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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A promoção da saúde por meio das organizações humanitárias / Promotion through humanitarian organizations

Itagyba, Renata Fortes 05 August 2019 (has links)
Introdução: O estudo analisou de que forma as principais organizações humanitárias atuam na Promoção da Saúde no Haiti. A pesquisa esteve focada em três instituições de grande porte, selecionadas a partir do relatório da Global Genebra (2015), consultoria filantrópica reconhecida mundialmente na avaliação de organizações de ajuda humanitária, que são, segundo o documento, (1) Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha, (2) Médicos sem Fronteiras e (3) Partners in Health. Buscou-se compreender de que forma essas entidades estão inseridas no contexto da globalização neoliberal, que remonta à mercantilização da saúde e ao enfraquecimento do Estado, e de que maneira se relacionam com a pluralidade de atores sociais em saúde. Objetivos: O objetivo geral desta pesquisa consistiu em analisar de que forma as maiores organizações de ajuda humanitária atuam na Promoção da Saúde do Haiti, pela perspectiva dos princípios da Equidade, da Intersetorialidade, da Participação Social e da Sustentabilidade. Ademais, investigou-se se há evidências de posturas imperialistas nas ações das entidades humanitárias, unificadas sob o conceito de neoneocolonialismo neste estudo. Além disso, averiguou-se se é possível identificar transformações em longo prazo na comunidade haitiana, a partir da intervenção das três organizações selecionadas como representantes da atuação humanitária. Método: A tese assumiu base qualitativa e a coleta de dados foi realizada por revisão da literatura acadêmica, análise documental dos materiais fornecidos pelas próprias instituições, pelo governo haitiano e por organizações intermediárias, além de entrevistas com 15 colaboradores, incluindo dirigentes, das organizações. Resultados: Ao se considerar o aparato teórico e as entrevistas, constatou-se que as organizações aplicam os princípios da Promoção da Saúde de maneira incipiente e fragmentada, carecendo de um modelo estruturado e capaz de modificar o cenário haitiano em longo prazo. Em meio a lacunas e contradições, contudo, as organizações também trazem benefícios à comunidade haitiana e são reconhecidas pela população, principalmente ao se considerar as limitações do sistema de saúde haitiano. / The present study aimed to analyze how the main humanitarian organizations develops Health Promotion in Haiti, considering the current context of globalization and neoliberalism. The research was focused on three large institutions, selected from the Global Geneva Report (2015), worldwide philanthropic consultancy recognized in the evaluation of humanitarian aid organizations, which are (1) International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), (2) Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and (3) Partners in Health (PIH). The method used was a qualitative basis and the data collection was done by reviewing the academic literature. Documents were provided by the institutions, by the Haitian government and by intermediary organizations, especially on the internet. Furthermore, interviews were conducted with leaders and workers of the organizations. Therefore, from the perspective of Equity, Intersectoriality, Social Participation and Sustainability - which are among the principles of Health Promotion -, the main objective of the study was to analyze the existence of imperialist aspects in the actions of humanitarian organizations (pratice denominated neoneocolonialism in the study) and if there is a real transformation in the Haitian scenario, especially in long term, ideia aligned with the idea of Health Promotion. Considering the theoretical scope and interviews, it was verified that, although the organizations bring positive results to the Haitian community and its importance be recognized by the population, there are still essential gaps to guarantee permanence of actions in the country and to mitigate imperialism in Haiti.

