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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pensar e dar lugar ? diferen?a: forma??es e representa??es sociais da loucura

Souza, Joana Kelly Marques de 23 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-25T23:58:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JoanaKellyMarquesDeSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 1524349 bytes, checksum: 4cfcab5f6eefbc5a49dba1788bddf1f8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-19T21:24:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JoanaKellyMarquesDeSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 1524349 bytes, checksum: 4cfcab5f6eefbc5a49dba1788bddf1f8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-19T21:24:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoanaKellyMarquesDeSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 1524349 bytes, checksum: 4cfcab5f6eefbc5a49dba1788bddf1f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-23 / Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal refletir acerca das forma??es e das representa??es da loucura em suas intrincadas redes de rela??es sociais e hist?ricas. Pretende-se desenvolver uma an?lise que aborde a din?mica e os efeitos das pr?ticas institucionais sobre os pacientes, sobretudo no que concerne aos processos de exclus?o e reinser??o no corpo social. Inicialmente seguindo de perto algumas das reflex?es desenvolvidas por Michel Foucault para pensar a loucura historicamente e a partir das variadas pr?ticas possibilitadas pela emerg?ncia e institucionaliza??o do saber psiqui?trico, a discuss?o se volta para o contexto brasileiro para abordar de forma breve o in?cio da psiquiatria no pa?s e os desdobramentos de sua Reforma Psiqui?trica. Como recurso complementar, h? a apresenta??o dos resultados obtidos por meio da aplica??o de question?rios junto aos estudantes concluintes do per?odo 2015.1 do Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Tendo as representa??es sociais como plano de fundo, a inten??o ? abordar esses futuros profissionais que ir?o relacionar-se diretamente com a tem?tica da loucura, agindo de forma privilegiada no ?mbito da discuss?o aqui pretendida. Portanto, esse conjunto busca compreender e problematizar a loucura, assim como as possibilidades abertas ? diferen?a abrangida por ela em suas intera??es sociais. / The main goal of this study is to reflect upon the shapes and representations of madness in their intricate networks of social and historical relationships. An analysis will be developed to approach the dynamics and the effects of institutional practices on the patients, especially concerning exclusion processes and the reinsertion into society. Initially following a few reflections developed by Michel Foucault to think of madness historically and from the many practices enabled by the emergence and institutionalization of psychiatric knowledge, the discussion then turns towards the Brazilian context in order to briefly approach the beginning of psychiatry in the country and the unfolding of its Psychiatric Reform. As a complementary resource, the study presents results obtained by the application of questionnaires to the students graduating in 2015/1 from the Psychology course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. With social representations as the background, the idea is to approach these future professionals who will relate directly to the theme of madness, acting in a privileged matter in the area of the discussion proposed here. Thus, this study intends to comprehend and problematize madness, as well as the possibilities opened to the difference encompassed by it in its social interactions.

As representa??es sociais de licenciandos sobre a educa??o ? dist?ncia: o caso da UFRN

Santos, Valmaria Lemos da Costa 21 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-02T12:57:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ValmariaLemosDaCostaSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 2809681 bytes, checksum: ed9c0fb5a3962d0629dfd4630c2b922f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-08T16:19:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ValmariaLemosDaCostaSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 2809681 bytes, checksum: ed9c0fb5a3962d0629dfd4630c2b922f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-08T16:19:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ValmariaLemosDaCostaSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 2809681 bytes, checksum: ed9c0fb5a3962d0629dfd4630c2b922f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-21 / Nesta disserta??o objetivamos analisar as representa??es sociais de licenciandos de cursos a dist?ncia, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), sobre a educa??o ? dist?ncia. Para compreens?o do objeto de estudo, optamos pelo embasamento te?rico da Teoria das Representa??es Sociais de Moscovici (1978; 2003; 2012) e utilizamos como instrumentos de pesquisa a T?cnica de Associa??o Livre de Palavras, question?rios semiabertos eletr?nicos via Google Docs e entrevistas semiestruturadas gravadas por meio de um smartphone e o uso do aplicativo Automatic Call Recorder (gravador de chamadas), com os envolvidos nos cursos de licenciaturas a dist?ncia, discentes do Polo de Apoio Presencial de Currais Novos (RN) da UFRN. No que tange ? an?lise destes dados, empregamos a an?lise de conte?do de Bardin (2011). Os resultados mostram que a representa??o social de EaD constru?das pelos licenciandos participantes possui duas faces, a saber: como campo de desejo ? parte de uma escolha movida pela possibilidade de flexibilidade nos estudos; como um ambiente de aprendizagem diferenciado, inovador, permite, dentre outros fatores, uma qualifica??o profissional, atrav?s da adapta??o a situa??es novas, do comprometimento, da disciplina e do esfor?o do alunado em quest?o. Ademais, constatamos que os licenciandos se ancoram no espa?o-tempo-presencial (Polo de Apoio, Secretaria de Educa??o a Dist?ncia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, etc.) e/ou no espa?o-tempo-virtual (Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem, redes sociais digitais, etc.) e na coexist?ncia destes meios para construir essa representa??o social. Percebemos ainda que, as novas ferramentas tecnol?gicas (computador, Internet, moodle), s?o tidas como facilitadoras da forma??o docente e da constitui??o de representa??es sociais. / In this dissertation we aim to analyze the social representations of student of distance courses, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), on distance education. For the understanding of the object of study, we opted the theoretical foundation of the Theory of Social Representations of Moscovici (1978; 2003; 2012) and we used as research instruments the Technique of Free Association of Words, semi-open questionnaires electronic by means Google Docs and semi-strutured interviews recorded by means of a smartphone and application use Automatic Call Recorder, (call recorder) with those involved in the undergraduate courses at a distance, student of the Polo Classroom Support of Currais Novos (RN) of the UFRN. In terms of the analysis of these data, we employ the content analysis of Bardin (2011). The results show that the social representation of EaD built by participating student has two faces, what are: as area of desire is part of a selection moved by the possibility of flexibility in the studies; as a learning environment for innovative, differentiated, accept, among other factors, a professional qualification through of the adaptation to new situations, of the commitment, of the discipline And the effort of the students in question. Moreover, we see that the studant if anchor in the space-time-to-face (Polo Classroom Support, Distance Education Secretariat, Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte, etc.) and/or in the space-time-virtual (Virtual Learning Environment, digital social networks, etc.) and on the coexistence of these means to build this social representation. We realized yet that, the new technological tools (computer, Internet, moodle), are taken as facilitators of the formation teacher and the constitution of social representations.

