Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deferences"" "subject:"eferences""
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Normalização e indicadores de impacto: implicações entre os periódicos brasileiros indexados na SciELO e WoS / Normalization and impact indicators: implications among Brazilian journals indexed in SciELO and WoSPaula, Angelica de Souza Alves de 13 December 2018 (has links)
Além de ser um filtro para selecionar e legitimar o caráter científico do que é publicado, a citação é um meio de distribuir créditos e reconhecimento. Com o surgimento dos índices de citação, novas possibilidades se abriram para avaliação de produção científica por meio de indicadores. Dentre eles, o Fator de Impacto é o mais utilizado para aferir o impacto de um periódico, sendo calculado em termos do número de citações que tal periódico alcança, tomando como fonte de informação as referências de todos os periódicos catalogados numa base de dados. Neste contexto, a normalização também é primordial, por garantir a transferência da informação científica em padrão específico, sendo assim responsável direta da qualidade dos estudos bibliométricos, e consequentemente, na avaliação da produção científica. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi contribuir com a discussão sobre a importância da normalização no uso de indicadores para avaliação de periódicos científicos. Os objetivos específicos foram: a) analisar a distribuição das referências bibliográficas de periódicos ao longo do tempo, no que diz respeito ao nível de normalização das referências e seu impacto na análise de citações, considerando ainda a obsolescência e tipologia documental; b) realizar análise comparativa entre áreas. Através da análise das citações feitas, no período de 2011 a 2015, pelos periódicos brasileiros indexados na SciELO e WoS, foi possível verificar a o aumento de citações a periódicos ante outros tipos documentais, constatar o cumprimento das recomendações quanto ao uso de referências atualizadas e utilização cada vez menor de autocitação. No entanto, ainda que indexados em bases criteriosas e rigorosas e possuírem bibliotecários em suas equipes, a taxa de erros de normalização ainda é pronunciada. / In addition to being a filter to select and legitimize the scientific character of what is published, citation is a means of distributing credits and recognition. With the appearance of citation indexes, new possibilities were opened for the evaluation of scientific production through indicators. Among them, the Impact Factor is the most used to gauge the impact of a periodical, being calculated in terms of the number of citations that periodic reaches, taking as reference information the references of all the periodicals cataloged in a database. In this context, standardization is also paramount, since it guarantees the transfer of scientific information in a specific pattern, being therefore directly responsible for the quality of bibliometric studies, and consequently, for the evaluation of scientific production. The general objective of the study was to contribute to the discussion about the importance of standardization in the use of indicators for the evaluation of scientific journals. The specific objectives were: a) to analyze the distribution of bibliographical references of periodicals over time, regarding the level of normalization of references and their impact in the analysis of citations, considering also the obsolescence and typology of documents; b) perform a comparative analysis between areas. Through the analysis of the citations made in the period from 2011 to 2015 by the Brazilian journals indexed in SciELO and WoS, it was possible to verify the increase of citations to periodicals compared to other documentary types, to verify compliance with the recommendations regarding the use of updated references and use less and less self-citing. However, although indexed on a strict and rigorous basis and have librarians in their teams, the error rate of normalization is still pronounced.
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Domestication Norms in French and Swedish : A Comparative Study of SubtitlesEricson, Nanna January 2010 (has links)
<p>France has long had its foreign audiovisual material dubbed. If this is due to an attempt to conserve the French language, there should also be similar concern with foreign cultural references. This essay uses qualitative analyses of extralinguistic references to discover if a so-called domesticating practice is notable also in French subtitling. Sweden, however, is a smaller country, and may be considered more Americanized culturally. Swedish subtitling is used as the more globalized counterpart.</p><p>This research cites instances in which extralinguistic references are made and how they are subsequently dealt with in the translated subtitles. The instances are singled out and then individually analyzed. Using four categories of translation methods for Extralinguistic Cultural References (ECRs), this study investigates whether translation norms differ between Swedish and French subtitles.</p><p>This study‘s most important finding is that there do seem to be different norms for Swedish and French subtitles and that the francophone target audience is not required to move so far from its domestic reference frame as is the Swedish target audience.</p><p>Another important finding is that while there are both quantitative and qualitative differences, there are also striking similarities on the statistical level, indicating that there are global norms that govern translation in general, and specifically subtitling.</p><p>The results are interesting for the discussion around which ECRs are domesticated, but also for further sociolinguistic analyses of French domestication.</p>
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Konstruktion av förstärkare och insamplingssteg till en PSAADC i 0.25 um CMOS / Design of OP-amplifiers and a voltage reference network for a PSAADC in 0.25 um CMOSAndersson, Martin January 2002 (has links)
The aim and goal of this work has been to design and implement a voltage reference network for a 12-bit PSAADC, Parallell Successive Analog to Digital Converter. A chip containing the design has been sent away for fabrication. Because of the long processing time, no measurement data are presented. The main specifications for the voltage reference generator is to generate stable reference voltages with low noise and a good PSRR. Efforts has also been made to minimize the power consumption.