Arbete till varje pris : Arbetslinjen i 1920-talets arbetslöshetspolitik / Work at any cost : The work approach in the unemployment policy of the 1920s

Eriksson, Lena January 2004 (has links)
When Sweden was hit by the massunemployment of the 1920s the preferred way of distributing the help to the unemployed was to engage them in publicly financed and run relief works. This dissertation investigates why the work approach made such a strong imprint on the Swedish unemployment policy. It also analyses why the work approach, viewed as a social political measure, to understand how it structured national, local and individual conditions. In previous research there has been a tendancy to treat the work approach as the only natural way to handle unemployment. A comparison with the British case has shown that there clearly existed other ways of dealing with the problem of unemployment, and hence that the work approach should be viewed as a deliberate chiose. The study has also shown that existing institutional arrangements do not in any binding way stake out the course for future policies, and that the conditions for adopting the work approach was not any more favourable in Sweden than in Britain. The explanation suggested here is that the unemployed was looked upon with greater mistrust in Sweden than in Britain. The study shows that the work approach was designed to enforce norms and values connected to work ethics, self-support and gender. To enforce the norm of self-support it both discouraged people from seeking help, with low wges and strict conditions, and by putting them to work if they did. To enforce the norm of the male breadwinner the relief jobs were reserved mainly for male breadwinners, and women were excluded from the eligibility to appaly for unemployment support. In spite of the National Unemployment Commission's rather stron hold over the work approach, much of the implementation was left to the local authorities. This rendered them a certain amount of freedom of action, which put them in a difficult position. The local authorities had to balance long term economic goals and short term immediate needs, they had to carefully weigh the interests of different preassure groups against national, local and individual interests. Despite the powers of the Commission it was very much up to each local council to decide what the experiences of the unemployed would be. People were, by the unemployment authorities, assigned to three main categories: unemployed deemed undeserving, those on cash support and the relief workers. Creating different categories meant that the unemployed were split up, and made it very difficult to organise the unemployed to a powerful opponent to the authorities. The dissertation has shown that the social dimension is important in addition to the economical and political if you want to understand the choice and effekts of the work approach. It has also shown that it was a choice made in spite of prevailing conditions. Finally it suggests that the creation of the work approach was the really ground breaking move in the unemployment policies of the inter.war period, and that the "new" policy of the 1930s, with relief salaries paid according to negotiated rates, was rather a minor revision of the existing polcy. The main reason for the relief works in 1930s, as well as in teh 1920s, was to test the willingness to work. the aim of the work approach was to get the unemployed to take a job at any cost, and the primary method to achieve thi goal was to put the unemployed to work - at any cost.

Att rädda liv och lindra nöd : En litteraturöversikt om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av humanitärt fältarbete / To save lives and relieve suffering : A literature review of nurses´ experiences of humanitarian fieldwork

Redin, Christina January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskans roll vid humanitära insatser i kris- och katastrofområden har rötter långt bak i tiden. Intresset för internationellt arbete är stort och sjuksköterskan har en viktig och ansvarsfull uppgift. Många olika motiv finns för att delta i ett humanitärt arbete, bland annat viljan att bidra och utföra ett meningsfullt arbete, en professionell utmaning och önskan om personlig utveckling genom att verka i en annan kultur och uppleva något annat. Arbete ställer dock höga krav på kompetens och en rad olika förmågor som t.ex. ledar- och organisationsförmåga, samarbete och flexibilitet. Befintlig litteratur består till stor del av skönlitterära berättelser. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av humanitärt fältarbete. Metod: Metoden för detta arbete var en litteraturöversikt. Nio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats har valts ut, granskats och sammanställts utifrån likheter och skillnader enligt Fribergs (2006b) modell. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras utifrån fyra teman; arbetets karaktär, miljö, olika men ändå lika och kompetens. Dessa inkluderar ett antal subteman; bristande resurser, att mötas och samarbeta, professionella utmaningar, levnadsförhållanden i fält, isolering och beroende, kulturella skillnader och likheter mellan människor. Diskussion: Valda delar ur resultatet diskuteras med Madeleine Leiningers teori om transkulturell omvårdnad som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Områden som behandlas är att sjuksköterskorna trots bristande resurser upplevde en tillfredsställelse i att ge omsorg (caring), etiska svårigheter/ dilemman, miljöns olika delar som påverkansfaktorer, viljan att tjäna, medvetenhet om kulturella olikheter och det universella människor emellan och hur man skapar möjlighet till en kulturanpassad vård. Avslutningsvis diskuteras vikten av kompetens med särskilt fokus på pediatrisk omvårdnad med den etiska principen ”att inte skada” belyst. / Background: There is a long tradition of nurses involved in humanitarian work in disaster areas. The commitment for international work is wide- spread among nurses and they have an important role to play. There are many different motives for engaging in humanitarian work. A few central ones are the will to contribute to and do meaningful work, the professional as well as personal challenge attained by working and living in another culture and under different conditions. The work requires high demands on competencies and abilities such as leader- and organizational skills, collaboration and flexibility. The literature presents mostly anecdotal stories. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nurses´ experiences of humanitarian fieldwork. Methods: The method for this thesis was a literature review. Nine scientific articles with qualitative design have been chosen, analyzed and compiled on the bases of similarities and differences by the Friberg (2006b) model. Results: The result is presented from four themes; the character of the work, environment, different but still similar and competence. These includes a number of subthemes; lack of resources, to meet and collaborate, professional challenges, living conditions in the field, isolation and dependence, cultural differences and similarities between people. Discussions: Based on Madeleine Leininger´s theory about transcultural nursing, chosen parts from the findings are discussed. Areas addressed are the nurses´ experience of satisfaction, despite lack of resources, when being able to give caring, ethical difficulties/ dilemmas, affecting environmental effects, the will to serve, awareness of cultural differences and the universality among human beings and how to create a transcultural care. The importance of competence with special focus on pediatrics related is finally discussed with the ethical princip of  “do no harm” highlighted.