Representa??es sociais de licenciandos do curso de Pedagogia da UFRN acerca da pr?tica educativa

Xavier, Maria das Dores Dutra 20 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-20T22:59:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaDasDoresDutraXavier_DISSERT.pdf: 1422354 bytes, checksum: 4581b11e2c60fcb381b7db4b3fe8037d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-24T22:15:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaDasDoresDutraXavier_DISSERT.pdf: 1422354 bytes, checksum: 4581b11e2c60fcb381b7db4b3fe8037d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-24T22:15:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaDasDoresDutraXavier_DISSERT.pdf: 1422354 bytes, checksum: 4581b11e2c60fcb381b7db4b3fe8037d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-20 / O presente estudo se insere na linha de pesquisa Educa??o, Curr?culo e Pr?ticas Pedag?gicas, vinculada ao Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Trata-se de uma investiga??o de cunho qualitativo, em que o foco de interesse voltou-se a analisar as representa??es sociais de licenciandos do Curso de Pedagogia da UFRN acerca da pr?tica educativa. Para alcan?armos tal intento, recorremos ao aporte te?rico: a Teoria da Representa??es Sociais (MOSCOVICI, 2012; 2003; JODELET, 2001), a qual tem o seu olhar debru?ado para o conhecimento advindo da experi?ncia cotidiana, como pelas reapropia??es de sentidos historicamente revigorados. Por esse efeito a utilizamos, j? que a nossa vis?o perspectivou alcan?ar o conhecimento a respeito da pr?tica docente que os licenciandos cotidianamente constru?ram. Valemo-nos tamb?m do di?logo com expoentes que estudam e pesquisam acerca das tem?ticas: forma??o de professores, identidade e saberes docente, fazer pedag?gico e pr?tica educativa; como refer?ncias destacamos PIMENTA E LIMA (2012), PAULO FREIRE (1996), TARDIF (2000, 2013), GUIMAR?ES (2006), DUBAR (1997), e N?VOA (2009), com a finalidade de compreender de forma aprofundada o objeto estudado. Como procedimentos para obten??o de informa??es e an?lise dos dados envoltos nesse objeto, utilizamos os instrumentos de pesquisa: a T?cnica de Associa??o Livre de Palavras (TALP) e um question?rio semiaberto, com os discentes matriculados no Curso de Pedagogia Presencial, da UFRN, distribu?dos nos per?odos 1?, 5?, 6?, 7?, 8?, 9? e 10? do curso, somando discentes dos dois turnos, vespertino e noturno, compreendendo o total de 209 discentes. O crit?rio de sele??o desses per?odos como amostra se deu em virtude da proposi??o de que esses representariam a pr?tica educativa de maneira diferenciada, j? que vivenciaram em per?odos anteriores experi?ncias de cunhagem pedag?gica e pr?tica. No que se refere a an?lise das informa??es auferidas, empregamos a An?lise de Conte?do, BARDIN (2011). Buscamos, diante do acervo de dados encontrados, ter conseguido responder nossa quest?o de partida: Que representa??es sociais os licenciandos do Curso de Pedagogia da UFRN partilham a respeito da pr?tica educativa? O estudo e di?logo te?rico juntamente com o percurso anal?tico a respeito dos sentidos advindos dos campos sem?nticos, categorias e temas revelaram-nos ind?cios de uma representa??o social de pr?tica educativa voltada para sala de aula, atravessada fortemente pela quest?o afetiva, te?rica e t?cnica que se apresenta pautada em aspectos did?tico-pedag?gicos do fazer docente: planejamento, transmiss?o e avalia??o. Percebemos ainda, que a representa??o social de pr?tica educativa se apresenta ancorada na ideia de que n?o existe fazer docente exclu?do do saber t?cnico, experiencial e de ?rea, sequer excluso do di?logo com as dimens?es afetiva, social e pol?tica e, muito menos, separado daqueles que materializam o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, professor e aluno. Os discentes corporificam a pr?tica educativa no real sentido do fazer, fazer situado, a??o docente comprometida com os processos de ensino e aprendizagem. / This study is included in the line research Education, Curriculum and Pedagogical Practices, linked to the Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This is a qualitative research, where the focus of interest was to analyze the social representations of undergraduates of UFRN Course of Pedagogy regarding the educational practice. In order to reach this purpose, we use the theoretical support: the Theory of Social Representations (MOSCOVICI, 2012; 2003; JODELET, 2001), based on knowledge arising both from everyday experience, as to take back senses historically refreshed. For this purpose we use it, since our view sought achieve knowledge about the teaching practice that undergraduates have built on a daily basis. Also we make use of dialogue with prominent people who study and research about the themes: teacher training, identity and teaching knowledge, to teaching and educational practice; as references we highlight PIMENTA E LIMA (2012), PAULO FREIRE (1996), TARDIF (2000, 2013), GUIMAR?ES (2006), DUBAR (1997), and N?VOA (2009), with the purpose to understand in depth the object studied. As procedures for getting information and analysis of the wrapped data in this object, use the research tools: Technical Words Association Test (TALP), and a semi-structured questionnaire, with students enrolled in the Course of Pedagogy Classroom, UFRN, distributed in periods 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the course, students of adding two shifts, afternoon and evening, comprising a total of 209 students. The criteria for selection of these semesters as sample was due to the proposition that these represent the educational practice in a different manner, since they lived through in previous semesters experiences of pedagogical and practice type. With regard the analysis of the information earned, we use Content Analysis, Bardin (2011). We seek before the found data collection; have been able to answer our initial question: What social representations undergraduates of UFRN Course of Pedagogy share about educational practice? The study and theoretical dialogue alongside the analytical path about the arising sense of semantic fields, categories and themes showed us signs of a social representation of educational practice directed to the classroom, heavily permeated by emotional issue, theoretical and technical that it has ruled in didactic and pedagogical aspects of teaching practice: planning, transmission and evaluation. We realize also that the social representation of educational practice presents anchored on the idea that there is no teaching practice excluded from technical knowledge, experiential and area even excluded from the dialogue with the emotional, social and political, much less separate from those materializing the process of teaching and learning, teacher and student. The undergraduates embody the educational practice in the real sense of doing, doing contextualized, teaching activities committed to the teaching and learning processes.

