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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Algorithmique et complexité des systèmes à compteurs

Blondin, Michael 04 1900 (has links)
Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'École normale supérieure de Cachan – Université Paris-Saclay / L'un des aspects fondamentaux des systèmes informatiques modernes, et en particulier des systèmes critiques, est la possibilité d'exécuter plusieurs processus, partageant des ressources communes, de façon simultanée. De par leur nature concurrentielle, le bon fonctionnement de ces systèmes n'est assuré que lorsque leurs comportements ne dépendent pas d'un ordre d'exécution prédéterminé. En raison de cette caractéristique, il est particulièrement difficile de s'assurer qu'un système concurrent ne possède pas de faille. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la vérification formelle, une approche algorithmique qui vise à automatiser la vérification du bon fonctionnement de systèmes concurrents en procédant par une abstraction vers des modèles mathématiques. Nous considérons deux de ces modèles, les réseaux de Petri et les systèmes d'addition de vecteurs, et les problèmes de vérification qui leur sont associés. Nous montrons que le problème d'accessibilité pour les systèmes d'addition de vecteurs (avec états) à deux compteurs est PSPACE-complet, c'est-à-dire complet pour la classe des problèmes solubles à l'aide d'une quantité polynomiale de mémoire. Nous établissons ainsi la complexité calculatoire précise de ce problème, répondant à une question demeurée ouverte depuis plus de trente ans. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche au problème de couverture pour les réseaux de Petri, basée sur un algorithme arrière guidé par une caractérisation logique de l'accessibilité dans les réseaux de Petri continus. Cette approche nous a permis de mettre au point un nouvel algorithme qui s'avère particulièrement efficace en pratique, tel que démontré par notre implémentation logicielle nommée QCover. Nous complétons ces résultats par une étude des systèmes de transitions bien structurés qui constituent une abstraction générale des systèmes d'addition de vecteurs et des réseaux de Petri. Nous considérons le cas des systèmes de transitions bien structurés à branchement infini, une classe qui inclut les réseaux de Petri possédant des arcs pouvant consommer ou produire un nombre arbitraire de jetons. Nous développons des outils mathématiques facilitant l'étude de ces systèmes et nous délimitons les frontières au-delà desquelles la décidabilité des problèmes de terminaison, de finitude, de maintenabilité et de couverture est perdue. / One fundamental aspect of computer systems, and in particular of critical systems, is the ability to run simultaneously many processes sharing resources. Such concurrent systems only work correctly when their behaviours are independent of any execution ordering. For this reason, it is particularly difficult to ensure the correctness of concurrent systems. In this thesis, we study formal verification, an algorithmic approach to the verification of concurrent systems based on mathematical modeling. We consider two of the most prominent models, Petri nets and vector addition systems, and their usual verification problems considered in the literature. We show that the reachability problem for vector addition systems (with states) restricted to two counters is PSPACE-complete, that is, it is complete for the class of problems solvable with a polynomial amount of memory. Hence, we establish the precise computational complexity of this problem, left open for more than thirty years. We develop a new approach to the coverability problem for Petri nets which is primarily based on applying forward coverability in continuous Petri nets as a pruning criterion inside a backward coverability framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by implementing it in a tool named QCover. We complement these results with a study of well-structured transition systems which form a general abstraction of vector addition systems and Petri nets. We consider infinitely branching well-structured transition systems, a class that includes Petri nets with special transitions that may consume or produce arbitrarily many tokens. We develop mathematical tools in order to study these systems and we delineate the decidability frontier for the termination, boundedness, maintainability and coverability problems.