Søte bror : En studie om organisationen Svenska Norgehjälpen under andra världskriget i Värmland / Sweet brother : A study of the organization Svenska Norgehjälpen during the Second World War in Värmland

Hallberg, Markus January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att genom en fallstudie undersöka hur Norgehjälpen arbetade i Värmland med bakgrund av vad den tidigare forskningen visade. Genom en kvalitativ texttolkning skulle undersökningen försöka visa på eventuella variationer i hjälparbetet, lokalt jämförelsevis centralt. Genom att applicera en retorisk metod över arkivmaterialet från de lokala organisationerna inom Norgehjälpen i Värmland och att vi använder oss av tidigare forsknings hypoteser om tankesättet för tiden i Sverige, hoppas vi samtidigt kunna ge en lättare förklaring till Norgehjälpens uppbyggnad och utveckling. Materialet som använts är korrespondens mellan de lokala och centrala organisationerna, samt upprop.  Värmlands närhet till Norge gjorde att de lokala organisationerna fick en speciell uppgift. Nära vänskaps- och släktband gick kors och tvärs över gränsen och det förstahandsmöte man fick i Värmland som man inte alltid fick på andra platser i Sverige, påverkade helt klart avdelningen i Charlottenberg. Med tanke på att tågen från Norge stannade i Charlottenberg fick man ett förstahandsmöte med flyktingar som kom över gränsen och förstahandsinformation från järnvägspersonalen om situationen i Norge. I Charlottenberg arbetade de likt övriga länet och Sverige, men deras bespisningsverksamhet sticker ut och gjorde ett iögonfallande arbete med norska järnvägstjänstemän. Under kriget, delade man ut 19 000 måltider till norsk tull- och järnvägspersonal. / The purpose of the thesis was to investigate through a case study how Norgehjälpen worked in Värmland on the basis of what the previous historical research showed. Through a qualitative text interpretation, the survey would try to show any variations in the relief work, locally comparatively centrally. By applying a rhetorical method over the archive material from the local organizations within Norgehjälpen in Värmland and that we use previous research hypotheses about the way of thinking for the time being in Sweden, at the same time, we hope to be able to provide an easier explanation for Norgehjälpens structure and development. The material used is correspondence between the local and central organizations, as well as appeals.  Värmland's closeness to Norway gave the local organizations a special task. Close friendships and family ties crossed the border and the first-hand meeting you got in Värmland that you did not always get in other places in Sweden, clearly affected the department in Charlottenberg. Considering that the trains from Norway stopped in Charlottenberg, they had a first-hand meeting with refugees who came across the border and first-hand information from the railway staff about the situation in Norway. In Charlottenberg, they worked like the rest of the county and Sweden, but their dining activities stands out and did an eye-catching job with Norwegian railway officials. During the war, 19,000 meals were distributed to Norwegian customs and railway staff.