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Konstruktion av förstärkare och insamplingssteg till en PSAADC i 0.25 um CMOS / Design of OP-amplifiers and a voltage reference network for a PSAADC in 0.25 um CMOSAndersson, Martin January 2002 (has links)
<p>The aim and goal of this work has been to design and implement a voltage reference network for a 12-bit PSAADC, Parallell Successive Analog to Digital Converter. A chip containing the design has been sent away for fabrication. Because of the long processing time, no measurement data are presented. The main specifications for the voltage reference generator is to generate stable reference voltages with low noise and a good PSRR. Efforts has also been made to minimize the power consumption.</p>
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Διδακτικές ανακατασκευές της ιστορίας των μαθηματικών : η καθιέρωση της ονομασίας Θεώρημα του Θαλή στη νεοελληνική εκπαίδευσηΠατσόπουλος, Δημήτριος 28 August 2008 (has links)
Η χρήση αναφορών από την Ιστορία της Επιστήμης στα σχολικά εγχειρίδια γίνεται μέσα από μια ιδιότυπη ερμηνεία των ιστορικών πηγών από τους συγγραφείς τους, εντός των διαφορετικών κοινωνικών και πολιτισμικών πλαισίων κάθε εποχής, η οποία στοχεύει στην εξυπηρέτηση διδακτικών αναγκών και για το λόγο αυτό την ονομάζουμε διδακτική ανακατασκευή της Ιστορίας της Επιστήμης. Μία σημαντική περίπτωση διδακτικής ανακατασκευής που μελετάμε είναι η καθιέρωση της ονομασίας Θεώρημα του Θαλή στην ευρωπαϊκή και ειδικότερα στη νεοελληνική εκπαίδευση, της οποίας κύριο χαρακτηριστικό είναι ότι αντιστοιχεί σε διαφορετικά θεωρήματα στα εγχειρίδια διαφόρων ευρωπαϊκών χωρών. / Textbook writers uses their own interpetation for the references from the History of Science, through different social and cultural conditions of every era, an interpetation which serves purposes and objectives of the teaching of Science and for this reason we call it didactical reconstrution of the History of Science. An important case of didactical reconstruction which is the main theme our study is the establishment of the name Theorem of Thales in European and especially in Modern Greek education, a name that have as main feature that corresponds to differen ttheorems in the textbooks of different European countries.