Ensino e aprendizagem em sociologia: representa??es de professores da rede p?blica estadual de Natal

Oliveira, Sheyla Charlyse Rodrigues de 22 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-14T21:58:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SheylaCharlyseRodriguesDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 2017659 bytes, checksum: 4a6206672050bb05ba93036637709092 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-15T23:54:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 SheylaCharlyseRodriguesDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 2017659 bytes, checksum: 4a6206672050bb05ba93036637709092 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-15T23:54:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SheylaCharlyseRodriguesDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 2017659 bytes, checksum: 4a6206672050bb05ba93036637709092 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-22 / A presen?a efetiva da Sociologia enquanto disciplina da educa??o b?sica, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, encontra-se atrelada ? obrigatoriedade advinda com a lei do ano de 2008. A intermit?ncia que antecede esse per?odo ocasionou, na licenciatura em Ci?ncias Sociais da UFRN, assim como em licenciaturas de outras IES, certo distanciamento entre a realidade da educa??o b?sica e o percurso formativo perpetrado no ambiente acad?mico, interferindo diretamente nas concep??es de ensino/aprendizagem erigidas pelos docentes. Com o intento de relacionar os saberes aprendidos por meio da forma??o inicial e as concep??es sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem em Sociologia na escola b?sica, investigamos 21 professores da referida disciplina, atuantes na rede estadual do munic?pio de Natal, a respeito de suas representa??es sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem sociol?gicos. Nesse sentido, fizemos um exame da estrutura curricular da licenciatura em Ci?ncias Sociais da UFRN, esteio formativo dos sujeitos investigados, al?m das an?lises dos elementos que estruturaram os n?cleos centrais das representa??es sobre ensino e sobre aprendizagem. Para tanto, como aporte metodol?gico utilizamos a T?cnica de Associa??o Livre de Palavras (TALP), entrevistas semiestruturadas e observa??es com registro em di?rio de campo, al?m da Teoria das Representa??es Sociais (TRS), An?lise de Conte?do e a Abordagem Estrutural como principais refer?ncias te?rico-anal?ticas. Dessa forma, guiamo-nos essencialmente pela forma??o docente, rela??es de ensino/aprendizagem e representa??es sociais, dimens?es conceituais perseguidas nessa pesquisa, objetivando evidenciar o car?ter relacional entre elas, compreendendo o percurso formativo como determinante ?s rela??es do processo educativo e ?s elabora??es representacionais. Os dados, nesse sentido, mostram que as representa??es dos professores de Sociologia sobre o ensino e aprendizagem da disciplina organizam-se em torno de uma postura de cr?tica e desvelamento das rela??es sociais, mas que se estruturam tamb?m a partir do imperativo da realidade objetiva e todas as problem?ticas que adv?m dessa. O discurso da transforma??o e interven??o social por meio da disciplina ? recorrente, sendo-lhe atribu?do um papel monumental diante das condi??es em que ela ? operada na escola b?sica. As representa??es docentes sobre ensino/aprendizagem em Sociologia, portanto, ancoram-se numa pr?tica comprometida com uma interven??o social que parece ser prerrogativa somente dessa disciplina, quest?es que devem subsidiar as discuss?es na formula??o/reformula??o dos curr?culos que formam estes professores, de modo a situ?-los na realidade do ensino/aprendizagem sociol?gicos buscando uma maior conson?ncia entre a forma??o inicial e a pr?tica docente. / The effective presence of Sociology as a subject of Basic Education in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, is linked to the obligation which arose with the 2008 law. The intermittency which proceeds this period caused, in the Social Sciences degree at UFRN, as well as degrees in other IES, certain distance between the the training path perpetrated in the academic environment, directly interfering in teaching/ learning concepts raised by teachers. With the aim to relate the knowledge learned through initial training and conceptions of teaching and learning in Sociology at the Elementary School, we investigated 21 teachers of this discipline who works in the state educational system in Natal - RN, about their representations on sociological teaching and learning. In this sense, we did a survey of the curriculum structure of the degree in Social Sciences at UFRN, the training buttress of the investigated subjects, and the analysis of the elements that structured the central core of representations about teaching and about learning. Therefore, as methodological approach, we used the technique called ?T?cnica de Associa??o Livre? ? TALP ? (Free Association of Technical Words), semi-structured interviews and observations with field diary, in addition to the called ?Teoria das Representa??es Sociais ? TRS - (Social Representation Theory), Content Analysis and Structural Approach as main analytical references. Thus, we are guided primarily by teacher training, teaching and learning relations, and their? social representations, conceptual dimensions pursued in this research, aiming to highlight the relational character between them, including the training path as determining the relationship of the educational process and representational elaborations. The data in this regard show that the representations of Sociology teachers on teaching and learning of the subject are organized around a position of criticism and disclosure of social relations, but also are structured from the imperative of objective reality and any problem that comes from this. The discourse of transformation and social intervention through the subject is recurrent. It is assigned to this discourse a monumental paper on the conditions under which it is operated in the Basic School. The teachers? representations about the teaching / learning in Sociology, therefore, are anchored in a practice committed to a social intervention that seems to be the prerogative only of this subject issues to support the discussions in the formulation / reformulation of curricula that make these teachers, in order to place them in the reality of teaching / learning sociological, seeking greater consonance between the initial training and teaching practice.

