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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Anglosphere: A Genealogy Of An Identity In International Relations

Vucetic, Srdjan 12 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Comparing Theories of the European Union: An essay on how to analyze the EU’s foreign policy and international power

Sahlin, Jonathan January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to explain how IR theory relates to the European Union. Thisis motivated by the extensive use of empirical and descriptive studies on the EU. Togenerate knowledge on how theory relates to the EU, two seemingly differenttheories are compared. Neorealism and social constructivism are used to generatehypotheses, which are then tested on a quantitive study on the EU’s Common Foreignand Security Policy. The study covers the years of 2003-2005 and uses a statisticalmethod to present to empirical findings, which is supplemented by previous studieson EU’s foreign policy. The theoretical framework enables comparison of the twoemployed theories’ explanatory powers. The essay concludes that none of the theoriesprovides satisfactory explanations of in regard to EU’s global power and/or influence.Nevertheless, they are able to explain different aspects of the developments of EU’sforeign policy. Further theoretical studies should be undertaken in order to highlightthe issues of theory vis-à-vis the European Union.

Advancing Industrial Relations Theory: An Analytical Synthesis of British-American and Pluralist-Radical Ideas

Kaufman, B.E., Gall, Gregor 09 1900 (has links)
Yes / Prominent writers in industrial relations (IR) have concluded the field is in significant decline, partly because of a failed theory base. The theory problem is deepened because other writers conclude developing a theory foundation for industrial relations is neither possible nor desirable. We believe advancing IR theory is both needed and possible, and take up the challenge in this paper. A long-standing problem in theorizing industrial relations has been the lack of agreement on the field’s core analytical construct. However, in the last two decades writers have increasingly agreed the field is centred on the employment relationship. Another long-standing problem is that writers have theorized industrial relations using different theoretical frames of reference, including pluralist and radical-Marxist; different disciplinary perspectives, such as economics, sociology, history, and politics; and from different national traditions, such as British, French, and American. In this paper, we seek to advance IR theory and better integrate paradigms and national traditions. We do this by developing an analytical explanation for four core features of the employment relationship—generation of an economic surplus, cooperation-conflict dialectic, indeterminate nature of the employment contract, and asymmetric authority and power in the firm—using an integrative mix of ideas and concepts from the pluralist and radical-Marxist streams presented in a multi-part diagram constructed with marginalist tools from conventional economics. The diagram includes central IR system components, such as labour market, hierarchical firm, macro-economy, and nation state government. The model is used to explain the four features of the employment relationship and derive implications for IR theory and practice. Examples include the diagrammatic representation of the size and distribution of the economic surplus, a new analytical representation of labour exploitation, identification of labour supply conditions that encourage, respectively, cooperation versus conflict, and demonstration of how inequality of bargaining power in labour markets contributes to macroeconomic stagnation and unemployment.

Micro-contact reconstruction of adjacent carbon nanotubes in polymer matrix through annealing-Induced relaxation of interfacial residual stress and strain

Li, Dongxu, Fei, G., Xia, H., Spencer, Paul, Coates, Philip D. 26 April 2015 (has links)
Yes / Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT) nanocomposites were prepared by twin-screw extrusion and micro injection molding. The electrical conductivity of micro injection molded polymer nanocomposites exhibits a low value and uneven distribution in the micromolded samples. Real-time tracing of electrical conductivity was conducted to investigate the post thermal treatment on the electrical conductivity of microinjection molded composites. The results show that postmolding thermal treatment leads to a significant increase in the electrical conductivity by over three orders of magnitude for 5 wt % CNT-filled TPU composites. In-situ Transmission electron microscopy confirms the conductive CNT network does not change at the micron/sub-micron scale during thermal treatment. TEM image analysis by a statistical method was used to determine the spatial distribution of CNT in the sample and showed that the average distance between adjacent CNT reduced slightly at the nanometer scale after postmolding thermal treatment. A new conductive mechanism is proposed to explain the enhancement of electrical conductivity after thermal treatment, i.e. micro-contact reconstruction of adjacent CNT in the polymer matrix through annealing-induced relaxation of interfacial residual stress and strain. Raman spectra and small angle X-ray scattering curve of annealed samples provide supporting evidence for the proposed new conductive mechanism. The electron tunneling model was used to understand the effect of inter-particle distance on the conductivity of polymer composites. / Chinese Ministry of Education. Grant Number: 313036; National Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant Number: 51433006