Contribution au pronostic des systèmes à base de modèles : théorie et application / Contribution to nonlinear systems prognosis based on models : theory and application

Gucik-Derigny, David 09 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution au problème du pronostic des systèmes complexes. Plus précisément, elle concerne l'approche basée modèles et est composée de trois contributions principales. Tout d'abord, dans une première contribution une définition du concept de pronostic est proposée et est positionnée par rapport aux concepts de diagnostic et de diagnostic prédictif. Pour cela, une notion de contrainte temporelle a été introduite afin de donner toute pertinence à la prédiction réalisée. Il a également été montré comment le pronostic est lié à la notion d'accessibilité en temps fini.La deuxième contribution est dédiée à l'utilisation des observateurs à convergence en temps fini pour la problématique du pronostic. Une méthodologie de pronostic est présentée pour les systèmes non linéaires à échelle de temps multiple. Puis, une troisième contribution est introduite par l'utilisation des observateurs par intervalle pour le pronostic. Une méthodologie de pronostic est proposée pour les systèmes non linéaires incertains à échelle de temps multiple. Pour illustrer les différents résultats théoriques, des simulations ont été conduites sur un modèle de comportement d'un oscillateur électromécanique. / This thesis is a contribution to the problem of a complex system prognosis. More precisely, it concerns the model-based prognosis approach and the thesis is divided into three main contributions. First of all, a definition of prognosis concept is proposed as a first contribution and is positionned in reference to the diagnosis and predictive diagnosis concepts. For that, a notion of temporal constraint is introduced to give all pertinence to the prediction achieved. It is also shown how prognosis is linked to the finite time reachability notion. The second contribution is dedicated to the use of finite time convergence observer for the prognosis problem. A prognosis methodology is presented for nonlinear multiple time scale systems. Then, a last contribution is introduced through the use of interval observer for the prognosis problem. A pronognosis methodology is proposed for nonlinear uncertain multiple time scale systems. To illustrate the theorical results, simulations are achieved based on a model of an electromechanical oscillator system.

Games and Probabilistic Infinite-State Systems

Sandberg, Sven January 2007 (has links)
<p>Computer programs keep finding their ways into new safety-critical applications, while at the same time growing more complex. This calls for new and better methods to verify the correctness of software. We focus on one approach to verifying systems, namely that of <i>model checking</i>. At first, we investigate two categories of problems related to model checking: <i>games</i> and <i>stochastic infinite-state systems</i>. In the end, we join these two lines of research, by studying <i>stochastic infinite-state games</i>.</p><p>Game theory has been used in verification for a long time. We focus on finite-state 2-player parity and limit-average (mean payoff) games. These problems have applications in model checking for the <i>μ</i>-calculus, one of the most expressive logics for programs. We give a simplified proof of memoryless determinacy. The proof applies <i>both</i> to parity and limit-average games. Moreover, we suggest a strategy improvement algorithm for limit-average games. The algorithm is discrete and strongly subexponential.</p><p>We also consider probabilistic infinite-state systems (Markov chains) induced by three types of models. <i>Lossy channel systems (LCS)</i> have been used to model processes that communicate over an unreliable medium. <i>Petri nets</i> model systems with unboundedly many parallel processes. <i>Noisy Turing machines</i> can model computers where the memory may be corrupted in a stochastic manner. We introduce the notion of <i>eagerness</i> and prove that all these systems are eager. We give a scheme to approximate the value of a reward function defined on paths. Eagerness allows us to prove that the scheme terminates. For probabilistic LCS, we also give an algorithm that approximates the limit-average reward. This quantity describes the long-run behavior of the system.</p><p>Finally, we investigate Büchi games on probabilistic LCS. Such games can be used to model a malicious cracker trying to break a network protocol. We give an algorithm to solve these games.</p>