Representa??es sociais do trabalho docente e da aposentadoria para professores de duas universidades federais

Amaral, Luana de Barros Campos do 22 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-20T19:09:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LuanaDeBarrosCamposDoAmaral_DISSERT.pdf: 3696630 bytes, checksum: 68407c10deac6fd2054f493dc36c4c44 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-21T19:28:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LuanaDeBarrosCamposDoAmaral_DISSERT.pdf: 3696630 bytes, checksum: 68407c10deac6fd2054f493dc36c4c44 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-21T19:28:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LuanaDeBarrosCamposDoAmaral_DISSERT.pdf: 3696630 bytes, checksum: 68407c10deac6fd2054f493dc36c4c44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-22 / Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar representa??es sociais do trabalho docente e da aposentadoria, considerando as pr?ticas sociais de professores de duas universidades p?blicas federais. Para isso, buscamos identificar estrutura e conte?do das representa??es sociais que permeiam o discurso sobre os temas e associar informa??es sobre caracter?sticas sociodemogr?ficas, percep??o da condi??o de trabalho e situa??o familiar com as representa??es sociais desses temas e suas pr?ticas sociais. O estudo buscou responder os seguintes questionamentos: ?quais s?o as representa??es sociais dos docentes de institui??es p?blicas federais acerca do seu trabalho e da aposentadoria? Como as representa??es sociais do trabalho e da aposentadoria se associam para a constru??o das pr?ticas desse grupo profissional?? Para alcan?ar os objetivos foram aplicadas t?cnicas quantitativas e qualitativas paralelamente, com uso de question?rio online (313) e entrevistas narrativas (20). Os resultados indicaram que as representa??es sociais do trabalho docente abrangem quatro dimens?es: ser, fazer, saber e sentir, o que sugere que esse tipo de trabalho envolve identidade, conhecimento, a??o e emo??o. A rela??o professor-aluno aparece como construtora de representa??es mais significativas do trabalho. As pr?ticas docentes que mais se destacaram foram a pesquisa, o ensino e a gest?o. A pr?tica docente ? construtora de uma identidade profissional que interfere nas representa??es sociais da aposentadoria no sentido de quanto maior a identifica??o com o trabalho docente maior o adiamento da aposentadoria. As representa??es sociais da aposentadoria mais fortes e positivas foram: o retorno ao lar, melhor conviv?ncia familiar, nova etapa e tempo para lazer e viagens. As negativas foram: medo da ociosidade, adoecimento e velhice. N?o houve diferen?as significativas entre as institui??es. O estudo cumpriu com o objetivo de avan?ar na teoria no que diz respeito a associa??es entre representa??es sociais de fen?menos diferentes e da associa??o entre as representa??es sociais e pr?ticas sociais. A pesquisa pretende ajudar nas constru??es de pol?ticas voltadas aos professores que estejam planejando aposentar-se assim como disseminar uma nova forma de se perceber e planejar esse momento. / This study aimed to analyze social representations of teaching and retirement based on the social practices of professors from two public federal universities. For this purpose we tried to identify the structure and content of social representations that permeate the discourse on these issues and to associate information on sociodemographic characteristics, perceptions of work conditions and family situation with the social representation of these issues and their social practices. The study tried to answer the following questions: what are the social representations of teachers from federal public institutions regarding their work and retirement? How do social representations of work and retirement become associated to construct the practices of this professional group? In order to reach the objectives, quantitative and qualitative techniques were applied in parallel, with an online questionnaire (313) and narrative interviews (20). The results indicated that social representations of teaching encompass four dimensions: being, doing, knowing and feeling, which suggests that this type of work involves identity, knowledge, action and emotion. The professor-student relationship helps build more significant representations of work. The teaching practices that stood out the most were research, teaching and management. Teaching practices build a professional identity that interferes in the social representations of retirement in the sense that retirement may be delayed due to the great identification with the job. The strongest positive social representations of retirement were: returning home, better family living, a new phase and time for leisure and travel. The strongest negative representations were: fear of idleness, illness and aging. There were no significant differences between institutions. The study fulfilled its objective of theoretically advancing in relation to associations between social representations and different phenomena and the association between social representations and social practices. It aims to help construct policies for professors that plan to retire, as well as a new compreension the retirement moment e interference in the institucional culture.

Belos panoramas, matizes imagin?rios: a cidade das prov?ncias do norte na obra de Charles Landseer e William Burchell (1825-1830)