International relations theory and the third world academic : bridging the gap

Dietrich, Nicholas Julian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science. International Studies))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / This thesis takes as its point of departure the problem that the disciplined study of International Relations (IR), whose very basis of existence makes claims towards universality and international applicability, is seen by some to push pertinent issues relating to the majority of the world’s population to the periphery of its enquiry. It begins by exploring the concept “Third World”, arguing for its continued relevance in the post- Cold War arena as generalised term when referring to the “majority of the world’s population”. It is then theorised that one can parallel the marginalisation of the Third World in the global political economy with a perceived marginalisation of a “Third World academic” in the discipline of IR. By making use of both quantitative and qualitative methods, the thesis investigates the production of knowledge within the discipline of IR theory to argue that a possible root cause for the above problem could be the absence of Third World academic contributions to the core of the discipline. Embarking from the notion that IR theory is dominated by a British-American condominium of authorship, by re-interpreting the data provided by Ole Waever on academic contributions to leading IR journals, the researcher concludes that “Third World academics” find themselves on the periphery of knowledge production within the discipline of IR and are therefore dependent on the core to construct knowledge. A brief critical look at the history of the social sciences dominated by Western science as a hegemonic and specific “ethnoscience” furthermore puts into context the development of IR as a conversation dominated by voices from the First World academic community. With reference to the concepts of “responsibility” and “reflexivity” as they relate to theory, it is proposed that the development of IR as a discipline can be equated to a dialogue/conversation rather than a debate. For the dialogue to be responsible, all voices should be considered valid contributors, while all contributors should themselves act responsibly by being selfreflexive. Ultimately, although the discipline of IR must open up to contributions from the Third World, for the development of a truly global discipline that reflects the diversity of global interactions, it is necessary for academics from the Third World to establish themselves within the discourse by producing valuable contributions towards advancing the discipline as a whole and stepping out of the periphery by realising the importance of teaching and understanding “theory”.

HIV as an internal object : the subjective experience of HIV infection in women on ARVs.

Gordon, Tiffany Amanda 13 March 2012 (has links)
HIV/AIDS research has proven crucial in an effort to prevent and manage this epidemic. However, there is little research being done in an attempt to understand the internal worlds of those living with HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this research was to begin to explore the relationship that exists between the person living with HIV/AIDS and the virus, as an internal object, inside them. This study focused on 6 women who were on Anti-Retroviral Medication (ARVs), and who have been diagnosed for at least one year. The participants’ mental representations of the virus as an object inside them was explored, as well as how they experienced and viewed the triangular relationship that exists between themselves, the HI Virus, and the ARVs. This exploratory research utilised a qualitative framework in order to understand and explore these relationships and perceptions, with psychoanalytic theory being used a lens through which to view the data that emerged. In depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants, and the corpus of data was analyzed using a thematic content analysis. In addition, the participants were asked to draw the virus inside their bodies. These were analyzed using a technique devised by Paola Luzzatto (1987) in a study exploring the internal world of drug-abusers. For the purpose of this study, a variation of the same art therapy technique was used in that the participants were asked the ‘draw the virus in their bodies’. Whilst the drawings allowed for insight into the internal worlds of the participants, the drawings were also used as a point of departure. For most of the women, HIV was drawn using a red crayon, whilst the ARVs were drawn in either yellow or green. As depicted in the drawings, post diagnosis the HIV/red seemed to cover most of the body, but later when the ARVs/green was added, more of a balance was achieved. Results show that for these women, HIV was often perceived as dangerous and criminal, whilst the ARVs were often associated with security. From the perspective of Kleinian theory, the perception of the HIV and the ARVs seemed to be dependent upon the position from where they were functioning: either a paranoid-schizoid or a depressive position.