Games and Probabilistic Infinite-State Systems

Sandberg, Sven January 2007 (has links)
Computer programs keep finding their ways into new safety-critical applications, while at the same time growing more complex. This calls for new and better methods to verify the correctness of software. We focus on one approach to verifying systems, namely that of model checking. At first, we investigate two categories of problems related to model checking: games and stochastic infinite-state systems. In the end, we join these two lines of research, by studying stochastic infinite-state games. Game theory has been used in verification for a long time. We focus on finite-state 2-player parity and limit-average (mean payoff) games. These problems have applications in model checking for the μ-calculus, one of the most expressive logics for programs. We give a simplified proof of memoryless determinacy. The proof applies both to parity and limit-average games. Moreover, we suggest a strategy improvement algorithm for limit-average games. The algorithm is discrete and strongly subexponential. We also consider probabilistic infinite-state systems (Markov chains) induced by three types of models. Lossy channel systems (LCS) have been used to model processes that communicate over an unreliable medium. Petri nets model systems with unboundedly many parallel processes. Noisy Turing machines can model computers where the memory may be corrupted in a stochastic manner. We introduce the notion of eagerness and prove that all these systems are eager. We give a scheme to approximate the value of a reward function defined on paths. Eagerness allows us to prove that the scheme terminates. For probabilistic LCS, we also give an algorithm that approximates the limit-average reward. This quantity describes the long-run behavior of the system. Finally, we investigate Büchi games on probabilistic LCS. Such games can be used to model a malicious cracker trying to break a network protocol. We give an algorithm to solve these games.

Vérification relationnelle pour des programmes avec des données entières / Relational Verification of Programs with Integer Data

Konecny, Filip 29 October 2012 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse sont lies aux problèmes de vérification de l'atteignabilité et de la terminaison de programmes qui manipulent des données entières non-bornées. On décrit une nouvelle méthode de vérification basée sur une technique d'accélération de boucle, qui calcule, de manière exacte, la clôture transitive d'une relation arithmétique. D'abord, on introduit un algorithme d'accélération de boucle qui peut calculer, en quelques secondes, des clôtures transitives pour des relations de l'ordre d'une centaine de variables. Ensuite, on présente une méthode d'analyse de l'atteignabilité, qui manipule des relations entre les variables entières d'un programme, et applique l'accélération pour le calcul des relations entrée-sortie des procédures, de façon modulaire. Une approche alternative pour l'analyse de l'atteignabilité, présentée également dans cette thèse, intègre l'accélération avec l'abstraction par prédicats, afin de traiter le problème de divergence de cette dernière. Ces deux méthodes ont été évaluées de manière pratique, sur un nombre important d'exemples, qui étaient, jusqu'a présent, hors de la portée des outils d'analyse existants. Dernièrement, on a étudié le problème de la terminaison pour certaines classes de boucles de programme, et on a montré la décidabilité pour les relations étudiées. Pour ces classes de relations arithmétiques, on présente un algorithme qui s'exécute en temps au plus polynomial, et qui calcule l'ensemble d'états qui peuvent générer une exécution infinie. Ensuite on a intégré cet algorithme dans une méthode d'analyse de la terminaison pour des programmes qui manipulent des données entières. / This work presents novel methods for verification of reachability and termination properties of programs that manipulate unbounded integer data. Most of these methods are based on acceleration techniques which compute transitive closures of program loops. We first present an algorithm that accelerates several classes of integer relations and show that the new method performs up to four orders of magnitude better than the previous ones. On the theoretical side, our framework provides a common solution to the acceleration problem by proving that the considered classes of relations are periodic. Subsequently, we introduce a semi-algorithmic reachability analysis technique that tracks relations between variables of integer programs and applies the proposed acceleration algorithm to compute summaries of procedures in a modular way. Next, we present an alternative approach to reachability analysis that integrates predicate abstraction with our acceleration techniques to increase the likelihood of convergence of the algorithm. We evaluate these algorithms and show that they can handle a number of complex integer programs where previous approaches failed. Finally, we study the termination problem for several classes of program loops and show that it is decidable. Moreover, for some of these classes, we design a polynomial time algorithm that computes the exact set of program configurations from which non-terminating runs exist. We further integrate this algorithm into a semi-algorithmic method that analyzes termination of integer programs, and show that the resulting technique can verify termination properties of several non-trivial integer programs. / Tato pr´ace pˇredstavuje nov´e metody pro verifikaci program°u pracuj´ıc´ıch s neomezen´ymiceloˇc´ıslen´ymi promˇenn´ymi, konkr´etnˇe metody pro anal´yzu dosaˇzitelnosti a koneˇcnosti.Vˇetˇsina tˇechto metod je zaloˇzena na akceleraˇcn´ıch technik´ach, kter´e poˇc´ıtaj´ı tranzitivn´ıuz´avˇery cykl°u programu.V pr´aci je nejprve pˇredstaven algoritmus pro akceleraci nˇekolika tˇr´ıd celoˇc´ıseln´ychrelac´ı. Tento algoritmus je aˇz o ˇctyˇri ˇr´ady rychlejˇs´ı neˇz existuj´ıc´ı techniky. Z teoretick´ehohlediska pr´ace dokazuje, ˇze uvaˇzovan´e tˇr´ıdy relac´ı jsou periodick´e a poskytuje tud´ıˇzjednotn´e ˇreˇsen´ı prol´emu akcelerace.Pr´ace d´ale pˇredstavuje semi-algoritmus pro anal´yzu dosaˇzitelnosti celoˇc´ıseln´ych program°u, kter´y sleduje relace mezi promˇenn´ymi programu a aplikuje akceleraˇcn´ı technikyza ´uˇcelem modul´arn´ıho v´ypoˇctu souhrn°u procedur. D´ale je v pr´aci navrˇzen alternativn´ıalgoritmus pro anal´yzu dosaˇzitelnosti, kter´y integruje predik´atovou abstrakci s accelerac´ıs c´ılem zv´yˇsit pravdˇepodobnost konvergence v´ypoˇctu. Proveden´e experimenty ukazuj´ı, ˇzeoba algoritmy lze ´uspˇeˇsnˇe aplikovat k verifikaci program°u, na kter´ych pˇredchoz´ı metodyselh´avaly.Pr´ace se rovnˇeˇz zab´yv´a probl´emem koneˇcnosti bˇehu program°u a dokazuje, ˇze tentoprobl´em je rozhodnuteln´y pro nˇekolik tˇr´ıd celoˇc´ıseln´ych relac´ı. Pro nˇekter´e z tˇechto tˇr´ıdrelac´ı je v pr´aci navrˇzen algoritmus, kter´y v polynomi´aln´ım ˇcase vypoˇc´ıt´a mnoˇzinu vˇsechkonfigurac´ı programu, z nichˇz existuje nekoneˇcn´y bˇeh. Tento algoritmus je integrov´ando metody, kter´a analyzuje koneˇcnost bˇeh°u celoˇc´ıseln´ych program°u. Efektivnost t´etometody je demonstrov´ana na nˇekolika netrivi´aln´ıch celoˇc´ıseln´ych programech.