Water treatment at personal level : An examination of five products intended for a small scale, personal point-of-use

Österdahl, Mathias January 2016 (has links)
Water, and particularly clean water is essential for humans with a profound effect on health and has the capacity to reduce illnesses. Paradoxical, water is a medium where disease causing agents could be transmitted into the human body. Water can cause illness both from distribution of pathogenic organisms into the human system and also if not consumed in a required amount, leading to dehydration and other complications. Today catastrophes and disasters hit different areas in various forms. When such an event occurs, infrastructure is often disturbed or destroyed, and the supply of fresh water may be threatened. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is a government agency in Sweden, with a task to developing the community’ssocietal ability to prevent and handle emergencies, accidents and crises. The agency support various actors when a crisis or an accident occurs, both abroad and at a national level. The personnelal supporting at a crisis zone is sometimes working under extreme conditions where basic needs, such as access to food and fresh water can be a deficiency. To ensure that the personnel working at these sites can continue to solve problems without risking their own health caused by dehydration or other waterborne diseases, different methods can be used to treat water for personal use. Five different products intended for personal water treatment are chlorine dioxide pills, chlorine dioxide liquid, the Katadyn filter bottle, the Lifesaver filter bottle and the UV-lamp SteriPEN. These products use different water treatment techniques to purify water and secure the access to fresh water during exposed conditions. The aim with this study is to create an information basis in order for MSB to choose water treatment product for their future international missions. This is done by examine four parameters of these different products; purification capacity, manageability, environmental impact and economic aspects. The study showed that there is no product that pervading is best according to all parameters, they all have their pros and cons. The product that was best on average throughout the whole study is the SteriPEN but only if used during 10 or more missions. If a product should be used for only five or fewer missions, the chlorine dioxide liquid is recommended to use. At sites where the raw water is heavily contaminated a combination of two products could be an option, as a result of this thesis it is recommended to combine the chlorine dioxide liquid and the SteriPEN. This study is done qualitative and the result is based on literature, laboratorial reports and own measurements and calculations. Actual field tests are needed to further evaluate the products. The importance is that the product functions practically during MSBs working conditions, so relief workers really applicate the product to purify water and not refrain because it is not compatible with the working situations. If the product isn’t used because of these reasons it shouldn’t be used because it puts the relief workers at health risks. / Vatten, och i synnerhet rent vatten är livsavgörande för människor och har en grundlig hälsoeffekt med en förmåga att reducera hälsoåkommor. Paradoxalt nog är vatten samtidigt ett transportmedium för ämnen som orsakar sjukdomar. Vatten kan orsaka sjukdom och illamående både från distributionen av patogena ämnen in i människokroppen men också om intaget av vatten inte är tillräckligt för kroppen, vilket kan leda till uttorkning med stora komplikationer. Idag drabbas vissa områden av katastrofer och olyckor i varierande form. När sådana kriser och katastrofer sker, blir ofta infrastruktur skadad eller förstörd vilket kan medföra att tillgången till rent vatten hotas. Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap (MSB) är en myndighet i Sverige, med uppgift att utveckla social kapacitet för att motverka och hantera nödsituationer, olyckor och kriser. Myndigheten stödjer olika aktörer när en kris eller olycka uppstår, både utomlands och på nationell nivå. Personalen som stödjer på plats i en kriszon arbetar ibland under extrema förhållanden där basala nödvändigheter, som t.ex. tillgången till mat och rent vatten kan vara en bristvara. För att säkerhetsställa att personalen som arbetar på dessa platser kan fortsätta att lösa sin uppgift utan att riskera sitt eget välbefinnande på grund av vattenbrist eller andra vattenrelaterade sjukdomar, kan olika metoder för vattenrening på personlig nivå användas. I den här studien valdes fem olika produkter avsedda för personlig vattenrening ut; klordioxid i tablettform, klordioxid i vätskeform, Katadynflaskan, Lifesaverflaskan och UV-lampan SteriPEN. Dessa produkter utnyttjar olika tekniker för att rena vatten och säkerhetsställa tillgången av rent vatten under utsatta situationer. Målet med den här studien är att skapa en informationsbas som underlag för MSB att använda sig av när de väljer vattenreningsmetod för kommande internationella insatser. Fem produkter utvärderats därför utifrån fyra parametrar; reningskapacitet, handhavande, miljöpåverkan och ekonomisk aspekt. Studien visade att det inte var någon enskild produkt som genomgående var bäst utifrån alla parametrar, de hade alla sina för och nackdelar. Produkten som överlag fick bäst resultat genom studien var SteriPEN men det utifrån att produkten används under tio insatser eller mer. Om en produkt endast ska användas under ett fåtal insatser är klordioxid i vätskeform att föredra. På platser där råvattnet är skarpt kontaminerat kan en kombination av två olika produkter vara aktuell, rekommenderat är att kombinera klordioxid i vätskeform med SteriPEN, draget som slutsats av resultatet av denna studie. Det här är en kvalitativ studie och resultatet grundar sig på litteratur, analysresultat från laboratorietester samt egna mätningar och beräkningar. Faktiska tester i fält är nödvändiga för att vidare utvärdera produkterna. Det viktiga är att produkten faktiskt fungerar praktiskt baserat på förhållandena MSB arbetar under så att hjälparbetare verkligen använder produkten för att rena kontaminerat vatten och inte avstår att använda produkten på grund av att den inte är kompatibel med arbetsförhållandena. Om produkten inte används på grund av den anledningen ska den inte användas i fält då den utsätter hjälparbetarnas hälsa för risk. / <p>2016-12-01</p>