Moreira, B?rbara Gondim Lambert 30 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-20T19:39:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 BarbaraGondimLambertMoreira_DISSERT.pdf: 13946584 bytes, checksum: 12abc0715c3b7578fb75a663159dd104 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-22T18:16:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 BarbaraGondimLambertMoreira_DISSERT.pdf: 13946584 bytes, checksum: 12abc0715c3b7578fb75a663159dd104 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-22T18:16:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BarbaraGondimLambertMoreira_DISSERT.pdf: 13946584 bytes, checksum: 12abc0715c3b7578fb75a663159dd104 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-30 / um importante tema para a constru??o da identidade imag?tica do Imp?rio; inserido neste corpus iconogr?fico, destaca-se a produ??o de viajantes europeus que, sob as mais distintas ins?gnias, relataram ? bico de pena, aquarelas e tintas, as mudan?as na col?nia rec?m al?ada ? condi??o de sede do Imp?rio portugu?s. Esta produ??o pict?rica auxiliou na constru??o do que se convencionou como paisagem urbana brasileira do Oitocentos, permeou pelos estudos e foi consolidada e legitimada pela historiografia ao longo da primeira metade do s?culo XX. Esta disserta??o prop?e analisar as representa??es iconogr?ficas da paisagem urbana das prov?ncias de Pernambuco, da Bahia e do Gr?o-Par? realizadas no primeiro quartel do s?culo XIX por dois viajantes ingleses: William John Burchell e Charles Landseer. Pretende-se observar nas perspectivas que se abrem a partir da leitura que os manuseios dessas imagens oferecem, o vislumbre de uma via de acesso distinta para interpretar o complexo quadro da paisagem urbana das vilas e cidades brasileiras da primeira metade do s?culo XIX. Membros da Miss?o Diplom?tica Inglesa, chefiada por Sir Charles Stuart e cujo objetivo era a negocia??o do reconhecimento por parte de Portugal do recente imp?rio brasileiro, foram designados a retratar e documentar o trajeto em solo brasileiro da comitiva. A an?lise fundamentou-se na revis?o bibliogr?fica, com enfoque na problematiza??o do material iconogr?fico produzido por Burchell e Landseer como fonte historiogr?fica sobre o assunto e na an?lise da iconografia elencada por meio de sua leitura formal e interpretativa. O material iconogr?fico revela transforma??es hist?ricas vividas pela sociedade ao qual pertence; contudo, h? mais neste discurso: obras de arte n?o s?o espelho, nos transmitem aspectos da realidade a partir de estratagemas: ora deslocando ou desfocando elementos, ora redimensionando aspectos do real. Investidas de car?ter documental desde a sua produ??o, a obra dos dois viajantes relativas ?s paisagens urbanas das prov?ncias mostrou-se permeada por esquemas figurativos, cujo emprego adiciona camadas de significa??o ainda pouco exploradas. / The representation of the Brazilian landscape of the early nineteenth century set up as an important issue for the construction of imagery identity of the empire; inserted in this iconographic corpus, there is the production of European travelers who, under the most distinctive insignia, reported to pen and ink, watercolors and inks, changes in the colony just heave the seat condition of the Portuguese Empire. This pictorial production helped in the construction of what is as Brazilian urban landscape of the nineteenth century, permeated the studies and has been consolidated and legitimized by historiography during the first half of the twentieth century. This thesis aims to analyze the iconographic representations of the urban landscape of the provinces of Pernambuco, Bahia and the G?o-Para held in the first quarter of the nineteenth century by two English travelers: William John Burchell and Charles Landseer. It is intended to observe the perspectives that open from reading the handlings of these images offer the glimpse of a different approach for interpreting the complex picture of the urban landscape of Brazilian towns and cities in the first half of the nineteenth century. Members of the Diplomatic English Mission, headed by Sir Charles Stuart, whose goal was the negotiation of the recognition by Portugal of the recent Brazilian Empire, were designed to depict and document the path on Brazilian soil of the entourage. The analysis was based on the literature review, focusing on questioning the iconographic material produced by Burchell and Landseer as a historiographical source on the subject and analysis of iconography selected through formal and interpretative reading. The iconographic material reveals historical transformations experienced by the society to which it belongs; however, there is more in this speech: works of art are not mirror, give us aspects of reality from stratagems: either shifting or blurring elements, now resizing aspects of the real. documentary character of investees from its production, the work of two travelers on urban landscapes of the provinces proved to be permeated by figurative schemes whose job adds layers of meaning still little explored.

Escombros e vest?gios: os debates sobre os arrasamentos nas reformas urbanas das cidades brasileiras (Rio de Janeiro, S?o Paulo e Recife no in?cio do s?culo XX)

Sousa, Rebeca Grilo de 26 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-20T19:39:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RebecaGriloDeSousa_DISSERT.pdf: 7570390 bytes, checksum: c92203477ee673911578e849ae6fa86e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-22T19:06:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RebecaGriloDeSousa_DISSERT.pdf: 7570390 bytes, checksum: c92203477ee673911578e849ae6fa86e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-22T19:06:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RebecaGriloDeSousa_DISSERT.pdf: 7570390 bytes, checksum: c92203477ee673911578e849ae6fa86e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-26 / Processos de moderniza??o urbana, ami?de, caminham lado a lado a eventos de destrui??o ? parcial ou total - do acervo constru?do da urbe. A partir das representa??es em disputa em torno dos eventos de demoli??o empreendidos no tecido urbano tem-se o substrato para identificar as sensibilidades que afloram nestes casos. Os melhoramentos urbanos das cidades brasileiras executados no in?cio do s?culo XX comp?em um horizonte j? perscrutado dentro da Hist?ria Cultural Urbana, no entanto, a pesquisa aqui engendrada prop?e uma nova perspectiva e abordagem, voltada aos eventos de demoli??o do acervo colonial, intentando complementar o quadro de informa??es e reflex?es sobre as representa??es oriundas destes casos com novos matizes. Deste modo, volta-se n?o apenas para colaborar para a Hist?ria Cultural Urbana das cidades brasileiras, mas para apreender processos subjacentes, como a forma??o de sensibilidades hoje consolidadas (ou em processo de consolida??o) em rela??o ? preserva??o do acervo constru?do. Objetiva-se discutir as diferentes representa??es em disputa formuladas sobre os eventos de reforma e destrui??o do acervo constru?do das cidades brasileiras no in?cio do s?culo XX, momento em que se difundiam os princ?pios de modernidade e modernismo em contrapartida ao processo de elabora??o da sensibilidade acerca do acervo constru?do das cidades e de sua preserva??o. Para tanto iluminam-se os casos de Recife, Rio de Janeiro e S?o Paulo, buscando compreender as especificidades destes processos assim como as mudan?as de sensibilidades relacionadas ao conjunto edificado das cidades existentes. Dentro do contexto de pesquisa e an?lise dos eventos de demoli??o, a metodologia se baseia em duas principais vias: a primeira consiste na investiga??o de ind?cios ? luz do Paradigma Indici?rio de Carlo Ginzburg; a segunda se volta ? apreens?o t?cnica deste material, por meio da t?cnica de an?lise textual de Ant?nio C?ndido. Os procedimentos realizados envolveram revis?o bibliogr?fica acerca dos ?eventos de reforma e destrui??o? sobre as cidades mencionadas, al?m da pesquisa documental empreendida em acervos f?sicos e digitais, onde foram compulsados documentos concernentes a estes eventos, tais como: leis, mensagens administrativas, decretos, portarias normativas, planos, projetos, fotografias, pinturas, peri?dicos e guias de viagem. Os resultados revelam que certos eventos de demoli??o tiveram seus debates silenciados enquanto outros envolveram mobiliza??es tais que transpunham os limites municipais e estaduais, apontando que a sensibilidade em torno dos elementos urbanos de fei??es coloniais crescia na medida em que seus ?ltimos remanescentes eram pass?veis esmorecer. / Urban modernization processes are often related to partial or total destruction events of the constructed urbe estate. Through the representations in dispute regarding demolition events undertaken in the urban fabric appears the substrate to identify the sensibilities that flourish in these cases. The urban improvements of Brazilian cities executed in the beginning of the 20th century compose a horizon already examined within the Urban Cultural History. However, the research here engendered proposes a new perspective and approach, towards the demolition events of the colonial collection, attempting to complement the information board and reflections about the representations born from these cases with new shades. Thus, it focus not only to contribute to the Urban Cultural History of Brazilian cities, but to learn underlying processes such as the formation of currently consolidated sensibilities (or in consolidation processes) regarding the preservation of the constructed collection. The objective of this study is to discuss the different representations in dispute about the events regarding renovation and destruction of the constructed collection of the Brazilian cities in the beginning of the 20th century, period in which principles about modernity and modernism were broadcast in contrast to the sensibility development process towards the constructed collection from cities and their preservation. To achieve that, the cases from Recife, Rio de Janeiro and S?o Paulo are highlighted in order to comprehend specificities of these processes as well as sensibility changes related to constructions from existing cities. The methodology is based on two main approaches: the investigation of evidences in the light of the Evidential Paradigm from Carlo Ginzburg and the focus on the technical apprehension of this material using the textual analysis technique from Antonio Candido. This approach involved literature review about "renovation and destruction events" in the cities studied and documentary research conducted using physical and digital collections, analyzing documents regarding these events, such as: laws, administrative messages, decrees, regulatory ordinances, plans, projects, photographs, paintings, magazines and travel guides. The results, although only partial, disclose that certain demolition events had their debates silenced while others involved mobilizations that transposed municipal and state boundaries, indicating that the sensitivity towards urban elements with colonial features grew according to the notion that the last remnants were likely to falter.

