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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traveltime residuals at regional and teleseismic distances for SE-Asia

Lipke, Katrin, Zitzmann, Max, Amberger, Manuel, Ehlert, Carsten, Rößler, Dirk, Krüger, Frank, Ohrnberger, Matthias January 2007 (has links)
Traveltime residuals for worldwide seismic stations are calculated. We use P and S waves from earthquakes in SE-Asia at teleseismic and regional distances. The obtained station residuals help to enhance earthquake localisation. Furthermore we calculated regional source dependent station residuals. They show a systematic dependence of the locality of the source. These source dependent residuals reflect heterogenities along the path and can be used for a refinement of earthquake localisation. / Laufzeitresiduen für weltweite seismische Stationen werden berechnet. Wir nutzen P - und S-Wellen von Erdbeben in Südostasien in teleseismischen und regionalen Distanzen. Die so erhaltenen Stationsresiduen helfen, die Lokaliesierung von Erdbeben zu verbessern. Außerdem berechnen wir regional quellabhängige Stationsresiduen. Diese zeigen eine systematische Abhänbgigkeit vom Ort der Quelle. Sie spiegeln Heterogenitäten entlang des Strahlweges wieder und können für eine Verfeinerung der Ersbebenlokaliesierung genutzt werden.

Three dimensional heterogeneous finite element method for static multi‐group neutron diffusion

Aydogdu, Elif Can 01 August 2010 (has links)
Because current full‐core neutronic‐calculations use two‐group neutron diffusion and rely on homogenizing fuel assemblies, reconstructing pin powers from such a calculation is an elaborate and not very accurate process; one which becomes more difficult with increased core heterogeneity. A three‐dimensional Heterogeneous Finite Element Method (HFEM) is developed to address the limitations of current methods by offering fine‐group energy representation and fuel‐pin‐level spatial detail at modest computational cost. The calculational cost of the method is roughly equal to the calculational cost of the Finite Differences Method (FDM) using one mesh box per fuel assembly and a comparable number of energy groups. Pin‐level fluxes are directly obtained from the method’s results without the need for reconstruction schemes. / UOIT

Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Coal Combustion Residuals: Implications for Potential Environmental Impacts

Ruhl, Laura January 2012 (has links)
<p>Coal fired power plants are ubiquitous in the United States and most developed countries around the world, providing affordable electricity to consumers. In the US, approximately six hundred power plants generate 136 million tons of Coal Combustion Residuals (CCRs) annually, encompassing fly ash, bottom ash, and flue gas desulfurization materials. The range and blends of CCRs varies substantially across coal-fired plants and depends on a unique set of circumstances for each plant and coal source. Current U.S. regulations mandate the installation of advanced capture technologies to reduce atmospheric pollution, but do not address the transfer and storage, or the potential impacts to water resources. Thus improved air quality is traded for significant enrichments of contaminants in the solid waste and effluent discharged from power plants. </p><p>This work examines the geochemical and isotopic characteristics of CCRs, as well as potential environmental impacts from CCRs. This investigation looks at several different aspects of CCR and environmental interactions from 1) the immediate impacts of the 2008 TVA coal ash spill in Kingston, TN, 2) the long-term (18-month) exposure of the spilled ash in the Emory and Clinch rivers, 3) impacts on waterways in North Carolina that receive CCR effluent from coal fired power plants, and 4) examination of boron and strontium isotopes of CCRs from leaching experiments and their application as tracers in the environment of the TVA spill and NC waterways. These investigations have illuminated several conclusions, including contact of surface water with CCRs leach high concentrations of leachable CCR contaminants, such as As, Se, B, Sr, Mo, and V in the surface waters; the dilution effect is critical in determining the concentration of contaminants from the CCRs in surface water (both at the spill and in waterways receiving CCR effluent); recycling of trace elements (such as As) through adsorption/desorption can impact water quality; and elevated boron and strontium concentrations, in addition to their isotopes, can trace CCR effluent in the environment. Combining the geochemical behavior and isotopic characteristics provides a novel tool for the identification CCR effluents in the environment.</p> / Dissertation

Estudi dels protozous ciliats en plantes de tractament biològic de les aigües residuals