Advanced Features in Protocol Verification: Theory, Properties, and Efficiency in Maude-NPA

Santiago Pinazo, Sonia 31 March 2015 (has links)
The area of formal analysis of cryptographic protocols has been an active one since the mid 80’s. The idea is to verify communication protocols that use encryption to guarantee secrecy and that use authentication of data to ensure security. Formal methods are used in protocol analysis to provide formal proofs of security, and to uncover bugs and security flaws that in some cases had remained unknown long after the original protocol publication, such as the case of the well known Needham-Schroeder Public Key (NSPK) protocol. In this thesis we tackle problems regarding the three main pillars of protocol verification: modelling capabilities, verifiable properties, and efficiency. This thesis is devoted to investigate advanced features in the analysis of cryptographic protocols tailored to the Maude-NPA tool. This tool is a model-checker for cryptographic protocol analysis that allows for the incorporation of different equational theories and operates in the unbounded session model without the use of data or control abstraction. An important contribution of this thesis is relative to theoretical aspects of protocol verification in Maude-NPA. First, we define a forwards operational semantics, using rewriting logic as the theoretical framework and the Maude programming language as tool support. This is the first time that a forwards rewriting-based semantics is given for Maude-NPA. Second, we also study the problem that arises in cryptographic protocol analysis when it is necessary to guarantee that certain terms generated during a state exploration are in normal form with respect to the protocol equational theory. We also study techniques to extend Maude-NPA capabilities to support the verification of a wider class of protocols and security properties. First, we present a framework to specify and verify sequential protocol compositions in which one or more child protocols make use of information obtained from running a parent protocol. Second, we present a theoretical framework to specify and verify protocol indistinguishability in Maude-NPA. This kind of properties aim to verify that an attacker cannot distinguish between two versions of a protocol: for example, one using one secret and one using another, as it happens in electronic voting protocols. Finally, this thesis contributes to improve the efficiency of protocol verification in Maude-NPA. We define several techniques which drastically reduce the state space, and can often yield a finite state space, so that whether the desired security property holds or not can in fact be decided automatically, in spite of the general undecidability of such problems. / Santiago Pinazo, S. (2015). Advanced Features in Protocol Verification: Theory, Properties, and Efficiency in Maude-NPA [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48527 / TESIS

