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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Mortis, Bailey 01 January 2019 (has links)
This study shined light on the gap in literature about the impact of communication and involvement of stepparents has on emerging adult’s romantic attachment styles. A sample of 289 college students between the ages of 18 and 22 at the University of Kentucky was recruited to complete an online survey about their perceived experience with their stepparent and parental figures and the effects on their romantic attachment styles. Parental involvement in children’s lives and having good communication, sets the foundation for individuals to have secure attachment styles. Emerging adults who experience parental figures and stepparents as being uninterested or passive in their relationship experience have higher anxious and avoidant attachment styles. These findings inform therapists about the importance of recognizing attachment injuries when dealing with individuals and supports the need for all parental figures to be involved in their child’s life and have positive communication skills.

繼親家庭青少年之生活適應歷程 / The life adaptation processes of teenagers in stepfamily

黃瑞雯, Huang, Jui-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
面對離婚率的高漲,家庭型態呈現多元的變化,有關單親家庭的研究國內外已多所著墨,但對於單親後再婚的家庭狀況卻潛藏在核心家庭外貌下而忽略了其真實生活經驗與需求。繼親家庭的組成對家庭成員而言,帶著過去的生活經驗進入繼親家庭,經驗了離異與重組的過程,一連串的改變、壓力與調適,尤其對於繼親家庭中的青少年而言,游走於獨立與依賴之間,但卻又深受家庭之影響。因此,本研究以質化方式深入訪談18位12-20歲的繼親家庭青少年,由其主觀的經驗陳述,深入了解他們將如何認知與解讀繼親的進入,以及在繼親家庭中的適應情況。茲將結果摘述如下: 1.