Salvadó i Cabré, Humbert 25 October 1990 (has links)
La present memòria té com a principals objectius investigar sobre la relació dels diferents protozous ciliats vers els paràmetres d'enginyeria que s'utilitzen per al cootrol dels reactors biològics de fangs actius de les estacions depuradores d'aigües residuals, així com poder utilitzar els resultats obtinguts per al millorament del funcionament i control de les plantes depuradores d'aigües residuals. Per altra banda i per a comprendre els factors limitants dels reactors biològics s'estudien diversos tòxics, concretament s'efectua l'estudi en bioassatjos i s'han escollit dos metalls pesants (el Zinc i el Plom) i el Fenol. Posteriorment s'efectua l'estudi del Zinc en Planta Pilot. Alhora s'analitza també un control de les concentracions de metall en una planta pilot experimental i en una planta urbana. L'estudi es basa en els resultats de les anàlisis biològiques, físiques i químiques obtingudes en una planta pilot i en tres plantes depuradores urbanes durant un any.L'estudi dels microorganismes i específicament dels ciliats ens aporta informació en dos camps el de la sistemàtica, i ecologia de les espècies del sistema que constitueix els fangs actius i en el funcionament biològic de les plantes de fangs actius. L'estudi de les metodologies emprades en aquest camp ens ha portat a aprofundir-les per treure'n més informació. Hem elaborat noves metodologies i hem efectuat modificacions a d'altres ja existents. Destaquem els principals resultats i cooclusions obtinguts;1) Es determinen faunísticameot 33 espècies de ciliats. El nombre d'espècies fixades al substrat és superior a les altres formes i cal destacar l'Ordre Peritrichida. En nombre d'individus els ordres Peritrichida i Hypotrichida són els més abundants i en algun cas l'abundàocia de l'ordre Scuticociliatid correspon a elevats creixements de Uronema marinum.2) Es desenvolupa una equació matemàtica per tal de poder quantificar fàcilment els difernts tipus d'organismes filamentosos en viu i en fresc. Després de la realització de nombroses observacions s'ha arribat a la conclusió que existeix una relació molt estreta entre la longitud d'un segment i el nombre d'interseccions que s'obté creuant aquest segment amb una mostra de línies a l'atzar i independentment de la forma d'aquestes línies o filaments. S'obté que el nombre d'interseccions obtingudes és directament proporcional a la longitud total dels filaments d'una mostra.3) Es desenvolupa un nou model d'enginyeria per tal de valorar l'edat dels fangs. L'estudi del citat model amb dades reals demostra la seva utilitat obtenint interessants resultats sobre la dinàmica de poblacions mentre augmenta l'edat dels fangs. S'obté que per sobre de 12 dies d'edat de fangs no hi ha augment de la concentració de ciliats.En l'estudi de la relació entre els paràmetres físico-químics i les concentracions de protozous ciliats, el paràmetre que dóna un coeficient de correlació més elevat a nivell multivariant (múltiples espècies) i univariant (una sola espècie) és l'edat de fangs obtinguda a partir del model proposat.4) S'estudia la variació de la velocitat de divisió cel.lular, el resultat del qual enfront a la concentració d'individus ens dóna un nou valor de judici, tant o més important per valorar la relació de les espècies amb un detenninat paràmetre i per poder trobar el rang òptim de desenvolupament de cada espècie. Es determina per a cada espècie estudiada la variació de la velocitat de divisió segons els següents paràmetres físico-químics: Oxigen dissolt, edat de fangs (a partir del model proposat), càrrega màssica i DBO, de decantador primari i secundari.5) L'estudi de l'afinitat de les espècies de ciliats ens permet concloure que la interdependència que existeix respecte entre les espècies es efímera i canvia d'una estació a un altre. Per tant, les associacions trobades varien principalment segons els valors dels paràmetres físico-químics.6) S'observa que existeix una relació inversament proporcional entre la diversitat específica dels ciliats i la càrrega màssica. Essent així els ciliats indicadors no tan sols de la qualitat de l'aigua tractada sinó de la qualitat de l'aigua que entra en el procés.7) En l'estudi de la toxicitat del Zn s'observa que la seva disponibilitat pot variar al llarg del tractament. En l'efluent es produeix una redissolució del Zn, atribuïble molt probablement a la disminució de la matèria orgànica. La seva toxicitat indueix l'encistament d' Opercularia minima. Respecte el Pb s'observa que en les aigües residuas utilitzades precipita tot, i a 550 mg/l. màxima concentració testejada no es produeixen efectes tòxics.8) La concentració d'oxígen dissolt és un dels principals factors que limiten la velocitat de creixement cel.lular dels ciliats, essent el gènere Vorticella el que necessita una concentració més elevada d'oxigen dissolt per sobre de 3 ppm per assolir una velocitat de divisió més elevada.9) L'augment de la concentració de ciliats significa una reducció de la DBO, de l'efluent, si bé per disminuir-la per sota dels 15 ppm, ha d'augmentar molt el quocient (concentració de ciliats/càrrega màssica) respecte la DB05 de l'efluent, la corba que s'obté té una forma semblant a una exponencial inversa.10) Es proposen unes taules estadístiques per relacionar els diferents organismes i els paràmetres d'enginyeria. La utilització de les quals optimitza el diagnòstic. Aquestes taules estadístiques es basen amb les dades obtingudes i s'obté per a cada concentració d'individus d'una espècie determinada un valor mitjà de cada paràmetre físico-químic estudiat. Per a cada valor mitjà també s'obté la seva variança, de forma que alhora de pronosticar un paràmetre físico-químic s'efectua la mitjana ponderada respecte la variança. / This thesis aims to study the relationship between protozoan ciliates and the engineeringparameters that are used in activated sludge wastewater treatment plants. The results may be used to improve the functioning and control of such plants. Furthermore, in order to understand the limiting factors in biological reactors, various toxics are studied: zinc, lead and phenol. The study is based on the results of biological, chemical and physical analyses obtained in a pilot plant and in three urban sewage treatment plants over one year. Methodological studies in this field have not only provided more information but have also helped in the modification and development of existing methods.1) A mathematical equation bas been developed which will easily aid the counting the different kinds of filamentous organisms "in vivo".2) A new engineering model bas been developed which will determine the MCRT. The study of this model with real data demonstrated its utility, since interesting results were obtained on the of population dynamics as the MCRT varies.3) We study variation in the cell growth rate, whose results constitute new values for characterization of the process.4) We determine the existence of an inverse proportional relationship between ciliate specific diversity and organic loading rate.5) It was observed that availability of zinc could vary during the treatment. Its toxicity induced encystement of "Opercularia minima". In sewage water lead salts were rapidly precipitated, and when the maximum concentration tested reached 500 mg/l no toxic effects were observed.