Educa??o musical para adultos: representa??es sociais no ensino de instrumentos para adultos iniciantes

Andrade, Magno Augusto Job de 20 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-04-04T00:24:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MagnoAugustoJobDeAndrade_DISSERT.pdf: 1292280 bytes, checksum: ed8572f5b5fc60bc8470092f76c3ce81 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-04-12T21:13:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MagnoAugustoJobDeAndrade_DISSERT.pdf: 1292280 bytes, checksum: ed8572f5b5fc60bc8470092f76c3ce81 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-12T21:13:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MagnoAugustoJobDeAndrade_DISSERT.pdf: 1292280 bytes, checksum: ed8572f5b5fc60bc8470092f76c3ce81 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-20 / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar/revelar e refletir sobre as representa??es sociais que mediam as rela??es entre a adultez e o ensino de instrumentos musicais de tradi??o conservatorial. O interesse ? a investiga??o da dimens?o simb?lica envolvida no processo de musicaliza??o de adultos e as t?cnicas e m?todos que fazem parte dos processos de musicaliza??o ou ensino de m?sica. Para tanto, foram entrevistados alunos e professores da Escola de M?sica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), que atuam no ?mbito dos cursos de forma??o em instrumento. Foi utilizado como referencial te?rico o conceito de representa??o social de Moscovici (2009) e Jodelet (2001), para definir o objeto de pesquisa; a teoria de Bourdieu (2008, 2010), e sua aplica??o por Pereira (2012), para dar conta das intera??es entre as representa??es estudadas e as estruturas nas quais est?o inseridas; e a teoria sociol?gica da adultez de Sousa (2012), para definir o adulto em di?logo com as representa??es em que ele est? inserido. Como metodologia, foi utilizado um levantamento bibliogr?fico referente ao tema, que nos forneceu elementos para a aplica??o de entrevistas semiestruturadas, segundo a proposta de Spink (2013) de pesquisa qualitativa e an?lise das representa??es sociais. Dentre os resultados, foram encontradas diversas evid?ncias de representa??es expressas e explicitadas em v?rios trabalhos acad?micos ao longo do levantamento bibliogr?fico, bem como evid?ncias de representa??es sociais a respeito da musicaliza??o de adultos dentre alunos e professores da Escola de M?sica da UFRN. Tais representa??es aparecem fortemente associadas ? percep??o do tempo de estudo (em anos e em horas cotidianas), e de profissionaliza??o (segundo os ideais e pr?ticas conservatoriais), que orientam a valora??o da inicia??o musical na idade mais precoce poss?vel (?melhor idade para inicia??o?), de modo, a garantir o cumprimento das demandas associadas a forma??o musical representada pelos entrevistados. Sendo assim, a inicia??o de adultos ? representada socialmente no meio pesquisado como uma inicia??o problem?tica que requer a supera??o de diversos obst?culos e que n?o se d? em conson?ncia com o modelo de aluno e de profissional almejado pelos cursos de forma??o e pelo meio profissional. / The present work aims to identify/reveal and reflect on the social representations that mediate the relationships between adulthood and the teaching of musical instruments of conservatory tradition. The interest is the investigation of the symbolic dimension involved in the process of adult musicalization and the techniques and methods that are part of the processes of musicalization or teaching of music. Therefore, students and professors from the School of Music of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) were interviewed, who work in the basic, technical, higher (baccalaureate) and postgraduate ( Master's degree). The concept of social representation of Moscovici (2009) and Jodelet (2001) was used as a theoretical reference, to define our research object; Bourdieu's theory (2008, 2010), and its application in the field of musical education by Pereira (2012), to account for the interactions between the representations studied and the structures in which they are inserted; And Sousa's sociological theory of adulthood (2012), to define the adult in dialogue with the representations in which he is inserted and with the social context that surrounds him. As a methodology, a bibliographic survey was used, which provided us with elements for the application of semi-structured interviews, according to Spink's (2013). Among the results, we found several evidences of explicit and explicit representations in several academic works along the bibliographical survey, as well as evidences of social representations regarding the musicalization of adults among students and professors of the School of Music of UFRN. These representations are strongly associated with the perception of study time (in years and in daily hours), and professionalization (according to conservatory ideals and practices), which guide the valuation of musical initiation at the earliest possible age ("better age for initiation "), so as to guarantee the fulfillment of the demands associated with the musical formation represented by the interviewees. Therefore, adult initiation is represented socially in the researched environment as a problematic initiation that requires the overcoming of several obstacles and that is not in accordance with the model of student and professional sought by the training courses and the professional environment.