CHRISTIANA LAMAZIERE 22 May 2009 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação objetiva problematizar o conceito de poder presente na filosofia de Michel Foucault a fim de mostrar as suas conseqüências para se pensar o político na Teoria de Relações Internacionais (RI). Busca, desse modo, aprofundar o diálogo com as vertentes críticas que contestam os pressupostos do realismo desde a década de 80. Mesmo se tais perspectivas já obtiveram certa visibilidade na área de Teoria das Relações Internacionais, as teorias que seguem o pós-estruturalismo continuam confinadas às margens do pensamento de RI. A presente dissertação busca, portanto, explorar o conceito chave do pensamento de Foucault, o poder, para expor tanto os pressupostos quanto as implicações de sua utilização para se pensar a política global. Por meio da análise do modo com que Foucault trabalha o conceito de poder, conclui-se que o filósofo apaga, em grande medida, as fronteiras normativas entre os conceitos de poder e violência. Como conseqüência dessa indiferenciação conceitual, Foucault concebe o fenômeno político como campo de forças, como acontecimento estratégico ou como a continuação da guerra por outros meios. Pretende-se, por meio deste trabalho, pensar acerca da desejabilidade normativa de tal concepção política e de sua capacidade de prover um modelo capaz de constituir alternativa ao realismo em RI. A dissertação contrapõe, finalmente, a visão do político de Foucault a visões que outras perspectivas críticas, como aquelas inspiradas pelos trabalhos da Escola de Frankfurt, oferecem para se pensar um novo paradigma teórico e prático para a política global. / [en] This dissertation problematizes the concept of power present in Michel Foucault`s philosophy in order to show its consequences for thinking the political in International Relations (IR) Theory. It seeks to deepen the dialogue with the critical perspectives that question the assumptions of realism since the 1980s. Even if such critical perspectives have already obtained some visibility in International Relations Theory, poststructuralist theories remain confined to the margins of IR thought. This dissertation seeks, consequently, to explore the key concept of Foucault`s thought, power, in order to reveal its assumptions as well as its implications for thinking abou global politics. By means of the analysis of the way Foucault constructs his concept of power, we arrive at the conclusion that the philosopher erases the normative borders between the concepts of power and violence. As a consequence of his conceptual indifferentiation, Foucault conceives the political phenomenon as a field of forces, as a strategic event or as a war continued by other means. This work seeks to question the normative desirability of such a conception of the political and about its capacity to provide an alternative model do realism in IR. This dissertation opposes, finally, Foucault`s vision of the political to visions that other critical perspectives, such as those inspired by the works of the Frankfurt School, offer to help us think another theoretical and practical paradigm for global politics.

Nas brechas do sistema: uma leitura da obra do psicanalista Ronald Fairbairn / Into the system´s breach: reading the work of the psychoanalyst Ronald Fairbairn