Degradation and biodegradability enhancement of nitrobenzene and 2,4-dichlorophenol by means of Advanced Oxidation Processes based on ozone.

Contreras Iglesias, Sandra 24 January 2003 (has links)
La presente tesis se inscribe en el marco de la combinación de los procesos de oxidación avanzada y biológicos para el tratamiento de un agua residual, en este caso, aguas residuales sintéticas conteniendo nitrobenceno (NB) y 2,4-diclorofenol (DCP). Un estudio del comportamiento de estas sustancias en cuanto a una posible degradación microbiana aerobia mostró que ambos presentaban baja biodegradabilidad y eran inhibidores de la biodegradación de otras fuentes de carbono, lo que hacía necesario buscar alternativas a los procesos biológicos convencionales.En una primera parte se estudió la degradación de estos compuestos mediante procesos de oxidación avanzada (POAs) basados en el uso de ozono (ozonación simple, Osub3/Hsub2Osub2, Osub3/UV, Osub3/UV/Hsub2Osub2 y Osub3/UV/Fe) en una planta piloto de 21L, operando en batch. En la ozonación simple se estudió el efecto de la producción de ozono, del pH, de la concentración inicial de los compuestos y de la presencia de secuestrantes de radicales. Además, se estimaron los coeficientes estequiométricos de la reacción de ozono con NB y DCP y las constantes de pseudo-primer orden. En las combinaciones se estudió, por ej., el efecto de la cantidad de peróxido o Fe añadido o el uso de lámparas de luz negra (300-420 nm) vs. 254 nm. Algunos de los principales intermedios generados en el tratamiento de NB y DCP fueron identificados. El inconveniente que presentan estos POAs es el uso de reactivos caros, por lo que una posible alternativa más económica sería la combinación de estos procesos con tratamientos biológicos. En una segunda parte del trabajo, pues, se estudió el efecto de estos procesos en la biodegradabilidad de las soluciones de estos compuestos. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron mediante la ozonación simple. Se estudió la biodegradación de una solución preozonada de DCP, mostrando que fangos activos de una depuradora municipal podían ser adecuados para el tratamiento de las soluciones preozonadas y que era posible la codigestión de las mismas con un agua residual municipal. Se desarrolló también un posible modelo matemático para el tratamiento de un agua residual mediante el acople de un proceso de ozonación y uno biológico, centrado sobre todo en el posible efecto de la presencia de ozono residual en el bioreactor.