繼親家庭的準備與改變 繼親家庭不可避免的面臨成員間的第一類接觸:對於生親而言,以再婚時子女年齡的大小作為詢問與否的標準,但研究卻也發現有少數例子是持續保持家庭秘密--繼親家庭事實;對於繼親而言,小心翼翼的期盼「好的開始是成功的一半」,以討好子女之方式,並著手家庭一體感之建立,如:稱呼的改變或姓氏的更動,再者,有些家庭則是在婚前以同居方式增加繼親子相處與調適之機會。然而,對於子女而言,多是被動的接受繼親家庭的事實,認知並體貼大人的需要。 經驗了繼親加入後的一段蜜月期,伴隨著忠誠問題而勾起雙重失落的經驗,失落了過去與生親之親密依附,也失落了單親家庭中的代親職角色。子女需要時間來哀悼。研究中發現,子女學習以樂觀、跳脫傳統的家庭框架來面對繼親進入的優點,以及經由雙親和平轉化子女的分離焦慮,皆有助於繼親家庭中青少年之調適以及繼親家庭之建立。 2.繼親家庭職務模式 繼親家庭之管教模式多呈現以「生親為主、繼親為輔」,或是「生親扮黑臉、繼親扮白臉」之情況。分析狀況主要為互動結構使然,繼親家庭乏過去共同的歷史,繼親被視為「局外人」,管教衝突互動下來之結果,繼親多半會選擇淡出管教之列;相對於生親的職務角色則呈現「中間人」之兩難角色情況,研究中發現子女多會體諒生親之兩難而選擇以忍耐、逃避來因應。 建立信賴的親職系統,有賴於三角關係的動員,繼親善意對待、生親背後支持、強化新配偶間的婚姻連帶、以及子女樂觀信念。 3.繼親家庭關係 繼親子關係:子女帶著對過去經驗或價值來評量繼親,對繼父之評量焦點為經濟能力、對於繼母則多為親職能力、或是全方位評量綜合,顯然繼母較繼父難為。子女依照評量標準進而決定心理取向與因應;研究中發現子女多以工具取向評量,並接納繼親成為生親輔佐者、家務氣氛調劑者、家務與經濟分擔者角色。子女們也多認知養育較生育來得有恩典。 生親子關係:生親子間具有單親生活的革命情誼,面臨繼親之進入,挑起親子關係與婚姻關係的爭戰,雙重束縛之情緒油然而生,子女仍維繫著「代親職」的角色而對生親有心疼之感受,加上不安全感所引發對生親的氣憤與失望、擔心「又」被生親遺棄。 原親子關係:原親子間多呈現不聯絡、不穩定之情況。原親探視之過程中除了表達關心、提供支援、並與繼親相較彼此之親職能力,尤其在「兩個女人的戰爭」中更是鮮明。原親子關係中也發現,手足中排行老大者之依附關係尤其明顯,以家庭系統來檢視,老大的疏離反倒有助於其他手足或成員轉而投向繼親家庭之融合。 手足關係: 手足關係潛藏著陪伴與競爭的關係,:繼親家庭中的手足關係可能是親手足、半手足或是無血緣連帶之繼手足關係,而半手足間容易競爭資源或是寵愛,但卻也可以經由血緣關係的聯繫而強化繼親家庭的合法連帶。 4.支持系統與適應情況 支持系統與適應情況息息相關。青少年最主要的支持系統為親屬與朋友。親屬資源中又以直系血親為最,常成為替代父母的義務照料者,尤其是「娘家」的資源。朋友資源則是青少年的另一個避風港、或是逃避家庭的防空洞。然而繼親家庭具有環境上易變動之特質,轉學「後遺症」常導致小孩缺少時間來建立信任與親密關係。 個人情緒適應與影響;青少年多以求助朋友或是轉移注意力來調適情緒與壓力。而繼親家庭對於其人格之影響,明顯表現在:追求獨立的課題上,期待離家生活,或在經濟上尋求獨立;再者,由於受到過去父母婚姻經驗之影響,模仿與學習父母因應之道,人格特質呈現兩個極端--敏感與無力感。 家庭適應:藉由受訪者家庭圖像的呈現解讀其弦外之音,家庭圖像有:傳統型--規律生活、關係人的組成、有雙親等,或是簡單型--家是一個居住的殼,以及理想型--家是愛的組合體。圖像之下呈現有抗拒、接納與順服三種因應方式。研究中發現家庭圖像都依據某種邏輯切割出家庭中的聯盟關係。 學校社會適應:學校對青少年而言是個具體而微的小社會縮體,面對繼親家庭之社會負面刻板印象。多數受訪者對外採取隱瞞繼親家庭之事實,或是以敷衍帶過的方式,甚至以「單親家庭之名」來包裹繼親家庭之事實,少數受訪者則是僅對小團體透漏,全然不在意的則佔少數。

