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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodika a standardy modelování podnikových procesů / Methodology and standards of process management and modeling

Cenigová, Ivana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of process management and modeling. It is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The first three chapters are theoretical. The first chapter covers the methods of process management. The second chapter describes the standards of process modeling. The third chapter is concerned with the MMABP method of process management and modeling, as developed at the University of Economics. The practical part comprises two chapters. The first one is dedicated to a questionnaire survey in the field of process modeling including its evaluation. The second chapter of practical part is focused on reengineering of company processes within a department of a large multinational corporation.

Um processo de migração de sistema legado funcional para orientado a objetos direcionado por indicadores de qualidade. / A quality indicator driven process to toward object oriented from functional legacy systems.

Wagner Leal dos Santos 06 June 2007 (has links)
A manutenção de sistemas legados tem se tornado uma preocupação constante das grandes empresas. O setor bancário brasileiro, por exemplo, possui milhões de linhas de código confeccionados em linguagens procedurais, essenciais para atingir os objetivos de negócios destas instituições. Muitos desses programas são considerados bem antigos, possuindo mais de 30 anos de existência e, apesar de serem extremamente úteis para estas organizações, não permitem aproveitar as vantagens das novas tecnologias, tais como o uso de interfaces gráficas, processamento distribuído, entre outros. Fazer um outro aplicativo de software a partir do início pode ser uma tarefa muito árdua e incorrer em grandes riscos para o negócio da empresa. Migrar esses sistemas aos poucos parece ser a melhor estratégia. Isso porque, a utilização dessa abordagem permite que a adaptação dos usuários ao novo sistema seja gradativa, ou seja, ocorre à medida que as funcionalidades de negócio são contempladas pelo novo sistema. Considerando a necessidade evidente que essa migração terá de ocorrer mais cedo ou mais tarde, este trabalho propõe um processo para permitir uma evolução gradual do software legado para uma plataforma mais moderna e de mais amplo uso atualmente, que possa atender melhor às novas necessidades dos negócios. Esse processo é formado por etapas de avaliação da situação atual do sistema, de transformação de arquitetura e de transformação do código funcional para o orientado a objetos. Além disso, é direcionado por indicadores de qualidade e apoiado por tipos de visão e respectivos estilos arquiteturais. O foco deste trabalho está em sistemas de instituições financeiras desenvolvidos em Mainframe ou AS/400, onde há grande incidência de códigos antigos orientados a procedimentos. / The maintenance of old legacies software has become a constant concern of the great companies. The Brazilian banking sector, for example, has millions of lines of code made under the functional paradigm, essential to reach the business-oriented objectives of these institutions. Many of these systems are very old, arriving to possess more than 30 years of existence. These programs, extremely useful for these organizations, do not allow the use of the advantages of the new technologies, such as the use of graphical interfaces, distributed processing and so on. The replacement of all old system for a new on may be a very arduous task and to incur into great risks for the company. Migrate these systems in small steps seems to a better strategy to deal with this problem that will have to be faced earlier or later. This work considers process to allow the gradual evolution of the legacy system to a better platform that allows the use of the advantages of the new technologies, through the use of quality indicators, the evaluation of the current system, the transformation of the architecture with focus at the change of functional paradigm to the object oriented one and of the use of view types and the corresponding architectural styles. This work is mainly delivered to financial institutions systems developed in Mainframe or AS/400 that have great incidence of these old legacies systems.

Reengineering Object Oriented Software Systems for a better Maintainability / Ré-ingénierie des applications à objets pour une amélioration de leurs attributs de qualité