Sustainability and Health in Disaster Waste Management

Petäjävaara, Ida January 2012 (has links)
In order to see if, and how, future aid efforts can be improved and better contribute to a more sustainable and resilient society this essay is about how management of solid waste generated in emergency situations work and what effects the waste have on public health. This is investigated using information collected from secondary sources and interviews with three persons who have knowledge and experience in the subject. Health and sustainability are of importance in the guidelines that deal with management of waste in disaster situations. However, there are no documentations of real experiences of disaster waste impacts on human health. Even so the waste might contaminate drinking water and increase the amount of disease-carrying vectors in the area. Previous conditions in the country, low priority of waste and information to the public are some of the main features preventing optimal function of a sustainable and healthy waste management. / För att se om och hur framtida biståndsinsatser kan förbättras och i större utsträckning bidra till ett mer hållbart och motståndskraftigt samhälle handlar denna uppsats om hur hanteringen av katastrofavfall fungerar och vilka effekter detta avfall har på människors hälsa. Detta undersöks med hjälp av information som samlats in från sekundärkällor samt intervjuer med tre personer som har kunskap och erfarenhet i ämnet. Hälsa och hållbarhet är av betydelse i de riktlinjer som behandlar hantering av avfall i katastrofsituationer. Trots att inga verkliga erfarenheter av katastrofavfalls effekter på människors hälsa finns dokumenterade kan avfallet förorena dricksvatten och öka mängden smittspridande vektorer i området. Tidigare förhållanden i området, låg prioritet av avfall och dålig information till allmänheten är några av de viktigaste funktionerna som förhindrar optimal funktion av en hållbar och sund avfallshantering.