Cultural conflicts in Northern Sotho dramas

Madiga, Raofa Philemon 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research is to investigate cultural conflicts in Northern Sotho dramas. At the beginning of the work, reasons for the choice of the topic are given, and thereafter, the methodology to be adopted in analysing the plays is outlined. Various factors considered to be contributory to the acculturation of traditional Africans are discussed. Throughout this study, traditionalists oppose westernised Africans because of strange norms and practices they have adopted. The two parties disagree on issues like arranged marriage, remarriage and leadership. Christianity features prominently as the basic cause of conflict. Modernists oppose traditional practices on the ground that they are not in conformity with Christian principles. The plays are compared to determine how each playwright has attempted to resolve conflicts in his respective play. The study ends with a comment on findings where traditionalism, being a common enemy in the three plays, is overridden by modernity. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

The Truth of Skepticism: Philosophy, Tragedy, and Sexual Jealousy

Girard, David 28 October 2021 (has links)
This dissertation is an attempt and, if you will, a temptation to engage with the ‘disturbing’ prospect of the truth of skepticism. All of Stanley Cavell’s works refer to the truth of skepticism, and yet the discourse surrounding this concept is sparse and often engaged minimally. The truth of skepticism is that “the human creature’s basis in the world as a whole, its relation to the world as such, is not that of knowing, anyway not what we think of as knowing” (The Claim of Reason, p.241). In order to make sense of what he means by what “we think of as knowing” Cavell provides a philosophical framework in which to understand skepticism and what it threatens: through his notion of “criteria” taken from Ludwig Wittgenstein; the concept of the “ordinary” derived from the works of J.L. Austin; and the “search for community” as a problem of “acknowledgement” or “avoidance” as opposed to a problem of knowledge. I argue that the “standard” (Stephen Mulhall’s) reading of Cavell fails to fully account for the truth of skepticism and I propose reading Cavell as a Nietzschean Versucher – one who attempts and searches endlessly, never fully embracing any particular view. By reading Cavell in this way, I explore how to do genuine philosophy and consider how to address the role of traditional epistemological problems in the face of Cavell’s framework. Beyond the traditional philosophical questions of skepticism, I address how the theoretical musings of the first half of the dissertation can be used in practice – or one could say how they reflect on the ordinary. Following Cavell, I connect philosophy and art as sister disciplines concerned with similar problems such as epistemological skepticism itself. To show these connections I analyze two plays and three films: Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale and Othello, alongside The Philadelphia Story (1940), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), and Her (2013). By engaging these pieces with Cavell’s philosophical framework in mind, I show how sexual jealousy is a form of living one’s skepticism in a real context that cannot be so easily dismissed by philosophers who claim that skepticism is somehow empty, confused, or nonsense. By showing how the threat of skepticism is a part of our ordinary lives, I conclude by considering how we might recover from our skepticism. Skepticism is not the end, it is the beginning.

A Comparison of the Psychological Well-being of Older Adult Cohabitors and Remarrieds and the Role of Relationship Quality

Julian, Christopher A. 22 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.

A Comparison of Attitudes About Paternal Child Support Payments in the United States and South Korea

Ko, Kwangman, Ganong, Lawrence, Kang, Youngjin, Chapman, Ashton 22 March 2023 (has links)
We compared attitudes about child support between the United States and South Korean respondents, using a multiple segment factorial vignette to gather quantitative and qualitative data from 132 Americans and 132 South Koreans. South Koreans were more likely than U.S. respondents to think child support should be paid. Respondents in both countries thought fathers should pay more child support when mothers had sole custody than when both parents shared custody. Remarriage, combined with custody, affected respondents’ attitudes. The primary rationale of U.S. respondents focused on issues of fairness, while Koreans highlighted fathers’ responsibility and obligation. Cross-cultural differences in attitudes regarding child support payments, and their implications for support compliance rates in the United States and South Korea, are discussed.

Marital biography and well-being in later life: the role of remarriage, disruption pathways, and duration on health, parent-child contact, and ambivalence toward children

Hammersmith, Anna Marie 23 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Gebeurlikhede in die deliktuele skadevergoedingsreg