Combination of photo-oxidation processes with biological treatment

Al-Momani, Fares 13 June 2003 (has links)
Comprising over 70% of the Earth's surface, water is undoubtedly the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without the seemingly invaluable compound comprised of hydrogen and oxygen, life on Earth would be non-existent: it is essential for everything on our planet to grow and prosper. Although we as humans recognizethis fact, we disregard it by polluting our rivers, lakes, and oceans. Subsequently, we areslowly but surely harming our planet to the point where organisms are dying at a very alarming rate. In addition to innocent organisms dying off, our drinking water has become greatly affected as is our ability to use water for recreational purposes. In order to combat water pollution, we must understand the problems and become part of the solution.When is compared with other options of processing, biological treatment of residualwater is considered a cheap and attractive alternative to eliminate various types ofcontaminants. The effíciency of the biological process depends on many factors such asthe concentration of the contaminants, the chemical structure of the composed, the pHand the presence of inhibitory compounds in wastewater. Although some organic contaminants can be degraded through biological process, many other composed synthetic and natural are not biodegradable.On the hand, several chemical processes as advanced oxidation processes (AOP's) canbe use for mineralization of many organic contaminants. The doubt that presents theseprocesses is the use of expensive reagents. A potential viable solution proposed during last two decays is the combination of these processes with biological processing. In these combined processes, the chemical process would be utilized like pre-treatment step to enhance the biodegradability and elimínate the toxicity of the effluents, while the total mineralization would be completed in the biological process. For it, it is interesting to monitor the changes in the biodegradability of the effluents along thechemical process, this may be use to determine the optimum pre-treatment time. In the literature various indicators have been proposed to follow the biodegradability, where the ratios BOD5/COD and BOD5/TOC are the most utilized (BOD: Biological oxygen demand); COD: Chemical oxygen demand; TOC: total organic carbón). In general, are municipal wastewater was taken as reference values. Thus, it is considered that an effluent is biodegradable when the relation BOD5/COD is over 0.4 or BOD5/TOC over 1.0 (Metcalf & Eddy, 1985).The AOP's are defined like those processes that imply the generation of radicals highlyreagents (especially radical hidroxilo) in suffícient quantities. Although most organicmatter can be degraded by these processes, other compounds as the acetic acids,maleico and oxálico, acetona or cloroformo are not attacked by these radicals (Bigda,1995). The advantage of AOP's comes from the fact that radicals can be formed through different processes.In this study, AOP's based on photo-oxidation well be used for treatment of water contained Phenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol. In the first chapter of this work a general literature review the reactions are presented in which a series of methods for the treating refractory were proposed, among them is found the adsorption in active carbon, humid oxidation, supercritical oxidation, electrochemical oxidation, chemical oxidation in its two parts classics and advanced oxidation. For all, a small bibliographical search as well previous publication in elimination of phenol (POH) and 2,4-dichlorophenol(DCP) are presented. Moreover, it was presented a basic explanation of the characteristics of the biological processing and its operational types. At the end of this chapter, it has been introduced a figure (Figure 3.4) that shows a possible strategy to treat any type of wastewater depending on the organic load and the biodegradability.With respect to the results, the thesis present a framework of the combination of AOP's and biological treatment. In this case, synthetic residual water containing phenol (POH) and 2,4-diclorophenol (DCP) and textile dyes.These compound associates as contaminants in different types of water. They appear in different types of industrial effluents and included among the 130 priority contaminants gives by US EPA and theEuropean Union.A study of the behaviour of these substances for a possible biological degradation showed that all presented low biodegradability, and some as the DCP and textile dyes were inhibited for biomass. Thus, it was necessary to seek alternatives treatment processes.In a first part of this work, the degradation of these composed was studied by means ofadvanced oxidation processes (AOP's), based on the use of the process of photooxidation, in this case, direct irradiation with light UV or UVA, and combination thesesources of light with; UV(A)/H202, UV(A)/Fe(III),UV(A)/Fe(II)/H202 and the processFenton. These experiments were performed in four different, two of them are type tubular and the other two are type stirred tank. The followed variables along the process were the concentration of the contaminants, pH, initial concentration of the H202, Conc. Initial of Fe(II), time of irradiation and total organic carbon (TOC).The effect of irradiation time in the degradation of both the POH and DCP was studied. Also, kinetic of the reactions were followed. Results show that direct UV photolysis is not efficient for DCP and POH elimination. First order reaction constant of aprox.0.0056 min-1 and 0.0066 min-1 was obtained for POH and DCP, respect.)Also the combinations of this process with other hydroxyl radical sours were studied,for e. j., the effect of the quantity of peroxide or Fa(II), or the black light irradiationwith UV at (300-420 nm) vs. 254 nm. By means of the combination H202/UV/Fe removals percentages of 100 DCP and POH were achieved. During these reactions, by-products were identified, for POH it was identified caticlos, quinone and hidroquinoin. In the case of DCP, only it was possible to identify the clorobenzoquinona and some carboxylic acids.As it was mentiond above, the hostility that AOP's presents is use of expensive reagents, and a possible alternative is the combination with biological process. In this study also, some strategies for these types of combination have been established, that was possible by means of a study of the improvement in the biodegradability of the treated solutions. In a second part of the work, therefore, the effect of these processeswas studied in the biodegradability enhancement of the solutions. The better resultswere obtained by means of the process photo-Fenton, the ratios BOD5/COD increasedfrom O up to 0.92 and 0.48 for solutions of 100 ppm of POH and DCP respectively.After time of irradiation of 30 min and initial concentrations of H2 02 of 65 ppm and 300 ppm, respectively. Later the improvement of the biodegradability of the treated solutions, was studied the biodegradation of some solutions pre-tried of POH and DCP.Respect the DCP treated, the results have shown that activated sludge of a municipal wastewater plant could be adequate for the treatment of the pre-oxidize solutions and that was possible through co-digestion of the same with a residual water. By means of the combination photo Fenton -biological treatment. It was achieved up to a 89 of organic matter elimination. Continuing this line of investigation, it was developed alsoa complete combined processes consist of DCP pre-treated via Photo oxidation and aerobic and anaerobio biological reactors type SBR (sequencing batch reactor). By means of this process, elimination of organic matter up to 93 of TOC was obtained in a signifícant cycle time. The same strategy was applied to phenol, in this part a comparison has been established between single and coupled processes, the results havebeen shown that good improvement in organic matter take place in the combined processes.Finally, the use of the photo oxidation processes was examined to eliminate the colour and improvement the biodegradability of dyes solutions. The results have shown that these processes can be use efficiently for colour elimination and biodegradability improvement of dyes solutions.