Araujo, Teo Weingrill 13 June 2014 (has links)
O personagem principal da presente tese é William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn, psicanalista escocês que viveu entre 1889 e 1965 em Edimburgo, na Escócia e dedicou toda uma vida a mapear as repercussões das experiências traumáticas precoces no processo de constituição da estrutura psíquica. Fairbairn fez parte, junto com Winnicott, Balint e alguns outros, do que viria a ser conhecido dentro da tradição da psicanálise inglesa como Middle Group, ao mesmo tempo em que foi muito influenciado pelo pensamento kleiniano. Por ser alguém que vivia a milhas de distância dos principais centros de formação psicanalítica, produzia sua obra em relativo isolamento, proclamava-se como alguém que tornou superado o modelo teórico proposto por Freud e mesmo assim, continuava sendo reconhecido como psicanalista pelas instituições oficiais, Fairbairn ocupava um lugar único na cena psicanalítica da época. Na presente tese, buscamos dar o destaque devido para os singulares e refrescantes sentidos que Fairbairn confere à dimensão das forças libidinais, ao afirmar que o movimento primordial do humano não visaria o alivio das tensões, como propusera Freud, mas o estabelecimento de ligações amorosas com os objetos. Além disso, discutimos o modelo de mente proposto por Fairbairn, que incorpora em sua própria estrutura uma concepção do desenvolvimento inicial primitivo que não é encontrada nos escritos de nenhum dos principais teóricos da psicanálise do século XX (Ogden, 2010). Ao mesmo tempo em que damos o devido destaque para as grandes contribuições do autor à tradição psicanalítica, também nos propomos a garimpar as construções mais inacabadas dele sobre os processos intersubjetivos, que são muito pouco conhecidas, mas nem por isso são menos relevantes ou menos férteis. A partir disso, defendemos que o autor trouxe para a psicanálise, de modo rudimentar, contribuições originais sobre a brincadeira e a arte. Também se permitiu recriar o setting psicanalítico de modo a adaptá-lo às necessidades emocionais de seus pacientes. Lançou novas luzes para a discussão sobre a experiência de perda e o sentimento de culpa. Propôs, a partir de sua experiência pessoal, um novo modo de compreender a repercussão das experiências traumáticas na relação do sujeito com o seu corpo. A nosso ver, ao enfatizarmos as construções mais rudimentares da obra de Fairbairn, que surgem nas brechas do grande sistema teórico que ele estava construindo, o nosso esforço é de criar um autor muito menos sólido do que ele se pretendia, muito menos consolidado. Esse trabalho de criar um autor nos exigirá um esforço detido de leitura de todo e qualquer texto de Fairbairn, principalmente daqueles que pareçam menos relevantes, de modo que a nossa tarefa será a de criar um autor que, paradoxalmente, sempre esteve lá, a espera de ser criado / The main character of this work is William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn, a psychoanalyst who lived between 1889 and 1965 in Edinburgh, Scotland and who devoted a lifetime to describe the impact of early traumatic experiences in the formation process of the psychic structure. Together with Winnicott and Balint, Fairbairn was a member of what would be known as the Middle Group in the British psychoanalytic tradition. At the same time, he was influenced by Kleins ideas. Fairbairn occupied a unique place in the psychoanalytic scene because he was someone who lived miles away from his colleagues, who produced his work in relative isolation, who used to proclaim himself as the one who surpassed Freud and, despite all this, he was still recognized as a psychoanalyst by the official institutions. Throughout the present work, we highlight the unique and refreshing meaning proposed by the author to the libido forces, according to which the primary human intention is not to seek relief from tension, as proposed by Freud, but to establish affectionate bonds with objects. Beside this, we discuss the model of the mind proposed by Fairbairn, which incorporates into its very structure a conceptualization of early psychic development that is not found in the writings of any other major 20th century psychoanalytic theorist (Ogden, 2010). Inasmuch as we intend to shed light on the great contributions of the author to the psychoanalytic tradition, we endeavor to research his unfinished and very unknown constructions about the intersubjective processes, which are equally relevant and fertile. From this, we argue that the author brought to psychoanalysis original contributions to playing and arts. He also recreated the psychoanalytic setting in order to adapt it to his patients emotional needs. He cast new light on the discussion about the experiences of loss and guilt. He proposed a new way of understanding the impact of traumatic experiences on the subject\'s relation to his body. In our view, by emphasizing the most rudimentary constructions of Fairbairn´s work that arise in the gaps of the great theoretical system he was building, our effort is to create an author less solid and consolidated than he intended to be. This work of creating an author will require from us an effort of reading carefully all of Fairbairn´s texts, especially those that seem less relevant, so our task will be to create an author who has always been there, waiting to be created