Processos educacionais no c?rcere: um estudo sobre as representa??es sociais de jovens e adultos nas pris?es / Educational processes in prison: a study on the social representations of young people and adults in prisons

Freire, Francisca Daise Galv?o 26 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-08-01T13:31:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscaDaiseGalvaoFreire_DISSERT.pdf: 2081814 bytes, checksum: 5c266b9d014c7fca78d81a5582d6123a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-08-07T11:55:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscaDaiseGalvaoFreire_DISSERT.pdf: 2081814 bytes, checksum: 5c266b9d014c7fca78d81a5582d6123a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-07T11:55:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscaDaiseGalvaoFreire_DISSERT.pdf: 2081814 bytes, checksum: 5c266b9d014c7fca78d81a5582d6123a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-26 / Esta pesquisa teve como objeto de estudo as representa??es sociais sobre a educa??o constru?da por jovens e adultos em situa??o de priva??o de liberdade. Buscamos, assim, conhecer como essas popula??es representam esse objeto simb?lico e se relacionam com o mesmo. Buscamos, ainda, a partir da?, identificar elementos que facilitam ou obstaculizam o desenvolvimento de pr?ticas educacionais da EJA nas pris?es. Para tanto, utilizamos como fundamenta??o b?sica a teoria das Representa??es Sociais (MOSCOVICI, 1978; JODELET, 2001). Quanto aos aspectos metodol?gicos, o campo de observa??o restringiu-se ? Penitenci?ria Estadual de Alca?uz, Dr. Francisco Nogueira Fernandes e a principal fonte de coleta de dados foi a entrevista semiestrutura, utilizada com o apoio da t?cnica de associa??o livre de palavras e express?es, bastante empregada na pesquisa das representa??es sociais, seguida de um roteiro de quest?es diretivas. Dadas as condi??es de realiza??o da pesquisa de campo, que coincidiu com um momento de rebeli?es nos pres?dios, foram entrevistados apenas dez sujeitos, dentre os que tiveram experi?ncia com processos educacionais dentro da pris?o, n?mero que, no entanto, mostrou-se bastante adequado para os objetivos da pesquisa. A an?lise das entrevistas realizou-se com o apoio do m?todo de an?lise de conte?do, tomando-se como unidade de an?lise o tema e a constru??o de categoriais (BARDIN, 1977; FRANCO, 2005; OLIVEIRA, 1995). Os resultados revelaram a constru??o e compartilhamento, pelos sujeitos, de uma representa??o social predominante sobre a educa??o e a sua fun??o de guia para a a??o, indicando diferentes atitudes e prescri??es de comportamentos. Na polifasia dos conte?dos representacionais destaca-se a reprodu??o do sentido hegem?nico de educa??o e a prescri??o absoluta quanto ao seu papel redentor. Outros achados relativos ?s trajet?rias escolares, ?s particularidades dos processos educativos na pris?o e ? rela??o professor/aluno nesse contexto contribuem para enfatizar as particularidades dessa modalidade de educa??o e, ao mesmo tempo, refor?ar os achados difundidos pela literatura espec?fica sobre as diferentes formas de viol?ncia a que est?o submetidos os detentos e a aus?ncia ou fragilidade da interven??o estatal e da pr?pria sociedade tendo em vista assegurar a afirma??o de um direito t?o elementar como o acesso ? educa??o formal. / This research had as object of study the social representations on education built by young people and adults in situations of deprivation of liberty. We seek, therefore, to know how these populations represent this symbolic object and relate to the same. We seek also from there, identify factors that facilitate or hinder the development of educational practices of adult education in prisons. Therefore, we use as a foundation the theory of Social Representations (MOSCOVICI, 1978; JODELET, 2001). As for the methodological aspects, the field of observation restricted to the State Penitentiary Licorice, Dr. Francisco Nogueira Fernandes and the main source of data collection was the semi structure interview, used to support the technique of free association of words and expressions, rather used in the research of social representations, followed by a roadmap of policy issues. Given the conditions of realization of field research, which coincided with a time of riots in prisons, were only ten subjects interviewed, among those who have had experience with educational processes within the prison number, however, it proved to be very suitable for the research objectives. Analysis of the interviews was conducted with the support of the content analysis method, taking as unit of analysis the subject and the construction of categorical (BARDIN, 1977; FRANCO, 2005; OLIVEIRA, 1995). The results revealed the construction and sharing, the subject of a predominant social representation of education and their guide function for action, indicating different attitudes and behavior prescriptions. In polyphasia of representational content there is the reproduction of the hegemonic sense of education and the absolute limitation period for his redemptive role. Other findings related to school history, the peculiarities of educational processes in prison and the teacher / student relationship in this context contribute to emphasize the particularities of this type of education and, at the same time, strengthen the findings disseminated by the literature about the different forms of violence they are subjected to the detainees and the absence or weakness of state intervention and of society itself to ensure the assertion of such a basic right as access to formal education.