Fenton and UV-vis based advanced oxidation processes in wastewater treatment: Degradation, mineralization and biodegradability enhancement

Rodríguez, Miguel 30 May 2003 (has links)
Up until relatively recently, the discharging of waste in the environment was the way of eliminating them, until the auto-purifying capacity of the environment was not sufficient. The permitted levels have been vastly exceeded, causing such environmental contamination that our natural resources cannot be used for certain uses and their characteristics have been altered. The main problem stems from waste coming from industry and agriculture, despite the fact that the population also plays an important role in environmental contamination. Phenols, pesticides, fertilizers, detergents, and other chemical products are disposed of directly into the environment, without being treated, via controlled or uncontrolled discharging and without a treatment strategy.In this general context, it is very clear that the strategy to continue in the search of solutions to this problem that every day presents a sensitive growth, mainly in the developing countries, will be guided to two fundamental aspects:- The development of appropriate methods for contaminated drinking, ground, and surfaces waters, and mainly- The development of appropriate methods for wastewaters containing toxic or non-biodegradable compounds.This thesis is focused in the second of these aspects. In this sense, it has been deepened in the treatment of organic compounds in aqueous solution by means of advanced oxidation processes (AOP), in the search of their elimination or transformation into more biodegradable compounds.The experimental work has been divided into four chapters. First part (chapter 3) is focused on the kinetic study of Fenton process for what two model compounds have been chosen: phenol, as reference (model compound widely studied) and an aromatic non-biodegradable compound, nitrobenzene.The second part (chapter 4) addresses to the optimisation of some treatment processes, such as photo-Fenton, H2O2/UV and Fe3+/UV-vis using different sources of artificial light and sunlight. The experimental work of this chapter was divided into two parts. In the first one, experiments were performed at laboratory scale at the University of Barcelona. In the second one, experiments in pilot plants were carried out at the EPFL (Ecole Politechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland) and at the Plataforma Solar de Almería, Spain. The experimental results showed that the photo-Fenton process was the most effective method in the mineralization of the treated solutions. It is very important to stand out that it was more effective when solar light was used as radiation source.Chapters 5 and 6 represent an application of the treatment methods used in chapter 4, in which their influence on the biodegradability of an organic chloride compound (DCDE) and of waters coming from a textile industry was studied. For this final part of the thesis, the experimental work was carried out at the University of San Diego (San Diego, USA) and at the EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland), respectively. In the case of water solutions of DCDE, H2O2/UV process was used as pre-treatment method to obtain oxidized solutions of 25, 50, 75 and 100% DCDE degrdation. After applying different biodegradability tests, it was observed that, as the percentage of oxidation increased, it increased the biodegradability of the treated solution, thus demostrating the effectiveness of the pre-treatment. In the case of treated textile wastewaters, a strategy was put in practice to obtain a general vision when it facing the case industrial wastewaters. When applied to the textile water under study, it was found that the photo-Fenton process should be used as post-treatment step of a biological process.