Zellagui, Soumia 05 July 2019 (has links)
Les systèmes logiciels existants représentent souvent des investissements importants pour les entreprises qui les développent avec l’intention de les utiliser pendant une longue période de temps. La qualité de ces systèmes peut être dégradée avec le temps en raison des modifications complexes qui leur sont incorporées. Pour faire face à une telle dégradation lorsque elle dépasse un seuil critique, plusieurs stratégies peuvent être utilisées. Ces stratégies peuvent se résumer en: 1) remplaçant le système par un autre développé à partir de zéro, 2) poursuivant la maintenance(massive) du système malgré son coût ou 3) en faisant une réingénierie du système. Le remplacement et la maintenance massive ne sont pas des solutions adaptées lorsque le coût et le temps doivent être pris en compte, car elles nécessitent un effort considérable et du personnel pour assurer la mise en œuvre du système dans un délai raisonnable. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la solution de réingénierie. En général, la réingénierie d’un système logiciel inclut toutes les activités après la livraison à l’utilisateur pour améliorer sa qualité. Cette dernière est souvent caractérisé par un ensemble d’attributs de qualité. Nous proposons trois contributions pour améliorer les attributs de qualité spécifiques, que soient:la maintenabilité, la compréhensibilité et la modularité. Afin d’améliorer la maintenabilité, nous proposons de migrer les systèmes logiciels orientés objets vers des systèmes orientés composants. Contrairement aux approches existantes qui considèrent un descripteur de composant comme un cluster des classes, chaque classe du système existant sera migré en un descripteur de composant. Afin d’améliorer la compréhensibilité, nous proposons une approche pour la reconstruction de modèles d’architecture d’exécution des systèmes orientés objet et de gérer la complexité des modèles résultants. Les modèles, graphes, générés avec notre approche ont les caractéristiques suivantes: les nœuds sont étiquetés avec des durées de vie et des probabilités d’existence permettant 1) une visualisation des modèles avec un niveau de détail. 2) de cacher/montrer la structure interne des nœuds. Afin d’améliorer la modularité des systèmes logiciels orientés objets, nous proposons une approche d’identification des modules et des services dans le code source de ces systèmes.Dans cette approche, nous croyons que la structure composite est la structure principale du système qui doit être conservée lors du processus de modularisation, le composant et ses composites doivent être dans le même module. Les travaux de modularisation existants qui ont cette même vision, supposent que les relations de composition entre les éléments du code source sont déjà disponibles ce qui n’est pas toujours évident. Dans notre approche, l’identification des modules commence par une étape de reconstruction de modèles d’architecture d’exécution du système étudié. Ces modèles sont exploités pour d’identification de relations de composition entre les éléments du code source du système étudié. Une fois ces relations ont été identifiées, un algorithme génétique conservatif aux relations de composition est appliqué sur le système pour identifier des modules. En dernier, les services fournis par les modules sont identifiés à l’aide des modèles de l’architecture d’exécution du système logiciel analysé. Quelques expérimentations et études de cas ont été réalisées pour montrer la faisabilité et le gain en maintenabilité, compréhensibilité et modularité des logiciels traités avec nos propositions. / Legacy software systems often represent significant investmentsfor the companies that develop them with the intention of using themfor a long period of time. The quality of these systems can be degraded over time due to the complex changes incorporated to them.In order to deal with these systems when their quality degradation exceeds a critical threshold, a number of strategies can be used. Thesestrategies can be summarized in: 1) discarding the system and developinganother one from scratch, 2) carrying on the (massive) maintenance of the systemdespite its cost, or 3) reengineering the system. Replacement and massive maintenance are not suitable solutions when the cost and time are to be taken into account, since they require a considerable effort and staff to ensurethe system conclusion in a moderate time. In this thesis, we are interested in the reengineering solution. In general, software reengineering includes all activities following the delivery to the user to improve thesoftware system quality. This latter is often characterized with a set of quality attributes. We propose three contributions to improve specific quality attributes namely: maintainability, understandability and modularity.In order to improve maintainability, we propose to migrateobject oriented legacy software systems into equivalent component based ones.Contrary to exiting approaches that consider a component descriptor as a clusterof classes, each class in the legacy system will be migrated into a componentdescriptor. In order to improve understandability, we propose an approach forrecovering runtime architecture models of object oriented legacy systems and managing the complexity of the resulted models.The models recovered by our approach have the following distinguishing features: Nodes are labeled with lifespans and empirical probabilities of existencethat enable 1) a visualization with a level of detail. 2) the collapsing/expanding of objects to hide/show their internal structure.In order to improve modularity of object-oriented software systems,we propose an approach for identifying modulesand services in the source code.In this approach, we believe that the composite structure is the main structure of the system that must be retained during the modularization process, the component and its composites must be in the same module. Existing modularization works that has this same vision assumes that the composition relationships between the elements of the source code are already available, which is not always obvious. In our approach, module identification starts with a step of runtime architecture models recovery. These models are exploited for the identification of composition relationships between the elements of the source code. Once these relationships have been identified, a composition conservative genetic algorithm is applied on the system to identify modules. Lastly, the services provided by the modules are identified using the runtime architecture models of the software system. Some experimentations and casestudies have been performed to show the feasibility and the gain inmaintainability, understandability and modularity of the software systems studied with our proposals.