Representa??o social e doc?ncia: um estudo sobre a forma??o de licenciandos da UFRN (Campus Central) a partir do programa institucional de bolsa de inicia??o a doc?ncia (PIBID)

Morais, Eriv?nia Melo de 22 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-09-04T21:23:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ErivaniaMeloDeMorais_DISSERT.pdf: 2687840 bytes, checksum: 5b844f476c8ea4ee709134b7e3a9e75b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-09-11T23:05:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ErivaniaMeloDeMorais_DISSERT.pdf: 2687840 bytes, checksum: 5b844f476c8ea4ee709134b7e3a9e75b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-11T23:05:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ErivaniaMeloDeMorais_DISSERT.pdf: 2687840 bytes, checksum: 5b844f476c8ea4ee709134b7e3a9e75b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / Os estudos em forma??o docente t?m encontrado na teoria das representa??es sociais um olhar que permite amplas reflex?es acerca das diversas dimens?es que norteiam a Educa??o em suas especificidades. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa buscou verificar a representa??o social dos licenciandos participantes do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Inicia??o a Doc?ncia - PIBID/UFRN acerca da doc?ncia. Para tanto, pautamos nosso olhar sob dois pilares: o primeiro, ? luz das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a forma??o inicial em n?vel superior e para a forma??o continuada de 2015, que considera a doc?ncia como a??o educativa; e, o segundo, sob o prisma da doc?ncia como a??o social. Nesse sentido, apontamos as representa??es sociais dos licenciandos participantes do PIBID, destacando os elementos centrais, intermedi?rios e perif?ricos; e verificamos a interfer?ncia do programa na forma??o desses estudantes, refletindo sobre os impactos dessa forma??o para a profiss?o docente. Para realizarmos a pesquisa apresentada, utilizamos por lastro tr?s pressupostos te?ricos: forma??o docente, pol?ticas p?blicas para a educa??o e representa??es sociais. Tais pressupostos est?o ancorados nos estudos de N?voa (1995, 1999, 2009), Perrenoud (1997, 2000, 2002), Freire (1996), Ramalho; Nu?ez e Gauthier (2004), Tardif (2005), Tardif e Lessard (2013); Moscovici (1978), Jodelet (2001), Jovchelovitch (1994), S? (1998), Minayo (1994), Abric (1998), entre outros, que nos permitiram uma pertinente reflex?o. Para an?lise documental nos fundamentamos na legisla??o contemplada pela LDB/1996, PNE (2014/2024), Decreto e Portaria de regula??o do PIBID e o Projeto institucional - PIBID/UFRN. Na dimens?o emp?rica, utilizamos, para a coleta de dados, a T?cnica de Associa??o Livre de Palavras - TALP, o question?rio socioecon?mico e a entrevista semiestruturada. No tocante a an?lise e interpreta??o dos dados, adotamos para tratamento quantitativo os softwares EVOC e Excel e para tratamento qualitativo, a An?lise de Conte?do (BARDIN, 2010). Os resultados evidenciaram os sentidos atribu?dos ? doc?ncia, entendida, pelos sujeitos da pesquisa, como um elemento complexo perpassado por cinco campos sem?nticos: a doc?ncia como voca??o, como forma??o, como profiss?o, como meta e como saber/fazer. Esses campos sem?nticos indicam um sentido multifacetado da doc?ncia e evidenciam uma representa??o social em processo cont?nuo de constru??o, guiados pelas transforma??es sociais que est?o em constante movimento. / Les ?tudes en formation de l?enseignant ont rencontrer dans la th?orie des repr?sentations sociales un regard qui permet une large r?flexion en ce qui concerne les diferentes dimentions qui guident l??ducation en ses particularit?s. En ce sense, cette recherche a essay? verifier la repr?sentation sociale des ?tudiants participants du Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Inicia??o a Doc?ncia ? PIBID/UFRN ? propos de l?enseignement. Pour ce faire, nous orientons notre regard sur deux piliers: Le premier, ? la lumi?re des Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais pour la formation iniciale en niveux superieur e pour la formation continu?e de 2015, qui consid?re l?enseignement comme action educatif; et, le deuxi?me, sur le prisme de l?enseignement comme action sociale. En ce sens, nous avons montr? les representations sociales des ?tudiants participants du PIBID, en soulignant les ?lements centraux, interm?diaires et p?riph?riques; et nous avons constat? l?interf?rence du programme en la formation de ces ?tudiants, refl?tant sur les impacts de cette formation pour la profession d?enseignant. Pour r?alizer la pr?sente recherche, nous avons employ?, comme fondement, trois principes th?oriques: formation de l?enseignant, politiques publics pour l??ducation et repr?sentations sociales. Telles fondements sont ancr?s aux ?tudes de N?voa (1995, 1999, 2009), Perrenoud (1997, 2000, 2002), Freire (1996), Ramalho; Nu?ez e Gauthier (2004), Tardif (2005), Tardif e Lessard (2013); Moscovici (1978), Jodelet (2001), Jovchelovitch (1994), S? (1998), Minayo (1994), Abric (1998), entre autres, qui nous ont permit une r?flexion pertinente. Pour l?analyse documentaire nous avons bas? dans la l?gislation envisag?e pour la LDB/1996, PNE (2014/2024), le d?cret et l?ordonnance de r?glementation du PIBID et le project institutionnel - PIBID/UFRN. Dans la dimention empirique, nous avons utiliser, pour la collecte des donn?es, la T?cnica de Associa??o Livre de Palavras ? TALP, le questionnaire socio-?conomique et l?interview demi-structur?e. Dans le propos de l?analyse et interpr?tation de donn?es, nous avons adopt?, pour traitement quantitatif, les logici?les EVOC et Excel; et, pour le traitement qualitatif, l?An?lise de Conte?do (BARDIN, 2010). Les r?sultats ont mis en ?vidence les sens attribu?s a l?enseignement, entendu pour les sujets de la recherche, comme un ?l?ment complexe pass? par cinque champs s?mantiques: l?enseignement comme vocation, comme formation, comme profession, comme but, et savoire/faire. Ces champs s?mantiques indiquent un sens ? multiples facettes de l?enseignement et mis en ?vidence une repr?sentation sociale en continue constuction, conduits pour les transformations sociales qui sont en constant mouvement.

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