Operation and Model Description of Advanced Biological Nitrogen Removal Treatments of Highly Ammonium Loaded Wastewaters

Dosta Parras, Joan 23 October 2007 (has links)
The conventional Biological Nitrogen Removal (BNR) process consists on the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate (nitrification) and the subsequent reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas (denitrification) using biodegradable COD as electron donor. If this BNR process is carried out over nitrite, it is obtained a saving of 25% of the aeration costs, the 40% of the external COD to denitrify and the 30% of sludge produced. Another feasible treatment is the combination of partial nitrification (oxidation of the 50% of NH4+-N to NO2--N) with Anammox (denitrification of NO2--N to N2 using NH4+-N as electron donor). When compared with conventional BNR, this process avoids the requirement of COD to denitrify, leads to a saving of 65% of the oxygen supply and produces little sludge.In this thesis, several BNR processes have been tested to remove the nitrogen present in three wastewaters widely generated in Catalonia: supernatant from Anaerobic Digestion (AD) of municipal sewage sludge, supernatant from AD of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste and supernatant from AD of pig slurry.For these three wastewaters, the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) technology was tested, operating with 3 cycles per day, SRT 11-12 days, temperature 30-32 ºC and using an external carbon source to denitrify. The working free ammonia concentrations and the reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations led to the inhibition of the nitrite oxidation to nitrate. Moreover, the integration of a coagulation/flocculation step inside the operating SBR cycle was studied to reduce the effluent COD. The operating nitrogen loading rates were around 0.85 kg N m-3 day-1.The SBR operation was also modelled by means of an Activated Sludge Model extended to describe the BNR over nitrite. This model includes pH calculation, the inhibition of nitrification by pH, NH3 and HNO2, oxygen supply and the stripping of CO2 and NH3. A methodology based on respirometric batch tests was proposed to assess the model parameters. Once calibrated, the proposed model showed very good agreement between experimental and simulated data of the three studied SBR treatments. The SHARON-Denitrification process was also studied in this work. This biological process takes place in a continuous reactor where aerobic/anoxic periods are alternated under specific HRT and temperature conditions that favours ammonium oxidizers growth and assures the total wash-out of nitrite oxidizers. An optimized performance of this process was obtained at HRT 2.1 days, 33 ºC, cycle length of 2 h and using methanol to denitrify. However, the use of supernatant of hydrolysed primary sludge as the organic carbon source to denitrify improved the process efficiency due to the alkalinity present in the primary sludge. The obtained operating nitrogen loading rate of this reactor was 0.38 kg N m-3 day-1.Furthermore, two biological nitrogen removal treatments for partial nitrification of sludge reject water were operated and modelled: the SHARON process and the partial nitrification in a SBR. Both processes showed a good performance in the generation of an effluent with a NH4+-N to NO2--N on molar basis of approximately 1. In the SBR, the key factor responsible of the inhibition of nitrite oxidizers was the working free ammonia concentration. For the SHARON process the key factor was the implemented SRT at the operating temperature. Finally, an Anammox SBR was operated to treat a highly ammonium loaded synthetic wastewater, that represented the effluent obtained in the partial nitrification units. The feasibility of the Anammox process at different temperature conditions (between 18 and 30ºC) was tested. At 18 ºC, a stable operation was achieved treating 0.30 kg N (L day)-1, with a stoichiometry slightly different from that obtained under 30 ºC. / EN CASTELLANO: La legislación es cada vez más estricta para la reducción del contenido de nutrientes (entre los que destaca el nitrógeno) en el efluente de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, lo cual estimula