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Vilken roll spelar sociala medier vid rekrytering? : En undersökning om bakgrundskontroller via sociala medier ur ett arbetsgivarperspektivLundell, Elisabeth, Nordahl, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
I dagsläget har sociala medier fått en större roll i rekryteringsprocessen. Genom en induktiv ansats fokuserade denna forskning på att urskilja vilken roll sociala medier spelar då arbetsgivare bakgrundsgranskar arbetssökande. Undersökningen inriktade sig mot vad arbetsgivare tittade på samt i vilken utsträckning de lät sig påverkas av informationen i sina beslutsfattanden. Totalt intervjuades åtta personer inom personalyrket. I resultatet lyftes bland annat ett etiskt perspektiv med olika dilemman så som generationsskillnader och människosyn samt egen kritisk förmåga. Det visade sig att skillnaderna var stora i både tillvägagångssätt och värderingen av information tillgänglig online. De flesta informanterna uttryckte att de ville stämma överens informationen med vad som framkom via ansökan och intervjuer.Många uttryckte även att de samlade frågor inför en intervju, med hjälp av sociala medier.Informanterna uppvisade en stor medvetenhet gällande både den källkritiska och självkritiska förmågan. Med vissa undantag då exempelvis nyfikenheten tog över och underminerade den kompetensbaserade rekryteringen. Informanterna uttryckte att rekryteringsprocessen är underständig utveckling. Sociala medier kunde enligt informanterna ses som ett komplement till denna komplexa process men värderades inte lika högt som mötet med den arbetssökande.Den kritik som riktas mot sociala medier som verktyg kunde i slutänden istället riktas mot användaren av verktyget, det vill säga rekryteraren.
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Letters of recommendation : Cicero-FrontoCotton, Hannah January 1977 (has links)
No description available.
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Nouvelles écritures du réel : les romans de la "generación X" en Espagne / New writing of reality : Spanish "Generación X"'s novelVion, Magali 20 October 2017 (has links)
Le roman espagnol contemporain a vu l’émergence dans les années 1990 d’un ensemble de romans publiés par une cohorte de jeunes auteurs regroupés par les critiques sous le nom de «Generación X», appellation sans doute problématique dont nous tenterons néanmoins de délimiter les contours. Nés dans les années 1960, ces auteurs mettent en scène une jeunesse désenchantée dans l'ère des mass media et empreinte de culture rock et punk, à laquelle les critiques les ont souvent assimilés, évoluant dans un cadre résolument urbain (généralement Madrid), qu’ils connaissent pour en avoir souvent été acteurs avant de le mettre en scène. Représentants d’une culture éclectique et contemporaine, la ville et l’univers « underground » et marginal que les romans représentent sont profondément marqués par l’omniprésence de l’image et de la musique, et par le rythme accéléré de la vie moderne. Cela se manifeste dans les modalités d’une écriture novatrice et hétérarchique qui repose sur un mécanisme référentiel imposant et où s’entremêlent différents codes sémiotiques et où le langage de la rue est reproduit de façon mimétique. Ces aspects sont ceux qui permettent d'affirmer la convergence de ces auteurs dans un ensemble de textes qui davantage que le critère biologique permet de les rassembler et de dire que ces romans constituent un jalon dans le mouvement généralisé de retour au réel. Notre thèse consistera à étudier ces aspects, la représentation de la société qui se dégage des romans à travers le traitement et le dépassement des instances classiques du réalisme, et notamment la façon dont les différentes visions et représentations de la ville s’opposent et se superposent pour participer à l’élaboration du portrait d’un secteur dérangeant de la société espagnole de la fin du XXème siècle, qui justifie l’emploi du terme de "realismo sucio" pour qualifier l’esthétique de ces romans. Nous proposerons une approche d’une pluralité de textes représentatifs publiés entre 1990 et 1999 par Francisco Casavella,Lucía Etxebarria, Ismael Grasa,José Angel Mañas, Ray Loriga, Benjamin Prado, Pedro Maestre ou encore Roger Wolfe. / Contemporary Spanish novel saw the emergence in the 1990's of an ensemble of novels published by a group of young authors gathered together by critics under the name of " Génération X ", doubtless problematic naming of which limits we shall nevertheless try to define. Born in the 1960s, these authors represent a disillusioned youth in mass media's era,a youth suffused with rock and punk culture to which the critics often likened them, evolving in a decisively urban space (generally Madrid), that they know for being themselves actors of this scenery before staging it. Representatives of an eclectic and contemporary culture, the city and the " underground " and marginal universe which they represent are profoundly marked by the omnipresence of image and music, and by the accelerated rhythm of modern life. It shows in the modalities of an innovative writing based on an imposing mechanism of references, where various semiotic codes are mixed and where language of the street is mimetically reproduced. These aspects are what authorize us to mantain that more than the authors it is an ensemble of novels that converge and constitute a stage in a generelized realistic turn. Our thesis will consist in studying what kind of overview of spanish society emerges from the way this litterature processes the construction of characters, time and space, and how various visions and representations of the city get confronted and overlap to participate in the elaboration of the portrait of a disturbing sector of the end of the XXth century Spanish society, which justifies the use of the term of " realismo sucio " to qualify the esthetics of these authors. We shall propose an approach of representatives published between 1990 and 1999 by Francisco Casavellas, Lucía Etxebarria, Ismael Grasa, José Angel Mañas, Ray Loriga, Benjamin Prado, Pedro Maestre and Roger Wolfe.