Nas brechas do sistema: uma leitura da obra do psicanalista Ronald Fairbairn / Into the system´s breach: reading the work of the psychoanalyst Ronald Fairbairn

Teo Weingrill Araujo 13 June 2014 (has links)
O personagem principal da presente tese é William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn, psicanalista escocês que viveu entre 1889 e 1965 em Edimburgo, na Escócia e dedicou toda uma vida a mapear as repercussões das experiências traumáticas precoces no processo de constituição da estrutura psíquica. Fairbairn fez parte, junto com Winnicott, Balint e alguns outros, do que viria a ser conhecido dentro da tradição da psicanálise inglesa como Middle Group, ao mesmo tempo em que foi muito influenciado pelo pensamento kleiniano. Por ser alguém que vivia a milhas de distância dos principais centros de formação psicanalítica, produzia sua obra em relativo isolamento, proclamava-se como alguém que tornou superado o modelo teórico proposto por Freud e mesmo assim, continuava sendo reconhecido como psicanalista pelas instituições oficiais, Fairbairn ocupava um lugar único na cena psicanalítica da época. Na presente tese, buscamos dar o destaque devido para os singulares e refrescantes sentidos que Fairbairn confere à dimensão das forças libidinais, ao afirmar que o movimento primordial do humano não visaria o alivio das tensões, como propusera Freud, mas o estabelecimento de ligações amorosas com os objetos. Além disso, discutimos o modelo de mente proposto por Fairbairn, que incorpora em sua própria estrutura uma concepção do desenvolvimento inicial primitivo que não é encontrada nos escritos de nenhum dos principais teóricos da psicanálise do século XX (Ogden, 2010). Ao mesmo tempo em que damos o devido destaque para as grandes contribuições do autor à tradição psicanalítica, também nos propomos a garimpar as construções mais inacabadas dele sobre os processos intersubjetivos, que são muito pouco conhecidas, mas nem por isso são menos relevantes ou menos férteis. A partir disso, defendemos que o autor trouxe para a psicanálise, de modo rudimentar, contribuições originais sobre a brincadeira e a arte. Também se permitiu recriar o setting psicanalítico de modo a adaptá-lo às necessidades emocionais de seus pacientes. Lançou novas luzes para a discussão sobre a experiência de perda e o sentimento de culpa. Propôs, a partir de sua experiência pessoal, um novo modo de compreender a repercussão das experiências traumáticas na relação do sujeito com o seu corpo. A nosso ver, ao enfatizarmos as construções mais rudimentares da obra de Fairbairn, que surgem nas brechas do grande sistema teórico que ele estava construindo, o nosso esforço é de criar um autor muito menos sólido do que ele se pretendia, muito menos consolidado. Esse trabalho de criar um autor nos exigirá um esforço detido de leitura de todo e qualquer texto de Fairbairn, principalmente daqueles que pareçam menos relevantes, de modo que a nossa tarefa será a de criar um autor que, paradoxalmente, sempre esteve lá, a espera de ser criado / The main character of this work is William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn, a psychoanalyst who lived between 1889 and 1965 in Edinburgh, Scotland and who devoted a lifetime to describe the impact of early traumatic experiences in the formation process of the psychic structure. Together with Winnicott and Balint, Fairbairn was a member of what would be known as the Middle Group in the British psychoanalytic tradition. At the same time, he was influenced by Kleins ideas. Fairbairn occupied a unique place in the psychoanalytic scene because he was someone who lived miles away from his colleagues, who produced his work in relative isolation, who used to proclaim himself as the one who surpassed Freud and, despite all this, he was still recognized as a psychoanalyst by the official institutions. Throughout the present work, we highlight the unique and refreshing meaning proposed by the author to the libido forces, according to which the primary human intention is not to seek relief from tension, as proposed by Freud, but to establish affectionate bonds with objects. Beside this, we discuss the model of the mind proposed by Fairbairn, which incorporates into its very structure a conceptualization of early psychic development that is not found in the writings of any other major 20th century psychoanalytic theorist (Ogden, 2010). Inasmuch as we intend to shed light on the great contributions of the author to the psychoanalytic tradition, we endeavor to research his unfinished and very unknown constructions about the intersubjective processes, which are equally relevant and fertile. From this, we argue that the author brought to psychoanalysis original contributions to playing and arts. He also recreated the psychoanalytic setting in order to adapt it to his patients emotional needs. He cast new light on the discussion about the experiences of loss and guilt. He proposed a new way of understanding the impact of traumatic experiences on the subject\'s relation to his body. In our view, by emphasizing the most rudimentary constructions of Fairbairn´s work that arise in the gaps of the great theoretical system he was building, our effort is to create an author less solid and consolidated than he intended to be. This work of creating an author will require from us an effort of reading carefully all of Fairbairn´s texts, especially those that seem less relevant, so our task will be to create an author who has always been there, waiting to be created


