an emergence of a radical view about budgeting. This radical view concerns pursuing an agenda that suggests that organisations must stop preparing budgets. The gist of this radical development can be summed up as the limitations presented by budgeting in organisations. This recent concept has been coined as Beyond Budgeting.
To remain globally competitive, South African organisations must keep abreast with the latest developments in management practices. This study therefore provides a good platform for South African organisations to obtain knowledge in what other countries are already doing around the subject of budgeting.
The study has a two-pronged problem statement. Firstly, do organisations still budget? Secondly, what do organisations feel is the future for budgeting? Are they keeping with Traditional Budgeting, moving towards Better Budgeting or rather going further and looking Beyond Budgeting? The South African business community is no exception to this global budget debate about Traditional Budgeting, Better Budgeting and Beyond Budgeting.
To gather evidence, the study made use of an online survey questionnaire that is attached as Appendix 2. An email invite containing an Internet hyperlink was sent to respondents. Respondents were expected to click on the hyperlink to gain access the pre-designed online survey questionnaire.
Upon the analysis of the results, it was concluded that the South African business community still relies on budgeting, with 90% of the respondents saying that budgeting is indispensable, as their organisations will not manage without budgeting. Furthermore, there was a clear-cut move from Traditional Budgeting towards Better Budgeting. The study also concluded that the move towards Better Budgeting is supported by the inability of Traditional Budgeting to keep up with the rapid changes in macro and micro-economic factors. Also interesting to note is the revelation that 0% of the respondents indicated that they had adopted and implemented Beyond Budgeting. This resistance by the South African business community to the adoption of Beyond Budgeting and the resulting slower pace of this new practice's implementation is actually similar to the pace at which global organisations have received this radical budgeting practice. / Dissertation (MCom) University of Pretoria, 2012 / am2013 / Financial Management / unrestricted
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Simulation of Optical Aberrations for Comet Interceptor’s OPIC InstrumentBührer, Maximilian January 2020 (has links)
In space exploration optical imaging is one of the key measurements conducted, with a vast majority of missions heavily relying on optical data acquisition to examine alien worlds. One such endeavor is ESA’s F-class mission Comet Interceptor, a multi-element spacecraft expected to be launched in 2028. It consists of a primary platform and two sub-spacecraft, one of which carrying the Optical Periscopic Imager for Comets (OPIC). An accurate prediction of the generated imagery is of undeniable importance as mission planning and instrument design strongly depend on the real-world output quality of the camera system. In the case of OPIC, the collected image data will be used to reconstruct three dimensional models of targeted celestial bodies. Furthermore, the sub-spacecraft faces a risk of high velocity dust impacts, leading to a limited number of data samples to be broadcasted back to the primary spacecraft before collision. Testing image prioritization algorithms and reconstruction methods prior to mission start requires accurate computer-generated images. Camera sensors and lens systems are subjected to various optical distortions and aberrations that degrade the final image. Popular render engines model those effects to a certain degree only and as a result produce content that is looking too perfect. While more sophisticated software products exist, they often come with compatibility limitations and other drawbacks. This report discusses the most important optical aberrations, as well as their relevance for optical instruments in space applications with a particular focus on the Comet Interceptor mission. The main part of this work is however the implementation of a dedicated software tool that simulates a variety of optical aberrations complementing the basic camera model of the Blender render engine. While its functionality is mostly demonstrated for OPIC, the software is designed with a broad range of usage scenarios in mind.
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Struktura a vlastnosti hořčíkových slitin Mg-Ca-Zn / Structure and properties of magnesium alloys Mg-Ca-ZnHlavnička, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with design and preparation of a new biodegradable magnesium alloy based on Mg-Ca-Zn. Based on information from literature, the Mg-3Zn-2Ca alloy was designed. The base material was produced by gravity casting and the evaluation in the as-cast and heat treated state was performed. For preparation of the experimental material, following methods were designed: squeeze casting, hot rolling and the ECAP. During preparation by hot rolling, no optimal conditions were found and significant cracks occurred in both as-cast and heat treated material. In the case of experimental material, prepared by the ECAP method with back-pressure, better combination of stress-strain properties was observed. Also the squeeze casting method showed improvement; especially the amount of casting defects was eliminated. The evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties was performed by the light and scanning electron microscopy, RTG phase analysis and the tensile and compression tests.
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Simulation des dynamischen Verhaltens gebauter, wälzgelagerter Nockenwellen mit MathcadUhlmann, Martin, Toste, Florian 08 May 2014 (has links)
Im Vortrag wird die Vorgehensweise zur Modellierung des Ventiltriebs eines Einzylinder-Motorradmotors beschrieben. Dieser setzt sich aus zwei gebauten, wälzgelagerten Nockenwellen zusammen. Die Ventile werden über Schlepphebel betätigt. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf den Pressverbindungen zwischen Nocken und Welle sowie auf den Wälzlagerungen. Um die Belastungszustände zu ermitteln ist eine detaillierte Simulation nötig. Diese Mehrkörpersimulation wird in Mathcad mit Hilfe eines eigenen Lösers durchgeführt.
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