Steynberg, L. 30 June 2006 (has links)
OPSOMMING Gebeurlikhede kan omskryf word as onsekere omstandighede van positiewe of negatiewe aard wat, onafhanklik van die verweerder se optrede en indien dit sou realiseer, waarskynlik 'n persoon se gesondheid, inkomste, verdienvermoë, lewenskwaliteit, lewensverwagting of onderhoudsafhanklikheid in die toekoms kan beïnvloed of in die verlede kon beïnvloed het en wat gevolglik op billike en realistiese wyse in ag geneem moet word ter bepaling van die skadevergoedingsbedrag. Die skadevergoedingsbedrag kan vanweë gebeurlikhede verminder of vermeerder word waar die eiser wel met `n oorwig van waarskynlikheid die volle omvang van die skade bewys het, maar die hof nie kon oortuig dat geen ander oorsaak die skade waarskynlik ook sou kon veroorsaak nie (sg "gebeurlikheids-aanpassings"). In gevalle waar die eiser nie die volle omvang van die skade op `n oorwig van waarskynlikheid kon bewys nie, kan die hof nogtans `n verminderde bedrag toeken op grond van die gebeurlikheid dat die skade wel waarskynlik in die toekoms kan realiseer (sg "gebeurlikheidstoekennings"). Die eiser moet getuienis voorlê van gebeurlikhede wat die skadevergoedingsbedrag sal verhoog, en die verweerder van gebeurlikhede wat die skadevergoedingsbedrag sal verlaag. Die waarskynlikheid dat die gebeurlikheid sal realiseer, moet deur die hof aan die hand van objektiewe maatstawwe en op grond van feitelike bewerings en logiese afleidings uit deskundige en ander getuienis in die vorm van `n waarskynlikheidsgraad van tussen vyf persent en tagtig persent uitgedruk word. Hipotetiese kousaliteit word deur die hof aangewend om gebeurlikhede op `n billike wyse in ag te neem en verwys na die kousale ketting van hipotetiese feite wat waarskynlik sou gerealiseer het indien die skadestigtende gebeurtenis nie plaasgevind het nie. Gebeurlikhede kan in twee kategorieë geklassifiseer word: Algemene gebeurlikhede wat gewoonlik in enige stadium by alle persone kan voorkom (bv vroeë dood, siekte ens) en spesifieke gebeurlikhede wat gewoonlik op spesifieke tydstippe by spesifieke individue kan voorkom (bv hertroue, egskeiding ens). Terwyl die hof geregtelik kennis behoort te kan neem van die invloed van algemene gebeurlikhede, behoort die hof hoofsaaklik op grond van ondersteunende getuienis van die invloed van spesifieke gebeurlikhede oortuig te word. Algemene gebeurlikheidsaanpassings is gewoonlik relatief laag (gemiddeld tien persent), terwyl gebeurlikheidsaanpassings vir spesifieke gebeurlikhede fluktueer (gewoonlik tussen vyf persent en vyftig persent), afhangende van die getuienis en omstandighede van die eiser. Gebeurlikheidstoekennings is gewoonlik laer as vyftig persent. SUMMARY Contingencies can be described as uncertain circumstances of a positive or negative nature which, independent of the defendant's conduct and if it should realise, would probably influence a person's health, income, earning capacity, quality of life, life expectancy or dependency on support in future or could have done so in the past, and which must consequently be taken into account in a fair and realistic manner in the quantification of damages. Contingencies can be used to increase or reduce damages in circumstances where the plaintiff succeeded in proving the full loss on a preponderance of probability, but could not convince the court that there was no probability that any other cause could also have given rise to the loss (so-called "contingency adjustments"). In circumstances where the plaintiff could not prove the full loss on a preponderance of probability, the court can nevertheless award a reduced amount on the basis of the contingency that loss could probably realise in future (so-called "contingency allowances"). The plaintiff must adduce evidence of contingencies that can increase damages, and the defendant of contingencies that can reduce damages. The degree of probability that the contingency will realise, must be expressed by the court as a percentage of between five percent and eighty percent, in view of objective measures and on the basis of factual allegations and logical deductions derived from expert and other evidence. Hypothetical causation assists the court in taking account of contingencies in a fair manner and refers to the causal link of hypothetical events which would probably have realised if the damage-causing event did not occur. Contingencies can be classified into two categories: General contingencies that usually can be present in the lives of all people at any point in time (eg early death, sickness, etc) and specific contingencies that usually are present in the lives of specific individuals at specific times (eg remarriage, divorce, etc). While the court should be able to take legal notice of the influence of general contingencies, the court should be convinced of the influence of specific contingencies primarily on the basis of supporting evidence. General contingency adjustments are usually relatively low (on average ten per cent), while contingency adjustments for specific contingencies fluctuate (usually between five per cent and fifty per cent), depending on the evidence and circumstances of the plaintiff. Contingency allowances are usually lower than fifty per cent. / Jurisprudence / LL.D