資訊科技於再造工程之角色 / The Role of Information Technology in Business Process Reengineering

施勝文, Shih, Sheng Weng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的有二:一是探討組織所進行的再造工程對於改造後的流程特性有何影響;二是探討改造後的流程特性與資訊科技應如何搭配方能顯著提昇流程的績效。本研究屬於探索性研究,藉由實地訪談國內於再造工程實施成效卓越之公司,配合國內外相關文獻,討論企業於進行流程再造後,資訊科技如何輔助再造後的流程運作。   研究結果發現,資訊科技於再造工程之角色端視改造後的流程特性而定。於一高╱低廣度的流程中,資訊科技扮演一高╱低溝通的支援性工具,而於高╱低結構化的流程,資訊科技便提供高╱低程度的決策支援。至於改造手法與改造後的流程特性,組織於採行整合企業流程之作法後,高、低廣度或高、低結構化的流程皆有可能出現;而跨越組織界限與整合分散資源之後,流程便只可能呈現出高廣度的特性;平行處理會造成低結構化的流程;而決策權下授的結果,便形成高結構化的流程特性。   本研究末尾建議企業在進行再造工程之時,宜仔細描繪出未來所欲達到的流程特性,引進資訊科技,大膽地擴張流程創新的廣度,以使再造的績效擴及全組織。而對於台灣以中小企業居要角的特殊情境,再造工程提示一絕佳的改造契機─「進行跨組織的流程創新」,連結組織之間相互依存的活動,使工作能超越組織界限一氣呵成,而使組織之間互蒙其利,構築企業間嚴密的網路關係,透過企業間的合作,開發出流程串連的機會,以提高台灣企業在國際上的競爭力。

Från system till process : kriterier för processbestämning vid verksamhetsanalys

Lind, Mikael January 2001 (has links)
I samband med systemutveckling och annat förändringarbete finns det behov av att göra en verksamhetsanalys för att utveckla kunskap om nuvarande och framtida verksamhet. Verksamheter är komplexa och ofta svåröverblickbara företeelser. För att hantera problemet med att skapa överblick bygger flera ansatser för verksamhetsanalys på Langefors teori om oöverblickbara system, vilken syftar till att reducera komplexitet genom att dela in verksamheter i olika nivåer av delsystem. Tillämpningen av denna teori resulterar ofta i ett fokus på verksamhetens organisatioriska funktioner och därmed ett alltför otillräckligt fokus på dem som verksamheten finns till för. Under 90-talet har ett antal processorienterade ansatser för verksamhetsutveckling lanserats som istället sätter kunden i fokus. Dessa ansatser bygger på en horisontell och flödesorienterad syn, där verksamheter betraktas som bestående av sekventiella delprocesser som transformerar input till output. Exempel på sådana ansatser finns inom Business Process Reengineering, Total Quality Management och Process Management. Problemet med att dela in verksamheter i delar återkommer även inom processorienterade ansatser. Det saknas kriterier för processbestämning, dvs grunder för att avgränsa och indela verksamhetsprocesser. En annan syn på process, vilket är en reaktion mot denna transormationsorientering, är den kommunikationsorienterade i vilken etablering, fullföljande och avslutning av åtaganden genom relatering av kommunikationshandlingar istället fokuseras. Enligt den kommunikationsorienterade synen på process betraktas aktörers kommunikationshandlingar inom och mellan organisationer som det essentiella, vilket leder till att transformationsaspekter undertrycks. I avhandlingen har grunder och arbetsstätt för processbestämning utvecklats. Detta har gjorts genom att tillämpa en teoridriven, induktiv och modelleringsbaserad forskningsansats. Kunskapsutvecklingen baseras empiriskt på processbestämningar genomförda i 13 verksamheter. Avhandlingens kunskapsbidrag är bland annat ett vidareutvecklat processbegrepp, vilket utvecklas genom en dialektisk ansats där motsättningarna mellan den transformationsorienterade och den kommunkationsorienterade synen på process övergryggas. Med utgångspunkt i det vidareutvecklade processbegreppet har sedan kriterier för processbestämning genererats, där produkter och aktörsrelationer identifierats som viktiga klasser för kriterier. Dessutom har avhandlingen resulterat i angreppssätt och arbetssätt för processbestämning, den sk teorin om oöverblickbara verksamhetssystem. Denna teori bygger på en annan dialektik och utgör en kunskapssyntes. Motsättningar överbryggas mellan systemtänkandet för indelning av verksamheter i delsystem och det rådande processtänkandet för att betrakta verksamheten som bestående av olika processer (huvudprocesser, delprocesser och aktiviteter). Att genomföra en verksamhetsanalys genom här föreslagen processbestämning innebär att kunskap om olika helheter med dess delar kan utvecklas. Dessa helheter och delar benämns processtyp, variantprocess, delprocess och social handling. Denna avhandling bidrar med kunskap om hur verksamheter kan uppfattas, avgränsas och indelas, i samband med processorienterad verksamhetsanalys.