Needs assessment for international humanitarian health assistance in disasters /

Schreeb, Johan von, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

The role of organizational culture in the delivery of humanitarian assistance and inter-organizational collaboration

Wilke Corvin, Jamie Antoinette January 2006 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2006. / Title from PDF of title page. Document formatted into pages; contains 396 pages. Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Les retombées du génocide rwandais : analyse géopolitique de l'instabilité perpétuelle du Nord-Kivu / The repercussions of the genocide in Rwanda : a geopolitical analysis of the constant instability in North Kivu

Zobel, Thierry 10 April 2015 (has links)
Vingt ans après le génocide rwandais, le Nord-Kivu reste fortement marqué par les métastases de cette tragédie. Depuis 1994, cette province en subit les répercussions dans une région où les rivalités communautaires étaient déjà très tendues. En effet, cette région est devenue un condensé de géopolitique régionale où tous les acteurs de la crise sont des héritiers du génocide rwandais. Son étude géopolitique, avec une recherche particulière portée sur le Petit-Nord qui s'étend principalement de 1990 à 2007, permet d‟analyser une période au cours de laquelle les conflits locaux se sont à la fois aggravés et nationalisés jusqu'à se transcender au niveau régional avec l'implication des acteurs étrangers nationaux. L‟instabilité perpétuelle du Nord-Kivu relève de causes multifactorielles où la richesse de son sous-sol combiné par la demande mondiale de matières premières minérales explique la relation de causalité entre l'exploitation illicite des ressources minières et la perpétuation de la guerre, à savoir que la guerre est la continuation de l'économie par d'autres moyens. Elle est également marquée par l'inexistence voire l‟inconsistance de l'État congolais, la densité démographique extrêmement forte de cette région, la porosité des frontières coloniales, l'exacerbation des tensions ethniques et foncières et la profusion de milices armées face à des Nations Unies impuissantes. Mais la prétention régionale du Rwanda reste le coeur de l'instabilité du Nord-Kivu. Kigali a su pleinement profiter et exploiter la culpabilité de la communauté internationale de n'avoir pas réagi au moment du génocide. Ce sentiment d'impunité grâce au « crédit du génocide » est notamment rendu possible par la bienveillance de la communauté internationale et le soutien des « amis du nouveau Rwanda » à commencer par les États-Unis. Le Rwanda a toujours prétexté d'une menace des ex-FAR et des Interahamwe, pour justifier sa présence directe ou indirecte sur le terrain. Pourtant, les FDLR paraissent loin aujourd'hui de représenter une menace réelle pour le Rwanda mais demeure toujours un prétexte facile pour justifier l'ingérence de ses troupes au Nord-Kivu. La conséquence directe de la déstabilisation permanente de la province, est finalement la mise en place d'une forme de « souveraineté partagée » qui a donné la possibilité au Rwanda, directement jusqu'en 2002 puis indirectement jusqu'à aujourd'hui, de profiter à pleines dents « du gâteau » que représente ce territoire. / Twenty years after the Rwanda genocide, the fallout from this tragedy is still leaving a profound mark on North Kivu. Since 1994, this province has continued to suffer from the repercussions in a region where community rivalry was already close to flashpoint. In fact, the region has become a condensed representation of regional geopolitics where all the players in the crisis are the heirs of the Rwanda genocide. A geopolitical study of the region, with in-depth research focussing on the northern province running mainly from 1990 to 2007, offers an analysis of the period during which local conflict worsened and took on a national bias before expanding onto a regional level with the involvement of foreign national players. The causes of perpetual instability in North Kivu are multifaceted – the riches in its subsoil combined with world demand for mineral raw materials explains the causal relationship between the unlawful exploitation of mining resources and continued warfare, namely that war is a continuation of the economy by other means. It has also been marked by the non-existence or even inconsistency of the Congo State, the extremely high density of population in this region, porous colonial frontiers, the exacerbation of ethnic tension and the pressure of land scarcity and the profusion of armed militia opposing a powerless United Nations. But the regional aims of Rwanda remain central to the instability in North Kivu. Kigali has been able to fully take advantage of and exploit the guilt of the international community for not reacting at the time of the genocide. This feeling of impunity due to “credit for the genocide” is notably made possible by the goodwill of the international community and support from the “friends of the New Rwanda”, starting with the United States. Rwanda has always claimed a threat from ex-FAR troops and Interahamwe militia to justify its direct or indirect presence in the field. Nonetheless, the FDLR (Forces for the Democratic Liberation of Rwanda) nowadays seem far from representing an actual threat to Rwanda but still remain an easy pretext to justify the interference of their troops in North Kivu. The direct consequence of permanent destabilisation of the province is ultimately the establishment of a form of “shared sovereignty” that has given Rwanda the possibility – directly up to 2002 and then indirectly up to the present time – to take full advantage of the “slice of the pie” represented by this territory.