[pt] Desde sua criação em 1944, o Fundo Monetário Internacional já sofreu grandes crises de legitimidade; no entanto, após períodos de rejeição e limbo, a instituição sempre logrou renascer das cinzas; argumentar-se-á que esta aparente imortalidade do FMI é devida à capacidade da instituição de adequar-se aos novos ciclos normativos que emergem de crises financeiras. Esta capacidade se vincularia, por sua vez, à legitimidade da instituição relacionar-se à justificação de sua atuação em coerência com o propósito para o qual teria sido criada. Assim, se o discurso que emerge como consenso da análise das crises acusa a instituição de ter tido parte nas causas da instabilidade, o realinhamento do FMI à nova norma em ascensão pode resultar em mudanças em sua orientação prática, como quando após a crise asiática teve sua relevância significativamente reduzida com a adoção da política de supervisão e liberalização financeira ditada pelo mercado, e não mais ordenada por si, ao longo dos anos 2000. Já a crise que se desenvolve, ao final da primeira década do século XXI, com origem nos maiores produtores de consenso sobre política macroeconômica — Estados Unidos e União Européia — mostra-se como oportunidade para reajuste do papel do Fundo em uma posição novamente central, propiciando uma análise dos interesses diversos que esta instituição, com 187 Estados-membros e potencial de levantamento de centenas de bilhões de dólares em poucos dias, é capaz de atender ou suscitar em um cenário de maior equilíbrio financeiro nos países emergentes e desequilíbrio nos grandes centros. / [en] Since its inception in 1944, the International Monetary Fund has suffered major crises of legitimacy; however, after periods of rejection and limb, the institution was always able to rise from the ashes. It will be argued that this apparent immortality of the Fund is due to its ability to adapt to the new normative cycles that emerge from financial crises. This ability could be traced to the relation between the legitimacy of the institution and the justification of its acts in coherence with the purpose for which it was created. In this sense, if the discourse that emerges — as a consensus from the analyses of the crises — accuses the institution of having had a part in the causes of the instability, the realignment of the IMF to the new ascending norm may result in changes in its practical orientations, as it happened, for instance, after the Asian crisis, when the Fund had its relevance significantly reduced with the adoption of a policy of market-led financial liberalization throughout the decade of 2000, replacing the former model of IMF-led orderly liberalization. Finally, the crisis developed by the end of the first decade of the XXI century and that originated in the largest producers of macroeconomic policy consensus — the United States of America and the European Union — presents itself as an opportunity for readjustment of the Fund s role once again in a central position, allowing for the analysis of the diverse interests that this institution — with its 187 member-States and potential for raising hundreds of billions of dollars in a few days — is able to meet in a scenario of greater financial balance among emerging markets, along with the instability of the great centers.

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