The study of business model on STN LCD industry¡XCase study on E company

HUANG, Mao-hsiung 07 August 2007 (has links)
Due to the impact of active matrix liquid crystal display (LCD), twisted nematic (TN)/super-twisted nematic display (STN) industry confronts the market recession worldwide. Therefore, STN-LCD companies try to seek another development opportunity positively. However, developing new market can not be achieved in the short term. Some corporations actively strengthen their competitive advantage by technical innovation in order to possess more important position in the industry. This research apply case study method and chose E-Company as sample company who ranked the third in Taiwan STN-LCD industry in terms of production capacity to find out the business model of E-Company through literature generalization, strategies analysis of rivals and enterprise interview. This study found that the business model of E-Company is that strengthening the ability of horizontal integration and expanding the application field of display. By way of business process reengineering (BPR) and implementing product life-cycle management (PLM) system, E-Company integrates the products of downstream customers and offers technical support and services during concept planning phase of product development. Customers and suppliers can early involve the product development and reduce the cost of design change via collaborative design. Besides, collaborative design offers E-Company the capability to integrate the design chain information about product development and reduce time to market. Key word: Business Model, Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Product Life-cycle Management (PLM), Collaborative Product Design (CPD)

Extracting Data-Level Parallelism from Sequential Programs for SIMD Execution

Baumstark, Lewis Benton, Jr. 29 October 2004 (has links)
The goal of this research is to retarget multimedia programs written in sequential languages (e.g., C) to architectures with data-parallel execution capabilities. Image processing algorithms often have a high potential for data-level parallelism, but the artifacts imposed by the sequential programming language (e.g., loops, pointer variables) can obscure the parallelism and prohibit generation of efficient parallel code. This research presents a program representation and recognition approach for generating a data parallel program specification from sequential source code and retargeting it to data parallel execution mechanisms. The representation is based on an extension of the multi-dimensional synchronous dataflow model of computation. A partial recognition approach identifies and transforms only those program elements that hinder parallelization while leaving other computational elements intact. This permits flexibility in the types of programs that can be retargeted, while avoiding the complexity of complete program recognition. This representation and recognition process is implemented in the PARRET system, which is used to extract the high-level specification of a set of image-processing programs. From this specification, code is generated for Intels SSE2 instruction set and for the SIMPil processor. The results demonstrate that PARRET can exploit, given sufficient parallel resources, the maximum available parallelism in the retargeted applications. Similarly, the results show PARRET can also exploit parallelism on architectures with hardware-limited parallel resources. It is desirable to estimate potential parallelism before undertaking the expensive process of reverse engineering and retargeting. The goal is to narrow down the search space to a select set of loops which have a high likelihood of being data-parallel. This work also presents a hybrid static/dynamic approach, called DLPEST, for estimating the data-level parallelism in sequential program loops. We demonstrate the correctness of the DLPESTs estimates, show that estimates for programs of 25 to 5000 lines of code can be performed in under 10 minutes and that estimation time scales sub-linearly with input program size.