la investigación para mejorar este aspecto en las plantas ya existentes. La tendencia actual es aplicar tratamientos de eliminación de nutrientes sobre aquellas corrientes ricas en contaminante.En esta tesis doctoral se ha trabajado con distintas aguas residuales con alto contenido en nitrógeno amoniacal al proceder de un tratamiento de digestión anaeróbica de residuos orgánicos altamente proteicos: sobrenadante de digestión anaeróbica de fangos de Estaciones Depuradoras de Aguas Residuales (EDAR) municipales, sobrenadante de digestión anaeróbica de la Fracción Orgánica de Residuos Municipales (FORM) y sobrenadante de digestión anaeróbica de purines de cerdo. Entre las posibles alternativas de tratamiento de dichas aguas residuales, el tratamiento biológico acostumbra a ser el más recomendable, en base a la eficiencia de tratamiento y los costes de instalación y operación.Para tratar estas aguas residuales se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de operación y modelado de diferentes tratamientos avanzados de eliminación biológica de nitrógeno: En primer lugar, la utilización de un reactor discontinuo secuencial en el cual se realiza un proceso de nitrificación/desnitrificación vía nitrito, lo cual supone un ahorro, respecto a los tratamientos biológicos convencionales, del 25% de los costes de aireación y del 40% de materia orgánica externa para desnitrificar. Por otro lado, se ha experimentado el tratamiento biológico de nitrógeno en un reactor SHARON/Desnitrificación, que conduce a una reducción de costes similar a la obtenida en un reactor secuencial por cargas. Finalmente, se ha estudiado la utilización de un sistema combinado de nitrificación parcial y Anammox. Respecto al tratamiento convencional, esta tecnología evita la necesidad de usar materia orgánica para desnitrificar y conduce a un ahorro del 65% de los costes de aireación, produciendo muy poca cantidad de fangos. Sin embargo, los puntos débiles del proceso de Nitrificación parcial/Anammox son el lento crecimiento de la biomasa Anammox y su baja resistencia a inhibidores. / RESUM EN CATALÀ: La legislació és cada vegada més estricta per tal de reduir el contingut de nutrients (entre els que destaca el nitrogen) en l'efluent de les plantes de tractament d'aigües residuals, la qual cosa estimula la recerca per tal de millorar aquest aspecte en les plantes ja existents. La tendència actual és cercar aquelles corrents riques en contaminant per aplicar un tractament específic sobre elles. En aquesta tesi s'ha treballat amb diferents aigües residuals d'alt contingut en nitrogen amoniacal en provenir d'un tractament de digestió anaeròbica de materials fortament proteics: sobrenedant de digestió anaeròbica de fangs d'Estacions Depuradores d'Aigües Residuals (EDAR) municipals, sobrenedant de digestió anaeròbica de la Fracció Orgànica de Residus Municipals (FORM) i sobrenedant de digestió anaeròbica de purins de porc. Entre les possibles alternatives de tractament d'aquestes aigües residuals, el tractament biològic acostuma a ser el més recomanable, en base a l'eficiència del tractament i els costos d'instal·lació i operació.Per tal de tractar aquestes aigües residuals s'ha fet un estudi d'operació i modelització de diferents tractaments avançats d'eliminació biològica de nitrogen: En primer lloc, la utilització d'un reactor discontinu seqüencial en el qual es realitza un procés de nitrificació/desnitrificació via nitrit, la qual cosa suposa un estalvi, respecte els tractaments biològics convencionals, del 25% dels costos d'aireig i del 40% de matèria orgànica externa per desnitrificar. Per altra banda, s'ha experimentat el tractament biològic de nitrogen en un reactor SHARON/Desnitrificació, el qual suposa una reducció de costos similar a la obtinguda en un reactor seqüencial per càrregues. Finalment, s'ha estudiat la utilització d'un sistema combinat de nitrificació parcial i Anammox. Respecte el tractament convencional, aquesta tecnologia evita la necessitat d'emprar matèria orgànica per desnitrificar i condueix a un estalvi del 65% dels costos d'aireig, produint molt poca quantitat de fangs. Tot i així, els punts febles del procés de Nitrificació parcial/Anammox són el lent creixement dels microorganismes Anammox i la seva baixa resistència a inhibidors.