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Análisis bibliométrico de fuentes documentales en la Revista de Psicología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1983-1992) / Análisis bibliométrico de fuentes documentales en la Revista de Psicología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1983-1992)Vargas López, Marco 25 September 2017 (has links)
Peruvian psychology is istudied through one of íts most representatíve periodical publications: The Psycholical Journal -published by Peruvian Pontifical Catholic University-,covering from 1983 to 1992 (Vols. 1-10). Using a bibliometric methodology, the journals analyzed according to the references used througt the 113 anides published here,identif)ring totality of references used, number of primaty references, presentness, rankand languages of lists of references. On rhe other hand, Peruvian references have receivedparticular treatment, allowing this the identification of national authors and sources mostfrequently quoted in the Psychology Journal. / La psicología en el Perú es estudiada a través de una de sus más representativas publicacionesperiódicas: la &vista d~ Psicología -editada por la Pontificia Universidad Católicadel Perú- cubriéndose un período que va de 1983 a 1992 (Vols. 1 al 10). Usando metodología bibliométrica, la revista es analizada en función a las referencias utilizadas en 113 artículos que se publicaron en ella, identificándose la cantidad de referencias, elnúmero de referencias primarias, la actualidad, el rango e idiomas por listas de referencias.De otro lado, se ha particularizado el número de referencias peruanas utilizadas, permitiendoesto identificar autores y fuentes nacionales que son más citados en la revista objetode estudio.
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A Biblioteca pública no discurso científico : positividades ao longo da década : (2001-2010)Rodriguez, Adalberto Diehl January 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo aborda o discurso científico sobre Biblioteca Pública no Brasil, entre os anos de 2001 e 2010, através de uma análise de como o conjunto de enunciados da prática discursiva sobre Biblioteca Pública na comunicação científica revela suas positividades. Desenvolve tal análise a partir do referencial dado por Foucault, privilegiando a fase arqueológica de seu pensamento. Elege como objetivos específicos do estudo a identidade do espaço discursivo da Biblioteca Pública na comunicação científica, a indicação do seu sistema de formação, a caracterização das rupturas e do descontínuo em sua representação e a apresentação dos fenômenos de ordem e encadeamento em seu espaço. Relaciona cada um dos objetivos a indicadores bibliométricos para a mensuração das características presentes no corpus da pesquisa, a saber, as 745 referências bibliográficas dos artigos publicados em periódicos de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação ao longo da última década. Recupera os artigos de periódicos a partir de uma busca na Base de Dados Referencial de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI); organiza as referências bibliográficas dos artigos em uma planilha eletrônica Excel; identifica os temas das referências através de consulta às bases Emerald, WorldCat e catálogos institucionais dos documentos referenciados como literatura cinzenta; analisa os indicadores bibliométricos segundo os objetivos. Usa indicadores de atividade (número de periódicos, de artigos científicos, de referências da temática) para a identificação do espaço discursivo da Biblioteca Pública na comunicação científica. Assinala mediante os indicadores de primeira geração (coautorias, colaborações institucionais, acoplamentos bibliográficos) o sistema de formação do discurso. Caracteriza a ruptura e o descontínuo na representação do discurso através da comparação entre a temática dos artigos e as das suas referências. Apresenta os fenômenos de ordem e encadeamento no espaço do discurso por meio dos indicadores de consumo (índice de Price, índice de isolamento, distribuição de referências por idioma e tipo de documento). Constrói informações adicionais a partir do cruzamento de alguns desses indicadores mencionados entre si. Constata como resultados que 25 periódicos entre 2001 e 2010 publicaram artigos relacionados à Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação; há 407 edições disponíveis com 3593 artigos publicados no período; a temática está presente em 1,1% dos artigos publicados nos periódicos de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação da década; existem 38 artigos correspondentes à porcentagem da temática; os artigos foram escritos através de autorias individuais (52,6%) e coautorias (47,4%); todos os periódicos estudados são veículos extrapares; a filiação institucional dos autores-fonte e a responsabilidade editorial são predominantemente acadêmicas (85% e 76%, respectivamente); o acoplamento bibliográfico envolveu 3,6% do total de referências bibliográficas utilizadas; a composição do discurso sobre Biblioteca Pública pertence em 51% aos domínios extrínsecos à Biblioteconomia; as referências bibliográficas apresentam leve tendência à literatura posterior há cinco anos (índice de Price em 42%); há o predomínio de referências publicadas no país (índice de isolamento em 63,5%); prevalece o Português como idioma das referências (66,4%); os livros e os artigos constituem 62,8% das referências bibliográficas. Os resultados indicam que a função autoral pelos profissionais que formulam a praxis é mínima; há um forte movimento de interiorização de positividades exteriores ao domínio da Biblioteconomia na composição do discurso; abre-se um espaço para a formulação discursiva de outros grupos de poder, que não os tradicionalmente oriundos daquele domínio. Tais constatações abrem perspectivas para estudos futuros aptos a aprofundar a discussão. / The present study broach the scientific discourse on public libraries in Brazil, between 2001 and 2010, through an analysis of the set of statements by which the discursive practice about Public Library in scientific communication reveal their positivities. Develops an analysis from the reference given by Foucault, focusing on the archaeological phase of his thought. Elects like specific objectives of study the identity of the discursive space of the Public Library in scientific communication, the indication of their formation system, the characterization of ruptures and the discontinuous in their representation and presentation of the phenomena of order and sequence in your space. Lists each goal with bibliometric indicators to measure the characteristics present in the corpus of research, namely the 745 references of articles published in journals in the fields of Library and Information Science in the last decade. The recuperation of these references followed four steps: recovering journal articles from a search of the Base de Dados Referencial de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI); organization the references of articles in an Excel spreadsheet; identification of issues through consultation of the references to bases Emerald, WorldCat and institutional catalogs the documents referred to as gray literature; analysis of bibliometric indicators. The analysis of bibliometric indicators needed to meet each objective proposed in this study were: to identify the discursive space of the Public Library in scientific communication, the use of indicators of activity (number of journals, scientific articles published, references the theme). The formation system of speech was marked by the first generation indicators (co-authors, institutional collaborations, bibliographic couplings). The ruptures and the discontinuous representation of the speech were characterized by comparing the theme of the articles and the theme of their references. The presentation order of phenomena in space and sequence of the speech was performed by means of consumption indicators (Price index, isolation index, distribution of references by language and document type). Additional information was constructed from the intersection of some of the indicators mentioned together. The research results found that 25 journals between 2001 and 2010 published articles related to Library and Information Science; 3593 articles are published in 407 editions; the theme is present in 1.1% of articles published in journals of library and Information Science of the decade; there are 38 articles corresponding to the percentage of the theme; the articles were written by individual authors (52.6%) and coauthors (47.4%); all the journals studied are extrapairs vehicles; the institutional affiliation of authors and source are predominantly academic editorial responsibility (85% and 76%, respectively); the bibliographic coupling involved 3.6% of all references used; the composition of the discourse on the Public Library at 51% belongs to the extrinsic domains Library; the references show a slight tendency towards literature five years later (Price index in 42%); there is a predominance of references published in the country (index of isolation in 63.5%); prevails the Portuguese as the language of the references (66 4%); books and articles constitute 62.8% of the references. The results indicate that the autoral function by the professionals who contribute with praxis is minimal, there is a strong movement of internalization of positivities outside the field of Librarianship in the composition of the discourse and opens a discursive space for the development of other power groups, which not traditionally come from that domain. These findings open perspectives for future studies able to deepen the discussion.
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