Gebeurlikhede in die deliktuele skadevergoedingsreg

Steynberg, L. 30 June 2006 (has links)
OPSOMMING Gebeurlikhede kan omskryf word as onsekere omstandighede van positiewe of negatiewe aard wat, onafhanklik van die verweerder se optrede en indien dit sou realiseer, waarskynlik 'n persoon se gesondheid, inkomste, verdienvermoë, lewenskwaliteit, lewensverwagting of onderhoudsafhanklikheid in die toekoms kan beïnvloed of in die verlede kon beïnvloed het en wat gevolglik op billike en realistiese wyse in ag geneem moet word ter bepaling van die skadevergoedingsbedrag. Die skadevergoedingsbedrag kan vanweë gebeurlikhede verminder of vermeerder word waar die eiser wel met `n oorwig van waarskynlikheid die volle omvang van die skade bewys het, maar die hof nie kon oortuig dat geen ander oorsaak die skade waarskynlik ook sou kon veroorsaak nie (sg "gebeurlikheids-aanpassings"). In gevalle waar die eiser nie die volle omvang van die skade op `n oorwig van waarskynlikheid kon bewys nie, kan die hof nogtans `n verminderde bedrag toeken op grond van die gebeurlikheid dat die skade wel waarskynlik in die toekoms kan realiseer (sg "gebeurlikheidstoekennings"). Die eiser moet getuienis voorlê van gebeurlikhede wat die skadevergoedingsbedrag sal verhoog, en die verweerder van gebeurlikhede wat die skadevergoedingsbedrag sal verlaag. Die waarskynlikheid dat die gebeurlikheid sal realiseer, moet deur die hof aan die hand van objektiewe maatstawwe en op grond van feitelike bewerings en logiese afleidings uit deskundige en ander getuienis in die vorm van `n waarskynlikheidsgraad van tussen vyf persent en tagtig persent uitgedruk word. Hipotetiese kousaliteit word deur die hof aangewend om gebeurlikhede op `n billike wyse in ag te neem en verwys na die kousale ketting van hipotetiese feite wat waarskynlik sou gerealiseer het indien die skadestigtende gebeurtenis nie plaasgevind het nie. Gebeurlikhede kan in twee kategorieë geklassifiseer word: Algemene gebeurlikhede wat gewoonlik in enige stadium by alle persone kan voorkom (bv vroeë dood, siekte ens) en spesifieke gebeurlikhede wat gewoonlik op spesifieke tydstippe by spesifieke individue kan voorkom (bv hertroue, egskeiding ens). Terwyl die hof geregtelik kennis behoort te kan neem van die invloed van algemene gebeurlikhede, behoort die hof hoofsaaklik op grond van ondersteunende getuienis van die invloed van spesifieke gebeurlikhede oortuig te word. Algemene gebeurlikheidsaanpassings is gewoonlik relatief laag (gemiddeld tien persent), terwyl gebeurlikheidsaanpassings vir spesifieke gebeurlikhede fluktueer (gewoonlik tussen vyf persent en vyftig persent), afhangende van die getuienis en omstandighede van die eiser. Gebeurlikheidstoekennings is gewoonlik laer as vyftig persent. SUMMARY Contingencies can be described as uncertain circumstances of a positive or negative nature which, independent of the defendant's conduct and if it should realise, would probably influence a person's health, income, earning capacity, quality of life, life expectancy or dependency on support in future or could have done so in the past, and which must consequently be taken into account in a fair and realistic manner in the quantification of damages. Contingencies can be used to increase or reduce damages in circumstances where the plaintiff succeeded in proving the full loss on a preponderance of probability, but could not convince the court that there was no probability that any other cause could also have given rise to the loss (so-called "contingency adjustments"). In circumstances where the plaintiff could not prove the full loss on a preponderance of probability, the court can nevertheless award a reduced amount on the basis of the contingency that loss could probably realise in future (so-called "contingency allowances"). The plaintiff must adduce evidence of contingencies that can increase damages, and the defendant of contingencies that can reduce damages. The degree of probability that the contingency will realise, must be expressed by the court as a percentage of between five percent and eighty percent, in view of objective measures and on the basis of factual allegations and logical deductions derived from expert and other evidence. Hypothetical causation assists the court in taking account of contingencies in a fair manner and refers to the causal link of hypothetical events which would probably have realised if the damage-causing event did not occur. Contingencies can be classified into two categories: General contingencies that usually can be present in the lives of all people at any point in time (eg early death, sickness, etc) and specific contingencies that usually are present in the lives of specific individuals at specific times (eg remarriage, divorce, etc). While the court should be able to take legal notice of the influence of general contingencies, the court should be convinced of the influence of specific contingencies primarily on the basis of supporting evidence. General contingency adjustments are usually relatively low (on average ten per cent), while contingency adjustments for specific contingencies fluctuate (usually between five per cent and fifty per cent), depending on the evidence and circumstances of the plaintiff. Contingency allowances are usually lower than fifty per cent. / Jurisprudence / LL.D