Skogsbränslets fraktionsfördelning / Fraction Distribution of Forest Fuels

Ljungberg, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
This study has analyzed particel size distribution and needle content in chipped logging residuals (branches and tops) delivered to the district heating plant Ryaverket in city of Borås, Sweden. Two fuel assortments has been analyzed: Chipped logging residuals from pure softwood and from mixed fuel (connifers and broadleaves). The samples has been sieved at Linneaus University laboratory. The study of particle sizes indicates that only 53,2 % of delivered fuel is within the fuels specification (7– 45 mm). The needle content is in this study 12,4 % (dry mass) which is higher than expected. / Sedan oljekriserna på 1970 talet har den svenska energiförsörjningen ändrats i grunden. Idag har stora delar av de tidigare petroleumbaserade bränslena ersatts med olika förnybara biobränslen. Skogsbränsle delas upp i olika bränslesortiment utifrån trädslag samt olika fysikaliska och tekniska egenskaper. Till Borås Energi &amp; Miljö Ab´s värmeverk Ryaverket levereras det årligen ungefär 550000 kubikmeter skogsbränsle fördelat på cirka 30 olika sortiment. Fraktionsfördelningen, det vill säga storleken på bitarna i materialet, samt barrinnehåll är två viktiga kvalitetsfaktorer på bränslet. Denna rapport är en redovisning av en fraktionsanalysstudie på två av bränslesortimenten till Ryaverket. Dels flisad grot av rent barrträ och dels blandsortimentet flisad grot av barr och lövträ. I studien har också gjorts en analys av barrinnehållet i bränslet. Studien har gjorts genom sållning av prover från inkommande bränsleleveranser. Analysen visar att stora delar av det, till värmeverket, inkomna bränslet ligger utanför uppsatta bränslespecifikationer. Av materialet finns 53,2 % inom storleksområdet 7 -45 mm (acceptflis). Delvis bekräftar detta resultat tidigare forskning på området. Barrandelen är hög: 12,4%. Detta är en högre siffra än vad som var förväntat och högre än vad som framkommit i tidigare studier. Slutsatsen är att det troligen krävs omtänkande/nytänkande för att dagens grotbränsle skall fungera optimalt i moderna värmeverk. Skall flisningsutrustningen konstrueras om? Skall ny teknik för online och kontinuerlig mätning av bland annat fraktionsfördelning införas? Vilket är optimalt: att köpa in olika bränslesortiment lassvis och blanda själv på värmeverket? Eller är det mest optimalt att köpa färdigblandat bränsle från leverantör?

Long Term Impact of Biomineralization in Arsenic Fate Under Simulated Landfill Conditions

Fathordoobadi, Sahar January 2014 (has links)
Lowering the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for arsenic in drinking water in the U.S., has caused a significant increase in the volume of Arsenic Bearing Solid Residuals (ABSRs) generated by drinking water utilities. Most of the affected utilities are smaller water treatment facilities, especially in the arid Southwest, and are expected to use adsorption onto solid sorbents for arsenic removal. Because of their high adsorption capacity and low cost, iron sorbents are used treatment technology and, when the sorbent's capacity is spent, these ABSRs are disposed in municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills and as a consequence arsenic is likely being released into leachate. However, a mature landfill is a biotic, reducing environment, which causes arsenic reduction and mobilization from the ABSRs. It is well documented that iron and sulfur redox cycles largely control arsenic cycling and, because iron and sulfur are ubiquitous in MSW, it is suspected that they play key roles in arsenic disposition in the landfill microcosm. The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree to which sulfate can prevent arsenic from leaching into landfill through biomineralization and to study ABSRs biogeochemical weathering effect on arsenic sequestration. The primary routes of iron and sulfate reduction in landfills are microbially mediated and biomineralization is a common by-product. In this case, biomineralization is the transformation of ferric (hydr) oxides into ferrous iron phase and sulfate into sulfide minerals such as: siderite (FeCO₃), vivianite (Fe₃(PO₄)₂), iron sulfide (FeS), goethite (α-FeOOH), and realgar (AsS). In this work, long-term microbial reduction and biomineralization of iron, sulfur, and arsenic species are evaluated as processes that both cause arsenic release from landfilled ABSRs and may possibly provide a means to re-sequester As in a recalcitrant solid state. The work uses long-term, continuous flow-through laboratory-scale columns in which controlled conditions similar to those found in a mature landfill prevail. In these simulated landfill column experiments, formation of biominerals, same as those that would naturally occur in typical non-hazardous MSW landfills, will be investigated. The feed contains lactate as the carbon source and primary electron donor, and ferric iron, arsenate, and a range of sulfate concentrations as primary electron acceptors. Our results suggest that biomineralization changes the stability of arsenic through a number of different processes including (i) release of arsenic through reductive dissolution of iron-based ABSRs; and (ii) readsorption/incorporation of released arsenic to secondary biominerals. The influence of biominerals, which have less surface area and adsorption capacity than original AFH, on the retention of arsenic is also investigated in this study. Our results show that the concentration of sulfate fed to the system affects the biomineral formation, and that the relative amounts and sequence of precipitation of biominerals affect the free arsenic concentration that can seemingly be engineered by the concentration of sulfate fed to the system. Comparison between the columns with different sulfate concentrations indicate that inflow sulfate concentration higher than 2.08 mM decreases As mobilization to <50%.

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