Релятивизированная онтология семантики возможных миров и ее применимость к проблемам философии сознания : магистерская диссертация / Relativize ontology of possible-worlds semantics, and its applicability to the problems of the philosophy of mind

Гущин, И. А., Guschin, I. A. January 2016 (has links)
Современная аналитическая философия может применять семантику возможных миров для анализа философских проблем. В диссертации определяется онтологический базис для семантики возможных миров так, чтобы она была в полной мере применима к анализу проблем философия сознания, включая проблему тождества сознания и тела. Проводится анализ объектного и релятивного способов определения онтологии для семантики возможных миров для объектов и функций, при этом рассматривается возможность определения объектного способа как частного случая релятивного. Отношение достижимости в качестве способа задания «релятивных» переходов между возможными мирами является ключевым для релятивного подхода к онтологии семантики возможных миров. В диссертации сформулирована логическая система на основе допущения неполного сопоставления индивидных областей для отношения достижимости. / Modern analytic philosophy can apply the possible-worlds semantics for the analysis of philosophical problems. The dissertation determines ontological basis for the possible-worlds semantics, so that it is fully applicable to the analysis of problems of the philosophy of consciousness, including the issue of the identity of consciousness and body. The analysis of relational and object methods for determining the ontology of possible-worlds semantics for objects and functions takes place, while the possibility consideres of determining the object method as a special case of relative method. The attitude of the reachability as a means of model of «relative» transitions between the possible worlds is the key to relational approach to the ontology of possible-worlds semantics. The dissertation formulates the logical system based on the assumption of incomplete comparison individual areas for the attitude of the reachability.

Hybrid Zonotopes: A Mixed-Integer Set Representation for the Analysis of Hybrid Systems

Trevor John Bird (13877174) 29 September 2022 (has links)
<p>Set-based methods have been leveraged in many engineering applications from robust control and global optimization, to probabilistic planning and estimation. While useful, these methods have most widely been applied to analysis over sets that are convex, due to their ease in both representation and calculation. The representation and analysis of nonconvex sets is inherently complex. When nonconvexity arises in design and control applications, the nonconvex set is often over-approximated by a convex set to provide conservative results. However, the level of conservatism may be large and difficult to quantify, often leading to trivial results and requiring repetitive analysis by the engineer. Nonconvexity is inherent and unavoidable in many applications, such as the analysis of hybrid systems and robust safety constraints. </p> <p>In this dissertation, I present a new nonconvex set representation named the hybrid zonotope. The hybrid zonotope builds upon a combination of recent advances in the compact representation of convex sets in the controls literature with methods leveraged in solving mixed-integer programming problems. It is shown that the hybrid zonotope is equivalent to the union of an exponential number of convex sets while using a linear number of continuous and binary variables in the set’s representation. I provide identities for, and derivations of, the set operations of hybrid zonotopes for linear mappings, Minkowski sums, generalized intersections, halfspace intersections, Cartesian products, unions, complements, point containment, set containment, support functions, and convex enclosures. I also provide methods for redundancy removal and order reduction to improve the compactness and computational efficiency of the represented sets. Therefore proving the hybrid zonotopes expressive power and applicability to many nonconvex set-theoretic methods. Beyond basic set operations, I specifically show how the exact forward and backward reachable sets of linear hybrid systems may be found using identities that are calculated algebraically and scale linearly. Numerical examples show the scalability of the proposed methods and how they may be used to verify the safety and performance of complex systems. These exact methods may also be used to evaluate the level of conservatism of the existing approximate methods provided in the literature.  </p>

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