[pt] O presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender, a partir do relato dos cônjuges, os principais fatores que contribuem para a reconstrução do relacionamento conjugal no recasamento com o ex-cônjuge. Baseou-se, sobretudo, na teoria triangular do amor (Sternberg, 1986) e na teoria do apego (Bowlby, 1988), aplicada a adultos (Johnson 2012b; Weiss 1976). Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa com 12 sujeitos independentes, de camadas médias da população do Rio de Janeiro, heterossexuais, casados com o ex-cônjuge, com filhos em comum. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e, para análise dos resultados, utilizou-se o método de análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 2011), em sua vertente categorial. A partir das narrativas, emergiram quatro categorias de análise: período de separação; valores pessoais; níveis de mudança; e, atributos do amor. A primeira categoria foi desdobrada em três subcategorias: valeu a pena, fantasias x realidades e dando um tempo. A segunda, deu origem a duas: conceito sobre casamento e crenças religiosas. A terceira categoria foi desdobrada em duas subcategorias: expectativas, e atitudes e comportamentos. A quarta categoria deu origem a três: intimidade, paixão e decisão/compromisso. Os resultados sugerem que diferentes fatores, ao longo do tempo, contribuem para a reconstrução destes relacionamentos. O significado das vivências da separação, aliado à interação dos estilos de apego dos ex-cônjuges, reaproxima os ex-parceiros. Os valores pessoais têm um papel consolidador; funciona como parte do alicerce que sustenta a direção escolhida. A maior empatia pelo parceiro e séria disposição para assumir responsabilidades geram mudanças que confirmam o compromisso verdadeiro com a relação. O amor companheiro, reforçado por doação genuína, atua como uma proteção natural ao relacionamento, ao longo do tempo. / [en] The purpose of the present study was to understand, from the spouse s discourse, the main factors that contribute to the marital relationship reconstruction in the remarriage with the ex-spouse. It was based, mainly, on the triangular theory of love (Sternberg, 1986) and on the attachment theory (Bowlby, 1988), applied to adults (Johnson 2012b; Weiss 1976). A qualitative study was carried out with 12 independent subjects, from the middle strata of Rio de Janeiro population - heterosexuals, married with the ex-spouse, with children in common. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews and, for the results analysis, the content analysis method (Bardin, 2011) was used, in its categorical aspect. From the narratives, four analysis categories emerged: separation period; personal values; levels of change; and, attributes of love. The first category was unfolded in three subcategories: it was worth it, fantasies x realities and giving a time. The second, originate two: concept about marriage and religious beliefs. The third category was unfolded in two subcategories: expectations, and attitudes and behaviors. The fourth category originate three: intimacy, passion and decision/commitment. The results suggest that different factors, over time, contribute to the reconstruction of these relationships. The meaning of the separation experiences, coupled with the interaction of the ex-spouses attachment styles, reapproximated the former partners. Personal values have a consolidating role; it works as part of the foundation that underpins the chosen direction. A greater empathy for the partner and a serious willingness to take on responsibility leads to changes that confirm the true commitment to the relationship. The companion love, reinforced by genuine giving, acts as a natural protection to the relationship, over time.

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