Názor obyvatel Jihočeského kraje na činnost ostatních složek integrovaného záchranného systému / South Bohemian inhabitants opinion of activity of other bodies of Integrated Rescue Systems

DUŠKOVÁ, Ilona January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify and evaluate the opinion of South Bohemian region inhabitants on activities of the Integrated Rescue System (IRS) other emergency services in rescue and relief work in emergency situations and find out the resulting level of inhabitants safety. The whole study was designed to analyze the data collected by questionnaire survey and to obtain relevant information about the opinion of the South Bohemian region inhabitants on the work of the Army of the Czech Republic, the Czech Red Cross and the municipal police within IRS. A questionnaire survey seemed to be the best way how to get relevant information. The pilot study helped to identify the three other emergency services of IRS in the opinion of the inhabitants. At a subsequent questionnaire survey the research sample was 50 respondents from each of seven South Bohemian districts, a total of 350 respondents from districts České Budějovice, Český Krumlov, Jindřichův Hradec, Písek, Prachatice, Strakonice and Tábor. The results of this research show that three quarters of respondents do not exactly know the term "other emergency services of IRS", despite the fact that some of the respondents have personal experience with the intervention of some other emergency services of IRS during an emergency situation. So it can be concluded that the South Bohemian region inhabitants have more awareness of the IRS as a whole, but they are no longer sufficiently familiar with its structure. To increase the level of knowledge about the structure of the IRS?s components I recommend to include more detailed information about this topic in the primary school curriculum. It also proposes to increase public awareness about IRS structure through media campaigns. Activities of the Army of the Czech Republic within IRS were judged as very helpful and on quite sufficient level. Individuals who have had personal experience with - 5 - the intervention of soldiers such as rescue, relief work and evacuation, evaluate their help as efficient and very professional. The personal experience with the help of the Czech Red Cross in emergency situations (especially floods) has one quarter of respondents. Red Cross Humanitarian units helped in these cases mainly with the provision of emergency accommodation and catering. Czech Red Cross was also focused on the collecting and distributing of humanitarian aid. Almost 86% of respondents judged these activities as very professional and efficient. Respondents are not convinced about sufficiently help of municipal police in the case of emergency situation. Some of them rate it as rather weak. Likewise, they considered that each municipal police in South Bohemian region have some reserves in facilities such as car park. However, 41% of respondents agree that the quality of the activities of this emergency service is increasing in the last few years. My recommendation in this case refers to an increase in the number of service cars. Based on the obtained data, the ranking of other emergency services of IRS was compiled according to their significance in respondents? opinion. On the first three positions are these emergency service - Army of the Czech Republic, municipal police, Czech Red Cross. Summary of the obtained information indicates a positive finding that the three analyzed other emergency services of IRS are very helpful in protection of health, life and property of the inhabitants of South Bohemian region within the IRS activities. However, I believe that my recommendations presented in this study may contribute to further improving the performance of the three analyzed emergency services so that their perception of the South Bohemian region inhabitants can achieve an even higher level in the future.

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