Identifying Testing Requirements for Modified Software

Apiwattanapong, Taweesup 09 July 2007 (has links)
Throughout its lifetime, software must be changed for many reasons, such as bug fixing, performance tuning, and code restructuring. Testing modified software is the main activity performed to gain confidence that changes behave as they are intended and do not have adverse effects on the rest of the software. A fundamental problem of testing evolving software is determining whether test suites adequately exercise changes and, if not, providing suitable guidance for generating new test inputs that target the modified behavior. Existing techniques evaluate the adequacy of test suites based only on control- and data-flow testing criteria. They do not consider the effects of changes on program states and, thus, are not sufficiently strict to guarantee that the modified behavior is exercised. Also, because of the lack of this guarantee, these techniques can provide only limited guidance for generating new test inputs. This research has developed techniques that will assist testers in testing evolving software and provide confidence in the quality of modified versions. In particular, this research has developed a technique to identify testing requirements that ensure that the test cases satisfying them will result in different program states at preselected parts of the software. This research has also developed supporting techniques for identifying testing requirements. Such techniques include (1) a differencing technique, which computes differences and correspondences between two software versions and (2) two dynamic-impact-analysis techniques, which identify parts of software that are likely affected by changes with respect to a set of executions.

Study on Architecture-Oriented Supply Chain Information Sharing Management Model

Liang, Bih-Jing 26 June 2010 (has links)
In the competitive environment that companies not only target on the improvement the efficiency in their delivery system but also redefine how supply chain should function in order to operate more effective from original supply to final consumption. A lot of firms have now cooperated together in the supply chain instead of fighting alone to deal with the competition in this global environment market place. Therefore, in the supply chain management, information sharing is important to effective coordination between partners. This research aims to develop an Architecture-Oriented model for the Supply Chain Information Sharing management. In this model, the interaction between organizations, structure elements, systems, and information sharing for the Supply chain management are well defined. Adopting this model, management can understand and control the entire supply chain more easily. Also, this model can help management make the better decision so management can more effective to collect the important information of organizational structures and behaviors for what are needed. Architecture-Oriented Supply Chain Information Sharing Management Model (AOSCISMM) is based on the enterprise architecture theory and method. Using the structure-behavior coalescence (SBC) approach to simulate the Supply Chain Information Sharing Management Model, we are able to fully express the situation of organizational structure, business processes, and information systems clearly to reduce business reengineering risks. The major achievement of this research is to advise a new model for better supply chain information sharing management and also bring the new vision for the supply chain management of information sharing.

A Study of Integrating Business Process and Core Competence to Improve the Competitive Advantages for the Steel Industry

Chung, Kuo-an 10 September 2004 (has links)
¡@¡@Since 1990s, rapidly changing business environments such as information technology advancements and global logistical competitions have brought enterprises many challenges. Recently, due to its rapid economic grow, China has become a ¡§world factory¡¨ but it will also cause the steel industry to face the problem of sterner challenges and crises for coping the huge steel demand. Most enterprises may make efforts to retain their competency and keep abreast of market status through so-called business process reengineering (BPR). Under such circumstances, it becomes very important for steel industry to integrate their business process and core competence to improve the competitive advantages. ¡@¡@Through literature review, in-depth interviews with experts and implementing experience of BPR project in steel plant, a reference model was developed to examine the core competence and facilitate the BPR. Some cases from domestic and oversea steel companies with successful experience in BPR project have been studied for validation of the model. And the result shows that this validated model can be used for the steel industry to implement their BPR projects. ¡@¡@In this study, it is also indicated that the core competence, composed of managerial system, physical system, skill and values of behavior, is very crucial to successfully fulfill the business process reengineering. The BPR project needs CEO¡¦s full support. The practical technical system and the skill of employees may speed up to build and maintain the new process. However if the new system is deemed to likely violate the rights and interests of employees, they may resist to reform. Therefore the learning organization in managerial system should guide the employees and communicate occasionally with their employees and with forming a value and a paradigm of common behavior in the company, the BPR could be actually carried out.

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